The future of Mememmagic

so, now that you all saw what mememgic can do, whats next?

Can we meme a new space age? interstellar travel?
Advanced medical sciences? Cybernetics for the disabled? The end of birt defects? Can we battle ISIS with memes?

Also, how do we know the chinese or others are not already trying to weaponize mememagic?

Other urls found in this thread:

we have to defend it, meme magic has been exposed as a precious intel that the enemy can tap into, we have to prevent them from fully understanding it's powers.

Chinese can't meme effectively because they don't have souls.

First we MEGA.
Then we summon Kek.

Meme America Great Again

I'm gonna finally read those magick books I've had laying around and start practicing regularly.

What if they harvest white men and set them up in meme factories?

Hell, they import a white waifu and treat me well, it would be a tempting offer. I guess selling your soul does involve losing it though.

my vote is Magiteck


frankly I'm not happy until we've memed a new Reich and repeated what happened in Germany in the 30s

the sky is the limit with meme magic, we can do the impossible, as was shown


We need to meme our fucking foreskins back!
Get some funding for foregen!

We must meme the complete destruction of SocJus and the regressive left.

Humor is their greatest weapon, let it be ours as well.

the kabbalah is the manual on meme magic, youre thousands of years too late

We crash the EU with no fucking survivors.

What else?

What kind of fucked up world did I stumble into this time?

Let us also un-cuck France. We have given new life to England and America, let's meme Marine Le Pen into power.

How about we continue to move shift Overton window in our favor?

There will be a schism. Because there always is. And because using schism i currently very popular in alt-rightist circles

Yes, please. I want out of this hell.


truly one of the saddest things in the world is that this never happened

I came here just to fucking say this
I remember there being circumcision threads. We need to fire them back up.

We need to meme white community into existence. Without community it's hard to know who you are or what your purpose is. You feel unfulfilled and turn to sexual deviance, feminism, consumer culture, politically correct activism.

It's never coming back user, let it go.

I have full faith that we will be able to achieve complete restoration, it's just the amount time that is goncerning )):





I-I-I t-think Kek is telling us to investigate CP violation but idk…

we could do a mass ritual thread for something fun, and post pics of our candlelit autism altars for shits

We need to assemble a research team to discover any hidden potential.

The next obvious step after memeing in the God Emperor is to meme in the imperium of Man.

If they could harness meme magic, they would have done it a long time ago. It is Aryan magic.

Some dude in Denmark or the Netherlands just disproved Einsteins theory of Gravity, and has a new theory.

Happened the same day Trump won so it got glossed over. So yes, space age is next.

Ever read a book on that jewish bullshit?
Was bored in a library and cracked open a book on it and that crap takes at least 3 days to start up.

You're just a thousand years behind.

Communists were pretty good at meme magic. Hundred Flowers, Five Year Plans. We're only rediscovering it.


The memes just keep getting deeper and deeper lads.

magicite is better


this also

we must expose the Jews with real info on their media and internet control, and their involvement in instigating WW2 and WW1.

There will never, ever be peace in the Middle East. Let them kill each other for eternity, as they have since the dawn of time. A thousand years from now, when humanity has expanded into the cosmos, the Middle East will still be embroiled in war. The only peace they will ever feel is the sweet embrace of death.

Best to focus your arcane powers on the possible and the beneficial.



Satan confirms



We must shift politics back to the pre 1960's environment. It's already happening, the "new" new generation (the really young millennial S) are more conservative than ever.
Doing this will pave the way for greater projects, like making local communities great again
And making space travel great again
And we set the left back 1000 years

We expand in all directions. Those that show potential we reinforce. I think our meme energy was brought to a crescendo over the course of this election, and is now taking a well-deserved victory rest, as are we. Soon, especially once Trump takes the throne, we begin ramping it up again for the real battles to come.

I want to go to fucking space. Meme me to space goddamnit.

Give me the triple fucking sevens!!!

