Other urls found in this thread:



It's funny how irritating and disturbing it feels when your president isn't a complete sack of shit and actually behaves and thinks like a real man. We always knew, but over time we've learned to "live with it" - that you only get ONE good man in politics every 50-70 years, and everything in between is a bunch of lying human trash.

There are no brakes on this train


I… have to admit I had plenty of doubts when rumors started leaking of his neocon cabinet. But this is amazing.

Where's the primary source? I don't see it. This website is a shit website so unless I see it elsewhere I'm not sold.


Why the fuck is this not stickied?

Fake. No one else is reporting on it

“First of all, the original 9/11 investigation is a total mess and has to be reopened,” Trump said, speaking at a Republican rally in Henrico County, Virginia.

that seems to be a quote several news outlets are reporting. Nothing on the MSM though. I only believe what I see on CNN





This is where the "source" is:

Don't know when that rally took place.

Will Trump even live to make it to Jan 20th?
All the kikes like Soros are trying their absolute hardest to shut it down before he reaches office.

We need to pray for him guys, even if you don't belive in God, we need your prayers. I'm now 100% sure he's with us but i'm so afraid they'l try to kill him. After finding out in the last few days about all the satanic shit that's going on i'm more convinced than ever that Trump is a Godsend.

Last thread had a shitty source, this one isn't much better.

The media loves to misquote and misrepresent Trump though and the video on that page isn't Trump speaking and I can't find any video of the rally.

Jews already know what he's going to do (just look at all the 'Jews Against Trump' things out there), but had he said something bad about Israel the brainwashed ZOGbots never would have put him in the White House.

After this revelation there is NO doubt (((they))) will try to eliminate him. I'm sure he knows, but I don't know what measures he will take to protect himself. I hope he comes out in full body armor, that would be really cool and he can do it too, he's the fucking president.


First I hear they want to make government bonds backed by gold. Then one of his advisors mentions wanting to go to a gold-backed currency. Then I saw who he started surround himself with for the transition team and the illegal immigration team. And now a re-investigation into 9-11?!

He said I would be tired of winning. I am sure as shit not tired yet, but trying it on for size feels sooooooo good. Strange, but damn good

I can confirmed we had threads about this rally when it happened. He did say he'd open an investigation.

pic. related.





damn, big mistake, too many people have too much at stake. They will Kennedy him.

Didn't Obongo say they were building Ironman?

Holy fuck, if he gets anywhere near what he says he will have done more genuinely presidential work than obama and bushs 16 years in his first.

I know the cost would likely be civil war but hes sailing very close to the wind with tptb, i sincerely hope his security is loyal.


This is awesome! Is it just me, or is Trump making you even MORE excited for him now that he's won? Holy shit he didn't even have all of his cards on the table; he had an entire other deck in his fucking pocket.


Was going to say, he's too real to slide by unscathed.

What will he do? Could we expect war against these states? Will Israel go madman mode and try their Samson option? All of this is so fucking surreal, the kike's whole system of global control is hanging on by a thread.

I'm so glad I lived to see the Jews get gassed once more.


When you say thread, do you mean, hanging on by millions of dollars being poured into hiring various different hitmen and bribing various guards for a future event?


Because it's a fake story. The quotes are from an article on a satirical website.

Nah. It would probably be handled in way that puts emphasis on how criminals infiltrated our governments and it wasn't the fault of everyday Israelis/Americans/Saudis etc. Then the DOTR would start with arrests and trials for treason.

sword of damocles, nigger.
These kikes got too powerful without considering the consequences.

Wow just fuck my shit up

Lets meme this into reality



God bless Trump; this is the closure I've been waiting for. Sheeeeiiiit

OP, you faggot, I was really pumped until I saw it was a tabloid.

