Mexican senator vowed to take back Texas
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Spaniards should publicly apologize for producing the Mexicans
All colonialism was a mistake.
This is going to be a thing now, since Trump succeeded politicians will go on and try to copy what they think made him win. Unfortunately for them, news outlets outside of the USA only report whatever CNN reports, so they have no idea what Trump really stands for, so they'll just say sexist things, and moronic things like "OOH MEHICO WILL TAKE BACK TEJAS CABRON JAJAJA!" or something sexist. Good politicians like Trump and Farage are rare.
Good, it would just make pic related easier.
All dat purging
Colonialism was fine. Not wiping out the indigenous "fauna" was the mistake.
See: America vs Latin America
I will enjoy watching pablo and juan kill each other on cnn when they are forced to develop their own economy instead of leeching off white people in America.
oh boy, now we get to take the rest from them and they're still going to go south of the border
The wall would be easier to build since there would be a smaller portion to cover.
What are you guys talking about? They're talking over the country by demographics.
All colonialism lead to populations unbound to their ancestral lands, ripe for subversion. Only good colonialism would have been temporary for the individual.
The Marines' Hymn will make more sense to the historically challenged.
Nigger, if that were the case, then people wouldn't be ripe for subversion while they are still in their ancestral lands, correct? Well, Germany, France, and England seem to be doing fan-fucking-tastic right now, don't you agree?
No, it is in the aryan spirit to explore, to discover, and to conquer. Colonial culture will eventually change from the native country culture, but remember - culture is a reflection of the genetics and IQ of a people, plus the environment. The genetics portion cannot be denied.
Colonialism was correct. Colonialism was the right thing to do. It allows the spread of white western civilization and the spread of what I view as the only race worth a damn. Having a pathological altruism for the local fauna was the only problem.
You colonials will never truly understand blood and soil nationalism, which is sad.
And now the wolves, their plot foiled and a secret ambush made impossible. All snarl their threats and display their open hostility. Ten more years, and these people would have been in a position to actually destroy this nation. How on Earth did our leadership become so tainted?
Confirmed for baiter.
This. We can do it.
How on Earth did our leadership become so tainted?
Subversion and vote-buying acceleration. Cycle of empires my boy.
Why haven't we triggered islamists by replacing the star and moon symbol with moonman?
The moon with moonman but we need something else for the star, jew WW2 gold star ?
Star and moon is actually a symbol of Artemis the muzzies stole because of the conquest of Byzantium. It'd be easier to trigger them with pictures of Artemis plugging Mohammad full of arrows for taking a young girl's virginity.
Inferior intelligence. They don't get it. You either willingly pay the modest cost of the wall or you will pay much more painfully through economic warfare.
multiculturalism and race mixing
that's how
What could possibly go wrong.
Mexican-American war when?
God damnit the elation this election has given me still won't drop off.
Going to go appropriate some mexican food.
Meh, fucker was blustering about this months ago too unless this is the same article. As I said then, a bunch of the treaties that would be broken also pertain to the Mexican-American war. Which they brought to the table because if not we would've taken all of Mexico then. So the spics do this and the war is technically back on again. The spics lost then where the military gap wasn't quite as massive as it is now. Still quite big, but nowhere near what it is now. If the war started back up now we could take Mexico in a week, probably less if we said fuck it and just started indiscriminately bombing and slaughtering which seeing what we've been doing in the ME is probably what we would do
The spics do that, we go to war with Mexico and the wall will be much smaller to make. Whatever patch of land we leave to them we simply deport all the shitskins living in our new borders to instead. So we get more land and they're still behind the wall
do it or i send commie catalonians after you
Your map is wrong at least in modern US territory. The British controlled the colonies, Maine, and the Ohio territory (for a short time). The French controlled a huge swath of land. Also, I don't think Alto California went that far north.
10 feet higher.
The wall just got 10 feet higher.
Honestly we need to go all the way to central america and take back the canal. Also shortens our land border and provides an resource that will pay for the large naval presence on both sides of the canal to chase down and sink border hopping spics.
