The Clintons And Soros Launch America's Purple Revolution
The Clintons And Soros Launch America's Purple Revolution
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i like the color purple. i hope this shit doesnt take off. we need right wing death squads decked out in purple to strike before they appropriate such a wondrous color.
Honestly this is Soros plan B and I honestly think that it's gonna fail just like every single Soros plot since 2013.
couldn't have asked for a better head of it, one that will be hanged for treason
i pray it takes off with her at the forefront
Can we have the soon to be uncucked CIA put Soros on a kill list?
This. They'll hunt him down like the Hungarian Jew that he is.
that wall is going up, even if it means depoorting or jailing protestors on the border.
purple is my favorite color.
anyone wearing purple should be culled
Good luck with that. There's one thing that every other country targeted by Soros colour revolutions didn't had that US does have.
They solved that with Soros buying a ton of firearms recently to send to the Clinton Foundation. Russian bros revealed it.
What a bunch of fucking idiots.
that faggot really enjoys throwing good money after bad. looking at BLM
I've been having wet dreams about having and taking either one of these to the protests lately.
that's disinfo, no?
America is too big to take down this way. Maybe a couple of states would fall, but not the whole country. Unless a shooting war starts.
Purple represents death, the clintons just memed their own death. gg no re
dont we all fantasize about letting the truck hatch down and opening up from the prone with an automatic weapon on those fucks? or just hopping out and letting bullets fly then bailing while they die on the pavement.
was it? didn't read into it
The only way Trump can really MAGA is to utterly and ruthlessly crush all opposition, especially the #NeverTrump cucks.
I just don't know if he's got that kind of fire inside him. He really does have a big heart and is trying to be the president for everyone and unite us all. The fucking cucks and these jewish saboteurs will never stop jewing.
death of what though
meant for
Trump is going to legalize full auto weapons :^)
he better, he is our only hope to get rid of the Hughes Amendment
I am at full mast.
Soros has gotten senile right?
He may be harvesting young organs to keep himself alive, but that doesn't prevent the aging brain from rotting.
themselves, soros too if we're lucky
Sorcha faal.
I don't think the idea is to win a war or even win any battles in the street. It is a plan to constantly agitate the country with endless protests and riots, and get the media to promote the idea that Trump has no legitimacy and no power to rule and is the most unpopular president in the history of the USA.
Welp since they're rioting that's gonna fucking backfire.
Dumb fucks.
This is impotent flailing. They have lost the true levers of power. They've lost the entire government, and once Trump starts the culling, they'll never get it back.
Trump will also appoint the AG, generals, maybe the head of the FBI and CIA. There's literally fuck all that they can do.
Once the arrests start, I doubt they'll stop. Trump does not take shit, and he has no backers to cuck down to.
This is why the neocons and #NeverTrump cucks are the true threat. All the dems will side with them if they try some shit.
OK kinda worried right now
Don't worry brother, Trump will grant us victory.
In death we'll be awaited in Valhalla where we would be eternally shiny and chrome.
Don't they realize if they really push it, they'll just starve? How many shitlibs can fucking farm?
It's important to remember that most of these people have lobbyists who push for their interests. In the Art of the Deal, Trump said never deal with the underlings. Trump won't fuck with these slimy little cucks. He'll fuck with the corporations behind them. An executive order here and there, and soon enough they'll fall in line or see their stock prices plummet.
Purple is the color of faggotry. True RWDS dress in all black.
Well Satan, you could call it incredible arrogance, them banking on people just surrendering, or a combination of both.
Don't forget good old fashioned stupidity Hitler.
WHY NOT FLORIDA RECOUNT??? Seriously, they can easily rig this 1% state. After all, Trump has lying history of trump university and sexual assaults.
Makes sense.
Because you can't call for a recount if the win is by enough of a margin in the EC for it to not matter
Trump's at 306. Nothing they can take from him matters at this point. They'd have to recount multiple states and as far as I am aware, that is not allowed.
ok now im mad
the hillary tee-shirt wasn't a hillary specific search lol, it just comes up as a result when you search purple prison jumpsuits
It seemed too farfetched. How they planned to distribute those weapons without raise any suspicion? And to who they're going to issue those weapons? To SanFran libshit millennials who are scared as hell of babby killing assault clipz?
This. Brother, did you not just want an honorable death? You may get it, with this.
The jews better loose this time,we don't need another "jewish century".
Here I was hoping my response to Trump's job request form would pay off… oh well. If Soros can get Ukies to run triumphantly into Grad fire, he can probably get American lefties to commit suicide-by-rural-whites. Pretty soon these dumb faggots would be making soup from the bones of the niggers, spics, and faggots they decided to destroy this country to kowtow to.
Plus they already have methods to arm the feral nogs considering they already have guns.
Man, I liked this color, why did they have to go and ruin it?
Purple's my favourite colour, but not for clothing.
It's all starting to fall into place now. The conciliatory overtures to Trump, which he has perhaps foolishly responded to in kind, were just a setup for this shit.
People laughed at me when I said Brexit would happen. People laughed at me when I said Trump would win. People nervously giggle and brush it off when I suggest the only way to deal with these people is with bullets, rope and pine boxes.
I'm willing to bet I know how this ends, and it's with Soros and his minions' heads on spikes for the crows.
Problem fucking solved
Nope, that was a Sorcha Faal (notorious hoaxer) story. Stay vigilant.
normies always ruin memes.
they hate cultural appropriation, though. wink wink
I'm not even sure why they'd need to ship weapons in considering just how many guns are already on American soil.
It's a pretty badly-written piece of disinfo, even by Sorcha Faal's standards.
It's a color Putin is fond of as well.
It must mean something important in Islam or Satanism.
Just let them wear themselves out like the temper tantrum throwing overgrown toddlers they are.
Everything should be done to stop this from escalating, Soros wants this to turn into a civil war.
Let me guess, they went with purple because they think of themselves as royalty?
So was them both wearing purple on national tv some kind of go sign?
I hope to fucking god they try and start a Ukraine situation here. I've been envious of those guys fighting for freedom against (((the enemy))) since day 1.
I know it has to do with one of the chakras.
The more cities they destroy and commerce they disrupt, the more they will be hated by everyone else.
Funnily enough people were speculating on why Putin was wearing a purple tie the day after the election, clearly he knew this was coming and was sending Soros a message.
Nonwhites aren't good for anything other than random violence. They wouldn't stand up to an organized force for more than a few days. They are good at rioting and looting, but not targeting key points and capturing them.
more like all white people leaving big cities and making it that much more easy to deport these faggots. Nothing is happening outside big cities, and if there is a leftist terrorist attack in a red state Trump will go full kent state.
I guess you do have a point.
Their constant chimping out will only serve to diminish their image in the eyes of regular joe blow the normalfag aka most voters and working class individuals
More likely because they're a combination of the (((Establishment))) on both the left (blue) and right (red) wings of the government.
They're combining forces with republicans to get rid of Trump and what Trump represents. It's a formal declaration of war.
Problem solved.
My point exactly
thats not true at all several nations that got the soros treatment were heavily armed
Just put up a wall and starve em out, medieval siege style. Toss a few corpses carrying some sort of contagion for good measure.
The Whore of Babylon.
"And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication" - Rev 17:4
Christianity was right
No, user. Read the OP.
They want the neocons and liberals to unite and "intimidate" the electors into voting hilldawg.
we number like 2000 people across like 30 different countries
What kind of National Socialist are you?
Color Revolutions are part of (((their))) playbook, astroturf a bunch of protests, then have an undercover agent shoot at the protestors and blame it on the cops. This creates a flashpoint for civil war artificially, which destabilizes nations for years if not decades on end and allows them to make money from short selling the chaos and forcing NWO regime change on America. It is also a pretext for foreign powers to invade America, if they pull the same shit they did with Assad.
Well, good luck to them.
Do you not know what a neutron bomb is?
The explosion is small, but the neutrons outpace the explosion and kill literally fucking everything in a citywide area. They were specifically designed to leave buildings and infrastructure intact, with no long-term radiation fallout.
Next election: Purple (globalists) vs Gold (Nationalists)
Can't wait.
Oh, perfect :D
The problem with neutron radiation is that it turns other atoms into unstable (radioactive) isotopes
Are you SURE it's not longterm?