Who's going to get the blame?


pls no assassination pls no assassination pls no assassination pls no assassination pls no assassination pls no assassination pls no assassination pls no assassination pls no assassination pls no assassination pls no assassination pls no assassination pls no assassination pls no assassination pls no assassination pls no assassination pls no assassination pls no assassination pls no assassination pls no assassination pls no assassination pls no assassination pls no assassination pls no assassination pls no assassination pls no assassination pls no assassination pls no assassination pls no assassination pls no assassination pls no assassination pls no assassination pls no assassination pls no assassination pls no assassination pls no assassination pls no assassination pls no assassination pls no assassination

Top-Tier Thread OP. Grats

I see this meme all the time. it is whack, people, whack, I say. Please do not post this thoughtless meme without regard for the increased security of the past 50 years, and the wildly different circumstances of JFK's conflicts with the CIA then-run by the (((Neocons))) of the day. Also Lyndon Johnson's wife smiled as he was sworn in and Pence is not favored by Neocons, or (((anyone))) in Washington.

He's a top-tier shabbos goy, the kikes that matter would be more than happy with him as president.

Luckily, Trump wears a bodysuit at all times and is aware that an attempt could happen so he has the utmost security everywhere. It's going to be stressful for the next 4 years worrying about what could happen though. Also, it's funny how all the shills on here got a bunch of people to think that Pence was a puppet used by the neocohens but he turned out to be based as fuck.

Remember when that guy at a rally started shouting about how Israel was involved in 9/11, then Trump said "He's one of us." & just told him to calm down, the man was not ejected from the rally.





That's not even the singular revelation. Trump's persona of a meathead buffoon with a head full of bluster and not much else is just a tool for him. I don't know about the claims of 156, but I don't doubt for a damn second that he's anything short of 2 std dev above the white IQ average.

Webm related. I would love nothing more than an hour with him off the record and his guard and facade down to see what kind of wild shit is really going on in his head.

What does he say in that video?

What does this mean?

This. I think this is why he has seemed reserved these last few days. His mind is going a millions miles a second given all the information he has been given.

They will definitely try to kill him. I hope he has some allies in the Secret Service. Of course, if they do assassinate him, what happens then? Are they smart enough to realize that that might be the straw that breaks the camel's back?

I saw that one live. That was the part that took me form "He's pretty good for speaking off the script, but it likely won't amount to much." to "Holy shit he's the one."

The guy asks if he can name the three countries not in the central banking system. So the guy starts naming them off, then Trump upstages him by saying "There's one more."

Could it be a reference to Romantic nationalism?


Could it be?

And so He sent his only begotten son…..

I've brought this up in previous threads and people depending on what kind of speakers they're listening on sometimes have trouble understanding him through the reverb so here's a transcript.

Trump: I like this guy. Were you- give me the bible? Did you give me the bible? Oh the man who gave me the bible, oh he asked me a killer question. Go ahead.
Audience Member: This might be a killer question.
T: Go ahead.
A: You might not even know the answer-
T: Okay good
A: -most Americans don't. Can you tell us the three countries on the face of the planet that's not in the world banking system? I'll tell you a few.
T: You tell me, go ahead tell me.
A: North Korea
T: Right
A: Iran
T: Right
A: Cuba
T: And yeah there's another one.
A: Is there?
T: [deadpan] Yeah.

The audience member clearly is wise to the Rothschild central banking system and was trying to either inform Trump about it or get an idea of where he stands. First off his body language when he was listening and especially when he responded is not that of a layman who's listening to someone prattle on about a subject foreign to him. His posture and demeanor in his response betrays a familiarity with the subject matter that can't be ignored. An average politician who studies cliff's notes and cheatsheets to gain a superficial understanding of a wide range of topics can't one up an informed niche question like that floated by the questioner. The only kind of person who can respond that way that quickly and confidently is someone who is deep in the shit and intimately familiar with the subject.

Like said, when I was watching that QA section live I damn near shat my pants. It was the moment I knew for certain that for better or for worse Trump was something we've never seen before in politics.

What's the 4th country?
I'm googling all I can but I keep finding people enumerating every country WITH a world bank.
Did those fuckers really get 99.9% of the world population? Holy fuck, I thought it was smaller than that.

The kikes?


We wish.

Ohhh. Thank you.

He's going to gas this jews, isn't he?

Isn't it Iceland? I thought they kicked their bankers the fuck out?
If so, maybe that's what Trump meant. We're going to nationalize the banks.

The one way you could hypothetically avoid such an event is by camping out daily in front of the Neocon's homes with open carry or something similar to it.

