4chan is getting DDoS'd right now, again, after an Arun G. Rao post
Claimed deleted/hidden accounts were always private, DDoS started right after. Can't post.
Forward to FBI/Interpol/etc.
4chan is getting DDoS'd right now, again, after an Arun G. Rao post
Claimed deleted/hidden accounts were always private, DDoS started right after. Can't post.
Forward to FBI/Interpol/etc.
Other urls found in this thread:
This DDoS attack happened last night after Arun G. Rao was mentioned last night. Tonight same shit.
bumping for justice. any more info, op?
Lots. Can you handle it?
yes, start posting.
Have a bump
Need to get something from convenience store.
If I don't return, you know what happened.
Don't be a cock teasing kike.
Can you tl;dr this shit
I can. Check here for the summary:
The hell ?
Wow man, you're like, so topical dude
Alright. Just be warned there are CTR's actively trying to control the damage. This is the third time they've DDoS'd 4chan after Arun G. Rao.
yes, yes, we know. get on with it, faggot
just kidding. let's nail these bastards
tl;dr: Weird picture of toddlers, one with likely head trauma and a photoshopped lower arm is posted on instagram.
She's holding electrical tape, often used in bondage BDSM
The symbols on her dress are a perfect math with a common pedo symbol
Bunch of guys like it, including a DoJ employee - possibly attorney.
Guy loads of other pictures of toddlers on his account
Upon investigating they all set their accounts to private
I have those eyes and I've always had so many problems functioning at a basic level all my life.
I'm a parent, and the very idea of this causes me physical pain starting in my lungs and chest.
Pedo's need to be shot.
then start your own rwds
I have to be honest; I've been always paranoid of Holla Forums autists. However, I have an open mind. So please prove me wrong.
Doesn't help their last name is a juxtaposition of Pedo.
Thank you. That is an excellent summary.
You neglected the "plausible deniability" of Pedophile culture. It's ingrained. It's hard to explain to normies that pedos get off on bragging with hidden symbols etc.
FBI only needs to wait out a few more months when Trump gets in. Then all those bastards are going to prison but I hope worse for them. They better hang themselves now to save the people trouble.
FBI is more well-known for spreading cp than stopping it.
Haven't you guys been keeping up to speed on this? /eyes wide open/ on 4chan.
We keep getting DDoS'd nonstop.
They changed their logo after being outed for Pedophilia.
my vpn doesn't like cuckchan so it's hard for me to stay up-to-date over there
Guys if you kill these pedophiles yourselves I assure you that you'll be pardoned. Just say they committed suicide or that you tried to investigate them and see what they were up to and they attacked and you acted in self-defence.
Is the first pic not obvious enough? There is more to that, but literally the resolution is not big enough
You can also just not talk or say you don't know what happened to them or whatever. Also, most people that get caught are people with personal connections. Always close relations and stuff are investigated first. They'll probably never even figure out you did it, because you're just anons who have no actual connections to them.
you have to fuck with your DNS leaks, and if you cannot beat that shitty system your VPN is basically worthless as it is user.
Take a weekend and read up on it and just throw different shit at it and see if it works. Also test for DNS leaks because surely you have them if VPN doesn't work there.
If your VPN can't work there or with BBC player, it's shit and you should get a different one. Also, that place used to be always down from about 4-6 am EST about 3x a week.
get cuckchan to start spreading these. we have a brave user that's been pumping them out daily, but no one to spread them.
Comet Ping Pong is an obvious pedophile grooming ground
The more of this I read the more sick it all is.
Death to Obongos and Clintons and the Rest..
Most important to me is that Trump utterly destroys Hollywood. After the whole heroes debacle and the fact of reports about Hollywood fearing for their lives after the pedophile leaks proves without a shadow of a doubt they deserve the gas chamber. I hope agents get on it right away.
cuckchan keeps getting DDoS'd
they are panicking (CTR - Correct the Record, David Brock, lover of James Alefantis, owner of Comet Ping pong, Bucks, Besta Pizza, etc).
It's too fucked.
I know. And I tried to spread the #PedoFiles meme about a week ago, but I always got instabanned for it.
Also, if you guys wanna see some truly twisted shit, check out this thread: 8ch. net/pol/res/8195856.html#8206435
Which reminded me was fullchan DDoSed or just uber active in Nov 8-9?
