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And Reddit celebrates their victory!
Fuck those faggots.
We just keep winning!
Pretty sure Trump will just use Obamacare and turn it into Trumpcare, by doing so and fixing everything that is wrong with it, he will attract dem votes and since its Trump I am sure he can convince everyone that is republican to just deal with it.
Not surprising really, I seen it since last year, hes a democrat for most of his life and look at his debate answers during the primaries on healthcare. This will probably just give him better approval rating.
He's not even in office yet, and he's already winning. He's even avoided antagonizing Obama. (One less enemy down the road)
If he can achieve this much by just allowing Obama to save his "legacy", I wonder how much he can milk the Clintons for favors.
Thank fuck for that. TPP would have been an absolute disaster. Still, always keep an eye out. As long as those responsible for it are still around influencing things, the risk of its re-emerge under another name will always be there.
He's always said he wants to keep at least the preexisting conditions part.
I have no idea how you make insurance work when you let people sign up who immediately need to file claims. Lock them into contracts like phone companies do?
But that's why he wants to allow companies to compete nationwide, I'm sure those kikes will figure out how to profit.
Having worked in IT around medical shit, I've seen so much fraud waste and abuse I personally think it's the key to making healthcare affordable. They get large grants and shit when rich kikes die, and waste it all on stupid shit, and pay way too much for everything. How to enhance competition so they stop wasting money and passing on the costs?
Ding dong, the witch is dead, the wicked witch is dead!
Knowing Trump has been a democrat and looking at all the things he has said before (like how he said single payer could have worked at one point in America but not now) but he did want everyone to be insured (some of the good things obamacare did).
I dont know much about healthcare or all that but Trump might have made a deal with Obama on killing the TPP for asking him to have him fix Obamacare? Who knows but Trump is clearly showing signs of trying to do some bipartisin work, it'll be far easier to take out shit parts of a current law rather to repeal the law entirely and fuck a lot of citizens over making him get bad face etc
Trump is killing the globalists and he hasn't even been inaugurated. Praise Kek, Shadilay and Hail the God Emperor.
So fucking glad at least this small portion of the nightmare is over.
Im not a fan of him doing deals with these cunts. They need to be in jail, he could kill the TPP without letting obama/clinton off of the hook.
If Hillary is better off to us alive than dead or in prison, I'd say Trump milks her for everything she's got.
Hillary has a lot of blackmail material on all sorts of people. After January 20th, she'll be firmly within Trump's grasp. One wrong move and he can toss her behind bars, or worse: If she flees he can follow Obama's example and drone her.
This is only the beginning.
Long term strategy is better than short term revenge.
What's this about Trump not repealing & replacing Obamacare?
Trump is vindictive (and feared as a result), but he also knows when to stop. Unlike Hillary, who would destroy her enemies even if they gave in to everything she wanted (Gadaffi being one example).
Yuropoor here:
Does the US President have absolute power to veto or cancel trade deals?
I think I remembered he does but I got drunk since and I'm not sure.
==Wake up you sleepy head, rub your eyes, get out of bed.
Wake up, the Wicked Witch is dead==>>8210541
Is there any clearer indication that Trump is a race realist? This is a common race realist position. Single payer works in a closed white system.
Not saying it's true.
Americabro reporting in.
I too am currently drunk, but I believe the president has the power to veto any bill.
Yes he does. If he likes them it goes to the senate, which must confirm them by a supermajority. On the face of it, it's pretty difficult to make an unpopular treaty with the US.
Trump already said that preexisting condition and extended care to dependents are the thing that should be preserved in Obamacare, he had no intention of completely destroying obama care, though rebranding and repackaging and improving it as Trumpcare would be a pretty sweet revenge, just to piss on Obama's policies.
TPP was being negotiated by Obama so then he would propose it to congress (republican controlled) so they can pass it. But White house announced that they are giving up.
Trump can re-negotiate NAFTA but im not too much how that works, Cucknadia President/PM already called out to Trump saying he wants to re-negotiate NAFTA with him.
Trump has said:
Dont know if its gonna be single payer but he clearly indicates that we are either gonna repeal or fix Obamacare.
Not only was Obamacare one of Obama's legacy but if Trump fixes it, he will destroy his legacy as the man who fix the half assed healthcare Obama passed. wew
People, you haven't forgotten. It's called state-dependent memory, get drunk again and you will probably recall. Not saying it's a good idea to consume alcohol, but it happens with any drug, even moods and other conditioning factors.
This, Trump is basically the American equivalent of Julius Caesar, he is famous, and he is rich, now he is going to make the United States of America into the Glorious Empire of America, get ready for a golden age boys.
Make Michigan great again!
Thanks - also what can Trump do to fight sanctuary cities?
Can he cut their federal funding or outlaw the practice through a bill in Congress?
Cheers, but I'm teetotal since The God Emperor's ascension.
No cigarettes, no drugs, no alcohol is His commandment.
I just hope Trump realizes that these people play for keeps and will never stop unless they're dead.
Half-measures with kikes always winds up getting you and your family raped and killed. The entire reason we're dealing with all this bullshit is because the Holocaust didn't happen. Every last kike must be killed or we will never have peace.
He said in his 100 day plan to defund those cities.
M-muh legacy… gone. Like tears in rain.
Beware of the neocohens trying to draft some similar shit thinking they can sell it with house and senate majority.
dangling pronouns dude, I was confused by what the "he" and "his" were referring to. But yeah that would basically destroy Obama's legacy, sort of like how Roosevelt pissed on Hoover's Public works stimulus by rebranding as Roosevelt's own, 4D chess everybody.
Let's dance.
Oh gosh, I hope you're right, seeing Alex Jone's map of sanctuaries really made me scared, we dodged a bullet on saving America, by kek's grace.
Reminder that it will come back one day in a different guise. If Trump is only a four year prez, they'll try it then.
As a STEM major (and I'm assuming, probably incorrectly, that you're an English major or someone who cares about grammatical logic), I must say that I am very grateful for people like you, the ones who care for grammar and clarity. Too many in the technical fields have forgotten the need for good composition. I find that many get too carried away with the "Humanities sucks!" meme, only due to the political infiltration of said field.
