Have any of us actually gone outside to fuck with the leftist faggots protesting against the God-Emperor? I know most of us have jobs and obviously can't stay out until 1am on a week night like these savages, but what about this weekend? Hell, what about tonight? There are two protests near me tonight, and I'll be going to one that was organized by ancom scum. I've gone to leftist events before on multiple occasions to taunt them, and it is at least ten times more entertaining to do it in person than it is online. They can't block you IRL. They can't tag their friends in to help them. All they can do is bitch and moan. If they try to assault you, then you do what Hyde wants to do if he ever has to defend himself from John Oliver outside of his apartment.
Here's a few variables to account for when planning to laugh at these commies/libs/degenerates: 卐Is it a gun free zone? (ALWAYS carry when attending these things, but it's preferable to be legal) 卐Where will you park? 卐Will it be obvious which vehicle is yours? (Important so your vic doesn't get rekt) 卐What are potential choke points? 卐Where will the police likely try to guide the crowd to?
Location can be a determining factor in whether or not to proceed with going out there to laugh at them. The key thing is to trust your gut. If you feel like you could become a statistic, then don't go.
卐It is recommended to have a gas mask on hand in case crowd control agents are deployed. 卐Pepper spray is great if you know how to use it, because it can fuck up multiple libs at once if there's a couple of them getting stupid, but not stupid enough to employ your firearm 卐Speaking of which, CARRY A GODDAMN GUN and know how to use it. Chimps often carry knives, and can be resourceful with blunt objects. 卐Depending on your area and the threat level that you may be facing, concealable body armor may be a good idea to wear. 卐Sap gloves are another option, if you can get them in your area. These can seriously fuck a chimp up if you actually work out unlike some of the either obese or twiggy faggots I've met from here. 卐Retractable batons are excellent, but once again require the user to actually work out. Go for the face, neck, joints, etc. Basically where you wouldn't want to be hit. 卐I would not recommend a knife for self defense. Unless you have actually had some measure of training, you are equally likely to hurt yourself as you are somebody else.
卐Do NOT get in the way of LE. If they tell you to move, move. You're out there to laugh at the cucks; not look like you're one of them. 卐Do NOT let the nigs make it look like you started a fight. If one of them is attempting to get physical, make it VERY obvious to anybody watching that you are trying to back away and that you are threatened/intimidated by the chimp. Plus, if LE takes them down, how awesome would that be? 卐If they move onto the streets, do not join them. LE nearly always gives an order to disperse and GTFO of the streets. I don't know your local departments' strategies for dealing with rioters, so err on the side of caution. I'd hate to see any of my brothers get taken into custody with a bunch of libs.
Law enforcement is our ally in this. Be sure to act like it.
卐Do not give your real name or any info. This should be obvious, but I know that some people would give their real info. Just say you're Sam Hyde or something. 卐Wear a camera if you can to document any/all events at the protest. The more camera or recording devices, the better. This way if a nig assaults you and you have to drop him, you've got video evidence as to why you did what you did. 卐Try not to let them get any info on your vehicle. It's unavoidable if you have to drive through a crowd, but try to avoid it if at all possible.
卐I'd honestly say to refrain from calling them niggers or spics, etc. simply for legal reasons. If you do that and THEN they assault you, resulting in you having to defend yourself, you would look like the bad guy. If you want to do that, then more power to you, but just understand that doing so just gives the commies ammo. 卐Same goes for attire. Dress professionally, don't have dreads and smell like patchouli. 卐Concealed carry is suggested, since you don't quite know where you'll be.
You guys are obviously free to do whatever you choose, but these are just some suggestions I thought up. I will be attending a protest tonight, and I'm super excited about it. It's not often that I get a chance to harvest salt from libs in person, and I'm sure that I'll be able to put Morton out of business.
Best of luck to my fellow Holla Forumslacks this weekend who are braving the groids to harvest salt. Pic related.
Fuck you shill, I live in a state where the worst thing I could get for CCing in an area where I'm not supposed to is a fine. I'm not afraid.
Christopher Bell
That is with the exception of federal gun free zones, though. Don't carry there.
Either way, I blatantly stated that it's just a suggestion and people can do whatever the fuck they want. Slit your wrists.
Adam Peterson
This seems like a terrible idea. You're not furthering any cause by inciting brainwashed drones. If anything you'd be feeding the media machine the narrative that "violent Trump supporters disrupt peaceful protest".
