Donald Trump Kept His Promise To The Alex Jones Show
He's giving Honest Abe a run for his money.
Donald Trump Kept His Promise To The Alex Jones Show
He's giving Honest Abe a run for his money.
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Starting to believe in this whole "dimensional shifting" thing.
Young Turks on Suicide Watch! Alex Jones is OFFICIALLY the mainstream media now.
The interview is from last year, O.P….
I have no fucking face for this.
Imagine InfoWars in the White House Press Room
Does Holla Forums ever consider that they shilled for the same candidate that Jonestein did? How do you wash your hands of that?
This. This is the recent one. Thank you.
where are the fucking mods
Its an old interview dumbass
I fucked up & posted the wrong video.
i consider alex jones a national treasure for how he trashed those faggots
Wow, this is just a treat for us. And it's not even Christmas yet!
Even the newer one is only Mr Jones talking, no TRUMP.
This. And just like the rest of the MSM, he's 100% kosher.
Where have you been?
Reality itself is being made great again.
Maybe he's this type of Jew?
All jews are bad.
Actually, he is a lot like those JPFO kikes who project the crimes of their racial brethren onto Hitler and the Nazis.
I have met some jews who were right wing as fuck.I'm canadian though.
Keep in mind, the Jews you met who were "right wing as fuck" were not right-wing of their own design. All Jews, no matter their political affiliation are always double or triple agents. They always have a hidden agenda that benefits them first. It's the reason they've been booted from every country on Earth for the last 3,000+ years.
I don't get it. What is the promise he kept? This is an old interview.
Yeah, it's probably due to the sheer amount of muzzies flooding in here.
No, we, and the internet as a whole, is the mainstream media now. Alex is just but a site on the internet, competing for views. He has his own style and beliefs.
In the end:
He's done more good than bad, even if he does occasionally eat up disinfo or not understand the JQ. Plenty of gentiles respond much worse than Jones when the topic of Jews comes up. With some of his outbursts which may not entirely be for entertainment, he could still be tumbling down the rabbit hole, just not as deep as the rest of us.
He knows it's the jews, he lies to cover for them.
Isn't this an old interview? I don't watch Filterman but did he not release it?
Not to mention smug
Filterman is just reposting an old video. This interview happened during the primary.
I'll give you a bump but there's no proof that Jonestein is telling the truth about getting a phone call from Trump.
That's a nearly year-old interview.
When has he known? I only know of him ridiculing people who blame the jews and mentioning the jewish mafia once.
OP's a faggot.
He probably got it, but it's nothing about a "first interview", just that he'll go on Jonestein's show in a few weeks - probably during a media blitz.
The smug radiating off Trump in his opening line made me laugh. He really is a walking Smug Pepe.
What was the promise?
holy shit.
based votoms
haha, I did and I luled
What are you talking about? Infowars called Trump a Clinton plant and obvious false opposition right up until they got cut a check to endorse him and have him on as a guest. Had that not happened Alex would still be going with that angle to this day.
It's not as if Jones was on board from day 1, that would have been entirely different.
It's more likely that Jonestein realized his audience was pro-Trump already and that bashing him wasn't good for penis juice sales.
It's crazy to think there are anons on Holla Forums who don't understand jonestein is a character, an act. Maybe not all of it, but he's selling himself as a character, like the old colbert.
I would imagine Votoms is pretty Holla Forums approved.
Is that from today? It popped up on Youtube for me but I thought it was old.
Odd timeline this, I’m defiantly not home or have I finally arrived back home. Either way I am staying put.
He seems a little off guys, idk, was he really replaced. I can believe he won, I can't believe he's talking with Alex Jone as President.
God help us.
You are thinking with the guidelines of a system that you wished to discard. Trump can talk to whomever he wants, plus he made a promise and he keeps his promises.
If that's the case he's a moron. What is he going to fear monger about for the next 4 years now? He's going to have trouble selling survivalist crap or health products when his shows are full of optimism.
He had a captive audience enthralled by his act of being some near mythical being that communicated directly with God Almighty on a regular basis about the end times that were bound to happen soon. They aren't going to tune in when the future doesn't look like a disaster that's slowly unfolding.