This is actually a problem with the nationalist right wing that I'd like to see addressed. It seems that if it's something the political left likes, then it must necessarily be anti-right wing. This board is too contrarian sometimes, especially when it comes to weed or masturbation.
Thank god, I even wrote to my representatives on that shit, and they gave me the typical blanket responses of denial. Fuck them and fuck their partnership.
this is interesting…
damn, he isn't even inaugurated and he's doing stuff already.
kiwi-fag here, China are already saying to the other TPP nations that they should redraft the TPP without the US but with China instead.
Meanwhile, our prime minister has said the TPP dead in the water and knowing him hes very unlikely to sign a non-US version of it. We will probably just negotiate some deal with the US/Trump directly.
Anthony "Tony" Podesta began lobbying in late 2013 on behalf of a company co-owned by ExxonMobil and Qatar Petroleum aiming to export liquefied …
"On March 26, 2014, a week after John Podesta made his remarks about the environmental movement and fracking, Tony had a meeting with the White House. On April 4 and August 4, the logs show, Tony Podesta met with John Podesta in the White House."
QATAR has been buying up about $1 billion worth of art annually ($1,000,000,000 / yr)
”Qatari Riches Are Buying Art World Influence”
”Qatar’s oil boom created the world’s most extravagant art scene—and also led to its demise”
What Are The Top 10 Al-Thani Family Art Acquisitions?
2. Mark Rothko, White Center (Yellow, Pink and Lavender), $72.8 million
3. Andy Warhol, The Men in Her Life, $63. 4 million
4. Fabergé egg, $9.57 million
5. James John Audubon, Birds of America, $8.8 million
6. The Clive of India Flask, $5 million
7. Girault de Prangey, The Temple of Jupiter in Athens, $922,490
8. J. Ezra Merkin’s 11 Rothkos, $310 million
9. Werner Bokelberg‘s Photography collection, $15 million
10. Damien Hirst, Lullaby Spring, $19 million
Some of Qatar’s favorite artists
Damien Hirst-
Qatar recently bought a piece of his art, smashing the record for price paid for a piece by living artist.
On 10 September 2002, on the eve of the first anniversary of the 9/11 World Trade Center attacks, Hirst said in an interview with BBC News Online: "The thing about 9/11 is that it's kind of like an artwork in its own right. It was wicked, but it was devised in this way for this kind of impact. It was devised visually… You've got to hand it to them on some level because they've achieved something which nobody would have ever have thought possible, especially to a country as big as America. So on one level they kind of need congratulating, which a lot of people shy away from, which is a very dangerous thing."
Louise Bourgeois
Takashi Murakami
Richard Serra
Jeff Koons
Mark Rothko
The Qatari family was reportedly the buyer behind both Paul Cezanne’s The Card Players, for $250 million in 2012, and Paul Gauguin‘s When Will You Marry, sold for a reported $300 million in 2015—two of the most expensive art deals in history—though the works have never actually been openly displayed in the country.
Why would a hardline Wahhabi government splash out billions of dollars to secular western artists? They are up to no good, that I can tell you.
Enter PodestaGroup – Owned by you guessed it, Tony the Pedo Podesta and his brother John Spirit Cooking Podesta.
Lobbyists Set to Fight Royalty Bill for Artists
Sotheby’s hired the Podesta Group. This same auction house is selling hundreds of millions of dollars in art to Qatar including a "Cezanne" that sold for $250 million
Tony Podesta is quite the art trader. This article goes inside his home and explores his collection. It mentions he rotates the pieces often
Inside power lobbyist, philanthropist and contemporary art collector Tony Podesta’s Kalorama home.
Some of his favorite artists are mentioned
Louise Bourgeois
Andy Warhol Marina Abramovic imagine that
He regularly opens his house to casual pizza parties co-hosted by his friend James Alefantis, the owner of Comet Ping Pong. Over 200 pies emerge from the outdoor pizza oven as guests wander through the house and garden while studying his art collection.
wat did the nytimes just say
Tony Podesta owns entire collections of Damien Hirst pieces. The same Damien Hirst that the Qataris are fascinated with
Regarding art, the FBI tweeted this just hours ago
Also Neera's husband and Abramovic are both on "Art in Embassies" a project of the state dept."
What is going on here? Money laundering? Human trafficking?
More on Qatar’s Art Acquisition
Christie’s Expert Turned Dealer Tapped for Top Role at Qatar Museums
MARIE-JOSEE KRAVIS, board member and a prominent economist
She serves on the international advisory board of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York and on the boards of Publicis S.A. and LVMH. Since 1989 she has attended virtually all conferences of the Bilderberg Group (except the one in 1997) and serves on its steering committee.
Speaking about something like that Britan seeks to sign a Trade deal with USA, CANADA, and Mexico.
Intresting, though Trump's stance on Trade deals is "If its shit for USA its not a good deal"
What I would personally like to see is an Anglosphere free trade deal.
Free trade with similar countries is perfectly fine TBH, its free trade deals with 3rd world shitholes which are the issue.
Yeah, gotta kick Mexico out tbh.
How about government just back the fuck off and I can trade with whomever I want no problems. All trade was free before government.
"Free trade" is government permitted trade
Free trade is a terrible term for what we are talking about.
Nice legacy you have there nigger.
I'm a STEM major as well, I'm actually going to apply for the Trump administration next week in addition to my other interviews at some tech companies, I hope that I could be a service to help split the power of tech companies had on America in the near future if I were to be working under Trump.
Unfortunately I'm no orator, but I have tried my very best to write well.
>tfw true nazionalsocialized healthcare in America
remember that this kind of reasoning is what led to the corruption in the first place. you give an inch they take a mile. you accept one pedo, you can accept another. they all have to be cleansed. every single one rooted from their homes. there cant be anyone left under government protection above the law.
The Whole White World minus the US had healthcare, Obama just took a White-invented concept that safeguarded the enviable living level of the White race and mongrelized it worse than his miscegenated brown ass.
