If you haven't watched a film entitled L.I.E (2001) you are failing to understand just how common pedophilia is and especially how common it is in the gay community (probably 100% of gays were raped/molested as children by adults).
Gay clubs are all the same, in one regard. Often, there is only a curtain separating what is an otherwise normal business front, and a pitch-black room full of showers with LCD television screens playing hardcore pornography.
In all my years of being around these people, I have noted two things above all else: 1) They Lie, about everything, all the time, and will almost never admit to being gay. Even if they are at a gay bar, with a group of guys, they will still not admit to being gay. Even a bartender at a gay bar, who would dance nightly shirtless and get tips tucked into his pants, refused to admit to me that he was gay. If you think I am lying about this… I am not, these people keep it a secret like you will not believe. They would almost rather die than admit they are gay. Because being outed as openly deviant can have adverse effects on their careers and their plots to lure in unsuspecting prey. 2) They have absolutely no moral code, whatsoever, because they are actually offended by morality–especially protestant concepts of morality, and they actually are very attracted to occultism, satanism and the like. In fact, almost all gay people will actually be angered at the sight of anything Christian, be it a cross or a Bible, but will have no reaction whatsoever to a satanic emblem or even a hardcore depiction of violence against a woman or a child. We are expected to believe that these are just normal people, yet they are normal people who think that a dead baby is artwork and can joke about "fucking children" (I saw this when I visited the Washington D.C. subreddit) with ease, but yet we are expected to believe they are totally chill normies.
Don't believe their bullshit. You are on to something. Police won't tackle this because many, many powerful people are involved in this.
You guys are chipping away at the exterior of a huge, underground monstrosity and I think the only thing you're doing wrong is you aren't digging deeply enough.
If you dig deep enough, you will find that there is no type of perversion that these people are not actively engaging in.
New York San Francisco. Seattle. D.C. Las Vegas. The Catholic Church The Church of Satan Atheism Ordo Templi Orientis Pop music Hollywood
It's all one thing. It's all one culture. You saw behind the curtain with the WikiLeaks emails, are you prepared for what lies deeper?
I guarantee that when you do, you will be angry, you will be disgusted.
I think this thread might be exaggerating a little that EVERYONE who is an elite is a pedo, but the Podesta/Comet Ping Pong/Brock/Brock Boyfriend/Hawaii/Clinton Foundation connections are undeniable.
Now the question becomes:
1. Who knows what/does what. Cannibalism/Murder is a lot different from Child Rape. Gay sex isnt outright illegal/maybe they are doing both, or maybe some do one and some do another. Most likely people have individual tastes which is they use the "handkerchief colors" and "food" codewords. The people at the top (Hillary Clinton Herself) might not be totally in on all aspects it or think it doesn't involve outright stuff. It might be a cult like organization that is used to control underlings. Remember, Podesta worked Obama's campaign before Clinton, so this might all have arisen during the last 8 years when Obama/Biden came to power. Maybe they became more depraved as time went on and got more reckless etc. It would be important to learn who met who and when they met them/started doing business if possible. What I am saying is that this Comet Ping Pong / DC ring and might have arisen more recently then we think.
2. Maybe it is just "kink" sex at first so to speak and nothing is outright illegal and they gradually go to underage prostitutes and eventually to extremely depraved acts.
3. Maybe people become roped in after a while like this and are led into a situation eventually that is outright illegal so they suddenly become a part of the cult/blackmailable in addition to being financially dependent. This is probably how it is done.
4. Jeffery Epstein at least to me appears to more connected to Bill Clinton and he likes young girls mostly. He is not connected to the "gay" part of the pedoring I would guess. Also he conducts his business mainly on that private island in the US virgin Islands and in Florida. He seems more sloppy in general and less malicious because he pays his young girl victims and doesn't murder them. This is why he got caught in Florida. So Epstein, while depraved, isn't of the same operation as the potential "gay" cult around Comet Ping Pong/Hawaii which seems to be connected more to Podesta/Brock/Obama
5. Podesta's organization (Chief of Staff) and Correct the Record (David Brock) seems to be the nexus of their financial dealings that fund their day to day lives. The Clinton Foundation is involved to some extent obviously but the connections will be difficult to find because the entire thing is set up to make if difficult. We might even find exact donors but then when you research it more you might find that that donor was given money from a foreign government entity as in the case of the Indian Nuclear case alledged in the movie Clinton Cash.
6. Having lived in DC/VA in the past I know the area and the mentality there. It would be easy to blend in as long as you are financially funded well and not too stupid. Almost everyone commutes in so at night it is a ghost town in DC/Arlington at night and very few "regulars" are left besides embassy staff and security guards/pentagon workers/nigs/chinatown/event attenders at certain areas. No one can probably leave the cult because of the financial aspect to it alone, much less the blackmail and the fact they are having sadistic/gay sex which pleasures them. There is also the "foreign" connection to the Clinton Foundation. I think Terry McAuliffe is definitely hooked in with the "foreign" element which I tend to think is Chinese Intelligence.
Obviously there are some at the FBI who know this too. Some of the top people there (McCabe) were taking bribes essentially from Terry McAuliff which was through the Clinton Foundation. But where did the money really originate? THAT is the key. I am willing to bet China based on the reporting we DO know about that links McAuliff to the Chinese Soy Bean company named Dandon whose chairman was Wang Wenliang. Now we know that Comey might be linked in to Clinton with the HSBC stuff but maybe he is a double agent as the election has revealed. Maybe the FBI was taking bribes like this on purpose to trace back where the money was coming from, which might be the PRC directly
In essence it looks like Podesta has a gay sadistic sex cult which might have members that engage in nefarious shit.
Bill probably has sex with tons of girls and underage girls even, and is linked in with Epstien.
Hillary seems pretty aloof to a ton of shit but her and Huma seem like they are lesbian lovers who like preying on other women too. It was rumored that possibly: (see link)
Who suicide herself might have had Hillary as a client from her time in DC using prostitutes (probably female). This was the person that during the primaries people said Ted Cruz might have been on her list of "Johns". Maybe this was deliberate misinformation and a roundabout way of threatening Hillary.
I think that the FBI took bribes on purpose and traced where the Clinton's where getting the dough for "immediate operations" from (probably Chinese Intelligence).
The alternative would be that Comey/McCabe were compromised the entire time and are in Clinton's pocket and now they are trying to concoct some plan with Obama to fuck over Trump or make it impossible for him to get to the Presidency and do what he wants to do/bring them to Justice.
The truly horrifying thing would be if Donald Trump was somehow linked into this thing and that his Candidacy was really planned as the other half of a "controlled" revolution for the USA. But I find it unlikely due to his large family he is very involved with who seem to be normal people.
TLDR: US Intelligence might have been backing Trump entire time.
Last thing. I used to read this hyper conservative author William W Johnstone who wrote this entire series of books about the end of times in America. In his books he prominently features a type of people called "Night People" who are cannibals and raise other people for food. I am gonna go back and read some of them because it is odd that he spoke of them so much and they ring a bell for obvious reasons now, ESPECIALLY considering the content of his "In the Ashes" series…
Nathaniel Lopez
Some more info from the NY times article I posted:
In my opinion this is a lot of the reason normals find it so hard to properly resist LGBTBBQ bullshit. They really have no clue how utterly fucked up and pathological even the most 'average' gays are, how the whole condition is inherently pedophilic and lionises youth (peak of raw physical beauty) above all else.
The actual DOH stats on pedophilia among homosexuals is completely fucking mind-blowing: it's almost an exclusively homosexual crime, but it never gets reported because it contradicts the happy daffy Will & Grace monogamous couples image they want to delude normals with
Didn't realize Podesta was chief of staff for Bill Clinton too. Maybe it is a full blown Pedo ring and everyone knows it.
Landon Hill
The entire email investigation might have been a smokescreen to trace where the Clinton's emergency bribe money to bribe the FBI directors was coming from.
We can only speculate if Comey/McCabe are loyal to Trump or if there was a real uprising from within the FBI.
I think that the FBI took bribes on purpose (Comey/McCabe) and traced where the Clinton's where getting the dough for "immediate operations" from (probably Chinese Intelligence).
TLDR: US Intelligence might have been backing Trump entire time.
BUT there is the clear fact the DOJ is allied with Clinton. We don't know if James Comey/Andrew McCabe are compromised by bribes, playing both sides as opputunists, or were entrapping the Clinton's the whole time to trace where their urgently needed bribe money came from (ultimately through Terry Mcauliffe through a longtime Chinese Communist dual citizen).
In relation to the ongoing Podesta/Brock/Comet Ping Pong/Clinton Foundation/Correct the Record/Hawaii investigation threads:
We don't know how deep Obama/Biden are involved but Podesta was his chief of staff too and they held phonebanks at this Comet Ping Pong place and additionally Soros has been photographed there. REMAIN VIGILANT.
Cooper Morales
By Kek's will we will expose these degenerates for all to see so that the day of the rope can begin in it's earnest.
Christian Rivera
Jack Cruz
Sorry for spamming those reposts but I feel I had to. There is tons of censorship on certain sites, perhaps some even here. Clearly they are posting stupid satanic symbolism shit to derail us and false leads that are old as fuck.
What we need to do:
Find REAL relationships between people/businesses. Not spam shit to derail like is happening in the sticky, which I know many are just shills trying to prevent the investigation. I think people at Fox and even in the Trump organization might know too. Neil Cavuto seemed to be mocking the pedos today on his show and the Trump campaign sent out an email with the word "Pizza" in it almost in a mocking way (asking for donations to feed volunteers.)
Blake Thompson
Yeah, you copypasta'd this already.
Jason Baker
Jeremiah Green
We don’t care.
Dominic Walker
Camden Parker
I care.
Also the tranny thing goes deeper than 8ch is smart or willing enough to get to.
Jaxon Brooks
This is the reason all faggots should be killed. Degeneracy is like a drug, it consistently desensitizes the person who will increasingly feel the need to engage in bizarre, extreme practices to pacify his need for a new high. This is why faggots are almost always into extremely disgusting fetishes and why there are so many pedos who are gay. There is a reason these people were thrown in bogs for almost two millenia, and we are just starting to find out again.
Brandon Diaz
Alexander Scott
Frig off, barbarians
Jose Powell
Easton Sanders
At this point we have brought down the Clintons to some extent. Lets be real, Bill likes sex and is bad and Hillary is an evil bitch but our problem is this cult like organization under Podesta that managed Bill Clintons White House, brought Obama to power, and tried to bring Hillary to power. We need to get the underlings so they cannot reform for the next election cycle or create some kind of political resistance to Trump like Soros is doing.
Jacob Rivera
Samuel Parker
We know, cuck, we've been onto something since June when they started fucking panicking.
This isn't true and there are legitimate studies that go into this. Most gays were never molested into being gay.
What a load of shit. Your limited anecdotal experience of "Gays" is far from the truth. There's as much variety of personality, moral code and background in gays as there is in straight people.
Pizzagate is important but trying to make it about all gays instead of the few elite faggots actually involved is ridiculous.
Brody Mitchell
where's your proof it's made up bullshit? no amount of hitler images can save you.
Joshua Hill
Milo is a complete nigger loving faggot, TRS is filled with degenerate who actively advertise how much they love to suck cock.
Every single faggot is a redeemable sociopath to be hung during the day of the rope.
Jason Adams
He didn't say it was made up, but he wouldn't need to prove it.
well, first you should provide proof for the claim and if you think OP's anecdote is worth anything then so are all the bullshit stories about white males grabbing poor POC's pussy openly in the sstreets after Trump's election
Jackson Gonzalez
You are what is ridiculous. He is very correct, all homos are very sick in the head, completely evil, twisted bastards. All of them.
Brody Long
When the swamp is drained be ready for a big stink and a few dead bodies to be at the bottom
Angel Moore
In 2001, the journal Archives of Sexual Behavior published a study entitled Comparative data of childhood and adolescence molestation in heterosexual and homosexual persons. This study (which interviewed the most flaming of faggots attending a gay parade) found that less than half had been molested as a child.
It is a contributing factor but it certainly isn't "100%" like idiot op claims.
You've got a lot of fags to thank for helping Trump become president e.g. Milo…. not to mention a higher than statistically expected number of people who post on Holla Forums are gay. Kek.
Andrew Barnes
This shit was already figured out long before then, and it goes like this, faggots are mentally ill, and are prone to molest children. Deal with it, scum.
Thomas Foster
One thing you need to understand is that most of these people have no morals what-so-ever, and that their pleasure seeking- much like ours- always wants to find a greater thrill. Rather than sufficing themselves with pizza, beer AND camping, though; they decide the homosexuality isn't quite deviant enough, so they'll have some children there to fellate them; and then when that gets boring maybe eat one of those children. Ya know, shit gets tired after you do it a few times; gotta spice it up!
I recommend that everyone read several chapters of the various tomes of the talmud. There is little in there that is particularly useful as stand alone information (although learning that they are okay with having sex with under 3 year olds, stealing from non-jews, and subverting justice to save their own kind is always good to know). What you will see is a people utterly devoid of any kind of 'morals' or 'ethics'; it is relentless, rambling, convoluted subjectivism. They are not trying to work out the 'true' (in the singular) understanding of God or the Torah; rather they are interpreting it in not just any, but EVERY way possible.
Now when you realise that Jews are not even particularly 'high level' for the most part, and that even for these often unimportant people; the 'decency' that we take for granted in all humans is totally lacking. Where they act in an upstanding way we will find not a moral or ethical cause; but rather some twisted monument to subjectivity which decries that acting in that way is good because Rabbi Ramadama said so, and his way makes more sense than Rabbi Moshedoshi because Rabbi Ramadama had forgotten what Rabbi Hamanlaman had said in regards to where you may build a wall for your house; though you must of course accept that Rabbi Hamanlaman did not know what Rabbi Shekeklekek had said in regards to building your wall near water.
There is no morality to these people, not in the way we Christians (or of Christian cultures) understand it anyway. Their pleasure seeking desires will continue to escalate in deviancy until they have reached the most perverse heights imaginable, at which point they have to turn the unimaginable; the realm of the diabolical and demonic.
When you realise what kind of sick fucks are actually out there and how they hook people into their perverse culture; you might just conclude that Puritans had a point when they simply outlawed everything that was even potentially immoral.
Read some of their madness. After a few pages you'll realise that these people have no concept of ethics whatsoever. Their 'faith' is more than anything else just subjectivism.
Adrian Bell
William Torres
I'm sure the number is more like 98%, with a few who were converted in college by predatory professors.
Josiah Hughes
Well, present those studies, Milo. And if I see a -berg -blatt or other kike surnames, I'm going to rope you personally.
