Newt Gingrich will probably become Secretary of State:
Newt Gingrich will probably become Secretary of State:
There is nothing pedo about that picture
Newt is part of the swamp though. I thought Trump was gong to throw those critters out?
your /cuteboys/ are over here ——→
Putin isn't going to invade Poland.
OP is a turd.
You're fucking retarded. If he was licking his belly, it would be pedo. But he is obviously just doing that thing where people blow on a kid's belly and make noise. If you've never seen that happen before then I guess you were never a parent.
Holla Forumsand is based, very nationalist, pro white, anti-immigration. This, if anything, is a great sign. It's very wise to keep good relations with poland.
hes just showing Russia its place, doesnt neccesarry means bad relations as long a s Russia accepts that Trump and America are giving cards.
well, Germany is filled with turks and rapefugees, Russia is invaded by chinks from south… i dont see where from the partition should came from
So can someone explain this move? It seems a pivot away from the russo-american alliance we've been wanting.
Can someone explain this pick to me? I mean, it could be worse, but I don't see why to go this direction.
Trump is willing to work with Putin, but that doesn't mean he should just give Russia everything they want. A stronger Poland fits nicely with his nationalistic ideals.
Probably bargaining from strength - playing both sides. Its not like this is invading Ukraine or anything. Poland is already NATO, right?
I was very much hoping we were going to pull out of NATO because the only purpose of NATO is fighting Russia.
Yeah no, that's completely normal.
In the USA we are just now finding the Clintons are connected to a pedo-ring, so I guess we shouldn't be surprised KGB Putin is a pedo too.
Why should we believe a bunch of asspulled speculations from lying press outlet Reuters?
There's no evidence Gingrich will be Secretary of State, that's just speculation from the same lugenpresse that said he'd be VP.
that's never going to happen, esp as long as BRICS still exists. Also, NATO can be utilized against the Islamic world as well. NATO is to protect Europe in the interests of the US (or (((Western Elites))) depending on how you see it). Russia is still not the US's ally, no matter how much many of us would like it to be.
Perhaps there will be a Northern Nationalist Alliance against the Global South at some point, but don't count on it. Probably the North will end up fighting amongst itself, unless China gets super-aggressive. That would be my guess, but I'm no foreign policy expert
See how anything very slightly critical of putin is slided by these RIDF shills to get the thread bumplocked by the kike mods here
fight for control of poland begins again?
Russia is not, nor can be an ally of the United States
Total disinfo.
The relation between Russia and the US can only improve. That's how bad it currently is. They'll work together to punish (((IS))) and MWGA.
No he won't. Trump knows Gingrich cannot be trusted.
Not by much. Jewt is pretty much as bad as it gets, only Bolton could outdo him.
Yeah, US only needs one greatest ally and that's Israel.
kek are you new here,Trump Internet Defense Force(Tidf) reports everything and the mods ban.
This all assumes that Trump isn't a deal maker and can't build bridges between countries. Which is obviously wrong.
Yeah, we always called it "booping".
CTR shilling CTR in every Putin thread. Reuters is basically Europes CNN and is being quoted as a legit source
I don't trust NATO's existence anymore to be honest. You could make a new task force from scratch for terrorism, though we would improve our standing in the region immeasurably by just fucking off.
How stupid do you think we are? Here, have a pity (you).
If Trump was close to the Ukraine that'd be bad news, that he wants to maintain ties to a beartrap nation that Putin doesn't want to put his foot in is nothing special.
And bumplocked,thats some butthurt kgb mod here.
point ceded. who would be your pick? pat buchanan ftw
checked. i've noticed that's the consensus on Holla Forums. idk what to think about that. from a republican (rather than imperial) perspective, NATO is probably pretty useless. that would require the Euro nations to pull up their skirts, grab their balls and invest in militaries, tho. GO AfD!!!
He's not going to suck Russia's cock.