This isn't some huge happening.
It isn't some big revolution in our movement.
Just a kind of amusing clip from a manifestation in Sweden.
This isn't some huge happening.
It isn't some big revolution in our movement.
Just a kind of amusing clip from a manifestation in Sweden.
It's pretty hard for anyone outside of scandinavia to understand the bantz when there is no subtitles, if you are in any way connected to these people convey that to them.
Polite sage
There are english subtitles, that's why I fucking posted it.
Try viewing on jewtube, unless you delusionally believe you aren't already on a list.
But thanks for pointing out that it doesn't work when embedded.
I would make a webm but I don't know how to pull the YT subs and don't have the software to recombine it.
Why are the oldies such cucks?
I always get cuck vibes from NU, but they are alright i guess.
Wouldn't call them "oldies" really, though they are getting up there and the last based generations are starting to disappear.
These guys probably still believe it's the 60's and are wondering when the next occupation will take place. They are the first real lefties in Sweden, born of middle-class families with illusions of being the working-class they've come to despise.
I hate them.
Me too, user.
So do I.
Me too, user.
What I hate the most is their attitude, they believe they're hot shit and that they know everything but they're the first one to whine when they have to deal with the 3rd world.
These guys are just completely out of touch. They've gone their entire lives in a time when their generation feminists actually made some sense and behaved themselves, where the economy was great and everything was still peachy. They have never had to deal with immigrants in any other sense than perhaps seeing them now and then during a trip to the city from their house in the white suburbs.
Now someone comes along and tells them everything they've accepted as fact is wrong and degenerate. It's only natural that they react with fear and anger.
I'd like to see young people in the counter movement approach these people with more sympathy. They are old, stupid people who have been lied to their whole lives and it's a hard pill to swallow that they've been part of ruining their country for their descendants.
No one reacts well to being filmed and mocked. No need to be snarky like a teenager and rile them up. It's possible to interact with unbalanced people with respect too. For me you come off as immature, which is only accented by the rap/meme stuff in your video.
Synes nå jeg i alle fall da.
I'm not the guy in the video.
Yeah, that was for the OP, not you. Sorry.
No problem.
It's pretty funny, I work with one of the libtards of that generation (one of my bosses) and during a lunchbreak he was complaining about trump being crazy/racist etc yet 20mins later he got so dissapointed and angry when he learned that the two guys he called in so we could catch up on our project (construction) was immigrants that didnt know the language.
I called him out on his hypocrisy and now things are really stale at work.
They can't be reasoned with, unless you physically shove them up a wall and berade them with insults until they start crying and pay attention through fear. Talking with these cucks is of no use as you can't redpill them in a few sentences so telling them to GTFO and/or ridiculing them is the only option.
Remember that technically, even though they are brainwashed, they are the enemy too.
Huh… what is with the yellow paper-black ink style of print, BLM style?
You'd be amazed how often you can get at least some level of dialogue if you act confidently and reasonable even with the most deranged person.
But let's say you're right and these guys were beyond reach. I've always found that if someone is completely unreasonable beyond salvation, like hysterical women or religious nuts, then what works best is just staring them down until they leave.
Interacting with them like in OP's video just makes yourself look weak. The young guy in the video looks really uncomfortable, and his voice shakes from time to time. It's obvious the old guys are having an impact on him, which is why they persist too.
Trying to escape someone's focus while using low voiced sarcasm and snark like that doesn't evoke any images of strength for me at least. Slap some rap memes on it to make it as pathetic as it goes.
I agree, his body language was weak.
LatsBrah is that you ?
I have no idea who that is, but I suspect he's a scholar and a gentleman. ;^)
Wait, is it really you ?
bretti gud
Then this is where we disagree, my view is that the climate has changed too much and swedish nationalist should follow in the footsteps of Holla Forums in the case of Mr. Trump
aka meme the fuck out of the libcucks
It's either that or go back to ultraviolence like the good old days.
Using words is not effective enough anymore. The swede's are too far gone and culturally enriched to be persuaded by what you speak of.
Also, I agree with you that the meme's were low energy but at least they took a stab at it and i got a few chuckles out of it all.
nr 1 er hooknosed jew, kanskje nr 2 ogsaa.
jeg haaper dere har lest mein kampf
Pinsamt beteende
Those old fuckers know exactly what they're doing, and what's going on. They've lived long enough to see the whole transition take place. Even a borderline retarded person understands what's happening. A honorable person would have admitted their mistakes long ago, so that it could be rectified. But these arrogant fuckers not only refuse to acknowledge reality, but they try to accellerate the destruction by deliberately working against those who try to salvage what's left and turn things around.
