Will you be voting for Jill Stein in this coming election...

Will you be voting for Jill Stein in this coming election, or will you bourgeois scum stay at home and let Drumpf/Killary into office?

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dumping more dank Jill OC






end dump

can we not pretend that Jill is in any way revolutionary?

in what way is she not revolutionary?

Can I instead vote for the Worker's Party of America instead?

She openly took an anticapitalist stance, baby steps, m8.

no, fam. there isn't a candidate for the workers party of america

"anticapitalist stance"
you mean "big gubmind owning things" stance?

1. what she wants is better than what we have now
2. we need green politics, and we need them fast

I just want my passive nihilist cyberpunk dystopia, leave me alone

then why aren't you campaigning on the passive nihilist cyberpunk dystopia party?

Yes I am actually. Do wish she would keep quite about that stupid reparations crap though.


well, not every candidate can be perfect

My biggest hope is that she reaches 15% and gets on the debate stage with Trump and Hillary

Bonus points if Gary Johnson doesn't manage to reach that number, thereby cucking the libertarians

It's entirely possible for a third-party to win in a first-past-the-post system. In Canada, the NDP (nation's third party) has won majorities in provincial government.

Remember, in order to win a state, you just have to finish 1st. You don't need a majority.

Americans need to drop the lesser of two evils mentality.

While Canada on a federal level is largely a two-party rule system (conservative and liberal), when the Liberals fuck up, the social democrats (NDP) have come in second place. When the social democrats fuck up, they defect back to the Liberals.


B████ ██████ is a Democrat. Jill Stein isn't.

B████ ██████ and Elizabeth Warren represent the far-left wing of the Democrat Party. But they will still go to bat for the Democrats. They are company men/women. The DNC doesn't even like B████ and he still stands by Hillary. He's a cuck. He has no pride.

Thanks Doc!

Is that flag from embed related?

The green party platform calls for decentralized democratic worker control of the mop

I am thinking about running as an independent MP in 3 years (maybe an independent MPP in my province in 2018). I would be like a left-wing Donald Trump. The perfect wild card. $20CAD/hr. 30 hour work week. Free tuition. Expanded public health care (free dental, free pharmacare, free eye care, free mental health care). Expanded public transportation. Public auto insurance. Nationalization of oil and key resources. Invest in infrastructure. Invest in renewable energy. Create public sector jobs (reversing austerity).

Livable welfare (NEETbux) and disability (autismbux) benefits ($1100CAD/month basic needs allowance + $600CAD/month shelter allowance). If you're able-bodied you will have to show proof that you're actively looking for work to continue receiving welfare (that's the only condition I ask of the NEETs). But at the new minimum wage, 30 hours/week, the jobs will be better anyway.

Greatly reduce visa worker program and immigration. Jail time for employers who hire illegal immigrants or break my labour laws. Vehemently Anti-SJW. I'm going to cuckold the Holla Forums (immigration/sjw issues) and /r9k/ (I'm the NEET Messiah and I'm going after the roasties) vote from the conservative party (which is pro mass immigration and visa worker programs because that's what big business wants). I'm going to cuckold the true proles from the liberals and socdems (NDP, Green). Let's Make Canada Great Again. I am the true anti-establishment candidate. Left-wing populist.

A reformist by another name.

Go for it my nigga, what you want isn't too bad. Besides america needs more people like us to come out of the shadows if we wanna actually make some change.

Dude B████ ██████ only just got people to stop freaking out when they hear the word "Socialism". Normalfags need time to adjust.


Jill Stein/The Greens are a joke.

We don't have much else. It's her and that Fedora from Socialist Party USA.

Mia is quite active on the fb group Marxist Internet Archive Discussion Group. I'd recommend taking a peek into the group to get an idea of them if you're interested.
All things said, they do seem to be fairly autistic.

Unless you live in 7 states your vote isn't going to matter that much. So vote Stein, Vermin Supreme – or stay home.


Doesn't she think that evolved plants are evil, vaccines cause autism, wants to ban guns, wants reparations against white kids born today for the black slaves from 200 years ago?

The only good thing I've heard about her is that she wants to bring home Snowden, give him a parade, and put him in her presidential cabinet.

Oh geeze, another wordfilter?

But Stein is also bourgeois.

She owns stocks and properties ya know?

Almost nobody believes this. The general objection is to Monsanto (famous for producing Agent Orange) having a monopoly on food production.

Pretty sure she doesn't believe this either.

She supports vaccines, she just believes we need to be weary of the medical industrial complex

