We should use their emotional hormones and stupidity against them to make them betray their political beliefs. This opening is a chance to descend upon the clearnet, and the normies to push Theresa May, Marine Le Pen, Maria Zakharova, and Natalia Poklonskaya as strong independent women in government they need to support. This puts them in the position of either working for us to make the world more based in ignorance, or abandoning one of their two insufferable principles of intolerant leftism or feminist identity politics. At the very least maybe a few young wimyn will get some decent role models for once.

America is ours it's time to make the rest of the world great again

Ann Coulter, Christina Hoff Sommers, Kellyanne Conway, Lauren Southern, Diamond and Silk, etc. are other women that can be used. If gender is all that really matters to them in regard to who they promote and follow then we ought to make some reccomendations


OP, I think I somehow made sense of what you said, and I think I agree. We should flood the internet with redpilled female role models, to bring young women onto our side. I suggest we aim this at the highschool and freshmen/college crowd, get them before the colleges brainwash them, so they have this in thir mind.

Praise Kek!

go back to reddit faggot.


pretty much this yeah sorry I'm dumb

the ones currently in and coming out of college are already brainwashed to support women no matter what so we just need to point them in the right direction

This isn't a bad idea, but how many of these people are even able to vote in France/Bongistan/etc?

I assume women are able to vote in France, their election is next year. Brexit still hasn't gone through yet either

No no, I mean, how many of these frantically virtue-signalling feminazis are actually French or British? I assume most are American citizens.

Theresa May is kinda a big one right now we all know how the brexit vote went but they're still being pushed to accept the single market and free movement of people

Marine le Pen is suspect in some ways but she's better than anyone else in her dying country and will improve french relations with the US under Trump as well as with Russia

France I'm not sure but based on the protests after Brexit it's safe to say the UK is full of just as many ignorant children as the US and a lot of the more vocal ones are women. Besides do you think their weren't any non-US anons that fought and pushed online to get trump elected? I doubt any filthy foreign nationals did too much but these women are fighting islam and the (((EU))) in their countries so they need all the help they can get

Go back to cuckchan

whatever the fuck I should call them the point is the same, it's not my fault women are allowed to vote and have political views these days

You have to go back.




It does matter because, for one, you are diminishing an honorable name, trying to use it as an insult.

Also, do you not see the contradiction in terms with your own thoughts? You want feminists to idolize Nationalist women and in the same breath you call these feminists Nazis.

look we all know Hitler was a hard working patriot and artist who was kind to animals and wanted peace. It's just the term I've usually heard for these kinds of people I meant no disrespect I never post and I've only been lurking for like 3 years it's hard to keep track of all the Holla Forums approved terms alright? Derailing threads over a single semantic error or some such petty focus is usually attributed to shills but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt, ok? let's let bygones be bygones and promote nationalism together

alright never mind then, it'd be good if a more competent user could make a thread with a similar theme. I still think it's a good idea, but I think I should go back to lurking.

I know that tons of non-US folk were pulling for us. I was hanging out in /britpol/ on election night because it's comfy as fuck. In fact, we do need their help for this. Help them help their nations.


Then why adopt the term?
From zionist media outlets and zionist shills who want to perpetuate the smear campaign.
Not believable.
Keep digging.
It's not an "error". You did it deliberately.
I'll sage your thread, filter you, and encourage anyone popping in to let this shit thread slide.

This is brilliant.

For LePen, here is what I think would work. First, we need strongly status signaling feminist sockpuppets on French twitter. But pretend to be feminists strongly against Islam's treatment of women and pro-LePen. Anyone who criticizes LePen needs to be met with a hate mob of "womyn" calling them a misogynistic rape enabler.

If we can make this seem organic, we will be able to divide the feminist community, because to the normalfag feminist, our argument will make sense. There has never been a woman president of the 5th republic, so we can use all of the Hillary "arguments". If this does nothing else, it makes the actual SJW feminists spend their time chasing their tails and trying to defend Islamic rape against an "organic groundswell" in their own movement.

We need to work with Frenchanons to amplify our shitposting efforts, but for twitter banter, google translate should be sufficient.

Vive La France!

Man, relax, you put more legitimate effort into this than most OPs do and it's a good idea.

Calm your autism. Go find a thread you enjoy and post in that instead.

Using feminist tactics could work very well. Simultaneously use female role models and browbeat women into supporting us. Tell them that if they don't support us, they hate white people, America, etc. Push the idea that niggers are just using them for votes. Study some feminist propaganda to make it even better.

You're literally autistic.

You keep making these threads.
I keep reminding every time.


Where the fuck do you think you are, Redditcuck? You aren't fucking welcome here. Go the hell back to your nigger-loving cuckold shithole of a website and don't come back




Okay, at this point I'm calling shill. 3 (1)s calling OP out for the same stupid thing when this idea has real potential.

let's ignore the shill then and get to work, we need marine le pen memes