I've mostly met lesbians and they all were molested as children or suffered serious abuse. Father left, rope'd himself, mother was a sadist, etc. These people are seriously mentally damaged and they basically ruin their lives and the lives of other with self destructive stuff. But instead of the system or people for that manner finding the source of abuse in their childhood, they encourage them in their suffering. IT's very sad to see these people on a downward spiral and how this dystopian society reviles in it.
Levi Hernandez
sad! go back to TRS fag lover
Lucas Jones
No different than the SJWs.
Camden Garcia
You yourself underestimate, OP. The hour is later you think.
Jason Clark
Nah, i know of twinks that had quiet childhoods with little problems. Also, "100%" a large group of Y is as much of a logical fallacy as "0%" a large group of X.
Ethan Myers
The law of diminishing returns. This is akin to an addict who is no longer getting a thrill from his drug of choice and starts ramping shit up with the harder stuff.
For the elite, that first rape of an innocent probably sent them to heights of perverse ecstasy, but the 39th will lack that same feel, and thus they will seek it again in other perversions. What happens when the eating isn't giving them the same thrill, anymore? What happens when they hit bedrock and realize fucking a corpse while being cut with razors and drinking vomit isn't ever going to get more thrilling? Maybe they decide that since a little kid isn't getting the job done, maybe an entire NATION of little kids getting raped by golem proxies would get their little circumcised peckers hard, again.
Hudson Jones
Back to the 'ol anti-fag schtick eh? You don't even deserve an effort star for this one.
Sebastian Cook
It's still molestation, even if the molester is quiet and has a little penis.
Ayden Martinez
Thank you for showing your true colors mr.kike. It's been a full year since the last attempt to shill Holla Forums into accepting faggots, it didn't work last year and it won't work now.
Every singleslaughtered child molesting fucks will be dragged trough the streets and hacked to pieces.
Jaxson Hernandez
No, it’s 100%. Look at the stats.
Landon Murphy
Ahh, i see, you just want to push your narrative at all costs even if it's not logical, you're a wild fucker.
Josiah Price
There is obvious correlation between homosexuality, psychopathy, and desire to be in positions of power (have power over other people).
People in power are very likely to be psychopaths, which are very likely to be homosexuals/degenerates.
One thing leads to another, and such groups are formed.
William Harris
Not an argument.
Connor Jones
sounds familiar kek this place can be pretty evil too A necessary evil
Jack Rivera
It's the day of the rope, will you kill these fags?
Lincoln Rivera
When will Holla Forums realize that once the real problem is solved, all the smaller problems will solve themselves.
Michael Williams
Trying to misdirect now?
Kevin Rogers
And why are you posting a chaos marine?
Brayden Powell
Grayson Jackson
even if we grant, without any evidence at all, that 100% of gays are pedos, this is still A) totally irrelevant to the coverup of HETEROSEXUAL child rape by people like Bill Clinton and the Podesta brothers etc, and B) a fucking alt-right da vinci code LARPing thread with zero new evidence, leads, analysis or merit. OP is a faggot (and therefore also a pedophile by his own logic).
Luke Phillips
Thanks for helping the thread hit reply limit quicker.
Daniel Gonzalez
The reply limit here is 750 you nig, is it not enough for you?
Jaxson Roberts
We are looking at a Full breach of our national security. The Obama Admin was an INFILTRATION of the U.S.
On day 1 of Obamas office - no -one knew By the last day of his first term EVERYONE knew.
He has cut to many military jobs, Made to many special movements of Commanding officers and made to many WRONG MOVES where to RIGHT MOVE was a no brainer to make.
The USA has been infiltrated. They have entrenched us with stay behinds.
Queue the Tom Clancy Music because the shit is gonna get deep.
dive dive dive
Adam White
Colton Edwards
nice dubs! nice job repeatedly misspelling a three-letter word! nice Random capitalization! now you can kill yourself!
and so can you!
Aiden Campbell
Caleb Turner
You better believe it, you are going in one.
Camden Brown
Isn't it odd how the shills are
They sagebomb threads they don't like. Well done op with the thread, although I don't think it is quite 100%, I think it is the major cause for homosexuality, though. The other causes would be brainwashing and hormonal imbalances due to chemicals. Holla Forums has been fighting pedowood and 'it all started with papa's friend Abraham' aka 'papa kills babies'. Welcome aboard. Shills can be identified easily due to the fact that they don't understand Holla Forums, right wing ideology or alternate premises. For faggots with fursonas, they can't step into alien views all that well…. Kek.
Aaron Campbell
Perfect description of a reprobate, OP.
18 For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness; 19 Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed it unto them. 20 For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:
21 Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened. 22 Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, 23 And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things.
24 Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves: 25 Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.
26 For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: 27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.
28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient; 29 Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers, 30 Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, 31 Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful:
32 Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.
1 Kings 15 11 And Asa did that which was right in the eyes of the Lord, as did David his father. 12 And he took away the sodomites out of the land, and removed all the idols that his fathers had made.
John Barnes
Why are you even on Holla Forums if you defend mental illness?
Cooper Wood
fug my bad
Connor Flores
Either he is here to 'laugh at the stoopid nazi racists' or he is paid to be here. Remember, most of them do it for free - they believe in their cause. Now they have lost and they know it, so they do it out of spite.
Don't underestimate spite as a motivator, jews have been living out of it for nearly two thousand years now.
Carson Howard
hello mentally ill baptist
Charles Lee
As to showcase my point further, let me tell you how God operates. I have received wisdom in this matter (sadly not in many others).
Jews are mad that 'He chose the goyim! We'll show him!', but it will be God who shows the jews. All their plans will end up like Sisyphus. They are the Wojack to our Pepe (alternate name for Jahweh, btw).
Now, people see themselves in Pepe. When God created man, He created man in His image.
Now, God does not agree with our imagery of Pepe, but He uses it against the kikes. He makes His claimed enemies turn to Him. That's how He works.
Connor Turner
Reminder that high masons engage in sodomy to "cultivate" sperm with actual shit.
get the fuck out faggot.
Joshua Harris
defend the innocent. but always consider the will of god and what it is to be a godly man.
Nathan Bailey
Did you forget it isn't 2015 anymore? Next year wil be even better than this one
Jeremiah Smith
your pathetic attempt to shake our conviction just shows how much of a kike shill you are.
Jaxon Wright
God told us that the government should execute sodomites, and thats whats right in the eyes of the Lord.
Landon Lopez
I know you've considered suicide, but isn't it time you put your money where your mouth is?
Justin Cooper
The useful ones will entertain us, much like Frederick Mercury or Dame Elton John. But they will not be allowed to voice their perverse opinions.
Michael Bell
Nathan Hernandez
This entire thread fails, because you turn it into a religious spergfest. As if thousands of protestant churches aren't openly promoting homosexuality, racmixing, creationism and other forms of atheism.
Dominic Miller
Elijah Ortiz
False prophets were said to come. No reason to stop halfway in the rabbit hole.
Juan Reed
Oh, and remember those burning faggots in Taiwan? It's even a banner here.
Brandon Smith
Yes, creationism is a form of atheism, it turns God into some kind of poweful aliens who plays around with nature/
>False prophets were said to come. No reason to stop halfway in the rabbit hole. Meaningless blattering with no relevance to the question at hand.
Protestants are part of the problem mate, always have been, always will be.
Andrew Rodriguez
sorry I have no time for theologically inept children who think CF is an intellectual
did Plato make a mistake recording the words of Phaedrus
Josiah Hill
Nothing to do with what I said.
Eli Walker
I've seen one or two studies that show faggots and dykes are much more likely to a. commit sexual child abuse and b. be victims of sexual child abuse themselves. Can't remember what it was called. As a fun aside, jews are the biggest fag lovers of all races.
Julian Davis
From my personal experience knowing gays I'd say it's at least 50% which is pretty damn high.
Landon Ward
You said 'protestant churches promote atheism', which is exactly what I was referring to.
Lucas Phillips
We know you are a faggot. Milo, repent and sin no more.
Kevin Gomez
what is CF?
Brandon Cruz
Right, so you will never try to do something about your crooked ideology, because muh bad prophets.
I mean, that is basically what you belief, that you don't have to fix errors in your religion, because those errors are supposed to be there.
Parker Davis
CommonFilth, a youtuber. I've only watched his Tumblristas, so I don't know much about him, but he triggers the faggots and puritans alike.
Aaron Perez
What the fuck are you smoking? The Bible says that God created the world
Jason Brown
Creation is a form of atheism, God didn't create the world, the world exists because God exists.
This atheistical thinking of turning God into a giant man in the sky, who plays around with nature, is a veiled form of atheism.
Julian Watson
Genesis 1:1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
Isaac Miller
it's the communistjews and their puppets
if trump can't fix it we need the SS
Kevin Foster
I have question for all of you anons. If someone were to live within distance of a pedo storefront, what would you have that user do? Sure you can get OC of a white rabbit on the door, but interviews are likely to yield nothing but circumstantial evidence like : "look he's uncomfortable answering questions". Alex Jones and his crew were yelling at their entire audience to go to the place and ask question. I hope someone else gets to it before him so alex doesn't fill the place with autism and his ambush journalism, making us look retarded. I just wouldn't know what to do.
quit derailing the thread
Nicholas Long
What? My father is a protestant priest, I've been redpilling him for years. My friends, too. I also combat secularism, materialism and nihilism, the poison killing our societies. I believe in evolution and I will counter retarded arguments pretending to be Christian.
But the sword of truth is so often double edged. Theologians are often easily refuted with Paul and Christ. Equality and human rights are heresy, as is the lukewarm approach of modern churches.
False, but on the right tracks so to speak. You've acknowledged God's position in relation to existence; as the prime actor, but He is also the beginning and the end.
Jackson Brown
Nothing to do with what I said.
Either the Bible is the word of God and therefor is God, or it;s not and it's just a human creation.
Which is it.
Isaac Butler
OP, started this religious thread, you are therefore derailing the thread.
Colton Jackson
Find out how to SWAT them.
Thomas Foster
The Bible is not God, but the Bible contains the inerrant word of God
Jesus Christ is God
Henry Sanders
Good, then your claim of bad prophets is without warrant, it's not bad prophets but Christianity itself that is the problem.
False, God is timeless, thus he is the beginning and the end, because he stands outside of time.
Doesn't mean God creates anything, everything exists because God exists.
Josiah Moore
I see, your claiming that God is:
1. A book.
2. A man.
Explain to me why your not an atheist.
Joseph Smith
John Harris
Pastor Andersonites believe the Bible is God
Samuel Rogers
Talk about jumping to conclusions… Christianity itself is not the problem. We have just been living under heresy for a hundred or so years, be it Schofield Bible and zionism or Vatican II. Orthodoxy seems to remain, even though millions of them were slaughtered under the jewish atheists in their grand goal.
Levi Edwards
The Bible is not God, but the Bible contains the inerrant word of God
Jesus Christ chose to be born into the world as a man so that he could atone for the sins of man through a perfect blood sacrifice (there is no remission of sin without the shedding of blood), but Jesus Christ existed before the creation of the world and he is the alpha and the omega.
Elijah Edwards
Thus Christianity is the problem, you are basically admitting this, Christianity can not prevent what you call "heresy", thus Christianity is a failure.
Juan Perez
Thus it's God, the "word of God", can only be God himself, because the Word isn't an actually word that is spoken, do you understand this, God is not a man, thus the Word is God, thus you think the Bible is God.
So, you took a man and turned him into God.
Andrew Flores
I'm just eagerly awaiting the day when we can round up sodomites like you and lawfully execute you
Brody Nguyen
Morality is just a higher form of such an instinct. It does not surprise me that the low class people capable of actually believing that End up believing that morality does not real. You will never doubt hunger.
Xavier Gomez
Liam Hall
OP can't even prove his claim, so your argument is invalid.
Grayson Hill
Stirner was a literal cuck.
Jack Moore
=JOHN 1==
1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 The same was in the beginning with God. 3 All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made. 14 And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.
Christopher Miller
You don't seem to understand what being Christian is about. It means having certain beliefs about reality. Call heretics orthodox if you wish to, but you can't dissuade my position. You are talking semantics as some deeper truth. Such is the jewish way.
Jack Carter
Typical Christian, if you can't win a debate, start lying about your opponent.
Hudson Green
Libshits need to go. You have no power here.
Thomas Campbell
This user is correct.
The bible has been mistranslated on purpose many times over.
2000 years ago there were not separate words for nature and God.
Scofield bible that says to worship the political state of israel and pay no attention to what evil the kikes there do it the biggest example of a purposful mistranslation.
Christianity is antisemitic in nature. Judeo-christian makes no sense.
Jaxson Brown
The Bible is the God of the Christians.
Oliver Edwards
is that devoid of love? …true love, not a counterfeit.
if it is not coming from a place of love, then question your mind.
influence the world with truth and love.
Carter Lewis
Your mods are all SJW cucks theres more free speech on >>>Holla Forums than there ever will be in commieworld
Zachary Evans
You just put a '=' in between contradictory statements. Heretic =/= orthodox. Leftists are not right wingers, even if the right wing has been infiltrated by left wingers. Do you understand?
Ryan Smith
In other words, Christianity is the state of being possesed by the daemon Christ, so you no longer have the free will needed to change.
Jordan Davis
Only if we go by the definition given by Socrates. Kek.
I don't see what this has to do with what we where talking about.
John Hall
Adrian Kelly
No, this is not true, either. Christianity is gardening and herding. It is evolution, life, truth and the way.
Jonathan Cruz
I see, no counter-argument, so you admit you gave your free will to a daemon?
Brandon Richardson
1 Kings 15 11 And Asa did that which was right in the eyes of the Lord, as did David his father. 12 And he took away the sodomites out of the land, and removed all the idols that his fathers had made.
2 Peter 2:6 And turning the cities of Sodom and Gomorrha into ashes condemned them with an overthrow, making them an ensample unto those that after should live ungodly
Brayden Martin
Elijah Hall
No, now you are describing Western civilization, Christianity is mummification, the end.
Samuel Nelson
You're retarded. Stirner doesn't deny that moral "instincts" exist, but people ACTUALLY believe they are obligated to be enslaved to superfluous ideas that exist outside of them. Not that they just want to or desire it, but that they are actually committing some kind of offense against a metaphysical "thing" by not following a moral law.
Ayden Carter
Yeah, don't see the difference between churches now and three hundred years ago.
You just outed yourself as illiterate. Faggot, why are you protecting pedophiles, anyway? If OP is so wrong, I don't see the point.
Ethan Rodriguez
I see, no arguments.
Elijah Turner
No, what new things has Christianity brought us.