Sounds like you just want an excuse to assault/kill a liberal, which is all fine and good but NOW is not the time for this shit.
Asher Thompson
Then when is? They're asking for conflict. The cops don't care to protect local businesses. I can't tell if you're concern trolling or what.
Nolan Morgan
Nope. Work and get money. Invest in non-perishable rations, water. guns, ammo, gold, silver. Exercise and get healthy. Wait patiently until early spring when the stock market bubbles burst. Good luck.
Carter Murphy
If you want to fuck leftist protesters, just buy some cheap junker off craigslist and put Bernie2016 stickers on your car and drive to the protests, once your car inevitably gets encircled and protesters start hitting your car, drive over them as your life is in danger.
There's always a legal way to kill commies, user, because they're retards who break the law and threaten and endanger people's lives.
Luke Bailey
Because businesses have insurance, they don't care either. You're not some hero.
When we're past the point of no return, and on that day you won't ""need"" to convince people to join your cause. They'll already be out on the streets.
I'm not trying to troll you, I just want you to know that your efforts would be better spent at a different time.
Grayson Garcia
Tell that to business owners in Ferguson who lost everything.
Our targets are already on the streets :^)
I could totally afford to do this, then likely clean the vehicle up a bit and sell it for a profit. Don would be proud!
Chase Allen
I'm at work right now, have a very good amount of guns & ammo, some rations, water, and I'm physically fit. I train with my body armor in full kit. I'm ready. But what makes you think there's any bubble to burst?
Xavier Allen
Serious shills, get the fuck out
Jackson Phillips
Cameron Howard
Lurk zerohedge.
You can do whatever you want, you're an adult. I'm just saying it can potentially affect more than just you in a very negative way at a time when it's unnecessary. Be patient, or don't.
Luis Hernandez
filtered, faggot die in a grease fire
Angel Howard
Luke Collins
no, because they are only protesting in blue states lol
Jacob Perry
Ironic that he's a shill calling somebody else a shill, eh?
Try to look up shit like "trump protest [INSERT STATE]" on faceberg. I did it and found several going on this weekend, even though I'm in a red state. These stupid fucks even made their pages public, because "MUH RIGHT SIDE OF HERSTORY". They're begging to be toyed with.
Ayden Lopez
I find it extremely odd that Holla Forums would want to silence dissent, considering Holla Forums has always been dissenting.
We normies now?
Robert Wilson
This is a dumb line of argument. "You've been for the underdog when you were the underdog, why are you not sacrificing your actual goals now that you've changed social position?"
Liam Watson
Attending the Toronto protest in a MAGA hat: good idea or bad idea?
Bentley Gonzalez
Do it, but stay safe user.
1/10, I replied. Sadly CTR is out of funds to deposit into your account, though.
Xavier Russell
Hey liberal the goal was never dissent. We don't want to play victim.
Our dream is a boot crushing a human face, ONCE, forever.
That is to say we utterly exterminate the enemy and erase them from history, wipe out the bad blood and other races. We don't need terror to enforce behavior because our goal is to leave only those with a predisposition to the behaviors we want alive.
The left must not only cease to be, it must cease to have ever been. It will be an anthropological curiosity and forgotten by the general population. That is the goal.
Chase Thompson
Jack Johnson
Yeah, fuck reason and logic. Let's just kill them all!
Landon Gutierrez
I mean, no, not at all. But the thought is funny to consider.
Kevin Anderson
Except I never said to go out of your way to attack them, you stupid fucking shill. I specified DEFENSE. Kill yourself.
Daniel Allen
So, you want to repeal the First Amendment. Good luck with that.
Jayden Gray
Well if you can get away with it. You could covertly murder niggers and spics(jews would be good but they don't chimp out) with a supressed .22 pistol in some urban hellhole simply to further destabilize them. One man doing it wouldn't accomplish much but 1,000 unrelated individuals could kill several thousand niggers a year and not be caught. Afterall it would look like gang killings
As for how this would cause riots. I knew several affirmative action undergraduate niggers when I was teaching classes back in 2009 as a geologist. They honestly believed that most blacks were being murdered by a conspiracy of white racist serial murderers.
Can we meme this into reality?
Making mother of all race wars here jack, can't fret over every negro.
