Why Trump pardoning Hillary would be an absolutely masterful stroke of political genius:
The lying press is now trying to influence how Trump governs, from CNN to the National review.
Why Trump pardoning Hillary would be an absolutely masterful stroke of political genius:
The lying press is now trying to influence how Trump governs, from CNN to the National review.
Other urls found in this thread:
Donald Trump Should Pardon Hillary Clinton, Not Prosecute Her
An argument that people have to pardon her is that "the country can't handle anymore divisiveness". If her getting what she deserves starts a Civil War, all the better in my book.
Pardoned for what? She was never indicted
I don't have enough smug anime girls in MAGA hats for this
Yeah, why are they asking for a pardon when she dindunuffin? Top kek lugenpresse.
You could pardon some high crimes, but not treason. I'm pretty sure Hillary's actions approach treason. Hang her.
Let's be honest, Trump will pardon hillary
I don't care, as long as we get a wall
If Hillary gets pardoned, Trump is a cuck.
he could pardon her "in blanc" for any crimes she might have committed when working in gov. so far, it happened in the past with one usa president
I would only accept that if she fully confessed to everything she has done, her foundation is dismantled and confiscated, and all SS and presidential perks are revoked.
I remember when I was at one of Clinton's fund-raisers. I was walking around, enjoying myself a bit when she bumped into me and made me spill my drink. She politely said "pardon me".
Hillary's not a bad person.
But she hasn't been convicted of anything, she can't be pardoned of anything.
Jewdian slip?
they know that's never gonna happen
omg she didn't even do anything but delete some yoga emails can we stop this witch hunt?!?!?!
But seriously, hanging or firing squad?
Multiple people have died because of Hillary's actions.
Trump will never forgive her.
that's all this is.
Riiight. And his next masterful stroke of political genius should be open borders.
are you fuggin giddin me?
Most sociopaths can rationalize their behavior to others.
Nah, let's not forget Trump is an extremely vengeful person and his hateboner for everyone involved in 9/11 will never die down.
He WILL burn this cunt alive
Way, way more people died because of GWB's actions. Will Trump forgive him?
Why would she need to be pardoned?
I thought she was innocent.
It's fear. The Clinton paid media are trying to save her from prison. Classic case of bargaining. We all know that Trump will not fall for it. She, and her entire cabal will end up in prison. If not at the Trump administration, then at the Holla Forums administration.
Go back to Holla Forums, fag
At the very least she should be forced to pay a huge fucking fine, and I'd like to see her get home detention as well.
I would accept pardoning her, only if she has some strength behind her that could cause damage otherwise, if she has something like that, which could damage the USA big time, like for example she could publish dirt on lots of high tier politicians - or order her CIA or FBI goons to cause terrorist attacks and assasinations all over the country. She probably hopes for this pardon and that's why she conceded in the elections so fast and didn't try to pull some shit with the popular vote win. The pardon has to have at least one condition - and that is that all Clintons have to get the fuck out of the USA and never return.
Great. Next depression and acceptance.
Holy fuck B-B-Bush.
This signals the leftists lack of argument.
It's good that all these idiots who have been wrong about everything so far this election and were played time and time again are willing to give President Trump all of their great advice.
I reckon he'll tell King O'Nigger to do it or he'll throw the book at her.
How would that benefit him? Why would he want her pardoned by obongo or anybody else?
He plans to throw the book at them both, truth be told.
If anything, he negotiated with Obongo to get him to NOT pardon her in any way, in exchange of Trump not hanging his nigger ass for treason as his first presidential action
then he'll just undo his entire 2 terms in a day and completely erase his legacy, a penalty worse than death for this nigger
dubs of truth
Nice try, kikes. That kind of logic works on Justin Trudeau, but not on the American Caesar. If he pardons her, it will be because he wills it, not because a hebe with an MFA in English composition told him it would be good PR. If he chooses to strike her down some other way, well. . . pic related.
Makes me think Trump played the jews and elites for chumps and has dirt on all of them or control of the military or something…. hence all the we have to unify crap Hillary and obama spewed.
Who gives a fuck? He already won.
News flash - This is exactly how convicted murderers and arsonists behave in prison when they accidentally bump into each other in the mess line. They don't want to start shit right there and maybe get stabbed, so they're super polite and respectful.
Once they get out, they'll hate-fuck your daughter and make you watch before they gouge out your eyes.
