Michael Moore: We Are Going To Resist, Oppose, Get Donald Trump Impeached Before The End Of His First Term

He's saying there will be a "one million woman march" on Trump's inauguration day, and that the supposed ways in which Republicans "obstructed" Obama, Trump will experience ten times worse by leftist activists and politicians.


This fat fuck and his supporters just can't help themselves, can they? If there is going to be 4 years of anti-white rioting, it will only drives more moderate whites towards the right who will gladly give Trump the support he needs for his re-election.

These powerless clowns haven't accomplished a single thing ever, all they ever do is impotently cry and bitch and moan.
They are worthless and should not be acknowledged in any capacity beyond the roll call for when it's their turn to get hanged

What a massive cuckold

Oh please god let him, I want people like him as the "opposition" it will only push more people to our side.

I've had some ideas for Moore and Rosie's final farewell on DotR.

when do we get to nuke flint

What a faggot. Why can't these swine accept defeat?

Michigan went red user. We won't forget. Detroit will be a shining light of Aryan achievement once again.

He, of course, counts himself as one of them - one of the best examples of womankind to ever come out of America even.

Oh look, the left has done a 180 and become the right after Obama in 2008. What a surprise.

I hope Michael has enough food in his 10 story meat locker to last the race war

Would you have accepted defeat?

- Republican Majority in congress
- Republican Majority in the Senate
- Republican white house
- Conservative supreme court majority

This treasonous faggot has no power at all.

Why would we nuke Flint when this fat faggot spends most of his time in New York and California?

Flint stayed blue. It's the rest of Michigan that went red

Is this Minority Report?


This might actually be for the best. I don't remember hearing too much about transgender bullshit when W was in charge for example. War aside, liberals attacked W endlessly because they needed a Big Bad to fight. Once Obama took office they became driftless and had to make up shit like transphobia. Michael fatass Moore didn't have a big bad to rail against for 8 years now he's got something that'll get his lardass moving again.

While liberals get back to their usual crying the adults can get shit done.

the fucker has polluted the water so bad that I had to move out

I've always believed that Trump would give these perpetual whiners something to complain about.

None of these faggot retards have any idea how these things work or why.

My mum was going on about how they could impeach him. I said they couldn't, they need cause for an impeachment. Of course it just went in one ear and out the other

4 years of watching whiny babies who are used to getting everything they want be forced to deal with the thing they want least of all. It's going to be fucking great.

What can i say OP, Big Black Monster Cock messes up your5 brain for good, that little Piggy Moore shopuld have had plenty of good ones to fill him up.

Lead the way, girl.

implying women will get ff their lazy asses and do anything that doesn't offer instant gratification
implying it won't be just nu-males marching 'in her shoes'.

no balls and looks like a drunkard cat lady.
he IS a woman

Everytime I look at this walleyed tub of lard I feel sick. Michael Moore's body is a temple of his inner degradation and if there was any justice he'd have been fed to wild hogs years ago.

You know I said not half an hour ago to my mum that this whole thing is like watching a massive childish temper tantrum.
They're like spoiled children who've never been told "no" in their lives and now that they have been, they're throwing their toys out of the pram.
And it's fucking glorious to watch.
Thank you America, this is the best time I've had in about 10 years. Not counting Brexit, of course.

I'm actually kekking all over on how the leftists are now having their own Tea Party moment and are completely oblivious to the irony of it all.

Drive the silent majority farther right, please fat man. This red sweep was the first in nearly a century because people like you have driven people right at a rapid rate over king nigger's reign. Please keep going. More rhetoric. More protests. More riots. More attacks.

Drive them right into Uncle Holla Forums's waiting arms.

Translation: We will passive-aggressively whine about muh popular vote and second guess every sensible policy, but never actually accomplish anything. Don't bother pay attention to anything we do or say for the next 8 years because it will be nothing but childish tantrums. (And that goes for you too, OP)

The only thing liberals are capable of is whining. We now have a government that literally is immune to whining. They have no power. Nogs won't do shit, they don't care about this election, they didn't even turn out.

Remember Bush? Remember what the "liberal resistance" amounted to? Exactly.

Oh. So that's how it happened.

It's a beauty to behold. You know, this may be the largest collective temper tantrum in the history of humanity. Never has such a massive group of spoiled entitled children been told "no" all at once.


It is telling that liberals see everything in terms of fear. It's never that it is in your interest to exterminate injuns or lynch rapist niggers. It's always emotional.


A lackey to corrupt foreign businessmen with a resume of failure whose platform consists of the disastrous policies of Merkel on steroids plus war with Russia failed to win! Oy Vey! Time to march on Washington.

Shit fucking damn. This really is just like the King Nigger election. The only difference is that there are more liberal talking heads than there are neocon talking heads, so we end up with even more salt this time.

YEt somehow, at least in European countries, Trump is made to be the bad guy.

Heck, it's almost written as he did a coup equivalent of Quisling the way media portrays him.
That he harassed people, threatened them, sued them, exploited them, and fooled the nation to vote for him and barely won. So now he will become dictator somehow.

It's like Hitler, Quisling, Caesar, Caesar's uncle-in-law, Commodus and so on all in one.
And media is portrayed as pillars of truth and justice only reporting estabelished facts such as flip-flopping, big loans, bankcrupsies, cheating, tax-avoiding, misogyny, racism, xenophobia and whatever hip terms are used to avoid discussion.

