goddammit, can't that state of Jefferson thing happen already?
Effective about an hour ago, stores can no longer provide disposable plastic bags and they are required by law to charge a minimum of 10 cents per paper bag.
Fucking morons
goddammit, can't that state of Jefferson thing happen already?
Effective about an hour ago, stores can no longer provide disposable plastic bags and they are required by law to charge a minimum of 10 cents per paper bag.
Fucking morons
Other urls found in this thread:
I bring my own cloth bag to the store anyway? Don't you?
plastic bags are a significant portion of the garbage in landfills. Reusing bags is far better. I lived in Santa Fe when they banned plastic bags and the sky didn't fall. So calm down.
It's a good thing tbh. I'm tired of seeing bags blowing all over the place and piling up in ditches.
I voted yes, disposable bags are needless waste.
The only one that pissed me off a lot was California Proposition 63. The DNC and a lot of kikes really pushed that through with 4.5 million dollars. Guns and ammo are basically illegal here now.
Why is this a bad thing? Plastic bags fuck up our ecosystem big time amigo. One use shits that are hardly ever used for anything else.
The true National Socialist would be for this type of thing. Protecting our environment is protecting our fatherland.
First post. Every, fucking, thread.
Why is this ban a bad thing?
actually its the next 4 posts to you fucking moron
please tell us why plastic bags are good instead of being autistic
If we were a nation of whites only, we would have figured out how to recycle plastic bags into cities on the moon. But now, the solution is always to tax the goyim a little more.
Plastic bags are degenerate consumerist waste. Just buy a cloth one that will last for years.
How do you always manage to get the first post in every thread, CTR? Do you use bots to detect when new threads are made?
I'm sorry, but this is what I do too. In Britain they've charged us for using their plastic bags for about ten years now.
Why don't you enlighten us about why plastic bags are good?
Truly you have switched tactics. Congratulations.
No, I actually use paper bags around the house.
I wouldn't even be complaining all that much if they always had the large paper bags but gas stations around here largely relied on plastic for large bags and paper for small. They'll adapt im sure but it's just an unnecessary clusterfuck.
The problem is better rectified through recycling, not banning. Disposable bags are a convenience to the consumer and regulating them this way makes it an absurd inconvenience on the business.
There is literally NOTHING bad about this. Say what you will about climate change, but securing an environmentally healthy planet for our species is not a sham.
Sure, a ban may be a heavy-handed tool in some ways. Better to just tax/set a mandatory charge for the plastic bags as well, and have it be more expensive than paper. Still, it's definitely a net good move.
Possibly. But until America is 100% white that's not realistic.
From wikipedia
Plastic shopping bags are in most cases not accepted by standard curbside recycling programs; though their composition is often identical to other accepted plastics, they pose problems for the single-stream recycling process, as most of the sorting equipment is designed for rigid plastics such as bottles,[20] so plastic bags often end up clogging wheels or belts, or being confused as paper and contaminating the pulp produced later in the stream.[21]
So you want more money to be wasted to solve these problems? That sounds like a fucking waste of monetary resources. Don't be a fucking idiot and bring a cloth bag with you if you go out shopping.
Third world countries full of minorities (like California) have serious issues disposing of waste like polite, civilized humans. Turns out banning plastic bags has a huge positive effect on removing your typical "piles of slum rubbish" that follows these animals around. It was already tested in Rwanda, and that country remains one of the cleanest in the entire Dark Continent.
This works, you use the same bags for shopping every week, you spend a few dollars and that's the end of it.
All america should do it, it works in Europe
Because eat shit.
I just threw ten of them out into the forest to spite you.
Couldn't you have done this in one post? Seems like you do have an issue with reusing and recycling
Fuck off hippie.
sage isn't a downvote
You know who disrespect our planet? Subhumans.
lol no die
I was gonna write an actual argument to counter you with, but then I realized you're just a fucking spammer.
Whether you're CTR remnant just looking to shit up the site or some other asshole looking for easy D&C targets by exploiting the easily painted target of HURR GREEN FAGS ARE LEFTIES AND BAD to associate all environmental work with shitty hippies, doesn't really matter.
GTFO yid.
sure thing
just to spite you, fucking faggot
still not a downvote
AHAHAHAHAHAHA! Can't form a coherent argument so he resorts to ad hominem!
if we increase the penalty for littering, the majority of the environmental impact will go away. heavy fines for littering will probly bring in a lot more money than this bullshit as well.
because businesses make long term contracts with the people supplying their bags. this hurts the manufacturers and the store can no longer provide a convenience that the majority of the population relies upon. and all the bags they already have are now just sitting in a box somewhere if not in a landfill.
Just melt them into pellets before feeding them into the main belt.
Plastic fucks up marine life, so this may not be such a bad idea actually.
Problem is, fines for littering necessitates someone to go find the litterers, give them the fine, and for them to actually pay up. This makes paperwork and generally doesn't work well with subhumans who don't give fuck about no law. Taxing/charging at the source (stores) or outright banning IS the better choice when you're dealing with an unruly population like in this case.
Yes, I care about life on earth.
Would you say the same for Jew drugs or pornography? Just because something is profitable doesn't mean it's beneficial.
This shit has dedicated spammers all around the chans. It's impressive, really.
Especially given the recent history of this board in particular. GUESS WHAT? WE GAVE A SHIT, AND THAT MADE US WIN.