Being polite at a party is not a measure of criminal nature.
I think they're just trying to meme this into the common consciousness. They perceive trump as a populist demagogue, so if they can create an impression that "the people" want this limp-wristed concession the Don will capitulate.
Doubt it will work, but it's downright fucking slimy enough to have a chance.
t. Lügenpresse.
who the fuck is this stupid?
Missed your comment on the way down.
Trump's probably laughing as hard as we are at this shit
This is a classic lesson in how kikes subvert societies and institutions. They concoct a scenario in which they get what they want - in this case a pardon for their queen bee - and present it to the victorious Aryan as if it was in his interests, as opposed to theirs. What the yids are counting on - because so far this has always worked perfectly on their targets - is the goy either falling for the trap or not caring about doing the hooknoses' dirty business for them.
I think it will work out a little different this time. If Trump is the man we need him to be, he will understand that his power flows from being the kind of leader who punishes the guilty and doesn't cut rear-alley deals with Jakob the Liar. If Trump takes the bait, he may reconcile with the scum we elected him to destroy, but at the cost of becoming one of them again. His class treason will be over and we will be left rootless and seeking a new leader to burn them all alive again. All of which would suit the hebes just fine.
Don't do it, Don. These people are the face of the enemy. We are your loyal servants. Slay these animals, and we are yours to command, for you are loyal to us. Pardon this cunt, who now has little to no power and doesn't need to be bargained with anymore, and you sacrifice your victory and show us we've been used. . . again.
I have faith in unser Fuhrer. I know he rose to power for this purpose, and he will not fail us. Plz dubs to cement the hope.
Trump should charge her, pardon her on the least important charge, and then have her executed once she's inevitably found guiltier than sin of everything else.
Kek will be just as furious with Trump as us if he cucks.
He has to set an strong example of cleaning house and locking Hillary up is perfect for that. If he fails to do so or worse pardons her, his efforts to change the system will gradually fall apart the moment he leaves after two terms.
They need to know he means business.
KEK has Spoken
Fuck these people
Thats ok media, Trump will decide what is genius. Not you.
Asking for a pardon is admitting she broke the law. A tacit understanding she fucked up.
No. Oh no. This is what desperation looks like.
He spent plenty of time shitting on Dubya during the primaries you faggot.
Pardoning Hillary may or may not be a good political move because it clearly says "you did something terrible, but I forgive you." Emphasizes that Hillary is a criminal and Trump is the forgiving good guy. So it would be funny, but I'm not sure it's worth the risk to the world of Hillary going free - much better if she gets a plea-bargain for selling out Soros and the other puppetmasters.
If he just wanted to troll people and do something really funny, he would announce plans to pardon Obama.
The two most popular chants during the campaign: "Build the Wall" and "Lock Her Up". The idea of pardoning her should only be used as a punchline.
Trump and the FBI needs to use RICO against the media.
Ah yes, I had forgotten that. Must have lost it in the huge pile of awesome things that kept happening this current year.
I legitimately want to see her hang from the gallows by the reflection pool until her corpse rots off the noose. I have been saying this for months. Call me an edgelord all you want, I really mean it. An example must be made to these treasonous fucks.
But, in reality, this would piss off half the nation and cause lefties to go wild. Is that a concern since most of them are not armed? Probably not, but I am sure that would be negative repercussions I cannot envision at the moment.
As a happy middle ground, she needs to be locked up forever.
Shouldn't the media be pandering to get itself pardoned?
"Shitting on" and "imprisoning" are not the same thing.
So this is why they started the riots, well, thats disapointing
So, Bush gets a pass. It's good to know where you Trump-cucks stand.
This. The ideal response from Trump would be: Worry about yourselves, faggots.
Watch how fast the kikes split on her.
This is just jews contorting Christian values. You don't forgive remorseless animals. Trump can be the guy that gives her a prison term as her penance. Hillary can be the good Christian who accepts it, understanding its value in becoming a better person.
I don't think I have an anime girl smug enough for this. So I'll just post the most American.
Put sunglases on that hamburger
There's no such thing as a Trump-cuck. It's like the existence of a dry raindrop. Trump's existence is the polar opposite of cuckoldry, and we turn from him if he ever displays an ounce of it. You have to go back to Israel
I think Trump was wrong on something
Will we ever see them this desperate? I hope so
your judgement is bad and you should feel bad
Nigger take a good look at your salt folder, They are this desperate
Hang the bitch high, Don. No mercy.
