The new firefox is amazing, it even has a link to reddit on the startpage even if you dont want to see it!
aptitude install etherape
reported for misogyny
How much memory does it eat up?
Also all these modern browsers look like ass. Why does everything new have to be so shitty?
if you honestly think anything in that image looks good you have autism
Currently 700 across 3 processes.
57 broke FoxyProxy. Into the trash it goes.
I'm not that much a fan of Windows 3 copycat stuff, but it's a million times better than this new flat shit.
are you fucking stupid, you can fix that
Pray tell how
And into the trash you go once and for all, though I've been contemplating it ever since the Brave controversy.
back to
Looks ok for now
Seems really stable, Even the inlining bug Holla Forums has can't seem to make it shit itself unlike everything else.
Hover the top right corenr of a block, click dismiss.
Wow, that's so fucking hard to remove, you goddamn dunce. The best part is you even cropped the gear that lets you remove all that shit out of your screenshot.
The update is almost ready.
opinion discarded
I wish SeaMonkey was still usable
So I tried out the new quantum firefox
It's shit lmao, I prefer Vivaldi.
First time I have had to periodically reset a browser. Fucker doesn't even consume a shitload of RAM, it just averages at 700MB, but it acts as if it was leaking like a Japanese schoolgirl. Something with the multiprocess engine is very fishy and seems to unsynch after a while or something.
Works on my machine.
I've seen far too many people complaining on their forums and subreddit that Firefox 57.0 is using more resources than Firefox 57 beta did. So maybe it's a bug.
furfox takes 1gb on average with 3 processes running
goes up all the way to 2gb
It's a chink botnet no better than chromium. I don't understand the vivaldi shills.
No, that's Opera. Vivaldi is made by Opera ex-employees when Opera still used the Presto engine. They claim that everything in the browser is open source except the GUI.
Multiprocess was working fine before quantum AND you could have your "legacy" addons. I just opened Firefox (pre-57), it crashed a minute later out of the blue. And when I reopened it, WELCOME TO QUANTUM EVERYTHING LOOKS FLAT WE BROKE YOUR HIDDEN TITLEBAR AND HALF YOUR OTHER EXTENSIONS THANK US LATER
Tech-illiterate newfag here, please hold my hand.
Other than killing myself, what can I do about this flat abomination? What do I switch to?
Ever since 56 I've been randomly getting errors with firefox, and Quantum made them even more common. And some extensions I liked are dead too. Oh and my dark theme became a gray shit alongside any other dark theme.
This sucks.
So it's a botnet, just not a chink one. Good to know.
Waterfox is an option for now. It's pretty much the same as firefox before 57
I haven't upgraded from 0.56 and I might not for a while, even if their vaunted performance increase actually does what it says. I use Firefox purely for addon support and they've completely ruined some of them.
It does not
reddit is one of most popular community websites. I don't think including it is unreasonable. IMO, the whole concept of startpage is shit, but I understand that quite a lot of people would like that. Luckily this is Firefox and yoh can disable it.
Anybody else hyped for CSD on Linux (probably) in the next release? Tabs and titlebar finally joined together. And for minimalistic WM fags (that hate CSD) this is optional feature and can be turned off, so everybody is happy.
It goes away and shows your actually visited top sites after you visit some. Start a clean profile with -ProfileManager, it's there.
I don't know what the fuck CSD is, but you could always merge titlebar and tabs using "Hide Caption Titlebar Plus" addon. Well, at least until you updated to FirefoxEdge
far superior to flat UI bullshit. What's text? What's a button? Why is everything zoomed 400% with 60% of the screen white space?
Yes, in fact, everything in that image is better than the bucket of shit that passes for a modern UI.
Rust! Fearless multithreading! Brave(tm) design decisions! Firefox is dead. Even Pale Moon is _actually_ a better browser now. Pathetic and disgusting. But oh so predictable after the SJW infestation.
Better autistic than retardistic, user
Wow, I didn't know MS actually paid autist wannabes on 8ch
It will become mandatory soon.
Forcing "features" onto the user while removing actual features is the thing to do in modern software development
Why would anyone want to disable that? It's a feature that everyone's been asking for years.
A broken, unmaintained, addon vs a backed-in functionality... hmm...
Except CSD, along with all the other recent features being added, are actually making the browser better.
Why didn't you say so?
In that case it'll be discontinued before long.
Like tab groups.
Got 57 on arch today, the switch was pretty much painless versus what I thought it would be. I thought I'd be spending my morning creating a new profile and migrating everything. Had to get a replacement for refcontrol but otherwise it worked out fine. Also had to put this in my userChrome.css for the new tree style tabs to make it work like it did before, but otherwise webextensions working.