Just go harder on people littering. That will solve a lot more problems than a ban on plastic bags.
Deduct it from whatever benefits they receive.
if they're not receiving benefits, then they probly have their shit together enough to pay a fine.
Who was the leader of Germany who started a whole Natura campaign? I vaguely remember, I think he had a unique mustache.
I bet you love cigarettes for that nice calming feeling too, fucking faggot.
This is actually pretty solid.
I think there's a number of European countries that do a similar thing, but the culture is mostly that you bring your own bags.
It's kind of fucking pathetic that we need a bunch of plastic EVERY SINGLE TIME WE SHOP just to move groceries twenty or thirty feet and throw those bags directly into the trash.
Im just chilling here now to see how long it takes for spammers to get banned
Littering penalties are a joke and won't prevent any subhuman from doing it. Littering in of itself is really cultural which is turn mostly racial. Where I grew up (very white area) people where shamed if they littered. Picking up litter was praised. People valued where they lived. There wasn't even a fine for littering because it wasn't necessary
Plastic bag cons just outweigh the pros. Its another example that the free market can't do everything, because customers are getting convenience but the negative costs to the environment they don't feel directly. To solve the problem the State has to come and intervene.
It's heavy handed but I like it
Not an argument. Got one that isn't ad hominem?
Would you like to see a ban on the porn industry?
Would you like to see a ban on pharmaceuticals?
Maybe if your mother was parsley, faggot.
Yes. Kill all the fucking kikes.
You know damn well they’re not the problem with that industry.
Again, an outright ban would not be my first choice of action - charging for bags to reduce overall usage is a better model, and it works in other countries. An outright ban is however the ultimate goal, since the plastic bag is net bad as a product. California is skipping quite a few steps on the way there though, which might screw things up a bit. We'll see.
Gotta love IDs and filters.
Here in Poortugal we just applied a tax to the bags and everyone just stopped using them.
Porn? Yes.
Pharmaceuticals? Some of them. And certain things should not be banned.
If you have a family and a car, it's not a problem at all.
Just makes it harder to one trip the car to house
t. Commiefornian just back from groceries.
A tax on plastic bags? How much? And you mean the companies themselves stopped using them?
(by the way you just ad hominem'd here :^) )
I'm referring to: >>8205723
They're very much not harmless, though. They fuck a lot of things up, both around the ecosystem (when it gets out there) and for humans. The tax is there for a reason.
lol faggot
Outright ban requires less bureaucracy
Not an argument.
if you start deducting from their benefits, they might have an incentive.
Well I disagree on banning porn. But I doubt that argument's gonna get anywhere.
and you know damn well the problem isn't the bags themselves, but the fact that people toss them wherever the fuck they want.
I love how the old CTR thread slidding tactics was to spam "countersage" or "sage"
I see that sometimes old habits die hard…
Yuropoor here
we made a trasnsition and it wasnt much of a problem really.
as some user said it is a heavy problem in the industry of recycling and bringing your own bag is not really a problem.
in my country they sellfor 10cents the plastic bags if you need those.
We all know in a 100% white and educated country we could avoid all use of plastic bags without the need of a ban but living with groids has its downsides :^)
This too.
I hate it whenever someone uses the libshit MUH COMPLEX ISSUES AND NO SIMPLE SOLUTIONS excuse. The thing with simple solutions like this ban is that they are easy to make, easy to understand and easy to execute. Whether they get the desired effect is another thing, but they speed up the otherwise slow-moving bureaucracy by a lot.
Instead of free bags you need to pay 10 cents for each plastic bag. Chains and local vendors sell them at no profit, but most people started (re)using bigger, more robust bags. The tax accomplished its purpose.
Lol faggot
They already do this in my county in Colorado. It fucking pisses me off so much. I reuse those bags.
Go through the self-checkout and take the bags and don't pay for them.
The shit libtards come up with to 'save the world'
The important thing is whether it achieves the desired effect, in literally any case. A simple solution is best in most circumstances, but it would be a waste of time and resources if it doesn't achieve the desired effect.
The problem isn't you or others like you who reuse the bags like a decent and normally intelligent human being
The problem is niggers who just throw them around the street for no reason
If niggers and spics could be responsible with their trash, I would have voted no. But we all know 'that isn't the case.
TL;DR right here.
Just have the niggers pay a dollar per bag and you'll see them miraculously turn environmentally responsible.
Thanks a lot, Trump.
Here in Nuevo San Francisco aka Austin TX its been the same for a few years
I said this before and I'll say it again:
Deduct from their benefits.
In America, they applied a tax to tea and we killed a bunch of people over it. Fuck off, Portugal.
Do think before you shitpost.
Kill yourself, slippery sloper.
But this requires someone to SPOT them doing the littering, REPORT it, someone to FINE them for it, and finally a bunch of paperwork for whoever is doing the money magic against them.
A blunt instrument ban is better here. It can always be replaced with a tax on bags if it's too heavy handed.
They also passed background checks on ammo. Fucking tards.
That's EXACTLY my point. People throwing their bags on the ground is no reason to ban bags.
I agree this thread is being raided. How about stores just stop carrying plastic bags voluntarily?
Liberals are the ones who tried to ban large soda. They have no sense of personal responsibility.
I have a problem with government telling businesses they can't provide something for free to their customers as a simple aid.
Niggers will fuck up their hoods no matter what you do.
