Last one hit bumplimit.
Post all Libbie related media and original content here. Do it for Tyson!
Thread 1 - -
Libbie Thread 2: Electric OCaloo
Other urls found in this thread:
There is too many threads already, stop making these
Fuck off, the obsession will end soon enough, let us at least get some neat art out of it.
We should have waited until the last thread was on page 13.
user, this is the most alive this board has been in years. Kindly sodomize yourself with a rusty eggbeater.
What's done is done. Nothing to do but get on to business.
Alright let's not lose out train of thought from the last board. Modding libbie into an open source game. Game needs to be
1) Fully FOSS
2) 2D
3) The mod must also be libre
What have I done, user?
we should start a kickstarter, user.
4)It should be made in rust
not that I'm complaining, that was the only good character in that game and ends up being fucked over more than Prometheus.
Huh, honestly I don't see it. Giving her a haircut might have been a bad idea though, probably going to change that for my next pic.
Fixed for you.
So why didn't Libbie get into the top choices?
Her and that Anime one were the two most appealing ones.
Fixed my own fix.
Choose either.
bad color choice, the lighter green was easier to read. fine with the side text though
People with colour blindness won't be able to read it. I like it!
the fuck kind of colorblindness test is this?
Less than 1% of the colorblind population is full can't perceive color colorblind, you'd have a point if it was orange/green or grey/pink but that's not the case.
user was joking with me.
Fucking hell, turns out jpeg compression for thumbnails is semi0random, and CAPS version is harder to read.
Okay, going all in, working on a PERFECT version of the banner.
Wish me luck.
It was perfect the moment Libbie was in it.
what font are you using. might fix it myself.
updating white mage libbie, ive been tryin out some different abstract background stuff but not sure if id go with it or not. yay or nay on bgs?
Background's nice, keep it.
Love the background, keep it.
There. All done. FINAL final version.
And let it not be said again that it is impossible for a dirty macfag to figure out the mess that is GIMP.
Too late for that (since me super-fixed already), but the font is called Emotion Engine. It is unofficial (I guess), and based on the PlayStation 2 logo.
Hell hath no fur(r)y like an user scorned.
I feel I could have done something more original with the throwing knives, but ehhh, it's 3:30 am and I need to be up in three hours or so for work.
good job, you found a fix.(a pretty easy one but it works)
well guess that means im not done in vectorland but at least libbie is completed so il be able to work on the bg freetime tomorrow.
WHY SECOND ONE SMOL otherwise purrfect.
That's the sort of thing I was going for, especially with the more colorful background versions.
just a testing for the waters
guy on 4chan is doing this
forgot multiple images
Godspeed, guy from 4chan!
Nice, i'm happy that my edit got improved! ^^
I also learned how to make drawn shadows semi-transparent on inserted objects (clone the layer, make EVERYTHING semi-transparent, insert a 3rd layer in the middle with the object you want the shadow to be projected upon).
hmm, good idea, i'm going to use it in the future
Looks like 4chan has already stopped caring, I checked mostly to see if any new art had been made but it was deader than we are.
They do have one thread, but it's mostly shitposts and the last post was hours ago.
I wouldn't be surprised if 4cuck mods are deleting threads.
Let's work with 4chan guys they're a very valuable ally :^)
I wish.
There's actually three threads up right now and two got archived around the same time just a few hours ago after they hit the bump limit.
Made me laugh, good job user.
I need more porn.
Has Holla Forums forsaken Libbie already?
I can't believe our goat was forsaken so.
What do you even want besides more porn?
Maybe its just me, but now I want a pic of her dragging the shit penguin to hell now that he's gone.
To be honest, this not-Libbie has started to grow on me.
She feels like a Libbie stand-in that has been chosen for a lineup because she's ugly enough to lose. She fails to appeal to anti-Libbie crowd for the same reasons Libbie failed, and pro-Libbie crowd wants the real thing and not a knock-off. They didn't even bother editing the logo out properly and used different color to paint over it, it looks like a cumstain or something, I suppose it wasn't the original artist who did the edit.
She's like an underdog for the jew octopus or whatever TDF team wants.
In my LIBBIE LORE, she's going to be the ugly duckling adopted by Libbie
Fresh from the source.
We're not talking about making a whole game, user. Just a libbie mod for an existing FOSS game.
Hmmm. There was definitely some meme magic at play here
why am i not even surprised
Good for Tyson.
