He's not even in office yet and they're already trying to demoralise Trump supporters making it seem like he's suddenly walking back on all of his proposed policies
Media lynching when?
He's not even in office yet and they're already trying to demoralise Trump supporters making it seem like he's suddenly walking back on all of his proposed policies
Media lynching when?
Other urls found in this thread:
But the TPP is dead. Are they retarded?
Not talking about them is not "walking back" on them, all of his surrogates have been talking about all of these things in the past 3 days, Giulianani was on one of the major networks saying how The Wall WILL be built
Trump is busy as hell now, as sad as it is he doesn't really have time for rallies or Press Conferences anymore , which is exactly why Giuliani, Chrisite, and Conway are doing it all for him
-The Wall is still being built
-TPP is dead. Canada is willing to renegotiate NAFTA
-He hasn't said anything about China
-He still wants to cut off the funding to the Syrian rebels
-Taking his policy out of context
What a fucking faggot.
No, just genuinely dishonest. Actually, maybe a little of both.
You just have to note that all these stories are based on media speculation, nothing more. Until you hear it from Trump's mouth, then it's not confirmed.
He hasn't walked back shit. They keep applying whatever meaning they think will harm trump to the words he says not even listening to what trump says in the context of which it was said. Kikes are the worst and need to be deported
its weird but I can never find myself able to take a jew's word for anything and yet again it seems like I was right
It sounds like they're trying to meme the policies out of existence. We need to keep up the memery to please kek.
They are just fucking kike liars.
This. We should also meme that his original detractors will also be held responsible. Make them scared to even try and meme dishonestly like this.
If I were him I would stay away from windows and never announce where I'm going.
They're saying it will be built
TPP is fucking kill
Haven't heard anything about this
Stopping the funding of our proxy jihadis isn't walking anything back
He always said he'd either repeal and replace or strip most of it through amendments, which is what he's still saying.
Fuck them all.
under what rock , of what planet , in which universe did you crawl under from?
Thinking about keeping two provisions from Obama care means he's walking back on replacing it? What a bunch of idiots.
they keep trying to meme tht we we care about that much about muh obongocare
i say let them have a pyrrhic victory on obongocare and act really mad about it to distract them
There' a thread talking about trump is now saying it's a fence, not a wall.
that's the house of representatives trying to change his opinion from a wall to a fence. Trump himself has not said anything along those lines at the moment and I doubt he will.
Guess what? You're getting deported too.
"walked back"
Walk back to the mass grave, Rothman.
He hasn't "walked back" on the wall, Giuliani said it will definitely be built, the media is trying to do mental gymnastics about Jewt Gingrich's statement that the wall won't start to be built in the first 100 days of the presidency.
you know that quote is totally made up?
I looked for it word for word and couldn't find it in the stalag edition.
Everything that criticizes the Great Leader of the Nation is concern trolling.
t. a brown communist
If that were true, why are those faggots still rioting tonight four days in a row?
Their fear and saltiness fuels my smugness
Yes, you'd think they'd be happier about Trump coming to their side, if it were true, but they're just little bitches trying to spite his base.
Cant they even face us in the memewar in a proper way?
They have dropped the ball. They are not even playing anymore. Its just plain grasping and struggling to not choke on their on excrement.
They are exaggerating anything he says which doesn't fit into the caricature they attempted to paint of him.
Luckily the silent majority already knows the media are shills and won't listen, all this will do is turn lefty idiots into calling trump a liar before thinking he won't be as bad as they thought.
In their haste these cunts are shooting themselves in the foot.
Again showing Trump's skill at Nth dimensional chess.
It's stupid, supporters of trump will find out that they're lying, and non-supporters are going to really look like a bunch of delusionals when they're stating that Trump didn't hold his promises like a year after he fulfilled them.
One thing I've discovered is the media can spin literally anything. They'll be saying that Trump broke his promise to build the wall even after the wall is up and loads of people will believe them.
Hey, it is either this or accept the fact that the MSM is just as big a loser in this contest as HRC, maybe even more so. They think if they just keep coming with it, Zombie American TV watchers will be smoke screened right out. Jews make a trait out of being thick skinned and obnoxious. It is something they take pride in.
each and every day that this continues, I keep on wondering why we havent killed these filthy kikes yet. The world would be so much better without them. So much annoying horsecrap that is polluting the news spectrum now.
Bullshit. I just read the Stalag edition a few weeks ago, it was in there. For some reason you can't post PDFs on Holla Forums, so I'll link to another board where it's uploaded. The quote is on pages 74-75.
Sage for off-topic.
Here's a snapshot of my copy. The word choise is different, depends on who translated it, but the meaning and tone is the same.
A truly alternative right media needs to be established and made mainstream. (((They))) already lost almost all the people's trust.
Wait, this journalist (((Noah Rothman))) is lying? I'M SHOCKED!
The media will lie even more about President Donald Trump than they did about presidential candidate Donald Trump. They will lie with their photographs, they will lie in their titles, they will lie in their first paragraphs, their second paragraphs, third paragraphs, etc. It won't stop until people stop paying attention to them and they have to beg for money like NPR does. And NPR stinks too.
We won a big battle but the war isn't over, we need to keep attacking the media.
Not only that, but Mehico and Cuckada are already talking about being willing to renegotiate NAFTA. And we're already hearing that he's preparing for wall building in March.
http: //dailycaller. com/2016/11/10/trumps-plan-for-the-wall-on-the-mexican-border-materializes/
I like to listen to NPR because to get mad, but also because its just so fucking sad. They have their donation drives and it usually ends up being like "o-ok guys its day 10 of our 10 day DONAT-A-THON and w-we have reached .01% of our goal…. p-please call i-in and donate.. any amount is appreciated ;_;"
We knew they were going to try to do this.