Here is a nerve gas recipe I have been posting and refining since 2009, note that nerve gas is 100% legal to manufacture in the USA. pastebin.com/TGzmYw7E
Get a 25gal hazmat container which is hermetically sealed. Buy a car with cash from somebody you don't know a distance from your home. This requires no proof of ID and no paper trail. Purchase or make any sort of explosive you desire. Collect a large amount of hair and skin flakes from local airports or anywhere that people congregate. Us this contaminate the interior of the vehicle to hide your own from forensics. Drive to a major urban center. Steal a license plate from the area such as a motel parking lot outside the city center and discard the original somewhere it will not be found like a river(this will further complicate the tracking of the vehicle and prevent them from identifying you on CCTV footage as you drive through the city. Park the vehicle in any open lot or in the street. Detonate the explosives with a simply electronic timer connected to blasting caps or another suitable ignition source. You will kill between 2,000 and 30,000 depending on the population density and weather conditions. Saracens spent 50 million dollars to hijack planes and kill a few thousand. A white man could kill tens of thousands over and over again without being caught for a few thousand dollars.
Kayden Myers
The goal is victory, faggot.
Charles Kelly
the cuck dies and his reign ends, the martyr dies and his reign begins.
defend yourself to the death. go on the run and start right wing death squadding. dont get locked up. stand up and fight.
Easton James
Holy fuck leftypol, get the fuck out. You really, REALLY should join all the other pieces of shit who have killed themselves after Trump won.
Ryder Edwards
You're just selectively ignoring my previous replies. I've already given you a blessing, just that you should be aware of the effects of your actions.
that's hilarious I'm fine with people killing libs and niggers if they do it in a way that could never be connected to them. Creating a high-profile "self-defense" case is a different story. Also, capping this post for uhh… research purposes.
Josiah Bennett
We want to exterminate or exile all liberals, non-whites, and cucks.
Diversity of opinion doesn't imply all those opinions are valid.
We want a fucking white nationalist USA. This is been spelled out several times. Criticizing a government policy was permissible in Nazi Germany what is not permitted is fucking over whites, importing mudmen, and committing usury.
The point is to kill everybody whose views are mutually exclusive so as to have a relatively homogeneous society, ie a fucking nation state by the definition of the term.
John Parker
I am, which is why at the most I'd love to pepper spray a few of them; my gun is my last resort. The main point is to let them know that their shit isn't tolerated.
Jordan Cooper
Understood, I CC as well. I wouldn't want to put myself in that situation though I understand why you would. I think this is just the tip of the iceberg in terms of happenings so I'm trying to avoid conflict until then.
Charles Green
This. We won the fight. These liberals are just making themselves look like impotent fools and terrorists. Also hypocrites, considering they are doing exactly the thing they were saying Trump supporters were going to do when Hillary won.
No, we fought our battle, and won the war. Engaging with the sour grape losers is beneath us.
Anthony Brown
Well, that ain't gonna happen. The days of LARPing are over. Trump won. Now we see what he does with it.
Brody Gomez
There is a massive difference between "counter protest" and "kill everyone I don't like."
Isaiah Baker
Sorry for going off on you a bit; I've seen so many fucking leftypol shills on here that I've been a bit on edge about it. I know it's because they've got nothing left to fight for, but it's fucking annoying. Don't worry; I'll be safe.
I'm just going there to counter protest. I always try to de-escalate, but if a nigger pulls a knife he's going down.
Doesn't mean it's not fun to watch the circus.
Jason Garcia
Right Wing Agitation Squads …would be a real shame if some of these protesters went a little too far and force the police to crush them with force
Gabriel Kelly
Remember the three self defense statements when talking to police.
1. He attacked me. 2. I was in fear for my life. 3. I acted in self defense.
Then shut up. If you are arrested, lawyer up.
Benjamin Nelson
If you have to draw your weapon, then shoot to kill and mag dump. It's better if you are the only witness left to testify. Don't draw your weapon, then hesitate. You will end up like this guy.
"Conservative Activist Jailed After Pulling Gun on Gang of Thugs Trying to Kick His A$$ (Video)
This weekend Michael Strickland, a former contributor at The Gateway Pundit and Progressives Today, was jailed in Portland, Oregon after he pulled a gun on a gang of thugs who were going to kick his a$$ at a black lives matter protest.
Last year Michael was jumped by an anti-gun activist who broke his arm in three places at an anti-Second Amendment event.
This weekend Michael was confronted by a gang of men and he pulled out his gun. The story made headlines and Michael was thrown in jail. Michael has a concealed carry permit in Oregon and can legally carry a weapon. He was being threatened and he pulled the gun on his would-be assailants.