Great news! Now, we need to stay vigilant. Just like SOPA before, the kikes will try to rebrand it and it's our duty to make sure Trump blocks every other versions of that disastrous globalist internet censorship deal that will spawn over the next years.
It's a humongous clusterfuck of naturalized foreign grammatical rules and vocabulary on an already fucked germano-celtic hybrid abomination that it took me half my life to learn properly and then completely forget after couple of years. I don't remember much French or Latin from school but I recall learning them at an exponential rate compared to the palindromic trainwreck my english courses were and I can still pretty much understand Koine Greek.
It's not a victory until nafta is removed.
don' worry, I learned English as my second language, it's a real piece of shit.
I'm pretty sure Trump wouldn't have the monumental fucking hubris to name a nationwide healthcare bill after himself.
Obama didn't name it that. It's officially the Affordable Care Act
Don't chain Trump down to silly labels like that. We have all seen that he is no regular Republican and he certainly isn't a Democrat. Just as Hitler wasn't left wing or right wing, he is something totally different who has realized that third parties stood no chance, and the best party to pretend to be apart of was the one with the most right wingers in it.
Post yfw Trump blackmailed a black male
t-thanks hitler
your post gave me deja vu
Speaking of Michelle Obama, did anyone ever search wikileaks on weither that thing was a tranny or not?
where'd all your everything go, english?
it's awful and i hate speaking it, just switch to chink already
Fist of fucking magic.
All Trump is going to do is fix the obvious problems with Obamacare, then drop the regulations on insurance companies so they can compete in any state freely. Mitch McCuckold and the other GOP cabal of cucks won't allow him to do anything else they will only push for fully privatized health care.
Trump campaigned saying he wanted 'something for people who can't afford health care' and Obamacare is it, just shred the monopolies to bring the costs down.
So both TPP, and Obamacare taken care of before Trump is even in office.
You haven't watched the entirety of rallies. What do you want, exactly?
This is a possible bridge to the libshits and retarded dems.
They wanted the TPP dead as badly as we did.
It continually stuns me how the libshits want smaller government, less corporate control, less money in politics, more individual freedom and don't realize Trump stands for all of that.
Good news. Excellent even!
Hopefully Trump has a good whip to whip the cuckservatives in congress into their place. I can't stand disobedience and treason against the American people.
They're trying to write this as a win for them and make us look like we're upset about it, but in reality, just shift+deleting something and refusing to reapply certain conditions ONLY because they existed in the previous model you didn't like is purely retarded.
Charls of MDE was in the trenches of liberal writing and composition classes. He says he got only the good stuff out of it and rejected all the bad (propaganda).
We should do this.
An articulate-right.
I know right. They won't even celebrate a minor victory.
Get rid of government-issued accreditation. Let the private sector handle that.
This will stop the training inflation that has artificially limited the number of doctors over the last 100+ years (something that gets worse literally every year). A family care doctor shouldn't need to go to school for as long as a neurosurgeon or other specialist.
Prior to the installation of the AMA, doctors were lower middle class, and even the poorest people could afford to pay for housecalls. It was only a few rare medicines that were expensive for them. Now, as a result of their artificial restriction of supply and massive overregulation, EVERYTHING is expensive, and it is almost impossible to get new drugs to market.
If someone wants to go to a clinic run by a former army medic to get their broken bone set and cast, or get a few stitches, he should be able to do that. If someone wants to try a newly developed drug that hasn't gone through human trials yet (they are desperate for one reason or another), then they should be free to take a drug that hasn't been certified as "safe", or whatever types of ratings the markets would come up with. With modern technology, we could cure ALL disease within a few years. All we need is for the government to get out of the way.
congratulations mr president
check them.
(nice best year get)
Kek smiles on your post
This is a huge relief.
good, but it will be reanimated
CECA has been aproved
CECA? Do you mean MAGA, friend?
As someone who speaks English as a foreign language and has an interest in linguistic – it is beautiful. It being so conservative when it comes to etymology and grammatical constructions but also open to adoption is a treasure trove for linguistics. This variety also allows for a lot of semantic and lexical creativity. French, with its constant top-down imposed revisions is what a horrible language looks like (french phonetics aside, since french does sound great).
A significant portion of the world's best literature has been written in English. This is not an accident.
Get ready for your VAT goys.
*CETA I think you mean
and we will see about that
Rethink what you're asking for, guys.
means jack shit unless he starts using tariffs against China
I love when newfags oust themselves
Sounds like a great way for Obama's supporters to claim credit for it once it's made to work.
What's with the attempted thread derailments recently?
this is intesting stuff BUT YOU'RE POSTING IN THE WRONG THREAD. make a new thread!
he said that he would keep those 2 things in a debate of the fucking primaries, but some shills and retards are taking it as "Will not Repeal Obamacare" as the new strategy is to brand Trump a traitor, IF Trump ever show himself to be a traitor BY HIS ACTIONS then i will turn my back on him but right now the concern trolling by some is just ridiculous.
What is with MODS allowing pedo anime porn last 6mnths and claiming it's "part of our culture"?
Make you think
What is bad about such deals in recent years is that it always comes with bullshit kiked up copyright laws that aim to regulate the internet and computer usage. They've tried that same type of bullshit multiple times. Each time it fails, they repackage it with even worse provisions and try to make it pass. Those stubborn kikes are gonna be front of the line comes DOTR.
That's not a rabbit, that's a rat.
I was about to post the following in
until the post cap was hit. I knew I'd find some spillover shilling:
You can't ban porn just like you can't ban alcohol in any truly effective way that doesn't constitute autistic thought police.
At the end of the day, anyone can brew their own alcohol and anyone can jack off to a drawing they made.
The autistic moral edgelord christfags hating on this stuff are ultimately paving the way for Jewish corruption to reinstate Old Testament rule. This should be common sense.
In fact, I wonder if the shitposting moralfags are just judens posing to cause dissension.
If mods wanna post loli and you don't like it then you're free to create another seperate board where youo can be a mod and gtfo.
So here, have a sexy nun and stop trying to hijack a thread about celebrating the God Emperor's success.
