Trumpkike newfags and Trumpkike moderation killed Holla Forums. Kike mods don't even let us talk about anything related to Trump's obvious Jewish ties. They have subverted the board into support a kosher brand of nationalism.
Trumpkike newfags and Trumpkike moderation killed Holla Forums. Kike mods don't even let us talk about anything related to Trump's obvious Jewish ties. They have subverted the board into support a kosher brand of nationalism.
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This has been discussed, faggot.
shut the hell up, bitch
Everybody already knows and accepts that's he's not Hitler 2.0 except you radical purist types. And you have other boards for that shit where you can discuss your elaborate theories that he's controlled op etc. etc. etc. and how stupid we are to buy into it etc. etc. etc.
Fuck off.
The important point is we are now powerful enough to appoint people
Anyone who wants the presidency has to go through us from now on.
One step at a time.
Refutable as Jewish media control conditioning the masses while meantime all his children besides Barron are married to Jews.
You lost, kike. How does it feel? :^)
Though this in itself is refutable as Jewish saturation of the higher social classes.
he's an advancement for our movement nigger
We should have waited for Hitler and let Hillary in.
No, they just don't care about your Sinead Renegade bullshit. We know he isn't a ethno-nationalist, that's pretty fucking obvious.
ffs we said from the beginning the goal is to use him not the other way around.
The overton window has shifted, that's a major victory.
Ivanka Trump converted to Judaism. Donald's dynasty will be Jewish.
Then you should be jumping for joy, Schlomo, and yet you seem so bothered
dubs dont lie. I don't see how this entire board can blindly follow Trump. He marred his kids off to Jews and he loved Israel.
He would have gotten elected anyway
renegay cultists believe that America needs to fall and be swamped with diversity for Europe to be saved. They are treasonous anti-american flat-earther crackpots who are just due for a swatting.
How does that make you feel that the Presidents daughter converted to Judaism?
Besides they're videos, which I'll give them that they're pretty good documentary wise, those people are fucking insane. You know you're off the walls when Stormfront comes off more reasonable than them.
It makes me feel indescribable smugness. Accusing people of antisemitism is your greatest weapon, and it doesn't even work on Trump.
How does that feel, kike?
You didn't answer the question.
What is it with you kikes and sexual "humor" anyway?
Why are you so obsessed with dicks?
wtf i shouldve voted for hillary//???!!
The only way to win the game is not to play
Oy vey, goyim! Why aren't you kvetching about Donald Trump's "Jewish ties"?? What a shoah! It's like the 6 million all ova again!
Are you having cognitive difficulties, Chaim? Yeah, I'm afraid inbreeding does that.
kikes really dont like being ignored
That's not a response. You're being a faggot who thinks he's funny. You're still avoiding the question.
I know your candidate lost and her incarceration is pending, but still, try not to be so salty.
I agree for once. Trump already won so we should be able to criticise him now. Maybe we can get him to give up his kosherness. He already vowed to go after the international bankers, which even (((they themselves))) know who are. His ties are obvious though. He tied his family to Jewry because Trump knows damn well who owns America and he might as well join em. Except now he has the last chance to free everyone from them once and for all and fulfilled his grandfather's destiny.
Get a load of this gigantic faggot.
Your kvetching only makes me smugger, you know
Who's the faggot again?
Still no argument.
yfw Trump's mentor was the archetypal kek worshipper.
GRIDS-ridden, pedophile, NEET, and self-hating-jew
He also said he was going to audit the Federal Reserve. Let's all take a guess and see if that's going to happen.
Is this today's laughing at the shills thread? I think it is!
the merchant always plays both sides. kann man nix machen.
btw didn't hitler also have jewish ties?
Why? He sold his own daughter to the kikes? Our sworn enemy. How does that make you feel good?
And i can tell you're a PC-fag, antisemitism is healthy and they are already calling everybody who might threaten even an inch of their power, anti-semites so don't you worry about that. Trump is most certainly going to be called anti-semite if he goes against their plans anyway.
