Have seen so many on here talking admirably about this ginger, son of a coalburning whore. It's even funnier because in an old Dr. Pierce broadcast, he reads a comment from the Jewess who runs "the runnymeade trust" complaining that the Brit royals are "too White" and that charles should have married a negress.
Well, here's your Royal Negress. If she can pop a kid out of her 35 year old box, ginger and nigger will make for a lovely combo. More proof all of them are dupes of the Jews, with as much power as a princess in the disney castle.
"muh based prince harry" & his shitskin girlfriend
Other urls found in this thread:
negress. mother is a negress, which I guess makes her either mulatto or quadroon. I'm ashamed to even know this, but since DM is (without irony) the best news site on the web, I end up reading it.
You know his dad isn't Prince Charles right? Diana the mudshark whore took a load from an army guy. This dummy is the spitting image of the guy. As such he'll never be anything. He gets put in the back like pedo Andrew.
Don't know why people are so up in arms about this. He's something like fourth in line to the throne so barring some freak accident he's always going to be the 'spare'. She seems nice enough, race aside.
Good luck to them, if they're happy together. There's vastly more important things going on right now than Diana's bastard child hooking up with a quadroon.
yeah, the red-headed guy whose name escapes me. I wonder if he was given an ultimatum from the Rothschilds to find a negress and get them good PR and he negotiated it down to a quadroon.
Christ knows this will be big news for every parade-float housewife in the ZOG who then will spend tourist shekels in UK. They probably need the shekels while they renovate parliament.
lol one of the best OP's I've ever read.
Harry doesn't really seem the settling down type. Besides, he has about as much chance of being king as hillary has of becoming president.
(((Freak Accident)))
That is the point. Do you children have no idea of claims to thrones? Looking at history, this could end up with a nigger having a rightful claim to the throne. You KNOW the kikes would rub their hands together with glee.
Ew dude, that shits gross.
The Britcuck nobility are some serious faggots tbh fam
Why would they even bother? The royals are nothing more than an elaborate tourist attraction, they have no actual political power and by law they're not allowed to comment on affairs of state.
The place you should be looking out for this kind of thing is Parliament. I suspect Spearchucker Amuna was meant to be the UK's Obama for the Labour party, but Comrade Jezza's inexplicable popularity with clueless fuckwits foiled any attempt to get him into a position of power…
This never happened.
The only Britcucks without homosexual genes have been sent to Australia centuries ago.
This. The current queen came to be after her uncle married a divorced hooker, but really because he was a fan of hitler.
If you had your choice of any piece of ass in the world, would you pick a 35 year-old, divorced negress with a snatch probably as big as a cave?
It's a PR move to make them "less White," just would be interested in how the orders were passed down. The Jews have been screeching about "no royals of colour" for a while now.
Every obese housewife will have a commemorative album of "the first negro royal" and you can bet they will find negroes with plates in their lips, say they are her relatives and bring them to wedding for more "diversity."
Funny to watch jews stage-manage entire thing.
Low-energy D&C.
It has, but it was mostly shitposting and memes
Really? Can you not see how a nigger in the throne room would be nuclear-powered propaganda. It's critical theory distilled. One of the oldest traditions of the country being twisted into shitskin pandering. Just look at the way the media reacts to royal weddings, royal children, etc. If the newest child was a nigger, that would be a kike wetdream.
As a Brit I can tell you outside of one generation of middle-aged housewives who keep the commemorative plate industry and Hello magazine going, nobody gives a shit about them. Literally the only thing they've been good for recently is the Queen letting it slip she'd like to Brexit, probably convinced said demographic to vote leave.
It'd be sad watching their continued slide into abject irrelevance, but they're all degenerate inbreds so fuck 'em.
You're not wrong, everyone knows how much of a joke the royal family is. This is about propaganda. In America your royal wedding was a media spectacle to tens of millions. Your royal bullshit infects the white western world. A royal nigger = WE AM KANGZ.
I really shouldn't have to explain this to you.
Well that's unfortunate.
you know this, user. when middleton was first knocked up, the lügenpresse was waiting outside the place ten deep from as far as Nippon.
Sounds like brit/pol/, which is where you should fuck off back to.
It's on here often at various times. I didn't imagine it and don't frequent brit Holla Forums.
Can we meme Farage freeing the UK from globalists, for real, and becoming the new King?
Fuck off back to your containment thread redcoat.
Edgy chaim. not quite fitting in though.
Holy shit, this is her mother.
A fitting picture since your inbred royals claim unbroken lineage to some kike.