I want SA faggots to leave. we SS now
The thing about colored revolutions is that they have the backing of the US gubmint and military. This will not be the case in the US.
NY native, I wonder now if I can finally get the AK74m I always wanted.
What colour's her iPhone?
Trouble is, they're being paid to do this, it's a professional mob. It could go on indefinitely, or at least until Sauron's money runs out - but this will be chump change to him. So until he deems it unnecessary, really.
Escalation/acceleration is the best option, but let them do all the work. Don't engage them. Let them embarrass and discredit themselves.
Kek almighty, the memes really are becoming reality. Remember the Indigo/Purple Pill?
They wore brown during the NSDAP revolution, numbnuts. When they seized power of the State, then they got the fancy black uniforms with the silver skulls and lightning bolts.
no. all of these meme pills are gay and defeat the point of the redpill, the redpill is simply seeking the truth whatever that is
Take the heh pill, lad.
For an astroturfing campaign, the irony is hilarious
We killed off these memes years ago, back to cuckchan
Dressed not in mourning, but in black.
purple and gold is GOAT
Screw with their payments and deal with the right people appropriately(pay them off) and these 'professional
They were still being posted last year. They don't originate from cuckchan, but rather from 4chon and smiley's >>>/fringe/ board.
I know they are still gay as aids
You mean like this?
So the cuck Repubs and failed DNC are going to unite under Hillary/Bush/Obama/Soros to make the globalist Purple party.
Trump will lead the globalist battle with his glorious Lion party.
Maga Motherfuckers
Fucking prophetic swede modder.
You know what compliments Purple?
Thanks Doc
Thanks doc
Thanks Doc
Thanks doc
You're a complete imbecile if you think Holla Forums is comprised of a mere 2000 people. Stop posting until you understand how the internet works.
Woops hit reply too soon.
Anyways just look at FEMEN, the day they started an Israeli chapter was the day their funding got cut off and nobody ever heard about them ever again.
BLM's media coverage and funding would end tomorrow if agents inside successfully pushed for blowback against Israel for their horrific treatment of Ethiopian Jews.
Any revolution these people start could quickly be made irrelevant.
A unique user is registered for each represented /16 that logs onto this website. Each /16 represents 65k IPs. I'm not sure how many that would actually leave us with.
They will probably cry about how loud the gun is and how it hurts their shoulder to fire it.
We're more powerful if they don't see us.
Kike donors like Soros (and many others, I hate that people think its just him) squandered over $1.3 billion on Hillary's campaign. What was their reward? Trump winning a decisive victory for significantly less money and also securing a super majority in both houses of Congress. The Democratic party has been completely defanged and on day one he will nominate a true right-wing nationalist to replace Scalia's seat on the court.
I think kikes were supposed to be frugal with their money. They might as well be setting it on fire by trying to attack Trump like this.
Thanks doc
N-noth thur if hureal…
sounds about right
sauce: https:
Purple represents the obligation of nobility to protect the commoners.
Can this fucking kike die already
Major US population centers may commit suicide on rural whites. Nothing to see here, just trucking them food and they'll take care of the problem themselves.
It would be nice. How many innocent children's livers, kidneys, lungs, etc do you think he's harvested to stay alive this long?
Fuck fucked up my own trips.
I agree with this. The left may be playing into our hands. Trump needs to bring down Clinton and the foundation AND the media and Soros for sedition and treason. The feds can freeze their assets.
Until January, we can use the behavior of the left to both discredit them and perform ops to incite and psyop them through social media.
Well that explains that.
They look pissed, maniacally so.
Probably because ur a faggit user
timestamp or else you ain't no richfag
Yes. YES.
Don't you mean the reverse?
I mean stop trucking them food but fucked up my post like an idiot.
the memes have spoken - our army wears green
Not in this instance.
thx doc
I can't fucking wait.
I try to think like a good person, but I can't ignore the miniboner I had from fucking Jin-roh going in an cutting them all down.
I think I've been here too long.
I have always been a big fan of black with gold accents. It would make purple look downright tacky.
Nuclear Engineer here: 100% sure it's not long term. You are right that neutron absorption creates unstable isotopes, but the vast vast vast majority of those isotopes have extremely short half lives, especially for elements lower in the elemental table.
Every day I ask myself if we're the baddies.
And every day I look at the shit these monsters do; the disloyalty they show their own; their complete unwillingness to even sit at the negotiating table with their "enemies" - and I remember, no.
Any color name + new age BS = 6 million results.
The normalfag lefties went from justifying the crying, protesting, rioting to being embarrassed by it. It's bad PR for them
No! I refuse to relinquish the color! They can dress in something gay like pink or salmon. Lavender maybe…
I was about to call you a bunch if slacked jawed faggots, but if purple is good enough for Kek then it's good enough for me
I thought it was just the rarest dye in the west, so only royalty could afford it
That's beautiful.
Purple is the color of royalty simply because the original dye for "royal" purple was a particular sea snail. The amount of money it cost to procure enough of the dye to actually stain clothes was so obscenely expensive that only royalty could afford it.
After a while it became exclusively worn by royalty so much that it became forbidden for anyone BUT royalty to wear it. And, of course, other shit got attached to "mean stuff", but that's really the only reason why that color is associated with royalty.
That doubt eventually goes away, and is replaced with a burning resentment for everyone else who would consider you literally hitler for being smart enough to figure out that you (and they) are being slowly killed by an invisible evil, that they ignore at all costs. At this point, I just operate on the assumption that I am the bad guy and I don't give a fuck, because that's how they treat me anyway, on the rare chance my powerlevel slips. Not to mention, you (or at least, I) end up so filled with hatred for normal people, you might as WELL be a villain.
Hiding your powerlevel for too long does bad things to your psyche.
I don't want to be filled with hate… but I do want to preserve my self-respect. I don't agree with Holla Forums about everything, there's a ton of shit about which I think you're all being silly/contrarian/unnecessarily aggressive. But somehow it never seems to get in the way of who we are as an internet tribe. The Christucks and the Kekites will tear each other to pieces one thread and and one OP later coalesce as a single brotherhood to bash the shit out of whatever the latest justifiable outrage is. The first thing Holla Forums does when we face a setback is band together. The first thing these leftists do when they face a setback is start catapulting blame at one another. I guess you're right, I guess you're right. Even if we really are the villains, it's better to be a villain who still has a spark of SOMETHING inside than these hollowed-out social zombies.
Kek is the most retarded meme I've ever seen. Ever.
There, I said it.
For fuck's sake man.
Mcfucking kill yourself, faggot.
t. filthy barbarian invader
No user, we are the good guys. I just meant that knowing the unspeakable truth about how the world actually works, and living in a sea of mindless leftists and airheaded average people who never think about anything but their own pathetic lives will make you feel like a villain. Also, I'm guesing you're new and/or young, judging by your optimism and skepticism of Holla Forums beliefs.
After it has sunk in for several years, and you are faced with the evidence of white genocide in your day to day life for YEARS, watching friends and family succomb to and adopt a poisonous ideology that hinges on their very own destruction foe YEARS, you will be full of hate like me. Its a cold, smouldering kind of hate.
I remember when I could watch cable TV, and talk to people. No one tells you there even is a blue pill until it's too late. But hey, at least things are on the up and up now.
Hmm Hillary concession speech: wearing purple
Samanatha Bee morning after show: wearing purple
Megyn Kelly on Live with Kelly Nov. 9th: wearing purple
Stephen Colbert nov 9th: purple tie
Bill Maher nov 10th: purple tie
oshit. No seriously… that can't be a fucking coincidence. What fuckery are they planning?
Civil war.
It's their last chance before Trump become president.
Granted, they're gonna lose HARD.
Clinton confirmed for whore of Babylon. We in revelations now. I said this jokingly at the start of the election… What have I done?
post pics and make some oc to meme
I don't even know if I care any more. Après-ça, le déluge.
Have the Jews ever win a single war by their own?
And even if this time they take advantage of the leftist and the niggers, have the leftist and niggers ever win a single war by their own against whites?