And more Christian lies about me.
Kevin Flores
If we go by his premises, I'd say: so what?
Cameron Davis
btw its a shame that Holla Forums has tarnished the image of Stirner here, since I think Holla Forums would appreciate some of his ideas. Leftists themselves are notoriously beholden to external ideas, and if you question them or refuse them you are 'evil'
Hunter Phillips
Seems like a solid argument to me, Christianity is death, why isn't that an argument.
Colton Bailey
Socrates gave a definition for 'daemon' that would have fit your claim and made it right - in so far as you claim that truth does not set one free.
Levi Gomez
Lot of ass blasted faggotsno pun intendedITT
Hudson Ross
of course i believe the bible is god are you an atheist faggot
James Peterson
Never mentioned socrates, only using the old Greek form because otherwise I would imply that Christ is completely evil, which he is not, just misguided, like all lower daemons.
Daniel Morris
Go join Soro's shitskin march.
Oliver Carter
To the faggots, but the faggots are already dead. Genetic dead ends and hedonists. Why do you think faggotry is always associated with dying state of an empire?
Jonathan Baker
Bentley Howard
Aiden Jackson
Then you are a heretic.
Sebastian White
the bible is a book fam. it contains the inerrant word of god, but you can throw it around and put it in your backpack or whatever.
the arc of the covenant is where God actually lived for a while and if anybody touched it, they died
Ayden Smith
This thread is about how bad faggots are, not a cuck philosopher no one gives a damn about.
Grayson Allen
Still pretending I am a faggot I see.
Dominic Morris
But you used Daemon, not demon. Also, I mentioned Socrates. What is wrong with your brain?
Jace White
well i guess you guys are you're on your way to hell
Eli Reyes
Yes, the Great Mind behind Existence, the Ground of Being lived in an ark.
So now God is a book, a man and a thing that fits in an ark.
Noah Campbell
William Smith
Moral systems are facades. Useful facades, maybe, but you neuter yourself by submitting to things that are not real. I would prefer to see reality as is and act accordingly, than to be deluded and submit to things that have no basis and are external to me.
That doesn't mean I act like some sociopath btw. I find it sad that there is no objective moral law, but I still treat people well. I just don't have any illusions of some higher force - divine or otherwise - compelling me to do so.
Caleb Smith
better version
Brody Gomez
'The Word' is Logos and Christ. See
Jeremiah Carter
sigh, now we are getting to the face where you pretend to be ignorant.
the fuck is the "great mind"? that's not in the bible
Brody Williams
No, obviously it's not.
Joseph Morris
Moral systems are natural constructs, like bee-hives to bees. They follow the same structures, even if different races of bees build somewhat different kinds of hives. We can also rank them in a hierarchical order by the fruit of their labor. Functional societies build them in a similar fashion - hence why Asian, Hellenic and Christian societies were so developed. They agreed on so many things. Taoism and stoicism are basically Christianity (but not quite). But without an objective goal, all 'usefulness' of anything can be discarded by simply disagreeing.
There is a reason the puritans were driven out of Europe.
Adrian Perez
yeah. the word is christ. duh. the word was made flesh and dwelt among us. therefore the word is god
The Word is still God.
and btw 'logos' isn't in the bible bitch.
unless you're a native greek speaker or are fluent youre an idiot for believing what some scholar tells you a word "really" means.
Luis Richardson
Owen Stewart
Implying Gnosticism, Satanism and Masonry don't all have Christian origins.
Liam Green
Christian Sullivan
Yes, but the simple words of the Bible are not God, as that would be idolatry. God can show Himself in the Bible, and more often than not, does. But have Satan read the Bible and what do you get? The word of God?
Dominic Watson
Nicholas Carter
Parker Myers
Implying Judaism and the Talmud didn't develop as an anti-Christian movement and thus have Christianity to thank for their origin.
In fact, almost all the evil in the world has it's origin in Judaism/Christianity, including communism.
Anthony Anderson
Yes, Satan is a Christian concept, Creationism changes God into some gigantic alien playing around with nature.
Landon Ramirez
if people believe in the law, there is no need for enforcement. this is the ideal.
our problems will not be solved by sweeping them under the rug.
Nicholas Ross
would love to see a verse on that.
more than likely you believe you can lose your salvation. or the more kikish way of getting around it; "well if you're really saved you'd act like it." If that's the case, there's no point even discussing this.
Logan Foster
The thing about moral systems is that people do not acknowledge that they are natural emergent properties, they are not consciously seen for what they are.
Anyway I'd disagree with you. Taoism and stoicism are superficially similar to Christianity but the differences result in quite different kind of social structures and human behaviour. Stoicism was not the dominant Hellenic philosophy either, there was Epicureanism, Platonism, Atomism all that shit. Before the Pre-Socratics developed a lot of their philosophy the success of Greece, I believe, would have come from their Homeric polytheism and very non-Christian moral system.
I use the word 'useful' to describe things that help achieve the 'natural ends' of living things, like self-propagation and survival - which they develop desires toward. I guess I have quite a scholastic interpretation here (excluding that I think these are emergent and not contained in a prior divine intellect).
Hudson Gomez
He also said that Christianity is death (and mummification, kek). He is against traditionalism, truth and western civilization. He can not connect the dots.
Talmud was pharisean heretical sect of judaism, where they worship the elders of Zion, their rabbis and indeed, the talmud. However, no jew of today would qualify as a jew two thousand years ago, simply because they can't trace their lineage. They've broken their own laws so often they had to ignore and reinterpet them over and over again.
Hunter Bell
I gave it to you. God is Spirit, not text. God is alive, not a robotic algorithm.
Lucas Jackson
A Brabantian isn't a Limburgian, though I doubt there is much difference between the two groups.
Brody Gomez
Amen. Thanks user, God bless.
Jaxson Baker
retarded libshit confirmed. Christianity came after pagan worship. There is no evidence it came before.
Jacob King
I do not belief in the Christian category of Pagan.
Henry Williams
Yes, but the difference is far smaller than judaism, Islam, communism or mesoamerican religions (compared to western civilization).
Yeah, they are the same heretics, but for people who claim to worship the law, they disagree with it a lot. Double standards and corruption to the very end. It isn't a coincidence that the sect furthest from God is the one that survived.
Elijah Williams
brother i admire you zeal but stop and think.
1.) When God resided on the mountain and Moses went up to see him, he decreed that nobody else should come anywhere near because they would die.
2.) When God's spirit resided in the arc of the covenant, if anybody touched it, they died.
If God WAS the book, then if you touched it, you would die.
Anthony Carter
Pagan is a weird classification, indeed. All combined. It's better to divide each religion to their own groups and categories and start from there.
Logan Jackson
Paganism is worship of sexual magick and idolatry. All of these are present in the old religions that predated Christianity. These are being used in occult shit like pedopizza and spiritcooking
Doesnt matter if youre a belieber or not, it's a fucking fact.
Jordan White
Let me get this straight, your logic has actually caused you to belief that God can be contained on a mountain or in an ark, that God is in fact some small thing with a place and location, like Zeus living on mount Olympus.
David Barnes
No, that's your very own definition of the word, not even in line with other Christians.
Wyatt Sullivan
God can choose to reside wherever he pleases, but wherever he is, nothing imperfect can touch it
Jayden Rivera
That's not what he said. That's not how God operates. The verse is in the image I referred to. 2 Cor 3:17, 2 Cor 3:6.
To imply that the Bible is God is heresy and idolatry.
Kevin Flores
You quoted a catholic/orthodox monk. Totally unsaved, therefore, he's reading The Word blindfolded. The passage he's twisting adressed that toward the end
So the part where it's pretty much saying "the text is dead" is because it's being read by people who have hardened hearts. Kind of like when either you or satan quotes the word. You're not saved, therefore it has no power, no spirit, and isn't god.
Xavier Bailey
So, you literally think that God is basically like Zeus, that he isn't the ground or being of the universe, but an active player within the universe, that plays around with nature.
Kevin Cooper
i know a psychic guy and he said that fags have fucked up auras.
Bentley Sanders
I thought paganism would include any kind of non-monotheistic religious tradition, regardless of whether or not "sexual magick" is involved. Idolatry is only a useful category if you think there are idols that steal attention from a legitimate end of worship like God.
Hunter Martinez
You are a complete moron, but that's why youre a leftard
Brandon Hall
You decide? Now you are God?
Jaxon Gray
Right, so you think God is the Bible, but you can't admit it because heresy/idolatry.
Jackson Garcia
No, I never implied anything remotely like that, started to lie?
Aiden Cox
You're actually an idiot if you didn't get it until now. But i know that you understood it, no one can be that stupid. You just don't want to accept it. That's it. I pray for you.
You did well.
Adrian Gray
Yes God is NOT the universe. God created the universe and existed prior to its creation. Of course he is an active player within the universe, having created it from the beginning. And yes God does "play around," with nature, in fact he created nature and it is the work of his hands.
Christopher Ortiz
No. God gave us the Bible and can appear in it. God can appear in a burning bush if he wants to.
Read between the lines, dear mr. robot. Be alive.
Bentley Rogers
I see and you think calling me a moron and threatening me with a curse will somehow change my mind?
Hunter Martin
So your basically an atheist then, you think God is part of the material universe, instaid of containing the universe and guiding it.
Lucas Wright
May God grant you your vision back. Perhaps some wisdom, too. Certainly humility.
Matthew Torres
Right, if God can appear in the Bible or in anything else, then why do you need the Bible?
Joseph Garcia
I guess you can't even keep track of your own thoughts, you truly are a fucking idiot. You couldn't connect the dots so I did it for you.
Grayson Jenkins
No. Heh, Christianity is a step beyond simple monotheism. Read on Cosmic theism / Panentheism. Aquinas is good place to start with.
Colton Lopez
Curses don't work on me, I am protected by the real God, who isn't a man, or a book, or a breath or something else material.
Robert Wood
No, God created the material world. He is not a part of it, although he can choose to interact within it.
Cameron Morales
Lol i feel so sorry for you. First I didn't call you an idiot, read again what I wrote. Second i never cursed you. God bless you. I hope you'll be able to jump over your shadow soon.
Ayden Wilson
He preaches a works salvation. He's not saved. Let him be accursed.
The "sin of presumption" bullshit doesn't come from the bible.
Says I can know.
Kayden Hernandez
I have no intention of reading anything, I am here to debate.
Christopher Hernandez
Right, so God doesn;t actually have any dominion over the world, since he is not a part of it, just an alien playing around with it.
Logan Reyes
To remember what He said. To know the covenant. To self-improve. All kinds of reasons, really. We can use it as a guideline as to know what we are dealing with.
Elijah Moore
I kinda find them funny, these people are so simple and dumb.
That is the best that they can come up with, some thousand year old, goat man who hates the fish man. That is whom they choose to represent their vile vices.
It makes no goddamn sense, how can so many of these "elites" be so goddamn daft? I can go into /tg/ on halfchan and find people who are ten times more creative, even in "evil" ways, in things that does not result in pedo garbage.
I mean actual evil like genocide, or weird evil. But at least creatively evil. But these people, the best that their creativity allows is to "lets diddle the kids". You know what I would do if I wanted to make an ebil conspiracy with elite people? I would conspire to steal an army, attack helicopter, loaded with missiles, and shoot them at old peoples homes. Or just shoot at giant cities. I wouldnt turn into an "le ebil anti fishman, who wants to remove the innocence of children@!". The world is far too complex, far too rewarding in its capacity to do both evil and good. There is no good reason why 90% of all elites turn into kiddy diddlers.
Ian Wright
He indeed has. With truth about the true nature of the Bible, that it is flawed and manmade.
Hudson Baker
This has not been my experience AT ALL. Where did you get this idea? Probably some conservative state I'd wager. Visit someplace like Seattle sometime, they won't even consider denying it. Hell, half the time they offer the information up unsolicited. Have you ever even seen a "pride parade"? These people aren't hiding their faggotry anymore.
Adrian Bailey
No. God created the world and can destroy the world. He exists outside of the world, but he can choose to interact within the world. He has perfect dominion over all things, having created all things and being able to destroy all things
Bentley Nguyen
So, you admit then that the Bible is just an attempt to understand God and nothing else then, because God can appear anywhere.
Ryan Clark
Look at the century he lived in. There was no Catholic/Orhtodox division yet. There was no heresy of that kind - and not of the protestant kind either.
Nathaniel Garcia
But that is atheism, you are saying that God is just a creature like all other creatures, just outside the universe and extremely powerful.
Oliver Price
You seriously misunderstand classical theism. Go read Aquinas.
Christian Ramirez
…if you're not a faggot, why did you hang with them?
Brody Price
No, God is the creator.
Liam Hill
Now that is a wild claim as well. It is not an ordinary book. It is the most dangerous book in history. It requires deep wisdom to approach it the right way - to use it to reach God. It isn't a dispenser giving us algorithms.
It is dozens of books of varying genres. Read the book of wisdom and evangelion of John, or psalsm.
Jeremiah Murphy
Xavier Moore
Like I create a sandwich, thus you are not talking about God, but about some creature.
Caleb Barnes
Then proudly wallow in your ignorance like a dog who returns to its own vomit. I don't care. Just don't spout your shitty opinions.
Mason Rodriguez
It is either manmade, or of some other make, but if it's made by God, then it is God, if not, then it's just manmade.
Christian Nelson
Luke Wright
Are you being willfully ignorant?
creator =/= creature
Jackson Mitchell
Why the separation? Christ was man and God.
Thomas Watson
I'm sure there are a few exceptions that prove the rule. And it's not just rape or molestation, all manner of childhood abuse or neglect cause it, including being raised by a single mother. Find me a faggot who had a normal healthy childhood in every respect; you can't do it.
Josiah Anderson
I know, then why do you belief that?
Noah Lopez
So you think God is a man?
Justin Cruz
Aquinas has the answers you seek, but you won't read him.
Gavin Cruz
Jaxon Sullivan
This man is genuinely one of the stupidest people I have ever had the misfortune of communicating with.
God is the creator of the world, not a creature of the world.
Easton Foster
What is this autism? Why are you saying 'lies'? You're just a deist who misunderstood medieval scholastic theology and thinks God can't interact with the universe because he is Being itself, despite the fact that Being is a conscious mover who has moved everything in existence and continues to move everything, and does so with precise intent and unlimited power.
Carter Thomas
Irrelevant, I am here to debate, not to get book suggestions.
Matthew Cook
You didn't understand me because you don't understand where I come from. Read aquinas.
Zachary Evans
Why do you then proclaim God is seperate from the world and toying around with the world?
God contains the world and grounds the world.