Regardless; you have not seen anyone
outside of your containment thread since nobody gives a shit.
This sounds like a real prize:
"Her activism started at a young age. At 11 she forced a soap manufacturer to alter an advert after she wrote a letter to then first lady Hillary Clinton and other high-profile figures complaining that it implied women belonged in the kitchen."
Maybe she'll chimp out on him and he'll lose it and go full stormtrooper
White men that drill female niggers are usually faggots. Men that date old women are usually faggots. This spoiled moron is doing both.
The Royal Family isn't even English, they are frenchies.
the real english royalty ended in 1066
Because the leaders of the monarchy of ancient european societies should be ethnically representative of their lineage. When you're a monarch you have different responsibilities than a President.
The royals should be parroting the royal meme not countering it. The royal meme is SUPPOSE to be explicitly white.
Who the fuck said this shit? I never seen anyone talk about him.
"When the report was released two weeks ago "Lady" Gavron remarked that
Prince Charles should have married a Negress as a symbol of his support
for multiculturalism. The Royal Family, she announced, should take the
lead in promoting racial integration. Last week she repeated herself
when she told the London Telegraph, and I quote: "It would have been
great if Prince Charles had been told to marry someone black. Imagine
what message that would have sent out." – end quote – Yes, imagine!
That's in the October 17th issue of the Telegraph.
"Lady" Gavron also told the Telegraph that the present Royal Family
sends out – quote – "the wrong message about Britain today." She
complained that – quote – "they're all white. It is part of a very
unattractive hierarchy." She had a similar complaint about the
aristocracy in general, which she believes is "too Anglo-Saxon." She
said, – quote – "Anything hereditary is completely anachronistic and
illogical." Her views on Britain's history were similar: – quote – "We
need to acknowledge that there are different ways of looking at history.
The problem with the Empire was the inequality of power. It was
something we did to the Indians and Africans, not with them." – end
quote –
-Dr Pierce, "Down the Slippery Slope," october 28, 2000
(I just copied a part but entire thing is worth reading. And amazing he was this aware 16 years ago. these are previous 2 paragraphs:
"The chairman of the committee which wrote the report is a wog, one of
the millions who came flooding into England with the dissolution of the
Empire after the Second World War and now wants to be considered an
"Englishman." He is Professor Bhiku Parekh, and he was bold enough to
say, and again I quote: "There is a very important role for a common
national culture and a common civic nationality. But we are requesting
that this common culture . . . be discussed and renegotiated." So
Professor Parekh believes that the meaning of Englishness needs to be
renegotiated. Sounds a bit Orwellian, doesn't it? But, believe me, the
English lemmings are willing to go along.
And so are those Chosen few who tell the lemmings which way to go. One
of these Chosen few who has been heard from in connection with the
report is "Lady" Kate Gavron., wife of the filthy-rich and very Jewish
publisher, "Lord" Gavron. She is the vice-chairman of the Commission on
the Future of Multi-Ethnic Britain, the committee of the Runnymede Trust
which produced the report. "Lord" Gavron became a lord, by the way, by
donating 500,000 pounds – that's three-quarters of a million dollars –
to Tony Blair's last election campaign. That's the way one becomes a
"lord" or a "lady" in England these days."
actually they are german, their last name was Saxe-Coburg before WW1
fuck it, will post the audio of this too since it has him doing the voices of the indian, which is funny:
The royals should be dealt with in an 18th century revolutionary manner. The Brits have on so many occasions been a step behind the French. Time to bring out the guillotine and end monarchy once and for all.
Dear diary, today OP wasn't a faggot.
those someone remember, that user predicted something like this would happen
at some point the aristocracy in europe will be forced to breed with non europeans
thats what normies believe
if that quadroon can still carry a pregnancy to live birth you do know the kid will probably fully pass as white right, especially with harrys ginger genes
just look at the quadroon the nigger facial features are almost fully bred out
of course in reality harry is going to be back to fucking both he and she whores in 2 months and this fling will be quickly forgotten
She looks white enough to me, but rather like an escort or pornstar than someone a royal would date.
He always came off as kinda shy / beta / cuck'ish though.
Idk why you even care about royalty. They're just rich people with a bit more status. Any polack knows they have zero power and jews pull the strings.
Looks like she dindu nuffin.
whether we like t admit it or not, they set the standard for a lot of people: from Brit status climbers to housewife parade floats.
example: look at how the names "george" and charlotte" have jumped in Uk name rankings (still not close to mohammed, of course).
I found this especially funny because I remembered listening to the Dr. Pierce broadcast on this a few years ago (posted above) when I went back and listen to all of them.