Subliminal gesture perhaps? That would mean all this was planned far in advance. That's rather disturbing as it means they're definitely going to try something in December. Still, there should be a trace of this plan existing prior to election day, but that would require insider knowledge from Soros backed groups to confirm (or maybe Wikileaks has something and they'll release it when the scenario reaches nearest to the tipping point).
well, they almost did in Syria.
But this the fucking USA, we have the largest military/police force in the world as well as the most armed public on earth.
I'm scared Holla Forums
Revelation 17:4 …'And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication.' … Is she really the whore of Babylon?
Of course they had a plan B. They probably meant to outright rig the election, but couldn't in the end becsuse Trump brought too much attention to it.
If you think about it, pushing a new party "revolution" is the most logical next step for them, besides accepting defeat of course.
its actually in the kikes best interest that hillary didnt win. because if she did, the power to major cities would have been taken out by now and the fire would be rising. hillary losing gives (((them))) a chance to plot their move while these weak, inept marxist cucks and nonwhites fuck off in the road chanting.
But their U.S "revolution" plan sets back their greater plan for WW3 and further consolidation of global power. If they have to spend too much time re-securing one of their primary assets, it opens opportunities for other players (like nationalists) to step in the world theater and claim ground.
So their Plan B already has them operating at a loss, they just don't realize it yet or too full of hubris.
Is she the whore?
I feel you may be right user.
is this nigger using echoes? I missed it the first time
Clinton's are really evil and try and turn anything good into their own personal devil shit.
BTW pol is probably full of Indigo Children.
Are empathic, curious, and strong-willed
Are often perceived by friends and family as being strange
Possess a clear sense of self-definition and purpose
Show a strong innate subconscious spirituality from early childhood (which, however, does not necessarily imply a direct interest in spiritual or religious areas)
Have a strong feeling of entitlement, or deserving to be here
Other alleged traits include:[8][10]
High intelligence quotient
Inherent intuitive ability
Resistance to rigid, control-based paradigms of authority
According to Tober and Carroll, indigo children may function poorly in conventional schools due to their rejection of rigid authority, their being smarter or more spiritually mature than their teachers, and their lack of response to guilt-, fear- or manipulation-based discipline.[12]
Kikes don't even know what their best interest is. If they did they'd quit acting like kikes.
I've given thought to whether or not Revelations might be forced to come to pass- either on the human level as undertaken by your friendly neighborhood global occultists or on the divine level of the abominable manufacturer of the material world who may or may not be literally existent and behind the former party as well as their nominal messianic opposition, that is to say post-Chalcedonian biblical farce Jesus as son of the Old Testament god instead of of the outer New Testament gnostic god- for rather a while, now.
We'll know it's so if Trump takes a bullet in the brainpan and survives for one and three-quarter terms and metaphysical shit starts getting Blue Beam'd into the sky or actually appearing in it partways through. At that point, you've just gotta kill everybody, because otherwise some brand of stupid malevolent dialectic exploiting motherfucker is going to try to take advantage of the situation and secure absolute power, very possibly doing so from every physical and metaphysical angle at once. And you just can't have that. So you kill everybody. With ground level nuclear saturation bombing, preferably. Give the earth the Cretaceous treatment and then some.
Soros has to run out of money eventually right???
Better question
How is he still alive?
The guy looks like he's melting
His money is probably laundered funds from the Rothschilds themselves. They could fund his projects for decades without taking a major hit.
the cleansing
Pity the holocaust did not happen because then his face would have done so ages ago and no be a problem now.
For fuck's sake, man.
It's a start I would bet you there is more. These just seem to be some of the main actors.
a leftwing revolution will be the largest self-immolation in history. the cities will collapse and their infrastructure will fail. pretty much every single rural area is red. all you have to do is sit back and watch them all die in the fire they created. i know any of them trying to bring that shit down the highway 20 minutes from the city, are going to get an extremely bloody awakening. fuckers are all going to die and we'll have to clean up the mess.
i actually want to make a correction. they may start some bullshit revolution but after shit gets real, they will give up and line up for fema camps. hopefully trump starves them.
Soldiers. As in Purple Heart.
It's terrible imagery that they're trying for given the branding of the parties.
If the left really do try to do this the simple solution is to cut the city/cities off and starve the scum into submission… you imagine what a pack of hungry niggers are going to do to the cucked white libshits?
It's more about them possibly signalling the start of a "Color Revolution", and since Soros is known for doing that to places like Ukraine, it's rather important to monitor it and identify any other warning signs.
Make a marrow soup I assume.
Less paranoid explanation for this: they realize they've lost and they are signaling they want peace, blue + red = purple.
I'm giving them the benefit of the doubt because I don't believe they're so stupid as to think these astroturf riots would be helping their cause. well shit after witnessing their desperation this election they might be I don't know
Yeah you see these celebs all in purple saying increasingly radical things then all of a sudden it is revealed that these celebs are the leaders of the glorious revolution. There is not one single person on the left right now charismatic enough to be the face of La Revolucion. Perhaps though a group that is familiar and trusted would lend more impetus to the typical group think.
Look goy all your idols are doing it join in.
Just noticing patterns. I think it's a great thing.
Thanks doc
niggers love their sauces and spices, can they make cuck taste good?
Originally I assumed that this is what it was, but the fact that Soros is tied up in all of this, celebs openly calling for revolution, and so on, I feel like it is more of a signal for left and cuckservative right to rise up against Trump more than anything. We know that the media talks to each other, as shown in wikileaks, JouroList and so on, so it is not absurd to imagine them doing something this sinister.
I think Soros is hoping for a copycat effect or show that this or that person is not alone. Even more so, he expects the media to turn a blind eye to the rioters and make them out to be heroes. The same shit they have been trying to do with BLM. In the end also, these are not bright people.
I hope you boys had a good rest looks like we know what the next battle is going to be. Let's do too these cucks what they did to the Tea Party.
You are on to it.
You'll be better off just reading the Bible for yourself. It's the Antichrist, who is also the white horseman, who starts the Apocolypse. So of course it's going to be forced, because forcing things is the only thing the Jews/Synagogue of Satan ever do.
Yes RWDS are dressed in black uniforms! fuck purple!
Fail it can, but it'll affect Burgistan economy greatly, basically crippling it Ukraine style.
That or this could be Kristallnacht 2.0
That would be possible without needing too much of a physical presence, organize a mass strike on all transportation from rural areas to major cities. Then set up rural distribution centers and network the smaller counties to sustain themselves. That would require a RWLS though, Right Wing Logistics Squad.
You think that, but frankly I think this can be turned around and be taken advantage by us greatly. (((They))) think they are up to no good and doing something to unfuck themselves and fuck us over.
But walking into a trap with your team consisting of nu-males and pathetic other kin as your foot soldiers you worked so hard to create is not something you want to do. What they are doing right now is out of desperation, and these jewish tricks are cooked up and thrown together without any long term planning.
They are going to open up massive internal weakneses pulling this shit.
Our only REAL weakness is when Trump is elected, and he appoints people to take out the Clinton Foundation with RICO, is that the feds won't be zealous enough to go after the media, Soros, the Rothchilds, the frankfurt school left, and all these cogs in their machine that didn't break the law directly but were simply accessories, aiding and abetting the Clinton crime family.
The left is in a death stranding and this little bitch fest isn't going to go anywhere because they are doing this shit in liberal areas that already vote mostly democrat.
they should be decked out in black face and kill jews. the confusion and internal dissension would be glorious.
Zastava still has the tooling for the MG42. They were going to make a fuckton of Semi-auto ones for the Canadian market of all things but it never went anywhere presumably army contracts got in the way or they got drunk on plum vodka
So do we but not until Trump is President so that Obama can't call for martial law.
> concepts developed in the 1970s
Figures. That decade was cancer.
This is probably Soros' plan ultimately. That and having the UN swoop in help out as well.
pseudo-operations…now we're thinking.
Pure black, with subtle purple trim
It'll be GREAT
So the hippies reinvented autism in the '70s?
I hope President Trump shuts down George Soros permanently.
Palindrome GET for MAGA
You. I like you're thinking.
That was after all the 60's people ended their Acid trips and started getting PH'D and writing books.
The globalists' foot soldiers will be the criminal element of the black community. They will wield a variety of blunt instruments and illegal firearms.
Niggers can't into logistics. The worst they can do is temporarily subjugate cucks.