That's a salty reaction but I'd say it's well-deserved
I won't be surprised if onlyoffice will get more traction because of this, Tyson's following is probably comparable to Lunduke's
What's the TD;LR on Only Office? Hows it compare to LO?
Hopefully someone can make a better version with Libbie in it.
Let's fork LibreOffice and call it LibbieOffice.
I only heard of it because of this controversy, so probably. It looks like some web shit though so I didn't look further into it.
I haven't really tried it but from what I've heard it's more corporate oriented, like they aim for OOXML support and have an optional built-in CRM. Probably an overkill for home use though.
I grabbed a copy of ONLYOFFICE and I know I need glasses but this is just absurd.
And overflows out of my resolution if I try to rescale.
If it's FOSS, you ought to be able to run it locally.
Anyone have that Bane Libbie picture?
Why has nobody drawn the curry penguin shitting in the street?
There doesn't appear to be any furry scat fetish artists around
He took it down.
You upset someone on /metatech/. Could you wait with making a new thread until the old one is past page 3 or so?
Got it. But the user, sounds like a 14 year old from /g/. Just sayin'.
He seems to be taking the 'bigger man' position on second thought. Which is good because he was horning in on our territory.
Hate to ask, but can we have a version without the references to Holla Forums and Holla Forums? Also, what about a starry sky for a background?
Amazing work! What are you using for this?
original pic has a white background, but it's 8ch refference-free. You can easily change that background in GIMP if you want, so it's not a really hard fix.
what a nice man
I was thinking this as well. It would let me share it without attracting more retards to this place.
This is definitely one of the ones Tyson needs to see. I do think we might want to remove references to 8ch and Holla Forums for the version he sees though.
Would it be possible to post the .xcf file?
I never thought I'd say this, but this is even cuter than Kiki!
It's very tempting to be all cocky and flip fingers and shit when something like this happens, but it'll make you look worse in the long run. It looks like he's fighting against himself a little since he occasionally posts something and deletes it afterwards.
I think Tyson needs to adopt the practice of saving his spicy posts for his other accounts and keep Twitter more bland.
As it is, it seems like he tries to keep his Twitter, Tumblr and Deviantart uniform to a degree, which never made sense to me.
back again, it's photoshop CC2017. I don't recommend it because it's bloated as fuck with useless "features" but it has some real slick 3rd party plugins that make it worth while.
The original text I had was a "from Holla Forums to tysontan" as a thank you for creating libbie so i'm not keen on getting rid of the reference.
That pic was Tyson's last sketch of Libbie and before I cleaned it up, especially those tysontanhands there's no white bg ive posted. just black or w/ colored stuff.
I'll be workin on the background stuff today but I'll keep in mind the stars
I only run loonix so I couldn't help with anything PS related anyway. I wish you luck though, user.
literally who
You fucked up the name, you idiot
He's talking about in the picture. He spelled Libbie as Libby.
Now that i can see, i dont mind either and kind of view "Libbie" as how Kiki refers to her but fixed.
i'm afraid i can't help you, only thing i've got is png
oh, so i've confused two different arts. sorry!
to be completely honest with you, i've had the same idea today. It would be an super-easy thing to maintain as well, mostly because only thing that would differ would be a few images, and they're not really likely to cause a merge conflict :P
What the hell
It's cute and adds meaning user, so why not? He spent months designing and perfecting her only for the Document Foundation to royally fuck him over
this gets even sadder when you realise how much time was put into designing Libbie
this work won't be forgotten.
Tyson puts a lot of effort into his stuff. And artists who do that tend to take it personally when they get negative feedback. That said, this is a whole different plate of bullshit that got heaped in front of him.
Pretty much. A lot of people seem to brush over this fact when they criticise artists for personifying their work.
Told you she was a muse~
I put together a telegram sticker pack containing the 42 libbie images. Have fun
I'd love to, user. But...
We're going to show some of the stuff we made to Tyson on social media. Do you really want Twitterfags seeing that?
similar deal on opera.
If you're using telegram, send the link to yourself and then click on it from within telegram.
Yeah... sucks that clicking in the browser doesnt seem to work for all. but that should be a functional solution
Thanks user. Now she can live in my Linux memeposting channel
You should share your Linux memeposting channel. I'm not in enough.
without the reference to 8 then we leave it up to faggots like this.
He even removed NuMe's watermark?
dont worry, this place is a myth anyway
Well, this hit me in places I didn't know I still had.
How did I not think of that!
well memed
i need the lamb sauce
the formatting took 2 tries. i need sleep.
