In-Universe Lingo

Saying fuck is easy. Making up an expression and having the reader/viewer understand that it means fuck without downright saying it is difficult.

Post the your favorite in-universe expression.

Alternatively, post the worst expression that you hate, just because.

If I saw Bishop walking down the street and called him a Mutie Nigger. Would that be like calling him a double nigger?

More like a nigger faggot.

Balls nasty.

Boss nasty. He billy-berserk.

Is being a mutant worse than being a nigger? If so then Bishop is a triple nigger.

Shock. That was a swear-word from Spider-Man 2099. I remember when both Spideys met, Peter finally told Miguel "Can you please stop saying shock?". I guess it was just a Neuvo York thing, though, because Ghost Rider just used to call everyone Pusbags.
Once some one said "Clucking bell!", But I don't know if that's a 2099 thing.

There's "Stomm!" and "Grud!" from Judge Dredd, the former is a "Judge approved expression of surprise" and the second is a religious figure, so "Grud on a greenie" is a mild blasphemy.

Dirty Pair had one character say "Efficacious move, maternal copulator!". Which I'll admit to using when I stub a toe or hit my thumb with a hammer or something.

I fucking loved the lingo the mutants used in Dark Knight Returns. I also have to wonder what kind of shithead this "Billy" was to have his name see such usage.

I was going to bring up Shock, it sounds ridiculous and they only use it because it sounds like fuck and it is related to electricity which makes it FUTURE SLANG.

Maybe I just have a thing for silly future-lingo.

flonqing flatscans…

the green lantern one annoyed me
i think it was "pooser" or something like that, really cringy

Expressions involving a real world thing ("This place is a rat hole") but replacing the thing with a fantasy equivalent ("This place is a Skeever hole") make me want to kill someone. This is especially true if the replaced thing still exists in the work's setting.

If the replaced thing includes the original thing's name ("This place is a dire rat hole") I want whoever wrote it to suffer.

I also liked that two slang terms from Batman Beyond 'slapper' and 'slag' are actually terms for a whore here in England


was always disappointed the Neutrinos from dimension X just recycled 1950's lingo

Yeah, fraxing poozers. Fucking Kilowog, lol.

And Lobo calling everyone fragging bastiches.

You guys are all my favorite troqs

"Noy Jitat!"


You're the victim!

Drokk is another Dredd one. Frell is from something else, but for a while I knew a girl who used it in real life, so it just makes me cringe.
I thought about using Beeswax for Bullshit in a kid friendly (well, until the terrorism and genocide starts) comic I wanna do.
Though my all-time favourite fake swear is probably "that's a load of tottenham, that is. It's a steaming pile of hotspur" from Red Dwarf.

Did "Mutie" start with Claremont? The Genoshans started "Genejoke", then the Acolytes had "Flatscan", and then Strong Guy invented Genetically Challenged, or "GeeCee"…

Well, Spurs are shit. I know this because my family supports them

I don't know if Claremont started Mutie. I don't think it was there in the original 60's run by Stan Lee.

By Grud, I love "drokk".

Frell comes from Farscape.


this thread is full of poozers


Dusted! Batman dusted!

Batman ain't no shiv, you see.

I really like the Ork slang from Warhammer Fantasy and 40k.

The ability to fly and shoot eye-lasers vs. the ability to somehow fast-talk your subhuman sperm into white girls with daddy issues. No, being a mutant is definitely not worse.

When Supergirl or Powergirl fly over people, do you think people get great upskirt shots?


That's a "Peter David loved him some Black Adder" thing. It's from Spider-Man 2099. During his first X-Factor run, Val's assistant was named Baldric and one of Mr. Sinister's aliases was "Edmond Atkinson." It was pretty fucking cringey, to be honest.

Smeg, smeghead, goit, goal-post head, trans-am wheel arch nostrils.

Another good Dredd one is "I am the Law" which means "Prepare to get your shit fucked."

Ha, I remember that. And the warden of the jail the Hulk broke into to free his CIA college girlfriend was a double for Rowan Atkinson.

Depends on how fast they're going.

beat me to it
The nice thing is that "noy" and "jitat" are two separate words with their own meanings. Based on Ioz's use of the word "jitatin'" when grumbling about something, it can be surmised the phrase "noy jitat" not only means "fuck", but "holy fuck"

Hey! Thanks for reminding me of them Neutrinos!
The bitch is hot, didn't remember that. Where's the porn?

Also, I bet people who were young in the 50s and also weren't squares would tell you "we didn't talk like that! That's an exageration, daddy-o. Like a parody".
I mean,the media in the future won't have a way to present us as differentother than taking what we do and how we talk and exagerating it, right?
To a degree we already do that to the 90s and 80s.