They'll attempt to sabotage him at every step or at least force him to compromise. Then they'll paint this compromise as a failure and "back-step".
Help Trump do what he needs to do by helping him "Drain the Swamp".
The more people we can eliminate from positions of influence, the less people there are to sabotage him.
Connect the dots and then propagate from the bottom-up.
If any Alphabets are reading, leak Podesta's flight records around the McCann period. This will be enough to twist public sentiment without forcing prosecution. Once public sentiment of these people has become almost entirely negative/distrustful, you can leak "smoking gun" evidence and recommend prosecution without having to worry about backlash from the masses or other agencies (they'll jump ship). Do the right thing.
Is your response to a comment about Jewish lies really a Jewish lie?
My sides are personally investigating deep-space quantum anomalies.
same fag
Honestly, we need more normalfag disdain for anything MSM.
If a sentiment like above spreads, its only amount of time before in the smokes and mirrors one of these good goys actually gets assaulted for being stupid.
I hardly LOLd! USA shoutdown!
No they're Jews.
It's Holla Forums trying to sow discord and waste our time. needs to be banned too.
OP… why are you reading Jew lies? That's not healthy for your mind, body and soul.
WHAT MATTERS, is what Trump DOES. Just like in YOUR LIFE. Don't be some fucking sheboon who after Obongo got elected though he would be paying her mortgage and everything else.
We have the first 100 day list and the campaign promises. We will hold him to it. Having read his first book a good twenty years ago, I don't see him not finishing. His ego… no way does he accept failure or lying or anything like that.
It's important to counteract the propaganda. You can't do politics by ignoring your enemy.
That said, no one has pointed out that the kike in the OP is doing our job for us. We've already held a position of being tough on Trump and biting back hard and immediately the second he shows signs of backing down, to show him that his support base genuinely wants him to keep going hard as best as he reasonably can - or if you're more skeptical of Trump's sincerity, to leave him with any room to burn us. The stupid kikes are accomplishing this for us. He won't back down just to spite them.
Don't interrupt your enemy when they're making a mistake.
Americans, you are targeted by Soros for the next color revolution.
Your constitution will not save you… if you don't act before it's too late, say goodbye to the Don.
I'm in Europe, and Lügenpresse really is doubling down on their divisive anti-Trump campaigning.
Look at how things started in Ukraine, Syria, Libya etc. This is textbook Hillary/Soros/Jew.
Always do and believe the opposite of what (((they))) say.
I always thought it's a nice rebranding. Terrorists sound offensive to muslimes.
Was this Trumps plan all along, or is the media trying to fuck themselves at this point?
They can't bar Trump from office. Doing so would surrender all control and credibility they still had left. Also normies will never join in the riots you obviously do not understand the American people the majority fucking hate any form of extremism minorities excluded of course. If it were that simple Black Lives matter would have been more successful instead of being total failure for him.
Also the US can not be invaded by conventional means do to the sheer size of the navy, military and citizen resistance. Oddly enough though liberal centers would be the easiest place to spear head an invasion do to the pleasant climates but once you enter the country you deal with Mountains on both sides deserts large stretches of flat shelter less land. It would be terrible for any invading force while at the same time having to deal with their home country getting ass blasted do to the number of US bases around the world.
Is this the medias master plan?
Won't this just lose them their last group of people (leftists) who still have some level of trust into them?
Just watched part of "morning Jew" to see what the Jewish Party Line is. They are trying to get Bannon shitcanned and described Kikebairt as "anti-semitic, racist, hateful (if only!)
Also had some former general cuckold Hayden on who now works for (((Chertoff))) and is a Jew neocon dupe. We really need to purge 95%+ of current and former general officers.
we'll have a better idea of the Bilderberg meeting when the Elders of Zion decide what they are going to push.
Let's hit their shit with chants of "Lugenpresse"
The Great Meme War isn't over. The MSM is seeding propaganda so Trump gets low approval ratings after the first hundred days. Watch for discontented "Trump" supporters after his State of the Union speech and more after a few months. Then in Summer/Fall watch for sad broken up families of illegals spammed on MSM and "My son can't get his cancer treatments" all over the New Improved Unbiased MSM
Do it to give a lead to the unaware. Media trusts is at an all-time low, so they'll slowly learn to believe the exact opposite while they keep this up. Try to drop minor redpills while you do so to get them to shift right enough to be on our side so that we can gain the leverage to dismantle the Lugenpresse.
it's funny, isn't it? even though leftists should despise jews and israel (and they do) left wing media, hell all media without exception is zionist.
this is how people wake up. it's not hard to notice at all.
bannon must be our man if he makes the (((media))) that buttdevestated.
still happening, he said numerous times that there are natural barriers and places where a wall would unfeasible, and would simply have fencing (compared to what we have now, which is minimal fencing with vast swathes of open border)
TPP died as soon as he won, Canada and Mexico are willing to renegotiate NAFTA, and deregulating the market is one of his primary concerns (he's mentioned tariffs before I think)
He's going to label them a currency manipulator
What else do they want him to do? declare fucking war?
he's going to defund Islamic rebels and help Russia to defeat ISIS. That was his plan the whole time.
*Replacing Obamacare, which he's going to do (he's merely keeping some of the necessary/beneficial aspects)