Yeah because plastic bags are totally the one single available object of choice when it comes to their chosen niche (carrying stuff around), just like guns. If we ban them, it's gonna be the end of carrying stuff around for everyone. Oy vey!
They are choking hazards for small children. They aren't the only choking hazard.
It's funny because not all that long ago I was a lolbergtarian and would have come out against using the government to solve the problem of human irresponsibility. Fuck it. NatSoc cares about the health and well-being of the environment.
What am I gonna do with all of my cat poop scoops now??????????
Ok, I think I'm on your side of the fence but honestly, if they were going to stop voluntarily why would they not have done so by now?
Wow you really have the solution to this problem in the bag
that was not the reply button i was aiming for
damnit my shitpost was screwed up
where do I put my cat's shit though
A little surprised much of Holla Forums thinks plastic bags are such a bad thing.
Maybe some day you all will consider that, since recycling requires more energy than producing from raw materials (for pretty much everything except aluminum cans), the recycling business is unsustainable without government subsidization because it's more expensive than using raw materials, and that government subsidization to artificially lift and hold up a market is just another excuse to tax people more.
can confirm
here in austin I once saw an obese black woman at a bus stop eating a pack of sliced cheese and throwing the wrappers on the ground. a white woman scolded her, but the negress didn't react or respond in any way.
no, it's "I don't like California because they ban good shit like plastic bags."
Empty produce bags? That's what I use for garbage like that.
Yeah, and? You do realize where those "raw materials" you're making plastic out of are coming from, right?
If you can use a bunch of cheap and easily replaceable trees to make a product instead of expensive and virtually irreplaceable oil, it is in all cases a net win.
The point is not leaving our garbage everywhere and filling the oceans with this shit. When people can't be responsible on their own, we have to beat good sense into them - isn't that the whole point of NatSoc?
All plastic shopping bags should be made to be biodegradable.
You should be allowed to return all recycle drink containers including water bottles for 10 cents in all states.
oh no… i have to bring a canvas bag when i go shopping
who the fuck cares? do you pro-plastic bags have that such little agency?
In germany they do that and with the majority white places it works well
i think
Personally, I would ban all plastic containers for food.
Food shouldn't be in contact with that poison.
Bring back the glass bottle and the paper bag.
Honestly produce bags should be replaced with paper ones as well, when possible. Plastics overall are a cheap and cuckout alternative that poisons people and animals, but it's generally favored in all kinds of products even when there are alternatives because of price and ease of use. Bottles, cans, jugs, bags, kitchen tools, basically almost any type of everyday plastic tool or container has an equal-or-better version in metal, glass or paper that people don't use because they're lazy.
Not all states have returnable container programs so you hear stories of people bringing semi trucks of cans to states like Michigan.
yeah but then how would they raise the estrogen levels of white males in the u.s.?
I didn't realize how much of Holla Forums was the environmentalist type.
Justout of curiosity, has anyone here read Plastic: a toxic love story by Susan Freinkel?
I was supposed to read it in an English class, never did, fluffed my way through the report, and the bookstore wouldn't let me sell it back. Would anyone recommend reading?
Probably a burlap bag isn't it you hippie faggot?
The restaurant at my work uses biodegradable starches for disposable utensils, and while it must be more expensive, it's going to make a world of difference in our landfills in 200 years.
The problem is lack of education on civic responsibility. The smoothest path to fix this is with strategic and effective bans/taxation, such as the case with plastic bags.
You tell people "the amount of plastic bags we dispose of is destroying the habitat we live in" but people don't experience that destruction right now, so they keep on throwing plastic bags away in large quantities. There are only two ways they will learn, a) when it's too late and everything is fubar and b) you get into their pockets and excuse it as helping the environment. Now the first generation experiencing b) is not going to learn, but the next generations will accept the government impositions and will eventually grow up to not accept the careless disposal of plastic bags.
Of course there's no way some of the people will learn because their progenitors are hopeless and they somehow infect their children with their inability to be responsible citizens of a western nation.
Protecting our home includes protecting our environment. Conservation is part of the Conservative way of life.
I have legitimately toyed with the idea of making a Environmental Fascism party to replace the leftist Green parties everywhere and hijack their support due to muh climate and stuff.
Greens in my country are set to be out of parliament next election as it is, so it's as good a time as any…
In Hong Kong they do DNA test on litter to go after those who litter.
What difference does it make?
Just use a reuseable bag faggot. It reduces waste.
You'd need an all-white population or a population composed solely whites and Japanese before you could turn recycling into a normal thing. Tyrone, Pedro,and Yang don't give a fuck and never will give a fuck about the environment.
Most Japanese don't really care all that much either, but their racially ingrained autism compels them to obsessively recycle.
The seas are full of plastic garbage. We need to do something. It's a simple step that doesn't cost much while having a good impact.
We all know how this would turn out in the media.
The chinese are just filthy people in general, no amount of government intervention will fix that.
The price of oil is made artificially expensive by our refusal to use our own oil resources in the United States, we refuse to take oil from anywhere but the middle east (although Trump is looking to finally change that), and even then it still proves cheaper than the recycled paper bag. Otherwise you wouldn't need to charge 10 cents for it!
Media. Propaganda.
Again, this is why I'm surprised you all bought into their bullshit. For all the skepticism you have of the news, you buy right into their talks about the environment.
The plastic bags themselves? Average decomposition time is 10-20 years. It ain't that bad.