Not one of his best. Kiki looks fuckin creepy and dead eyed
I'd love to user but it's a semi-private channel. Sorry man.
pls no. my feels
You mean the artist? Here:
I want to hug Libbie and comfort her
I'm starting to wish jpeg was never invented.
It was posted on Twitter so it probably was converted to jpeg.
this is LITERALLY my edit, but oversaturated, and with overally more green stuff.
GOOD JOB, /g/!
is your edit the purple dildo / green libbie?
If there's one thing I learned about making OC here is that cuckchan will steal it.
I made fucking 5-8mb sound webms and they still stole them by posting them to some faggot webm site.
If you don't include references to either you outside of 8ch or 8ch itself, they'll fucking steal it, they're godamn leeches.
yup, made it 9,5 hours ago, before going to sleep yesterday
Do not sad the Libbie
would take her with me.
who could be behind this post
r-r-right guys?
That's your post
Well it DID come from halfchan...
Tyson said no.
Look at Kiki's face.
Actually /g/ayfaggots are arguing if Libbie is trans and word of god (Tyson calling her a she) isnt enough
Holla Forums can't do anything unless motivated with a boogeyman
you have to go back.
Wait. Cant we commission Tyson to make something?
do you have money to do so? I'm pretty sure he takes commisons.
Depends on how much he charges.
What for?
His DA says that personal commissions are closed.
new thread
There's no need for a new thread if this and that one didn't hit the bump limit yet?
stop making threads so damn often. bump limit is not a hard limit, wait for the actual hard limit 750 or something.
There's about 5 of them now. Someone got angry about it on /techmeta/
you've misunderstood our thread structure - there are two threads: one specifically for Libbie, and one for discussion about mascot voting.
that's very rude, i don't like this one :
wait that isn't even a fucking new thread
that's the other thread, this is the libbie thread not the LibreOffice thread.
I'd say page 13 or 700 posts is a good point to make a new thread.
it's not even new. it's been up for days.
Do not buy an ouija
Oh noooooo
I wonder what 30-something thread he was looking at slid into oblivion for him to get so assblasted.
I'd just get a Pocket Chip or something at this point
What was wrong?
Kiki had an overbite.
Bullshit, I dont believe you.
user is bullshitting, knowing 4chin Libbie would first be made into /trash/ mascot before /g/
Libbie is already taken by Holla Forums, so those halfcucks can go fuck themselves.
Don't think this idea's been done yet
This is now /metag/
I know people say this all the time but 4chan really is shit now
What the actual fuck.
the piss orange and yellow pallet on the penguins actually came from LO's team too.
I haven't been on cuckchan in what, 3 years now?
I'm glad I've felt no urge to return, I don't understand how it's gotten worse.
4cucks is infested with traps. I've also seen a steady increase in cuck threads in /gif/ ever since the last election.
Needs a reference to curry on the penguin.
Purrfection, saved furever.
I lurk few decent cuckchan boards like biz. Other boards are full-blown shit.
I'm also glad that Holla Forums is pro-pedo again as it pisses off newfags and low-quality chan migrants.
I seen this before, many times.
Human psychology is fascinating.
Nigga then why aren't you writing your botnet app yet? psychology is like philosophy: specific -> general, data collection = profit
Nah, don't feel like becoming human garbage.
The nigger could have just bumped his other thread, problem solved.
not surprising given how much Holla Forums infests even 4/pol/.
Enjoy losing all of your money after buying thousands of a shitcoin only to have it plummet.
Reminder that bitbean is the only coin that matters.
That's nice to know although I've yet to invest anything at all. BTC reaching 8k today (6k few weeks ago) and the fact that it's always unstable is the reason it's not that safe.
Yeah, the trap meme has really gone too far, especially on /g/. I got some chuckles out of it early on but it's really run its course. You literally cannot post a picture of any female or a female character without the thread devolving into "nice girl(boy)" and "i wanna suck that feminine penis". The hottest meme right now is replacing "he" with "she" ala ">2017 >she doesn't use amigaOS".
Especially on /gif/ as well. Couple that with people who are too lazy/stupid to check the catalog.
90s chinese cartoon Libbie-chan
reeeeeeee stop stealing from /g/ reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
that drawfag constantly just does gernic furfag off-model libbie. where's the polygons? fucking lazy
Think im done with the WM Libbie pic. Can't really think of anything else to add to it, and renamed it for the autist who cant handle whitemagic. Ready to share it with Tyson
You missed one!
Who cares? It's cute, and most importantly, fappable
fukken saved
Amazing work, user!