Even if he did, they'd forget about it in a day. They will never be on his side.
My photoshop skills are shit sorry but you are absolutely right. Also leave it to a nip to come up with the most perfect American waifu ever
I'm not gonna go autistic and scream Holla Forums's waifu but damn. Also I know I am responding to myself.
Come to think of it, Trump can still play the mercy card if he ONLY imprisons her instead of executing her, since she may have actually committed treason.
This is what happens every time they get ousted out of power. They did the same thing with Bush after Clinton and guess what, he folded like a chair. Its worked in the past because both parties have been two sides of the same coin, neocons and progressive democrats. Theyre not going to get their way this time but they sure as hell are going to try. The enemy must be crushed, drain the swamp and open the sealed closets, let the skeletons spill out on to Pennsylvanian Ave. Make Guantanamo bay full of these domestic terrorists who have held out country hostage for over 40 years.
He shouldnt. He should re open the 9/11 investigation. The guilty must pay the price.
The elite just seems to calm there is something fishy about it.
That's politics.
The outrage is always an act.
The only ones who believe it are the people out there rioting, the useful idiots, the rubes.
Agreed a thousandfold. Was there any truth to that report about him reopening the 9/11 investigation?
Imagine President Trump's first speech includes the passage:
"Oh, also, Israel did 9/11. Oh yeah, and also, Israel no longer exists. Hillary was wrong, it only took two minutes. Ahead of schedule and under budget!"
cement shoes go great with pantsuits
The only innocent bush, he dindu nuffin
That's not how this works.
you are as stupid as the NeverTrumpers who said Trump was roughly as bad as Hillary because he isn't afraid to be rude. get the fuck back to reddit
It's probably a CTR remnant soon he will be like us broken ready for redpills on everything.
The question should be whether she gets life in prison or execution. I vote execution.
This. "Forgive everybody no matter what" are (((Christian))) values. The Bible says there are people who will never be forgiven no matter what, not even by Jesus, because they made themselves into children of the Devil/reprobates. The Jews are the number one Biblical example of reprobates.
CTR disbanded at the moment Shillary lost
I'm almost tempted to make a thread to suggest to twist the fucking knife and remind those cucks of their place.
Plastic frogs, missionaries, pizzae and crapton free samples and diapers just for the hell of it.
I want her in jail and the kids saved
All this smacks of desperation. Mr.Soros and his ilk know that their collective head is in the noose, it's time to pull the lever.
Life in prison. Can you imagine the suffering she would experience in genpop?
No. Leftists need to be hanged not appeased.
I remember when I was at one of Clinton's private meetings. I was walking my child slaves around on a leash, enjoying myself a bit when she bumped into me and made me spill the blood from my goblet. She politely said "pardon me Grand Warlock".
Hillary's not a bad person.
Public execution with her good friend Soros.
That would be a good start.
Donald Trump should pardon Hillary! Us Trump supporters are tolerant people and we shouldn't let our leader look like a problematic bigot anti-BLM asshole!
Don't forget to vote Democrat in 2020!
Business as usual in the leftists' circus tent.
These people deserve to be shot. Fuck clinton, i want to see that cunt hang. Im quite surprised CTR still exist as they have no political future.
political genius would to do absolutely nothing
Hillary was never charged with a crime
there is nothing to pardon, let alone donald wouldnt know which crime to pardon first
the fbi has a gigantic target on Hillary Clinton, and this dumb cunt cant even be trusted to be in charge of her own emails
If the aim is to make her suffer, then you have to keep her alive for at least the next 8 years and force her to watch videos of Emperor Trump making the world great again.
Welcom to the 3rd stage, ANGER & BARGAINING-
weeeww the world is astounded at American media stupidity
Are they retarded? What America needs is a top level politician to actually get sent to jail. It'd restore a huge level of confidence back into the American government once it was shown you can't do literally whatever you want.
Isn't that a Rothschild sitting two rows behind Trump? The guy with the glasses?
He can't go back now after that because you'd be in jail zinger. Everyone would mock him as being weak. It's a losing proposition.
that's why they propose it
I care. That bitch needs to go to jail for her crimes.
Were President Trump to pardon Crooked Hillary, the (((media))) would be appeased… for about two seconds. Then they would start on a new tack, trying to wear him down over something else, like mass amnesty for illegal immigrants or other 'humanitarian' acts. This because they are Jews who think they know what's good for us, better than we do.