You're talking about recycling as if it's actually the solution to a reliance on oil- what do you think those recycling plants run on? The very fossil fuels you're trying to get rid of! Same with electric cars- it just moves the oil from the car to the electric plant, and doesn't actually reduce emissions.
And if we replaced the electric plant's power with renewable resources? You can't! Even with todays most efficient solar panels, the finest windmills, you'd have to cover the entire world in panels or mills to get the power you want and even then it isn't enough.
Might be best to think twice before trying to prop up a bullshit market with taxpayer money.
I'm personally more of the "bend nature to our will" breed. I think we should get as much utility out of nature as we can (this includes national parks and such for leisure) and the rest is disposable.
Thing is, I buy groceries in large quantity to reduce trips to the store. When i go shopping, I don't need "a bag" I need "a handful of bags."
fuck you nigger.
Reusable bags are better in every way except that you need to carry them to the store every time.
If you can't carry your groceries in one or two bags, stop eating like a whale.
Just 25 years ago they were trying to ban paper bags because muh trees.
All stores used to have paper bags.
I tried to do it for awhile, but what eneded up happening is I would forget it, and would just have to buy another.
So I ended up with like 10 reusable bags I didn't need.
ITT: retarded libertarians that can't tell the difference between Climate change and actual environmental pollution
One's fake, the others real ass-wipes.
I will never understand.
We should have hydro-electric and geothermal when available. Everything else should be nuclear unless the area's at risk of natural disaster. Those at risk of natural disaster may need to rely on fossil fuels unless renewable find some major breakthrough.
So buy a handful of reusable bags, then. Problem solved. There's a stack of like 10 of them in the back of my car.
This isn't about emissions, this is about shit being everywhere. Also, regardless of where you take it from it's still an exhaustible resource that you're gonna have to replace at some point.
Also, I still don't see where your argument says anything about why having the plastic bags is a good thing in the first place.
I wonder (((who))) could have behind that initiative…
do you even know where you are?
people aren't sucking on plastic bags
We recycle almost everything here in nova scotia. Plastic bags, cans, syrofoam, etc. but you're right that low IQ individuals are more likely to litter their shit all over the place.
you gotta double layer if they're heavy. the point of weakness is the handles so the more the better.
Or we can deduct benefits from/fine people who litter
Or we can ban them and watch niggers starve to death when they run out of spares and don't know what to do with their groceries.
Not really sure what the big deal is. Just get a few of the cloth ones and remember to take them with you when you go shopping.
Why do you think he's a shill or something for that post?
That's quite good tbh, while you can trust white people not to litter, you can't trust niggers and spics to do the same. If they get hold of a plastic bag they'd just drop it when it serves it's purpose thus ruining the overall aesthetic and cleanliness of the environment.
I've found plastic bags on my property floating around in the marshes. My swampland is in the middle of the forest, 5 kilometers from anything but neighboring properties which are also forests. Unfortunately, my neighbour is a thoughtless swine.
Also can anyone say what's wrong with using these?
Why is this a thing?
I actually feel kinda guilty leaving shit around, especially litter outside.
What compels them to not give a fuck?
The same thing that compels them to not give a fuck about murdering their kin and abandoning their offspring.
No education.
The handles on them usually bite into your hands.
They're 'trendy' so the most retarded anons automatically hate them.
A combination of genetics and I think
Option 1: Stop crying and get used to it
Option 2: Stop overloading your bags
Option 3: Use a fucking backpack instead then
What is the evolutionary purpose? Are their brains just not suitable for the modern world?
The chinese are the dirtiest people on Earth. Apparently they are some of the smartest too, so what gives?
nigger detected
Only wasteful people do that. Most plastic bags get recycled by the majority of the population within their own homes. There are a lot of uses for plastic bags, and if you couldn't think of them that shows how wasteful you are. You just want to rely on industrial "recycling" centers or laws to eliminate the "problem".
Careful there, you'll trigger the weebs.
Yet they eat dogs and act like emotionless robots. Why do you think they'd care about muh enviroment or a e s t h e t i c s ?
Was just about to post this too, I've been using a backpack for around a year now.
Although I was a self-centered little shit back then I didn't litter as it get slack from my parents for it.
It's not about knowing things, it's about being responsible. Niggers in general are not taught to be responsible, they are even encouraged to be irresponsible.
Chinese used to be civilized until communism fucked their shit up.
You sound like a wimp. How the hell dose Holla Forums espouse manliness all the time and someone like you comes here to complain about your feminine hands being a little sore. Grow some calluses and man up.
To be fair, no education is a relevant point in the case of littering. White people get taught not to litter, but that happens at a really early age. The bigger problem is that even when you educate niggers, they are much less receptive to it than whites (on average). So it doesn't stick, and if it sticks the first time it probably won't stick the second time.
No he won't, weebs are for Japan not China.
Japan = Honorary Aryans
All other yellows = degenerate bug/dog/baby eating scum.
Yet another expensive program to try to mitigate the result (garbage strewn everywhere) of pandering to the third world.
Oh, no, you got a few bags that could be cleaned up on your property. Better ban all those damn bags instead of punishing the actual polluter.
They are a hassle, cost money (instead of being practically free at every store that uses them), and are slower to pack because they are a non-standardized bag in a standardized efficient process.
They are also gay as fuck, but since you already have a man purse I am sure that doesn't bother you.