Fun fact: The man who started Bayer in the 1800s serendipitously discovered a cheap purple dye extracted from hydrocarbon sludge while looking for another product.
Thus was an empire born.
Purple is a godly color, add it with black and gold it's excellent. But you can't overdue purple, too much is a very bad idea.
Well done lad
We Marvel universe now.
It isn't about under estimating them. It is about paying attention to how they are operating and how they are behaving. Take your emotion out of it and you realize they are no threat. They may not be black lives matter, but they are still chimping out almost exactly like them. They are able to act because no one is actually bothering to quell them. They are puppets who are doing exactly what puppet masters want of them.
They are acting they way they are because the cities that they are "rioting" in are governed by their liberal overlords. No one is taking them seriously or trying to crush them. They are targeting lone Trump supporters dumb enough to be unarmed and with no numerical support.
They are not guerrillas; they are not experienced with weapons; they are not experienced with hardship; they have no core concrete ideology to believe other than "muh vagina, muh liberalism" they are not experienced with resistance; they are not experienced with survival; they are not competent, they are not critical thinkers; and etc.
Honestly if I saw something threatening about them, I will point it out because complacency can bite us in the ass like anyone coked up on their own hubris. They however are not just pawns, but compliant and deeply sensitive to the right social pressure.
looks good with black trim on a black background. id break skulls in purple.
Appropriating color. VERY nice. Already Holla Forums is meming purple to mean hate.
deep purple looks good too
Don't forget about the Purple Man, mind-controlling super villain and Marvel's most prolific rapist.
I don't know, ask the professionals at Hadassah.
Found this RT interview with Uncle Ron Paul that was pretty interesting:
>Trump’s ability to honor his campaign rhetoric will depend on the role of the so-called “shadow government,”' and the president’s ideals to stick to his beliefs.“We look at the president, we look at what he said, we look at what he might do when you look at his advisors,” Paul said.
Motherfucking god damn he mentions the shadow government. Looks like it's a two-front war against Trump. Inside disruption with neo-cons and democrats and outside disruption with Soros/Media causing fear, doubt and chaos to the American people.
So this is the "Cult of the Violet" Nation states was clamoring on about so much.
I tried it on and off awhile back when some one made a thread on it here, gave it up though
Isn't it interesting that the unaltered flag of the pedo-cult we've uncovered not only features an owl with the likeliness of the Rothschild coat of arms and all-seeing eye, but it's also purple?
purple is quite the color to pick, e.g: if you go against the purple it's like tacitly being anti-gay which fits right into the narrative of mean old red the eternal racist misogynist bigot.
Possible solution: attempt to coop the movement by fighting for actual "unity" whenever purple is left-leaning; a double edged blade cuts both ways. Argue red when they argue purple. Argue purple when they argue blue. By trying to hide in the middle ground, they're playing tic-tac-toe; every attempt to budge will just end in stalemate.
That flag looks pretty based tbh
Do you feel better now?
Kek is still a thing though, but we're glad you got that off your chest m8.
Purple was also the main color of Byzantine Empire.
Begun the meme war has.
I refuse to accept the Clinton's as my Monarch.
Trump or bust. One day, the Trump dynasty will spread its wings across the globe and galaxy.
Literally not a single prediction these faggots has ever made has come true. If they said the sun would rise tomorrow, the heat death of the universe would come early.
we need hitler's dna
So theyre finally going to tilt the mask, and neocons are going to join the liberals together.
And the normies still wont question it. (((They))) probably figure that the Hatred of Trump is enough to get away with it.
Soros needs to be shot.
almost forgot this:
I'm not sure of the best way to use this yet, but tying the color to this book (which deals with a lot of the policies globalists are trying to push) could be potentially very damaging.
>Two new sets of customs have arisen which profoundly influence the story. By tradition, everyone has a Naming Day when they are grown, at which point they select a name which reflects their outlook on life, their chosen profession, or the way they want others to see them. The second change derives from the so-called "Panamorite" religion, which features total sexual freedom including oral sex between parents and their children. One source of frustration for the main character is his mother's decision to "cut him off" from intimate physical contact, a situation made worse by her becoming morbidly obese, which is not unusual in this society.
if it's possible to conflate this book with their color choice, it'll tie nicely into pedosta, whenever that's successfully blown open.
Third Street Saints already claimed purple years ago.
Proof read your shit, user.
If the Fuhrer is ever cloned and born a-new, I will be the first to demand he take the Holy Throne of Terra.
First man that throws Soros off a building taller than 50 storeys gets my vintage fantastic condition Ford Model-T and a copy of The International Jew.
Purple is for cucks.
Red is for the burning fire.
Blue is for not getting in the god damn eva.
this is horrible propaganda made to echo within an echo chamber that is the /alt right or /pol. controlled resistance meme, frankly its disgusting.
We're not buying it. She's hiding a death cult.
I'm not sure that saints row is exactly the image that we want to go for.
Close but no cigar.
also source
Yes. Every related soft target needs to join him on that list.
I like the patriarchy.
All I see is red and you will too.
That's always been the left's aim it seems.
They look more like cape-shit movie villains than ever now. This is great.
the only things a socialist values less than its own life are the lives of others.
I prefer gold to be honest.
I just sent the article to and gave him some warnings, hopefully somebody loyal to Trump will read it and follow some of the advice and make necessary provisions and preparations.
However, I am sure that he already knows or prepared for it, that's why he is electing them as cabinets, following the old adage: "keep your friends close, and your enemies closer."
And we just taught them meme magic.
Oh boy. We may have just opened pandoras box.
It would not surprise me if this is what they had in mind when they came up with this stupid shit since the more current Saints games have them essentially taking over the US and I think the world.
Blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the earth.
It really was fucking instrumentality the whole fucking time.
Revelation may have already happened many times on this planet it seems.
Wait a minute, couldn't Donald trump clad in purple instead? by hijacking the color, that means that the purple revolution changes its tone entirely, it's not about clinton anymore, but trump as well.
On one hand, he could try, but then the shills would have a field day and claim Trump is part of this cabal. No matter how retarded that is, they would keep repeating it over and over and over again. It's probably best for him not to and better for us to take it back first before he tries it.
I agree. These kikes can't contain themselves and their continued kikery, up until inauguration day, will benefit Trump's plan to move against them. Psyops and disinfo operations to keep these faggots assblasted and rioting will help Trump make the case for removing these vermin. No one will care when Soros, and his family, are black bagged on the day Assange receives his pardon.
if we counter meme the color purple, would it be possible to dilute the message that Soros is trying to make? thereby making it worthless? If we meme it with Hitler, would that change anything? I need feedback on this.
But trump doesn't need to wear purple, you're right. but if he wears purple it does show sign of unity and reconciliation, thereby nullifying he impending purple revolution because it now mixes both Trump and Clinton as unifyers rather than just Clinton as a unifyer.
What is wrong with decking out your RWDS with hot pink and ultramarine blue vinyl uniforms? They'll never be able to look away.
There is nothing to keep President Trump from declaring Soros an enemy of the state and droning him. No country in the entire world would shed a tear. I wonder if the God Emperor would call Vlad and ask for the reward?
Even if it would work how would we get this to him
Maybe. But I don't see the point when it's a shit tier colour and red is better. :^)
Yes, the soviet tactic of demoralization the enemy, should be good on the leftists.
You can always tweet stuff at him. He does check his twitter.
I already sent a link to the article through the, but I don't think I would make any more suggestion other than a warning. I'm sure he knows what he can do and he will tread carefully.
What we could do right now is to attack right now and hijack the color purple as fascist color, no more is RWDS clad in black, but now it is clad in purple. That way, the Soros revolution's purple revolution will be associated with nazis and hitler instead of liberty and freedom.
That's the problem.
Only Trump's memes work, Clinton's destroy life on this planet.
You need to get across this message that we need to bring them up to our level.
Not the other way around.
I'm honestly waiting for this and think this will happen before he goes after Hilary and others. All the evidence is out there and Trump is not only aware of Soros but has called him out many times in this election.
This is our biggest issue right now.
I bet they'll start saying Trump is a part of something we're actually against more. This is how they work remember.
It`s been popping up everywhere.