Trump is not even fucking in office yet and he's done this much. I confess that I lacked belief when he said it was only going to be two years before,
But now I'm starting to get it. Trump isn't just going to piss around for 4 years. Trump doesn't have some kind of low energy "10 year plan". He's going to fucking do it
Does this mean the TTIP is dead too? It only says delayed, but I can only hope.
Thank God for Trump! Any other Republican, and Certainly Hillary Clinton, would have ushered TPP right along. KEK
And he isn't even President yet.
He's basically going to gut the wasteful Obamacare but make it work and then create Trumpcare.
I think that we should copy the Swiss Model that uses the least money per citizen in developed nations and is largely administered at a state (canton) level.
That's far too much, mine is CHF 250.
Obamacare isn't just "wasteful", it's straight up malicious. There is NOTHING in the "Affordable Care Act" that was created to help Americans get healthcare, because it wasn't created for American citizens. It was created for indurance companies. The entire core of the law is this:
Just imagine the Jewish wet dream of making it illegal to NOT buy their goods. An entire nation of goyim compelled by law to buy into your pyramid scheme.
The whole thing needs to be nuked. There's no other way.
I for one, am not tired of winning yet.
Swissbro, mind telling us about your healthcare system? I'd like some insight from someone who actually lives there and not some cold info website.
It's going to be a great ride, where a high-energy juggernaut just keeps winning, winning and winning.
2 years ago, I would've thought this would have been literally impossible.
The website sums it up pretty well. It just leaves out the part where the feds pay for it if you can't afford it, but that's not relevant to expats since it's for Swiss people only.
I just realized… This means Micky Mouse enters the public domain, right before the end of Trumps 2nd term in office!
Then it'll be trademark cases instead of copyright cases.
Jewsny confirmed for dumping hundreds of millions into 2020 Dem Nominee's pockets.
It's a 50 year cycle where the political system cleans itself out. It's why people remember the movers, shakers and bad presidents that led to the change but it is hard to remember the inbetweens. Also regardless of how hard the Jews try you can't bury a good president.
As long as Disney still uses Mickey Mouse they own the rights to him. It is kind of weird how it works.
That's not quite correct… You'll be able to use the version from Steamboat Willie. It's just the more modern depictions will still be off limits, for now.
Found another
Here's the source
Other thread is past 750 so for visibility I'll just post this here
That just means the superior version will be used more instead of the newer popular one.
Sure. In the 1900s. In Germany. A decidedly white, right wing country at that time. It only took the US 120 years and the left had to fuck it up first. But they still will write it their way into common bore books.
The unkiked version. Back when Walt was supporting the right team.
Make Mickey Mouse Great Again
Holla Forums here, Nippon's vidya and anime are saved! Thank you Trump! Have some beautiful Aryan women Holla Forums, enjoy!
How does the logic work when it comes to the 'versions'? Mickey Mouse is Mickey Mouse, the character. If his first appearance becomes part of public domain, shouldn't any future incarnations do that as well?
This seems rife for logic abuse. We know it is the same character, regardless of any cosmetic changes.
The idea is that the works Disney produced featuring Mickey Mouse from then to now costed them money to make and it would be a 10/10 shoah if 100 years of Mickey Mouse entered the public domain all at once. No doubt Disney will litigate against depictions of Mickey Mouse that use aspects from beyond the latest available public domain material.
Look at all the characters Disney took from the public domain; their versions of these characters are still off limits, but we can still take the versions that are in the p[ublic domain and use them as we like. The fact that they're still the same character, does not matter. It doesn't even matter if Disney is still makeing new versions of the character; once SBW is in the public domain, that version of Micky goes with it.
Thanks Hitler.
P-praise Kek…
Interesting, thanks.
It's still heavily exploitable, though… So what happens if I make a talking Mickey with a voice similar to the current one and slap a retro-tacular SBW style to him? As a derivative work, I used the SBW style but added modern-Mickey characteristics.
We all know Disney is gonna fight the fuck out to prevent any 'misuse'.
Interesting story: I'm from Paraguay, and there's a food product company here that produces and distributes stuff like salt, flour, condiments and spice. It's name and logo? Mickey.
Unsurprisingly enough, the big D went after them and lost. This was due to technicalities and some hilarity.
I can't find sources in english, only spanish but here's a one if you want to google-translate:
Long story short, international brand registrations don't (or didn't, dunno time specifics) hold water, the brands had to be registered individually for local business operations.
And in some cases, a local business can end up registering a brand before the international company tries to enter the market… It's kinda like domain squatting.
This can happen with brands that are just common words slapped together, such as Burger King - a local businessman had a small restaurant named the same when BK entered the local market. They had to pay out in order to acquire the local brand and be able to operate. (Wonder why they didn't go the Australian way, where BK is named Hungry Jack's…)
As for Mickey's case, the local company won because they registered it first before Disney for the gastronomic category, and because the Disney Mickey's registration was for his face seen from the front, not from the side as the local Mickey was registered.
More info on Mickey and BK (still in spanish though):
https:[email protected]/* */[email protected]/* */ie-76d0d23155e8
As a result of this, the local Mickey company does not export any of their products, and their logo is always a sidefaced Mickey - any other pose would bring out the big D's lawyers again.
So yeah… this whole 'entering PD' thing is probably going to be one hell of a battlefield. Disney will probably keep lobbying to extend copyrights but there's got to be a limit to how much they let them push through.
This. I'm not well versed in matters of healthcare to be honest, but everything this post says hits home in the most basic way. Imagine a Walmart employee coming to your house and escorting you down to shop at their store. Or something similar, fuck that.
lol, that url got filtered due to the @ sign. Archive link here:
The fuck are you talking about nigger? The url works just fine
You're right, the actual link does work….
Medium URLs have @ signs, so when I saw it as [email protected] I thought it'd break.
This is something Bernie fans wanted too. Hopefully those who switched to Hillary or stayed at home are ashamed and will be on the right side in 2020.
They charge you like 100 bux for two tylenol in a hospital
Trust me they'll still make a killing with 50% profit loss
Imagine if it were actually over.
Someone better replace raving with trump saying winning before i kill a nigger
I think I know what he meant by this now
He's not even in fucking office yet
Damn Trump hasn't even been sworn in yet & he is already making America great again
Can't exactly stop winning, while the world keeps spininng.