The money that the legacy media made before they decided to commit suicide rather than conform to some standards of quality or ethics is now up for grabs. Filterman really only need grab a miniscule fraction of it and he will be doing better than ever.
With an expanded audience all he need do is rebrand his supplements slightly. Rather than Super Male Penis Juice being to counteract the shit in the water (which will still be there, but hey) it can be to get the most out of your day so you can be a MAGA man or some shit.
He will make bank, he has a 3 million dollar pool built of the back of repackaged iodine and fancy zinc water, he’s a hustler
Guys, this interview was from last year. look at the description.
Alex Jewns is just a clickbaiting attention whore
People have seen this coming for a long time, he's been some kind of controlled opposition for a long time if not always.
He isn't really alt-media, he's been the controlled op/alternative proposed model of the main media/government. I think TYT may be like this too.
Basically Jones isn't just Jones and Infowars isn't just Infowars you can see the way he aggressively tries to get his face everywhere, even at the bottom of the page here for a while.
I don't really think it matters, even if no one watched Jones they'd still try to use him as some kind of actor on the scene or to create some media/political circle jerks.
The only way any of this stops maybe is when he retires and Infowars can't find someone as ruthlessly crazed to take over the reigns. Or if Trump really does start draining the swamp, you gotta understand the media becomes truly free Jones is gonna have some problems as much the people he calls witches or demons etc.
If you'd just read at least 3 posts in before replying…
If I know Trump as well as I think I do he'll only give interviews to Filterman and kikebart just to spite the fucks who called him a racist.
Here's a rare filter salesman. He's earned it
If you take your eyes away from the image Wojak grows
In CY+1 we can publicly say that InfoWars is a more trustworthy source of news than CNN.
This is the power of meme magic.
fukken saved
Can you imagine a world where the mainstream media was telling normies to be wary of things like conspiracy and deciet and that a healthy dose of paranoia and water filters is a GOOD thing?
Instead of the current "ignore everything that would make you a bad goyim, powerful people never collaborate, don't bother looking into anything any farther than we tell you, and BTW there's no point in trying to change the status quo, hillary's already won!"
This is actually a good thing since Alex will now get to talk about Trump battling the evil globalists (granted Trump stays true). This will actually let Jones name people like Soros even more and the Rothschilds and so on. In the end, his show will become a play detailing such battles and with Trump actually talking to Jones, brings more attention to his show and the stuff he is talking about and force the regular MSM to cover this shit to compete in one fashion or the other.
Now I'm waiting for Trump to have an interview with Bill Still and talk about the Fed. Fuck, a whole special talking about that with Trump, Paul, and Still.
Remember lads, Wolfie Schvitzer was kvetching it up on CN&N when Trump didn't fill them in on his travels between NY and DC and didn't cart them around in his plane.
He's crashing their asses with no survivors.
this guy posts here, right?
Heil'd. It's hilarious. The best part s that the press looked like a bunch of entitled babies and it affirmed Trump would not be your average politician to anyone watching.
I don't know.
If he reads this, please start using the air horn. Sam Hyde is waging psychological war on Vic Berger and it would help.
This is a first. I would have never imagined the Don to keep this promise. Gives me hope.
Prove It, as they say in Missouri - The "Show Me" State!
I saw that earlier today. Trump called him while he was doing the show, and he was so excited he couldn't even unlock his phone.
He's basically an irl american bear
His face in these lends itself so well to a pepe. It makes me happy every time to see it. The sheer real life smugness. I know I've been smiling ear to ear every since then.
it's the ultimate reality show.
Wacky Alex Jones and his team of journalists cover the fight against globalism and radical Islam.
the audience is involved in digging up dirt, and Trump makes appearances in all his presidential glory.
Old interview they replayed. Alex got a call and then ended the show, they just played re-runs today.
Win the electoral vote? What?
What did he mean by this?
The next four Current Years are going to be fucking amazing.
It's a year old interview. Pay attention.
I was watching the video before reading the thread. Sorry.
I'm amazed you didn't see the full interview when it aired originally is all (you can find it easily on his channel). The media loved spinning him as a "conspiracy theorist" because of it.