I don't know where the fuck you came from but you need to go back.

We meme the accidental release of all suppressed information regarding free energy, the true history of earth and humanity, true physics, metaphysics, and spirituality. We meme the next age of man out of the grasp of the power structure that has kept it locked up for so long.

trips bless these two posts into real

We need to get President Elect Trump to weaponize his first mainstream speech against the lefties in a subtle way, not mean, but not nice. Just the truth.

What I what to see is President Trump debunk the gender wage gap, in an articulate and truthful manner, in the lefty media, I think that one domino falling, getting the media to cover it fairly, apologize for lying previously. Then campus rape culture, black crime statistics/police killings, etc.

The sooner this happens, the better.

First Moloch, now Tammuz.


This. Meme us to freedom and to space!

The answer is clear; meme scientific advancement and leverage political will for space exploration. This planet is pozzed and only space is big enough to allow true diversity of societies and long-term survival of the fittest an best parts of humanity.


its a start

did the string theorists awaken kek?

In one the threads I was in yesterday, some user said there's a "bad goyim branch of the FBI' that wants to properly investigate the Clintons and pedo pizza.
So thanks, user, for the idea

Oh look, a sideshow fortune teller.

Because denying that positive change is possible is always beneficial.

Those are seriously underchecked trips.

Do we have to "meme" meme magic's ability to do something away until we need to use it for a greater good at a later date? How do we defend open-source magic?

Speaking of Chinese memetics…

You'll be impressed by the memes you'll see in the future but the best ones will only materialize if they are truly needed.

Law of conservation for reaction to actions.

Need is threat-based, goal-based strategies are also relevant.
Defending it involves knowing what the threat is.

future of Mememmagic

Figuring out the bible.

just fucking read, the truth is more amusing than you think

Meme Trump success in his Presidency. Its all well and good we used meme magick to help him into the White House but we need to make sure he not only stays there but does well so people never vote left again.

It's a convenient tool.
Might help the blind walk on the right path.

Road to Damascus: the changing narrative
Acts 9,22,26

Kek gave us this victory for his own benefit. Given his nature as an Egyptian chaos god, he foresaw the devastation and anarchy that would follow a Trump election win. He is currently feasting on the liberal hate crusade like its thanksgiving.

Kek may still bless us with favors, as he is in an excellent mood as of now, but if he remains unsated for too long, he may seek followers elsewhere.

With all the sacred sites desecrated in the Middle East, I'm certain Kek would be willing to help us remove kebab.



Repeating digits have spoken. Guess we better start making astronaut Pepes

We are already doing all of these things with our meme magic.

Lurk more, friend. You have yet to fully understand.

I'm just gonna meme succubi into existence.

But they're going to be monstrous to the point of being vaguely human, slightly clingy to their men, and be dominant in bed (forcing men to fuck em). Hope you all have fun getting straddled by nine foot horrors

As long as they can communicate and cuddle.

We must meme the destruction of Moloch while it is weakened so it cannot reclaim its lost dominions: blindfolded owls? Hunting bulls? Broken red shields?

Keep memeing the Imperium lads!
Soon we'll touch the stars!

They will communicate the secrets of this reality and help us refine our energy usage through rough sex and companionship.

Kek died so Donald could win. He gave us His only son because He loved us so much. Kek died for our sins.

The priority should be MEGA

The future of meme magic is Heqet?


Every Fucking Rothschild Must Fucking Hang

Post scarcity, space travel, ayyyy lmaos, conquering of ayyyy lmaos, free energy, immortality, etc.


I like this. Thanks!~

Meme OC of Kek poopoopeeing on Molech would probably work best.


Remember, in the same way many JRPGs have the cliche of a woman working for the big bad having been the real big bad the whole time, Lilith is the main villain here ahead of Molech. However, we have Ammit as the real big good on our side to counter that.

Pretty much, yeah. It's great, right?