Cheaper to have a hundred mile long border than a few thousand mile one. Also, mexico has oil, and needs 'freedom and democracy' returned to them in spades. Thanks to Trumps new attitude of keep it if you capture it, becomes ours. All those illegal mexicans from south america will be deported to their rightful home.
And to make environmentalists happy we can fill the new states of trump with solar pannels cause sun is fucking hot down there and we need shade, may as well make money and shade at same time am I right? All those worthless spic homes and stuff can be mined for resources, recycling and shit ey hombre? Save'n the planet and shit from the wetbacks can work.
stop forgetting French Louisiana you niggers, it takes up a huge chunk of central north america. yes i am triggered
Good idea
The only cuck that seems to be taking it pretty well is Northern Current Year Man, surprisingly enough.
Can we just give them California instead?
Not until the Portuguese apologize for Brazil.
Ok I'll admit, brazilians are worse than mexicans
Blow your fucking brains out, you goddamn kike. WE GAVE UP THE ENTIRE FUCKING WORLD THANKS TO KIKES. WE’RE GOING TO TAKE IT BACK.
See this? Fuck that. Give them NOTHING. Take from them EVERYTHING. That is our fucking nature. They shat on our desire to let them live once. Time to show them what made us tame this entire fucking world to OUR whims, BEFORE we had bothered inventing almost everything that exists in the modern world.
Western Texas 100 miles north of the border here.
Try it mehico, you guys are gunless cucks with one of the highest gun violence rates on the planet, my county has none of that shit and I don't have a single neighbor that isn't packing mroe heat than a volcano, myself included. Good luck matey.
Mexico turned out worse than we expected.
Sorry, fags.
Honestly, you can count the number of good colonies on one hand
However nice that sounds it's logistically impossible and very expensive.
We need to troll the spic with this picture.
Invaded people have never been displaced from their homes before.
What about Australia and New Zealand?
If Teutons didn't want to get rekt maybe they shouldn't have expanded so hard?
Hitler was right about the kikes but you can't go undermining other Europeans.
Argentina here. Nah, we suck.
Do you mean New China and Aboland?
Yeah, I just forgot about them
I hope you enjoyed the soviet occupation
technically those who did nothing about immigration should be checked if they have any jewish ties.
Yeah but to begin with those lands weren't German to begin with, Prussia was a separate ethnic group before they got culturally enriched.
Also those people were not deported, they were either largely assimilated or left of their own will, actual state deportation is costly and inefficient, and you can't assimilate beaners to be American either.
"The Mexican proposal would levy an equivalent tax on American citizens living in Mexico. More than one million US citizens reside in Mexico."
I assume these are mostly "American" "citizens" and not American citizens.
I hope you enjoyed that circumcised cock down your throat.
That's a good way to get bombed.
Alsace-Lorraine is rightful french clay
Spain, please control your children.
What are you trying to tell me?
Not even mentioning Silesia or how big Bohemias borders were before.
I'm seeing an Echo (((Armando Rios Piter))) Fucking parasites get into everything.
Is Commiefornie really productive, I thought it was a fiancial leech, and had to import water even, I think dividing the state in two and letting them secede would we great, they'd come crawling back, we can then look them in the eyes and say no, as we take it back by force and kill all the scum
Im getting the feeling the occupation wasnt fun
Up until France declared war maybe. French are still cool though
Actually by now you'd have the poles to thank for their diminishment, look up the Bromberg massacres. Saying an ethnicity no longer exists because their name is no longer directly on a map is fucking retarded. It was Prussians who formed Germany in the first place and the majority of Hitlers generals were Prussian nobility. Germans are not a people naturally prone to race mixing and this is a fact established as far back as Tacitus.
Don't they use all their water for Almond nuts. I also heard about a scandal of them dumping fresh water into the ocean.
Pretty sure that 4.5 billion number is a bit too low.
tbh it really wasn't, my grandfather even sat in gulag.
What I meant was that before Germans came to Prussia, Pomerania, Pomeralia and Generally along the coast of the Baltic there had lived several other groups of people which were culturally/gentically distinct from the Germans. Like Prussia was a congregation of Baltic tribes, Pomerania a duchy of western Slavs, the Sorbs which I hear came from southern Europe, etc. Starting from the Baltic crusades or a bit before all the way up to the 19th century, Germans came and occupied those areas, assimilating the people and bringing in German settlers with them to further consolidate their hold. There were many struggles as they fought many wars for them but in the end the population there was largely mixed.