Jaxon Parker
haha I wasn't talking about you friend. fa952d is a fool
Anthony Morris
No, never called myself that.
Brandon Nelson
>paradoxical transcendent Divine Panentheism, through intellectual articulation of inner dimensions of Kabbalah
Found the heresy.
Nicholas Watson
Let me spoonfeed you, mr. 'protect the fags and pedos from evil Christians'.
Jeremiah Parker
Ah, ok.
Gabriel Evans
I don't care what you call yourself, it's what you are.
Henry Perez
God is the creator of the world, and can destroy the world, and can interact within the world
Mason Williams
Yes, I am a fool, because I do not think I know everything about God or religion, unlike most Christians, who proudly proclaim to know the truth.
Lincoln Hernandez
Gabriel Thomas
>Most gays were never admit to university researchers that they were molested FTFY. They're not stupid, they understand the purpose of such queries from researchers, so they always lie and say their childhoods were great and that they were born that way.
But if you're not a university researcher, just some average joe, and you earn their trust, they'll always eventually admit the truth. They hate their parent[s]. They claim to have been abused or neglected. They resent others for having normal childhoods. If you earn their trust, they'll admit all of this to you in hushed tones, because they know their personal truth confirms the worst that has always been suspected of their demographic as a whole. That's why they lie to researchers about it, they don't want to contribute to the stereotypes being right.
Evan Long
Michael Richardson
Connor Thomas
Jesus Christ and his word within the Bible is the truth
Connor James
God did not create the world, he can not destroy it because he can not destroy himself and his existence is interaction.
Isaiah Scott
God and his God within the God is the God.
Elijah Green
Or victims of it, you forgot that part. But yeah, statements that ignore Pareto's principle are 80% of the time wrong.
Parker James
>This study (which interviewed the most flaming of faggots attending a gay parade) found that less than half ADMITTED to being molested as a child. And how many lied because they saw a politically charged motivation for the question?
Easton Roberts
What do they say about broken clocks? The jews use functional tools for dysfunctional purposes.
Mason Parker
Because your conception of God eliminates the possibility of God interacting with reality, which makes little sense. The Christians even believe God interacts within himself, as the three divine persons of the Trinity.
Oh so you're actually a pantheist. God is distinct from creation because he can exist without it, and indeed did before he made the world and will continue to after the world is gone. I'm not even Christian but please fucking read Aquinas
Jose Reed
Not sure what has been said in this thread, however whilst Christians do not know everything about God; a lot has been revealed about His character. We know of many of His attributes(order, justice, strength, wisdom, family, zeal, duty, loyalty, truth, honesty, kindness, love, compassion, etc), we have His law to some extent inscribed on our hearts (ever wondered why all kids think fags are disgusting until they 'learn better'?), and He gifts us with further knowledge and wisdom when we have established a relationship with Him (through Jesus Christ) and pray for Him to reveal His will to us.
Leo Lewis
No, never said or implied anything like that.
God exists, thus the universe exists, thus he interacts with the world.
That would imply Time predates God, which it doesn't.
Christian Nelson
Homosexuals are rapists and contain diseases so children evolved to feel ill when they see homo's which would increase their chance of surviving.
Justin Edwards
I'm not talking in terms of time, but in terms of causality.
Aiden Richardson
Here's a question for you Holla Forums: How did fa852d (58)! manage to derail a thread about faggotry into esoteric theology debate?
Tyler Bennett
Nice monologue
Life isnt a vidcon kid.
Easton White
Implying you can have causality without time.
Carson Ward
Would not explain the disgust with lesbians, but nice try. Yes, the nature of sin is to die by its own hand.
Ryan Green
Smh tbh fam
Bentley Ramirez
Then you're saying that God didn't create time, dummo.
Dominic Murphy
I would, since lesbians could rape children or introduce them to male homosexuals.
Also, everything is geared towards reproduction, so not finding gays queer will decrease a childs chance of not reproducing,.
Thomas Wood
No, I am saying that the world, time and God exist, because they exist. There are no steps.
Time and World are contained within God.
Kayden Young
This is based on the premise that lesbians and gays would have cared to interact with each other and thought of themselves as alike in some primordial human environment prior to the existence of the 'gay community' in the 20th century
Lucas Hernandez
How did you get there?
Juan Gomez
I added a second point. Don't ignore it.
Landon Price
That point is probably correct but has little impact on the moral quality of homosexuality.
Grayson Green
Have you read of Sodom and Gomorrah?
Jonathan White
The Bible is not God, alright.
Mason Foster
What is your point? I gave you ancient text referring to similar conditions as today.
Dylan Barnes
Right, because not reproducing isn't inherently amoral.
Kevin Ross
Hunter Anderson
I don't know, what is your point exactly?
That I have to worship a book like it's God, that you have to introduce your religion into everything?
Brandon Lee
Romans 1:22
Do you really not see how idiotic your argument is? Is it not more likely humans are just geared to hate which is unnatural and disgusting? By your logic it makes no sense that people are disgusted when seeing trash in a forest. When perfection, beauty or order is disrupted; we find it abhorrent. We find it so because it is the corruption of that which was God had originally made as good.
Juan Harris
I responded to wrong post initially, I should have referred to
Guess I should head for bed now that lines are jumping around.
Cooper Russell
Saying God became humans is a complete lie, and this man is a false prophet. The Christian belief is that god MADE man in his own image not that he became one.
Implies that God and Man are are on equal ground
Clear as day blasphemy
A very obvious parallel to FreeMasons concept of illumination through following Lucifer.
Andrew Perry
Exactly and I am trying to explain WHY thats the case, while you refuse to accept the reasons and just go with blind faith.
Julian Reyes
I found a plebbit post from /r/pizzagate, and tracked down broken links and archived the rest, and noted the ones I couldn't track down.
I remember that it was a hoax. They got burned from an accident (fireworks?), not from a hate crime. But the community lied and presented it as a hate crime to get sympathy points.
I've been part of the alphabet soup community and the majority of them always lie to exploit every drop of sympathy of people. Remember the Olympic contestant in Brazil who lied about getting beaten up and remember the lesbian waitress who lied about being refused tips from a Christian couple.
If a tranny claims that they're likely to die, then they're being dishonest. Only 24 of them died this year from homicide (waaaay less than cis people) and it was not because they were trans. The majority of the victims were niggers.
One of the cases involved an FtM person who got gunned down for lunging at police officers with a knife. Another one of those cases involved an MtF who allegedly tried to sexual assault a 16 year old kid. The majority of them died at inns and apartments, which implied that they were prostitutes.
Colton Wood
They clearly prefer a culture of steam, a fluid culture, if you can call it that. The more slaves you have, the more free labor you get.
You'd be surprised how easy it is to buy people out. I'm sure a number of people in this very thread have a buying price. And that would mean they'd look away, stop digging if they were paid off.
Jews get involved in finance because money is a meme, their behavior is a meme, their scripture flat out says they should meme the goyim/cattle into giving them what they want. And that's what they do.
So, the pattern there is high level manipulation and low level chaos.
Whereas, the cool memers, such as you and me, favor high level chaos and low level manipulation.
Daniel Johnson
No. Yeah, it's like world view affects every action and thought. I can, and do, utilize and entertain alternate views every now and then.
Who is Jesus Christ?
Kayden Jones
I'm so tired of arguing with internet Christians, they are adept at begging the question. They accept their worldview a prior and reduce all explanations of natural phenomena to Christian ideology. "durr its obvious" No shit, it's a belief system specifically constructed to explain the world, just as much as dialectical materialism or Buddhism, which are internally consistent and explain the world in their own ways.
I used to be a Christian convert btw.
Thomas Garcia
That was the initial claim, though. It wasn't a hoax. It was divine.
Elijah Adams
I have nothing against Christ or Christians until they act like they have indisputable proof that their religions are true.
Even the Mormons believe it's all a matter of faith. That's what their church president said when confronted with evidence that there are no Jew genes among the native Americans.
Caleb Ramirez
That's what everybody does. Do you assume logic or did you prove it with an alternate method (that is not logic, because that would be circular reasoning).
Ian Rivera
If Satanism is on the table, it isn't primarily about pleasure-seeking, but about blackmail. If it were merely pleasure-seeking, they would do these things individually. The reason they do it in group settings is to bond through mutual blackmail.
It's called "making your bones".
The fact that the cohesiveness of our elite is tied together primarily through blackmail opens up the possibility of concentric circle rings of blackmail. In other words, there is no reason to suspect that this stops at the level of the Clintons. The Clintons are, after all, up-jumped Appalachian drug smugglers. When did this particular cult start? It probably pre-dates the Clintons by a very, very long time.
There are, in all likelihood, levels above the Clintons. Perhaps Soros is a step above the Clintons. Perhaps Rockefeller is a stop above Soros. Perhaps Rothschild is a step above Rockefeller. Perhaps there's somebody a step above Rothschild. The Royal Family? Who fucking knows.
Hell, it might go back further the founding of America. The Freemasons pre-date America. They do some weird occult Lucifer/Satanist oriented shit, who's to say how deep this rabbit hole goes?
Anything is possible now.
Robert Brown
I would disagree with you there. I prefer when Christians try to use reason, like the Catholic scholastics do. The real problem I see is that there are people who believe you must accept it on faith, and then shit on you for not doing so, as if it's just obvious and right that you should believe without evidence.
Cameron Wright
Why are you guys still arguing with fish man fanboys? Its 2016…we closed this topic off many, MANY years ago.
You see, the problem that we have is that the anti fish people, the goat man people are still christians, but they are following the other side of christianity, the "do not do these things or else fish man wont liek you" manual.
But all in all, if you were to eliminate all fish men, and goat men, the rate of kiddy diddling would go down significantly.
Because while they may not like the fish man, they still hold dear to them the idea of innocence, because of fish teachings or something. And that is also one of the reasons why they diddle kids.
But if you have no fish man concepts of innocence, or of sins. Then you cannot become a goat man either.
You see, the true evil is just touching anything of this vile lore. Doesnt matter if its pro or anti. This whole stream is pure evil, and the fish man also promotes egalitarianism. Which pollutes the blood of races.
John Cox
What kind of evidence is required to blow this shit wide open? We've already got pictures of toddlers on Comet Pizza's instagram with sexually suggestive comments. What the hell else can we even do? I don't know what would work beyond actual video evidence. They control the law enforcement agencies.
Maybe people should start harassing these people on a daily basis, getting up their faces with cameras and berating them about being a pedophile. Like the Podestas, that Alefantis faggot, David Brock, etc.
Jaxson Nguyen
I don't think logic is intrinsically good or anything, but here's how I see it. Christians say God is Truth and goodness and so on, and we humans exist as frail, temporal beings with limited knowledge. We have to use rational thinking and investigation to get closer to truth, which is concealed to us, so why would God - if he exists - then conceal himself from rational investigation as well? I don't mean science and shit by the way, I just mean that the divine is hidden enough for it to be a rational position to hold to nonbelief, and yet the use of logic seems to be the best way to yield what Christians say God wants us to find, which is truth.
Nathaniel Wood
There is no way. The media won't cover it. However, we can put them to justice wherever we meet them.
Zachary Wright
They might if we harassed them so much and protested outside their shitty pizza restaurants that they can't ignore it.
Elijah Anderson
I like logic because it's a comfortable means of understanding the world.
However, some people live like feelings are the best way to understand the world.
I say both are valid, and the trick is getting them to work together.
As far as this puzzle is concerned, I'd say let's use our emotions to think, not think with our emotions.
Brody Green
How the hell does that even happen? I can understand being a Christian because you were raised that way, but how can somebody be persuaded to convert? What was said to you that got you to buy into the christian memeplex?
In my experience, most converts are ex-junkies or alcoholics.
Isaac Torres
Life spent seeking God is a life worth living. There is something intrinsically wrong with our intelligencia, even in physics. That means that something is seriously wrong in our approach. Rather than fixing our model, we imagine there to be mysterious x-factor that fixes reality so that the model is correct.
God does not hide from intelligent, rational approach. Socrates was close, very close. Plato and Aristotle as well. The notion that religion and -Christianity especially- as irrational is a meme. Yes, a meme spread by burgers, too, but it is naught but propaganda. C.S. Lewis and Aquinas, Kant and many others have had very good results with intelligent approach. Why don't you start there?
Adam Kelly
The later half of this video is equally Luciferian.
The belief that there is no intelligent design while science is finding more links that can not be an accident such as the Higs Boson.
Fucking stupid concept considering before Christianity people were happy to be degenerates.
This is against what Jesus taught to reject desires of the flesh. Man moving away from god is what Satan has always wanted, starting from the apple.
Matthew Parker
I think you mean millennia
They're untouchable. The only difference now is that we have the internet, whereas in the past, they controlled the media, and thus, could shut it down. Back in the middle ages when people found out what this cult was doing, they were chased out with pitchforks (something that happened all over Europe for thousands of years, look into the history of anti-semitism).
We just need to meme this. That's it. Seriously, if this gets memetic, they're done for. Videos, catchy pictures, references, hell, anything to spread this knowledge and soon enough we'll be Seoul 2.0
Joshua Moore
It's because modernism is wrong and lying to you about everything.
Why do you lie? God+Universe >! God. It is stated in the video. >>>/Christian/ go seek help.
Grayson Morris
People can be only be aware of it if they're part of the community themselves. They won't spill beans to a straight ally. The majority of the rationalize themselves into thinking that it's good so they remain silent about it.
As the OP stated, the majority loathe standards and conduct, and will claim that you're judgemental or narrow-minded if you denounce an action like having sex with std-infected people.
They're dishonest people, so they'll present it as a homophobic attack by "ebil cis bigots". You need to display tangible proof instead of allegations. Show their actions for what they are.
Leo Lopez
So they reveal the lie of modernism, which puts you in a state to uncritically accept their memeplex? Maybe this mechanism could be harnessed by Holla Forums as well.
Samuel Martinez
If I still lived in DC, I would film myself going to these places to eat pizza and create creepy pedo food experiences to upload to YouTube. Anyone in DC?
Ryan Stewart
Modern Satanism coined by Alester Crowly "Do what thou wilt"
This whole video is satanic and you're a retard for believing any of it. it was obvious from the start when he started talking about christian doctrine.
William Nelson
Dude, if you haven't noticed, Holla Forums is thirsting for any memeplex they can get their hands on. Be it ancient Egyptian gods, gnosticism, tarot, chaos magic, romanticized germanic paganism, hellenism, even humanism.. Why would you be surprised that somebody picked Christianity? Because you've been programmed to go against it from a young age?