Subversive kikes and subversive retards both go over the wall.
I bet a surprising number of Trump voters use Obama care. If he takes it away or doesn't improve upon healthcare, Trump will feel the wrath. ACA has a bad rap that isn't deserved. don't get kiked and over pay for your well being
You do know cascadia is a leftist movement, don't you? Northwest Front is the nazi one
I just prefer the flag over the NWF one, besides I think it would be easy to subvert the cascadia fags.
I think that the reason she conceded, an hour after saying she wouldn't, is because Trump made a deal with her. I just hope the deal wasn't to pardon her.
No way in hell would he. Worst case, he doesn't appoint the special prosecutor he promised.
I was lax paying attention to Pence. At least he knows Jews should be in Israel.
Part of it is that the rhetoric you hear from some that American customers are basically subsidizing drug prices around the world isn't unfounded. Drug prices in most of the third world tend to be rock bottom; drugs are either frequently handed freely by organizations like MSF (Medecins Sans Frontiers, AKA Doctors without borders) or the UN, or else drug companies elect to sell them for a small charge over shipping costs.
Point being, if drug companies didn't have markets like the US and a handful of other Western countries where drugs remain relatively expensive for whatever reason, they would complain so loudly about dismal ROI (somewhat rightly so) that you would see a few things result.
One is that new drugs would not come to market as frequently if at all. Most of the pure research is done by universities in conjunction with these corps - that is true - but it has to be born out by the corps themselves, and that requires substantial investment in time and $$. Two is that supplies would shrink, and this would most affect the third-world. Third is that, related to supply shrinkage, prices would rise. Demand is relatively inelastic.
All in all, I don't think that would be a horrible thing if world prices converged on the US, while American drug prices dropped slightly. I think the whole mode of capitalism we have right now is completely ass fucking backward. Basically, the West is producing the stuff by which third-world demography explodes, and has been doing so for the past 120 or so years. But the majority of non-perishable consumer goods are shipped vast distances. Things like textiles, nigger tech (consumer electronics), toys, etc. None of our great industrialists of the past 70 years paused to think whether this was something that could stand the test of time. They just wanted to crank out as much cheap shit and make a quick fortune.
Don't you start, faggot. My mother is going through chemo and it has been tooth and nail to get disability for her. While she's on a trial that is soon to be covered one day more in America. They denied her. We are the protectors, we will run them red. If my mother dies under your current situation. So do you.
You now know who holds the trigger.
Holla Forums's autism encumbers it and often prevents real progress in defeating the Marxist faggets. We need more discussion here on how to use the tools of the enemy.
The spoilers betray you.
It's good to celebrate but don't these things come back under a new name a year or two later?
Not yet. It is time to break them.
You have only a few months to grow stronger.
There are only 11 dimensions
Look at him, look at him and kek.
That's if you only follow M-theory, bosonic string theory states there are 26.
Yes take a look at CISPA SOPA ACTA All the same bullshit under another name and let's not begin about CETA.
Isn't there some quote about tyranny being the same thing?
I run through them all.
Anit- ((( merchant )))
When was the last time?
I think Trump should rename the amended law to "Americare"
Trump said he would replace Obamacare and he is already creating his own thing based on it.
Remember when reddit was competent enough to organize half a million people protesting against the TPP?
Me neither.
I won't be happy until I know for certain that TiSA is kill. That's the true monster.
TiSA is ours now. And the drones. And the gunrunning programs of the ATF. And the IRS.
We wanted limited government and subsidiarity. But ooh no, can't have hicks being backward. Gotta make it Federal. Well fuckers, enjoy trying to get out of your sanctuary cities.
Okay maybe I've been living under a rock but wtf is TiSA? Given the context is it part of that section 8 bullshit?
Trump is taking us back to the Berenstein universe, lads. This nightmare is ending.
I remember something about him saying people need healthcare or shit, but that's it.
it would be better to let onigger pass it and Trump destroy it
Riding this wave feels so good. GO TRUMP!
Isn't he credited for creating a lot of the techniques used by MK Ultra/Monarch? You know the Rape, rape, rape, give child an item/animal to cope with, rape, rape, let child with toy/animal to recover. Torture, rape, torture, leave child with toy/animal then come in and destroy/kill it in front of child to shatter the mind
Interesting, must try.
wew, checked.
Released yesterday in Europe.
I hope you weebs can take the first step
As a burger-challenged individual, thank you Trump. Bongo, Bush and Clinton (the one who was president) never did anything good. Trump is on the way to making the whole planet great.
It has to be a country capable of producing people which drive the value of their currency to be fairly on par with the US.
Didn't Japan just ratify it anyway?
Doesn't that mean they're stuck with all the bullshit of the TPP without the benefits of actually being in a trade deal with the US and the other countries?
I think I'm wrong, so what's really going to happen there now?
She wouldn't be bad if she lost 20 or so pounds.
I was thinking exactly the same thing. “20 lbs and she could be a MILF”, I said to myself.
I fucking hate you faggots that can't spell.
The TPP needed all its nation members to ratify it in order for it to be in effect. So now it's virtually useless and unenforceable for everyone involved. They may as well dump it into the trash and pretend it never existed.
🙂🙂😆😠😢👍🚲❤ MAGA😆😆🙂🙂😢😠😆
This is a good day for the Australian Healthcare system
also is that a fucking kaiju?
Obongo deserves NO legacy!
He should get the rope and remembered as the traitorous failure of a nigger he really is.
Great news on TPP though, ALL HAIL THE GOD EMPEROR!
well that was quick
He's a hyper-pragmatist. If he sees something that works, then he might use it. But yeah, we can't just tweak & rebrand A.C.A., because the foundational goal–to get white people to provide free healthcare to black & brown people–is quite a proble.
Maybe you would have thought twice.
But you couldn't
and You didn't.
Foolish guac bowl merchant.
How does he do it, though? He wasn't even trying. It just happens.