You're buying plastic bags anyway. So might as well kill two birds with one stone and get the fucking disposable 40 liter plastic bag, bring the groceries home with it, and then use that said plastic bag to take trash into disposal bin.
You can't fix retarded communist third world cocksuckers who cannot comprehend the whole concept of putting trash into containers and putting those said containers into bigger trash containers which get emptied and the trash gets processed.
Recycling is honestly feel good, do nothing, nonsense.
I've stated this before, and never received a credible rebuttal.
Plastics are notorious for not biodegrading, if/when we find ourselves in a peak oil situation (plastics are hydrocarbons) landfills will essentially become mining sites for plastic and aluminum (which does not, in the traditional sense, corrode).
I hate to sound like a faggot, but the free market will actually solve this. As soon as it becomes price effective and somebody invents the technology to separate the plastics and aluminums (along with whatever else is valuable enough to extract) capitalists will simply buy old landfills and go to town.
Granted, paper is a bit different. It biodegrades easily enough, so pollution isn't a problem in the long term. It's simply an issue of tree management. I could see a justifiable reason to recycle paper… maybe.
That being said, I obviously don't give a shit if you throw your aluminum cans and plastic crap away. Nor do I care if you use plastic bags. Just make sure that shit ends up in a landfill and not in the ocean or scattered about nature.
Plus, and I admit I could be wrong about this, but my understanding is that recycling plants give off some pretty nasty fumes when recycling plastic that isn't considered very good for our atmosphere.
A far better strategy is the whole reuse, and to some degree reduce strategy. Theres no point in throwing away a perfectly good container that you can get included in the price of your Cool-Whip or peanut butter. And I'm sick of shitty plastic goods, and so should you. Maybe when Trump brings back manufacturing, we can once again produce quality goods made of steel instead of shitty Chinese plastic pieces of crap that crack and break constantly.
You don't remember it, but at some point you were told it was not a good thing.
Stop playing pretend that we're all born saints, because humans are ultimately animals. We are educated by our parents or/and our environment. One person can grow up to be a paragon or feral. We're all variables.
Yeah, I hear what you're saying about shit being everywhere.
I'm saying that's bullshit.
No matter how many plastic bags you put into the environment, they'll all be gone within a decade or two.
So, to re-iterate, I'm saying plastic bags are good because
1. They're cheap as fuck, cheaper than the paper bags you're trying to replace them with
2. They aren't trashing up the environment nearly as much as you make it out to be, they naturally decompose within a decade or two, no matter how many are produced in a given year.
Definitely yes in regards to hydro-electric and geothermal, it's free energy wherever it's available.
As far as trying to completely get rid of fossil fuels entirely, it might be worth considering the idea that fossil fuels are a problem in the first place might be complete BS, along with the idea that carbon dioxide emissions are harmful to the environment.
Despite what 'climate scientists' would like you to think, the Greenhouse Effect contradicts both the first and second laws of thermodynamics.
You asked if there was ANYTHING wrong with them. I told you of a problem. I never said if I was against canvas bags at all.
Aluminium is one of the few resources where you actually don't have a net energy loss in recycling; producing new cans from recycled cans is vastly more efficient than mining new ore.
Recycling may not always be the best way to do it, but it IS overall a good way to keep things inside the system loop rather than shitting up nature.
How exactly are we supposed to do this?
That's not the argument, nigger. I am saying that it's not exclusively in the cities. How the hell am I supposed to punish a polluter when I have no proof
you're weak
Most stores sell them for a dollar and make 0 profit on them.too bad you're a kike
I'm sure that 3 seconds you saved would have been spent jacking off
you're clearly a degenerate if you let material ascetics get in the way of convenience
Ubermenschen don't care for looks, or buy a generic black one. Genuine question, are you really that far up your own arse?
Plastic breaks into microparticles that get into rivers and shit, fish breath them in, and they go from inside the fish into humans or shit that humans eat. And there's practically no way to clean that shit up at that point.
And I'm saying you're full of shit. "A decade or two"? Unlikely, and even if that's true for some types of "biodegradable" plastic it's definitely not for the vast majority of them. Also, even if they are "gone" as in you can't see them anymore, they leave behind traces of chemical shit that fuck up the place you left them in.
Also? Plastic shit lying around in nature is disgustingly ugly. Take what you bring back OUT.
I told my fucking family to vote even if they thought Hilary and Trump were equally evil just for that issue, but they were too fucking lazy. I'm not even mad that they are brainwashed by the media, but plastic bags are something they at least care about.
saved. the facial jew is disgusting shit.
Ok, but aluminum cans in a landfill don't shit up nature. We aren't even close to the point of landfills threatening to take up vast swaths of land. By the time we could potentially get there… well ultimately we've already left this rock or we're all dead. But more importantly to the point, capitalists would already be mining, removing, and recycling these resources with unimaginably better technology.
I completely agree that littering and pollution are problems, if you are strictly talking about throwing aluminum cans around randomly. But recycling doesn't stop litter bugs.
I ultimately don't care if someone recycles. It's not as if it offends me. It's just kind of pointless. But hey, if you live somewhere where you can make a few bucks off from crushed cans, I can't blame you for that either.
States decide for themselves
What California decides doesn't have to happen in our states (unless the Federal Government gets its tentacles in our affairs, those bureaucratic beltway fuckers)
It's still a net loss if you have to ship things to a landfill, where it gets mixed it up with other stuff, and then has to be extracted to get back into the system, compared to just adding another container on the garbage truck run.