Also actual Baltic Prussians only died out or were fully assimilated in the 18th century.
The point of the argument was that it was hard and inefficient to displace a huge amount of people over a short period of time without expending tons of resources, and you can see it took Germans a lot of time to do just that, deportation would be unfeasible
We built it, it's ours. Fuck spics.
With that attitude yes it is.
Hey, if you find a way, I'll be there with you.
Please god no
shit-tier map tbh fam
for shame user
Why stop there? Only stop when you reach a sea.
Most of that land is shit and America doesn't really need it, but now I want it to happen just to spite them.
It is insane how disrespectful and arrogant the Mexicans have been towards America considering how generous and kind we've been to them throughout our history.
Trump shouldn't even bother building the wall, he should just wipe Mexico off the map.
Like using Mexico as an involuntarily nuclear testing site?
Deportation yes. Other ways? Not at all. Most will self deport after seeing the alternative anyway.
Think semi rolls into hood with lots of small holes drilled into a crane removable cargo container. People are loaded shoulder to shoulder. Shipped to train station and crane puts onto train. Train travels to old open pit mine. Before it gets there train stops and containers are unloaded, and placed into large cheap pools submerged for half an hour. Old empty containers are loaded onto train and train leaves. Submerged containers are picked up and and the bodies dumped out onto a conveyor that slides the corpses over into the pit and containers are rinsed out and stored waiting for next train.
these digits mean something, but I just don't know what kek is trying to say…
I guess Mexico and Brazil need to die?
I'd offer them Texas in exchange for taking back all the Latinos from the rest of the US.
If we annex north mexico, do we build two walls?
California is much more than the major cities. The central valley can grow damn near anything, and they wouldn't be having issues if they weren't retarded with their water use.
check that shit nigger
meant for
>tfw you get quads but fuck up the link
They've now dropped it to $3.7Bn.
You're candidate lost the election, now her donors are about tho lose their lives real soon.
You realise you're not going to purge the populace, you're just making every mexican an american citizen.
My candidate was always President Trump faggot
I hope you can keep this up for the next 8 years. I for one, am loving it.
The problem is that whites are too compassionate in colonialism, and even in slavery. When whites "colonized" we tried to civilize the inhabitants, and built roads and schools and hospitals. When we enslaved, we still gave them basic rights, or at least had a code of conduct towards them.
When the Chinese colonized, they had no quarter for natives and forced them out or killed them. When the Arabs enslaved, they castrated the slaves so they could not muddy their gene pool.
Next time, we have to do it right. Compassion and empathy is great for building beautiful cultures and civilizations, but it does not serve us when dealing with competitors.
Why not? We exterminate most of them then annex the land as commonwealth. That way the remaining spics don't get a vote. We can even use it as a containment camp for the rest of the shitskins.
Mexico is building a southern border wall as well, if we annex mexico then they in fact paid for the wall
That would be some 12d chess there.
I like the way you think user. The problem with mexico is, it's full of mexicans. Genociding them would cause probably a world war.
The white race will prevail, have faith
That's where you're wrong buddy. The only people who care about the mexicans are American leftists, which will have been already genocided by that point.
Do what the Jews tried to do. Mexicans are dumber than whites so it should work 2x as well.
The French stole it.
Mexico doesn't stand a chance, we could drone all of their leaders in a matter of hours and everything else they do is shit, their military would just disintegrate and half of them would probably just be trying to steal from their military and run off than to actually fight.
Friendly reminder that Mexico has 0 attack helicopters, 0 tanks, 0 aircraft carriers, and 0 submarines.
With who? Who has a military that can oppose us and would care? The UN? We would annihilate 50 UNs.
I'm not saying we'd lose, but things would be real shitty for a while. Does mexico have the natural resources to make it worthwhile? I honestly don't know. They have fuckloads of arable farmland, but so do we. It cost/benefit type deal.
That map is inaccurate 5&2/3 degrees on the northern border.