You're like the type of person who reflect a well-sounded based opinion on different races and how we can't have niggers and whatnot around us in our population, with the shield of having a "nigger friend", so it's "ok, you're not racist"….
You faggots are what ruined this board. Free thought and critical thinking has been replaced by lonely anime watching faggots like yourself who live their little hivemind. There is no difference between you and an SJW/Liberal. You are simply on the other side, pretending you have any intelligence whatsoever.
That's patriotism, i.e the top cuck ideology.
wtf? I'm a Cruzmissile now.
Possibly, but sometimes I don't want to think about it because it's incredibly demoralizing.
We are a hivemind, Moishe. You've all spent years trying to create an artificial intelligence, all while one was self-assembling right under your hooked noses. Your attempts at subversion are much more amusing than they are discomforting.
That's exactly what these people are. Anime watching cowardly faggots in their own little bubble of reality. They need be purged along with all the other race traitors.
If Trump really is a plant and the Jews gave everyone what they thought they wanted it's genius. So many simply would not, could not every entertain the idea that Trump is against them
Thank you for proving my point.
/Trumprevolt/ when?
Fuckin d&c shills never change.
Night of Long Knives when? They must be purged.
"We National-Socialists must never under any circumstances join in the usual hurrah-patriotism of the bourgeois world."
- Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf, Vol. II, Chap. 14
holy shit fuck off
Because it makes you so mad steam is coming out of your ears and your yarmulke is spinning off your head
The point that you don't belong here? The point that we're inoculated against your tactics?
Your employment has ended CTR, don't tell me you're actually doing this
XD u mad?
Oh no! Mommy hes saying bad stuff against Hillary! Quick ban him!
You worthless fucking subhuman.
they're only using these chinaman cartoons to appear as beeing part of picture forum culture.
Yes, this shilling needs to stop.
If you don't mindlessly follow the dumbest half of burgistan in their party politics electronic jew fest then you have nothing to do on Holla Forums. Trump might represent the same old corrupt republican jew lackeys you all know, but he's got that 3d chess going. He might marry all his offspring off to kikes in eternal genetic alliance, but that's just 4d chess going on. He might surround himself with top kikes, his entire dynasty relying on the chosen structure, but that's just the 5d chess going on. He might flake and backtrack on every promise, like every TV propaganda Jew approved politician always have done, but that's just that 6d chess going on. His heir might publicly state racialists and holocaust deniers should be shot for the glory of burgisrael, but that's just some hefty 7d chess happening.
Holla Forums has now reached that exceptional and rare level of redpill: average burger voter.
CTR and flat earth bitches BTFO.
Fuck off, shill.
Tell your masters that they are kvetching way too much in the MSM all over the world for that argument to have any weight.
I know that, it needs to be pointed out so everyone can see who these faggots are.
Nigger you can't be serious. This thread is going to be a /cow/, I can feel it.
Sorry about that, Moishe
You forget Barron Trumps favourite son with the most potential. sick of anti trump threads. he is my emperor and I doubted him once and was proved wrong. Never again shall I doubt my emperor. I am his loyal servant. He always comes through and he will again on Jews.
They are using them because they are your kryptonite. You filthy creatures have a deep hatred for everything that's cute and pure for some strange reason.
I know, right? These goys are worst than Hitla!
Gas yourself.
I have faith in Americans, half of them doesn't vote. Obviously a large segment doesn't buy the old jew schpiel. We will see how it goes when the fighting begins.
The sad truth is that as long as people fail to grasp the difference between nation, state and country (which has been intentionally obfuscated for a long time) all kind of anti-globalist posturing is pretty futile.
i just want you to redbull me on all these merchants around trump. there has got to be more than just
This thread is filthy!
let's clean it up!
Remember to watch this video, thanks.
>We are a hivemind
faggot newcuck detected
'5. Self Moderate, if you see a thread you don't like ignore it.'
That's right, he should be enjoying kosher Hollywood products like the rest of us! He's a really bad goy.
good lord, all of the kids married Jews
Baron better be careful