Massive Protest in South Korea over the 8 Goddesses Cult and the MKULTRA PM

Massive Protest in South Korea over the 8 Goddesses Cult and the MKULTRA PM.

Some Spooky sounding shit, looks as big or bigger than the Poland protest.

Other urls found in this thread:

Pedophile cannibal satanistic cults, moon worshiping avatars of 'goddesses, hebew alchemists and hermedicists, egyptian hiksos, islamic jajiza, Aztec 'high priests'.

The entire world is run by dubious backroom occult societies that know wholewell that the sorcery they use to control powerful men is fraudulent.

We must understand that the future of the world doesn't belong in the hands of democracies as they are self-proven lies, purported by liar philosophers (plato, democritus, socrates).

It's simply the nature of 'electing' the most popular among people to have the media rig the selection, and the politicians be controlled by a single power hierarchy. As that (hierarchy) is how power always is wielded and created.

Society will always be ruled by the strong, they will always find methods so their power can rule, and fight other powers for supremacy. Such is the nature of the world, and it is good. The weak are food for the strong. Not their equals.

We must understand that the modern pacifist, liberalized and democratic society is inherently the ultimate form of modern tyranny. Unlike a dictat or a supreme priest king, it convinces the plebs that they are infact free, when they are under the worlds most sophisticated form of slavery.

In fact, it is pacifism that creates conditions whereby the swamp of morals and dogma may rule the minds of free men. When we refuse to, or hesitate to fight for our own lives and ascension of our will to greater power.

Essentially, democracy is as it always was, a lie. The 'people' now are realizing this, and soon it shall be the good way of things again.

Neo-Fascist Militaristic Feudalism. Better known as, "The way things always have been".

"Democracy is a beautiful lie, you in America will understand this one day, before it destroys you.- Benito Mussolini

This beats the Soros shills anyday

Playing some solid rock music lol


When they're done, we could use them in the US. A Rooftop Korean army to take down the Soros goons.

This does the damage.

Asians are ugly motherfuckers

Somehow I'm pessimistic and feel like this is all a ruse, I just can't belive we are winning so hard lately.

Trump, South Korea, Brexit… FN next… then the rest of Europe.


Some solid sounding Zeig Heiling going on


I hope Worst Korea purges itself from this evil.


When gooks are more manly than westerners, you know we failed. This should be happened all across Europe, Canada, Australia, USA, and western world.

Allegedly, the protester count is currently at 170,000

that is a serious revolution

Is that from Spengler's book? Google shows nothing.

Actually, it's one million now.
>>>Holla Forums11213726

Those assholes never stop oppressing womyn.

Holy shit - they're brought guillotines. Plural, pic related isn't the only one.

that would be fantastic.

Holla Forums, serious question.

Who is making quality guillotines right now and how/where do I acquire one.

It's time…


i dont think they are produced anymore
but you can build your own

So are you saying that we formed our own religious cult to counter their influence and seize power on our own?



sieg, you illiterate fucktard

I'm glad this is happening over there while we just ELECTED TRUMP

David cronenberg is a kike who makes gross things for the sake of grossness. Why even reference one of his shitty movies? You ought to be ashamed for posting that.




Now THIS is a protest! All those faggots crying in the streets about Trump that always amount to like 30 or 40 insignificant fags have nothing on this.

I can't get enough of this shit. We need gookanon to weigh in.

Here's archive of gamergate thread with him talking about it yesterday.
Ctrl+f id: 125d7b

I hope James Woods kicks you in the nuts for being a dumbass.

The problem I have with gookanon is that he believes that all of Korea is controlled by Japan, he ignores or handwaves all the Zainichi Koreans who are basically Jews subverting both countries.

Now the mainstream media is reporting it, if it wasn't for the protest they would continue slipping it under the rug.

The Korean peninsula is a natural part of Japan

Laughed out Loud!

That bitch is sharp and ready to roll some heads. These fucking Koreans aren't messing around.

For South Korea's glorious leader, perhaps Qatar or Israel might offer sanctuary, for the right price.


What are you on about? Did you even read what he posted you memester?


heathens, when will they learn?

north korea truly is the freest nation on earth

Actually thats geographically true. You could conversely say that Japan is a natural part of Korea, but they are linked.

Why do they march like that?

Maybe their butts hurt.

Any user can TL;DR a little about the whole situation?
what are the stances of the population who was responsible for all this jews or just some chink shammans

from what gookanon said in the thread
So long I know that the female president was indoctrinated by a secret society since her age of 20's ruling South korea from the shadows
and that Germany was her money laundring country in wich rich germans I think that means jews helped her scape or some other shit

anyone has more clues to what is happening?



You wasted the whole joke, you should have asked "from what" first.
Fucking newfags

Did I miss something?


Nice, thanks!

