"They Got It Wrong" Thread

If you take a shot at The Emperor, you better not miss.

Videos and screenshots of all the people who mocked Trump and said he'd never win.

Other urls found in this thread:


Trump jokes start @ 12mins

Ted Cruz:

"I have zero interest in being Trump's VP."

"If Donald is the nominee, Hillary wins."


Actually, just don't take a shot of President Trump

it won't be pretty

Putting that Trump stuff aside for a moment, they always talked about Hillary. Even before Bernie lost and cucked out. It was always going to be her getting DNC nomination.

Barack Obama jokes about Trump

starts @ 9:30

These workers of the White House are traitors since they hate Trump. These images are them the day Obama left the Black House.



Rick Wilson Everybody!

Good times.

Let's collect the source clips so that ppl can make compilation videos like this one.

I've archived all of these. Can be found here:


link breaking 2nd attempt


Just leave out the https you dipstick



Ok, we better stop now. Let's not derail.



It's funny, but i haven't seen Ricky boy having any kind of meltdown on twitter after Trump won.

He realized at last he's one chimpout away from ending in Gitmo along with all the other traitors.


Make sure you collect as many of these as you can - a lot of butthurt liberal celebrities will be arrogant enough to delete their false prophecies.

Are the workers at the White House permanent fixtures? Each president doesn't get to bring their own crew in?

Brad Thor

Folks, I think @BradThor ought to be reminded of just how wrong he was.


He's still pretty upset about a Trump presidency and spreading conspiracy theories.

Yes yes, the tears of unfathomable sadness! Their tears taste so yummy and sweet

He really likes that "good times" punchline.

He's still going?
Not sure if I should be impressed or pity him.

Nice. But I still think there should be more and better versions of this kind of gloating video.

More! More! More!

Also probably there should be one that ends with footage from Inauguration Day.

Part 1:

Part 2:

Oh sweet Jesus.
Looking through Cuck Wilson's attempt at saltmining on election night.
I think I broke a rib.

Please tell me there is a recorded stream of that Hillary viewing party, because I want to watch them go from smug to defeated.

Jeez seth that was some low-energy shit near the end there. I think even he realized it wasn't good material.

This one is pretty epic because it includes the comeuppance.

Wang Done Schlonged Himself


This NeverTrump cuck was gleefully tweeting #TrumpkinTears early on in election night. As you can see he changed his tone.


Spam him pics of bugs to eat, preferably big fucking centipedes

Dang, just thought of a better headline:

OP Delivered

More rekt "experts"

I've got some respect for this guy, at least he followed through on what he said. Unlike all these actors refusing to move.

Fuck off, their bet WAS that Trump wouldn't win.

Frank Luntz

what a putz


Hahahaha. That second one. 'I didn't mean what I said, I really meant… [kikey wordplay trickery intensifies]'


Frank Luntz
Loves seizure grannie's kuntz

Show us on the doll where Trump touched you, Ricky.


At 1:15 she said: "I will eat my right hand if Donald Trump becomes the nominee"

Hey guys, you remember the beyblade kids ? This chick reminds me of the crying one.

I like Bill Burr's quote on Conan.

"Trump pays 100,000 dollars to eat breakfast, President Obama stands there shit talking him. A year later, he's takes the man's fucking job."

The fucking mad man

I like him, he can stay.


A classic.

At this point it's more fun to hear about people who got it right, although there aren't many of them.

You Know Nothing, Ben Howe


You remember the "OH LAWD DIS CRAKKKA IS CRAZY" black woman when Coulter said Trump would be the president ?

Did he fill his giant cup with cyanide or just his own endless tears?


She is @JoyAnnReid

Let's not let her forget.



He's hoping we'll forget and he'll be taken seriously again in a few years.

Kek. I dunno. We need to get her to do what this guy

did. I suggest apple sauce, it goes well with pork.


What eats bugs?


Hillary confirmed for the bog.

because Hillary is a better talking point when campaigning to the republican audience


It's not like it was hard to predict that Clinton would get the Dem-nomination no matter what.

No, because they knew it was always going to be Hillary. So did everyone else. We knew it would be Hillary. We knew Bernie wasn't going to be the nominee. Come on.

Stop posting (slightly oversized) thumbnails, user.


That's just a normal screenshot, maybe you need glasses.


the ending of this was fucking amazing

is it just me or do the wymyn look like their hopes are smashed while the men look like they hate the obamas and want them gone?

He's a retard, those are pictures of Trump arriving for the first time.


Remember when Rick Wilson picked a fight with single childless men who masturbate to anime and lost? Good times.

At least the rest aren't completely breaking down, this is just pathetic.

I am howling with laughter

Man, the salt has been great.


sorry for being a pleb, but what is the music called?

