Trump Promotes Hardliners, Demotes Christy/Guliani
I think there's a thread already on the catalog about this, but I don't think we ever answered
I can't imagine Trump not giving Rudy a spot to be honest, chrispy maybe not because of the case building against him for bridgegate.
Rudy is getting a spot, but I don't know if it will be attorney gen, Christie def not getting one
Makes me sad, Chrispy did go to bad for Trump.
We need people like Ron Paul and Michael Scheuer.
As a fellow NJ user im glad Chrispy isn't gonna be part of his team. He stands for the corruption that Trump is against, and he is also bought and paid for by the pharmaceutical kikes here in NJ.
Good, this faggot is trying to worm nevertrump trojan horses in. Get him out before that happens.
Mike "What's your mother's maiden name?" Pence is much worse.
Chrispy has fucked NJ hard tho
Pence is there to fill the gaps in appeal that Trump has. He's been quite helpful with that so far.
Most pro-Israel "conservative" guys like him (the small-time ones like Pence, anyway) simply see the "white" Jews who generally dress and speak like us fighting terrorist shitskins. They aren't redpilled. They don't know about hardly any of the shit we talk about. They just see the surface-level situation over there and it's an easy call to them, especially because "muh 9/11", "muh Jesus".
Just because they're ignorant doesn't necessarily make them evil or irredeemable. We have to keep our eyes on them and keep spreading the word out.
Compare these pictures to liberals who also approach the Israel situation at face value and blindly side with the muds. Who would you rather have in charge?
Crispy Creme is damaged goods. Bridgegate is too much baggage to bring on. Full disclosure, I hate that fat fuck, but I need to be fair to those who weren't cucks. You can't just have bullshit like that and still expect to not be compromised in a position and compromise your boss…. Who is going to try to drain the swamp of corruption.
Are you claiming his 80 something year old mother is Jewish because she has a perm?
The man in the picture isn't jewish enough, it also needs a nigger standing to the right of him showing why he also votes Democrat.
the rich guy should be more jewish and should be paying SJWs to attack the republican guy in order to distract him or whatever, since we all know SJWs IN FACT DO ruin conservatives lives by getting them fired and whatnot
I'm going to need more than "Pence's 90yr old mother looks kinda funny" as proof, there Holla Forums.
ID check
You are wrong Pence is a devout evangelical, although he looks sincere in supporting israel, he only does so because he want Israel to be reunited so jesus will return. All sinners will be punished including the jews who do not accept jesus.
Evangelicals support Israel only for themselves not for the jews. It is just that they are to stupid to realize that they are being played and that Judaism, Christianity and Islam is a lie to cuck the west.
Kansas fag here good to know a Kansan is going to be helping trump we are a hardworking group and out of everyone in the states our morels are the highest…. if you dont count the meth probably where were working on America's bread basket is ready to help make America great again
I hope he really demotes Guliani, he is a prime example of a neocon cuckervative.
i doubt it
Some promising choices, but foreign policy is extremely important because it sets the tone for the rest of govt
Pence cannot be trusted on foreign policy
Fuck that shit, Chris took out Rubio in spectacular fashion. Bridgegate? Who gives 2 shits? Liberals are shutting down traffic everywhere all the goddamn time.
Rudy was great during the dancing arabs thing. People change, Trump is that powerful.
I'm sorry for Crispie Creame, he does deserve credit for supporting the Don through the darkest times, but he is still a corrupt asshole who has sold his soul to the wailing wall. Donald Trump needs to get good, loyal people, not stuffing his cabinet with his buddies. That's why I don't like seeing people recommend his campaign staff like Corey in the House and Manafort. They did their jobs in the campaign and were paid by Trump for their time, but that doesn't mean they are good for the cabinet. Bannon was pretty damn cool no matter what
He wasn't really; my guess is Christie is going to get a cabinet position, so they wanted to move him off the lead of the cabinet staffing committee to avoid a conflict of interest.
How about Gowdy for AJ? he seems pretty based or am I missing something about him?
Are you cucks seriously shilling for Guliani?
trump liked gowdy, gowdy liked rubio, trump retweeted some shots at gowdy, rubio sank, gowdy later endorsed trump
hopefully water under the bridge.
Rudy will be his Supreme Court nomination.
no, i'm just saying he'll probably get a position in the government
True but this is not conduct a guv should be caught engaging in.
Personally I could give a fuck considering what all the rest of the slime in DC pull.
Small potatoes at best
Actually trump gave out his list of judges and rudy aint one of them.
Nothing would bring me more joy than watching Rowdy Gowdy grind the Clinton Foundation to dust.
fedora much?