Nice hitler dubs. Don't forget that he ran the Temple of Set and that Set is a god of foreigners.

pfft, you dont know jack shit. Demons are a reflection of peoples fears. Reality has gotten so dumb that demonic females may take the form of a 10/10 woman because men in the western are afraid of getting their shit fucked up with alimony cases or cucking.

The times are changing, and old magic texts and information from the past is unfortunately semi unreliable.

meme magic vs human sacrifice and magic childfucking for negative energy

Hmm which one is evil :DDD

See the difference?

we could probably ressurect someone
we have the power

nah dude, it doesn't work that way

You mean like all the wizards that glitched through a drowning or car crash?

The enemy has proven so far that they are incapable of utilizing memes. The farthest they've gotten is propaganda and psyops.
Further reading on what they've learned so far:

What does any deity want? Expansion of worshiper base and weakening of other diety bases. This aligns with our purposes for the moment. The real question is whether or not we can defeat our own memes when the time comes. Kek won't need us forever.

Unlike the semetic volcano demon god, the ogdoad doesn't just ditch it's followers when it's convenient.
Loyalty is a core component of ma'at.

Victory gets boring. Ever played The Sims? It could be fireplaces and chairs for the lot of us if we aren't smart about this. And there will be


Oh fuck off with your concern trolling.
Again, what it ma'at for 777?

lad, first we must absolutely make sure that trump stays potus, and that there's no chance of shillary somehow getting the 180. while the possibility of electoral voters budging is already slim, we need to put the nail in the coffin and watch the tide of liberal butthurt rise to new heights like never before.

then we can focus on cool shit like space travel and augmentation.

Trump isn't in office yet and already we're tired of winning.


this is fucking terrifying

It should be about weeding out this civic nationalism bullshit.

We must solve the jewish problem before we travel to the stars. We can't allow such a plague to spread offworld or we'll never be free of jewry.

You are fucking retarded, meme magic is positive intentional, creative magic. And you're comparing it to blood libel sacrificing, ritual conducting, child fucking faggots who literally pray to molech.

Go suck yaweh's cock some more.
Believe it or not, not everything that isn't your jewish god is the devil.

But user, surely we are high-energy enough to accomplish both at the same time.

Agreed, we need to meme the last nail in Hillary's coffin and ensure Trump is POTUS.

Not your job. Best you can do is to avoid being collateral damage. Micah.

Occultism has, for the most part, always had a positive aspect and a negative one.

Meme the white ethnostate into reality, with America as the heart of it.

We meme ourselves into positions in ICE.

To some extent, but if you're implying that Kek is the devil then you are sorely, sorely mistaken.

Are there any actually admirable volcano deities out there?


Goetia=/=Magia, kill yourself hylic


It's way too fucking late to play defense. We must push on the offensive and amp up our usage of meme magic. We must win overwhelmingly and completely, so by the time the enemy finally understands how to effectively use meme magic for themselves it won't matter.

Meme magic doesn't involve sacrifice and "deals" at all. The ancient mystic traditions are far, far greater than the few filthy semitic rites and systems that the mainstream erroneously believes to be the entirety of magic.

Can we use the Memeteor against , dunno, ISIS? or Sanfran?


We have to "make the two one."

Basically we become masters of dark and light like the Jew. We find a way to manifest magic through good or evil intention. You know how they always seem to have a contingency plan in place to force what they want to happen if plan A fails? Think about directing water in a plumbing system to certain location, we have to get it there no matter what happens to the entire system, and we use the flow of the water to our advantage instead of fighting against it. The knowledge of good and evil does make humans godlike, in that it can be used to redirect will and intent when it becomes unfocused.

We need to learn to play 6D chess.

It wants what we want unless a bunch of idiots start to worship it like a god. A godform acts acts on its hosts vs egregore which is acted upon by its creators.

I don't know about the weaponizing bit, but 2017 is the year of the fire rooster,

The Illuminati already knows meme magic, however they are cancer and have to twist it, all we have to do is tell the truth, even if we lie, and we will meme better than them.