@namespace url("
Note, this is styling the new "sidebar" when it's placed on the right hand side of the screen. If it was left, simply replace the margin-left/right positioning directives with the opposite directions. Pretty simple.
Even my old as fuck profile had no hiccups in the switch. It's fast. I really should get around to autistically migrating all of my tweaks to a new profile. I bet it'd be even faster.
Can't wait for webrender/wayland support to hit. Actually that might make another headache for me because I use KeepassX (and it wouldn't be able to auto-type into wayland surfaces) but I'm sure someone has written the addon for it if it, and of course they have now that I just looked for it.
Idles at 12% CPU usage.
Using ESR now instead :^(
How quaint.
QuantumFox cant remenber the zoom level of the places you use, And now Firefox always opens like it was the first time (Hlaf the window and not in fullscreen). What the hell is this crap?
It's shit, where's my modern© and clean™ flat design®
Read your post, thought hmm imma get that shit too. Pacman -Syu, no upgrades whatsoever. Been sick for a few days, hadn't heard that Arch finally ended x86 support for good. Now I'll not only have to worry about browser transition, I'll need to totally refurbish my entire system. What a fucking beautiful beginning for a new day!
Anyone done this thing before?
The Arch migration from 32 to 64 from within the system? It seems a straightforward enough proccess from what I've read, but the text is all full of warnings and shit. How much should I worry, or prepare myself for it not to work proper?
That shit kept happening to me after I changed the about:config.
I was able to fix it by resetting the value of privacy.resistFingerprinting
Just try the migration. Surely you have your home directory on another partition. backup your package list beforehand, and if it fails just reinstall.
pacman -Qqe | grep -v "$(pacman -Qmq)" > pkglist
why not use
Nah, I dun goofed in this one. My Arch install was my first Linux installation ever, I barely knew what I was doing. I'm just keeping it for now because it's a laptop that I'm planning to fully replace pretty soon, so I didn't want to waste time messing up with it before it was strictly necessary.
Yeah, I'm reading more about on the forums, and it's doesn't look that risky. Don't know why they made so much alarm with warnings on the wiki, guess for people who would not pay attention properly?
Dunno, man, this CPU is 64, I just installed 32 because I was having some problems during install and 32 worked better for me at the time.
>why not use
I'm thinking I can't tell from now how efficient and trustworthy the people doing this will be. With the usual arch crew, I at least know what to expect in that regard. Seems less drastic to do the migration than waiting to see if they're going to keep up alright enough. But if you know anything different from that, let's hear it.
My advice would be to start over and install properly this time. Back important things up, use something like idiot proof gparted to resize your current partition (make your current partition your home partition) and then create new root and boot parititons and such and install x64 this time. Make your old paritition your home partition, move everything to some directory and then you have your old system back.
Back it up and check every step in the process that you do. Partitioning is easy but use gparted since you don't know how to do it and you're dealing with your original fuckup. I'd recommend 512MB for /boot/, at least 30GB, maybe ideally 40GB for a root partition if you have a lot of packages, and the rest would be your /home.
But it's whatever you want to do.
Newest Firefox looks pretty stable.
Not sure how fast it is, since it seems to load just about the same time as older versions.
It sucks so hard that legacy addons don't work. Gonna have to wait for that /g/ website to update.
Why a separate partition for /boot/?
He's German, they do it for free.
It looks even prettier when you disable Aero in W7.
Instaled palemoon first thing when i tried it, a message stating in no uncertain terms that the provide social media and other 3rdparties with your browsing data so the 3rd parties can correlate that data with data from other sources. Uninstalled palemoon.
Having a simple boot fs allows for a complex root fs as the bootloader can get to your kernel even if you have compression/encryption on root. 128M-256M is fine.
fuck i just accidentally upgraded to this cancer.
it forces cookies, it won't let you choose "Never remember" anymore. You can set it to never remember, and then when you close it and open it up again it's back to Custom + Cookies
just recompile firefox with cookiejar path is /dev/null
problem solved. permanently.
also interacting great with the default xfce4 dark theme
Thanks for the info. Though I guess I don't need it now for my standard ext4 install with just a separate /home/ partition.
Big if true.
What you and the rest of this thread seems to be failing to understand is getting caught was all part of their plan. Jewgle had to find out what you know.
The Mozilla Foundation hasn't been meant to succeed for a number of years now. Check their top contributors list.
Lel, so they're putting one of the biggest amateur porn sites onto the default page of FireFoggs. Well played, jews.
I'm suprised that they haven't updated it yet, maybe they want to wait for more webextension ports?
Either way, there's firefox-beta-hardend for 57, or firefox-beta(or firefox-developer) for 58.