I am 100% convinced that this guy is Bill Hicks. There's some compelling evidence (both Hicks and "Jones" had the same mutual friend who helped them out with their careers, for one). Plus, Hicks was getting red-pilled toward the supposed end of his life. Just listen to one of his last comedy specials where he talks about the LA riots and Reginald Denny getting his brain bashed in by niggers. I think he adjusted his worldview and invented this new persona where he could just rant endlessly and not have to be funny.
They don't sound anything alike, and Jones even looked completely different decades ago anyway.
I don't watch the filter merchant. I just thought it was really cool that Trump would do interviews with him, thank him, etc.
I don't either, unless they do something major. Trump's interview is an example of that. The interview was arranged by Roger Stone, former Trump campaign manager and a guy that worked on the Nixon, Reagan, and Bush elections/presidencies.
Trump understands power so well. He's putting the nails in the lugenpresse's coffin.
Yah, he's Bill and a ton of evidence proves it. But there's very little to show why Bill became Alex. If we had that information it would make judging his current level of sincerity much easier. But I don't think I can ever trust him. He put out a fake kid pic of himself with blonde hair and blue eyes that was just like an item from the Sandy Hook psyop. Why is he using (((their))) same gimmicks to prop up his new identity?
Doubters first need to read this
I don't think Jones is Hicks but Jones is very good at doing impersonations and changing his voice when he wants to. He could have been a voice actor quite honestly.
Yep. If other news organizations copy this format, then that alone is in the step in the right direction.
Full dental record comparison would convince me, but just photos of his teeth in the front aren't enough.
Speaking of The Young Turds, where's that compilation video of them on election day?
Still looking at the page. They don't have the same ear lobe shape. They suggest plastic surgery, but it doesn't seem like an impersonator would fuck with their ears.
It's the same guy. His voice changed due to smoking.
The one thing that does seem suspicious to me is the compilation video of people calling him "Bill." Once is an oddity, twice is a coincidence, three times is a pattern.
No it wouldn't. Anybody with an open mind is convinced already.
Jones' ears have obviously been cut in half and are butchered with scar tissue - pic related
Yes it would, dental records are pretty solid evidence.
Having an "open mind" doesn't mean I am easily convinced.
Maybe, higher resolution would be more convincing.
I don't know about that, but here's 11 hours of pure salt right ;)
Nothing so perfectly sums up how I felt that night and how I still feel right now than his face here.
I don't know if you are shills or paranoic retards anymore, but nobody cares, so fuck off
Why put effort into convince you of anything, is your opinion a prize? I think not. Anybody who can't put connect the dots on Alex Jones being Bill Hicks is rather autistic and not worth convincing. Just keep buying water filters.
Nigger please, do you know where you are? I'm still reading that page, and I'm more interested in the CIA connections mentioned than whether or not he's Bill Hicks anyway. Alex has always just been a silly actor with a conspiracy show, that much is obvious.
Well, here we go another 11 hours. I just got done with 20 hours of CNN and MSNBC election night salt marathons. I may never see the outside world again.
You're going to keep taking redpills until you are sick of taking redpills and we are going to say, no, take some more redpills, and you're gonna keep taking redpills. Just get used to it, user, every nightmare you ever had actually has a grain of truth to it.
Whichever one of you two is saying Jones = Hicks is absolutely over dosing on pills, to the point that you think every pill that you swallow is red. Please go outside and don't come back until you gain back some equilibrium.
They don't sound anything alike, and Jones even looked completely different decades ago anyway.
Sorry, forgot to greentext
He's going after the witches lad. With the rise of Trump cometh the New Inquisition. We must be ever vigilant, and root out the heathens, witches, demons and traitors that dwell amongst us. Jones shall be the media face of the New Inquisition. He shall provide coverage, updates and information about the diabolical forces that seek to undo all of Western Civilisation; and the righteous few who shield us from them and dispense judgement upon their kind.
Sieg heil!
Rob pls.
Looks like cauliflower ear, probably wrestled in high school.
Or infected piercing. Could also have been ripped out.