Worst of all is that they're worthless to the country as they are past fertility. They are just like the immigrants: absorbing resources and giving nothing in return but being a drain.
I have a feeling part of it was strategic. They want to avoid a conflict because they know the system will be against them and they know the common swedish mindset will be against them. Currently they want to seem reasonable, appealing, and most of all approachable.
Approachability is probably a big step in sweden, they believe nationalism like this is incomprehensible and think only crazies would do it. As well it puts people off when they see fights between nationalists and others all the time. So a peaceful presence that a commoner can approach and potentially join or talk with without fear of repercussion from lefty crazies is good.
Now i know the way this guy handled it isn't ideal or best way and I don't advocate compromising for normies or muh pr. I'm just speculating on probably why they acted as they did.
The (((nose))) on some of those old guys..
Pick one.
Works for me! Thanks for the entertainment user.
You just summarized that pretty well.
I don't mind groups like NMR, but approachabillity is key if we're ever to get anywhere here.
A little honor and nobility can go a long way.
This is only the beginning. Europeans never personally experienced multikulti but sure enough every time it has happened people become more and more redpilled. It's awfully ironic that the most exposed to diversity the more people tend to be against it.
Cool ID
The activists need to lift more or build confidence some other way.
See vid for a more confident islam hater from Munich who gets attacked by mudshits all the time and takes it well. No English subtitles, sorry.
This come on man, I thought these were Nords, they already have the height, if they just lifted and spoke with confidence it would be all over baby. Too bad they can't train with firearms like we Americans can.
The best way to attack leftists is to humiliate them and diminish their ego. It literally makes them ill.
That guy is great, always taking on aggressive muslims outnumbering him like 10 to 1 and winning without breaking a sweat.
Are you Scandinavian user? I am and I can tell you that while it might come as a surprise we actually have a large segment of innocents who understand nothing about the world. Propaganda saturation is something of Orwellian proportions here.
But even so, let's say these old farts knew what they were doing and hold them to the standard of sentient humans. Even then this was not the way of going about it.
Snarky teenage butthurt isn't "reasonable and appealing" to anyone. And if you want to come off as dominant, you better dominate. If you're not able to do that you're better off not engaging.
These people aren't winning any Scandinavian normalfag hearts with their shit.
Oh, and yeah, that faggot should lift more. What if that short, old geezer had been a big strong marxist thug? Would that hipster have been as snarky then, or would he have collapsed in neurosis sucking his thumb?
Look at that video one more time, OP. Concentrate to the noses and foreheads. Almost all of that elderly people are jewish, at least 50%. Case closed.
t. taxanon
No. You have a large segment of crypto jews and sayanims, but you are not able to reckonise them. Those old farts are all jewish, look at the hooked noses and low foreheads.
That guy is nordid and he is just fine and brave. It is that kind of youngsters who will win, not some shaved idiots.
Work on your jewdar, user.
Listen cuck, you are either jew or an idiot. What I can see, nobody wanted to film that old kike, he started attack with nazi bashing.
See? That's why Sweeden will go to hell. Because you idiots think shit like that. Next time will be - it's possible to interact with muslim rapists and niggers with respect to..
I'm done with nordic altruistic naivetee. Your whole country is fucked because of that.
Ok, here we have user with half working jewdar. They are all fucking jews. What means "ogsaa"?
This x100000000000
Will Sweden experience a recession any time soon? I'd love to buy up some of their furniture and machines.
Zamba, argentinian cartoon
"Ogsaa/også" means "and so/as well" in norwegian.
Well done, that guy kept his cool. You are the pioneers, the vanguard, letting people know that other people think that way. Also, 'ethnically, historically, culturally' - BTFO'd
Ok, whatever. I'm just saying to me you come off as weak and pathetic and I'm giving you some tips for not coming off as faggots. Take it or leave it.
Are you smoking something from those rap memes or something? I'm saying man up, don't stand there sassing like a teen girl while your voice shakes and cracks from a tiny old guy being angry with you.