I'll be sticking with 56 until I can autohide the tree tabs
It's the startpage you moron. literally lrn2read
I just told you how to autohide tree tabs, nigger.
You literally uncheck the box "allow cookies from websites."
How retarded are you people? What the fuck are you doing on Holla Forums?
replying to
Maybe try Otter Browser.
I gotta say I'm impressed. Sane defaults, lots of good stuff built in (adblocking, user agent spoofing, JS userscripts like the *monkeys, even a notepad), clean interface, all in a 12MB package. It won't replace Firefox as a daily driver for me but this is a great default for a distro. Much better than shit like Midori. Maybe I'll change my mind when they add Chrome addon support. That would really make it competitive with Firefox.
if they're going to ignore "Never remember history" why don't they just remove it?
because it will cause bad PR, instead they just ignore it and either people won't notice or when they finally do they'll call it expected behavior.
"Never remember history" is now a placebo.
Every browser I’ve ever been recommended on this board has been so fucking bad it makes shit like firefox seem alright
I just tried it on a clean profile because I don't want to fuck mine up with autistic shit, and it works. I also tried "always use private browsing mode" and it worked.
PEBCAK or bug. Take your pick, retard. Ever heard of a bug? Or are you just retarded?
autists are retarded, did I misunderstand the joke again?
modern computers still aren't ready for SMP
lynx is comfy, but slow, try it if you're mad but not scared of the terminal.
Fucking use Pale Moon.
speaking of bugs
and you can't even get a list or total number of bugs because there's so many they have to split them up into 500 different categories. these are just the security bugs. bugzilla is built to intentionally hide bugs behind unnecessary complexity so nobody can see that firefox has 10 million open bugs.
Try to get a list of "all" or a number. You can't.
here's a better example. these bugs are all 7 all the way to 11 years old. 95% of them are labeled "New" or "Unconfirmed", despite being directly categorized, nobody bothered to tell the reporter to go fuck themselves or confirm it as a bug, in a decade. They don't even monitor the tracker enough to cleanup obviously irrelevant bugs now, as I assume these same bugs probably aren't relevant to the code base a decade later (maybe i'm wrong).
i'm sure they'd love your help, user-kun!
That's disgusting. I'm not even surprised anymore.
They make it complex to use so retards like you don't start filing bugs asking for personal tech support. I know you're just a retard experiencing PEBCAK, so I'm not going to tell you how to get the total list of Firefox bugs or even total number, it's pretty easy with Bugzilla though.
Just deal with the fact that you're an incompetent shitstain who whines about browsers all day and shits up this board.
oh no, that's horrible
The only thing I'm missing in quantum is private tabs. I don't know what's the status on that.
Damn, wonder what that dude's up to nowadays
palemoon or qutebrowser is what all the cool kids are using
They don't. It would be a waste of money. Think of how few people browse 8 chan as a whole. Now think of how few people browse Holla Forums. You autists aren't half as important as you think you are. MS, nor any large corporation, gives a fuck about this place and would never waste money trying shill anything here. Trust me.
We trust you, Bill :,)
It shows the sites you visit most frequently you massive faggot. You can disable that feature complete, you can visit sites that are not reddit, or you can manually edit the sites it displays. Are you actually retarded?
That new tab page looks like that for every user of Firefox 57.0 upon updating and before the user makes any changes to its settings.
Why must you be such a filthy, lying yid?
Trust me, all of us working for a large corp shill for free. I shill the game I work on on Holla Forums because I like seeing autists talk about my work.
What theme are you using?
Which is hilarious, because the GUI is just a steaming pile of minified angular2 garbage with system privileges packed into a chrome app and set to launch by default. Run the browser as "vivaldi-bin --app=" and marvel as it gives you not only a vanilla chromium window, but opens it and every url 20 times faster.
You're being played.
ahahahah, how's that "security" boost working out?
Let me burp out some wisdom my brother.
stop it Todd
Why write extensions when we can have functionality written into the browser?
Dark themes have never played nice with Firefox
Do you know of the rule that for every poster on a forum, there is 100 lurking and not posting? So even on Holla Forums they can reach thousands of people.
I warned you faggots to install Links but you didn't linksten
And then he goes and just admits he's a shill, wew.
chill the fuck out, it takes two clicks to disable it. and of course they will appeal to >normies, it's one of the most popular browsers.
I agree with you.
The berries and cream faggot really fell on hard times
goddamn this fucking nigger opening up all my old tabs I am going to rape
Some pages actually use javascript to determine your screen resolution through your zoom levels, so resetting them effectively helps fight fingerprinting
Actual useful feature.
Get with the time granpa, I bet you voted for trump and doesn't use apple computers.
He must have good taste.