CHINESE ZODIAC MEMETICS - 2017 is going to be rocky

Holla Forums, as you know, the Chinese Zodiac predicted that this year, 2016, the year of the Fire Monkey, would herald "change in leadership and turnover of empire"

Well, THAT fucking delivered, didn't it?

So what is next?

Apparently, it's the year of the FIRE ROOSTER, symbolizing a new dawn:


Obviously, everyone is going to be whining about spics and ragheads being mistreated. I wonder what kind of impact the pedo pizza podesta digging will have. Also what do you have for France, Germany and Sweden ?

The I wrote that first thread, so proud. Shout out to the user in another thread that day who brought up the Chinese zodiac, we both memed current years away from libs and towards MAGA.

Fire cock is go.

You're so fresh off the boat it's a wonder you speak English.

Didn't specify.

But the part about "hard-line policies" and "concerned with protecting the homeland" should be a hint.

Probably a hard stance on migrants, the election of far-right governments.


All that matters is the will of kek

bandwagon faggots who beleive memey magick yet wont go and learn about it on fringe
now wants to find easiest possible susperstition to project beleifs and then grasp on for dea life

your an unprinciple faggot
go fucking learn something if youre so zealous
instread of just criclejerking

oh look by your faggot memey logic my dubs mean im right
suck me off next station

fringefaggots literally drink metal to "cleanse"
fringefaggots believe libertarianism and anarchy is being redpilled and that Holla Forums is mislead
fringefaggots change their minds and emotions on a whim and attribute it to demons controlling them

You're pathetic and Hermes would be ashamed.

I put my due autism into the fire monkey fire cock shit. My understanding is that the year of the fire cock is indeed rocky, but it is the year that the changes of the fire monkey are put to use. I.e. the fire monkey is the year that the old power structures fall and revolutions across the world are successful. and the fire cock is the year that the new powerstructures chase what remains of the old powerstructures to the ends of the earth.

Where did you find your write up on it? Theres a lot of chinese zodiac websites that write shit the way they want to see it written and not as the old chink sages said it would work out.


you faggots larp and autiste over the nuances of this shit and yet it was Holla Forums that conjured an egrogore, it was Holla Forums that summoned an ancient god to come to our aid, it was Holla Forums that perfected a long forgotten form of magic infinitely more powerful than your fucking stupid sigil dark magic that involves communing with fucking demons.

your shit is weak, fug off.


Look up the vedic prophecies
The yuga cycles change over around 2025. This is when the dark cycle finishes.
Trust your Aryan ancestors - the builders of the first civilization, and the builders of every civ ever

that is some hillary/moloch shit right there

The only good thing about /fringe/ is the MEGA in the sticky

Ill go off on a limb and say kek is saying something with this faggots post with this thread.

Time for us to expand our abilities. He got holy double sevens. 7 is the number of the remaining ogdoad gods. Kek may be lonely and ready to have some more friends come out to play with us in our fight against the jews and lovely lulz.


That's exactly what a basic chucklefuck would say.

pick one

perhaps you should try actually learning something about a particular subject b4 you speak on it?

You mean

That's fringe for you, they reject the ancient ways and adopt degeneracy

Yeah sure buddy.
You sure told me.
Ek trui a matt min ok megin, faggot.

I will admit yours is bretty gud tho

Kek will once again show his chaotic nature as the left feels his full force

it's lit

Are they the Ogdru jahad and we their plague of frogs?

fuck me, rekt by dubs for leaving dubs unchecked

my apologies. have a Pat for your trouble

Can you specify? 1066, or when the term to describe the unification of the kingdoms came into being?

And who writes this shit? And where does he get that?

IT's a phoenix OP.



At last I truly see.

Can confirm. Fringefags do drink colloidal metals to "cleanse."




whoops, drunk

The Prairie Provinces have seen this coming for over two years now. They've been sneered at by the Ontarian shitlibs and mudslimes all that time, while Trudeau does nothing but dance at gay pride parades.

Trump gave me hope that Trudeau will be removed by 2019.

Because if there's one thing Trudeau can't do, it's fight fires.


If you extinguish the fireā€¦ burns you

Yeah right Satan like I'm going to trust you to tell me what is and is not a demon


don't break an arm jerking yourself off buddy

This worries me, I think leftists might win then
After all, they have far more experience with burning sensations in the genital area


Perhaps even a Golden dawn?

ho boy this is gonna be fun



lol you think we Chinese will predict your dumb americunts' country?


the sigil magic that fringe is into is them trying to commune with demons.

lol,haven't seen that pic for years

newfag pls

I dunno, how accurate have they been in the past?

Rat: 2008, 1996, 1984, 1972, 1960
Ox: 2009, 1997, 1985, 1973, 1961
Tiger: 2010, 1998, 1986, 1974, 1962
Rabbit: 2011, 1999, 1987, 1975, 1963
Dragon: 2012, 2000, 1988, 1976, 1964
Snake: 2013, 2001, 1989, 1977, 1965
Horse: 2014, 2002, 1990, 1978, 1966
Goat: 2015, 2003, 1991, 1979, 1967
Monkey: 2016, 2004, 1992, 1980, 1968
Rooster: 2017, 2005, 1993, 1981, 1969
Dog: 2018, 2006, 1994, 1982, 1970
Pig: 2019, 2007, 1995, 1983, 1971

its the 100 year anniversary of the Russian revolution, there is going to be a tsarist revolution in Russia

That's why you don't use sigil magic unless you know 100% what you're doing. Stick to Runic stuff if you're able to really fully dedicate your existence to the Blood and Soil of Europe Which is what Holla Forums ought to do anyway




Kek is pleased.

I love her

You faggots are just upset that Holla Forums has such a natural talent with magic. You impotent cucks never get what you want, but Holla Forums always get our way.

Her husbando is Nicholas

This is no time to get all low energy, in fact the hardest fights we face are up ahead

oh, user. had you actually rolled for doubles, it would mean something. but that's just a waste of a repeating digit. the great lord kek will never stop needing our worship, so there will be many more gets to dwarf the royal shit out of your single accomplishment. also, learn2spell jesus christ your errors make my eyes roll.

So what's 2018 set to be?

Let's see if we can get out ahead of the game here.

My interpretations:

Nations that are butting heads over policies right now will continue to do so. I expect EU members to get mad at America for no reason, denounce Russia for being Russia, and try to cockblock the UK's legislation as much as possible. The Middle East is a dump but they'll probably be yelling threats with little happening, while best Korea could try to wave its dick at worst Korea, during its political instability.

Makes sense. Trump wanting to pull America's global protection out will make nations cranky, but have to fend for themselves, so they'll be trying to be the big man with verbal threats.

It doesn't specify the opponents, so this could be anyone for any reason, including physical war or politically. Mexico and ISIS are obvious problems. Cuba and its waters could be a strategic point against Mexico if tensions rise. Commitments could refer to Trump's 100 day wishlist, or even just the wall itself. I predict one or two of his (inter)national policies will be very difficult to achieve.

I don't want more diversity. I don't want to trade below $1 USD : $1.30 CDN

Brexit is going to be hard, and nationalism will continue to rise, looking to the US as a leader

lol @ nigger stars, it is through chaos magik that we free ourselves from the celestial prison