Remember how Trump thinks. Get King Nigger out of office without a pardon with shillary, THEN hang her up by a hook so at that point he can't do a fucking thing about it.
post yfw when you first realized this
I can't wait to see the leftoid tears from that.
Sieg Heil!!!
Praise Kek!
Can we pleeaase gas the kikes now?
Those trips though.
I can feel it. I can feel the magic.
Wow what a nice day
Why must you push it? Do your thing but don't think everybody accepts you fully.
S-sauce on the second gif?
What are you, a date a live or something?
Gee, I wonder.
The TPP was a stinking pile of abusive regulation, but free trade and international cooperation is good.
quality post
Holla Forums here, thanks for this awesome news.
The ruling class of the bourgeios just got dealt a heavy blow, and the police state took a step back today. The internet is saved, and autistic libtards are shrieking in the streets.
Today is a beautiful day.
shoo shoo communist
hahahahah never fails, you commies are all mentally ill!
Never fails to make my kokoro go doki doki.
porn is degenerate user STOP
you to
kill yourself, weebfaggot
here's your (You)
Oh fuck, can you imagine the reaction from Hillaryfags who might one day find that their very life depends on a guy they insisted was a nazi.
Fuck off of imageboards altogether nigger.
Because masturbating to fucking drawings made by some gooks of some anatomically wrong women that don't even exist will SURELY secure the existence of our people and a future to white children.
This isn't 4kids, you have no mods shilling for weebcucks so you can retain your safe autism space. Remove yourself from this planet.
eat shit weebfaggot
This user is the biggest guy on this board and also speaks the truth.
This is now an anime thread
I Wonder why…
You have >>>/a/ for that, i suggest you to go back there.
You goons make yourselves too obvious.
Feeling smug
The Democrat's and leftist of yesterday are the moderates of today. Today's left see's them as far right as any republican & despises them for their logical arguments and viewpoints. That's the kind of Democrat Trump was, no one in their right mind would stay in whats evolved into the crybaby party. So we might still have Obama care but I'd be bettin Trump will work a better deal with the greedy insurance companies so the middle class isn't getting raped by it. He's stopped the TPP and is going to gut NAFTA… not even in office and has already done more for American working class & poor then Obama did in 8 years.
back to >>>Holla Forums
[Smug Lvl - 9000]
Your reasoning is comparable to that of a nigger:
Nobody here gives a fuck if you like anime, but you keep spamming your unrelated crap no one gives a fuck about, and then bitch like a butthurt faggot when people call you out for it.
It's like everytime you post your shit you are saying:
You like anime, we get it, but we don't give a fuck, you have >>>/a/ for that, there you can talk about anime as much as you like with people that actually cares about the subject.
This is Holla Forums and it's a politics board, in case you haven't noticed, and amine has nothing to do with it.
Also this:
Let the butthurt flow through you, shills
This is why you don't give internet to kids born in 2000, people.
They still think this site is like the old one where anime spam was protected under cuckage lad's autistic goon rules
Anime is, always has been and always will be part of chan culture. Deal with it.
Also I like gore too.
I mean this
I mean they have an entire fucking board for that, but they still flood Holla Forums threads with that shit and wonder why people get annoyed by them.
And they have the nerve to talk about derailing and D&C.
Thanks a lot Holla Forums we change the world
Okay, but this is a different site. Get out
I don't really talk about anime on Holla Forums. I only use them as reaction pics here.
If you faggots at least posted good stuff like VOTOMs, LOGH, Texhnolyze, Zippang, Gasaraki, Fune wo Amu etc I'd be more inclined to defend you. But you don't, you always post moe shit like Girls und Panzer, or masturbation bait like Kill La Kill.
This is a chan site, CHAN, deal with it.
Anime is part of chan culture, this is true for any and all chan sites.
The anti anime autism is d&c. It's a 'fracture point' used by agitators. They join a thread posting anime where it is not the most appropriate then switch proxies and call themselves out on it. Then sit back and watch the thread devolve into chaos as anons argue with one another. Kinda like christian vs non christian or age of consent/marage age vs murder all pedos. It is clearly a shill tactic and obviously anyone who does not share my point of view is helping the shills as only my viewpoint is truly valid.
Christians are cucks
Age of consent needs to be lowered to 12
Anime is always appropriate
The Moon needs to be colonized more than Mars
Iranians (Persians) are Aryan but Arabs are not
Fins are cute
WHAT threads? The MAGA Anime hat thread? One thread is spam?
Given that people primarily use them for reaction images, a lot of the classic era is harder to mine than slice of life/comedy moeshit.
Here, have some out of my collection though.
This is the politcs board.
Argument invalid.
That's EXACTLY what i was talking about.
This is a party thread, not a digging thread, not a thread about esoteric arguments regarding the size nigger preserves will be and weather or not recreational nigger hunting will be allowed. It's a fucking party thread on a CHAN site. Deal with it fagot.
This is a dead thread now. Don't post in it.
Not an excuse.
Your argument is still invalid. Deal with it.
see this
the thread
Oh the irony.
pot calling keetle black.
I am literally laughing my ass off right now. This is too much.
My autism is more powerful than your autism, goon.
It feels so great things are finally becoming good.
kek butthurt
You're no better than anyone else faggot.
And this site was founded by a former cuckchan user, so you have no argument.
So you came from reddit then? You have to go back, faggot.
Holy shit, thanks for proving me right.
You lost, Rick.
The irony and denial is strong
There's nothing to win here, you retard.
You only make me want to post more. Sweet sweet anger.
Who is this "us" you speak of?
checked and hailed
And the conclusion is Kyuuu~ you baga gaijins are so anger >3< nyahahahaha
Don't you know that the continued existence of the tiny island of Japan is a threat to European supremacy? Anime posters like you are anti-White cuck civic nationalist weebs that should die. Japs are a greater threat than Jews since their animes teach those anti-White concepts like the importance of masculinity, tradition, and duty.
Wear some fucking glasses, because apparently you can't even read, unlike you i don't go to /a/ saying "anime sucks" or posting unrelated stuff i like being an annoying fuck to people that are there to discuss something else, unlike you.
This is not "my" board you retard, is the board for people who want to discuss politics not anime, again, there's /a/ for that.