You're a man child. There is no universal definition for strength. The weak are also protected by the strong or you wouldn't of been raised. Unfortunately your mother didn't throw you in a lake.
Money is strong in the consumer-industrial age.

More man child gibberish. Call it what it is or you don't know sorcery. It's propaganda and drugs… fuck off with your MK Ultra theories too

You don't read much do you? Besides, democracy in that time was one black stone one white stone and the elite educated white men voting. Not all this nigger pussy nonsense and mass media.


you're a fag

I think you missed the point there m8
while there is no universal definition for strength, there are differences in individuals and populations.
from being more intelligent to stronger and then specializing even more
so one is able to prosper more than others depending on the enviroment and the needs of society
ofcourse todays method to measure is money but there are different kinds of ways to get it so the strong in one area ends up with the job that someone worse will never get
in other words to succeed others may fail
and then it goes to the point of using the weak ones in your favour (by employment or whatever) to feed you.

the rest of the statements I somewhat can agree
but yeah democracies today are just bullshit when you apply the power of the media

Say what you want about North Korea and Kim joint un. At least he cares about the NORK race to stop race mixing.


North koreans surely like to laugh.

They also seem to like Sony screens.


Please open a book and stop being such a fucking faggot


This is what happens when you let a nigger in the white house

I still can't understand how the fuck those stupid shits are starving. If I had the chance to have the power to rule over a country like how it happens in North Korea, I would make it heaven on earth.

sheit nigga

Sup, Park?

It saddens me that there are posters on Holla Forums autistic enough to enjoy someone acting like that. I bet you play Sonic the Hedgehog video games as well.

The fact that he is saying real information only makes it worse. This faggy shill just makes the information look like bullshit because it's coming out of his mouth.

tl;dr souh korea uncoverd the feminist illuminati that controlled there country and are now kicking them out.
gookanon has told the detailed story in the pics

Freemason detected.

I find it pretty amusing, maybe it's you who's got the autism there lad.

He did warn us that we would be winning so hard we would get sick of winning. Then the real work starts.

You find people who act and dress like bad anime characters amusing. You have autism. This isn't debatable.

Someone who makes music on the topics he does? Yes it's entertaining. I don't see many artists who do what he does so he fits a niche. Is your problem his persona itself or what his persona talks about?

Look at the size of this crowd! Did the whole city turn out?

I really can't believe that media outlets aren't running wild on this story. It's massive!

Why would (((they))) expose themselves.

Of course Western media is going to ignore it. It bears too much resemblance to all the crazy shit surrounding Hillary.

Say what you like about east asians, but god damn do they always have the best shenanigans. Just in the last 150 years or so you have the greatest hits collection of the Taiping Rebellion, Boxer Rebellion, Imperial Japan, Maoism, Best Korea, the Khmer Rouge and now this recent batshittery.

Confucianism is a hell of a drug.

How can we spread this further? We need to rout these Satanists and cultists out of our governments.

So south korea is in the hands of an occult feminist society? Reminds you of something? Because it does rings a bunch of bells here…




So this is Soros causing trouble?

https: //

It has a color. Worth investigating maybe.


that's an exploitable pic

His problem is he's a huge faggot with a deeply set issue inside the mind. He hates the way this guy dresses; only because he assumes they have nothing in common and that he is "LARPing."

But he is right because Dr Steel came out of nowhere as a shape dressed man who sang about themes of memes and conspiracy. Which became a rapid success in little time. Whereas this user is some disgruntled little bitch who could never achieve the quality of propaganda that guy did… Let alone even make a quality meme that has influence. I mean honestly you don't see many in that niche, even, in places like this. Where they come around and make huge influence via music or whatever chosen medium. Then make a bunch of money off of it or none. Only to disappear with no real explanation. (In his case.)

Fun fact; Dr. Steel was never suppose to be apart of the steampunk faggotry. (I appreciate Victorian style as much as the next fellow.) But the plebs surrounding that demographic are far from elegance and they tried to adopt his movement as their own and make it into something it was not.

What are you, fucking retarded? He IS telling the truth by wrapping it as a joke, that's the whole point of the act.

They're all the same thing. Jews use their mystical bullshit and "lost tribes" story to get goy to feel included, then use them as catspaws for their schemehatchery.

Can anyone link me up to some good info regarding the cult shit?

Also to that feminist terrorist group

Images are also appreciated

Look up Daughters of Megalia.

yeah i don't believe it. I mean I actually don't, I'm done.

You silly goyim.

Didnt you know the joos are NOT the final ruling group?

Didnt you know the true players must dispose of them?

Didnt you know internationalism with no borders is bad for building up a true NWO?

You've been fooled

This is truth

Korea's current president is a daughter of previous far right dictator.

Most protesters are composed of liberals or leftists.

There's o reasons for Holla Forums to support this protest.

he was a korean turncoat and got fired from the army for being a communist
nice try, rabbi

you re winning shit, this is the move of china

Can't you guys just give up already?