Fullpol is a fucking menace to DNC, CTR and cucks everywhere.
Anyone know if Arun came from Chicago? Before he Maryland and then DC.
Is that "artist" Serbian or (((Serbian)))? the name tells me the latter.
The nose tells you everything haha.
No such thing user. Any Jew is a Jew who happens to live in ___, never both.
you know what i meant
Comet Ping Pong is just an ordinary joint.
Sick fuck from first post laughs about a traumatized girl.
This just tells me he is stating that the kid likes money as he does. However, since I believe Jimmy is homosexual, I wonder whose kid it is.
All this tells me is that Jimmy is very gay and likes to post things that are very gay. It lends itself to believing he would be very depraved, but nothing more.
As for the above, I am not a photoshop expert, however, on what I can assess:
4Chan being DDoSed–Is it certain that that is due to Rao?
Also, if it is certain that they did all make their accounts private precisely after the Rao discover it is indeed suspicious.
Regardless, he deserves further investigation. Although, I wish I could be certain as to the "tool … blur … pixels" comment in OP's image. If that were certain, then something closer to hard evidence would be at hand (in particular because most things recently have been circumstancial. Even the fact that Besta changed its logo isn't anything more than suspicious: After all, people are talking about how "hey, turns out your logo is pedophilic". The natural thing to do is to change it. However, I find it odd that they wouldn't have done it earlier in the investigation because that was one of the first things discovered (presuming they followed the investigation).
Again, find things which lend themselves to facts and could lead to hard evidence. If something drastic is done (such as some form of image analysis or file analysis), if possible, give an explanation as to how to recreate it as well as any files necessary (of course, this would require giving a hash of the files for comparison with other uploads to avoid disinfo).
this baby is probably not even 1, and look at eye bags she has… nearly as bad as mine from 10 years of sippin and dippin
think some anons are correct in assuming these children are undergoing similar trauma as Kim Noble, or her other many counterparts
i'm tired of sitting around while these sick cunts parade about walking the same earth as me
if I lived in DC this shit would've been in the news by now
I posted this in another thread, crossposting this here because I think it's important as well as relevant
Banning any type of information is fucking stupid, because that means only criminals can use that information.
Do none of you faggots understand the implications of all the current pizza threads? If CP was legal to view and store, we'd have way more anons taking a crack at decrypting Podesta & Co's encrypted audio files. If CP was legal to own, then autists would possibly recognize the children being abused and they'd be able to put a stop to it. Did not a single one of you faggots stop to think about the consequences of banning information? Why is 8/pol/ so fucking influential? Because no information is banned except for actual CP images. That's the power. Information is weaponized, and that means that we should never limit ourselves on which information we can or cannot use. The parallels to gun control should be fucking obvious to all of you. There are ways to get rid of degeneracy without banning wrongthink. All you will do by banning porn is to create a new underground porn trade, increase blackmail opportunities, and basically shit everything up just like alcohol prohibition did in the 1920s, just like gun control does, and just like how the drug trade works today.
Fucking moralfags. All the shit we've accomplished and I have to be the one to spell it out to you.
you don't want me to start dumping Jimmy Pedo Comet shit
Their logo wasn't pedophilic by accident. You think it was on accident? Lol.
Podestas et al buy all of Kim Nobles art.
Wait. This is art that podesta owns? He bought kim noble's art?
No cop/ag/judge would ever convict you on possessing CP if you're nailing a pedo.
Oh yes. And his brother John as well. His brother has built a giant, sub-terranean chamber to "display art that other collectors deem too controversial".
John is infertile.
Tony I don't know.
Who the fuck is making these shitty pictures? Stop writing WTF everywhere. Stop using different colors for every word. Stop using colors that blend in work the background. Stop drawing arrows everywhere. Stop making hide leaps in logic or retarded statements like
Who would be preventing him from having access to a cold? He's literally only suspected by the chans at this point and that's never going to change as long as you post pictures drawn by a schizophrenic.
I've followed this since the beginning and followed the pedowood one. I'm just saying that I hate how these threads end up becoming:
X -> Y -> ancient thing -> weird conspiracy -> etc. I.e., it goes /x/ as opposed to logic. I'm glad there are some who are capable and are able to keep turning up results such aswhoever created the picture in OP's post, however, I hate seeing the thread get muddled with outlandish and pointless info. that require ten jumps in logic to reach.