You're right.
Formally requesting filthy lewds of Libbie.
Holy shit, I hope Tyson Tan gets to see this.
You going to share it personally, or do you want someone else to? I looks fucking amazing btw?
Meant for
id have to make a twitter, and i think everytime ive tried it gives me bullshit about verifying by phone.
I can ask Dolus to do it. He already has show some stuff to Tyson anyway.
Alright. You ok with me showing it to him for you?
thats fine, i signed it anyways. just post the reactions or link when you do so I can see the comments on it.
Do you at least have an art gallery proper?
I mean, that works too.
someone tweet this on @Holla Forums already
Hopefully I finish my futa librechan x libbie after I finish my offering.
Yeah i do, but that's an entirely different one that's for the professional side I keep hidden away. I might finally get off my ass and make a casual / guilty pleasure gallery.
Forgot the link:
Tyson made male libbie a thing from genesis.
Can't wait to see Tyson's response.
Honestly, this tweet makes me think, though--has Tyson even seen a fraction of the fan art we (and cuckchan) have made of Libbie? We really should send some of the other images his way, or send him the thread.
Tyson is aware of some of my comments about "the gayest conspiracy in the history of tech", so it's possible he's already seen it all.
there was a libbie thread on cuckchan collecting all the art but it was scrubbed by an angry janitor.
Bittersweet for sure. We should compile the rest of the SFW art and send it to him.
Think we should make a collage?
Jeeze, Tyson...
Sure, that'd be alright. Along with a tarball with all of the individual files for him to peruse. We could even make a separate one for the NSFW entries because I know you fucks won't be able to help yourselves.
What software did you use for this? Amazing zoi btw.
worth it to include the 8 reference, ive been a big fan of TysonTan for a while so glad I could cheer him up.
I'm getting more likes and retweets for this than anything I ever posted. Good job, user.
Nobody has noticed the Holla Forums reference yet... Maybe for the best.
user pls
thanks user, now im going to give my pc a rest and close photoshop.
90% of the OC has been porn user. might want to wait a bit. this pic is good, but not exactly SFW
Either that, or less than flattering when taken out of context.
We need to color this. If possible.
Well, most of it has been on the lewd, but I'd say only a small percentage has been explicit porn.
I still think you guys are overestimating his reaction to seeing lewd stuff. You simply don't draw furry art without being comfortable with that sort of thing. I mean, he's drawn somewhat lewd stuff himself recently like that Amy image or trap Kiki. I think he'd just appreciate all the OC tbh.
Pic related, an old image of his.
If we DO show him the lewd stuff, it should be via email or something non-public.
I do agree that he probably has no issue with it. He is a trap loving furry after all.
Yeah, definitely. After all, he seems quite squeamish about posting anything even -remotely- suggestive on any of his accounts, and I don't blame him.
whoops, corrected typo
I mean, if I lived in China, I'd be rather squeamish about it too...
pretty sure that's NuMe's so if he wants to do a nother crazyvector job like the scanner i'll leave it, otherwise it's fairly easy to do. compared to the vectorhell i just spent on white mage libbie. dont forget there's b/w libbie's too so it could already be "colored"
That has been a VERY recent development.
You mean just black. I hear that one is good at math an' shit too.
nice start user, you going traditional? sure looks like it.
This is a good point. How does that sort of thing fly in China?
nah i mean this
I was going to say that Tyson should separate his lewder stuff from his public face, but that's not really possible at this point.
And now that I think of it, he got his Freedom Planet 2 gig because Gashi-Gashi had gone lewder than the devs were comfortable with. He must have that in the back of his mind too.
I remember a (tastefully nude) picture of a Lopunny he drew once and then proceeded to take down and censor not too long after. So I'd guess... not too well.
That guy has really gone down hill. I barely even draws anymore, and when he does it's way lower effort than some of his older stuff.
he barely*
Have you SEEN how many Gashi copy-cats there are now? I'd have given up on art too.
This one?
If you want to find his old stuff all you have to do is look for it under his old handle.
Thanks for the reminder to create two separate personas for SFW/NSFW a la Mike Inel/Manyakis if I ever want to get serious about drawing.
Yeah, that's the one. A later edit wrapped her fun bits with some cloth.
He seemed to do lewder stuff pretty frequently before he started to get more well-known.
(I'm the Darkest Libby user)
I've been so autistically worried about keeping separate work-friendly and lewd identities that I've thought about developing different styles for each. Precisely so I don't need to go through the pains of transitioning from one to the other and scrubbing all my older art in the process.