I'm sorry, I'm not fully understanding what you meant by "we need to bring them up to our level."
then what should we do about the purple revolution? How do we meme it,kek?
Purple is my favourite color but faggots sadly took it as their symbolic color so now you can't wear anything with that color anymore without people thinking you're gay, kind of like what happened with the rainbow.
I have no problem with us co-opting it, I don't think Trump should try, He could openly call it out though. Just outright point it out and we can run from there. At this point now, his twitter is monitored by everyone so calling out Soros again would not be unusual for him and at the same time expose this shit. Even if a bunch of people try and use it, it is still out there and Soros exposed. That then leads to people talking about Soros' place in all the past riots as well as the lawsuit looming for him. In the end, exposing him would force him to comment on it or force the media to damage control for him. All the celebs and people wearing purple also look silly as well.
Soros is leaving me rustled. I hope Trumps puts the fucker down.
We will have to go wide outside the box with this one.
Also, I don't think we need to wait for Trump to say anything, we can start of co-opting this shit ourselves but we should let Trump know what is going on. If we co-opt it, we go full nazi with it and trigger the fuck out of the sjws while doing so. Pepe wearing purple will be funny because that will make daily doses great again and put it out in the public.
Well, good idea, shoot yourself in the foot Soros. He is just helping the Trump supporters by fueling these conflicts.
Purple is a color of bruises. The establishment got a black eye from this election and their petty "Purple Revolution" is them trying to retaliate and claw back.
Putting it another way, a bruised establishment desperately trying to wrestle control away from the people once again.
also it sucks dick if you are near those other elements because they are going to throw off the energy they have absorbed in some form of radiation.
the smaller the half life of an isotope, the more radioactive it is;
Filthy pepe in purple shitting everything? Making the most obscene scene shitting on wojack hillary?
Every nazi pepe memes and recolor it into purple? or is there another purple creature where we can hijack into a racist meme?
purple soros? Soros with purple eye bags?
hillary meme with purple black eye? domestic abuse purple?
Piccolo dick?
One option could be ``Operation purple``. We design a bunch of cryptic image files and and spread them. The purpose would be unclear. What should be clear is it is somehow tied to us(nazi imagery, pepes, etc.) and that purple will be a defining factor of whatever we create. The feelings of confusion wrought by the Trump victory might just sow enough paranoia to really fuck with low level leftists too. As has been mentioned purple tends to evoke fag too this might drive the interest of the left into finding what they are. The last factor would be linking it to expendable but believable politicians and celebs. You start out showing them I dunno say Joe Rogan wearing purple. He is hated enough by SJWs to get them paranoid but of no real loss or damage to our movement.
I thinking more on the lines of someone drawing an image of Soros black eyed and holding up a purple revolution sign, while bribing his small group of zombie pawns who look confused and agitated. The idea would be emphasize two points, how feeble it really is and how it'll be a fake revolution backed by the establishment.
Shouldn`t be that obvious. Build the foundation by memeing an easy hate figure of no value in do this over and over until everyone that wears purple is suspect.
This could work. In the end, associating purple with things that trigger leftists is the main goal really. Maybe the ADL will attack it and Hillary will complain of purple frogs this time.
These could work. I never thought I would see the return of the daring new synthesis that is le shiggy donatello.
i don't have paint, somebody paint a purple pepe, since it's part of the nazi meme now?
Nazi don? deportation don?
wait a sec, does the antichrist come in before or after the whore of babylon?
Maybe we can get Ben Garrison on it.
No don no one important
Ah sorry, forgot the association.
Nazi Grimace?
Serbanon here, Milosevic actually won the election fair and square, as admitted by his then opponents couple of years ago, it's just that they got the orders from Soros to go out and start screaming how he actually stole the election, while at the same time breaking into the electoral buildings and burning and destroying voting ballots, Milosevic off course called in the police to stop these foreign educated (((serbs))) from a group called Otpor (resistance) there logo being black clenched fist (which should ring a bell or two to your average Holla Forumsack, and your msm started pulling the same old, "tyrannical dictator that just stole the election is waging war against his people" schtick, complete with staged actors like that girl in Iran that "got killed" by a government sniper, (((alternate media))) started showing up and calling people that were pissed off and hooked to lies to start chimping out, after a month, to this day unknown armed, masked man broke into his presidential mansion, kidnapped him and turned him over to Hague tribunal to be tried for "war crimes".
After that to this day we have been a colony, our laws and constitution and pretty much everything is firstly made and remade in US and other embassies, "our" generals gave hundreds of hard discs with military secrets over to NATO, our army has been dissolved, "our" leaders will pretty much accept Kosovo as independent country at one point, as there is fear that they will literally be lynched if they do that now, the people despise the government as it does not represent anything we want and they have been super butthurt, with some exceptions, that Trump won.
This is who you are dealing with.
Joe Rogan
Anthony Fantano
"alpha" youtubers
Who was that blonde chick that made the "sorry fat bitches" video?
anyone else who has slightly run aground on SJW taboos but is still visible and commands and audience.
Add in heavily cryptic & occult elements. It should look like we have turned another corner in our meme magic. Utilize the kinda shit that `tranny witches` and lesbo shamans would use to trigger their superstitious side.
Is this us
fun fact: purple was the most expensive pigment back in the time
Thanks doc
here's some chemically pure dose
Why not black with either green or red?
green is Kek
red is 8ch
instead of the cross you put one of Kek's symbols like this one
Purple is mystery. Purple is the unseen.
No, purple is Holla Forums.
wut? red has always been 8ch
Green is my favorite color.
we newtypes now?
Purple is rape. We purpleman now
Some memes work.
Some don't.
The Left literally comprises the latter nowadays. Everything goes to shit with their ideals memes. It seems to be escapism.
The right, well Holla Forums's right, adheres to observation of past legal systems and which civilizations survived and which didn't. That includes working out what Hitler missed. He was warm, but not hot.
We want to make them understand this. They're literally believing memes that destroy societies. In fact, if there really is death cults involved.. we have a serious issue here. 50% of the US adheres to a doctrine that will destroy the US.
That would effectively make the left a death cult. Which sounds insane, but in reality is the truth.
It's such a good meme that Jesus' mate John used it to spook normies.
then indirect self-contradiction and demoralization tactice, where nazi pictures in purple with legit quote by nazis that have a admirable quality.
I'm starting to think their gullible enough to use this to signal to each other. Holy fuck.. then they've just ratted out their whole subversive org by using stupid symbols as code.
You use symbols blatantly, it doesn't work as code.
nah I don't like purple.
I prefer primary colours. :^)
As soon as their propaganda and meme's come out. I swear I will appropriate it them. And I will corrupt them. So help me Kek. So help me.
Just like 'dat boi'
purple heart is injury you idiot
This has to happen.
In fact, I hope we meme daily dose to the news.
.. and that's any better?
if someone can animated it that will be hilarious, it can be anti-kike, and the news will have to report it, but it's so outrageous with soros getting fucked in the ass by golden haired purple-cloth pepe as the new symbol of antisemitism.
probs about 40 posters + a stack of vpns, proxies, and spiders.
Absolutely. I've noticed crazed lefties speaking up more lately.
Most have crazy hair dos and sound like they have likely heard about our memes (and realized their mistakes). The salt they speak is one thing, but they also seem to reach our level of meme irony.
Webm'd the OP
They think they are royalty and deserved the job.
I have two white spots on my hair and everything here matches my behavior ever since I was a baby.
Older than you faggot.
It means you have… vitiligo.
My hair is starting to go either grey or white too.
Literally confirmation bias to restore faith in their children.
An appropriate colour for the Whore of Babylon.
A civil war can escalate big time, to the point of bringing in the UN. Soldiers with no loyalty to Americans, who aren't even white, would be good soldiers for the (((globalists))).
Too appropriate..
She knows clearly, but why does she continue.
russia would oppose it, and i dont see the UN beating russia
Ive had this since childhood but I don't see any connection with the part you are replying to our indigo children. Am i just missing it?
I don't think so, Tim.
I thought purple was just supposed to go along with their narrative of cooperating and moving forward, purple is the combination of red and blue. However, their whole move forward thing is weird and unexpected, maybe they're just trying not to anger the Don now that he's in the driver seat.