Instead, fuck them. The (((media))) can go to fucking Hell for all I care. Fuck them. Give them an inch, and they will take a mile.
Trump has already promised to reopen the 9/11 investigation. We'll see what happens.
you're a faggot
that would be great, high tier politicians are faggots like you and should go down
the low level FBI agents hate her, her power to control the CIA is gone now that she won't be president. why are you such a faggot?
This week has been full of keks, and they keep coming.
what was that in reply to?
If Trump pull off Nixon on her, it's time for civil war.
Fucking Kek
Like they say, don't interrupt your enemy when they're making a mistake.
They're flat out admitting she's guilty by begging the Don to pardon her, even though he hasn't gotten into the white house yet to prosecute her!
He'll soften his stance in word or not comment until he takes the oath, then he'll strike.
Note his plays in the time until he takes the oath. He is snubbing the msm that was brazenly against him. He ain't buying any of their bullshit.
Actually treason is pardonable for some odd reason. The president's power to pardon is beyond legal reproach and the only thing the people could do about it is torches and pitchforks if a pardon was issued.
Only governor's pardons have a treason limit. Probably to prevent a state hero from taking care of business and bring protected by their home state.
I think it was about the Boston Bombings.
Classic kike subversion. Half his campaign was on bringing back the economy and securing our country. The other half was removing corruption and holding the (((elites))) accountable. Him pardoning her period would be devastating but as the first thing he did? It'd be catastrophic. That single move would wipe all legitimacy from him and turn most of his supporters against him.
The (((establishment))) is desperate. They want him dead and gone no matter the costs, and due to (((their))) inherent sadism they do it the way they always have which is by destroying them completely. Killary is merely a means to an end at this point. Use the classic Wormtongue kikery by whispering in his ear to do shit that's completely against his interests and well being but making it seem like they actually are. They want to make an example out of him and punish his supporters severely. First step would be irrevocably taint his presidency, especially in its infancy.
tl;dr kikes trying to kike and being extremely obvious about it. Trump's not stupid and there isn't much they can offer him, therefor he I trust won't be dumb or naive enough to fall for it
lmao the comments posted on this tweet:
>Judd Apatow [email protected]/* */ 19 Apr 2013. @realDonaldTrump what did you learn from your Central Park five errors ? It is hard to tell.
>Bryan William Jones [email protected]/* */ 19 Apr 2013 Salt Lake City, UT This is why Trump fails the POTUS test. RT @realDonaldTrump: Should be public execution for all to see-you will end this bullshit fast!
>Maysoon Zayid [email protected]/* */ 19 Apr 2013 Like your teeth @Mom_with2boys ignore and @realDonaldTrump will go away.
> Dan Mason [email protected]/* */ 19 Apr [email protected]/* */: Should be public execution for all to see-you will end this bullshit fast!”> trump proving why he didn't run 4 President
One of the main reasons the President can pardon is for things like treason. This is what Lincoln did. If a treasonous rebellion starts, the President can offer pardons to persuade a surrender. If he couldn't, then the rebels would never surrender under any conditions because they would all be executed for treason.
Jesus christ just play in traffic.
by letting a disgusting treasonous criminal off? fuck you!
That logic also worked on Ford.
¡El Trump cabron quiere deportarme! ¡Tenemos que detenerlo!
The Clintons have gotten away with far too much, for far too long.
YES! This is what I've been asking for too. It's the perfect location for gallows used to hang corrupt politicians. The pictures of the scene would echo through the history books for millennia. We would not be forgotten, the whole world would forever remember when Americans stood up for themselves and took out their trash.
The most important things to be is that Trump throws her in jail, does something about political correctness as he mentioned because people are sick and tired of it and that's why so many people voted for him, and helps our bros in Europe overcome the cuckening. He owes them after Nigel helped him.
Clintons have gotten away. With far too much, for far too long.
Sacre bleu, mon beaner amie is right! Trump has to be stopped!
Actually, it would go like
I say we give her a slipped disk and put her in a tiny cage without painkillers alone in darkness and only fed through a tube while she soils herself until she dies.
if anyone wants to say the press represents them, they're .. I don't even have a word for it..
Hillary's suffering is ultimately pointless. She's trash that needs to be taken out. Let the gods punish her.