Sadly, I don't think Tyson has that option. He's already rebooted his online persona once. I don't think he could 'hide' his furry trap fetish (not judging, I like cute boys in pretty dresses m'self) art from his fans.
whitemage libbie user here. the main thing i do for pro SFW side is landscapes and environment concepts, so no one will ever tie my character related art to me right? It's not like people can recognize brush strokes :^)
A man of many talents, I see.
Wow, I'm kinda envious. This whole shitfest reminded me of how much I enjoy(ed) creating art, and probably how far I'd have gotten had I ended up not getting distracted playing vidya and thrashing friendships in my meantime.
Not him, but I know the feeling all too well.
Good. Now finish the hands.
Aw shit, fam.
I made an image dump board, feel free to drop all your lewds here.
Got a link?
The Bible says "don't judge", but I say FUCK the Bible.
You shouldn't have done that. This does not deserve a whole board.
G*d won't be happy about that one, mister!
You're a newfag, people make boards here all the time dedicated to image dumps. They're the best kind of boards because they don't need a lot of posts per hour to survive because their primary goal is content delivery
This is a christian imageboard.
that thread is long gone, there's no libbie or LO happening or mascot thread on /g/, swallowed up by 20+ threads bitching over firejew and stamped out early. but you can still see the caps in all that remains is an autist spamming about KDE mascots
get out of here.
Stallman is a prophet, not a God.
aww tyson a cute ;‿;
It's not and it never was, but you can try reddit or 4chan instead.
what is sarcasm, alex
The majority of users here are likely Christian. If you want Atheism you can try Reddit yourself with the rest of the "rationalists"
Holla Forums isn't secret schlomo.
Well, the thread's conversation has certainly moved in an interesting direction. Did everybody give up on the crusade against LO? What ever happened with the user who said he was going to email a bunch of FOSS news ouetlets?
Wait, I'm retarded, I forgot I was in the Libbie thread. I guess my question stands nonetheless.
t. Mike
I'm making a bash script that will replace a few images (icons, splash, etc) from libreoffice, going to post it in a few hours.
Thats not true.
They got a near maxed out thread about libbie here
You might be able to save yourself some work by using tar's -P option for absolute paths (during creation and extraction).
He gave them gold and they threw her away. Best part is she was basically custom designed for LO and doesn't fit anywhere else.
She was cuter than Kiki too ;_;
She had more effort and research put into her than all the other entries combined and then multiplied by 10.
Welp, looks like Tyson taught me a new ascii face today
( > v O )
I really like her better with both eyes open than constantly winking like in the original submission.
What crusade? Libre Office itself is fine, it's just the PR department that had to fuck up with the gayest and most pointless conspiracy every. I think emailing FLOSS outlets is a good idea, the PR team needs to be ridiculed for the shitheads they are, have them specifically dragged through the mud instead of the entire project. I was thinking about sending a PM to Jim (Mister Metokur), since he is doing weekly videos now he might be interested in the topic for the content, but I'm not sure his audience would be the right people. Opinions?
i'm using IM to downscale images to save some space - you know, for those folks with a slow connection.
it's going to be finished in a few hours (sorry for it taking so long, i'm in school and i can code only on breaks :x)
I think the tears mean the lewd.
Who cares about keeping info to only the right kind of people?
Besides it'd be fun.
I say go ahead.
Aim for the resolutions of the files you replace, and make sure to use optipng.
Are you gonna make it a public repo so others can potentially help contribute?
yup, it'll be on github
Send the thing to Mr Metokur. DO IT.
Please don't
Why not?
It's a goat made up of triangles. It doesn't fit anywhere in particular.
Fuck GitHub, use GitLab. Everyone with a GitHub account also has a GitLab account implicitly, so it should not pose a barrier to contribution. You can also set up a read-only mirror on GitHub for people who want to post issues there.
People were talking about getting the media on this.
Medium did a piece just now.
I wonder why imageboarders hate internet celebrities with such passion...... Could it be jealousy?
Medium is a blogging service, not really a news website.
Someone with 3 followers made a blog post. It's nice, but not really an example of the media getting on this.
Are you new?
That's what we get by mingling with cuckchan.
So what? Anybody can make a post on Medium.
Far more interesting is the stinkup raised in /r/Linux
What a beautiful picture you made! 10/10 work right here, user!
I'm feeling like some kind of shy anime girl right now.
Old. Very old. No one has been able to answer this question (and insults are not an answer).