If he were still a cuck I would be in favor of using it to denigrate him, but he bent the knee to Trump.
Never destroy an ally because he made your enemies mad.
He totally fucked up Kebab and Niggers when he was mayor, so hes not all bad
Daily Planet reminder that Superman is from Kansas
Countries full of rich white people are good.
Countries full of socialist blacks are not good.
Image is just moronic.
evangelicals dont support israel because of jesus coming back, they think israels creation is a fulfillment of prophecy and they think they have to bless jews or God will strike them down, and supporting jewland would include that, no matter how many christian arabs die :^)
I'm still fucking pissed he approved of the Democrat's gas tax. Who in their right mind would be a good idea?
This picture is fucking gay. All the assholes in Wall Street are fucking Jews, and they all vote Democrat. Nice try, CTR.
I'm really scared that Trump will allow cuckservatives into his administration. Really scared.
Yeah 'demoted' is a CNN talking point. Holy fuck the dude is lucky to have a career and now he's part of the Trump team. He couldn't be in a better place going forward.
Fuck off, shill. Christie helped Trump as a backstabber. Traitors are never trustworthy. Remember when Christie helped Obama best Romney? It's good that Trump is cutting Christie loose.
Guliani is, in fact, a cuck.
this guy has posted this shit in several threads, he's not trying to make a point, just shilling
I don't see Guliani mentioned at all in either of those articles.
You forgot to post how Pence supported the electrocution of faggots.
I want people to look at
And all those threads about Trump's talk with Obama over the healthcare act.
I want you Holla Forums to look at it and realize the same hammered, spammed talking points.
I want Holla Forums to realize the same old MUH JEWS tactics that have returned after months of shilling for the blackpill instead.
And I want you to then realize something else. This shilling didn't resume until about yesterday. A full day after he won. A full day after, lets say, a certain group would have been given new marching orders and new shilling directions.
And then I want you faggots to fucking tell me this isn't either
1. Organized trolling by outside forces like goons or IRCfags
2. Outright political shills
And? It's a little strange to have a day without shills on Holla Forums. Like going hunting all day and not seeing a single skeeter/tick.
I'm just pointing it. Because some people STILL don't think this place is a victim of organized shitposter/shilling. Because I've seen a board utterly destroyed by organized shitposter (not political but still) and it fucking angers me to see it happen and have people dismiss it.
Everything now is conjecture, so take this with a HUGE pile of salt.
Rumor has it that Crispy Cream was doing some underhanded shit. Trying to hire some shady RINO career politicians whose agendas are not in line with Trump. Remember Crispy Cream was a Bush lap dog. Trump took the staffing job away from Crispy for underhanded shit. The Bridgegate explanation is a cover for the media. Let's face it, it's been going on for awhile now and didn't matter, until he put Crispy in charge of hiring cabinet members. Now Pence and his kids are running the show. Crispy Cream is anathema. He needs to ditch that fat piece of back stabbing shit.
We all should pay very close attention to who he is choosing to help and who fills those positions. Those people can make or break Trump's effectiveness during his presidency, or hell, his presidency itself.
Cutrona seems alright, for a woman, I guess.
4 daughters, Baptist, Tale, kind of a cuck… Cute wife though.
We'll see.
Fuck that faggot, he's a Ziodrone twat.
Christie is more of a fuckwit, but I don't take his Israel ball-suckling to be nefarious, just rather stupid and willing.
Jewdy, on the other hand, is another matter. Fuck that guy.
When will the meme shit end with this fuck? He didn't actually give a shit about nailing her, simply giving the impression that he fought but gosh darn it she's just so entrenched that I couldn't do a thing. The guy merely wants to look as if he's an attack dog but when it comes time to actually bite it's revealed he's totally toothless.
Fuck him.
Attorney General doesn't have too much influence on foreign affairs though so his hardline Israel support is irrelevant to that position. Christie only has himself to blame for not getting a position because he is guilty for the bridge shit.
What makes you call him a cuck when he's got four kids that are his own and is strongly anti-immigration?
No, this is wrong. He uncovered and brought to light a lot in his investigations. But you have to remember, he is a member of the House. He can't do anything. All Congress can do is interview, subpoena, and gather evidence for the DoJ to do the indictments. They can't indict. That's not within there scope. He did everything he was supposed to under the restrictions of Congress. It was up to Obama and the DoJ to indict based on the evidence provided by Congressional hearings and investigations. The DoJ under Obama refused to make moves based on what Gowdy and the Oversight Committee did. He can't control that.