(kind of a long post but it's well worth reading) Make Anti-Racism Work For Us How we can ride populism and the spike in anti White Hate by- Anonymous Random Bigot (Arb)
So, with the election of Donald Trump to the presidency of the United States, we're seeing a much more publicly and open antiwhite agenda rearing its ugly head. Van Jones is talking about a Whitelash, we have antiwhite screeds proliferating all over the web, and an atmosphere of racial polarization is setting in. And in reaction to this, we see millions of normie Whites saying "that's racist" and defending themselves, claiming that it's just as "racist" for them to be attacked for being White as it is for Blacks to be attacked for being Black. The usual response is the stock-answer of "reverse racism no exist". Now, this cultural climate is one in which the narrative of "Anti racism has been hijacked by anti White hatepeddlers/hatemongers, and Whites need to stand up for themselves in the same way that Blacks did, in the past" can be injected balls deep into the mindset of White Conservative America. Following my drift so far? Along with that, we need to make as much hay as possible out of every anti White statement, act, and so on. Create an atmosphere in which Whites are aware of anti White-ism in a knee-jerk way, similar to how most Blacks are, right now. Really force the meme of "anti whites exist and they are horrible people" like the left did with muh evil Neo Nazis and evil KKK. We don't even have to be officially White nationalist or officially anti-racemixing, just push these narratives, they have bite, they have strength. We need an all out campaign of vilification in the form of text, image, and video. We also need to have every type of propaganda laid out from extremely ironic to dead serious. Translation: catch as many types of people as possible with your message, tailored to as many types of Whites as possible
Then frame "whiteness" (I hate that word but you get my point) as good, decent, honorable and brave, like they have done with blackness. Show pictures of a loving White couple getting married and portraying this as brave in the face of anti-white bigotry. Just as mainstream Black identity isn't OFFICIALLY anti racemixing, it still promotes Black community and Black pride and all that. So what we need is a semi-PC White movement which basically acts in the same way as other identity politics movements do, but of course we need to run them. Over time, we can radicalize the people who become influenced by us. We should have blogs, youtube channels, etc that they become brand-loyal to. The left basically pushed its anti white agenda by culture jamming the message "evil white oppressors" and "innocent brave strong free POCKS". What we must do is break down their narrative with a counternarrative of strong proudly White people against hateful bigotry. When the vandalized building recently got spraypainted with "die whites die" and "Fuck white people", millions of nigaboons took to Twitter to declare that "Blacks don't talk that way it was a White supremacist". Why? It's obvious that they don't want us to portray ourselves as victims, they don't want the agenda of "evil anti whites" to get a foothold in White America. They want to keep feeding us the "evil white, noble nonwhite" narrative and any interruption to this THEY INSTINCTIVELY UNDERSTAND disempowers them.
Please discuss and comment, These are some practical things we can do to meme a stronger Whiter future. Stop being defeatists, there is a real opening to culture jam White rightwingers who feel alarmed by anti-white garbage they are seeing all over the place.
this is another thread I recently created, similar stuff here for those interested: archive.is/2Z27t
Aaron Lopez
The TL:DR for the lazy people who don't want to read it all:
Jordan Evans
idk it's pretty obvious that the blacks are the real racists
Matthew Torres
that's another approach to it
look, whatever ideas legitimize the transition to pro-White racial consciousness is right
A huge part of America is ripe for it
Easton Perry
O yea I forgot to say that this strategy involves murdering anti racism in the end by claiming it's been hijacked. "People who call themselves anti racist are just anti White hatemongers". In this way you make people distrust the shit out of any and all anti racist narratives they hear.
It's a golden narrative to push for us, and most people won't be able to detect that it's basically White nationalist, at heart.
Ian Bennett
2. AKA "THE REAL ANTI RACISM IS WHITE PEOPLE STANDING UP FOR THEMSELVES AND BUILDING STRONG WHITE COMMUNITIES". Any accusations of being hateful? Just point to incidents of antiwhite attacks and statements and accuse the person accusing YOU of being hateful of supporting them or being soft on them.
This is basically kikery which we can use against the kikes.
Henry Martinez
Best way to do this would be to expose people to the shit that the Black Panthers and Nation of Islam think about whites.
Jacob James
This is downright sneaky and awesome, subversive indeed. Outkike the kikes and subvert their bullshit.
I'm rubbing my hands as I typ-…..speak…
Easton Edwards
meant to post a happy sneaky merchant not a scared merchant, o well fuck it
Matthew Stewart
Yes, White Pride is "raycis an shieet" but "Black Pride" is celebrated.
Question is, how do you spread this idea? My suggestion is similar to what Toms such as Al Shaprton, Jessie Jackson and others have done: Talk about things that are done against whites and stress the racial component, exagerate eveb so long as it's believable. Once people agree that their is racial prejudice against whites, you can become even less factual but it will still stick because people will by that point already know that you aren't far from the truth.