Nuts to my pride, I checked, and it's a comedy goldmine.
Why does no one on reddit understand what anime is?
I'll give it an honest go.
The killer feature of imageboards is anonymity. Nobody knows who you are, so in theory, people only judge you by what you say, not by who you are. In practice there are all kinds of shibboleths that disrupt that, but it works out reasonably well.
Identity is tolerated sometimes. You might have noticed that we're pretty positive about Tyson. That's because Tyson is relevant to this issue, and deeply involved with it.
Metokur is not involved with this issue or this area, as far as I know. He's not relevant.
What's the point? Everyone knows Mike Inel is Manyakis. He made normal then he made porn parodies of incest from Gravity Falls.
Yeah it's pretty hard to hide your art style.
2 things.
-the hell is doing my ""art"" here?
-I was furbanned 1day in /g/ for posting those
man, the thread was about libbie and it wasn't even porn.
well I'll keep an aye to this thread for a while.
Holla Forums isn't as in denial of being furfags, user.
Take a closer look, there's even porn in the OP, although the previous thread had more of it, I think
Welcome to Holla Forums.
And you won't be banned for posting these.
There was but we more or less agreed that porn isn't that much important.
4chan tends to be much harder on furshit in general. Outside of /trash/ posting furry images will get lots of ridicule and a ban if it's lewd. Even on boards like /vp/ where 3/4+ of the posters want to fuck every pokemon out there doesn't tolerate it. Holla Forums is more lenient, and you could get away with posting it much easier especially if you put lewds under a spoiler. You'll still get some shit about it, but not as much or as severe.
That explains why there are so many furfags here.
It just appears that way because furries don't have to play along with the edgy fur hate and people are actually allowed to discuss animal related things.
Try talking about some animal cartoon in 4chan's Holla Forums and you'll have to act like the most conservative prettyboy with a bowtie and combover in order to not have the thread deleted.
Also put together a very simple Firefox header for myself and anyone who wants it
1/2 of the libbie replacement script DONE, images scaled, splash screen made.
ETA: ~15-30 mins
mogrify kinda doesn't work for me, give me a few more minutes ;_;
Jim is a bit of a coin flip though.
We already split Libbie OC FROM the other LO stuff. What more do you want?
My guess is that things will die down a bit until LO chooses its poison. No reason to to pump out some more OC though.
Finally found a use for those flexible spaces, thank you based user
currently i have a repo on github, maybe we'll move to gitgud later.
as for the script.. it works, but not for the mimetype icons, i'm working on this now.
I think the whole thing with furries is a generational thing. Oldfags don't care and the upcoming generation don't seem to care as much either.
OK, the script finally works!
That's pretty great, but the white text/icons seem to clash a bit. Mind making it black?
If the goal was to feign as a journalist this fails hard and just reads like an angry tumblr blogger. 2/10 professionalism but a good recapper for those who missed the story.
looks slick but i agree with, black buttons the way to go
What hath out muse wrought? (looking forward to seeing the finished product)
While black looks totally fine on the lefthand side, the reason I didnt chose that was beceause the moment you open enough tabs to reach libbie the new tab button basically disappears which I'm not a fan of. I'll mess with the color of the text and buttons a bit more though and see if I can get something better
Ah yeah that kinda sucks, im going to see about making a opera theme since I ditched Sorosfox years ago. best of luck though
I hate all paraphilia but there's so much around I have lost all energy t b h
make it green! :3
Tbh I dont find green to look that great. I'm currently thinking about making the last "panel" or whatever you'd call that, from the image slightly darker so it doesnt clash with white as much.
I think I've found a good solution. I made the light gray panel slightly darker which makes the white text/icons nicely readable imo.
Got any other input? Otherwise ill probably submit this as an update.
I think the whole background needs to be slightly darker to give contrast between the text and the background. Just my $.02 though.
Yeah just tried it and you are definitely right.
LibbieOffice is real, but it's still based on LO's shitty UI. Can OpenOffice be forked to Oryx Office?
That reminds me of a picture of trap Miku I saw once...
One of them is the male version.
yeah, this probably can be done, and i may even do it tommorow... if i'll have any time
yes, and?
I'd do it for those shades tbh
Libbie fork needs a different intro slash (still says Libre) I can make the edit but anyone know what font they use?