Technically all aluminum corrodes almost instantaneously when exposed to oxygen. That corrosion simply creates a shield which guards the rest of the aluminum from contact with oxygen, and hence, further corrosion.
Yes, there are ways to artificially create an environment where aluminum will corrode (purposefully exposed to some type of acid I'm sure). And I'll admit, while I can't name them, there are most likely natural events as well.
The point is, it doesn't corrode in a traditional sense. You can let a piece of aluminum sit around outside for decades, and it's gonna be a hell of a lot more structurally sound than a piece of exposed iron, steel, copper, nickel, or basically any other metal.
Poison is poison. I'm not so worried about CO2 as I am about all the other shit that gets released.
Also, it's not in any way an acceptable move to just rely on future technology to solve your shit. If whatever you predict to save your ass later doesn't come true, you will be fucked. So don't do that.
They stink very badly if you don't wash them. Especially if you tell the cashier pack bleeding meat and leaky milk in them. Also some people have the cashier pack them as full as possible to the point that the handles break. Basically, they have to be kept clean and people are retarded.
And paper? You can pull a newspaper out of a landfill decades ago and still read it today.
The fact is, neither paper nor plastic decomposes well in a landfill because we design both our paper and our plastic to be as stable and dry as possible.
If you believe in the carbon dioxide emissions bullshit, then moving from plastic to paper just moves the problem from the oceans to the air, as paper bag production is considered to have more negative environmental impacts related to air emissions.
And again, paper bags are still more expensive- where plastic bags are so cheap they'll give them out to free, paper bags always cost the 10 cents, because they're too expensive to just hand out to people for free.
what the fuck is wrong with packaging in your country?
What the hell do you think a landfill is, a damn bunker? Or do you just live in a desert where it never rains?
So reuse a non-disposable bag until it's no longer fit for purpose.
There is no way to determine that. We are talking about a hypothetical event in the future, utilizing technology that doesn't exist. The point is, whatever the margins are, at some point it becomes profitable at the time to mine landfills for somebody. And in the current, it makes our lives easier. The garbage company, while it could be estimated pays more money in gas to transport extra waste in the present, obtains a valuable resource (their landfill full of what will be valuable plastics and metals) in the future.
I don't know how to speculate on the prices of aluminum and various plastics decades in the future, nor do I know the effectiveness of the technology of then, compared to the effectiveness of our technology now.
All I know is that the value of plastics and aluminum will be higher in the future assuming we aren't blessed with a large asteroid made of plastic and aluminum slowly landing from the heavens, and that whatever technology they have then, will be better than the technology that we have now.
Horse shit. I always got paper bags for free until today.
Again, don't base policy decisions on assumptions about specific aspects of future technology. I'm fairly certain garbage companies don't, especially not when they can just operate the recycling service as well and get paid for it today instead.
A better way to prevent trash everywhere is get rid of the 3rd worlders who throw their trash everywhere.
It's inevitable. It's not even in question. Necessity is the mother of invention.
We don't currently have the technological means to extract plastic and aluminum from garbage at a profit now, because we don't need to. As soon as somebody can make a buck doing it, they will. It's not theoretical physics. We aren't talking about warp drives, and teleporters.
Can you name any other resource that we demand, and that actually exists, in which we haven't found a way to extract it from it's surroundings at profit?
It's called water-resistant shit, ever heard of it?
That's fair and fine.
It's just that most people won't bother to purchase a dedicated bag when plastic bags are so cheap they'll give them out for free.
OK, then figure out how the taxpayer money is flowing from your pocket to that store that gave you the paper bag for free, because I guarantee it's being subsidized under your nose.
I gotta run now, but here at the end I'd just like to point out how, over the years, "global cooling" turned into "global warming" turned into "global climate change".
They've been so wrong about all of this bullshit they can't even make up their mind about whether the world is going to turn into a burning hell or if we're getting a new ice age, and the only thing they've learned is how to word their bullshit in a way that they're 'right' no matter what happens as far as the weather goes.
There is nothing wrong with this. I think the entire nation should get rid of plastic bags. This would make our nation cleaner
Oh Holla Forums. Here we all are on a Friday night arguing over the best way to protect our nation's natural environment while liberally calling one another faggots and (rightfully) criticizing niggers for being thoughtless pigs. Where did we go so right?
You're still leaving your problems to future generations to solve, and those problems will probably be leaking toxic shit into the water for every single year you're waiting for a solution. Even if it ultimately makes a "profit", it's not worth it (unless you're a kike).
The keyword here is SHIT, not water-resistant. Besides, water-resistant isn't "water-impervious". And what is water-resistant shit made out of, again?
I'll take "shit that doesn't biodegrade and fucks up the environment" for 500, please. Whatever coating or structure you use to make sturdier the SHIT you are putting out is eventually going to leak out into the system as TOXIC SHIT.
I for one think a clean environment is a nice moral boost to our society. I don't want to look like a third world country.
someone post that youtube vid of the japanese town that recycles all trash please
It's fairly shitty, but it's also the fault of handling. Milk gets abused before it gets to the shelf and the meat only bleed when the styrofoam tray was over packed or bent.
I actually think that's a good idea. Only a Skype would want plastic bags because then he can sell them and destroy our country's environment at the same time
Christ kill yourself.
Is he not allowed to speak a white language?