Ethan Garcia
That's been one of the most effective ways I've subtly redpilled people on racism. I've shown them that racism is a one-way street and if you're white and something "racist" happens to you, no one cares. Show videos of shitskins and sjws blatantly saying that you can't be racist to white people.
Isaac Rodriguez
Yea, that's one way, don't stop there, expose expose expose them to any and all antiwhite stuff you can find, build a stereotype of an antiwhite bigot who supports attacks on whites.
Really milk every antiwhite hate attack for all its worth, not only because it works, but because we need to fucking stand up for our people who are victims of violence and targeted.
Oliver Walker
This, too, but I think an effective strategy would be to say that "anti racism has been hijacked" and restate your new "true anti racism" as soft subtle White nationalism.
Look at how the kikes "call on Trump to respect American values", they have completely redefined America into an SJW state, now. Nothing is stopping us from smashing and remolding "anti racism". Also we can claim that the hijackers are so dangerous and horrible that the only thing that can stop them is a vigorous White community and unity and solidarity.
You could argue for this on Rush Limbaugh's show and very few in the audience would think you're "omg an evil racist", they would listen and many would agree.
The left and kikes have been subverting like this for fucking decades, it's a proven formula.
Julian Jenkins
exactly, this
It's a process, you push the envelope. Go from demonizing extreme anti white hatred and attacks to connecting those things to more minor anti white attitudes and such. Doable. You do it by talking to people irl and online, normie conservatives. Get them thinking like we think. Liberals CONSTANTLY are complaining about Whites seeing themselves as victims and talking about how bad that is. Why? Because they know that if anti-white becomes a bad thing and gets seen as evil, then their whole agenda is dead, they have no leg to stand on.
Once whites are aware that they can become victims just for being white, then the anti white bullshit ends.
No amount of "but what about X bad thing whites did" can stop us, because the answer will always be "fuck you for downplaying anti white hate and attacks.
Parker Lopez
This gets me thinking user, just like the NeoCohens got normie White conservatives to talk about how liberals "Won't even say or acknowledge radical islam" we can get people to talk about how liberals "Won't even talk about antiwhite hatecrimes and racism". You can get pretty bluepilled normie conservatives to repeat this idea, easily.
You just have to saturate people's heads with "must read" tabloid stories about hate crimes and violence and bigotry directed at Whites.
Samuel Cooper
Yes, appeal to universal values (LIKE KIKES AND NONWHITES ALWAYS DO) but argue for Whites specifically. This is how we hijack liberalism. It's actually very simple. Anything antiwhite can be opposed as inhumane or uncaring or ignorant.
The real issue is that we need to diligently push this common message, endlessly, so that it can make a headway into the mainstream.
This should be part of our White genocide mantra.
Luis Hughes
Grayson Martin
anyone else interested?
Lincoln Johnson
What the fuck is this shit? There's no such thing. It's just racism.
Joseph Ross
Just do infographics and all Holla Forums is not your personal army, if it peak or call interest you will get sudden autists support, lik ethe nature of all around here. Or pruned.
Brody King
Yea I might but this idea is very interesting if people will just read it. Holla Forums needs to into activism and group-coordinated-activity
Mason Hernandez
What's a good branding for this? We need to be like the White ADL working to subvert for our people
Michael Reed
Anons I don't want to go back to college. I don't like the normie part of me. It's like he takes hold of me… and I don't want to deal with the post election since I've been hiding my power level and presenting myself as a librul
I don't know. Even if I stop caring I don't want to be a completely different person who talks differently all the sudden also…
Owen King
Well, you'll regret avoiding contact with the world, ultimately. The world is a shitty place in a lot of ways, but it's weakness to give into avoiding it, at all. You have to do it. Just be a light in the darkness of SJW filth. Godspeed, user. (Not religious but it's a good phrase if you get me)
Nathan Sanchez
If you don't want to be a normalfag in public, stop hiding your power level. Besides, it's hilarious to drop redpills on commie faggots in college.
Robert Baker
Adrian Myers
Lucas Allen
Bump for informative & well written OP
Alexander Ramirez
feels proud man
Tyler Clark
I find it really sad that a lawful and meritocratic country is a state of 'white nationalism'.
Oy gevalt! The goyim are trying to Jew us SHUT IT DOWN!!!
Henry Ramirez
Read R/K selection in humans and then you'll understand why using any form of reasoning will not work.
Nicholas Diaz
but it is
Every White nation before 1950 was explicitly or implicitly white nationalist, we need to really culturejam the idea that white identity and white nations are fucking normal. Extremely normal. Nothing weird about it.