I always wondered, why did the Night of the Long Knives happen anyway? Seems like a terrible waste of Aryan life.
There was a planned coup by Rohm and his branch of the party (brownshirts) as opposed to Wehrmach leadership and SS with plan to replace Hitler.
Hitler had few people on the removal list, then in execution Himmler and Goring added like 80 more without his knowledge. That is when his stomach pains started.
To blacks and Hispanics, then have the useful idiot whites run cover for them in the media
See now that's efficient work.They may be more fancy and less operator, but they didn't fuck around.
And that's why Ron Paul should be brought in immediately.
Guccifer said she's a sort of high priestess of some sort of occultist cult.
Winter is coming. Soros/Rothschild are running out of time.
Meme with me, Winter is coming
Purple is also the color of Imperium, so we can go full Roman with it.
and of many monarchs
I see purple in a demonstration and I will shoot at it from now on. So, user you better chose another color when you are on our side.
Purple Drank Revolution
Truly the priesthood is rising.
As much as it fucking sucks we need to start monitoring leftist media. Pay attention to what they say while they wear purple and if there is a common narratives or codewords between them. Watch out for the irrelevant shit in this thread too. I think we're onto something.
Haha, I completely forgot about how much niggers love purple kool-aid.
why are there tits on the youtube front page?
Because it is a beautiful expression of womyn's rights, you shitlord.
That's a waste of good wood.
Go read the definition of "active users" again and think about what it means.
So here's how we counter-meme this entire thing.
First, we label these protesters the "Kool-aid brigade" They drank the Soros kool-aid, etc etc. This firstly makes them an easy target of derision, and secondly sets us up for when they go to stage 2.
When they officially start calling it the "purple revolution" is when we can launch "purple drank revolution." They'll do what cucks usually do and yell about it being racist and try to appropriate it, but normalfags will find it funny.
Finally and most importantly, there is always a stage in these "revolutions" where some kind of sniper shoots the protestors, and the media snags the narrative and demands that the government step down because of this. You have to spread to every Soros aware person that this moment is when the counter-revolution has to start, that this is the signal to take your rifle and go out onto the street and demand that Trump stay in office. I do not mean RWDS style, I mean Bundy Ranch style, and with a MAGA cap on every head.
This has to be spread to as many Trump supporting people as possible so that they all know what the cue is for pouring out into the streets since we are decentralized and have no direct command and control infrastructure.
We only get one shot at stopping this, and Trump will need our help more than ever. Remember that next year is the 100 year anniversary of the Bolshevik revolution, so the lefties will be wanting blood.
So should we turn them into diamonds then? So they never forget what we will do to them?
Also a major problem with the Holocaust. Why would Hitler burn Jews and risk them contaminating Germans. Checkmate Kikes.
We turn them into lampshades
Reminder the average human lifespan for a male is still around 80 years old. Soros is 86 and had health problems before. He very well may not even be alive by the time Trump's term is over
We could use their bones to build part of the wall. That'll scare the mexicans away for sure
And then one of his 5 offspring will take his place. And we're going to have to beat that fucker too.
Why would I want to look at a leftist kike lampshade are you understanding my dilemma here and soap is even worse.
This would work but pour the concrete over them alive.
Alright so what if after we turn them into lampshades we launch those into the sun?
Something tells me they aren't nearly as capable. They seem soft.
Looks like they got the whole Bush family.
Hmm but waht do we do with all his dirty blood money?
Best is we use it to fix what this fucker has done to the world I dont care if the money is used to improve living conditions for economic immigrants or if its invested in death squads maybe 50/50 aslong the flooded countries find back to their old glory.
Bill Burr. He just doesnt give a fuck.
Nah, he married a nigger and turned into a faggot.
He really doeznt give a fuck.
My country's military still uses the 7.62 NATO chambered ones, they're pretty good, but sadly there's no real replacing the 7.92mm Tungsten Carbide AP rounds that were available for the original MG42.
>tfw mestizo that is accused of original sin for living in a nation I grew up in that still fights against the stomach churning injustice in the nation I was born in
So I've been looking into different things these colors could suggest or symbolize. I don't know much about the occult but It seems there is some connection between yellow and purple. I haven't gotten to the bottom of it yet but it seems the might represent diametrically opposed forces. If the purple idea is memed into reality could the subsequent association of yellow with Trump(his hair, face, etc.) be memed as the comming of a messiah?
Yeah that's why he's perfect he's expendable
I saw on Twitter that Russia just put a bounty on Soros, dead or alive. Finding the link would be a bitch, but I'll look for it if it hasn't already been posted.
Another parallel for you lads - IN SRIV you become a US president. Here is one of the songs featured in that game
Think of the bribe-savings to the American taxpayer when the wetworks guys don't need to smuggle their shit into another country to eliminate them.
This. Americans hate protests and demonstrations and riots, if they keep this shit up from now to Inauguration Day, that plus the shit they got away with under Obama will have the normalfag masses cheering when Trump orders the rioters crushed decisively and normalcy returns. All they're doing is ensuring a Trump victory in 2020.
With superpowers. Don't forget that shit.
This is America though where we hate this riot shit; the longer these riots go on, the less people will care if police start shooting them.
I like it, but seriously doubt it'll get to this point. Leftists are realizing they have very few criticisms of trump.
They are, but that doesn't mean they aren't dangerous, we can use them against their masters hopefully.
Dude, have you pulled the number of firearms sold since Obama came in? Shit makes the built up for world war 2 by all sides look tame and rather under achieving in comparison, and that is JUST what mericans bought. All the arms of all the armies of the world does not compare to the number in civilian hands here by an order of magnitude.
A few hundred million in firearms isn't enough equal to one months purchases. Never mind the fucking zombie horde of ammo.
I can see it backfiring in USA.
Underrated post tbqh fams
Be the change you want to see in the world
My hair started going white in my early twenties, kind of weird for this many of us to have that going on.
Color theory, user. Lurk /fa/ for a bit and you'll catch on.
There was a faction of the NSDAP that wanted a second revolution because they felt hitler has accomplished the nationalist part but not the socialist part of national socialism. So the SS purged the strasserists (leftist nazis) and the sa who were lead by a homosexual, Ernst rohm, who wanted the military to be an auxiliary of the sa rather than the other way around as the moderates and hitler wanted. The sa were viewed as a threat to the stability of the reich by many moderates, nazis, and conservatives so they urged hitler to purge them.
Also it's interesting to note that their moderates and conservatives were the catholic center party Zentrum, and old Prussian nobility, respectively rather than the Jew loving faggots that call themselves conservative today.
This truly is a strange timeline.
Revelation 16:13
Then from the jaws of dragon and beast and false prophet I saw three foul spirits come; they looked like frogs
What if they're trying to instigate a civil war as a blood sacrifice to Moloch?
It literally won't matter, it's our side that has guns.
you are assuming trump will become president. they will try everything they can to keep him out. I would be shocked if there were no assassination attempts. They will attempt to use the popular vote to justify their actions.
dont celebrate until he is sworn in.
You know who's Trump insurance? Pence.
I really hope Trump assassinates the entire Soros family and everyone at the top of his NGO's.