I wanted to edit it, but i couldn't find the font as well, and i was trying to release it as quick as possible. If you want then go ahead, i'm open for contributions from everyone :P
fuck it. found one close enough heres the edit
i see that you've put some effort into this image, and i appreciate it, but it isn't good enough for my taste; I'm pretty sure sooner or later (probably in the next few hours) someone will track down this font and we'll be able to make a legit-looking LibbieOffice splash :)
You're Libbie was VERY well received. Just wanted to show you that before I closed this account.
for fucks sake...
but why though?
Aw, wouldn't that picture disappear if you close you r account?
Any ETA on an update? I like the header minus the brightness.
I got it locked for stating the fact that Muhammad fucked a nine year old and posting traps at Kababs.
I'll give it a week.
Submitted to the mozilla addons page about 30mins ago. Not sure how long it will take to update but I'd expect it to be up within the next few hours.
Don't you know? Facts are hate speech.
Great work user!
Fucking christ.
Some other people and I have been posting it here because we thought it was really cute.
Lol are you fucking serious? I was wondering why all your posts got deleted. I knew that was going to happen at some point or another, the 4cuck mods are absolutely nofun. The worst part is is they always selectively enforce the rules--I was the one that posted the semi-lewd image of the mouse and I didn't get banned.
Didnt notice that they just use LO written out as one word, even though I did direct comparisons. Found a font thats 95% on point but had to do some fuckery because the 'F's kept connecting to the 'i' no matter what so I had to do 2 text layers. but the "Libbie" part is a good chunk larger to fit. So do you want it scaled or squashed?
You were kinda asking for it. Shouldn't say that about the prophet pbuh.
You could just copy and paste the b and i that is already in the logo. You would have to figure out the kerning on your own then.
Half the comments just seem to be "durr office software shouldnt have an anime waifu god i hate anime so much"
I hate Reddit normies with a burning passion.
I also hate how people use that "argument" but ignore the fact that there were plenty of other good designs that got shafted as well.
So when are we going to see Libbie in the banners?
i thought about that, but it's not much better of a solution. still too big and would have to squash or scale it.
What you could do is split up the background in the area between the b and e in libre and then use paint bucket to fill in the division.
Whoops, meant to respond to this:
Is it really that hard to just control yourself in public?
Cut up the letters w selection masks and positioned them around. TDF is very autistic about their measurments but this is the font with maybe an 15% squash to fit it into the margins.
Why all this thing to put Libbie into libreoffice. The ui suck and the damage is done. Why don't we move to only office?
Abdul, pls.
Apparently yes.
People wonder why I don't associate with the cancerous narcissistic retards who use twitter.
I agree. The fact that Libbie didn't make it through is mostly a symbol of a larger problem. It's not necessarily that she was the best designed mascot even though I personally think that's the case it's that there were plenty of good designs, all of which, save the octopus, got shafted by last minute rules they didn't even enforce equally and and hidden votes in favor of traced clip-art and logo-tier characterless "mascots".
Any argument people make in favor of the LO PR team conveniently forgets that a mascot is not a logo, and more than just Libbie got the boot.
Give me a break. It's not like I was threatening anyone.
Yeah but you were still saying shit you knew damn well was going to get you banned.
Spare us the tears and next time keep your goddamn mouth shut so you don't have to come crying back to us because of your own fuck ups.
You don't think that that IN ITSELF is a problem?
Anyway I'm done derailing the thread. Sorry.
Yeah it is a problem but until it gets fixed the only solution is to not say shit that you know will get you banned.
Doing anything else is retarded.
Tyson seems to be in a better mood. So there's that at least.
Or, I can just quite the gay service. Between GS and Minds I have all the non-meat space interaction I need.
God fucking dammit, Dolus. Reserve your spicy opinions for GNU/Smug
Shit, now that you mention it...
If you feel like posting anything here, you're more than welcome.
Seems we're past the bumb limit. How far were we supposed to let it fall again?
Dunno, Page 5? That should appease the faggot(s) posting in /metatech/. I just want to see more qt Libbie art before she's forgotten.
I think things will pick back up after LO either picks their shitty mascot or shuts it down finally.
Yeah good.
Twitter turn everyone who uses it into moronic assholes.
Fuck off to twitter and don't come back.
Where are the artists?
Good question. I think we might need to reach out again.
1) Things have slowed down a bit while we wait for LO's final move
2) It's Friday
3) Whoever started the thread used a lewd for the image and now it's just a question mark that is easy to glance over.
Couple things. the libbie or LO threads on cuckchan are now getting autosaged, so that cuts the art content in half. NuMe said as long as we kept up the chaos against TDF then he would supply lewds but the shitpost war with LO is over for now. Some other artists might pop in (i know ive got some ideas) but for now its just chill.