Dylan Wood
what's the point of this ?
Hudson Garcia
You'd be right if not for the fact that a lot of people WANT to think like we do. Deep down they DO but they have not been given PERMISSION to. At heart a lot of "K selected Whites" are loyal to their people and feel threatened by antiwhite and nonwhite incursion.
Also talk about self defeating. Obviously some people can be reasoned with, even if it's very, very few. And if you read my OP it's not about reason, it's about culturejamming emotionally charged memes that cause people who are ALREADY rightwing conservative Whites to think in a pro-White way, without them ever even thinking that they are becoming "racists" or "white nationalists".
Now, even if this strategy isn't perfect, it can definitely win at least a few.
Christian Miller
this! You should write for Radix, this is amazing!
Nolan Price
at a time when whites need PC culture to work FOR them instead of AGAINST them, MILO comes along and says ''we should all be racist towards eachother! it's fine! "
Kayden Rogers
Sebastian Bell
Jose Cook
Carter Davis
lol no
Ian Foster
ok, I'll get going on it
this is going to be more subversion than image macro stuff, though
please repost over on /bmw/
Jace Nguyen
this is a fucking awesome symbol, please include all the ideas in this thread in your subversion.
Jayden Gomez
this is so fucking cool
James Young
100% this
also mroe people need to see this htread
Samuel Ramirez
people don't like reading a ton of text though lol, we need to dumb it down for the dumbies
Andrew Ortiz
Nathan Collins
It doesn't work.
Liberals don't accept that you can be racist against white people and since they control the media you can't really get it through to people that easily that there even is a problem of anti-white bigotry.
Cooper Gutierrez
liberals aren't the ones we're trying to reach though
Robert Cox
You an oldfag culture jammer? Next to no anons will know the term or group, but I do. Ya ol subversive.
If not disregard
Luis Richardson
I heard the term somewhere this year it just seems like a good one, it describes something we can do.
Adrian Edwards
I saw a video compilation narrated by an upstanding black who pointed out crazy things blm has said. There was this one nigress who screamed for the death of white babies, we need the best of the best examples and manipulate the media into reairing them in sneaky Jew ways.
Samuel Harris
1. It's lazy. We don't need to lie. 2. There is tons of anti white clips. 3. Video video video.
Nicholas Butler
this isn't about faking it, it's about shoving it in people's faces, you can make a fake BLM account if you want, rolling my eyes now lol
Jace Long
Along these lines I suggest we ruthlessly pursue action against various anti whites, such as Scientology level suits against them, calls for during.
Do not file any lawsuit I'd you are at all known here. Anyway there are laws against threatening certain public officials and even certain workers. For instance just saying "I swear ta God, I'll beat your fucking ass" is a crime in Texas and many other states, it is a class c misdemeanor assault. If they say it to an old person it's a class B. Read assault laws in your state.
Camden Gutierrez
We is in agreeance
Nathan Harris
also made this pls read too thx bye
Asher Ortiz
Unfortunately, you're living a pipe dream. Anti-White/Anti-Racist sentiment is usually predicated on double think and mental gymnastics. Terms such as "reverse racism" are unnecessary baggage that's unloaded to prevent discussion of racism against perceived enemies of Liberal/SocJus ideologies.
The only way to make 'Anti-Racism' work for us is by using it as evidence of hypocrisy of these ideologies and pull back the curtain. You're only going to convince people who aren't indoctrinated in the current liberal mindset of 'diversity'.
A more solid strategy would be discrediting movements that adopt this specific ideology and associate them with larger, more troubling organizations, such as the ADL. Homebrew lefties can overall be more damaging to their own agenda than even a good argument because it gives a clear and concise association between moronic, and easily disproved leftist rhetoric with bigger organizations that reap the benefits of leftist subversion.
Luke Flores
no you don't get it
hijack the antiracism in the minds of normie conservatives
Yes in general antiracism is mental gymnastics installed but millions of White people don't buy the "you can't be racist to whites" line, at all.
Those people who don't buy it are the ones we need to reach, not the cucks who believe it.
Colton Reed
which is why we need to meme that "antiracism has been hijacked" ie make anti racist orgs scary or discredited to people
Daniel Martin
OP's saying that we meme pro-white ideas into the mind of your average non-leftie normalfag. The proper leftists are too far gone, fuck them. But the people who are on the fence, the ones that simply comply with their leftist friends because they can't be assed to argue with them and not because the genuinely agree with them, the ones who deep down know that whites need to stick together, those are the ones we can reach.
Liam Myers
Honestly, I can't see any benefit from producing our own propaganda; for multiple reasons ofcourse. Primarily, because anti-white propaganda in any form serves to demoralize and dissuade people from taking action. Most whites confronted with anti-white rhetoric will either be apathetic, complacent, resort to escapism or be in agreement. Usually it's critics and those who speak out that convince people to react to anti-white sentiment, not the source itself.