Get ready for a green pill.

Meme magic is creative energy, it operates ABOVE the heart chakra. Devil worship and child sacrifice operates BELOW the heart chakra.

The Hillarys and Bushes can't transcend above the heart chakra, so they turn to lower forms of magic and sacrifice to achieve what we achieve with our dank memes.



We learn the art of meme.

fucking checked

I think the next step in our meme wizardry we meme into existence trans humanism but for real. and we ascend to ultimate beings.

T O T ∆ L ∆ R Y ∆ N V I C T O R Y

Fucking left hand path larpers

funny thing. the thing is ayys are harvesting energy from us, the Jews are their minions controlling the whole affair. So first we have limit ayy's control over you as much as possible and finally break out as a collective.

We build a Pyramid.

Kek is an Egyptian God of Darkness.

Catholics have a Church, Jews have Temples, Muslims have Mosques.

Guess what we will have?

Black, Obsidian glass Pyramids.

Where would we put it, though?

The next step of our journey isn't in the physical realm. So if you want to become a puppet of the Jews that bad, so be it.

The 4th Reich shall span the stars.

In Malmö, Sweden after we clear it out and make it flat.

Strangely fitting.

Anywhere. It just has to be put anywhere there is people.
Starting with a small wooden Pyramid painted black all the way up to a giant polished black stone Pyramid once followers go up.

Priests in this association would be replaced with Chaos Wizards. Each one will have to be good with technology and electricity and wear a dark robe. *with copious amounts of body armor underneath* *don't ask why, lets just say starter religions tend to have safety issues.*

I can see it now. Satanists, Catholics, Spaghettiests alike would like wtf!?

It would be hillarious.

Also we must absorb the Golden rule if you wanna make it serious.

-Treat each other the way you would like to be treated yourself.-

You can't control or defend mememagic. It is organic, chaotic and self-regulating.
Those that actually try to truly understand mememagic get amazed by it and end up on our side, and those that you can call our enemies will never "get" it, otherwise they would be here with us.

Didn't some satanists try to put up a baphomet statue at a courthouse or something a while back?
Surely a plain black pyramid is less offensive to the public than baphomet. :^)

We need to focus the meme magic on europe and Australia.

Sorry canucks, you are fucked

They did but it was at an exhibit. KEK.

Ah, I should go read up on it, I've forgotten the details.

I kinda disagree. Maybe now, with how much the left is filled with hatred to the core, might try to use it for personal gain. In the end, going back to the core of what the human being wants, is peace and have a quiet life. Our, synchronization, magic will only make things better if the masses adopt it with thoughts for greatness.

You underestimate the masses, even if those masses. Do not forget we all were at some point part of those masses. Maybe we "opened our eyes", but we all started being part of them. What if the masses instead of following the current world-view where material gains are the only thing that matter learns that aiming for the future of our race will bring us more joy than thinking about what piece of furniture we are to buy next.

Here is where the strength of the Third Reich was found, in the beliefs of it's people. They believed and trusted their Führer, whom promised and showed them the path to a brighter future where Arbeit macht Frei.

If we manage to teach that to the masses, the "magick", synchronization will take Humans even farther than space. Remember than being naive and dreaming big is what made many of us able to cope with the harsh reality we were/are living.

I say, let's first clean the foundations of our Civilization from all the Masonry and special interest (((people))) and then teach the masses the path to greatness.

Remember, if we are hiding knowledge from the masses, we are sort of enslaving them. That makes us no better than the New World Order.

Meme magic is analagous to chaos magic. Our creations are realized via disorder and destruction of prevailing memes.

We can't simply visualize a reality and hope that it manifests itself. We must destroy the existing reality while, at the same time, we forge the new one.

We should therefore focus on maladaptive prevailing memes and bring about their destruction.

You have not ascended yet for you see we can actually create in peace if you know how to draw from the void.