Asher Taylor
True, though I think relying on feelings often leads to conclusions discordant with reality that affect us negatively. I think a reasonable explanation for why humans want to discover the truth and are able to find more reliable means of doing so is that its good for our survival to be able to have a better understanding of our environment. If we are deluded we act in ways that aren't actually working alongside reality, we react to things that aren't there etc.
I was a fag, maybe I wanted to repent of this kek Nah, I don't know. See, I hadn't grown up around religion and had a lot of preconceived ideas about it, so when I discovered Christian philosophy and Christian ethics I was impressed enough to buy into the idea that the religion itself might be true. I think a lot of Christian philosophy is really impressive, like Aquinas, but I don't believe that the worldview is actually correct.
Strong assertion user, I would like to hear you back this up. I don't wish to demean the philosophers or the Christian theologians as irrational, because they were not. They worked well to investigate reality as well as they could. By no merit of my own, but instead by standing on the backs of whole millenia of philosophical enquiry, I do not think that Christianity has reliable enough premises in order to believe it. C.S. Lewis is a nice guy but not a great philosopher, Aquinas is without comparison but I do not think that the personal god emerges very well from his philosophy and is not something I have observed (though I probably agree with a lot about what he says on the first cause), and Kant I have not read enough about but he wasn't quite an orthodox Christian, was he?
Landon Adams
Go for it, but they'll try to claim that it's fake because it's edited. Which is a stupid excuse because a vast majority of videos are edited. It's a stupid excuse that works on normies though. You need to be there for when the depraved actions actually occur.
Logan Brooks
Also, the lies of modernism is why people here are natsoc in the first place. People look back to functional societies. Some look further. If you don't like humanism, human rights etc. you go for Christianity, as it was the dominant European tradition prior to the French Revolution. Eastern Europe remembers the communists, and the thing before them? Christianity. I'm not sure how the Americans see it, their puritans created the hardline fedoras (thanks again, you've been a true hero and greatest allies for us in Europe since forever).
Lincoln Wilson
YEP once again, this guy closes off the video with doctrine straight out of FreeMasonry. The concept of Gnostic path of Lucinfe is that God is the evil one for holding knowledge (the apple) from man and Lucifer is the good force for giving them freedom.
Landon Green
It's not a matter of being real or fake, it's just creating something that's funny or creepy or whatever that spreads the message.
Nathaniel Martin
yeah but a relatively high fraction of them were
and a scaringly high (even if only like 2%) fraction of fags are child molesters first and foremost
Leo Perez
If you really don't care CTR, then would you tell us everything you know?
James Reyes
Wrong, dipshit.
Joshua Stewart
That video editing is annoying as fuck. Here's a better one.
Thomas Stewart
I assume you are familiar with 'emergent properties'?
Well, lets' state that consciousness is indeed, emergent property. But that raises a point when together with known facts. The actual can -at best- reach the potential. Be it energy, the position of light etc. For example, there is a potential that the least amount of light scattered, so that the light has reached the furthest distance possible since the big bang. Now, that is a mathematical potential, extremely unlikely, but a possibility nonetheless. It was a quality necessary to have the world as we have it, no? Now, the same applies to every combination of everything we have. (Of course, quantum physics with 5th dimensional interaction make it a tad bit more complex).
Say, we have emergent properties like consciousness. How much potential was there for consciousness to arise? Why did the Universe hold such vast amount of potential consciousness? I'd even go as far as to argue that, likewise with actual information and energy, actual consciousness was infinitely present in the source that caused the Big Bang of our world. If not, at the very least the potential was to cause an entire expanding race of conscious beings that spread around and interact with the world, changing it and shaping it enormously. It's curious how such potential is present.
That's just me, though.
Cameron Gutierrez
CTR is dead, it's only JIDF now.
Dominic Murphy
Your argument was literally:
You are trying to have me take on 'faith' that lesbians and homosexuals worked with one-another to bugger children. Logic, that thing you are saying I am without; suggests the historic homosexuals and lesbians would have some similarities to today's variants; which largely dislike each other. Lesbians are noted as being very sexually inactive, whilst faggots have their entire existence revolving around the penis. The further point of historic lesbians and homosexuals often being separated from one-another; homosexuals supposedly being rife among some culture's militaries, and particularly navies where women were not allowed to travel. Furthermore they actively only find other men/women attractive; it seems a little silly to think a gay man would want to spend a lot of time around gay women (though I suppose if underground sodomite cults existed they might gather).
Nonetheless you are asking me to take on 'faith' an entire history with no evidence, and lots of logical reasons for why such things would not happen. Then I respond with that great quote from Romans 1:22 and you feel offended?
You are trying to make out like you are the wise one, and intellectual powerhouse who has to deal with Christians and their non-existent/circular logic. You make this claim RIGHT AFTER you state something that is even more absurd than what I proposed; my argument of things being used improperly or being out of place (such as trash in a forest) provokes a natural disgust in us. So I at least have a shred of evidence for my theory; you have none, and yet to you I am the one forcing you to take my word on faith.
I'll say it again because it explains your mindset so well.
Romans 1:22:
Jace Ramirez
Alright so speaking of degeneracy help me out here
So i obviously have some degeneracy to me, but i like to think i have a good sense of how things are
Jordan Peterson
Thanks for the highly scientific proof. This video evidence is worth a thousand academic studies.
Camden Watson
Because, faggot, the lord prince of pleasure/pain/decadence/"everything-fucked-beyond-reson" Slanesh IS chaos. Still though, that is most likely a khorne loyalist posted
Charles Taylor
why does classical religious art look like anime? why did the japs steal that aesthetic from us and then act like we never did it?
Tyler Jackson
did it first*
Julian Turner
Yes, it is fascinating. That's one of the real ideas that I've been wrestling with, the potentiality and actualisation of consciousness and the necessity of actual consciousness in the first cause. I am more or less a theist, but I find the idea that God wishes to be known out of step with the divine hiddenness that seems to be our reality.
That wasn't me my dude. Please check the IDs.
Jacob Moore
I've refuted your video from top to bottom, you're being duped into following new-age lies that are start to finish was Masonic lectures for the goyim to easily swallow.
If the bible were just an effort to make up a fantasy then why are there prophecies that are becoming true more by the day, with clear warnings against problems we see permeating society. Why is it that the most powerful people in the world are clearly Satanic and want to indoctrinate people into accepting it. Why is there so much hate against only Christians that they use tools like Islam to wipe them out?
Jace Brooks
You likely won't believe me but you probably have demons. There are plenty of 'Deliverance Churches' in the US, and a fair amount in the UK and across Europe. Have them pray over you.
If you do not feel like asking others to help; try prayer and fasting. Fasting for a long time (no food at all for 7-20 days) can do wonders for the human body, even atheists and scientists acknowledge this. A lot of healing power is used up on digesting and processing food that would otherwise be used to heal (this can get rid of all kinds of things from scars, eczema, asthma, all kinds of things). From a secular stand point it the body may be able to heal the 'crossed wires' in the brain; from a religious standpoint God may heal you for your piety. Its worth a shot no matter what you think. Fasting gets easier after a few days by the way, you can do it user.
Jason Hughes
Because we shit on classical religious art because muh progress and muh XX-XXI century muthafugga.
While the Japanese apreciate it and seek to learn from it.
Yes the japs are subtle and can understand our past better than us sometimes
Michael Barnes
And yet your post quoted my post, which was a response to another post. That suggests agreement with his point and certain feelings towards my own.
Aiden Foster
Chaos is secondary, though. It is always defined by order. Now that the order is evil and distorted, we see hope in chaos, but if the order was good, chaos would bring only destruction.
My post has little to do with the video I posted, and you didn't refute it, you made wild claims with no connection to the video, making me even think that you are lying when you talk of the video. It's not gnostic, it refuted the three heresies of the old regarding Christ. Which category do you fall into? Was Christ man? Was Christ God? "Yes. " Is the correct answer. But it's not just fantasy. Even the entirely fictional portions serve as teachings and guidelines - but only if understood.
Jack Diaz
Diet I can see helping but isnt fasting complete starvation or just greatly reduced intake? Seems more likean exercise in willpower than anything else. I dont see the use in prayer, particularly if someone else does it, otherwise I'd say its just a form of meditation.
Untrue, at least for the majority. We seek to bring true 'order' to the world, or said another way; replace their corrupt order with a righteous order. None of us here desire chaos or disorder as a lasting thing; only as a temporary until a 'righteous' order can be instituted (for many this being National Socialism, for others perhaps a Christian Monarch of their native stock).
There are people who want actual chaos; those who do it 'for the lulz', those who are anarchists, those who took the so-called 'black pill'. I do not think it is right to define Holla Forums as those people. If there are lots here it is only due to massive influx of 4/pol/+plebbit, and they will see the value of Virtue soon enough.
Christopher Lee
Which one is it.
Levi Parker
lucky you, even though they try to soften the blow, there are lots of scientific studies proving all of them are hyper sexual pedophiles with a collective deathwish for humanity, now go kill yourself.
There seems to be a theme of growth associated with this. Our attitudes, our desires - often misguided. You can only find out that you are wrong if you want to be right. I think there is an implied demand in our world. Not only for biological survival- but something greater. Cockroaches are perhaps the worst things to exist according to man, and they are very, very good at fulfilling the biological quota. Yet they are like jews, they don't care much for good, truth, beauty… They are not in 'the image of God'. But they do not lie. They, like life outside of man seems to be, are not in charge of the greater themes. Some of them, like dogs, can show us examples of loyalty and diligence, or patience and efficiency, like crocodiles and eagles. But they are not in charge, they are not obliged.
It is odd how jews claim to be, despite going against all virtues. Odd indeed.. So much that I think there is an alternate 'source'. A distortion, a satan.
Man is in charge of the beast; homo sapiens sapiens, the operator of a biological machine. What is world without beauty? What is God without beauty?
Alright, what part of is a quotation from the video?
Of course, nobody desires chaos as the end goal, except some /fringe/fags. We yearn for the day of the rope, the happening, armageddon etc. Because we desire change from this horrid order of things. But none of us wish to have a permanent armageddon going on, we just want to skip to the next part, but can't see past our noses.
Dominic Powell
No need to apologise user, this is the internet. Nice of you to do so though.
People can fast for a long time. Starvation takes a very long time, and if you do truly believe you are close to starvation then yes, eat! Our ancestors however fasted for a long time, and many people still do today.
Real fasting is just not eating food, you still drink water (though I'd recommend just water; I fasted and drank water mixed with activated charcoal to get rid a mold infection and it cleared up within a week). Muslims fasting is retarded and is not fasting, it doesn't even focus on what it should, that of self-discipline, self-mastery, denial of the flesh; it focuses on them going to excess every morning and evening, and usually being miserable at all other times (I worked in London for a while so witnessed what they were like). Er I went off my point.
Fasting! You can fast for a long time with no worries. There is a lot of resources regarding fasting that you can read if you are interested. Irish hunger strikers endured 40-70 days, but I wouldn't recommend anything so drastic to start with. Just go for 3-5 days I'd say and you'll feel the difference. If you feel better after that you may want to try longer times later on.
Jose Davis
He interviewed people at a gay bar. Every single one said they were molested as children. But I'm sure it's just a cohencidence.
6134c0 Did you forget about IDs you stupid nigger? Your video you shilled out earlier as "Spoon feeding" was talking about your "cosmic theism" and that's the only one I need to look at to know you're full of shit. I don't need to look at the Aquinas because I already know you follow Masonic teachings in a pretty bow. You are no smarter than someone reading a "trusted source", who spills out pesudointellectual crap to feel like you are the better.
You don't know anything about FreeMasonry so you should be the one who does some research into how it ties Judiasm and Satanism together with "green" newage concepts.
Sebastian Evans
Anyone have the "throw it in the bog" comic? It seems really appropriate right now.
Gabriel Thompson
Jesus Christ Voovles you kike what have you been doing in the past 8 years!?
Mason Clark
In Works and Days, Orion chases the Pleiades themselves. Canis Minor and Canis Major are his dogs, the one in front is called Procyon. They chase Lepus, the hare, although Hyginus says some critics thought this too base a prey for the noble Orion and have him pursuing Taurus, the bull, instead.[25] A Renaissance mythographer adds other names for Orion's dogs: Leucomelaena, Maera, Dromis, Cisseta, Lampuris, Lycoctonus, Ptoophagus, Arctophonus.
James Brown
Jaxson Garcia
Masonic teachings? Like what? My cosmic theism? The nature of God is not like the nature of Zeus, is it? Aquinas is entirely Christian, at least in his definitions of God.
Are you retarded? None of that video has anything to do with 'emergent properties' or potential. Aquinas certainly does, but in other works.
Connor Howard
I've noticed. And they think they blend in with their anime & pepe images. They are pathetic.
Eos qui foris sunt Deus iudicabit.
Leo Baker
I already told you about the masonic gnostic teachings. What's with that stupid ass pic unrelated to the subject. Do you know nothing about how the Eqyptian Mystery Schools are putting their symbols in every culture, "traditional" or "rejecting traditions"?
Camden Lee
Oh, and for the record, Revelations gives us Christians a reason to use gematria. I'm not sure how true pic related is, but I certainly won't simply discard it as rubbish because jews deal with it. Jews deal with countries, and we don't discard them (well, aside from Sweden).
Dylan Hernandez
The true rulers are clean as a whistle, user. So they get a distinct advantage of a sharp mind and a leverage over the lower tiers of power :^) At least that's how I'd do it if I wanted to rule the world. And how the Elders of Zion imagined it. No drugs, no cigarettes, no alcohol ;)
Kevin Cooper
Which the video refutes. Why? The masons disagree with the statement of Aquinas, with me, with the video. The miasphytes did, too, the Arians did, and so forth.
Simply tell me who Christ was. He was man and God, was He not? Aquinas made sense of that, especially with Logos = Word. You simply disregard it with claims that I'm masonic, not even proving it?
Your point is retarded. Basically stating that because Islam is monotheist, monotheism can't be right.