πορφύρα (por-fee-rah) is not the common purpe , it was more akin to deep red the variations you post are how the current (((experts))) interpret the color
also next time try and use some other source for research except kikepedia if you want to make things believable schlomo
i hate medicine. rather, i hate what it's become. since it's already quite unimaginably bad, and continues to get somehow unimaginably more worse, here is a candle in the dark you won't find written down any more:
physiologically benign transient nutritional deficiency related to chelated phthalates. origin: primarily from alterations in food –production– methods for time optimization instead of cooking (ie no bread is baked now), secondarily from increased anti-phagic/insecticidal composition of said food sources (ie increased trace gluten, normally broken down by cooking), and tertiary from reduced/consolidated food sources (eg steakhouse and supermart are the same).
this alone is not enough, as it simply means exogenous replacement is lacking. endogenous recovery needs to be lacking too for the effect to be seen, such as exacerbation from sitting too much (increased venous gonadal stasis), metabolic syndrome from eating too frequently or eating too much fructose (usually both, liver dysregulation), and a lack of a need to sweat (physical heat stress, capillary dilation, chloride ion movement).
aside: if femanon, then periods accelerate this.
that is to say, it's herbivore syndrome (made up just now, it fits and is short, no relation to japanbros). the act of hunting was an almost omnipresent activity of daily living, and the body machine assumes/depends on it for function. far more complete and energy efficient eats per get-eat-expenditure. obviously, this is an expensive proposition today, hence supermarkets and office space.
resolution is staged at your on self eval. adhering to scheduled eats with periods of minimum 8+ hrs fasting (no eating, especially fructose) will increase liver homeostatic recovery. running once for 15min will increase liver metabolism and energy shuttling for 3-5 days, and perform necessary capillary maintenance (and provide transient surplus high glucose periods, which hair-color needs, though not the hair itself). for men, lifting is recommended, especially if desk job. also, no-fap is not recommended - take care of it, and move on. for women, eat liver every 2 weeks or make babies, which ever is directed by the man provisioning them.
obviously, hair dye, body mods, vital water supplement disinfowars spam, stupid degenerate shit, and most especially facebook should be avoided. don't need them, women most especially the last one. that is, femanon + no man + social media typically leads to dyke syndrome and subsequent immediate doing of the do-not-do-the-stupid listed above.
good fortune to you. don't get sick. trust me, your doctors do not exist. there are alot of women and muslims who will be happy to indulge notions otherwise though.
/polite sage off topic
He doesn't need to assassinate them. Soros is a terrorist by the legal definition and could be taken in on that easily. Then be could be tortured and killed along with his family and everyone else involved with his doings.
Thanks, doc.
pence wont be able to do anything if soros fucks with the electoral college.
"Indigo Children"
E.M.P. from the mother and son
Tore the digital down
Dawned are the age of the innocent ones
The indigo children
The indigo children come
The indigo children
When the indigo children come
The indigo children
When the indigo children come
The indigo children
When the indigo children come
The indigo children
When the indigo children come
When the indigo children come
E.M.P. from the mother and son
Tore the digital down
Dawned are the age of the innocent ones
The indigo children
Analog time piece, sky wide
Sync to the ticker inside
Move to the rhythm of the moon and tide
The indigo children
Sirius, Venus and the lunar child
Giggle and the flames grow higher
Dance in a circle around a central fire
The indigo children
When the indigo children come
The indigo children
When the indigo children come
The indigo children
When the indigo children come
The indigo children
When the indigo children come
The indigo children
When the indigo children come
E.M.P. from the mother and son
Tore the digital down
Dawned are the age of the innocent ones
The indigo children
Analog time piece, sky wide
Sync to the ticker inside
Move to the rhythm of the moon and tide
The indigo children
Sirius, Venus and the lunar child (Let your light open wide)
Giggle and the flames grow higher
Dance in a circle around a central fire (Dance and laugh and love a central fire)
The indigo children
Wine, song, food and fire (Wine, song, food and fire)
Clothes, shelter and seed
No more need for the old empire (Fare thee well to the empire)
The indigo children
Sirius, Venus and the lunar child
Giggle and the flames grow higher
Dance in a circle around a central fire
The indigo children
Wine, song, food and fire (Wine, song, food and fire)
Clothes, shelter and seed
No more need for the old empire (Fare thee well to the empire)
The indigo children
When the indigo children come
The indigo children
When the indigo children come
The indigo children
When the indigo children come
The indigo children
When the indigo children come
The indigo children
When the indigo children come
The indigo children
When the indigo children come
The indigo children
When the indigo children come
The indigo children
When the indigo children come
Sirius, Venus and the lunar child
Giggle and the flames grow higher
Dance in a circle around a central fire (Dance and laugh and love a central fire)
The indigo children come
Wine, song, food and fire (Wine, song, food and fire)
Clothes, shelter and seed
No more need for the old empire (No more need for the old empire)
The indigo children come
The indigo children come
The indigo children
When the indigo children come
The indigo children
When the indigo children come
The indigo children
When the indigo children come
The indigo children
When the indigo children come
The indigo children
When the indigo children come
The indigo children
When the indigo children come
The indigo children
When the indigo children come
The indigo children
When the indigo children come
The indigo children
When the indigo children come
The indigo children
When the indigo children come
The indigo children
When the indigo children come
The indigo children
When the indigo children come
The indigo children
When the indigo children come
The indigo children
When the indigo children come
What a shit cuckchan meme. Good riddance this one died right as it was born.
Kl3z was a good site shame what happened to it
Someone should send that video to that faggot that runs comet ping pong.
I mean he's the insurance against an assassination. Faggots are terrified by Mike "frag the fags" Pence.
Need to make it unlawful for Soros style funding of disruptive protests. Make the fat parasite liable for all the monetary/time loss/damages/policing, etc in the effected areas.
If he wants to drag his fat ass out to protest himself, fine.
My qt wears a lot of adorable purple dresses. Almost all of her dresses are purple, and it looks so pretty with her eyes. I was watching OP's vid with the sound on and she heard it from the other room. She came in and asked if it was real, because it meant she couldn't wear them anymore. Told her we'll see. I finally have a sweet traditional qt, and I love the way she looks in a dress. Kikes ruin everything.
kek symbol vector:
I am glad information like this is being discussed.
On a somewhat related note, we need to not underestimate the Clintons and George Soros. I don't want to sound a like an /x/phile, but face-reading wise, Hillary Clinton has lines next to the eyebrows, meaning she (in terms of personality) is the kind of person who wants everything to go according plan and hates unexpected turnouts.
George Soros on the other hand is very intelligent. He is the kind of person who is very flexible and can make quick decisions when faced with obstacles (notice how his ears are close to his head instead of pointing outwards). The bags under his eyes means he will live a long life (sadly) and his 'dragon-lady' eyebrows means that he sees himself higher then others and wants to push down or stomp others below him. They also indicate him to be a person you do not want to cross and make angry.
Hope this can be useful to you guys.
Give his NGOs "foreign agent" status like the Russians did
Get them to eat each other.
t-thanks doc
We're the good guys, which is why we're villainized.
Why has nobody fixed this yet?
Absolutely. We'll compile images and names of all that sport purple in protest.
Disregard if normies do it, since they might be stupid enough to. They're already trying something similar, but far more sad, using safety pins because that's all the peons have.
Good. Like wearing a neon target. We didn't need The List, they did our job for us.
It won't get to that point because they know they will lose. We'll have dispersed chimpouts/libouts funded by Soros and that's it. However, hopefully it will be different this time. With Trump in, he will protect the police, so our boys in blue can do their job of tackling and tazing niggers. I hope they all suicide by cop. Nothing compliments a cup of tea better than the screams of a liberal getting peppersprayed.
I wish a nigger would. Please give us an excuse.
This is why they want to contain and ban the www. I don't think that happened this way, but I fear to the bones it could happen right now in the US. Without this story, I would not see any other (((coincidences))) in the near future or past.
We were pretty much the proto-colored revolution you saw in places like Ukraine and other places, our biggest flaw being exactly the fact that we were the first one and could not see the signs at the time.
I think at this point his shithead of a son is the one actually pulling the strings. Soros is too old for this shit.
If you think this is some simple Clinton vs. Trump-thing, you are wrong. Ukraine may have "failed", but it's still hell, even though people have access to weapons there. Don't think UN/EU/NATO are your friends her…
You don't want this to happen….
Get the word out so libtards don't join in on the riots. Sooner or later, they will pull out the paid demonstrators and false-flag a RWDS.
Wouldn't that cause the actual RWDS to deploy?
You do realize which side has all the guns, right? Protip: it's not the libshits or niggers
The Koreans? :^)
Back then it wasnt baby killing clips, it was ak 47s. Its like they all got instructions what to talk about :^)
(((They))) will instruct electoral voters to vote Hillary or other republican candidates.
(1). Why must the electoral voters follow (((their))) instructions?
(((They))) are the big potatoes. Electoral voters are mostly politicians, or people wish to pursue a politician career. If not following (((their))) instructions, electoral voters will ruin their own political career and face a much tougher future. However, if following (((their))) instructions, electoral voters will have a bright future (as guaranteed by (((them)))), money, and (((networking))) – that is exactly a politician wants for his/her own future. On the other hand, if Trump gets elected, electors might have to work hard for a better politician career, this is much worse than the future guaranteed future by (((them))). That is, if electors follow (((their))) instructions, the electors will become part of the establishment, and the establishment system gets the electors covered – again, that is, a risk-free, bright politician future (for electors) without having to work hard.
