fag removal when?
Fuck off, and if they impeach Trump, there's going to be war.
If Mike Pence is so great, why didn't he run for president and end up as the candidate instead of Trump?
They won't impeach him. Not without cause and not when he can purge the party.
pls stop
This is why Trump shouldn't appease cuckservatives & go full speed on the Trump train. Destroy the party before they have a chance to fight back!
Hahaha the sheer FEAR of these kikes is unreal
Remember, the thread of civil war prevented the democrats from stealing the election.
We need to do the same to prevent (((them))) from JFKing the Emperor or replacing him with Pence.
It's Trump or bust. If they oust him they all die. Anyone that votes for impeachment can expect vigilante justice.
I could see it happening the system a shit
Impeached by who? The Republican controlled Congress?
Dont make me laugh, kikes
This should've just gone in the salt thread.
He's the same guy that predicted Trump's victory a while back along with nearly every presidential election for decades
It's a real threat, the GOP is not on either our side or Trump's side, especially with Trump break party convention
A stab in the back should be expected
He's right that repulicans are a bunch of traitorous snakes, but I'm not sure they would have the balls to impeach Trump to get president Pence. The main question is: How loyal is Pence towards Trump?
Impeachment is not a downvote, stupid leftists.
Republicans despise trump, are you the type that honestly believes Hilary and jeb were not on the same team?
oh wow. it's nothing.
A Republican congress voted to impeach Nixon.
based on campaign behavior and debates where he continuously second guessed Trump, pre-campaign behavior of "that's illegal, we can't let him become president" I doubt he's all that loyal
He's a neocon at heart
The GOP only stayed in power because of the Trump movement, if they betray him their heads will be on the chopping block.
Also Trump hasn't committed any high crimes.
Impeachment is the ultimate downvote. It puts a seated President on trial, during which he is censured, and can ultimately lead to his removal from office.
Uh huh, on what grounds?
You need cause to impeach a President. There's a reason it's only been tried three times ever.
They went after him every time his campaign appeared to falter, at this point betrayal from them should be expected
True and I doubt there will be a cause, but it won't stop them from trying.
You're concern trolling.
For the moment, they've got nothing to impeach him over. It's not an immediate concern. They might have something four years down the line but given that most of the Republicans owe their position to him and the Democrats are too weak to do anything, it would have to be something major.
Some of the shits like Ayotte that didn't bend the knee paid by losing their seats already in the election.
Fuck off nigger. They can't do a goddamn thing. They don't have grounds to impeach. This is impotent whining from a butthurt bunch of lefties.
Good point tbh.
But why not Hillary?
I also predicted a long time ago that Trump is likely to get impeached. All of congress is against him and the neocons hes hired could easily lead him in the wrong direction.
kill yourself shill
If that happens you can expect real riots, and won't be in Trump tower
This is actually very likely considering Trump is dismantling the old corrupt GOP bullshittery. No way in hell they wouldn't want Trump gone if they could.
If it happens, it will be down to you Murrikans to actually grab your guns and do something. You don't need to go shooting, just make a strong statement that you won't let it slide.
I know you CTR idiots are devastated but at least put effort in it, still his OPINION is very much correct, (((they))) will either try to kill him or put Pence in his place by force, but it would backfire tremendous and bring about the day of the rope.
If they tried that shit, Trump should refuse to step down, with the threat of millions of armed Americans behind him.
A GOP Congress impeached Nixon but they had a very good reason. Don't take them for fools, the GOP knows very well the people that's rallying behind the Emperor, they wouldn't DARE.
why is this a problem for us? the rioting and violence give us a great time to bring the man more supporters in preparation for 2020 we can gather enough support to protect him from this at the same time
yeah fuckin right
Trump should just go full Lincoln or FDR in his power grab. It has precedent so it's ok.
They have an even better reason now. Trump came in to a tired and neutered GOP and showed the people that there can be an actual conservative force that isn't just following in the democrat steps. They opposed him every step of the way and he still won. Trump has basically killed the current rotting carcass of the GOP which had been propped up for so long by the democrat hand up its ass, their shit will NEVER fly again now that Trump has won. He basically broke up the two parties again after they had become one over the years, now you again have two actually distinct ideologies instead of the neverending march of "more wars" and "more Marxism".
So yes, they do have a very good reason to impeach him, if they don't they will actually have to start representing people and doing their jobs instead of living comfortable crafting backroom deals with the democrats.
His gut is telling him it doesn't want to get stabbed by a nigger on the way to work.
Let them try.
Pretty much.
Trump made it clear when he refused to clarify whether or not he would concede to Clinton if she won that he's on the side of the American people % 100. The fact that there are so many people threatening to impeach him before he's done anything shows how delusional and irrational the radical left has become.
mere coincidence
The country wouldn't survive this. It'd make Trump supporters(and probably military) go full RWDS which would kick off counter "protests" from kikes. It would spiral into a full-blown war so fast.
Nobody mainstream knows who Mike Pence is but they sure know Trump. He'll sneak into the presidency once he's sent his sniper Chris-chan to take Trump and silences him with Ian Miles Cheong. The old Oswald-Ruby trick.
Won't. Fucking. Happen.
These people are sheep. They do what their masters tell them.