Plastic bags are terrible for the left and right.
Unless you want to kill the planet
I actually said that deliberately knowing it would trigger some autist. Thanks for taking the bait!
OP, are you autistic?
not that user, but he isn't leaving his problems to future generations, plastic bags are very cheap and readily available, other people have a problem with him using them but that's different
Faggot do you even rural?
In britfag land they've fixed this not by going full retard and banning them, but by making better plastic bags. The disposable ones biodegrade, the permanent ones cost money but some of them have a lifetime replacement warranty.
California's handling this situation about as well as it handled the election results
There is no shortage of space in landfills user, none at all.
What is the point of spending time and money on this faggy legislation.
anyone else fucking craving cake right now?
You should have been an abortion.
I use cloth bags I make from old clothes. But that's how I was raised.
Not poisoning the water, earth and life of this earth.
Read the damn thread before you shitpost, idiot.
It would be interesting to see numbers on this.
Underrated post
Anything the fucking Marxists in California do is Evil. Period, flat out, that's it. Zero tolerance for them. Eradicate them- THEN discuss the merits of "some of their ideas."
First plastic bags, next- YOUR SONS AND DAUGHTERS actually it was your sons and daughters first
Either case we should have never stopped using paper bags and if they gave a shit they would have sanctioned their use by adding an excise tax to the plastic bags (making them more expensive then paper) and encouraging companies (through tax rebates etc) to have their customers voluntarily utilize personal bags.
Come on, sage spammer, this is some next level shamelessness.
Except "biodegradable" plastics don't really biodegrade. They're basically just plastics that can't be recycled
Plastic bags use 40% less energy to produce and generate 80% less solid waste than paper bags.
Paper bags generate 70% more emissions, and 50 times more water pollutants than plastic bags.
Some kike probably owns paper bag bussiness, used media to bluepill retards about muh evil plastic bags, and then bribed some crook into proposing the law.
The kikes have been scaring goyim with this environmental crap for a good century now. Plastic bags are not a problem in my city because I live around other white people who clean up after themselves.
so what, that's fine
plastic bags are annoying and shit the environment up
waste of petroleum too
You still consume energy and product to recycle that stuff
Why not have a big bag where to put your shit
So be honest that was faggy of them. Animals exist only to be used and used up, we bred them to be chattel and the wild ones are merely prey.
Are you retarded? Landfills in the USA have a large impermeable liner or 20ft of impermeable bentonite clay under them to prevent the leakage of chemicals into the water table. Do you think that manufacturing more durable plastic bags(which requires more energy than the cheap ones) or paper doesn't produce effluent?
The air and water particulate counts in the US have been dropping for forty years. If you want to clean shit up kill or exile the mudmen don't ban a fucking plastic bag that will just end up compacted in a landfill with miscellaneous plastic and harm nothing.
Or you could just
And burn themself for heat user. I go around to various small garages in september and pick up a bedload of used motor oil for 40 dollars each. And I burn that shit in my furnace all winter along with stumps and trash from the lumber yard I get for next to nothing.
That might be too, of course
I used paper bags to light my grill up
Used motor oil also goes for construction, makes the concrete not stick to its wood casting, basic stuff. Unless you have steel casts
Good news about plastics is there are fungi that can eat them. Mealworms (darkling beetle larvae) can actually 100% subsist on a diet of styrofoam which is just puffed polystyrene. Also in the future we'll end up mining old landfills and run the garbage through some high voltage plasma shit to process it back into some raw elements. Plastic bag ban? Eh, I don't really care too much either way because 99% I go plastic, but prefer having the choice. Paper bag tax? FUCKING LIVID. NO MORE TAXES, COMMIES.
Beaners and nogs are a way bigger problem than the environment, us whites will just fucking will the land into order once we've kicked the menaces out.
We've had these laws for around 10 years here. 5 cent a plastic bag goyim, use our $1,50 reusable cloth bags instead. Most of the recycling they are supposed to do is a lie anyway, a good part of what you put in those green containers end up at the dump no matter what.
When we memed an ancient God into existence and his Earthly Avatar into the White House.
I live in LA, and it is awesome. The liberals are crying, the illegals are twitching with fear, and the Nigs aren't nogging. Well except the ones hired by Soros but I'm feeling magnamious enough to forgive them for making a buck being themselves.
One tiny fraction of a gram airsoft size plastic pellet, plastic which breaks down and disappears in about a week, and can be reused multiple times for damn near anything, is [albeit temporarily] waterproof, plus requires far less fuel to transport. Vs a quarter fucking pound of wood pulp that takes months and even years in a shady spot to break down, handles fall off immediately and any remotely damp shit like milk jugs drop out the bottom and shatter, and can't be reused for shit(well, maybe for that very specific purpose alone.) I've never littered with them as it's a scummy ass thing to do and they're incredibly useful so I always find another use for every last bag, whereas the paper garbage is bulky as fuck/takes forever to fold up and goes straight into the first trash bin I can find.
Fuck everything about paper bags and the greedy or misinformed shills pushing them. Plastic is literally superior in every single way so educate yourselves instead of kissing liberal ass on such easily exposed lies. Taking littering seriously and fining several hundred for first offense and even more + community service picking up those faggot fucking paper bags for repeats is the solution, not wasting millions of trees and thousands more gallons of fuel on something that a few thousand pounds of plastic, using far less energy(and pollution, faggots!) could replace. It's just another way for Jews to make an extra buck or two off every customer and make them feel eco-friendly when in reality it's hundreds of times more damaging to the environment and you're the one expected to pay for such stupidity.