I too was just googling this trying to find the answer.
After confirming knowledge of the three, I think that he said there was one more as a joke, hinting that he knows more about the subject than even the audience member.

See, the normies were right, Trump's going to start WW3!

Trump is God.

Nah, they got one. Ironic, ain't it?
Guess not even the Rothchilds like kikes.


That could be it. They started by firing a lot of bankers, then came up with the only option: nationalization. I guess they're a small country, so the kikes didn't bother much. Didn't Hilter tried the same shit?

There's a good chance he meant "America, in the future". I'll cross my fingers.

I'm Portuguese, we got this thing going on where the IMF and the EU are lending us more and more money everyday, and lots of people are gleefully rubbing their hands thinking they're getting richer. What they don't realize is that every euro they take puts a debt on our country.
Last time I checked interest rates, it average at something like 23%.
So 1€ now means we'll have to pay 1.23€ later.
And we're already to the point where we're BORROWING money to pay our older debts.
So if we're paying 1.23€ to repay 1€ we burrowed. But to do so, we're borrowing those 1.23€ and putting our debt at 1.5129€ now.

This shit just keeps spiraling and spiraling every year, and even with a GIANT warning on the other side of the ocean (America with a 58 trillion dollar debt) people still fall for the same shit.

Yup, we're officially in the right reality.

they really can't understand "keeping your enemies close"

I am now fully erect.

They better not hurt Trump.

We can make anything real.
Trump's gonna expose 9/11.

I thought we all knew this. I guess y'all cuckchan and reddit migrants are here to stay.

Iceland is not on their official list

Increased security is only as good as the people providing it. JFK wasn't killed because the Secret Service weren't good enough; he was killed because he was put in a turkey shoot by the people arranging the drive. And the CIA are scum. Always have been, always will be.

And right before that there were such countries as Libya, Iraq and Afghanistan

Perhaps you can spot a pattern.

yeah it is

I am fucking blind

Secret Service should have checked all buildings and probable sniping positions.

Greenland isn't on there though. Do people live in Greenland? That list also has Iran though so I'm confused.

lmao goyim pls, he's friends with Guliani and Silverstein

Maybe they did. You only need one or two people on a detail to tell the others, "It's okay, I cleared that window."

It looks like Greenland isn't considered a country



Keep your friends close…

Absolutely no where can I find any evidence he said this. I have been looking for an hour. Can you find something?

You know, after a minute or two of googling, Syria did cross my mind, but I shit you not, next thing I thought was "nah, that's too far fetched"

I just don't know anons. I just… I don't really know. Everytime I try to say "we're not THAT much into deep shit yet" the world just finds new ways to laugh in front of me.

Fuck I had forgotten about that; this isn't out of the blue at all, there is a pattern to this.

I did some digging earlier today and I found that Trump spoke in Henrico 10/14/15 but when I quick scanned the RSB recording I didn't find reference to 9-11 so… did he speak there since then?

No. Let's get him to say it.

At some point, they became able to hide in plain sight, because their actions were so absurd that nobody could believe what was happening. This state of affairs has been reinforced by the highly effective "conspiracy theory" meme, which compels anyone listening to theories (or even evidence) of abuse of power to write it all off as lunacy for fear of being ostracized by their peers.

Google the quote, the first source is a satire site.

TRS fags when it turns out, JEWS DID 9/11 haha. Also, Trump will be required to nuke Jewland. Dis gonna b gud xD

I fucking HATE those faggots

Have a video for that?

Pretty eager to watch.


Is it happening?


What happens if the mad man names Israel?

Yeah… I'm gonna go ahead and call it fake and gay.

he said "romantic system". what the fuck are you going on about.


Syria is another.

even if this article is bullshit there is plenty of stuff out there that confirms his intentions. even filter man swears Trump is going to do it

heres trump saying "we will find out who did 9/11"

There is no doubt about it… he knows.

This was very close to home and real for Trump, and knowing him and the hints he has dropped, he's looked into this extensively. I think that once he feels safe in office he will reopen the investigation… We may have to wait a while, but I think he's enough of a madman to actually do it. He's the perfect one to do it.

Holy shit I got chills reading that