" 54'40" or fight " was popular slogan prior to the line being drawn at 49'00"
The benefit is no more mexico. That's enough for me and many others. Anything else is bonus.
Be sure to go to one that welcomes supporters, like Mama Margies(owned by a patty), or Taco Cabana. Not sure about chipolte, but their shit sucks.
Is it worth more than walling it off, bringing all the jobs back, and leaving it to be a Mad Max-esque hellscape? They're almost there now. After decades of wars against mudslimes, I'm sick of money being pissed away to the MIC, its kike masters, and their cronies with no appreciable gain.
Any updates on this 2 month old article?
If we exterminate them they can never be a problem again. If we just wall them off they might one day become an issue again, especially while kikes are still around. We don't need troops on the ground, they don't have the kind of terrain the middle east has. we could just bomb it until it is a glassed crater.
Yeah I'd like to see those stupid spics try and take any American land.
Who said anything about going to a restaurant?
How about we give them you
Texas alone could stop Mexico
What could possibly go wrong, eh?
The USSR "won" with American industry. Also the German military was unprepared for war in everything but doctrine.
Yes those 25% american aid in food, 10% in fuel and %2 in combat equipment totally won the whole war.
Also just to note, the M3 was utter fucking shit and M4 was just on par with T-34 all around, minus being super easy to flip over, so they didn't even bothered to split them up into different battalions.
Just kill yourself.
You realize you’re going to kill yourself.
Texas’ National Guard could defeat the Mexican Army.
The Soviets were parasites propped up by the Jew for decades, before and after the war.
Yes they were, they did however brute-forced through superior equipment and training.
The Mexican army has literally 0 tanks.
The Soviets had no independent logistic system to support them from Moscow to Berlin, their training only came out superior in the sense that the German tankers had been eroded by sheer attrition and the little superior equipment that they had (T-34) was incapable of being used correctly in the critical early months and years of the war.
I was referring to Germans you spaz.
It doesn't make much of a difference. Soviet materiel losses in Winter 41 were made up by Lendlease shipments, after that, the outcome was inevitable because the Soviet industry created by and operated by Americans could create a surplus force to Lendlease equipment.
It's only expensive if you intend to do all the work yourself. The best way is to shoot them until they become self-deporting. Then the only ones you have to get rid of are the corpses, which don't resist very well.
The wall would have to be much much shorter, meaning it can be built much much higher for the same budget.
But we would have a mexican problem.
Thats not how annexing works and you know it. Funny idea though.
It took the US a little over 500 days from the start of the war to capturing Mexico City. I'm sure we could beat that record.
They dump something like 30% of california's fresh water right into the ocean so that a population of 800-2000 Mudfish might possibly grow to 2500 in the delta created by the water.
They should have killed the natives instead of breeding with them.
This is Spain's fault.
No, for fuck's sake. What would YOU have done? Crossing the ocean in a tiny, stinking nutshell, followed by months and years of incessant warfare. And I can't even fuck their bitches after having slaughtered savages by the hundreds? What would you have me done, masturbation? Fucking other dudes in the ass? Fuck right off. It might not have been optimal, but it was better than the alternatives.
Seriously, we built that canal with our sweat blood and lives, it's our fucking canal. I say conquer everything down to panama and remove natives, same we did with the injuns. Exterminate the fauna. There is literally no force on earth who could stop us. China? They give no fucks, they're about to colonize apefrica (and they can have it.) Russia? Best bros with Trump, Russia has no interest in north american land. EU? They're busy fighting off the muzzie hordes from raping everyone and jihading in the streets. ausfailia? Would follow in our footsteps and exterminate their own problematic natives. Japan? Gives no fucks. What other power can stand up to the US army in full deployment and without need of "rules of conduct"? Fuck the geneva convention. These shitstain hispanics keep trying to invade us, keep threatening la raza and to "take back their land." They started it, they've been poking the lion. Lion's about to wake up pissed. If the us took the chains off, we could take everything. Imagine the new jobs and economic growth that would result. New roads to lay and beautiful vacation resorts to be built.
Let's take everything. Why not?
Think of the axolotls you dick. They're the cousins of kek.