"In the beginning there was darkness."

Unlike Satanists who draw from a limited pool of sinful magic, we draw from everything and nothing at all.
That is the true power of chaos magic.

forgot to correct that.

That because the Everything has the same value as the Nothing. Hermetics might explain it with the Polarity principle, where everything has a "counter-part". Light being existence and darkness being the lack of it, the never-emptying pool from which the water was taken.
For each thing that we create, lives in the real of infinity, and thus infinity lives inside of us making our dreams everything and nothing at the same time.

1 = 0

Wait until you hit multiverse theory where 1 = 8

…Holy shit….
Holla Forums.
Eight handed sigil of the elements…

Who do you think is going to defy our (((academia))) only to make it great again?

I think meme magic is actual real in a certain capacity and is just an extension of quantum physics. Some experiments have has different outcomes depending on the presence of an observer and sometimes, the expectations of that observer. I think this works on a mass scale also. It won't be able to do anything impossible changing society seems easy enough with memes.

I would much rather think of decorum for the inside of the Black Pyramid.
I was thinking a center podium for the Chaos wizard and chairs all around with giant monitors on the 4 walls.

Also going by the logic of the number pattern here…

3, 5, 6, 8, 9 The Nonagon will challenge us.

A meme is a memetic device. It is analagous to a program. You say that one can simply install a new program while leaving the current program intact? Perhaps, but this is hardly efficient and there is every chance that the pre-existing program will conflict with the new one. In other words, the output we anticipate from our new program will be concatenated with the output from the pre-existing program. This may be desirable but, more often than not, the results are messy or undesirable. (Now change "program" to "spell".)

The subjects of our spells must be willing to accept the new memes. In most cases, they will not accept the new memes if they conflict with current, pre-existing memes. One must first induce doubt in the subject as to the value of their current memes: Once this is achieved, the subject is ready to accept new memes and a new paradigm.

You may know something of the source of our magic, but your knowledge of spell casting is left seriously wanting.

Those who believe they have mastery over something oft end up being mastered themselves by the very thing they sought control over. The true spirit of Chaos is always efficient because it merely is.

We can start by making black pyramid shrines to Kek in our homes.

Awesome try to suspend a small string inside to make a pretend floating podium. We intend to have a levitating magnetic podium in the middle where the Chaos Wizard can sit down and meditate eventualy. lol. Probably add some tesla coils too.

Now begins the real meme magic.

We can start worrying about what to do with our newfound powers AFTER we finally manage to get rid of this asshole

He may have lost a battle, but he ain't dead yet
The war is still going

Do both. Praise Kek!

why a black piramid? what's the significance of it?

pls no bully

Our Final Pyramid will be shaped like this.
Octogons everwhere-


You will soon find out the wonders of meme magic dubs user. We will show you a good time. Our science will flourish in the world. There will be monuments. It will be beautiful. It shall be epic.

2016, a meme odyssey

Holy shit, this thread is garbage.

The better rule
-treat others as they would treat you-

Mememagic springs from the the same spiritual source soul that drives creativity and innovation that has uplifted Whites up to our Masterrace status throughout history. Slants might be highly efficient due to their intelligent and disciprine but they lack souls therefore are not that much of a threat.


How is puritanist kikeonasticuckoldry working out for you this far, "Chris"?

dont go all btu muh movement un us faggot.
the endgame for us is a world where we dont need to interfere anymore.
just imagine
worldwide post scarcety economics
all kebab removed
stable colonys around sol
a loving waifu by your side

does a comfy chair by the fireplace sound so bad then?

Actually meme magic helped to uncover spirit cooking pedo rings.



She's actualyl kind of cute for a frog god. Average, but cute.

6/10 would worship

Vid related.



We have not come close to finding the limit of what it can do.

Dubs confirm the wild ride is about to get wilder

This video is a normalfag-tier pashitfist turd, mate.

True, but there are no limits to the Human Imagination.

don't mind me, just checking those creation digits checking truth digits.

