WTF? I HATE Trump now.
WTF? I HATE Trump now
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ur a faget
Orthodox kikes are conservative and numale kikes are liberals. This isn't news.
sage this gayness
you fucking faggot
What are you fucking gay
Orthodox jews, while jews, aren't the same as the money grubbing fucks, they aren't zionist.
You know nothing about orthodox kikes.
This shows what Trumpism means.
That's why he was allowed to joke about Jews – because he's almost part of the tribe.
Since he's probably a pedo or at least a pervert of the Clinton type, of which the jews know about, he is de facto Netanyahu's pawn.
That's part of it, but the bigger issue is probably that they wouldn't vote for a woman for religious reasons. A big kike newspaper even cropped her out of a photo because they're forbidden "publish photos of women".
And just a general reminder: all jews - orthodox, reform, secular, etc. - are our enemies.
*shooped, not cropped
Nice try chaim
that's Hassidic Judaism, not Orthodox Judaism
that's the Haredim (God-Fearers), not Orthodox Judaism
and the Haredim are most often Israeli non-zionists; they find zionism too secular.
Supposedly Trump's name is in the Torah, and the gematria of Donald Trump is “the messiah son of David”
This is the same argument the retarded left and the MSM use. The KKK supports Trump, therefore Trump is the embodiment of Klan ideals. Neo-Nazis support Trump, so he must be a Neo-Nazi! Orthodox Jews support Trump, so he is a Jew!
In reality, Trump is a civic nationalist, America First kinda guy. He is the best we could have gotten in this election, and a step in the right direction, but not the end-all be-all white nationalist that we need. His policy will hopefully move us in that direction, but it is up to us to keep pushing.
Orthodox Jews are controlled opposition. They also want the end of Israel.
Well, there isn't a single anti-zionist amongst Trump's circles.
On the other hand . . .
wtf OP #imwithher now
So a bunch of Jews that got rich using using nepotism and their general Jewishness support Trump, and that makes Trump a zionist? I'm a white nationalist, and I support Trump, and even donated to his campaign, does that make him a white nationalist? Like I said, he isn't literally Hitler, he's a civic nationalist.
Am I the only one pissed off that they transliterate his name as TRAMP instead of TRVMP?
I'm voting Sanders.
Is that the Lubavitch? The Lubavitch is very messianic. Trump promises to make Jerusalem the capital of Israel.
Jew here,
Yes, I voted for Trump and I'm often involved in the Brooklyn Jewish neighborhoods of Crown Heights and Borough Park. Almost everyone in those neighborhoods voted Trump.
I think the disinfo about Jews in this thread is pretty funny, specifically the confusion about Hassidim, Haredim, orthodox etc. I'm not going to write 5 pages explaining the similarities and differences between them because there's really no point, so I'll just say this.
Orthodox Jews are conservative, pretty good at seeing through bullshit, generally vote as a block, don't trust Hillary, would never vote for a woman, and the rabbis in yeshiva do a good job at rooting out SJW-behavior in youth. Zionism or lack thereof is important, but does not pertain to the argument of certain people in this thread, since they are arguing that anti-Zionist Jews voted for Trump. They are technically correct, those Jews DID vote for Trump, but Trump is a lot more pro-Israel than Hillary. That isn't the reason why they voted for him, the former few reasons are.
WTF I'm voting Obama now!
Anyone bumping this shill thread with no source and only an obviously shopped image should get banned.
Still salty? Good.
Here's source btw
Trump hates you too you stupid son of a bitch.
Orthodox kikes are the ones that put the Talmud in second place right? While still cancerous, the reformed jews are usually the more degenerate ones.
No, the Talmud is first place. That's all you study in Yeshiva.
Source: i've studied in yeshiva
Just to make you happy here's the source for what I posted and a sage too.
Do you know hebrew? If so can you tell me how to say "kill yourself jew"?
Wrong. See:
Now that the win is secured, all the shilling is just another for of salt. Please, continue to come in and flail around. I need it.
Orthodox hate the internationalist kind almost as much as we do. It's why he managed to pull off the Israeli vote.
They basically want to be left alone, which interferes with Soros's desire to use them as human shields while he loots western civilization with his third world horde.
We probably should have waited for Hitler and let Hillary in.
From what I've seen, the orthodox jews are the nationalistic type that just want to be left alone and aren't going around fucking with the goyim. It's the internationalist secular jews that do most of the shit. Wasn't the whole reason that Israel was set up in the first place to give the kikes a homeland of their own so they stopped parasiting off everybody elses? I think the orthodox are the ones who this concept was for. Correct my record if I'm wrong.
I don't care.
Hasids fall under the (ultra) orthodox umbrella.
Not true
that's the jews overall
poll quoted by OP was among orthodox jews