Can we at the least mass dislike this? in fact, can we just chuck this sand nigger faggot over the wall?
TYT say "no wall, just a fence"
I can't stand watching that shitskin. Can you summarize what he says?
Also you're going to get banned for making this thread, just letting you know. I'm not reporting you, the mods will see it though.
Better to deny them the oxygen of publicity.
Then deny them literal oxygen on the DotR
make a webm you lazy cuckchan faggot
pretty much say aids and house republicans are saying there will be no wall, just a fence, bullshit considering the NPR release
while i usually agree and try to avoid posting (((jewtube))) shit, we need to understand these fuckers are the opposition and they already started try to DNC, Colbert did so too on his latest show
Why would the ICE endorse Trump if a impenetrable wall would put most of them out of work?
Trump doesn't need Congressional approval for the wall.
Just ignore the fucking mudslimes and they'll go away as their views crash.
The wall will be attacked and people will be smuggled via sea, their jobs will change and become watchers on the wall.
>The struggle between the two groups of Young Turks ended in January 1913, when the top leadership of the CUP seized personal power from Freedom and Accord in the Raid on the Sublime Porte. The subsequent CUP-led government was headed by interior minister and Grand Vizier Talaat Pasha. Working with him were war minister Enver Pasha and naval minister Djemal Pasha. These "Three Pashas", as they came to be known, exercised absolute control over the Ottoman Empire from 1913 to 1918, bringing the country closer to Germany, signing the Ottoman–German Alliance to enter the Empire into World War I on the side of the Central Powers,[6][7][8] and carrying out the Armenian Genocide.[9] Following the war, the struggle between the two groups of Young Turks revived, Freedom and Accord Party regaining the control of the Ottoman government and Three Pashas fleeing into exile. Freedom and Accord rule was short lived, however, and the empire soon collapsed.
Pure coincidence!
Funny thing about fences is, sightlines and bullets go through them
Their source is one quote which says congressional aides talked to DT advisory inquiring about alternatives. Niggers, he's going to build the wall
The wall should be built underground to prevent tunnels. Fences on the ground? Sure.
Yeah its horseshit, thx for clearing that up tho since he just shows the quote, and again, trumps 100 day plan included mention of the wall so im reassured. thx
The wall is a pork project for all the southern border states, you better believe they'll be all for it.
If they'd just control the borders effectively I wouldn't really care if they did it with a wall or not, I mean if guarding the border with genetically-engineered giant wolves trained to eat Mexicans are more cost-effective I'm cool with that
If anything, it's the absolute one thing Trump could never back down on - he introduced the idea of building the wall in his first speech when he announced his presidential bid. He wouldn't have mentioned it so many times if he couldn't/wouldn't get it done.
Besides, the amount of money saved from stopping illegal immigration and kicking out illegals more than covers the cost of the wall - not that the US will pay for it. It also creates jobs and will be seen as Trump's legacy after his term/s are up.
Every argument liberals have against the wall is demoralization. "If you build a wall, they'll bring ladders. If you make it taller, they'll tunnel under. If you build it out to the sea, they'll go around in boats. If you put mines in the sea to sink the boats, they'll parachute in from planes," ad infinitum. It's pointless to do anything because the coyotes and cartels will have to try harder and spend more money and risk long prison sentences for themselves and their flunkies to circumvent the wall, so we should just keep doing what Obama is doing right now:
By that logic, criminals will always commit crime, so we just should have police because what's the point? :^) Undoubtedly once in a while some will get over/under/around/teleport through, but the mere presence of a giant immovable cement block will make border hopping all but impossible for the average 4'10" Pablo and Esperanza.
Expect comparisons to the Berlin Wall - which was built by the left's beloved Soviet Union - where they fail to acknowledge that the Berlin Wall was built to keep East Germans trapped inside, while this wall will be built to keep out trash that we never wanted in the first place.
WebM for The Young Cockroaches.
He did say the wall was negotiable though. He said maybe it will be 40 feet, maybe it will be 42 feet, you have to be flexible.
The wall still needs people to man it - fly surveillance drones, patrol, man the MG emplacements, etc. You'll also have to have ICE on the lookout for illegals who slip in through the gates smuggled in trucks, and so on.
Lots of jobs to be had.
Is that before or after he made it 10 feet higher?
Shit, I forgot to attach the WebM.
And that second part was for:
And then I go a quote the wrong post at the end.
I'll shut the fuck up now, enjoy the WebM though.
Regardless whether it is a physical barier or a barrier of ICE agents there will be a wall
There needs to (and will be) a physical wall. ICE agents can be scaled back by future administrations. Walls can be build to stand the test of time.
Future administrations won't be able to tear it down directly either, because that would be political suicide.
It needs to be a wall in critical areas, and rest a fence, the libcucks will just make a symbol if all of it will be a wall and try to take it down each day, justifying chimp outs and shit. Make concrete wall in some parts, and rest fence with hired personnel.
It hink they have mistaken what kind of wall it's gonna be and what sort of payment he was taking about
Do you think he knows he's being dishonest, or is he genuinely too dumb to know that congressional aides speak for congressman and not the president-elect? Serious question; I have very little faith in the intelligence of turkroaches.
Fox, TYT, NPR all shilling the same "trump cancels all his campaign promises" shit for the last two days. Disgusting. These cocksleeves all get their marching orders from the same (((place))).
I was right, they brought up the Berlin Wall within the very first minute. Cenk Uygur is a huge faggot. It says right on Trump's website that it's going to be a wall. If it's a wall backed up by two layers of fencing, topped with razor-wire, with land mines in between, then that's great. As for the issue of private land being in the path, that land can and probably will be purchased from the owners, as is customary when government acquires land for projects like freeways.
The only thing this Turkroach mentioned that I think is actually a legitimate concern, instead of liberal smug, is Jamie Dimon being considered for Treasury Secretary. But that's a separate issue, because it's not the wall.
Overall 2/10, would Crusade against.
In reality, Trump has smoothed relations with Russia, has Assad willing to work with him, made the stockmarket explode and has both Canada and Mexico ready to renegotiate NAFTA and he's not even the president yet.
That's for a good reason
walls are barriers.
they can be physical or spiritual.
what's important is its practicality.
google "eminent domain"
The government is allowed to take any land they want as long as it's for public use and they compensate the owner at or above market price.
What if we put fences on both sides of the wall?
Better yet, put a monorail on top of it and a 16 ft moat on each side, irrigating the soil and creating more farmland