
Trump will need to rebuild our infrastructure. Alright let's start suggesting what needs to be built or overhauled.

Our canals and rivers are largely overlooked.

Soo Locks breakdown would plunge America into recession, cost 11M jobs


trump Needs to build a 10 gigabit connection to every house including those out in the boonies, and let any ISP including the Entrenched(Comcast), and startups such as Trump Internet & and college graduate startup ISPs.

The internet expansion should start out in rural America where you don't have to rip up streets to install it,and where there's less entrenched ISP pressure. Comcast would love for the government to spend tens of billions to hook up the sparsely populated country side with state of the art fiber infrastructure.

Jerbs will be created,it will take probably 500 men for single small town to wire it up swiftly(Whole town in a day) so America could be wired up with 4-8 years to make sure the job is completed. There are 19,354 "incorporated places" in America, so you would need 9,677,000 men just to wire up the country with fiber optic.

Millenials woud love it.

3.Such a massive infrastructure endeavor would look great for the voters.

Republican voters would love to have affordable internet that's faster than what the cities have.

The Japanese government built the intial high-speed internet infrastructure which ISPs expanded off from.


Our ports need to be expanded,refurbished,dredged,and automated.

The New New Deal… good idea, inject money into the economy through public works… Helped Hitler a great deal doing very similar.

Should we expand the network of electric car charging stations?

No fix what you have, it is starting to fall apart… fucking fund NASA properly etc.

Electrical grid first. Above ground power lines are Africa tier.

1. Establish the fact that America is an English speaking, Christian nation.

2. Infrastructure: Build the wall. Fiber optic to the premises. New NUCLEAR power plants. Upgrade and harden electrical grid.

3. Health and Fitness Initiative: Repeal Obamacare. Provide free healthcare and financial support to expectant mothers, ban abortion in all but extreme cases. Non-Smoking campaign.

4. Polytechnic Initiative: Technical and community colleges should offer bachelor level degrees at highly discounted rates.

5. Environmental and Wildlife protection, coal is fine for now but only while we transition to clean and safe nuclear.

6. Law and order: Increased police/homeland security/border/ICE force. Decriminalize it nationally.

7. Force banks to issue low/no interest loans, esp student loans.

Now we get to the fun stuff:
Nationalize the federal reserve, telecommunication, electricity, pipelines, health insurance.
Unite and annex Canada. Mandatory deportation of illegal immigrants. Optional emigration of non-christians to suitable countries.

Literally everything.

Theres been bollocks all investment in the USAs national infrastructure for decades.

Roads are a disgrace, the majority of the bridges are falling apart, the telecomms infrastructure is minimal outside of key areas, railway lines are falling apart except in places where private companies have maintained them due to high usage, ports are a shambles, dams are cracking, water distribution is poisoned (Flint is just the tip of the iceberg), pollution control/cleanup is nonexistent since the EPA went full "lol carbon"

It just goes on.
Everything needs fixing. Fucking everything.

Not unless the industry finally settles on a uniform standard. Or a good enough proprietary one comes along thats worth seizing and declaring the legal standard.

priorities, nerd. Fix roads, electrical grid and make pipelines, then do frivolous shit later.

Reminder that WHEN a solar flare on the order of the one from 1849 hits Earth again, it will cause over $1 trillion in damage, power will be out globally for up to months, and millions will die, never mind the fires it will cause.

We need to bury our electrical lines. That will protect them from solar interference and FUCKING WIND AND ICE AND TORNADOES like what take them out now.

Fuck NASA. I don’t want them to get a single fucking CENT until they set themselves a deadline like in the 1960s. Private space ventures are a strong part of the future.

Private ventures are only suitable for following NASA at this stage.
NASA develops the tech, pushes the boundary of the possible and expands the human domain then private companies follow using now publicly available technology.

As it stands these private companies aren't doing much that hasn't already been done.
Even SpaceX isn't doing anything incredibly new. The biggest changes are using modern computers in place of older ones, otherwise the rockets they're putting together are practically 1970s technology.

Hardly anyone smokes anymore, so it's not really an issue. An non-soda, non-junkfood, non-fast food campaign would be better.

LOL. What are you, some sort of government employee? Faggot.

Real government employees have spots reserved in deep underground bases for when the pole shift occurs in… Let's just say it's too close for comfort.

Surface will get rekt.

As a temporary stop-gap, would it do any good to install lots of fuses along the lines?

Infrastructure has been abandoned for reasons.

It's not.