If you really wanted her to suffer you'd let dark surgeons cut on her for years. Take a lung. Remove limbs. Unnecessary skin grafts. Fused joints, pulled teeth, gouged eyes. "Don't execute her, let her live so she suffers" is a disingenuous meme used by people who oppose the death penalty but want to sound tough because they think their faux-toughness will persuade the proponents of execution. If you really wanted to maximize her suffering, you wouldn't merely let her live, you'd cut on her too.
No, fuck that and fuck letting her live. Just drop her from a rope and get it over with, so that Americans can get the justice and satisfaction that they deserve.
Every single lugenpresse person has to kiss Trump's shoes and he'll pardon them.
if he pardons her for her crimes he will lose my vote and millions of other americans who want to see the evil bitch in jail.
Clintons have gotten away with far too much, for far too long. Time for President Trump to set the example.
I know I'm replying to a shitposter but idc. It's a reflex just like how people say good morning when you see them and ask them how they are. If she really cares how she spilled your drink, she should've bought you a new one, faggot.
You are replying to someone quoting a joke by Trump, you impossibly fucking stupid cunt
He should let the investigations proceed to the point where she will be jailed, and THEN pardon her. Not a moment sooner.
It needs to be a matter of record that she diddoo sumfin
This is all just a fucking fan-fiction where their pet criminal bitch get's off free.
i want to cum on these anime bitches faces
It's a joke you fucking spastic. NUMEROUS people in this thread have already noted that it was a joke, which should be obvious since it is Trump's fucking joke. Please do your part to improve average posting quality on Holla Forums: fellate a shotgun.
I care. She can help build the wall for time off her sentence.
why pardon her at all?
Because he just got successfully kiked by that article, and so will a lot of people.
thanks for caressing the rectum
I think one of the biggest errors of our times is to not hang politicians, or to hang them far too infrequently. Really, a politician should be the first hang. They should hang before even the common murderer should hang, because punishment should always be equal to or exceed the power of a man in public office.
Why would she need to be pardoned? I thought (((they))) said she wasn't a criminal.
She and her Pedo friends need to be prosecuted.
But he needs to have an independent prosecutor do it or just go on live TV and read her Pedo emails live to the public.
Repeating numbers are almost as good as dubs for our purposes here. So it shall be.
Tell him to pardon her, like they are still calling the shots. Meanwhile, Soros and Clinton crew running rampant across the country rioting because they lost and calling for our way of electing presidents to be overturned to suit their needs. Fuck these people and their queen. They need to be fully destroyed else they come back stronger.
tie her up in a dark room and play the entire KJV bible on tape
There is an election if 4 ye… Okay, I see what you did there.
You fat nigger cunts, have you even read one of the many Pedopodesta threads? The fucking satanic whore threads ? Bitch deserves the fucking worst, shes a puppet of jews and should only be kept alive by superior white semen.
Let alone of thinking of all the poor little souls she and her "friends" tortured and killed. She's a fucking maniac.
Do the opposite of what jews tell you. Hang Hillary 2017!
Trump promised to open up libel laws too against the (((media))).
They're b scurred, bois.
A jew disguising as a jew comedian
Fucking lol.
Why are there so many faggots that can't tell a shitpost just by looking at it?
Her punishment must be more severe
They are scared of her being jailed because they finally understand they are in getting a real holocaust.
Post this in every thread thats popped up the last few days pls.
tl;dr for lazyfag anons
>"If you let your enemy go free, you win." - Justin Tru-… The Media™
The MSM rats think now they can ask for favors?! No fucking mercy. I hope Trump slaps any of the Neocons back into their sheds if they so much as utter the word "pardon."
always do the opposite of what the media jews say
This. These kikes are going to wish the Holocaust had happened so they wouldn't have to go through what's coming to them in the future.
hopefully trump can purge all the kikes and bring some honesty to the media
that being said i'm still having a hard time wrapping my head around the idea that one day i might be able to actually trust the media
it's a very strange feeling
48 Laws of Power: Law 15: Crush Your Enemy Totally
All great leaders since Moses have known that a feared enemy must be crushed completely. (Sometimes they have learned this the hard way.) If one ember is left alight, no matter how dimly it smolders, a fire will eventually break out. More is lost through stopping halfway than through total annihilation: The enemy will recover, and will seek revenge. Crush him, not only in body but in spirit.
4 Ways to Kill or be Killed
1. Do not sympathize with your enemies.
Your enemy will bide his time and strike back when you least expect.