This sucks I had the perfect reply in the korean goddess thread but it kept getting timed out.
Here we go.
CTR is here. They are terrified. 4chan is DDoS'd at the moment.
Remember that David Brock is James Alefantis' gay/pedophile lover and that literally George Soros has donated to Comet Ping Pong (James Alefantis' Comet Ping Pong).
Unless they're kikes and it's the "law"
An interesting euphemism for live cheese pizza
I look forward to Trump sending all these sick fucks to the gas chamber
That's mostly easily excited plebbit fags, with a sprinkling of shills. The massive reaction that follows of "lol you guys made a logic leap here, this whole thing is /x/ bullshit" is no doubt in large part shills.
There is a lot of evidence for the existence of a pedo ring here. Don't let yourselves get distracted. In fact, it is 100% certain that anons are onto something here, the real problem is extracting evidence that would convince the vast majority of people, and thus cannot be dismissed out of hand in a coverup.
Society? Any man with a conscience?
This the DOJ pedo hunter. Friends with Alefantis, hid his profile as seen in post #1.
I'd call you a shill, in defence of the other threads (fuck you, all "x shit" was true, coward.) but damn…. Just damn… OP, the fuck are you on? I troll 420chan man, I've seen /del and damn….. Get some sleep and come back to this with a clear head.
the two sketches are of one person, though it still could be one of them. placing one of them at the time and place is doable but the two sketches representing both of them are impossible.
Did I not say this earlier? They are panicking.
CTR (Correct the Record), is funded by David Brock, current gay lover of James Alefantis.
Both Podestas
Look at the pics.
CTR, it's of 2 separate individuals. Scotland yard confirmed this.
Fucking hang yourselves
CtR is literally evil.
go ahead and shit up the thread, proof is in pic
they will all face justice
"I've had many comments on my program of three weeks ago – that was the
one in which I told you about the breakup of a child-pornography ring in
Moscow which kidnapped Russian children, raped and sexually tortured
them in front of cameras, and then sold videos of the activity to
wealthy perverts in the West. In some of the videos, children were raped
and tortured to death. Many listeners who contacted me were frustrated
because they were unable to locate the news sources on the Internet
which I cited during my broadcast. I myself was surprised at the almost
total blackout of this important story in the United States, especially
in view of the fact that many of the customers of this child-pornography
ring live in this country – or perhaps that's why the blackout was so
nearly complete here.
But information is available to those who know how to look for it. In
addition to the media sources I cited earlier, there were a couple of
other reports which I have become aware of since my broadcast. There was
a September 29 Reuters report from Moscow, revealing that two of the
three men arrested there already had been released by the police. Can
you imagine turning people loose who were involved in that sort of
activity? It certainly sounds as if the people who kidnapped, raped, and
tortured Russian children have some powerful friends. That September 29
Reuters report, by the way, is in addition to the September 27 Reuters
report from Naples I quoted during the broadcast.
And in London the October 1 issue of the Guardian published a reasonably
detailed story. The Guardian newspaper has a web site –
guardianunlimited.co.uk – where you can view the story. The Guardian
news report contains one interesting piece of information of which I
previously was unaware: most of the kidnapped Russian children, says the
Guardian, were little boys rather than little girls. I had just assumed
that they were all little girls. So if the Guardian is correct, then
most of the wealthy perverts in the West who kept this filthy business
going with their money are homosexuals. That may be another reason,
besides the Jewish domination of organized crime in Russia and the
Jewish domination of the media here, why this story was blacked out so
One of these days I'll have to do a broadcast on the homosexual
brotherhood, the homosexual mafia – and on the phenomenon of
homosexuality. If homosexuals were merely men confused about their
sexuality, such a broadcast wouldn't be worthwhile. But there is,
unfortunately, much more to it. Homosexuals are profoundly abnormal
people, and their abnormality, their sickness affects much more than
their preference in sexual partners. They have an abnormal way of
looking at the world, an abnormal way of thinking, in which sexual
sadism and other things which are abhorrent to normal people become
attractive. They really aren't just like normal people except for their
sexual orientation. People who believe that homosexuals ought to be
allowed to be scout leaders or school teachers need to be worked over
with an oak table leg and then sentenced to 20 years of hard labor in
order to straighten out their thinking. Well, we'll talk about that
another time. We have some other things to talk about today."