The desert portions sure, but de-desertification IS a proven method to renew land. Kikes don' twant you to hear about it, they want the world to be a wasteland. But you start planting trees from the last remaining line of them, or any large shrub, and you work your way down. Once the roots are in the soil retains moisture and the plant debris fertilizes the soil. Self sustaining. Some woman near iirc phoenix AZ made an oasis, fully self sustaining, in her backyard. It's only desert because the retarded old injuns chopped down all the fucking trees and never planted more, and I am not even kidding.
Building a wall 2,000 miles long is silly. So let's conquer the land and build a wall across the south side of panama. What is that, 100 miles? At one bullet per fauna we would still come out under budget and ahead of schedule given the wall savings.
This. California is beautiful land. Anyone who wants commiefornia to be given to mexico is throwing the baby out with the bathwater. Just deport the liberals.
Central America is a massive fucking rainforest you asslicker. Literally cures for cancer growing on trees there. We have let that valuable land be in the hands of filth far too long. European descendants are the only proper curators of this earth. We must preserve and protect nature. And that means removing it from spics and for the love of god, kill everyone in mexico city and save the axolotl. If you leave this land in the hands of browns they just make it into favelas. We need to exterminate the virus.
Kill every fauna you come across you stupid shit. We made this mistake too many times…look what it cost spain. Let's learn from our mistakes. Take the land and kill everyone on it. They're the ones disrespecting our laws and threatening us. It's justified.
The US could annihilate the UN by defunding it. No shots even need to be fired.
Its been 15 years and you havent been able to subdue a thousand muslium goat herders with AK's
I'm with you in sentiment, but there would have to be 100m+ individuals with similar motivations in order to get this off the ground.
As it stands, the era of traditional conquest and genocide is over.
Even if fucking natives was punishable by death it wouldn't matter. The conquistadors wouldn't give a fuck for a silly law in the other side of the world, and the king wouldn't be able to enforce it even if he knew about it.
Where do you arrive at that number? We take good red-blooded american "rednecks" and add them to the ranks of Holla Forums, and maybe dot it with others like land developers and investors for financial backing. And we take a raifu and a pack and march south. Get some guys with trucks to drive across the ranks for supply distribution, and we get some anons who aren't physically capable of anything else to run logistics and organize it all. You underestimate how many users Holla Forums has across full and cuck chan, and even some reddit tards maybe.
We DO have the numbers and the physical capability of doing this. And that's just talking without any military help. You think there aren't mil guys who would join in? Most of them voted Trump for a reason. Enough beaners, they turned their nose up to going back, the boat has sailed on that. Now they just die.
Do it, your post was blessed wtih repeating numbers.
It's fun LARPing as conquistadors, but a US conquest of Mexico would destroy the US. What happens to all the 125 million Mexicans that are already there? They become US citizens, vote as one huge reliable block that hates us with a passion, and in one fell swoop complete our currently gradual transformation in Brazil North? No? What's your plan, then? Genocide them? Drive them off the land and into other Latin American countries? Setup apartheid system where they're second-class citizens? None of those is remotely doable in the era of mass media. The rest of the world would be apoplectic, and our own people would be appalled. A genocide on that scale is more brutal than what the original conquistadors did. Even with smallpox to do most of the heavy lifting for them and no television cameras to show their atrocities to the bleeding-hearts, they left most of the locals alive and in place. Modern Americans do not have 1/50th of the balls or the brutality that the conquistadors had.
Any military conquests in Latin America in the foreseeable future would be an undiluted disaster for the USA.
Kek wants us to try
The only thing you have colonized is the chair you use to sit and spread your imageboard autism. Go back to conquer the new world of your cheetos bag, lord autismo.
Please remove East Texas from having any jurisdiction over the US
t. Holla Forums
Calm the fuck down.
We said it multiple times. fucking shoot them.
Come on now boyo wouldn't it be nice to get rid of both kikes and spics once and for all out of commiefornia thus slowly turning it back to a red state
Kill yourself. We’re going to annex the north.
If you go even further back you could claim the opposite: Those lands weren't Slavic to begin with because they were previously inhabited by Germanic peoples, namely different flavours of Goths.
Not disputing the areas inhabited by Baltic peoples though.