Dubya Bush era Neocohenservative John Bolton as Secretary of State? Surely this is only a meme?
Kike John Bolton?
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I certainly fucking hope so.
Looks just like Jeff fucking Fisher. Trump better not screw this up.
The tweets are revealing, and not just because they show Bolton uses hashtags like it’s 2011. During the Bush era, Bolton was often the face of America’s unilateralist, interventionist policies, the torch-bearer of American exceptionalism, resolute in his belief that to manifest America’s destiny was to lead the wider world wherever America said it was to be led, by any means necessary.
In his memoir, Surrender Is Not an Option: Defending America at the United Nations and Abroad, he writes of his dissatisfaction with the second-term shift in the Bush administration toward increased communication and cooperation, and said he sees “treaties as essentially only political documents.”
this guy is basically Bill Kristol
There's already a thread faggot
could you link to it instead of sitting there being a whiny bitch?
Use the fucking catalog newfag
Probably. They got it totally wrong with Pence.
sure thing, Coldsteel
you are a cancerous loser
You were warned shit like this would happen, Pence was the canary in the coal mine
Enjoy the status quo
Tennessean here, Corker's just as much of a neocon as Bolton. Fuck this list, I'm hoping that its wrong. Something that's giving me hope is that I don't remember Pence being on the top of any lists that the media was passing around as being Trump's likely running mate when he was picking that, so this could be just as much bullshit just so these outlets can get clicks.
Can't wait until Holla Forums finally figures out it got cucked by the disciple of an AIDS-ridden pedophile
Pence was a way of shoring up support from more normalfag conservatives on the right. He's loyal to Trump and was in the trenches even when things really got bad. He's good for that.
That being said I think this list is bullshit, just like that first list of VP choices. He's testing out the waters, I have a feeling he's going to be putting a lot of people from the business world that we're not aware of into these positions.
In the time it took you to write your first response, you could have found it in the catalog. Yet here we are. And, retards are still bumping your dupe thread, yet I am the cancer? You are plebbitfag, you are.
user, better start explaining whats going on
He consistently counter signaled Trump the entire election from Foreign to Domestic policy
Roy Cohn obsessively collected frogs and was said to be involved in "the occult" whatever that means. It is actually possible Trumps mentor was the first disciple of Kek.
In ways that helped his campaign though, he "softened" Trump in the eyes of the moderates.
To be fair, he said the UN shouldn't even exist and has no legitimacy whatsoever, so much so that liberals got triggered to the moon when he got appointed ambassador there. I don't really care about John Bolton.
The droopy-eyelid Jew was just gloating on Bill Scumbag Maher that the neo-cohoens are rushing in to fill all the positions.
I hope Trump remembers that the same people who lifted him up can tear him down as easily. I want an actual wall and all the neo-cons OUT and deportations. Anything less and people will turn on him.
I don't want another fucking Bush. I know, it's way too soon to even be thinking this but I didn't like him kissing obongo's ass other day.
Only because the golem turned on its masters and the jews abandoned the UN. It's a non-issues these days.
yes, you are the cancer
Corey Lewandowski is a Jew? Bullshit