Anti-white propaganda is also a useful tool in radicalizing actual racist minorities by helping normalize anti-white behavior. There is already a huge abundance of anti-white articles, studies, videos and propaganda that can be fished out that is much more easier to use.
I quite frankly cannot see a reason to support this 'project' since there is no benefits from doing it. As I originally stated, homebrew lefty's help discredit the left as a whole. It's what Brexit and Trump owe their victory too.
Henry James
OP here, this is accurate, you got it man
Adrian Thompson
it's propaganda for people who already think anti white bullshit has gone too far, not for lefties, it worked on my whole family btw
I told them that antiracism has gone too far and now it's just an excuse by radical, hateful antiwhites. My family are bluepilled republicans and now they're proto-WNists
Anthony Martinez
most people aren't aware of it almost at all, the point is to bring attention to it and then say "fuck that we need to be prowhite"
millions of people already implicitly agree with that sentiment
Nolan Scott
also man last post in reply lol this is 3 so a lot….
propaganda just means propagation of ideas, we should propagate the ideas I suggest in this thread just like we already propagate our ideas
Jace Miller
You already have plenty of evidence of this, it makes no sense to create more since you have your pick from anything made by #BlackLiesMatter or the current meltdown.
My suggestion would be this. Pay close attention to the protests against a DJT election and people that protest against famous right wing speakers. People reacting violently towards the results of the election are the perfect catalyst for turning normies against lefties.
If this means that you wont be creating your own anti-white memes then I support it. However, it does provide the left to shed its skin again and try to appear rational by cutting off an appendage or two and disassociating from it.
Still it's not a bad idea, I would suggest however focusing on post election calls for assassination and violence and protests against right wing intellectuals who speak out.
Nathaniel Long
that's not evidence that's cherrypicked BS please go die in a hole
Levi Richardson
sorry wrong thread….. i apologize
Colton Hughes
Luis Foster
sorry man that was a brainfart…. lol
Oliver Cox
Slide fighters commence. ↑ thread ↑
Jacob Hall
Levi Cox
Lincoln Torres
Could use this as a way of "mocking" whites.
"LOL YOU'RE LIKE, LITERALLY GOING TO BE GONE SOON xD" "You don't get to speak when you're going the way of the Panda" "Cracka u a dead race already"
Etc etc
Brayden Barnes
Making some webms that are Revolver Ocelot tier, I'm usually okay at propaganda, so give me a bit.
I'm thinking of playing mostly on this aspect. To mock whites and further MTV's agenda of trying to demonize whites with that nigress. Gotta get people mad and sick of this shit.
Daniel Williams
good idea
Justin White
found it a potent Holla Forumsemic in my own debates.
Noah Brooks
Oliver Myers
In order to use anti-racism work for us, we first have to get rid of these bullshit and fake definitions that these anti-whites come up with for "racism" and "prejudice" which they use to justify their racism and persecution of whites.
Gabriel Fisher
Playing the victim won't work for whites, nor should we want that.
Nathan Baker
It's not really a matter of playing the victim when whites are the victim of genocide, both overt genocide in parts of Africa and subtle genocide in our homelands through anti-white laws and immigration and propaganda or politicians who refuse even to protect our borders from invading masses of shit skins and spics and muzzies.
Carson Hall
I know what you're trying to say lad. But we'd only be asking for mercy from a system that wants us dead. Whites need to have the strength to take what's theirs.
Lucas Barnes
It may not work right now, but if we meme innocent Whites getting killed more it can begin to.
Even cucky civic nationalists are now talking about White genocide in South Africa, thanks to fucktons of shitlords exposing White innocents being victimized there.
The most powerful emotionally gripping memes that White nationalism has now are exposing the plight of innocent White people who are victims of real hate and violence.
also this guy gets it.
Whites ARE being victimized. We need to have a hell of a lot more compassion for our people. More Whites feeling sorry for other Whites is good. Realize this.
Aiden Taylor
Nah you 100% misunderstand. The sympathy we want is from other White people not from the system. The system can trample on the rights and dignity of Whites because there is no narrative about White people being humans who deserve compassion.
Today's narrative: Whitey is oppressive and any talk about White people being victims is just stupid shit
The narrative that can be memed into the mass mind: Some Whites are victims of real, horrible, abusive anti white hate, this is unfair and Whites have a right to oppose this and be proud of themselves
The narrative we want longterm: Fuck other races our people our way, we will have freedom
We need the middle narrative to get to the third. We need to kill the "Whitey is oppressive" narrative by showing Whites being victims. The system doesn't fucking want White people to be shown as victims. That makes the system's job harder.