Boku no Pico
In the Hall of the Mountain King

thank ye

I'm working the Ben Shapiro Was Wrong collection but it's a bottomless pit of incompetence.

Here's a start:


This is 2 years old, but mysteriously disappeared.


Don't forget the "Choke-Artist".

That reminds me, we need screenshots of CNN etc running nothing but stories about Trump's campaign "collapsing" into hopeless chaos.

Ben Shapiro Fails, Part 1

Ben Shapiro Fail, Part 2

mad banter tbh


I can't fucking stand Shapiro, he has a nasally, whiny voice fitting for exactly how he talks about things.
i.e. like a whiny bitch.

The cherry on top.

Is that the same crying woman with the hat?

I keep seeing this "lets try talking to them." like they could convince people they are ignorant and wrong or something. Its too late faggots

Ben Shapiro Fails, Part 3

My personal favorite was Nate Silver predicting both the Cubs and Trump wins as a joke months ago.

Sorry for being a newfag who doesn't know how to embed videos. That said, this one is by far the best that I've seen – "In the Hall of the Trumpen President (superior edition)"


Can't wait for the post-election "Can't Stump the Trump"



snide liberal professor looks down on his own family..these fucking people



Actually, that's a lot more integrity than i'd give many other liberals. He might actually make a good ally if his powers (such as they are) were redirected for good instead of evil.

I agree this is better than

BUT… I still don't think anyone has stuck the landing yet.

I think the finale could be better.

Youtube link? I want to see the comments and leave some of my own.

sonic's theme song


now thats just unprofessional, everyone who does that should be fired immediately.

Here's another variation.

One more.

writes for National Review

Earlier one.

well thats just not funny and even he knows it.

In The Hall of the Trumpen King

4 Variations

Part One (Primary Season)



In the Hall of the Mountain King by Edvard Grieg

Obama: "I continue to believe Mr. Trump will not be president"

Obama to Trump:

"At least I will go down as a president. (Drops phone)"

Yes, generally each president has a new staff. Sometimes some member are kept on, but most folks leave.

Obama and Trump at White House

Obama Rose Garden speech about Trump victory.

Obama v Trump

These clips could be used for a good mashup video just by themselves.

Stephanie Miller. Should we send her spirit cooking recopies?

I like how he was about to say "if it's good enough for a snake it's good enough for me," but realized he would be describing his kind a bit too accurately and so cut it off.


Somebody need to take that video and combine it with the recent clip of Trump meeting Obama at the White House this week.

Here's the twatter. Go nuts folks


That does not look like her, IMO.

Liz Mair


Is Trump already moving into the White House now? Or in January when he is sworn in?

I don't know why (((Silver))) yhought a Cubs WS was so unlikely. Both the NL and AL were relatively weak this year. No Cards or Yankess in the post season. Cleveland was definitely the hot team and the hot team usually wins it, but they had serious depth issues in their pitching rotation and their offense was average. This year was as good a year for the Cubs to win as any.

I've been considering making an edit of Streets 1:12 and calling it something like Votes 290. Should I leave the audio as is or replace some of it with shitty computer generated voices? For instance instead of "Me and Marc Rutzou" it'd say "Me and Mike Pence". Or should I just change the subtitles and leave it at that.
Any thoughts?

Look at the cheek bones and look at Jewgle Images and compare them yourself. Plus the bitch was a guest of MSNBC that day so it matches.



could do one with Trump wins only + originall Superman them ( John Williams) Vid related.

People like her are precisely the reason I voted for Trump.


almost as bad as please clap.


Fucking TOP KEK that his sarcastic joke tweet was more accurate than than months of effort number crunching and data modeling.



>original & theme

So election results are still stuck at 290…. Michigan which looks like President Trump won is still being a bitch and not reporting in as officially won by President Trump. So the final number should be 306 electoral votes. I take it the jews in charge don't want President Trump to exceed the 200's so they can minimize the propaganda damage President Trump has unleashed on them. … Remember how the bastards in the media would stress the "president" part when they refereed to obama…

In fairness to King Nigger, he was onr of the few that you could tell was being knowingly dishonest in this assessment. Hilldog and 99% of the MSM and political class genuinely thought Trump hadn't a chance, you could tell that Obongo and/or his team realised a Trump win was a lot more likely than it was being advertised to be.

Normiebook is deleting these videos when I upload them. "Copyright". Fucking cunts. It's god damn CSPAN!

The electoral college hasn't even voted for him yet, 99% sure it's January when he moves in.

It always amused me how multiple cropped photos of her face from her younger years were spammed so much by her and CTR. It's almost like they knew she aged like milk and how shitty and deranged her face looked and wanted to replace that depiction with something else.

True, she is horrible in every way.

Probably statistics.