Zachary Morris
Fuck off, retards. I grew up in SF and the majority of gays had their first (((gay experience))) when they were underageb&, either by a kid who was molested, or by a pedo, it all stems back to a cycle of child abuse. I also grew up in the 80s, and was a total degenerate by 1994, I'd been around for the golden age of usenet and got into some really messed up shit as a result, saw a girl getting fucked by a donkey when I was too young to get what it was, etc. I was heavy into narcotics, specifically MDMA, MDA, and ketamine, in my pursuit of such narcotics I was initiated into the rave scene before it went "massive" going to little warehouse parties and descending into the k-hole for extended periods of time and screwing girls raw in the middle of the big AIDS scare. I got to know some DJs because they were the only ones who carried test kits and I was very concerned with purity, was known to throw $100 bags to the dogs if it wasn't exactly what I wanted. By the by the started inviting me to "mansion parties" which were basically raves in some rich guy's house or a recently siezed property. These are a bit of a blur, and I can't recollect them very well but I have a distinct memory of there being rooms with BDSM shit and cameras in them for people to make homemade porno. After this phase ended, the next began and this was chrystal clear in my mind. One of the DJs I knew invited me to a "porn party" in a recently constructed apartment complex in China Basin, there were a metric fuckton of (new at the time) flatscreen TVs hooked up to power strips and nigger-rigged up to the walls with tape, BDSM equipment, harnesses, and whatever else these degenerates could find. Most were hooked up to DVD players and at the time I got there, niggers dressed in all black were putting DVDs in them and setting them up. The music started and people start pouring in, it's a different and a bit older crowd that I didn't exactly feel welcome with. Then the fucking TVs came on, every single one was playing fucking CP(and REALLY obvious CP, not the kind of "maybe she's 17" shit you see on pornhub sometimes), looked like it had been recorded in the rooms set up at the mansion parties. I got massively spooked, maybe some latent PTSD from getting my ankle broken by a cop at an outlaw party(outdoor rave in the woods) kicked in but I booked shit and never looked back, cut all contact with the DJs, all of it. Shit was a massive redpill on faggotry, chems, and general degeneracy. Keep following the white rabbit it can sometimes refer to ketamine so keep that in mind because you're all on the right track. My brain still can't process everything that happened during that period and it physically hurts to think about it.
James Morales
go look up ryan sorba's videos, most were molested before they even started remembering or the memories were suppressed because of the trauma. a chunk of the gays interviewed talk about doing homo acts or molesting other kids but they didnt know where the behavior was learned –they just did it.
Kevin Lopez
Fuck off fag I am a homo and never even met another gay (that I know of) until I was well into my teens.
Easton Rodriguez
I hope you die of AIDS you fuckin' perv, you fruitcakes don't even remember the molestation half the time. What are you even doing on a forum dedictaed to expanding the white race? Fuck outta here, you don't and can never contribute to jack shit and pervert everything you come near. Fucking freak.
Benjamin Gonzalez
kys you must despise your race to enjoy having one of its members getting his asshole violated come dotr you'll hang and then get put in the bog
Jeremiah Brown
Angel Perez
I don't understand, if gays were really just products of molestation why would you feel so much anger and resentment toward them? They would be innocent victims robbed of their free will through violent sex acts by predators if that were the case.
no I don't like anal sex, it's disgusting.
Joseph Smith
Because they continue the cycle of child abuse, they play right into their predators hands, it's a suboncious vengance thing at least the way my frytard ass sees it. They get fucked, so they want to fuck moar.
Robert Roberts
this He makes good shit, give it a listen, you will not be dissapointed, unless the things he talks about denounce your ill ways.
Ayden Mitchell
The guy clearly loves his pizza.
Brandon Wilson
More from his FB
Dominic Young
Jordan Thompson
Well, let's see, like says, they rape kids just like they were raped, but more over, they have the audacity to embrace the perversion of their abusers and make it their own by preaching it (with state protection and funding no less) as a healthy lifestyle that has nothing wrong to it.
They are predators, they seek to destroy as much people as they can as they themselves were destroyed, they are a disease that needs to die, only a fucking idiot would fixate in the tragedy of their creation but ignore their subsequent behavior. There are people who get sexually assaulted and don't become amoral pieces of shit, so why do you think we need to treat these abominations as victims after they've become the victimizers?
Pedophocracy by David McGowan. Then look further into Dutreaux and the Finders.
Wyatt Miller
Same reason why we feel the same resentment towards sandniggers who had their homeland destroyed and feral niggers who were abused by single moms. Most fags, niggers, and sandniggers all want to romanticize their misery and spread their misery to other people.
John Thomas
I explained this in another thread. Someone should anonymously call and say shit like "We have you, you sick fuck. You will be exposed to the world" etc etc make it sound good. Finish by saying you have handed everything over to the cops/fbi/whatever. Basically scare the shit out of them big league.
Proceed to SWAT them. If they kill themselves while the cops are banging on the door then you know they were guilty.
Luis Walker
It would be the Pentagon, not CIA or NSA. Trump's foreign policy matches well with what the Pentagon wanted with Obama. His connection with Flynn lends evidence to this hypothesis.
Carter Roberts
Agreed. This just seems like misdirection at best and D&C at worst
Brayden Brooks
user, I am trying to find other Christians to help me investigate this pedoring. Real ones, not catholics, protestants, calvinists, etc. So many people get things wrong because they have retarded beliefs, and they end up chasing their tails.
Here is my e-mail. [email protected]/* */ .com
It's a burner e-mail, so if any of you faggots want to troll me, go ahead.
E-mail me a screenshot of "you" next to some of your posts so we can get a dialogue going.
Gays are absolutely child molesters. Most of them were absolutely molested and since they can't reproduce, they recruit. Also they do that because they are driven by pure evil and the desire to corrupt more innocence.
They are literally Satan's representatives here on Earth, kind of like Jews. Ever wonder why so many Jews like gayness?
Ever wonder why so many of the higher ups in the Democrat party are Gay or straight up have AIDS like Scott Foval? There are so many gays involved with that party of evil I can't name them all here.
We are on to something and NOW is the best time to go with our momentum, the wind is literally at our backs here. Take the cultural pendulum swinging to the Right and use that to uncover all this shit that's been kept hidden for so long
David Ross
it is in the greek fam
Gavin Wood
Going to write you an e-mail but i gotta go sleep now. It's 2 am here. Will answer tomorrow.
Zachary Thomas
Pastor Anderson is so admirable
Austin Young
I'll e-mail you later
Gabriel Walker
Gays recruit because of:
Romans 1:32, 32 Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.
[email protected]/* */ .com I'm reaching out an olive branch here
Samuel Reed
Cool. I look forward to it.
Bentley Phillips
Huh. Anyway, for In the United States, homosexual activists are more circumspect about their efforts to gain access to children than they are in Canada or Europe. While NAMBLA has regularly marched in homosexual pride parades in New York, San Francisco and other major cities, homosexual activists publicly disassociate themselves from pedophiles as part of a public relations strategy. Yet homosexual groups are actively recruiting gay youth through such groups as The Sexual Minority Youth Assistance League, the HettrickMartin Institute, AIDS service providers, and various agencies that assist runaways. A concerted effort to change age-of-consent laws has not yet emerged, but some ominous signs portend an eventual effort. When Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg was an attorney for the ACLU, she co-authored a report recommending that the age of consent for sexual acts be lowered to 12 years of age [1] The paragraph reads as follows: “Eliminate the phrase ‘carnal knowledge of any female, not his wife, who has not attained the age of 16 years’ and substitute a federal, sex-neutral definition of the offense… A person is guilty of an offense if he engages in a sexual act with another person… [and] the other person is, in fact, less than 12 years old…” The public still has a revulsion against child sexual abuse. In fact, whenever there is an attempt to show a connection between pedophiles and homosexuality, the standard response from the activists is that as many as 97% of all pedophiles are heterosexuals and/or married men. Thus, they deflect attention away from their own proclivities to have sex with children. There is some truth to the claim that many pedophiles are heterosexually oriented men. To be accurate, pedophilia is the crime of sexually molesting a child of the opposite sex. Pederasty, on the other hand, is the crime of molesting a child of the same sex. The term pedophile is used as a general term to describe a person who molests any child, and the term pedophilia, however, is commonly used to refer to child sexual abuse in general. The homosexual who molests a child of the same sex, therefore, technically is guilty of pederasty, rather than pedophilia–yet both are child sexual abuse. Homosexuals deny that there is a high incidence of child molestation among them, but the statistics tell another story. First, we need to look at the statistics on child sexual abuse in general. The National Committee to Prevent Child Abuse (NCPCA) has published the following information: 1. Reports of sexual abuse are on the increase in our nation. 2. Between 80 and 95% of all child molestations are committed by men. The NCPCA notes, however, that there is a “dramatic increase in the number of adolescent offenders who have committed sexually aggressive acts against other children.” 3. Girls are more likely to be the victims of molestation than boys. Males account for 25 to 35% of child sexual abuse victims. [2]
Jaxon Martin
How prevalent is child molestation among homosexuals? The Gay Report, published by homosexual researchers Jay and Young in 1979, revealed that 73% of homosexuals surveyed had at some time had sex with boys 16 to 19 years of age or younger. [3] Although homosexuals account for less than two percent of the population, they constitute about a third of child molesters. [4] Further, as noted by the Encino, California-based National Association for Research and Therapy of Homosexuality (NARTH), “since homosexual pedophiles victimize far more children than do heterosexual pedophiles, it is estimated that approximately 80% of pedophile victims are boys who have been molested by adult males. [5] A nationwide investigation of child molestation in the Boy Scouts from 1971 to 1991 revealed that more than 2,000 boys reported molestation by adult Scout leaders. (Note: The Scouts, who have 150,000 Scoutmasters and assistant Scoutmasters, ban hundreds of men each year from scouting out of concern that they might abuse boys.) [6] A study of Canadian pedophiles has shown that 30% of those studied admitted to having engaged in homosexual acts as adults, and 91% of the molesters of non-familial boys admitted to no lifetime sexual contact other than homosexual. [7] Judith A. Reisman, Ph.D., and Charles B. Johnson, Ph.D., conducted a content study of the personal ads in The Advocate, the national gay and lesbian newsmagazine and discovered that “chickens,” a common term for underage boys sought for sex, were widely solicited. Many of the advertisements in the magazine solicited boys and teens from within a larger pool of prostitution ads. [8] The authors also note a statement from a book review by homosexual activist Larry Kramer that the work, “like much canonized male homosexual literature, involves sexually predatory white men on the prowl for dark-skinned boys to gratify them.” [9] In a 1985 study of the rates of molestation among homosexual pederasts compared to heterosexual pedophiles, Dr. Paul Cameron found the following: 153 pederasts had sexually molested 22,981 boys over an average period of 22 years. 224 pedophiles had molested 4,435 girls over an average period of 18 years. The average pederast molested an average of 150 boys, and each heterosexual pedophile molested an average of 20 girls, a ratio of 7.5:1. [10] Gaining access to children has been a long-term goal of the homosexual movement. In 1972, the National Coalition of Gay Organizations adopted a “Gay Rights Platform” that included the following demand: “Repeal of all laws governing the age of sexual consent.” David Thorstad, a spokesman for the homosexual rights movement and NAMBLA, clearly states the objectives: “The ultimate goal of the gay liberation movement is the achievement of sexual freedom for all–not just equal rights for lesbians and gay men, but also freedom of sexual expression for young people and children.” This goal has not changed since it was articulated in 1972. [11] Homosexual organizations around the world have embarked upon a vigorous campaign to lower actual age of consent laws by claiming that current laws are discriminatory against homosexuals. In England, for example, a major push is underway to lower the age of sexual consent for homosexuals to 14. OutRage!, [12] a homosexual organization that operates much like ACT UP in the United States, has been leading the crusade. In a statement published on the Queer Intelligence Service website, OutRage! claims that “…underage queers have rights, too. They are some of the most vulnerable members of our community. We have a special responsibility to protect their interests and welfare.” [13]
Nolan Gonzalez
References 1. Sex Bias in the US Code, Report for the US Commission on Civil Rights, April 1977, p. 102, quoted in Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s Feminist World View, The Phyllis Schlafly Report, Vol. 26, No. 12, Section 1, p. 3 2. Child Sexual Abuse, National Committee to Prevent Child Abuse, December 1996 3. K. Jay and A. Young, The Gay Report (New York, Summit Books, 1979), p. 275. 4. K. Freund and R.I. Watson, The Proportions of Heterosexual and Homosexual Pedophiles Among Sex Offenders Against Children: An Exploratory Study, Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy 18 (Spring 1992): 3993, cited in The Problem of Pedophilia op. cit. Also. K. Freund and R.I. Watson, Pedophilia and Heterosexuality vs. Homosexuality, Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy 10, (Fall 1984): 197, cited in NARTH Fact Sheet 5. Thomas Schmidt, Straight and Narrow, Compassion and Clarity in the Homosexuality Debate (Downers Grove, 111.: Intervarsity Press), p. 114, cited in The Problem of Pedophilia, op. cit., p. 2 6. Patrick Boyle, Scout's Honor (Rocklin, California, Prima Publishing, 1994), p. 316 7. W. L. Marsha, et al., Early onset and deviant sexuality in child molesters, Journal of Interpersonal Violence 6 (1991): 323-336, cited in Pedophilia: The Part of Homosexuality They Don’t Want You To See, Colorado for Family Values Report, Vol. 14, March 1994 8. Judith A. Reisman, Ph.D., A Content Analysis of “The Advocate”, unpublished manuscript p. 18, quoted inPedophilia: The Part of Homosexuality They Don’t Want You To See, ibid. 9. From Lany Kramer’s Reading List, The Advocate, January 24, 1995, p. 99, cited in Status Report, The Reisman & Johnson Report of Partner Solicitation Characteristics as a Reflection of More Sexual Orientation and the Threat to Children, First Principles Press, January 1995 10. Dr. Paul Cameron, Homosexual Molestation of Children/Sexual Interaction of Teacher and Pupil, Psychological Reports 57 (1985): 1227-1236 11. Enrique T. Rueda, The Homosexual Network (Old Greenwhich, Connecticut: The Devin Adair Company, 1982), p. 201 12. Peter Tatchell, Why We Want an Age of Consent of 14, Queer Intelligence Service, Agenda for Gay Law Reform, OutRage.!, London, Sept. 10, 1998 13. Frank V. York and Robert H. Knight, Homosexual Activists Work To Normalize Sex With Boys
Henry Hall
Katy Faust, Dawn Stefanowicz, B.N. Klein, and Robert Oscar Lopez who were all raised by homosexual parents, each submitted briefs to the 5th Circuit opposing the legalization of faggot “marriage”. Recounting childhood memories of households made deeply dysfunctional by their parents’ sexual appetites and the radical subculture that went along with their “gay” identities, all four argued that redefining marriage to include homosexual couples will likely lead to the exploitation and abuse of countless children for political and personal gain. “While I do not believe all gays would be de facto bad parents, I know that the gay community has never in my lifetime put children first as anything other than a piece of property, a past mistake, or a political tool to be dressed up and taken out as part of a dog-and-pony show to impress the well-meaning,” Klein wrote. She added that as a child of a lesbian mother, she was pressured to pay “constant homage and attention” to her mother’s gay identity, taught that some Jews and most Christians were stupid and hated gays and were violent,” and told that homosexuals were “much more creative and artistic because they were not repressed and were naturally more ‘feeling’.” While Klein classified her upbringing as abusive, Robert Oscar Lopez told the court that his own childhood upbringing by his mother and her longtime partner represented the “best possible conditions for a child raised by a same-sex couple.” Even so, Lopez testified that the lack of a father figure in his life combined with the influence of the radical gay culture in which he was raised gave rise to a devastating confusion about his own sexuality and ultimately led to his becoming a homosexual prostitute in his teen years in order to fulfill his craving for acceptance and love from older men. “I experienced a great deal of sexual confusion,” Lopez wrote. “I had an inexplicable compulsion to have sex with older males… and wanted to have sex with older men who were my father’s age, though at the time I could scarcely understand what I was doing.” Lopez said that he has spoken to dozens of other adult children of homosexuals, and that many of them have similar stories of pain and damage inflicted by the absence of a biological parent and the unwanted “step-parent” type relationship demanded by their homosexual parents’ lovers. Lopez included testimonies from nine of them in his brief, but said there were many more who were afraid to speak out for fear that the homosexual lobby would target them for harassment like they have Lopez himself. “When we institutionalize same-sex “marriage”… we move from permitting citizens the freedom to live as they choose to promoting same-sex-headed households,” Faust wrote. “Now we are normalizing a family structure where a child will always be deprived daily of one gender influence and the relationship with at least one natural parent. Our cultural narrative becomes one that, in essence, tells children that they have no right to the natural family structure or their biological parents, but that children simply exist for the satisfaction of adult desires.” The special-interest faggot groups and so-called support groups for kids sometimes act, or function, as fronts for a far darker side that silences, intimidates, and threatens the children who want to share the truth, allowing only a politically-correct version of our childhoods to be heard,” Stefanowicz continued. “These special-interest groups support political and legal objectives toward same-sex “marriage”, ignoring the horrendous inequality, permanent losses and prejudice to children in the name of adult sexual rights. Children lose forever their rights to know and be raised by their married biological father and mother.”