Read how the Jewess "(((Lady Gavrin))) was shrieking for one of them to marry a negress.
Well, here you have it. I just like to imagine the meaning where the head jew looked down his cold, long, rothschild nose and made the demand that he find a negress. She may not be a full negress, but a quadroon will do for the Jews to push "multi-ethnic royal family."
And, as Dr. Pierce said 16+ years ago, the lemmings will follow suit.
Have been awake too long watching different Trump victory night broadcasts.
Maybe the French cadet branch needs to step up.
If it's a weird recessive and kid somehow ends up with ginger-colored hair with negro consistency and a weird fix of features, it could be a real horror.
Long before Holla Forums was always right, Dr. Pierce was always right (predicted 9/11, iraq war "arab spring," all years in advance) I could go on and on. If you go back and listen to all 318 of his broadcasts, you'll be amazed how accurately he saw the future.
He's getting his dick whet. He didn't marry the bitch.
American here. Fuck all of your royal pains.
How would it be a good idea to show that niggers aren't perpetually being oppressed?
no user, were it just a pump, they wouldn't have announced it officially and she wouldn't be invited to meet the other "royals." At this point, it's almost a certainty that he marries her or else it looks like he's dumping a negress, which is awful PR for them.
He's going to marry her. I assume he was ordered as a PR move (see above comments from the Jewess who ran "The RunnyMeade Trust).
Kid looks kind of off-white
Kid looks like a shitskin
The Boris Becker fetish.
Fast Forward.
Jesus H. Christ, user. Where do you think you are!? We've been arguing against "muh dick" and "muh feefees" for years now and you come here, casually drop your shitty comment and nobody points out your subversive b.s.
You know what I mean.
Fucking kys, compromiser.
shit dude, why dont you just chase gmilfs, you are wasting it anyway.
Owwwlad wouldya lookit the cleavage on that one eh??
Diana took a lot of dick in her day and he looks nothing like the rest of the royals
Adding niggers and part niggers to a huge part of your national identity is a massive deal
strewth cunt
Reminder that it's the duty of every able-bodied white male to colonize black pussy with superior white seed.
Years ago I worked with a nigger that had kids with a ginger hambeast and beyond children born with defects they were the ugliest goddamn kids I have ever seen. Little gray-skin nigglets with bright red curly afros.
No surprise, frankly. The English in general are, without the slightest doubt, the most degenerate of the white races, and their aristocracy already 200 years ago was so jewified that the "swarthy, semitic-looking English nobleman" was a literary trope on the continent.
Get your shit together, Tommies.
Kek, absolute BS, misinformation for the plebs. The Royals are very powerful, and the Queen one of the very richest persons of the world. Don't believe the lies.
kill yourself
Yeah, sure is nice to have that German house rulling the Britis amirite?
Throne of David my ass
if you discount people with German blood from who can represent you neither Nigel Farage or Donald Trump belong both have significant German blood. The ties that bind the German and anglo nation is a far different relationship then to that of niggers.
Fuck off back to cuckchan, faggot
What's the point?
I suspect this is what happened, and I think in
a small European monarchy happened the same thing. In three or four generation, they can even kill people so the next in line is…
James Hewitt is the guy you're thinking of. A simple look at photographs of the man in question will entirely dispel any suggestion that the Blessed Diana of Sainted Memory (tm "Daily Express") may have been unfaithful to her sacred marriage vo- Oh, oh dear.
How very South American.
Yep Dianne got the D to be fair though Prince Charles is a faggot and likely deserved it
The Royal family is totally jew'd, but we have a handful of autists who worship anyone who says anything they remotely agree with - t's a lot like Chris-Chan's obsession with Megan.
If you hate them so much why don't you just leave THEIR country anglos?
wow, what a brilliant point. Sir, you seem like a deeply learned individual. would you do me the honor of conversing with me on some other important topics?
It's not as if Harry will be King anyway. There's Charles, William, George and Charlotte ahead of him. The Royals are cucked like the rest of the elites (apart from Prince Phillip who's super based and maybe the Queen).
Harry actually looks a lot like Charles, he doesn't look like Hewitt at all apart from the ginger hair.
mate he looks nothing like Charles. The rumors are that the Queen wanted her to get a paternity test. Then Hewitt himself was commenting in the DM that he did "look quite a bit like a himself," and then they quickly shud him down and suddenly began showing pictures of him randomly that make him look like a desperate old man.
Fucking ashamed to even know this much. If the ZOG had even a semi-decent news source, would not need DM.