Preseason I thought it would come down to Dodgers, Cubs or Yankees. Cubs are a really strong team and there's no reason to believe they had a small chance of winning the world series. Cubs were a top five team without question and I'd say they were top three.

To be fair it was an intern, but the optics are still horrible.


Tim (Not So) Wise, Part 1

Tim (Not So) Wise, Part 2

This is even better than the salt threads

I think Obama will always be stuck at Stage 4

was he eaten by movie blob?

How's he doing now?

FYI, the last meme pic is already over a year old.
They grow up so fast ;_;

Just pathetic low-energy kvetching from what I've seen just now.




i kek'd. dude ate shit and failed at being smug.

Holla Forums isnt for anime, gtfo

Hillary had more of an inkling than most, perhaps a little of that made it to the MSM, and TYT et al were genuinely 100% out of the loop and had no fucking idea

that tweet is a shop right? he cant predict that


twitter.com/mtracey is posting a bunch of failed punditry right now


I wonder what percentage of Trump voters didn't care about anything except shoving it in the faces of these overconfident pricks.

I doubt it. The email says Bill considered him a threat. They threw Hillary in there like: o-of course she understands that too.


Only in this case, the only way she's going to fuck up a bathtub is by bleeding out in one and turning into rot soup.

These Jews used to laugh about it.

They thought it was a joke.

didn't notice Obongo's entire "Staff" dressed in black, as for a funeral. Hopefully soon to be their own funeral.

they also laughed about Hitler at first.

this ones my favorite by far, the smug cunt


Any this isn't a bigger deal?

I actually thought she wasn't going to win it

but then I underestimated how rigged the system is

Worth noting that bill also pointed out where the dems were fucking up in leaked speeches, that white working class has been getting screwed and hasn't seen any recovery at all since the crash among other things.

For a walking corpse, he's fairly canny.



Well, he ate the bug so he's a man of his word, he gets a pass.



At least smugness turned into unadulterated chimping out.


That mini kike backed a lying cooze and spread FUD about trump every chance he got. He should either be ignored or mocked for the rest of his rat faced midget life.

I hope someone is posting these tweets at him and rubbing his face in it.


that grimacing witch in the background of the first one is the best.
sour faced cunts had a free ride, and now they losing their corrupt little meal ticket.

fucking coven of sjws. the pathetic and the evil, the distorted shitbags imposing their filth upon the public.

medieval living must have been satisfying at times,
on the occasion there was a decent leader, all the traitors would be executed.

I don't know what trump is going to do, if anything different at all - but it is satisfying seeing these fuckers in abject self pity and loathing off their party being spoiled.

Hilarious quote; replace (((Ben Shapiro))) with any other mook and you have the thread description

I wanna buy Bonnie a coffee.

Can someone post some buildup music to go along with these videos. I want to try my hand in making something but am having trouble with some good music selections.

At least there is a follow up and he admited he got it wrong.


I did an earlier one of this guy slowly coming to reach the stage of acceptance before the election.

So much for all that hope bullshit.

He's too busy kvetching about the 6 GORILLION STOLEN HEAD SCARVES to notice.
Funny enough, he links to Shaun Queen's tweet about it, which has been removed because it's a hoax. Never mind the leftist riots, though. They're kosher af.

What is his fascination with these 'dudebros', I wonder.

Its for free.

When making mocking compilation videos be sure to include the wave of butthurt that followed!

'are Katie knew the game all along

How fitting.


Is Tim Wise a crypto-Ayran training us to despise jews?

just checked his feed, all about whining about the popular vote, come on pol, lets hunt down their millions of dead democrat votes like there were last time(1.8 million) to completely away their fallacious gambit.

That copy is going to be very valuable. …if it doesn't get destroyed.

“L'apprentie sorcier“ de paul dukas.
His a french compositeur.

when in doubt, browse this selection of famous / tried-and-true classical tunes


These two threads should be merged.

If you thought the others were bad, this one tops them all.

The Duke of Defeat
The King of Collapse
The Emperor of Impotence
The Sultan of Stupidity

Bill Kristol, Part 1


Bill Kristol, Part 2

Bill Kristol, Part 3

Bill Kristol, Part 4

Bill Kristol, Part 5

Antisemitism is a disease, you catch it from Jews, and Tim Wise is like the Typhoid Mary of antisemitism


Antisemitism is not a disease, Antisemitism is the cure.
Jews are the disease.

fucking archive that trash
it sucks
or at least break the link fuckstick


He was controlled opposition.

Not even a meme. Wikileaks emails confirmed that Sanders had a prior "agreement" with Clinton not to bring up certain issues, etc. Someone can link the relevant email. I was laughing too hard to save it at the time.

Kind of offtopic but how tall is Josh Earnest? He looks huge in the first pic.

could be good, definitely change 112 to 270 though

has anyone made a video yet?