Feel free to do it earlier. It's more of a guideline, I won't enforce it.
It's just a single /metatech/ poster.
Alright. I'll let it go down a bit more before opening another though.
Any particular reason why?
There was none stated.
Just started happening.
gee it's almost like they have a habit of trying to quell shitstorms by banning them
what this guy should draw?
cuckchan has a long history of shitty mods, theyre all global. gotta make way for the shilling of winblows10 and firejew quantum.
Higher quality:
I'm still here. What's da problem?
I'm not the /metatech/ poster but I also questioned why we can't just post in a bump-locked thread. It'll last a few days at least.
Alrightly. Let the thread drop another two rungs and then lets make a new one. Might help get some fresh blood in here. And this time, don't use a lewd for the thread image.
ohhey nume i had a feeling youd come back around, you going to color your other libbie pic?
made something for opera but i guess i'll wait to post it in the new thread.
What other Libbie pic?
I'll open one tomorrow if nobody else has.
it was this one but now that i flip back n forth at it there's some similarity but enough stylistic differences that its probably another artist
nope, not mine.
talked about it in the last LO thread, since content for libbie slowed down, and LO has less frantic shitposting probably better just to merge it back.
Maybe you have a point.
hey, thats me!
A day in the life of a muse:
He is capable of damaging the reputation of a shitty organization that is responsible for this.
Pretty fucking relevant.
Much appreciated.
the second one looks nice, if you would be so kind to make a merge request, i would be happy to merge it :)
fuck the merge request. can you just give me the full res files, pretty please?
for what is worth, it worked for me on firefox nightly
I don't know a shit about furries.
are the colors right?
For somebody who doesn't know anything about furries, you draw really cute ones.
...sure you don't have something you want to admit to us? It's okay, we're all degenerates here.
Is there a collection of the lewds?
Some ended up on e621.
il post the splash in the LO 4 thread
looks like libbies colors to me.
not realie they are just normal girls with some changes. I'm cheating.
I'll admit that I'm a degenerate.
You saint, you colorized my favorite. I can die a happy man.
Honestly, I think that tends to be the best furry style anyway rather than the heavily animalistic stuff. It's what a lot of the JP artists do. It's a very cute style, you do a good job at it.
It's a furry-oriented booru.
that's all
Nicely done, user. Thanks for all the cute art, you made some of the best OC.
all done.
Jesus... You going to want Tyson to see these, user?
user, you have a REAL talent. You might want to dig deeper into it. Furries tend to pay more per pervert on commissions than everyone else.
I'm not doing it. but
If sombody want to link then to him no problem
I don't know if is right to kill my soul with furry this early
I'm a total sucker for the heart pupil
We're going to include ALL of the OC that's been made over the past week in one compilation for Tyson. We'll just include yours in the lewd section if you're OK with it.
That's reasonable. It's bad enough on the surface but furry only becomes more soul killing the deeper in you go. A modern Divine Comedy could be Dante going deeper and deeper into the furry community while becoming more and more horrified with what he sees.
It's best to stay out for as long as you can mange.
It will kill your soul if you get too deep into this. Better stay on surface and limit yourself to explicit stuff at most(so nips + vagoos and even dicks). And be extremely careful with fetishes, before accepting any commision. Don't want to end up drawing some really nasty stuff.
Nice kemonos, by the way. They're definitely superior to western furshit. And I'm not even a furfag.
Relevant video
Have a WIP.
That's the wrong nose.
Too much snout.
What happened to her face? She looks like she went crazy and is about to stab someone with a knife.
I don't normally draw anthro shit, so this is fairly new to me. I like long snouts over punched in ones though. Also, idk if adding eyebrows helps the expression any bit. I realized that I forgot to add them.
very nice
Libbie is about a 1.5 to 2 on the furry scale, so a full-on snout is a bit much.
Found this on paheal and didn't see it in any of the threads
L-lewd, but really cute at the same time.
There needs to be more "winning mascot rape" pictures.
We've started compiling the OC for Tyson. Thanks for the find!
libbie does have a snout, it's just stylistically simplified in many views. It's up to artists to do their own libbie as long as they get the species right(antelope oryx not goat) im okay with it.
itching for a punished libbie edit? killbill style
Thank you user. That idea actually sounds fun. I might try sketching that.
Sure. That would be interesting to see.
stolen from the /trash/ thread
Guys, the Libbie and LO threads merged. So take any new oc to the LO thread.