2. When you pity or hope for reconciliation, it will make you hesitate.
They may act friendly for the time being, but they will eventually destroy you
3. An enemy that is left around is like a half-dead viper that you nurse back to health.
You only strengthen their fear and hatred of you.
4. Give your enemies nothing to negotiate, no hope, no room to maneuver.
Do not humiliate, yet nurture these resentful vipers who will one day kill you.
This is all the truer with a former friend who has become an enemy. The law governing fatal antagonisms reads: Reconciliation is out of the question. You must exterminate, crush, and deny them the chance to return to haunt you.
Such is the case of Hsiang Yu and his enemy Liu Pang. Hsiang had proven his ruthlessness on many an occasion, but with Liu Pang he acted differently. Every time he had his rival in his hands, something made him hesitate—a fatal sympathy or respect for the man who had once been a friend and comrade in arms. But the moment Hsiang made it clear that he intended to do away with Liu, yet failed to accomplish it, he sealed his own doom.
Liu would not suffer the same hesitation once the tables were turned. Now Hsiang Yu was on the run from Liu and when he came upon a small group of his own retreating soldiers, he cried out, "I hear Liu Pang has offered one thousand pieces of gold and a fief of ten thousand families for his head. Let me do you a favor." He then slits his own throat and dies.
It is not, of course, a question of murder, it is a question of banishment. Sufficiently weakened and then exiled from your world, your enemies are rendered harmless.
They have no hope of recovering, insinuating themselves and hurting you. And if they cannot be banished, at least understand that they are plotting against you, and pay no heed to whatever friendliness they feign.
Instead of prosecuting her, can't he just remove her citizenship or something similar? Like, exile her from the country.
That used to be a punishment. Every monarch in the Axis powers was punished in this way. She keeps her freedom and her fortune, she just can't even return to the US.
No one is above the law. And that is the highest law.
Not yet, but one of Trump's promises in his first 100 days is making anime real.
Moses never existed. Exodus is a jewish persecution hoax, just like the Holocaust. Slander against a plainly superior people.
The jewish priests wrote Exodus while they were in exile in Babylon. Exodus is nothing more than allegorical kvetching about how the jewish god is always the best. It was the jewish priests trying to convince the captive jewish people that the jewish god was still in control, even when the jews were in exile.
Call it in, CIA
Yeah, to Libya. Sounds good. Don't forget your hijab, Hillary.
I figured Qatar or Saudi Arabia
So this basically confirms that they KNEW she was a fucking criminal the whole time.
I personally prefer "being fed to sharks"
guys help, please inform me as to why obama doesnt pardon her now? i dont get it.
Hillary and Huma committed treason and for that they should face a traitors fate.
Pardon her for what? She's (((innocent))).
So was Nixon and Ford pardoned him.
he should say something like "Maybe i should pardon her for the greater good and unity!", Obama will then NOT pardon her and let Trump save the witch only for him to say on the 1 day in office
otherwise that nigger will pardon her and trump would be unable to do anything.
Not becoming President is a punishment? It's disgusting how people think that she's somehow entitled to the Presidency. She never deserved it, so preventing her from taking office was simply the just conclusion, not a "punishment" at all. I would begrudgingly accept a pardon for Clinton if her sole sole wrongdoing was extremely negligent handling of defense information, and this would be contingent on her never holding public office again. However, her criminal activity runs deeper than that, particularly considering how she used the Clinton Foundation to accept bribes from foreign nationals in exchange for influence in the US Government. Even that only scratches the surface, but it is probably the most significant. She is undoubtedly a traitor and an enemy of the United States and should be judged by the law just like anyone else would if they had done the same.
Accidentally added a second "sole" in there when I was editing.
It's so hard to choose whether she lives to suffer, or dies.
Just sentence her to life in jail, she'll probably kill herself instead of go and if not she rots in prison for years. Win/Win.
don't you have to save a board from dying or soemthing?
>>>Holla Forums
And hes wondering why his shitty board is dying.
Had they not been pulling bullshit before, the media might have been able to swing this idea but that ship has long sailed. Prosecuting and executing Hillary is the best thing since it will bring down all the other people tied to her as well. By extension, it also weakens all the other people that could challenge Trump in the next election since all the people who could are tied to Hillary. The democrats may be forced to run a hobo at that point since most people in their party are or were tied to Hillary. That or run Jim Webb and send the black vote into a toss up.
