Is the wall really coming up?
Even with a Republican majority, both houses have a consensus that they'd not approve the Stop Illegal Immigration Act.
What can be done?
Is the wall really coming up?
Even with a Republican majority, both houses have a consensus that they'd not approve the Stop Illegal Immigration Act.
What can be done?
halfchan pls go
The current border fence is under the jurisdiction of the Department of Homeland Security, which the POTUS has relatively high power over. He could simply order the current fence to be "reinforced".
What the fuck is wrong with them
I'm genuinely curious. I'll rephrase the question, if you will. How can Donald Trump pass his original 100 day plan, his contract with the American people, when the both houses of congress are fundamentally opposed to any of his initiatives?
I guess that means civil war is coming. Mexicans aren't going to be too happy.
It is on us. We have to keep the pressure up and let our reps know where our (and their) interests lie.
No, it just means a wall is coming, CTR
fuck off
Thank you God Emperor Trump
Mexicans will prevent the guys from building the walls so it need the military guards to keep them from stopping the works.
If they don't then we work to get them primaried in 2018.
This thread is CtR
The POTUS has almost exclusive authority over deciding to allow or bar immigration into the USA, it's one of the things the president has the most power over.
You can't very well stop illegals from coming in by just saying they aren't allowed anymore.
dude, you can't just post random anime girls with your posts. They have to be making a reaction face similar to yours.
I was eating a burger at the time
He's saying that they have power to do things like build a wall to stop immigration as if they were only allowed to say words they wouldn't be able to exercise their authority.
I really hope the wall is also used for stuff like solar/wind energy gathering and other things. Then when it stops the violence, job stealing, and drug cartels AND helps pay for itself, I'm going to rub it in so many faces.
Trump isn't President yet and the Congress elected on the 8th has not gone into session yet.
Obama is still President and the current Congress stands. Have you forgotten basic elementary civics?
That's not a civil war dumbass.
Any questions?
You're right but I'm still mad
He'd still need approved funding though right?
Anyone who thinks the wall was ever a viable option in this Jew controlled country is a moron.
Dump will fulfill precisely NONE of his campaign promises.
What the Dump presidency will amount to is we'll have a more entertaining version of Jeb Bush.
Thats it.
You assholes FAILED.
Failed to see you were being conned and led by the nose as usual by Jews who understand our white psychology better than we do.
we dont need kike approval of any kind any more
we're repealing the 1965 immigration act
When the butthurt so strong you can't come up with anything creative anymore.
Funny how much failing feels like winning.
The same way he won the election. By anally annihilating anyone stupid enough to get in his way.
Guess where you're going? I'll give you a hint: it starts with an O and ends with a VEN.
And I'm sure to some people masturbation also feels like fucking but it isn't.
You dumb fuck kosher conservative cocksucker.
Watch as Trump fully capitulates to the Jews.
The wall will NEVER go up.
The spacing says it all, really.