"I am not asshurt guys, i swear it, look how mature i am about it, i am not sperging at all"
>And the conclusion is Kyuuu~ you baga gaijins are so anger >3< nyahahahaha
Thanks for your contribution to western civilization.
A weeb can't even be natsoc because they put japanese culture above their own. That's not something I do.
Oy vey! Them gooks threat da whitey! I'm not saying they're not it's just funny
I learned all of those from videogames and anime because my parents are hardcore liberals
Well, all I did was reply to OP with "I can feel the magic" and replied to the "let's dance" so why am I arguing with you spergs about """unrelated""" stuff hmm? You're forcing a derail and projecting shit on me like the retards you are.
That was bait that makes even me feel bad
No matter what I do in real life, all you can see is my posts. You don't know who the people you're replaying to are, and from what I can tell in this thread, the "weebs" you're antagonizing are baiting you into spilling spaghetti which is exactly what you're doing. Get your shit together, don't feed the bait. I'd say you're trying D&C because being real natsoc/nationalist/traditionalist would put you above simple butthurt and bean spilling so I conclude you're doing it on purpose.
Oh shit I just realized this was irony. Fuck. You got me
That wasn't me haha you silly oaf
It doesn't matter, it's you who took the Whole thing personally.
No you made it personal yourself
First of all, not all posts against anime were made by myself, second i only started saying that there's a Whole board, /a/, if you want to post and discuss anime, at that point you started sperging out spamming anime, and in fact, derailing the board, though was the first to start.
Stating that i don't care, means that i really don't care, i am not "mad" as you say, about what you like, people come here on Holla Forums to discuss politics, it's the only place we can do it without censorship, you have the dedicated boards and the ENTIRE FUCKING WEB to talk about anime.
So I was watching the disney dub of nausicaa when this scene happened.
I had to make it into a webm.
They get angry over anime pictures on the internet, sad!.
Tiny version, maybe this one's better
kike, your trying too hard
Try reading the Whole thread again.
you couldn't be more wrong.
Get out jew-goon.
We both know you and the Jew fear the Animus.
Image boards transcend mere text based communication. Chan sites are anime centric in the images used to convey extra meaning to a post note the suffix 'chan'. Anyone who cant tolerate our culture needs to leave as they clearly are a fucking kike and do not belong. Now I don't know how much Jewish blood you have, when I call you a kike I am saying you are an ideological kike. You come here and try to dictate to us how we are to run our posting. You are a parasitic infiltrator who shits up everything you touch (just like irl kikes infiltrate nations and try to dictate how there culture is to be), and I think there is a high probability that you are doing it on purpose because you get some sort of sadistic kick out of it, because you are a kike. You really should be gassed.
You lost the entire election Rick, now you have to spend the rest of your life looking at your niglet grandchild before eventually killing yourself in shame. You were beaten by none other than the "childless single men who masturbate to anime" and that must really chap your ass.
Not being an obsessed weeaboo = Being Rick Wilson/ a cuck
Great logic there.
you aren't from around here are you?
Pot calling the keetle black
Stop caring about politics, goyim, just be a weeaboo who can't think about anything unrelated to anime for more than ten minutes.
I think you are the one who needs to go back in the oven, Yosef.
If anyone wants to see an active poster unironically calling for the deaths of every Jap, just take a look at
Holla Forums: 1
triggered goons: 0
You really are Rick Wilson aren't you? Tell me, just how painful is Trump's win?
Well Holla Forums is really over 6 gorillion in score considering WE PRESIDENT NAO, while the goons are going to be swinging from lamp posts very soon. They're all going to die, big league.
Trump's win is the best thing that ever happened in recent history, so i am pretty happy about it, thanks for asking.
I'm no weeaboo and have not seen an anime in five years. That does not stop me from collecting images and posting them how I like. You sir fagolot are kvetching about anime posters in a celebration thread. Just try a little introspection and see just how kikeish you are being. But I don't expect any of the like from you because you are not posting in good faith. You are a fucking agitator here looking to stir up shit. What you don't get is that this sort of gas lighting - consensus building - fracture point exploration: will always fail here. We are not like other forums. We don't give a shit about our egos and our convictions are firm.
Trolls trolling trolls, we also do this shit for fun.
Your a failure at trolling, your a failure as a human, your a failure at life and you should probably just kill yourself.
>>>/suicide/ may have more guidance if my pic was not help enough
>Your a failure at trolling, your a failure as a human, your a failure at life and you should probably just kill yourself. >>>/suicide/ may have more guidance if my pic was not help enough
God i hate "le projection" meme, but your cancerous post is nothing but that.
Tell me where you dad touched you, because you are clearly not a balanced person.
Maybe try reading the whole thread again, and look who started the derailing.
And this what you degenerate to?
Clearly derail started and went full on
And what about>>8232600
What about it, shill. It was one little post and you flip your shit you take the bait so hard you gotta shitpost in impotent rage towards anime and try to derail the rest of the thread?
Yeah I know d&c uses anime posting for there ends, to trigger faggots just like you into doing just what your dooing. See
The fact of the matter is anime reaction images are always relevant on Holla Forums and anyone who spurgs out about it is either d&c or a useful idiot. In either case they deserve a nice lethal dose of gas.
Sure, shlomo it's US who are D&C.
Again, not all posts against anime were made by myself.
You want to talk about being assblasted?
What about the reactions to
The chan culture may be born about that, but Holla Forums always was about politics, the ones "shitposting with impotent rage" were the people i reminded that there is a whole fucking board dedicated to anime, otherwise there's no fucking point in having different dedicated boards to begin with.
I didn't "flip my shit", you got butthurt for me simply stating that i don't give a fuck about anime.
Is it over or you want to continue crying and wishing me death for daring to not care about your precious anime and wanting to come here to read and discuss about politics?
You've been at this for HOURS, my sides.
If you keep calling me out….
Just to glorify our Lord and Saviour, what were the specific bad parts of the TPP?
Why the fuck would you want to do that when Republicans have ALL THREE branches of government in their hands? This is the time to boldly push to the right hard, not milquetoast "bipartisan" shit.