Nature is the answer here, those who are able to adapt themselves, evolve, alongside the changes surrounding them will be triumphant in the game of life.

Holla Forums should flood twitter now, just as they think they won by banning Dicky Spencer lol, give them a rude awakening

You're not even trying right now..

We should meme KEK into human form

Reversing White Genocide

A true Discordian if I have ever seen one.

If we can get Trump into office, then we can do this too.
Kek in human form would be better than Hitler. He wouldn't just build cozy summer camps.

ebin pepes and digits in the thread, bros, post most rare pepes pls


I think rather than trying to manifest kek himself which lets face it only serves kek.
We should instead focus on rebuilding western civilisation through uncucking the political class.
We have a whole avalanche of elections in Europe coming.
And Trump must be kept on task.

Western Civilization must be cleansed with pure chaotic fire before we can even think about rebuilding. Kek will show us the way to Golden Age.

We shouldn't be striving to rebuild that which the Greeks and Romans built. Instead of reliving the victories of the long dead, we should construct something novel and grand. What could be more grand than the birth of a new civilization,something capable of filling the void left by Pax Americana?

Never saw it, but you gave me some inspiration.
Here, have this. I just made it.

my bad, forgot to fix sleeve

They're onto us.

t. Australia

Magic is a tool, like an axe or a gun, you can use it to kill some one or you can use it to build civilization.


Buckle your souls up, reality is going full spiritual war soon.

Lady Di

Magic isnt devilish, user.
It's a language. Who you talk to is up to you.

I recommend reading the The Kybalion. It gives a decent idea of what we have been playing with for awhile. Would like /x/ too educate us on the next move of our occult tool box since really we stumbled across meme magic not out right intended to use this far.

One mighty fine kek was had. Here you are sir.

Also, seconding the kybalion for greatness.

The initates of the fringe have created a helpbook starter set for this purpose, everything a neophyte needs

And yes before any one asks, I read them, that's (part of) how I got to wizendom.

Furthermore, we intended to triumph. We are problem conductor?

Praise his almighty name.


The sky's the limit, or so they used to say. Now it's more like this.

Let's meme space travel into existence then! The sooner we can leave these death worshiping apes behind, the better!

If they truly want their mad ideology to dominate the world, so be it. They will be the rulers of a desolate wasteland while the stars will belong to us. They will be trapped in a never ending cycle of backwards thinking and perpetual war while we will colonize other worlds, create scientific wonders and maybe even achieve immortality.

There on Earth they will remain seeking in vain to attain God's glory while we will join God in the heavens and become like him.

Make it octahedral, half above ground and half below.



we can't protect it

we can only meme harder than our enemies

So it seems kek wants operation: White Mars to go ahead. There seems to have been a bit about mars colonisation in the mainstream media too, so even normies will be meming with us for this one.

Memeing this would be great idea, could cripple the establishment permanently and this idea is clearly blessed (checked) and we should pour some of our high energy into it.

We can probably shift time lines to one where a joe normalfaggot becomes coincidentally like one of our fallen heroes like how Trump became Der Trumpenfuhrer but let's stay the FUCK away from actual necromancy.

Blessed are we, for we are pure of heart.

Genetics and a future for space travelling hwhites!

Kybalion is only a small road to knowledge. From what I have learned our strength relies in spreading the Truth. By that I mean finding out what really happened and is happening all around us, maybe we will never find the complete answers but we might get close enough to the real thing that Truth ends manifesting itself.

Truth is not an empty word, truth is the physical representation of reality. It doesn't matter how many lies you invent in order to hide a truth, just as a really weak flickering light in an endless dark and empty room, light will always be visible. Might not be the strongest light ever, but light nonetheless.
Wisdom is truth inside the dark room. Knowledge relies on information, information which might not be real, just as the stimuli and lies the media tell the people in order to create certain knowledge in their brains.
Wisdom will transcend time and space, language and cultures. Truth is universal the same for all of us. We are real because we are true, and we are real because we hold truth in every cell our body. We are real, because we exist in this universe.

