This awesome poor kid is fucked.
This awesome poor kid is fucked.
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That's not how you break links, user.
One of us, one of us.
Majority of kids are redpilled by nature, before being reprogrammed. It's why you as parents need to help your child by giving him ways to verbalize his beliefs so that he can withstand the marxist assault from the culture at large.
Homeschooling is a given of course. Most pedophiles go into schooling for obvious reasons, and catladies live our vicariously through "teaching" other people's kids about penial skyscrapers and their other twisted fetishes.
Thank you. Fairly newfag here.
We have to do something nice for this kid. Somebody meme a medal or trophy for being based?
They could at least chant gas the kikes or something.
You needed a court order to figure that shit out?
i mean *you needed to google that
Top fucking Kek. Generation Z will be the ultimate shitlord generation.
More accurate to say kids have the capacity for common sense by nature.
They can come to a multitude of different opinions, and unlike those programmed by social marxists they can accept facts and reasoning to develop and change.
Unreal, I remember when I was a kid I got a little bothered by one particular teacher that insisted our class was responsible for the holohoax. But I was just one kid. The other kids snickered a bit, so I guess they just didn't care enough about the propaganda. But now kids must be absolutely sick of being browbeaten all the time. This is the only way you can make an entire lunchroom go full nazi like that.
School salt thread? School salt thread.
Did I do good Holla Forums?
Am I a martyr for the God-emperor?
Keep being smug, something similar happened to me in HS with an ass blasted tranny.
The smugger you are, the more powerful/invincible you get, their salt will fuel your smug and there's nothing they can do to stop it.
Typical fucking millennial cuck.
Great job, kid.
you got a long way to go kid
The majority of white millennials voted Trump.
Fun fact
We don't actually care about race we care how people act and if they act right/based we like them if they act like niggers nigging it up or sjws or some other athuritarian parasite we hate them
Pretty simple really no one likes a nigger everyone like a bro
Infuriating how white people delaying having children until they've saved enough money to ensure a non-dysfunctional childhood are going to end up paying her ebt bill during the next crash.
You're on the wrong board to be pushing that shit. We are not an extension of cuckchan.
Fuck off back to reddit, niGGer.
We need an autistic user to draft up a photoshopped document so we can actually send this out in the mail and email to these faggots.
Had a lotta fun talking to you "redpilled" oldfags. Y'all didn't accomplish shit jacking off to George Lincoln Rockwell. Get rekt, we trump now
Hitler was an inspirational guy, but look folks, he failed – big league. Trump is going to win, win, win.
You have no idea how much I'm trying to disagree with this.
I grew up in Redding and both of my brothers went to this school. Redding is not like the rest of California. Heavily white and conservative, very easy to get a cc permit. I've heard people say nigger in casual conversation. I doubt this kid will get in much trouble.
Not with the rest of the town, sure. It's basically Scottsdale, California fellow NorCalFag But the school cuckpliance officers seem to be really starting their periods over this.
Petition Trump to deport the beaners from this kid's town first and let the kid serve the paperwork on them.
My friend showed me his little brother's instagram account (he is 9-10) and the memes kids use now are so fucking meta it is unbelievable. Kinda how baby boomers were astonished by how kids just naturally use computers, the gen z kids are the same way with memes. It's unreal.
Don't say "we"
There are anons here who are like you say, others who sound like a parady of Holla Forums, and then a gradient between that.
Are you serious? That sounds hilarious, but I guess I'm not too surprised. Any examples?
I dont know his instagram handle offahnd, and I'm not gonna ask my friend for his little brother's social media. But all I can tell you is the kids are memeing with about 7 levels of irony and self -reference
I was just wondering if you had an example of an image macro or meme they were using, no interest in social media. Thanks though, sounds promising
Fucking this. When my 11-year-old kid asked about gays, he couldn't understand how they did it.
I said it VERY neutrally, as I didn't want to be accused of "raising him to hate" or whatever the latest buzzwords are. The faggots or whatever THEMSELVES will teach him to hate in their own time. He looked absolutely disgusted.