In research with 942 nonclinical adult participants, gay men and lesbian women reported a significantly higher rate of childhood molestation than did heterosexual men and women. Forty-six percent of the homosexual men in contrast to 7% of the heterosexual men reported homosexual molestation. Twenty-two percent of lesbian women in contrast to 1% of heterosexual women reported homosexual molestation. ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/11501300
Bentley Williams
Sure. Maybe not the ones that would seem straight unless he said otherwise or his boyfriend comes through the door, but the obvious faggots (which are the majority; mental illness) most likely have been. Look into every major civilization at its height and/or read the Holy Bible, you filthy fucking sodomite.
Jaxson Perry
All faggots are pedos?
Is this true or some typical (((Christian))) disinfo?
Alexander Rodriguez
in 1979, revealed that 73% of homosexuals surveyed had at some time had sex with boys 16 to 19 years of age or younger. A study of Canadian pedophiles has shown that 30% of those studied admitted to having engaged in homosexual acts as adults, and 91% of the molesters of non-familial boys admitted to no lifetime sexual contact other than homosexual.
Forty-six percent of the homosexual men in contrast to 7% of the heterosexual men reported homosexual molestation. Twenty-two percent of lesbian women in contrast to 1% of heterosexual women reported homosexual molestation.
Get out.
Cameron Hall
Reported for intl.
Alexander James
Don't post that race traitor faggot here
back to cuck chan!
Eli Hall
see: you're a fucking cancer
Jaxson Jenkins
yea okay buddy how many kids do you have
Owen Davis
Into the trash it fucking goes.
Julian Gomez
Levi Smith
how about you help us fucking LARPing faggot
Blake Bennett
Wow, that derailed fast.
Lincoln Richardson
Blow your brains out, intl.
Blake Johnson
I still don't understand though. Is it that fags want to fuck 16yr olds that makes them all "pedos"?
Because Holla Forums mods are pedos, they post anime pedophillia all day
Christians ruin every fucking thread.
Easton Price
Reported for intl.
Jaxson Myers
lol reported
Nicholas Phillips
Dominic James
(checked) Agreed. I don't know where OP is getting his information from but this isn't true.
There are out and proud faggots who do nothing but gloat about being gay. All. Of. The. Fucking. Time. Why? Because their sexuality is their identity and they refuse to form as human beings beyond it. These are the fags you see at gay parades and working in the "gayborhood" parts of big cities (bookstores, clubs, HIV testing places).
What you may be referencing are actual Pedos who like children and not men, so they have a hard time admitting they are gay. They hang out at gay bars just like the rest of them in search of young/underage guys. There are also alot of men who do gay shit (like meet younger men off of Craigslist) who are gay in the shadows.
But to say no gay men will admit their gayness is 100% false.
Most of them do not. I'll agree with you here. It's engrained in their "culture"
I'll give you an example: One of my best friends in high school (calm down this was like a decade ago and we no longer speak) was coming to terms with being a fag. What turned him off about the entire thing was in fact other fags: 1) He dreaded getting a cock stuffed up his butt - he wouldn't do it but acknowledged that it was expected of him. It was a serious what do? moment for him. 2) The degeneracy. Hookup culture IS gay culture. They are one in the same. In fact, having a boyfriend in a monogamous relationship is pretty fucking rare and most gay guys won't do it.
Here is a young man who was raised in a normal family and had everything going for him: White, attractive, from a well-off family but was plagued with the fact that he wasn't attracted to women at all (I honestly have no idea if he was molested or not). He couldn't even get it up for a woman. But even he knew he would have to sacrifice his body, mind and gamble with his life in order to partake in gay activities with other men. I've honestly never met anyone who felt so fucked.
Acting like an effeminate faggot, being a complete degenerate with an anything goes attitude towards sex, and partaking in risky behavior are required if you want to be gay and partake in a gay lifestyle. All that lisping and faggy shit is learned behavior that young men adopt in order to fit in.
t. someone who has spent plenty of time with fags in my youth but isn't one myself. maybe I'm a grill maybe I'm not. fuck off.
Josiah Reed
A LOT of anime has simple theological and biblical undertones as well. Even the stuff that is mostly fan service will show itself this way. (But that is less likely.)
Just to name two, Appleseed series, and Ergo Proxy. Appleseed is not as short as Ergo Proxy, but, both are steeped in undertones of both theological/biblical knowledge.
Caleb Barnes
Even though Lucifer didn't give us anything at all and merely was a force of suggestion. In the end it was unto Adam's own will, no?
Joshua Howard
Pornography can induce a form of pseudo sodomy fetish in many people, particularly when they are exposed as children or young adolescents. Studies have shown that if a virgin male rate is introduced to the scent of cadavirine (rotting corpse odor, nomally repulsive to rats) during his first copulation with an ovulating female, then that rat will forever more be sexually aroused by the smell of rotting corpses. Likewise, children who are sodomized in the ass as children become sexually aroused by a man's asshole and feces. Your friend probably watched faggot pornography and decided to keep watching it. So he likes the idea of being a faggot but can't get over the central quality of shit and poop
Gavin Campbell
1 Timothy 2:14 And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression.
Adam Flores
This short video explains one aspect of my post very succinctly
David Morris
Dyncorp x George Soros x icmec x HRC x LADY IN CARDS x SETH RICH
Elijah Sullivan
Not even close
Jose Roberts
Jesus nonexistent Christ you people are nuts.
Cameron Robinson
It published lies. All social science is lies.
In fact, Trump's best move would be defending federal financial aid for social science degrees. Limit federal funding to degrees that are deemed useful for the nation, in other words STEM. People should be forced to pay out of pocket for their leftist brainwashing if they want it so bad.
Joseph Morgan
Adrian Johnson
You will be killed on the day of the rope, sodomite
Jackson Howard
E-mail me.
[email protected]/* */ com
salvation is by faith only it can't be lost
Camden Watson
The one lesbian I knew had a sadist mother.
Michael Gonzalez
>>>Holla Forums
Josiah Cruz
read my first post:
Owen Fisher
Pastor Anderstein and his kids are not white. He is a sandnigger and a gypsy. His father is literally subsaharan nigger.
When are you fucks gonna stop worshiping the kike/mudslime god?
Gavin Clark
Landon Parker
Christian niggers are still niggers user. Here they are trying to explain something to other niggers in a dumb baby talk version of the English language. Stop using niggers nigging as source of your arguments.
My only point was that fags create a culture around their sexuality and that culture is the death of anything decent. If you are gay (for whatever reason) you simply cannot be gay and not participate in that culture. That's what the friend story was about.
As for the OP, that movie is 100% and accurate representation of how fags act behind the scenes. I'm just confirming the OP.
All this sperging you are doing with your bible versus is just that, sperging.
Samuel Flores
Every single post you made can be countered with a smuggie.
Hello newfriend, leave while you can, otherwise, you'll be here forever. Cap this and heed my words faggot.
Mason Garcia
Relevant documentary. I'll link to this in the other thread if it is still alive.
Ayden Miller
I don't think you understand what's going on. It's not "a few, maybe a lot, maybe almost all political elites are pedos right now", it's a multigenerational cult tht spans the elite class across the entire globe, in which child rape, abuse, torture, etc., is used as a training method to divorce the children from their emotions and sense of morality and turn them into absolute slaves with alternate personalities which are then programmed for specific purposes within the power structure (sex slavery, assassination, etc.) and used as a means of compartmentalization of information. This is not something that "happened" within the last 8 years. This has been going on for hundreds if not thousands of years.
Jace Gray
What you guys said reminds me of the stories from pic related. These people really do derive pleasure from spreading their destructive behavior. They mimic the nature of a virus.
Juan Gomez
Parker Fisher
it's not just fa852d (66) but also 6134c0 (70)
It's obviously 2 shillbots set to argue with eachother and this kind of shit should be ban on sight. It's just ridiculous irrelevant ramblings having nothing to do with this thread let alone anything else on Holla Forums… which means clearly we're onto something with this thread if they feel the need to spam it this hard.
I just wish mods were more strict about this stuff, maybe we just need to encourage more people to report this kind of behavior.
Levi Cox
There's so much fuckin gray area around. And then you have all the male pederasty/faggotry which i still don't know if those boys are predisposed to faggotry or not.
What a mess.
Christian Stewart
Yeah if I made that image I wouldn't have written "EW." on it but it certainly works good dropping on Twitter.
Either way that girl in the younger picture is most likely no older than 16/17 and even if she was 20 that's a man at least 3x her age and nobody seems to know who her parents are so she's prob a sex slave. I believe her name was either Rachel or Laura Chandler. Also Chandler in itself sounds like Child Handler.
Now can we get back to digging instead of discussing irrelevant bible shit and what exact % of faggots got molested as children? It's not getting us anywhere and could be saved for an other thread.
Elijah Perry
Honestly, I see nothing wrong with the girl's age in the pic. I would say it's degenerate because a) He's not marrying her, hes just fucking her and b) It would be stupid for a girl her age to get with a guy as old as Bill; she's going to be only 40 when he croaks. No vigor, no healthy sperm, etc. No point.
The upper limit for a guy to have his pick of women (from perhaps ages 14/15 and up) is probably around 35. Once you start getting older than that you should really be chasing older tail also.
Daniel Reed
Ian Scott
Please elaborate
Jack Russell
OH, so the key is a mainstream Jew movie is it? I learn all about something from a mainstream Jewish movie? As for the second part, that's good. I was worried you were going to say, if you haven't sucked over 9000 cocks like I have then you don't know.
There gay?
Finally, the day when OP admits he's gay.
Really not our problem, now is it?
In the current year… I have my doubts about that.
Maybe it's all the jizz you've swallowed, you stupid bitch, but do you imagine you're saying something here? For all your years of being on your knees and bent over, I'd expect more.
Yeah, because we were just about to do that…
THINK before you start a new thread. You have some inside info? POST IT. Name, names. A fucking city with millions of inhabitants doesn't cut it, shitbag.
Levi Davis
Exposing the homosexual degeneracy is enough tbh. Even without the suspicious pedo shit, it would ruin their political careers.
Lincoln Nguyen
The thought has occurred to me that kikes aren't trying to kill us for revenge, for some prophecy, or because we still pose a threat to them (had they pulled back and kept the slow boil after the 90's, we would have never woken back up) they aren't even trying to completely genocide whites, gotta have a small group of us around to serve as a steady stream of sex slaves, they just get a perverse pleasure in destroying beauty. Every single blonde white woman that burns coal or gets raped by niggers brings a elite jew to climax. They won't stop until there is nothing pure or beautiful left in this world. They are a disease that devours worlds.
Aaron Butler
Sebastian James
Easton Barnes
fuck off with this diversion tactic
Hunter Parker
Hagmann is this you? since when are you posting on Holla Forums
Liam Campbell
did we hit to close to home faggot?
you will not stop us, one day all gays will burn
Juan James
OP is right, you can find alot of this stuff in the gay district. It is hidden in plain sight.
Additional: Gay lifestyle is not what it is in the gay movies made for bluepilled normies.
Gay lifestyle ends with AIDS, sex drugs, and more sex drugs.
Google Bugchaser.
Some HIV+ gay men ENJOY raping HIV- men. POZing the clean is a joy for them.
See gay bathhouse:
Gay bathhouse filled with underage teen prostitutes on Saturday night.
Reports of sex vans in gay districts with used and abused boys. Watch for men going in and out of Vans between 12pm-4am.
Sex dungeons in gay district exist right under your nose.
Young gays, a good percentage of them are not gay but are doing it for the money and drugs.
Remove gay sex drugs from gay community and you will see prevalence of homosexuality cut in half.
Jordan King
This shit is really starting to take a toll one me. I'm not new to this shit. I've known about Dutroux, Franklin, and Presidio and how Satanists are a very real thing for years but this shit feels like I just dissolved the black pill in a spoon and injected it. I don't wanna live anymore and Idc if you guys call me a pussy or say I'm blog posting but it's true. I'll always have this dark shit floating around in my psych and there is no going back. I'll never enjoy the blissful ignorance that normies are blessed with.
James Baker
boo fucking hoo
Julian Morgan
I do user.. unfortunately. Somehow i stopped falling though.
Leo Phillips
Ryan Diaz
well, shit happens. Don't be a pussy.
Landon Ross
This stuff needs to be made public knowledge. Homosexuality is a gateway to deviancy and the fact that it goes on unchecked and even promoted is one of the elements that is slowly killing the society.
Regardless of the source of your morality, there is a common thread of understanding that ultimately, morality exists to strengthen and maintain the society - anything that harms the society is immoral and therefore needs to be shunned and eliminated, lest you risk losing everything.
