Can your unrustworthy language do this?
Can your unrustworthy language do this?
Webassembly is the future where we replace javascript, you mean.
The future is 10,000 years of darkness, minimum.
Sadly, it's probably the future of all applications, even embedded.
Why? Webassembly is the javascript killer. We'll be able to target the web with any language that can generate llvm ir. We can already do this with several other technologies but this will be less of a hack than emscripten.
based pale moon
Also, WA is going to finally make India a super power by 2020.
wasm can't access the DOM
You don't understand. There is already talk of compiling the JVM into webassembly.
Pajeets know Java and so code farms are going to make sure Java runs on webassembly, but webassembly doesn't have built in GC.
You can compile C++ to webassembly however, and the JVM is written in C++.
The future of all applications is Java applets running on a JVM running in a webassembly VM which are really just grafted on to the main browsers' existing JS VMs.
Do you honestly believe that people are going to write a JVM for webassembly? Nobody's going to do that. What they'll do is write a webassembly target for the Java compiler.
It just requires a shim, that's no big deal.
A new era of Pajeet is upon us.
I can't wait to see Python, Ruby, PHP, and even Smalltalk in the browser.
That used to actually be a legit thing. It's not used anymore though because it was a giant fucking security vulnerability, and Oracle basically had to set the default Java settings to block all browser applets, and removed the option to turn the security off, aside from a whitelist.
I know but with web assembly it will make a comeback and all Pajeets will know be certified web developer specialists.
No GC = No Java.
They are going to take an existing C++ JVM, strip out/replace any system calls, and replace the inline x86 assembly of the JIT with inline Webassembly.
They will then compile this new Webassembly compatible JVM into Webassembly, and it will JIT compile Java bytecode into Webassembly, which will then be JIT compiled by the Webassebly VM into machine code.
An acquaintance of mine in Mumbai tells me marketing already has a trademark for the this technology, JIT^JIT, with slogan
I said that that is mathematically incorrect, but he just laughed.
If you thought Javascript has been a cancer on the web for the last 10 years wait until the web becomes literal POO.
to be fair, java applets ran their code on the JVM that lived outside the browser. He's not wrong.
i knew not killing myself was a mistake
Back in the day it was a vastly superior option to shockwave and flash.
Webassembly just like javascript is cancer and will only further DRMs.
A browser should not execute code.
A browser will render text.
A browser will render images.
LOL. Fucking kill yourself retarded LARPer.
Enjoy your text and images
They were ahead of their time, perhaps even the first. The first cancer cell.
One of these days I'm going to make a javascript free website that does all the things javascript does, but with janky as fuck static links. Every time javascript would have normally redrawn a piece of the page, it instead sends off a request to a server script to re-generate HTML and get the new HTML back.
Just wait till some fucking "web framework" spreads like cancer that essentially compiles and runs a shittier browser inside your browser and uses "optimized" proprietary binary files instead of HTML.
Java applets were never superior to anything. They were pure fucking cancer that Sun pushed uphill. People hated the entire browser freezing for a long time every time they'd hit a page with one so they never made it into widespread use.
I envy you for your ability to make that statement. I hope you never had to develop for ie6, either.
the only reason to develop anything anymore is for embedded systems and scientific computing for nasa or so we can leave this planet and go somewhere there are no pajeets or sanfran devs or womyn coders. everything else is trash and ultimately, pointless.
Far worse: I was paid by MSR to develop something extremely complicated for IE for PocketPC around 2000. You can probably imagine what circle of hell that was, but you'd still be way off.
Blog time: that project was also featured in MS's demo day for Windows Server 2003 to showcase 'the power of Server 2003'. Only problem: it was LAMP. But money talks so I got it running as a hacked up version of PHP in IIS using tools/libraries I had to port to Cygwin (for some of those tools/libraries that's the untold story behind their first Cygwin port). Performance was shit, but it worked.
rust can use wasm if i recall, i was impressed with one of the q3a (pretty sure it's not q3a but the other versions john carmack or some retard made) ports as the performance was solid yet only ran at 60fps due to the web browser.
only downside is that wasm supports java, java applets are coming back in a new form.
I used to browse sights that occasionally had dozens on one page.
Displays as blank pages. Sure, I can do that in pretty much any language.
I never ran into sites with heavy applet use other than for classes. People were really crazy about them being the future, though. Much worse than the Rust shit today.
There will be no click to enable for wasm though, it will be invisible like WebDRM. At least there is still a config flag for it asm.js.
Is there a website where I can detect if my browser supports webassembly? I want to make sure I use a browser that never supports it.
Holla Forums.jpg
that's a web dev for you
So basically we're pretending the whole markup thing failed and we're back to Applets and Flash.
Fucking great. You can count me out man.
one thing I sincerely hope JavaScript takes over is IPMI. Maybe then it'd work consistently.
Cause IPMI, you see.
You need Java™ to play this DRM-ridden content!
Markup did fail. It takes hardware that would have been in the supercomputer class 10 years ago just to comfortably browse threads of '80s manga, and the browsers used to do so have more lines of code than cutting-edge fighter jets.
Dude that's why web browsers need to interpret web pages written in Rust. We could use generics to abstract ourselves away from the markup and let the language provide us with the results. It would be remarkable and improve the web.
I doubt oracle would let anyone use Java SE API for free after the dalvik/art shitshow. Java will and should be kept on the backend.
kys klabdick
How could this even happen?
Who let this happen?
"60% white" USA