The wall needs to be built early on. Perhaps even a temporary wall running the length of the border. I oversee the construction of large walls for a living. I know that it will be feasible both financially and technically, but it takes time to build things right.
Mexico doesn't even have to pay. It'd be nice if Trump could make them pay for it, but I am familiar with the kind of money that goes into making long structures like walls and roads, and the real limiting factor is the presence or absence of existing structures (right of way). Nobody has a house built on the border (or if they do, they shouldn't). The land is wide open for construction, and it will only cost around $20 billion to actually build it. Trump says he can do it with $10 billion, and quite honestly, I believe him.
Once the wall is built, ICE will be able to track down all of the remaining illegals trying to work with contractors on the other infrastructure projects. Our pipelines need work. So do our bridges. These things employ a lot of people to build, and foster large-scale commerce. Without the Mexicans sucking the money out, the cash used to pay the workers will be quickly re-invested into the economy.
Hopefully we will be able to get the money from the reduction in military spending.

America is the holy land founded by the true tribe of Israel. The people shall last unto the end. Seek refuge from the coming storm, my children.

Judgement Approaches

Gettin' real tired of your shit, Mormons.

Instead of pretending to be shabbos gubmint goys, you should be reading the Kolbrin Bible.

Pray for peace, because WW3 will begin the end of this age.

High speed rail. If libs were smart they would jump on the Trump train literally and push him to build High Speed Rail. He is the only one who could feasibly do it in our lifetimes. He understands the EPA garbage the imminent domain laws etc. and could probably have a coast to coast HSR system built in a decade. If some lib shit like warren passes a high speed rail bill in the future it would take 50 years to complete and cost 50x more than if Trump built it.

The civilian construction corps

It would be responsible for building roads bridges, schools, hospitals, ports, railways, dams, all the essentials for a country.

Structured like a national guard unit, there would be "squads" of workers with the same trade and a variety of different trade squads to a unit. These units could operate mainly in and around their city/county part of the state, but then they could also be "deployed" to other areas across the country where big projects were being done. Projects like the gigabit fiber internet thing, nationwide high speed rail system, the border wall, etc. In times of natural disasters like in hurricane or tornado struck areas they can be activated and send one unit in to demo and clear away all the rubble and ruin, followed by framers, plumbers, electricians, then sheetrock installers, painters, roofers, HVaC technicians.

They can sleep in platformed canvas tents and have whole fleets of work vehicles to move around in. It's essentially creating a secondary national guard unit but instead of fighting, works on construction. Donald is the construction kingpin so this is right up his alley.

You'd have loads of fresh faced young men with no work experience doing an honest days work supporting and rebuilding their country and getting to travel while getting paid for it all.

On top of that 1/3 of our homeless are prior service military with no job skills. After discharge from the military make it known that there will always be a spot open for prior service military in the Civilian Construction Corps. Through this organization, people can learn trades through OJT and can leave and go to the private sector. Or they can make a career out of it and rise up through the ranks becoming foremen or project managers.

It would be like an americanized version of the shovel Nazi's like mentioned or the National Park civilian conservation corps that was done under roosevelt(?).

as far as health and fitness initiative, we need to restart the LaSierra high school fitness program started by JFK but expand it to all grades of public schooling. See vid related. Mandatory bodyweight exercise every day turns you into aryan ubermensch.

That does sound useful.

Water infrastructure needs to be addressed first tbh.

Wouldn't work unless the fed was abolished though. Worked for Germany due to them having control over their currency.

How so? The civilian conservation corps worked post WW2

This is a bretty gudd idea, i tought about something similar to this before. But in my version i would initially use criminals to do the worst jobs(road maintenance, urban cleaning[especially sewage]). It's a somewhat humane way to rehabilitate criminals, inspired by Arbeit Macht Frei. It needs a lot more of mental work, i know.
Convicts with bad attitude should receive more work and less food.
With B+ behavior they could acquire some luxury goods with some credit system and learn new skills.
A+ convicts will "pay themselves", they will earn a small amount of money which they can get it at the end of sentence.
A++ convicts may receive and opportunity to join a technical school and clear their names.

that might be something to look into. Good behavior convicts could have the option to work off their debt to society and learn a trade that can help get them a job after their debt is payed.

Germany worked it's way through the depression because their currency was backed by labor. Hence, increased amounts of both public and private works that generated value also replenished their currency. It also made their monetary system more resilient against recession.

The CCC didn't really add to the economy in a real way, though I agree that it's an awesome thing to have. Part of the issue is our currency is generated by debt. Every dollar is a dollar of debt owed. Though it is theoretically infinite, there requires an actual basis to lean its value against, we do that by making it the reserve currency. The other truthful issue is there is a debt ceiling which it required to make people actually believe in the value of money, it can't just be forgiven. We're maxed out as a population and country, the moment other countries get antsy at our status, the moment we fall apart financially. Then, dotr

fuck off and leave my sugary drinks alone

This and with inflation it is absolutely impossible get it done. Prepare for South Africa.

What we should do is have taps of seltzer water,and ditch pop machines in schools.

The water would be flavored with zero-cal flavoring such as lemonade flavor.

End subsidies for sugar.