Truth's counterpart, the Lie, does not affect truth in any aspect, rather creates an illusion a smoke screen that hides Truth. A lie can take any shape and last thousands of years, move entire civilizations, but will always have a really big weak point, the Truth it is trying to hide; and thus everything created after that lie shakes over the same imaginary pillars, waiting for the Truth to reveal itself. Destroying everything that lie accomplished.

And this is exactly what we are experiencing right now with Trumps victory, slowly but surely destroying everything they built with lies.

holy shit, thanks. ( both saved)

great stuff
Adding another


if you do not meme full nazi future you are a jew


Clearly that's Cas9 just look at the DNA

Trump's win signified that most of the US is fed up with the leftist bullshit. That's a good thing. The time is now or never to go on the offensive. Having become the more "legitimate" view in the public's eye gives us the ability to to begin to attack deeper and more core values of leftism. Many people have suggested attacking academia, however I don't ever see anyone go about describing how to go about doing it.

We need to attack post-modernism. It is what the left uses to justify all of their bullshit and is at the root of their academic narratives.

Kek Mask at 0:14

What happens first? Movie represents:
France future if 0,1,2,3
Sweden future if 4,5,6,7
Germany future if 8,9
USA future if dubs
Mekka suicided by missile if trips

finish off hillary, ensure trump doesn't get fucked over at the last minute, MAGA, into space.

We meme 8 years of unmitigated, total, global success for Trump. And I mean this. Trump can't just be an okay President, we have to help by making the entire world crumble to his will.

The Islamification of Europe will be reverse.
Soros and his cabal of globalists will be exposed and if not killed, jailed indefinitely
Canada will become uncucked and talk will begin of merging Canada into the United States where it will flourish.
The wall will be built
ISIS and all other terrorists will be slaughtered en masse
Islam will be beaten so hard into submission that even the most moderate muslims won't dare to show their faith in public. Countless millions will leave the religion entirely.

We will see advancements beyond our wildest dreams. Trump's plan to deregulate numerous things through the government will lead to wild technological and medical breakthroughs. Diseases that we thought unbeatable will vanish. The shit we saw in Star Trek for decades will be laughable comparable to what we will achieve.

Trump is already talking about exploring the stars, and many people are poised to push the terraforming and colonization of Mars into reality within the next decade.

Trump said it himself. We're going to keep winning. We're going to win and win and win.

Victory by memes, my friends. That's what's next.

You are right, we can't focus only on Trump. The Political front is won, now we have to meme greatness. Trump will Make America Great Again, with him comes the Trump effect where almost the whole world will go Right.

Our next step should be creating a safer world where extreme Materialism isn't the focus of us human, but the exploration and appreciation of nature. All those who reject Nature and Life should meet their desired destiny.
Space colonization is a must in our List.

I say, let's meme Nature. Chaos is only a part of it. We also need beauty, perseverance, strength and over all, Life.
Chaos will bring us death and sadness, it is our duty to remain strong in times of need and vigilant while in victory.

Canada still needs the magic touch. This is Mad Max, Maxime Bernier, our most based conservative currently running for leadership of his party.


Canadians should meme Max Bernier to Prime Minister. He's not a neocon, he's more of a libertarien. It could work pretty well with Trump considering all other party leaders are currently raging socialists.

All I am seeing are tits.

 form ↓25 to↑

love is the only reason to be.
truth is intrinsic to love.

Fuck yeah, alternate future prequel was best ending

The current goal should be the destruction of the United Nations, their existence is against that of Chaos. Their efforts are that which attempt to define what is right and wrong for developed countries, criticizing governments and trying to force them to look after the countries that can't do anything for themselves.

With the developed countries able to focus on developing their sciences further because they're not wasting billions appeasing a coalition formed 71 years ago after WW2.