You kinda missed the point, big guy.
Death to all semitic fairy tales. Hail Wotan.
They don't even realise how up their own anuses they are.
Live Long!
How cute and silly. If anything he should try getting everything more divisive so he can declare martial law and actually become Emperor Trump.
Trump Won't Put Hillary In Prison, Here's Why:
No it wouldn't it would make him a one term president. HE MUST PROSECUTE HER. WE MUST PRESSURE HIM TO DO IT.
Because the sociopathic people are not idiots unlike the lib/leftards.
She haven't been charged nor sentenced yet. In order to pardon them is they are sentenced.
Wait wait wait wait wait
They're literally admitting that Hillary is guilty of criminal wrongdoing. Think about it. This is better than their pathetic attempt to plea for him to pardon her. The media is already admitting that she could and will go to jail.
No you stupid cunt, the time for political games and pandering is over. She has literal blood on her hands and then some, she is responsible for destabilizing the entire fucking middle east which opened the door all over the world for opportunistic African economic migrants to fuck every country they settled in including mine. She has been a part of EVERYTHING for at least the past 30 years and the only shame is that at this point in her life she wont be able to do at least 30 years of prison
Brilliant clarity. They wished death on us and rape and slavery on our women.
Fuck them.
Fuck the Clintons.
Fuck the kikes.
Fuck the media.
Fuck American values.
Fuck all of it.
Make America Great Again
Starting by putting that bitch behind bars.
Benghazi Mother Fuckers
That's the best part. I hope Trump continues to say nothing on the issue until he is sworn in and then hits Hillary with all kinds of charges. The salt will be wonderful and she can't get Obama to pardon her.
holy shit look at this exchange too
No, only her political career, unfortunately.
anyone starting to see a grand scheme?
I've seen this pardon Clinton because of *insert reason* narrative being pushed in a few other threads.
Why would he negotiate? He's holding all the cards.
Triply cemented.
B-b-because it would look nice, goy!
I think, just in case, we should send him letters, tweets, emails. Make it clearer, if need be, that we in NO WAY want her pardoned.
Whenever I read posts like this it's like the little "pride-o-meter" in my race goes up a little. Like that moment when the kindling really begins to burn and the air takes on a different quality. I feel so indebted to God for making you all my brothers.
Does anyone else feel this way?
Ah shit, dem trips of truth
Holy shit, back to '08
Polite sage, I forgot the link
LMFAO I was looking for old mentions of the song and found this
Fucking kek, memes are bleeding into reality
he COULD prosecute her and she'll likely get off some how anyways and split the country in the process, effectively making him a lame duck if democrats win the midterms by chance
OR he could pardon her and take the moral high road, which may appeal to voters that saw him as morally wrong on social issues
But addressing it is certainly a gamble and it may be better to leave it alone and let the system effectively set her free, which I doubt the media would want to bring attention to anyway since democrats were left limping after this election
No he's not
he's a business man and if he thinks he can leverage more political capital by pardoning her he will
It's the same with gay marriage, he said he doesn't really care and would let SCOTUS ruling stand. He just needed to win and if you're being honest with yourself you knew he would take this position as a new yorker with many gay friends, even if not officially
I trust The Don and think he will make the best decision he can
Let's not forget, we're playing 5D chess here
Okay Barron
These kikes are really trying hard to stop us from blowing their child-trafficing pedo-operation wide open to the masses, aren't they?
Fuck that, we fry this bitch and prevent the Clinton name from being anything other than associated with criminality.
This sinks any chance of that ugly dog Chelsea from running, lock this bitch up.
Twist the knife.
I hope he personally pulls the lever to her electric chair.
The fact that these people (politicians and dumbass leftists alike) are trying to actively get Hillary pardoned, while not even being subtle about it, is not raising more red flags than it should be is astounding. Hell the fact that they're trying to pardon her should automatically say to most people "SHE'S FUCKING GUILTY IF THEY'RE TRYING TO PARDON HER AND THEY HAVEN'T SAID WHAT THEY'RE PARDONING HER FOR!"
I have to remember however, that the silent majority is probably more than aware of what they're doing (else they wouldn't have helped us during the election as they did), and there are still a lot of people are like webm related that care more about what the (((MSM))) tells them than actually looking at the facts.
doesn't get it do they. They're like a little kid trying to preserve the sandcastle they built at low tide. While there is a 300 foot tidal wave approaching.