Now he's 17 and thinks gays are just people, too, and that I'm a retard and a racist. Fuckin' teenagers, man. I can't wait until he's in his mid-20s and starts fucking thinking for himself, again.
Nigger I did that shit back in fucking freshman year, step the fuck up and just call them spics. Who the fuck cares nigga you'll make real friends in college.
You've opened my eyes user, I understand now. Diversity is our strength!
If you like listening to your "friends" whine about Trump winning non-stop, then go to college.
they pass and go like the season. You don't need to fucking think too much about it.
America was originally non-white
The continent, i mean
And does this teach you any lessons about immigration policy, newfag-san?
Nice projecting, son
The aspects of protection are different in both cases, one is a protection of your own history and land. The other is a protection of history only, the land can change hands in any unfortunate case
They can larp all they want, americans are not in the same position as central europeans
I honestly believe half of these hate crimes by "Trump supporters" are really false flags by butthurt Hillary voters to slander us. They're already getting caught for their sloppy work.
Meanwhile, leftists are actually rioting and tearing down major cities like LA, NYC, Chicago, New Orleans and the kike media praises them as brave warriors of justice.
Hold up. If some spic comes up and admits she's illegal, did you report her? If not, you probably should right fucking now.
A country is defined by its people but not its territory. Rhodesia was a European nation because ethnically it was European. Zimbabwe, despite occupying the exact same tract of land, is not.
The United States of America has always been a white nation until very recently. I don't care what shitskins were occupying our land before Columbus rolled in.
Shitlord generation growing up under trump will be glorious.
Speak for yourself.
Those people displaced others. Don't fall for historical relativism young one, our current situation is not a very common one historically. Nobody would be interested in coming to America if not for what white people built, fought and died for. I don't know about you but more than a few of my ancestors were killed by savage natives.
we're being demographically replaced in every white country and you don't care?
you need to lurk son
You fucked up, if you weren't involved enough to learn what the fuck he was being taught in elementary/junior high its your fault. Thats when they program your kids.
We DO actually care about race - and if you don't, you don't belong here.
A nation is not an idea, it is a people, else it is no nation at all.
No, no no no, you stupid stupid fuckwit.
That 10% of the nigger population breaches IQ 100 does not make me like them, nor does them simply 'acting right'.
They can act right in their own fucking lands, and get the fuck out of ours.
Let them go make Africa, Mexico, India great a-…. for once.
Fck off
In med school, dad migrated as an engineer. We don't spew chit bout anyone and as true blue as any other bogan cunt
Its bout patriotism for your country, fkn act right, drink xxxx & play footy
If your bout race purity then stop jackin it & get a root
Not English, motherfucker. You have to go back.
Fucking wogs. You have to go back.
Your chart is fuckedup user, it says 2.3 times as many blacks in the US receive welfare than there are blacks in the US. lol.
This type of shit is dumb. Reliable sources only please.
in 98 I fabricated a copy of my schools reportcards, complete with the "bank check looking security image on the back of the paper" I showed some of my friends and next thing I knew i was charging $10 a head for fake report cards. And they fucking fooled everyone. All this with MS Paint.
Never underestimate the creativity of a bored white boy.
This is the absolute worst influx of newfags we have ever dealt with..
We need to start a couple emergency red pill threads
god damn it fucking stupid newfags
oh.. so we full blown cuckchan now huh
That's where you're wrong kiddo :^).
Someone get that buried science article showing that the oldest skeleton in America is of a caucasoid woman…
Even if that were true, which its not, it doesnt matter we took it over, we turned it into the powerhouse that its. It is ours get fucked.
I don't know what is worse, that somebody spent the time to get a degree to write this, or that they are now getting paid to write this.
Trips confirm, emergency redpill threads are needed.
Quads confirm America belongs to the white man.
Praise Kek
And we changed that with fire and steel.
That's why
seriously, fuck off back to tumblr of whatever shithole you came from, you don't have a fucking clue and don't belong here.
Whose opinion is that? The journalists?
Can't you post examples here ?
He's not fagneet user
Some advice OP.
i am damn smug
It looks like the principal's opinion.