This video pure gold. That old faggot sounds/looks/acts like a leftist in the west. Literally no difference. Pretty surprised by this, to be completely honest. The vikings have fallen very far from the tree.
My god you are a massive faggot. You think like a leftist through the lens of looking through Holla Forums. This is why your country is completely fucked. I agree with you on these men should be approachable as possible, they should be presentable, mature, not play rap/meme shit in their videos.
But at the same time SOMETHING needs to be done or your country is going to be completely overrun. While you sit here and jerk off with yourself on how these "youth" aren't being mature enough, Muhammad is fucking a 12 year old.
At least they're going out and doing something you massive faggot.
Everyone starts somewhere don't they? Why should they even bother it all right? Go fuck yourself and the rest of you cuckold faggots that want to see your country burn. Maybe you don't think children being raped by 5 men on regular occasion is enough right? Maybe you need your country to look like London in order to act.
thanks for the link user. Once you break through a liberals ego, you can have them start sucking on your thumb. And than the next day they don't talk to you and forget it ever happened. Interesting breed.
The only one coming off as weak and pathetic is you.
Spot on man. If it were me, I would've just crane kicked that old guy in the throat and started the race war right then and there. Then when the police came, it'd be like that scene in the matrix with the Agent Smiths pouring in from all sides to attack Neo, except that I'd win. By dinner time, I would've been Emperor of Scandinavia. Why can't more people be uncucked like us?
Do you honestly believe you're convincing anyone with a blatant logical fallacy in the form of a straw man? I think most of us can agree here that being mature and presentable is good. The problem is the altruistic mindset that most whites have, which clouds their judgement. In this case, the poster your replying to sounds great, criticizing the youth for being immature and telling them to "lift". Fine that's great. But what is this faggot doing? Is he standing outside holding a flag trying to help his country out?
No he's not. He's not doing JACK shit. He criticizes men for going out and actually doing something. (and no, just because they might come off as "immature" or not presentable enough, is not detrimental to their cause). Because it's not going to be winning the hearts and minds of pathetic faggots like yourself and old people, it's going to be young angry men who are tired of jews fucking their country.
Dude, I 100% agree with you, I just clearly have more ability. It's about the mindset. If you haven't trained in 200x gravity like I have, then simply looking somewhat fit and giving people stern looks is probably the best you can do with what you have. Way better than being the beta fag that manlet in the OP video was. He's doing a disservice to our cause by associating his weakness with us. Would you be interested in starting a Fight Club-esque global franchise together to take the prospective nationalist youth from their limp-wristed, downward gazing starting point, through your imposing countenance milestone, and to my SS4 Defender of Western Civilization pinnacle?
While this relentless preacher is admirable in some ways hed do himself a favour to differencoiate between Sunnis and the rest.
Knowing a bit about the schools of Islam makes you appear much more educated, seeds disunity in the audience should different schools of muslims be present while avoiding to make needless enemies of the heavily watered down versions of Islam.
Look mommy I'm trolling XD
Got 'em.
Its a swedish urbanite nationalist.
Thats what you have to work with, our generation of young western and northern europeans are the last ones who can decide our countries demographic fate and are also a product of this society.
So yeah, most of us, left and right, are soft fucks who need to relearn being able to bear confrontation.
If you're wondering how to download YT videos (with/without subs at max quality)
youtube-dl --sub-lang en --write-sub --embed-subs --add-metadata --embed-thumbnail -f best
Used Aegisub to position the subtitles at the top as they were conflicting with the preexisting ones. Possibly should have chose to encode at 640, but redoing that would be a waste of my time.
Those innocents you speak of are the young people who are shamed in the school system.
Places like Malmö are no-go zones. Everybody knows that now. Norway is following suit. The molotovs and car burnings are beginning to happen there as well. Everybody knows about that so there are no excuses. NO EXCUSES.
Go out there and do it yourself, then. Stand there being massively outnumbered, have someone video it and we can all see if you're doing better. At least that guy is out there confronting these fucking scumbags. That is better than nothing.
Really low energy shit. Absolute cuck-tier music. Not worth 6 minutes of my life.
Thanx. So he is right. They are all jews.
Sure, sure, macho. Try to be rude with couple of old jews in Sweeden and see what will happend next.
the best anime ever made.
Good to see people doing something in real life, have to agree with some others that some lifting and speaking with more confidence would help.
Eventually they may have to deal with more than just old leftists
no fucking way