You will be judged.
where do you think they got the image from in the first place?
use your brain
judge the fuck out of me, I am just trying point out an inconsistent fact.
there are many other things to sift through as well like the coded posts from the pizza joint:
In which case you are fucked anyway.
That foray pic is a lot better. You show relevant and coherent information with arrows in a good color that don't go all the way across the picture. Still though you have a WTF there for absolutely no reason.
They defend this for
That's not my picture.
Also did you miss the first picture?
Also 000, fucking pedophiles.
The day of the rope is coming
Has anyone followed upon the .pig file yet? It could still be a live lead.
Autists are really good at digging and connecting dots, but holy shit do they lack artistic and organizational talent. Can someone clean up these info pics? They are a fucking mess. I'd help if I had a better understanding of how everything is linked.
Where did you get that picture from?
4chan has been attacked with several gigabits/s for a few hours now.
God damn it. Sandy Hook and now this. Holla Forums is going to make me go full fucking tinfoil now.
The Podesta's faces match up perfectly to the disappearance of madeleine mccann as well. Frightening too, because he was also in portugal at the time.
he travelled there some time at a later date, he said in emails, for vacation
What are you missing about this?
:) :) :)
Who is that Izettefolger. The double hearts reminds me of the heart in heart symbol.
Also mr_scott_cummings
Why would you instagram a picture of somebody else's kid alone
I know both are reaching. but any dot worth connecting.
They've become our Ebaumsworld
You have dox on JimmyComet?
Such fucking creep faggots. Brock and fucking Alefantis.
I guess I'm out of the loop but this is fuckin nuts. Brock and alefantis were fucking eachother. This is some sick shit.
A dumb mud who they probably have blackmailed into oblivion so he helps people escape justice. This shit keeps becoming more and more understandable and fucked up.
Literally faggot pedo jews.
hold it right there - don't care kys
whats this about, counterfeiting by idiots?
If you have irrefutable evidence you should post it.
To the fbi not here idiot
Go back.
If for no other reason, trials must be held so as to ensure that you're actually executing the right guy, instead of letting them get away to molest again while you think they're dead.
The filthy goyim know.
we need more stego/crypo nerds looking at this
looking at a very small subset of jpg attachments from the podesta emails, about half of them show positive for hidden info using the f5 algo
maybe false positives? but seems very strange there would be so many
this is as far as I can go. i hope someone can pick up where i left off
gl anons
get the mbox
extract the attachments
use stegdetect on jpgs
try stegbreak?
Get your coffee ready, get your magazines loaded incase some professionals decide to drop in.
This shit has been around for years, newfriend –as pedowood– and those channers got laughed at by everyone. Now it's all coming out into the open and no one is laughing.
No, it was just sage bombed.
Beowulf… What about the Finnsburg fragment? oh boy
This shit is so heartbreaking, going on right under teh FBIs nose too why the fuck aren't they arresting these sickos?
But James Comey — President Obama’s pick to be the director of the FBI — got an unwelcomed introduction to law and order as a teenager in Allendale more than 35 years ago, during a brief and dangerous brush with a notorious criminal who had all of Bergen County on edge.
Jan. 14, 2004 James Comey (Deputy Attorney General at the time) gestures during a news conference in Washington.
Brothers Peter (right) and Jim Comey (left) held hostage and locked up by suspected "Ramsey Rapist" outside of the bathroom window they broke out of to escape.
A man dubbed “the Ramsey rapist” held 15-year-old Comey and his younger brother at gunpoint after breaking into their Allendale home on an October day in 1977, one of a string of break-ins that included the rape of two area baby sitters. The Comey brothers, locked in a bathroom while the intruder searched the home, escaped through a window, only to encounter the man again on their lawn. The brothers ran back inside the house, locked the doors and called police, setting off a massive manhunt.
can we try for a grassroots campaign? grab the normies attention? i know that the stay-at-home suburban moms and working class dads will be fucking angry, especially among trump voters who already hate MSM. or we can call on kek and meme it