This is not puritanism we are talking about here, but desperate measures after having that shit pushed in our faces for decades - traditional societies existed for thousands of years precisely because they excised any cancer that appeared and "modernity" has always been degenerate and debasement of basic humanity. We need to take up the hammer and strike them down. But it must be done under a coherent banner, under a call to morality that leftist calumnies won't be able to tarnish because hey won't be even able to. Be it Christian, intellectual or traditional morality, it needs to be at the forefront and promoting this one basic message - deviancy is death of the society and these people are maggots crawling in the carcass.
Samuel Evans
this thread reeks of goon
Tyler Ward
Nice trips but how so?
Aiden Thompson
it was military intelligence, filter king (you need a filter btw) has been saying this for months since the former NSA director went on his show
David Harris
Dude banning is not enough. I have ever filtered like 35 id's so far this thread, most ever by a mile. We didn't just get close we backed into the end boss and are getting swiped at from behind. More so than than jews or the rothschilds who probably are at the top of this, the actual Web of child shit that hides from 95 percent of the world is the most damming thing ever.
They will never stop trying to nuke these threads out of orbit. The shills won't stop. Filter and move on, and remember between the ping pong and the trumpsnfuhrer we've never been closer to real regime change.
Jordan Garcia
Having a son and seeing that transitioned boy in the tumblr pics and seeing this makes my blood boil.
Bentley Jackson
instagram not tumblr. sorry
Nolan Torres
Retard, what nonsene are you saying. Psychopath have a higher sexual activity and tend to have many sexual partners to build a harem. But no they are not pedophiles or homosexuals
Henry Davis
(check) What's wrong with trying to build a harem?
Jacob Green
John 1:1 would like to have a word with you:
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
Kevin Clark
As I understand it, Trump was a democrat for many years and had a strong friendship with the Clintons. I wonder if maybe they tried to invite him into their satanic cabal and he balked. Maybe he knows everything and that's why they're fighting him so hard.
David Gonzalez
Jace Foster
All sexual deviants had shitty childhoods, not necessarily sexually molested but certainly got fucked psychologically and physically in one way or another. The rest of this post is dubious.
Sebastian Morales
Don't excuse this wickedly evil behaviour. Whats dubious is your implied ethics and morality. If someone stole a stick of gum from you when you were a child, is that an excuse for you to rob and steal from everyone who haven't even wronged you, for the rest of your life?
Joseph Butler
noted. After the Nov. 1 emails the entire news media eased on trump, Obama unfollowed H Clinton, something happened Remember. Comey voted trump
Introductory must read(!) book to cult abuse and pedophocracy: docdro.id/rB4FcAi
Samuel Torres
There remains the possibility that Trump really did fuck a kid, but to be blunt it wouldn't dent my support of him at this point. It'd ruin him with the general public though.
Anyone else noticing how bible shills are trying to derail this thread? What the fuck does the bible or Christianity has to do with homosexuality or pedophilia. Can we get back on topic. The topic being that those two are obviously linked, linked in the way that trannies, homos, dykes and lesser pedos are all pawns of elites who indulge in any or all of that, except at higher levels of depravity such as sacrificing babies.
The goal is to uncover who these elites are, not get sidetracked by bible discussions. How to uncover them? Easy, find homos who have been propped up by mainstream media, talkshow hosts etc. Then you start digging. How did they get famous? Who hired them. Who boosted them into the limelight while hiding in the shadows controlling the strings. Come on anons
Angel Sullivan
Listen man, any gay man that was NOT molested as a child then wanted to molest other boys as a child. Those are the most dangerous and fucked up pedos. Some of them turn into pathetic crazed messes, but some turn into some seriously fucked up bastards, like this guy
… of who? Gays? Since when did Holla Forums recruit pedophiles and homosexuals into their ranks?
Daniel Sanchez
Eh I ascribe to a pre-modern masculine sexuality i want to fuck women but because im ugly i frequently settle for traps you might have a point there about male bisexuality and psychopathy its less about perversion really and more about indifference
Joshua Torres
I don't understand Holla Forums anymore, you guys will literally defend anything that christian anons oppose, even if it goes agaisn't everything the NatSoc ideal would want. You'll flip flop on your views just to spite Christians. It makes no sense. Hell I didn't want to make this about religion, I wanted to honestly contribute to the thread, hence my previous replies which I wrote before reading the whole thread. But then I saw how some faggots turned it into that and well…
And so on and on. And then you'll turn around and say the same, but only when Christians aren't in the thread. What sort of insanity is this? Is this some sort of operation? You guys, you are fucking crazy. With all your mod drama, the evalion conspiracy, the TRS shills, the alt-right stuff, the Renegade Radio shills, the Maddowposter, etc. And then you have the gull to proclaim to be a great board? With all this inner-fighting and subversion going around?
Camden Morales
What do you mean? Seems pretty straightforward to me, it's a Marxist attempt to turn everyone into interchangeable cogs in a machine. On the theological level, it's an attempt to achieve the old Satanic ideal of merging man and woman and destroying the essence of both in the process.
FTFY. I haven't read the thread, but at a glance it's pretty obvious that Schlomo's fingerprints are all over it.
Christian Garcia
never have never will prove it, seen enough christcucks not caring whether their daughters burning coal or literally marrying a jew as long as they 'convert' the catholic church, pederasty and the number of gay/lesbian/trans christians there are says otherwise no thats Richard Spencer again catholic church nope although AOC laws are bullshit made up by feminists shouldnt have sex with children because of moral reasons and the fact it can seriously harm them psychologically, emotionally and physically never have and never will and again its the Pope kissing and washing their feet and its the churches these mudshits flee to when the border police come to deport them you live in another world ffs Christianity in the west is fully subverted by the jew and if you're not a part of the poz you're an outlier
Eli Sanders
Ehhh… I have some news for you. Most people, in the nationalist right or otherwise, are tired of Christianity's moralists. People are so god-damned hungry for a loving prime god/creator that doesn't shame you. Goebbels would agree.
Gabriel Rivera
Well the Chinese were certainly intimately involved with the election. The internet here slowed to a crawl during US voting hours, and that only really happens when the government is running a major cyber-warfare op. That day all of the upper ranking military and intelligence officials were called into the capital. I saw multiple generals and officer garrisons. An unusually large amount.
As a side note, all of the party mouthpieces were pushing a cold-war narrative that day. I didn't see any open support for Hillary. So, they may have been on our side here. Tough call.
It's also worth noting that the CCP is suffering from some internal division at present. ZH featured an article that mostly talked about the Xi administration history, but it's no secret that Xi is still openly hated by all of the business wing officials for making them dress down in public.
I think Hillary was a business wing candidate, hence the support from moneyed CCP donors. She may have been attacked by the intel wing, who support us since Trump might give them the economic excuse to go full Cold War. If the intel wing had the right conditions they could initiate a full purge, beyond what they have courtesy of the anti-corruption campaign, and consolidate power. But first they would need to disarm ($$$) and isolate (no Pres. Hillary for amnesty) their business wing rivals.
Luis Davis
reposting from a pizzagate thread that I believe bears repeating.
Brandon Perez
This guy lives a half mile from Comet. REALLY hard to find anything beyond this: CHEVY CHASE - FBI agents raided a D.C. home Thursday morning and arrested a suspect on child pornography charges.
Richard Harding, a 46-year-old lobbyist, was discovered in an Internet crime sting. Sources say Harding began Internet conversations with someone he thought was an adult pedophile, but it was really an undercover officer. Those sources say Harding exposed himself to the officer via a Web cam before sending graphic images and videos of young boys, even infants, being sexually abused.
Nearby residents, like the Bromwells, couldn't believe the accusations against their neighbor.
But Thursday morning a host of officers and federal agents converged on Harding's home in the 3900 block of Legation Street in Chevy Chase.
Those close to the investigation say the pictures allegedly sent form the home were among some of the "most explicit" child porn images they've seen in years.
It's like you don't want me to take you seriously.
Michael Wood
Can you even prove his claim?
Julian Taylor
Man on boy rape is not considered "homosexual" because, according to educated liberals (women, mainly), the rape is "not about sexual urges, but about power, domination and humiliation". Of course we all know better. The bottom line is: if a male is aroused by the thought of another male's anus, that is faggotry; plain and simple.
Caleb Bell
Should we move these investigations somewhere more "underground"? We already made some of them delete their accounts.
Ryan Torres
I know of 2 fags. I can confirm at least with one of them that he was indeed abused and he had a completely messed up family, of which his sister is a lesbian as well. He also has all sorts of mental problems and really has an extremely strange view of morals and ethics. (unsurprising of course)
For example he was always religious and still maintains his belief in Christianity through some weird church that allows such faggotry. At the sametime from personal experience growing up with him (before I knew he was a faggot, in hindsight it is unsurprising, but had no clue at the time) he completely would have no respect for people and had an obsession with stealing from stores and other people even if he was close with them. He would often say how he secretly hates this person even though they are seemingly good friends.
With the other friend I knew for a less amount of time I once told him about my thoughts about gays and explained my thoughts how it was clearly a mental illness and comparing it to pedophilia. Few years later turned out he was gay. Wonder what he was thinking during that conversation, from what I remember actually he didn't have many objections to the logic. This guy didn't seem as depraved as the other person I knew but still had some mental and weird emotional problems.
So in short, what we all already know. Fags are mentally ill and depraved.
Easton Jones
Looks like he's gay husband for this guy: Paul J Alagero Chief Development Officer at Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Washington just sayin'
Nathan James
I have to disagree. Satanism is the link.
Bentley Fisher
Ok, I've been reading this entire thread of responses between you two. 1: God can have dominion over the universe by creating it, but he does not have to be part of it to interact with it. This is not a hard concept. 2: Time, the universe, etc. do not have to be contained within God. They can be constrained to a system. It's even plausible that there are other systems that exist (other creations) that are on their own set of rules, that God also created. 3: How the fuck can you equate the personification of God to atheism? Atheism=an active denial of the existence of God. This is beyond stupid. 4: The one of you that was trying to explain this, good on you. The other one who is an idiot, get your head checked, you probably have a brain tumor that's preventing you from thinking logically.
Connor Flores
You're a goddamn retard, OP. Most of you are morons, actually.
1) I've seen L.I.E. It's a fucking fictional movie about an emotionally abandoned kid who has a run-in with the neighbourhood pedo. I don't have a fucking clue what you think that has to do with anything, or what relevance to queers in general you dimly imagine it to have.
2) The percentage of rape/molestation experiences in the gay community is nowhere near 100%. No study is going to find that; it's ridiculous. If you have to lean on bullshit like "repressed memories" to argue in favour of this, that should be your first tip-off that it's nuts. The rape/molestation rate is definitely HIGHER (though this doesn't tell you the direction of causation - victimization surveys suggest that being a faggy kid is a RISK FACTOR for being molested, which means that the fagginess comes first), but not 100%.
3) Most child molestation ISN'T "gay." Only a very small percentage of child molesters are attracted to both boys and men and no females at all and so are clearly gay. The remainder are fully heterosexual (girls and women), or they prefer boys and women (but not men), or they have no attraction to adults at all (which means you have no idea what their orientation would be if it was normal, and given that the second category I named exists, they might have been heterosexual - we don't KNOW, and don't have enough information to even guess). You are assuming that "molesting boys" is equivalent to "homosexual," and it's simply not. Pedophilia is a horribly damaged sexual interest to have, and assuming it's analogous to normal adult attractions is really stupid. You can't just extrapolate what (very little) you know about homosexuality to pedophilia - go read the literature on PEDOPHILIA! Literature addressing how their sexuality is more complicated than "homo/heterosexual" dates back to studies done in the 80s, for fuck's sake. You haven't got a fucking clue what you're talking about.
4) Gays admit they are gay all the time now. Where did you park your time machine?
5) If you are someone who spent a large chunk of your own youth hanging around druggies and trash, I don't know why you'd think anyone in the world would trust your judgement on anything. Winners aren't losers. Wow, you hung around human garbage and they were human garbage? What a shock.
I honestly don't know why I keep coming back here. Most of you guys don't have any legitimate respect for what's true - about race, or gender, or sexuality, or anything else. You look for things that support the (mostly dumb) shit you already believe.
I cut off my liberal family and friends and ended up here because I was convinced by evidence and arguments, so it's painful to see the same stupid crap posted about how fags are all molestation victims who like kids all the time. You stupid spergs, I might as well read the National Enquirer.
Sebastian Campbell
OP is a faggot
Gavin Wright
Julius Caesar and Alexander the Great were fags.
This thread is just about Cuckstianity.
Jayden Hall
Holla Forums lurker here, good post m8
Aaron Brooks
Christian Bennett
gas yourself moshie
Lincoln Morgan
Bible isn't god, and it's not even the word of god. The new testament is a translation of a translation of what some guy who witnessed Jesus said.
If you are referring to the old testament, it's a translation of a translation of the goy version of the Jewish Torah.
The "word" has only meaning in the original Torah. And it's not even the Torah the Jews use, it's a scroll, written with blood ink, using the ancient font, which is supposedly used to control the world.
Isaiah Jenkins
Being a fag is inherintly self-destructive, you are giving up on any hopes of reproducing and spreading your genes.
Liam Wright
And someone who gives up any hope of spreading their own genes is probably more likely to harbor a grudge against normal people who actually reproduce. Their main interest in breeders would be their young children that they can poz up, brainwash, and get pleasure from.
Faggots have a much higher tendency towards sociopathy. The majority have poor impulse control, and a complete natural disregard for the morals of their society
James Ramirez
Shame he made the goodies fight a war against the fucking Fourth Reich of all things, as if they wouldn't have been on the same side as them
polite sage for off topic
Angel Gomez
lurk more.
Gavin Myers
Yep, i would. All are overrated, especially that japanese gook loser with his failed revolution lol. Tchaykovskiy is not nearly as good as Musorgskiy for example. Really weak, soapy, western style of classical music. Its shit. Hadrian? No one even cares. Michelangelo? Overrated greatly by modern fag art.
Asher Cook
A loser jap, overrated italian fag, shitty emperor who fucked young boys, shitty composer, nothing compared to Rahmaninov or Musorgskoy
So yes
Matthew Ward
Xavier Baker
You can tell that faggot never saw naked women before painting them. His concept of a woman is as follows. Take a man with long hair add cripple tits and remove his penis. Basically trannies with big, muscular shoulders and arms, man hips, muscular legs and no ass. The only ones not calling that bullshit out were other faggots in the satanic Vatican that allowed him to paint such bullshit.
Hunter Thomas
Kek blessed your post.
Kevin Robinson
We can't stop what we never did it the first place.