(2). But electors are chosen by the republican party, that means they must be loyal, isn't it?
Well, no, not to Trump. GOP hates Trump. Remember Trump said that he something bad will happen if he did not get the republican nomination? Remember republicans called for trump's drop out for the presidential race? Remember so many republicans, one by one, said he/she will not support trump anymore? Remember GOP got divided when it came to Trump? They don't want to see trump gets elected, especially considering what they did or said about trump (betrayal, unloyal, Bush et al. even supported Hillary). That's it. Many electors will vote Hillary instead as Hillary is the NEO-CON ("true republican value"). While it might be improper for republican electors to vote Hillary, they can vote for another republican other than trump. And this is what (((they))) want – indeed, this will make Hillary president, and it is hard to tell it's rigged because many electors did NOT vote Hillary - they voted another republican, just not Trump. If this shows something, it only means that nobody likes Trump. Hence by doing this, Trump's votes decreases, and eventually lower than Hillary's. If eventually the house of representatives or Congress has to decide, Hillary will get elected since it's determined by (((system))), also because of reason (4).
(3). How are they going to rig the electoral votes?
Many ways. But they need to consider mainly two factors:
(3-i). Is it easy to rig? (force a recount, change the results, add duplicates votes or add votes from non-existed people, etc.)
(3-ii). How many electoral votes they can rig for each red state? (=actual electoral votes number - number of electoral votes they can make faithless)
(4). Does it sound legitimate if (((they))) rigged the system?
Of course, it will sound legitimate. Since:
(4-i). Hillary wins popular votes
(4-ii). Hillary calls for strong together, Trump divided the country. Look at the riots.
(4-iii). Indeed, there has never been a time faithless electors change the result, but there has never been a president like Donald Trump.
(4-iv). Trump is untrustworthy: sexual assaults, trump university, tax record(might be his lie, should be investigated), etc. Trump is unfit to be president.
(4-v). Continued from above point, Trump is a liar. Note that Trump always claim the system is rigged. Could it be Trump rigging the system? Let's investigate and recount the votes, and it will turn out to be a Hillary's victory.
(4-vi). The BIG online petition calling for faithless electors.
(5). Why don't (((they))) just use trump.
Trump represents his antisemitic supporters. Defeat trump is like beat his supporters in the face.
Even if Trump bend-over to (((them))), Trump is unstable and unpredictable, while Hillary is power-hungry hence better. (((They))) want power-hungry president. The more power-hungry one is, the easier and more stable they can apply control over one. Plus Hillary has a lot of "experience" following (((their))) order…
(6). Does it really have to be Hillary?
Not necessary. But (((they))) PROMISED THE PRESIDENCY for Hillary Clinton at BILDERBERG so that it might damage (((their image))) if Hillary does not get elected - considering that Bilderberg connects (((them))) to their puppet good goyim.
On the other hand, if both Hillary and Trump lost majority electoral votes, they can appoint Bernie Sanders. It will make most people happy, considering that the support for both Hillary and Trump is low.
(7). There will be civil war if trump loses.
First, a civil war might be (((their))) real purpose. Especially considering they bought weapon recently. A civil war can totally change things and destroy whites. And it will provide (((them))) legitimate reason to kill whites - given that whites start the civil war for the election of Hillary.
If whites do not start a civil war when Hillary gets elected, then it means whites will do nothing when they push thing down white people's throat.
So what do you think regarding this? Anything to add?
nigger, they got half the nation to vote for them each
Just saw NY governor Cuomo wearing a purple tie on a news segment speculating about a possible 2020 Presidential run. Shit's getting creepy.
Even if the cure is a placebo, it's still a cure.
They're legal, just need permit and the right state.
almost spit lemonade out of my third eye
You're just being paranoid, goyim!
Check the archived Podesta/Comet Ping Pong threads.
Cuomo's dreaming if he thinks he can win a national election. This is the fuck that passed the SAFE act, all Trump would have to do is constantly bring that up and his campaign will be in the toilet.
now link to all the articles talking about how indigo children are psychopaths
All is well, goyim. I am a regular man of the people.
I object to wasting taxpayer money on the pine boxes.
underrated post.
Part of me misses the SR2 feel of everything but fuck, I loved Crackdown.
Don't tell them that, though.
This "Whore of Babylon" thing kinda makes sense, if it was done after Hillary took over and began to start WW3, but (((they))) just cant skip steps of the process.
It's we are living in a strange version of Cabin in the Woods.
Just a (((coincidence))) indeed
Apparently it is mistakable, because you literally just did.
Anyone else notice that the average normie nowadays knows about Soros and how he funds riots, when two years ago almost nobody knew of his existence even?
Sign of a collapsing Jewish empire.
anons I was researching communism topics competently unrelated and stumbled on this,might be old news not sure
"The Congress for Cultural Freedom (CCF) was an anti-communist advocacy group founded in 1950. At its height, the CCF was active in thirty-five countries. In 1966 it was revealed that the United States Central Intelligence Agency was instrumental in the establishment and funding of the group.[1]
Historian Frances Stonor Saunders writes (1999): "Whether they liked it or not, whether they knew it or not, there were few writers, poets, artists, historians, scientists, or critics in postwar Europe whose names were not in some way linked to this covert enterprise."[2] A different slant on the origins and work of the Congress is offered by Peter Coleman in his Liberal Conspiracy (1989) where he talks about a struggle for the mind "of Postwar Europe" and the world at large.[3]"
CIA involvement revealed, 1966
The European Intellectual Mutual Aid Fund (Fondation pour une Entraide Intellectuelle Européenne) set up to support intellectuals in Central Europe, began life as an affiliate of the Congress for Cultural Freedom. In 1991 it merged with the Open Society Foundations, set up and supported by financier and philanthropist George Soros.[28]
The records of the International Association for Cultural Freedom and its predecessor the Congress for Cultural Freedom are today stored at the Library of the University of Chicago in its Special Collections Research Center.
I prefer bright red like the bloodied streets we will march through
tbh i think he just uses these to keep his evil straight and america just happened to be purple
that's not the correct usage of whom
Way to look like the joker, Shillary.
Italian fascists wore black.
UKIP is purple. Nigel's been there done that.
Not having any cover built on your turret
What is this amateur hour?
Still fuckin sweet
awesome gun, but shit truck
But purple is 76chan's color
Was homosexual behavior that rampant in the SA?
That's what you get for those getball antics.
I always liked purple. And pink. No homo.
Hillary could be the Whore Of Babylon and I believe it until further info.
You're mad just now? Purple was "appropriated" by fags as the "official gay color" years ago.
Nice copypasta, kike.
Do you not realize the association would be with Donatello, the ninja turtle that's being invoked with that rare pepe?
You're signed in with your terrible weebshit avatar, recommendations are based on your viewing history (which also seems to be full of terrible shit) and ratings history. Maybe you should stop being a filthy degenerate.
Full-nation legalization, with no need for permits, licenses, nor other jewery.
We raise your purple revolution… A black one!
Don't want to read your words. Show me your ability to out perform. Not that I disagree with your estimation, of course.
You didn't know that Purple was Hitler's favorite color? That's the real reason the Sturmabteilung was purged; you see, it was a lovers' quarrel over color preference.
The Whore of Babylon is obviously the pope get with da pace user.
fuck off faggot. Red pill means the truth, blue means lala land. You bought into a matzo meme attempt.
Behold the beast and his wretched spawn.
Isn't purple what niggers use to mock REALLY dark niggers?
IIRC he was looking for a cure to some disease/virus, and one of his failed experiments created purple dye. Mistakes into miracles.
THIS my ass, you fucking kike goon
fuck off goons
a wannabe WoB LARPer that's what.
Stop buying into their revelations meme
they're impure mongrels from some demihuman that went extinct long long ago, i doubt they can think that far.
That's your white empathy playing out and clouding your mind to their deception an misdirection
Never underestimate the enemy, especially the jews and their white jew liberal traitor servants
I think you've got some explaining to do first, pardner.