What dose are you on?


so what am I ?

The does which says: GO BACK TO CUCKCHAN

Kkkdose. Not religious but understand it's importance and cultural relativity.

Kikedose since you refuse to acknowledge their poisonous influence on white society.

meme dose

everything is ==M E M E==

i hate myself now


Heavily religious
Saddened by the fact that the only acceptable white heritage traditions upheld in the west is one where degenerate sluts get drunk and puke everywhere and one overtaken by niggers and faggots sucking dick for beads (Oktoberfest and Mardi Gras)

Don't get me wrong, I do think that there are groups of interest which rule the major politicians. I do think those work by using blackmail. However I'm not 100% convinced they're ALL only jews. Sure, some (if not most) of them are, but I think theres some other big ones around.
People like those pizza guys.

Just like niggers have a tendency for violent rhetoric, jews have a tendency for personal gain at the expense of cultural degradation and exploitation of the people.

The real redpill is understanding that today's kikes are not actual jews but ancient pretenders instead.

T H U L E Dose here


How many really believe this?

Wrong, ancient jews were bad, but the current fake jews are even worse. All semites have always been and will always be scum, but there is such a thing as degrees of evil

Take the Greengold Pill

53 redpearls here


This shit reminds me of those personality quizzes. You only have four options, you must fit in one. This is cuckchan tier.

Gas yourself OP.

Kkk minus the religion

I just realized that MGM is an esoteric brand name, G between two M pillars.

That casino also sports a masonic staircase and a golden lion.


How about you join the Orthodox church instead of being a member of that decadent boy lover imposter form of christianity?

The protestants may have split from you, but do you know who you originally split from? Orthodoxy. You Catholics are baically fancy protestants.

Is this one of these thread you call it as "what does Holla Forums think of x"?

Holy fuck why are there so many cuckchan faggots making threads, sage in all fields.

Cuckchan tier

somewhere between Zionistdose and conspiracydose. Marxistdose

What a load of crap.

Thule dose but always trying to retrieve more info and new perspectives.

How about no? Fuck ALL religions, especially the jewish ones.

Except for that, I guess I am basically on the Triple K dose, although I don't really hate _all_ jews. Benjamin H. Freedman was an honorable kike.

I may be overdosing at this point

Hitler thought Christianity preached weakness. I'm inclined to agree.


the categories are restrictive. this is oppressive

cuckchan dose: OP

Nice try Ahmed.



This whole shit is cancer and OP should be burned at the stake.
As bad as those gay pill "memes" shit. Get the fuck out.

Normal dose, but I'm willing to take more if evidence is presented.

Maybe if there's a higher dosage for having zero trust in the federal government, because I sure as shit don't.

Only reason I even lurk these threads is because people here aren't afraid to talk about anything. I like that, would have never even heard of the podesta emails otherwise.

But all this stuff about the Jews and white supremacy is just funny to me. I don't judge collectives, period. Soros is a cunt, and there are certainly kikes in suspicious places, but I'm not willing to throw random Jews in the oven for the crimes of people they've never even met.

That's the specific breed of cuckchan autism we left behind.
Now it's hereā€¦

I'm in the esoteric aryan spirit KEKdose right now

Pretty firmly on a major dose of the brown pill myself.


What does that make me?

Fuck that, I'm on the 'empiricist dose', if anything.

That said, I think society is the problem, and getting worse, the government is part of the problem and significantly responsible, and that MSM is untrustworthy. I may have further suspicions beyond this, but I will not claim their veracity without a much stronger basis to form those views upon.

KKKdose without the religious part, it's retarded to hate all kikes while worshipping a kike at the same time.

That's what a lot newfags think when they first come to Holla Forums.

Zionistdose tbqh famalam you huwhite larpers are funny