If you cant tolerate anime you are any of those things and worse. And by tolerate I mean not sperg out like an outraged liberal every time you see it.
Fucking kike you act like we are republicans or something. It's called national SOCIALISM. We are not corporatist whores. Some times giving an olive branch to the other half of the nation is needed to get them to accept things they may otherwise not accept. And until/unless senate rules are changed again it still takes a super majority to push bills through the process. Not to mention how much leverage it can give you with the assholes in your own party if they know you can scrape up enough votes from the other side to make up the difference should they sperg out.
I doubt there's a single true Holla Forumsack who would bat an eye at 'conceding' universal healthcare if it meant passing no net immigration in a quid pro quo. Or enshrining the right to abort in the constitution if we could also get anti miscegenation along with it.
Despite what you may thing the so called left is not utterly devoid of all reason and ideas. Yes republicans are a better fit for us in this dichotomy but they are pretty fucked up too. Most rank and file democrats were more opposed to the TPP-TAA-TPA for instance than republicans.
"White House has announced that #TPP is dead:
You think he will be promoted to God Emperor this quickly?
massively underrated post
Why did they wait until after Trump won? I thought Hillary was against it, too? It is almost as though that was a complete lie…
This is a very insightful way to reduce healthcare costs.
Was getting hot part of your head?
Ahahaha. enjoy your ban.
ISFP do suck
That is literally the only good thing about the ACA. The only thing I cared about.
I read and post on Holla Forums because i am a NatSoc. do you know any other place to discuss politics without any censorship for wrong think like whatever-ism or something-phobia?
You really are mad, again being on Holla Forums doesn't mean being a no life basement dweller, second i don't go to /a/ spamming pictures of cars and then whining about censorship if people on /a/ want to talk about anime and not cars, is that hard to understand?
That's cool
Doesn't change the fact that for you to call anyone here a loser is the pot calling the kettle black. There are also other places to read and post because you are NatSoc.
Not in any way relevant to any point, you could make your own forum and or website if you felt like it. Instead you come to a place where the users on it are going to be cynical weebs and then freak out whenever someone posts a reaction picture or webm of or anything of that sort with anime, or video game, or japanese culture.
Look here buddy, you're the foreigner in these parts. Don't like anime or japanese culture? Here are your options
I guess you could also
Somehow I don't think that endears people to your cause though.
If the culture of the users was about cars no one would bitch because everyone already likes cars
Your being a dumbass aside, learn to adjust to board culture or move to somewhere like Stormfront that's more your speed. You can even attention whore over there.
People on here are still butthurt about anime? This is what happens when autists come here with no prior chan experience
Doesn't change the fact that dedicated boards exist for a reason.
so being on Holla Forums means being a no life?
I have a normal life and use my laptop for work with an open tab on Holla Forums to inform myself about current events since i stopped watching TV 10 years ago, how is that being a loser to you?
Only Rick Wilson thinks every right-winger is "a basement dweller who masturbates to anime" but i can guarantee to you that is far from the truth.
I give no fucks
soon to be gone
soon to be remobed
Yep, Obongo's legacy will be completly vanquished
Sad! tbh
Yeah, they exist for the more drawn out and frequent discussions. Doesn't mean that you can't post the culture's object of affection outside of that one specific board you dunce.
No, being on 8ch, where the users are no life weeb losers means being associated and identified as one. If that's not something you can handle, I suggest you're in the wrong place.
Nobody asked for your bio, normie. Fuck off back to facebook or whatever other places that exist for you, clearly this place isn't one where you belong.
Here's a real tip for you, if you want to see less anime posting, and want don't want to see threads get derailed as badly as this one, don't respond to posts with anime in it, toleration and ignoring it is the only way you're going to keep your sanity. Because I can almost gauarntee that there's folks out there baiting you with anime, and you probably fall for it every time. It's almost like figuring out who's the jew in the room by dropping a penny on the ground and seeing who picks it up the quickest.
That's not true, he'll still have his spending and debt legacy. He'll still have his racial tensions legacy.
don't forget his War-mongering legacy. Trump can fix a lot of Obamas bullshit, but he can't heal the millions of innocents dead at obama's (and his state departments) fingertips.
And, I'm sure when the e-mail scandal is all said and done…obama will have a few other legacies that we can all remember
He still needs to go in jail for treason, i don't want the medias or history book to remember him as a hero just because he was muh first nigger president.
Only then, his "legacy" will be destroyed.
Yes. That is what autism entails.
He's always going to be remembered as a hero. You think niggers are going to let something like jail time stop them from hero worship? Even if you let the history books show the record that he was jailed, and therefore a criminal, the nogs will just have their own alternative history, and say he was jailed because racism, or perhaps even other delusions. Remember, these are the same type of people willing to believe that Egypt was black and also Greek was black.
If me simply having a life and not being a weeaboo bothers you that much, don't bother replying and move on, simple as that.
No need to be a butthurt autist about it.
Also: TOP LEL, stay hotheaded!
Sure, but honestly, who takes that bullshit seriously apart from "black power" Niggers?
So mad
How much cock have you sucked today?
Looking for a rough estimate, since we both know you don't have a definite number.
Just as bad, your a traitor to our culture. And culture is at least a close second in importance to race. Anime reaction images have always been deeply ingrained in chan culture and this is a party thread so it is obviously very relevant. I don't know where you came from but it was not here, you either need to lurk more or go back. Don't invade our homeland and start demanding that we adapt to your cultural norms, that's something kikes and Muhammadans do.
Do you feel in charge?
This just in, chaika front page.
It's been fun, lad don't let the memes control you
Well congratulations, you got yourself banned!
Now what's the next step of your master plan?
We love you user
Why is this shitshow of a thread still stickied?
good goy, I hope you're enjoying your (((free))) Windows™ 10™ upgrade!
Even horsefuckers are better than you
dubbs confirm
Cuckservative leader wants to renegotiate!
we should begin targeting TPP supporters and destroying them
I would. I can't believe how easy some of you faggots give in.
>>Or enshrining the right to abort in the constitution
Fuck the constitution
get out moshi