Reusable bags are also extremely inconvenient, an unnecessary hassle, and require around 300 uses to compete with plastic when most offer a few dozen uses if you're lucky. Don't let them fool you so easily. Paper should be banned, not plastic. Talk about fucking cucks, I thought this was one place I could avoid this leftist horseshit.
Pic and link related
Yeah, that's the bad part about this. Charging ten cents per bag just because? Fuck off.
Are you LA RWDS guy? I'll buy a beer for you if you liberate my ancestral homeland from the spics and nogs. I live in Salinas now; it's not better, it's just smaller.
Yeah, though I do honestly worry about my friendly neighborhood chollos starting shit. I don't own a Hat but I've been vocal of my support since he said the words " I don't have time for political correctness, and neither does this country."
Been collecting "You were right."s left and right though. The Koreans seem to be pleased with Trump's win.
Pic related, it's me the last few days.
I always wonder what happens to the stuff that gets dumped in the "single stream recyclables" dumpster? How does it get sorted? What about things are not quite single stream but have a small amount of some other material on the cap or lid/rim?
Nothing wrong with them, I just always forget to bring one into the store. And a store giving a thin plastic bag as a free courtesy is not a big deal compared to all of the other much more substantial packaging on many food products.
Canberra Ausfag here; we've had this shitty law for years. It's just a way for supermarkets to force you to buy bags - they sell 're-useable' plastic bags for 15cents a pop or shitty tote bags for $2 a pop.
You know, I think I've got what the libs in this thread are talking about. Why should this not happen?
Why should some dirty corps be able to provide packaging, built into the overall price of the shopping experience, for free? With no completely extra unneeded cost!
Why do the bags that your deli meats come in not have an explicit cost? What about the plastic can around that peanut butter?
The foam, absorbent pad, and clear plastic wrap around that immoral and indulgent meat?
God damn anons, gaia is crying.
I lived in Austin TX
California will learn
Fuck you Texas
commifornians are so stupid, they'll ban plastic grocery bags which hardly have any impact on the environment but every year they increase their import of bottled water
it must be nice to have hollywood in your backpocket to support your stupid idealism, I feel bad for the regular red counties who are ruled by the few blue ones
you people disappoint me
Well on the plus side it does get usage down massively.
And those things are made of the worst kinds of plastics in terms of how much they're recycled and how long they take to degrade in the environment.
And of course are xenoestrogenic as fuck.
Spanish is a white man's language.
The reason why many don't re-use their plastic bags is social shame. That it's somehow tacky to bring your own bag. That you're cheap not wanting to spend ~10c on a bag. That your effort to "save" the environment is just a drop in the sea. Etc etc.
If anything, make public campaigns to encourage re-using plastic bags. Give some incentive to do so. Something small, like a token (ironically made in plastic) if you bring your own bag - or something.
Or maybe it's a lost cause, middle class doesn't litter, while the poor class (we know who that is) does and will keep doing it nomatter how much stuff you make to hinder it.
It's the same social shame that causes littering (how much of a loser are you to bring your paper 10 meters when you can drop it right here, it makes no difference etc).
Its been like this in EU for several years, its just a way to make more money.
Reported for D&C shill.
Good. Those fuckers were floating around everywhere in beautiful country side even.
Who uses them one time? I probably get a minimum of 3 uses out of every plastic bag I have ever received.
Nigger, I'm half Spaniard.
We aren't full on subhuman, but we definitely aren't Übermenschen either.
You’re a retard and obviously a shill.
I'm convinced these posts are JIDF et al trying to make us forget about them.
based on your image, i conclude Spaniards are most closely related to Portuguese, Italians, and French Basque.
Hardly enough to make me conclude that they're "white."
As someone who previously worked at a store that sold groceries, and on behalf of everyone who ever has and still does…
Those cloth bags are the biggest fucking pain in the ass part of the job. They never fit on the bars used to hold the bags. They (somehow) managed to stay open even less than the plastic bags do, and 9 times out of 10, they're fucking filthy because the subhumans who use them are absolutely fine using them to carry their food despite never washing them. Kill yourself.
Send all the trash up on a space elevator and launch it towards the sun.
And by trash I mean jews and non-whites.
Sure they litter the landscape like no fucking tomorrow but how can we cause any disturbance to business? OP is a pure faggot as usual and new af. Fuck off with your ancap autism.
maybe if you read the thread you'd see this
hahaha california please
Where did all the envirofags come from? I can tell CTR is slamming this thread hard. I'm starting to confuse Holla Forums with Green Peace reading this thread!
Oy vey what good goyims.
In Australia they tried such rampant stupidity for a while. Before everyone realised it was a chock full of shit and quietly reintroduced plastic bags.
I'm worried 8/pol/ has already had its normie invasion from /r/The_Donald and 4/pol/, all the oldfags left to some forum/chan I missed, and I'm just sitting here like :O
I have another solution:
Buy a box of kitchen garbage bags. At checkout, ring them up, open the box, and then half-fill them with your groceries.
They're not toast, they're still plastic, and you tell the system to fuck off.
I dunno about the US but for a while you could get by, by flogging all the vegetable plastic bags (pic related)
Its completely stupid plastic bags are fucking amazing considering how useful they are.