Apparently, the state of Oregon issues concealed carry permits in Portland but you’re not allowed to use your gun if you are being threatened with an a$$beating.”
Ayden Flores
I would like to do donuts in my car while firing to the air but it will probably get me arrested
Anyway, can I use bear mace or is that illegal?
Camden Williams
Use the police field interview stance. Keep your hands above your belt and in front of your stomach. Put your feet shoulder width apart with one foot behind you, so you don't get knocked down. Be ready to throw your fists up to defend your head or quick draw a pistol. Always remember that self defense is a moral imperative.
So what happened to that guy? did he get arrested?
Brandon Jackson
They were in Minnesota and acted like fags on video before hand.
Bad idea.
Hudson Fisher
This is actually really valuable information Gr8 post
Jack White
What about slingshots or air guns?
Lucas Martinez
Yep. Basically what every CCW course tells you to say, which is a good thing.
Absolutely. My state's laws on use of deadly force are quite good, and given the nature of the faggots around here, I'd likey be okay.
Spray 'em!
This is some VERY good information. Thanks for sharing!
No charges were pressed against him.
Brandon Martin
If you are too afraid to carry guns and knives, then at least wear steel toe boots aka shit kickers. Carry a padlock and use it as a one finger knuckle duster.
Just remember that blacks travel in packs. Without a gun, get ready to run.
Jack Nguyen
I wouldn't recommend an air gun. It will always be treated as if you were brandishing a firearm if you don't treat it EXACTLY like you were handling a real one, and using it for defense is just stupid. Slingshots IDK about.
Dylan Adams
If you're going to carry make sure it's legal (warning for retards only).
And if you can make sure you open carry and assault rifle with extended capacity magazine. 'trigger' these fucking fascists.
Connor Walker
Also wait for them to actually attack you. Or you'll find it hard to explain why you shot some guy for shouting at you.
Jack Hall
I'm going to be CCing my duty/war belt under a hoodie. Pistol in a good quality Safariland active retention holster, and three spare mags on my side, along with a small can of OC spray.
I'm ready to trigger
Matthew Scott
Hudson Bell
Adrian Collins
Lucas Hill
Nat soc and fascism are not the same thing. Fascism is the opposite of democracy shitlord.
Ryder Russell
You wouldn't recommend an indictment for Hillary, the only thing you do is entrap white people to commit violence.
Charles Watson
Also these people are actually protesting democractic elections, they're textbook definition fascists.
Carter Gutierrez
Good video of a local news reporter in Baltimore (fox45) being physically intimidated yesterday. According to a report he filed, they were not "legitimate protesters" but "other people."
Adam Jackson
No one protesting in my town.
My buddy just called from a town an hrs north of here and said there is a single muzzie with a bullhorn preaching about islam. Told him to drive by him and scream "fuck mohammed" as loud and angrily as he can.
Hudson Lewis
holy shit, where did you newfags come from?
Joseph Green
Nigger just got himself redpilled.
Christian Baker
The problem is agent provocateurs. Now that Trump is president, just focus on working your way up the system. The establishment GOP is finished and so is the DNC soon enough if they want to avoid prison.
Ian White
Wyatt Kelly
Pics not related
Noah Perry
Nah I prefer to trigger leftists IRL by just being completely fucking overjoyed that Trump is president and destroying their logic. It's especially comfy now because it doesn't even matter what they say anymore because Trump is president so nah nah nah boo boo stick your head in doo doo.
Going to an anti-Trump protest where it's 100 vs 1 isn't good odds. It only takes one person to hit you in the back of the head with a bat or something to seriously fuck you up for good. Or best case scenario you get in a fight and now you're facing assault charges with 50 witnesses giving the same story of how you started it.
We won. Let them be butt mad and get arrested. Let them destroy their own neighborhoods and further polarize themselves from the rest of the country. Most people don't agree with their tactics they're losing support by the day and it's still another 2 months before Trump even steps foot in office and the real fun begins.
Colton Miller
Join leftist protests carrying these around and the media will shit bricks
Jaxson Rogers
Both of these are absolutely genius.
I guess I should preface a bit where I am. We haven't really had ANY protests turn into riots, because local LE keeps things pretty well locked down. Even when Papa Trump was in town, the protests actually remained entirely contained. I haven't seen things get out of hand in my area, but I'm pretty sure that LE would put a serious beatdown on any niggers trying to break windows.