Trump collected contact information from every single person who attended one of his rallies. He owns that information, not the RNC. How many ralliers do you think he could flood into DC in 24 hours if they tried a bullshit impeachment?
lol not all of trump supporters are pols, most don't want to take the risk
Teeth should be bared on twitter with a hashtag like trumpordie. Whites must threaten to go crazy (an Israel tactic) if Trump is impaired or impeached without justification.
You're clearly glad about the prospect of a Trump impeachment. Fuck off.
You are not one of us. Go back to where you came from.
In related news, Trump University. From what I've heard, some faggots thought they didn't really learn much during some seminars. Why is this a fucking issue?
It was Trump's biggest mistake, by picking Pence, he did little to appease the neocons and instead gave them a feasible route to take the presidency back.
What about Term Limits? Would they try to nail him over that?
It's plausible.
What happens when der Trumpenfuhrer goes on TV after Congress refuses to play ball and pass legislation that's part of his Plan for America, lets the American People know just how cucked these faggots really are, and encourages them to initiate recalls on the traitorous vermin?
Him going against the lobbyists and proposing term limits. They don't want to lose the gravy train.
What we really need is a pogrom and take the newspapers away from them and weed them out of the universities, the government, and the courts. For 2% of the population, you turn over a rock and you find a fucking jew slithering like a slug.
Trump wont just push that shit out cold turkey.
I sense he might include it in something that's so juicy the GOP can't help but say yes.
They gave him the (((Talk))) on the second day after he won. No shit the noses are spooked this time.
Okay but what would he be offering them? You're talking big gibs here. What would Trump do that the GOP would be happy with?
I don't know. I freely admit I ain't no Trump and I'm not American, so I'm not 100% in the know on GOP stuff.
If I had to guess, he can either offer them something so shekelerific they can't say no, but perhaps include a little stipulation that removes the shekel. This would require him to fool the kikes. I think he can pull it off, who knows.
The other option is go full RATO cuckservative. Offer the GOP something that's so in line with their typical crap, if they ever DREAMED of shooting it down everything GOP would collapse.
Something like a combination of a hard Christian judge, repealing Obamacare (which he wants to do for the most part anyway), maybe some gun deregulation, and throw in some free market shit.
It's got to be shit that ultimately doesn't matter, or helps him, but that would be just absolute suicide for the GOP house and senate to refuse. It'd have to be so obviously republican conservative even the most bluepilled of nevertrumpers would look at them saying no and just fucking REEEE hard.
I get what you're saying but I think the GOP is just shrieking in fear before they are silenced forever. Honestly with everything we've managed to pull off against all odds, Trump will probably have his people expose all of the corrupt and backwards shit the GOP does and then spread it through the MSM by force. Just like how the FBI took down the Mob, get them in the spotlight and make easily digestible normie-friendly points to get them executed in the court of public opinion. Just like with what he did to every single fucking kike who tried to stand up to him.
He needs the GOP though.
There's no guaranty that a new party can form in time for the next midterms and we can't afford to lose congress until at least 2020.
Or well, you can't afford to lose congress.
The GOP must be reformed, but the party apparatus must remain.
All he needs to do is blackmail the biggest cucks into not seeking reelection.
That could work.
Honestly, the majority of the GOP leadership, despite being cucks, bent the knee. Some didn't like the Bush family, Kristol or that massive faggot McCain, but the others did.
When your enemies bend the knee you must be willing to pick them back up. Otherwise nobody will bend the knee to you.
Yeah but they're kikes. They feign weakness then strike in the back as they cry. They're a menace that must be stopped, and Trump could follow in Hitler's footsteps some more by completely disbanding the GOP and creating the American Nationalist party after exposing their corruption.
I meant the shabboos goy, and I meant letting them leave gracefully instead of full force pussy grabbing.
The kikes get no mercy.
What? Hitler was part of NSDAP all along and was not the creator of it, that was Drexler.
By picking Pence, Trump helped solidify the cuckianity vote. It was the same thing he did in the third debate. Was successful strategy.
How about that.
They will try and cook up some shit, but the establishment is out of ammo after covering up Hillary Clinton and Obama for 8 years.
They both could have got impeached at anytime in the last 8 years for any of the scandles, IRS, Gun running to mexico, Open boarders, ISIS funding and arming.
They can fuck off.
Your digits confirm he will give no quarter.
Yes but Hitler transformed it into something beautiful. We will make his vision bigger and better this time.
Perhaps Trump will instead just transform the Republican party into something beautiful.
Reading comprehension. The Republican party leadership likes Pence, the voters don't.
I know he will. He wouldn't have challenged the kikes like this if he didn't have a plan, and the plan is proceeding as expected.
Jews and non-whites are the problem, not fags. Get rid of Jews and faggotry will greatly subside.
Remember what happened last time the GOP leadership went against the people?
This thread is still not shoah'd yet?
So many replies to a bait thread about a shitlib professor who cashed in on a prediction predicated on the fact that the incumbent party winning three terms is absolutely improbable based on statistics of previous American elections.
This faggot is not worth any of your time, Holla Forums. Focus on the CP and bring these immoral cunts down. Get God Emperor aware.
Children are innocent and worth the effort to save.