Unless they somehow pass a law that says "No Trumps" (like the "No Homers" episode from the Simpsons), impeaching him for something he hasn't done wrong is pretty stupid Moore, even for you. He must be on some medication, or off them at the moment.

I don't believe her. She would have been raped unto death and beyond if she really antagonized the muz.

Wait, why did he turn back ? Does he have a personality disorder ?

Is there somewhere online where I can put a cumulative bet on Michael Moore's sex change AND inevitable suicide?


Well done CTR.

Speaking of faggots committing suicide, has anyone heard from glenn cuck since the election?

has this fuck ever even been to Milwaukee?

Top kek. I'll be at the inauguration, I'd love to see this whale waddling around with a dozen or so hambeasts in his wake.

Putting that many landwhales in a concentrated area may fuck up the earth's rotation.

Michael Moore, why is that guy still relevant? Also another thing, you know how the left always say that it is only censorship when the state does it and it is perfectly fine if everybody else does it like TV or websites and shit? Well back then when Micheal Moore's book "Stupid White Men" was about to get released his publishers tried to censor it and back then everybody supported him.

But today when censorship hits the enemy they are perfectly fine with it.


I'm pretty sure it will cause a collapse into a black hole.

And how exactly does the fat lesbian expect this to happen when the republicans control not only the presidency, but the house and senate?

Liberals are fucking retarded.

Look at him.
Look at him and laugh.

That's a big slut walk.

Now if only we can direct a horde of rapefugees in their direction.

Michael Moore is starting to kinda resemble an aging lesbian. Anyway, Trump has a mandate, and I guess if you respect democracy as Moore does you should respect that. Hillary might've inched narrowly ahead on the "popular" vote, thanks to the unlawful shouldn't-even-be-here component, but tbh Trump carried the citizenry and is well within his rights to ignore Moore's blasts of hot air.

This will not be like the Bush adminstration. The Dems will use Black Lies Matter rioters against Trump and whites now. "Do as we say or get your comminity burned down!" The Democrats have to up the ante and racial mob violence is how it will be done.

Need help, here…what was the final electoral vote count, and popular vote counts?

Can't find a fucking thing online, they're all stuck at the point where Mich. hadn't been called, yet.

Moore still thinks "the people" think like the snarky minority that controls media outlets, or more likely he's trying to make a buck.


Nobody cares what you think, agent nigger.

Even though all these butt blasted protesters won't say what they mean, I do agree with them in that I don't think democracy really truly works. That said, if they're going to feign their belief in it, they're really not fooling anyone since they're only mad because they lost, and if Trump had lost they'd mock them if they protested.

Also, my god… Michael Moore is seriously looking more and more like an ugly lesbian each time that I see him.

Oh man, Brexit was awesome but this is salt on steroids. It's fucking glorious. I don't know if we'll ever find this pure of a salt vein ever again in our lifetime.


What he should had done was instead to file to have CNN's license revoked and then start his own CNN alternative online.

Stay optimistic, Donald hasn't even gotten started with the Supreme Court.

but how? we own everything….


Does anyone know which exact counties had yuge Trump support?

one million pussies to grab. president trump has his work cut out for him!


Why, Michael, why?
Why are you such a fucking idiot?

Please make this happen. If all that happen without Trump having to lift a finger, I'm eager to see how far into space mankind can go if he decides to go full blown God Emperor.

I disagree. I think Donald's win proves democracy really does work. I'm filled with hope and cautious optimism

What can we do about this with memes?

What are they expecting to happen?
The government isn't just going to throw up their arms and say "Welp, people are protesting. Time to do away with democracy."


Fucking lefties, man.

oh another celeb thread being bumped?

great work CTR

The only thing preventing you confusing him with an old dyke is his voice.

I should thank him because his documentaries played a part in redpilling me. Though I'm sure he didn't intend it.

Hi, this is Chris from ABC News 5 On Your Side. Can we get a statement from you? You say you share a birthday with a fat, worthless sack of shit,it's clearly worthy of sharing with the world. Let us know when we can do a story, thanks, best,

These fuckers never even consider they might be wrong, not even a one percent chance. They are idiots. How many of us anons knew exactly how'd they'd play the polls since before the conventions? How they'd do the bumps and drops to make it seem like Hillary is winning but Trump isn't dead, but Hillary is still winning oh noes here comes Trump, better vote! Now thanks to the Law and Order episode that was cancelled we know Pussy Grabbing was part of the plan from the beginning and outlined that plan even more. These "you don't get it in the ivory tower, us media/liberals are just out of touch" fags don't understand Trump was in an ivory tower and got it, they're just not as smart as they think.

They're unraveling. The left is slowly imploding. To anyone not familiar with the actual history of 1933 Germany and what it was like for their media when the NS took power, we're going to start seeing these Jews and liberal collaborators squealing for support and lashing out against everyone that is not blatantly in support of their flawed ideologies. The media is going to lose more and more viewership/credibility and the rest of the nation is going to slowly start turning against them and seeing them for what they are. Trump is not even on the level the NS was and look at them. They're terrified.

Strap in because we're going to get to relive a small part of history here.

Really wish could find a way to honeytrap his Jew son-in-law (Kushner) and then leak to press and get his kike ass out of the picture. I'm sure he fucks around, we just need to do it before he has an official position and top of line ZOG computer security.

They're rabbit people. They can't cope with threats, so they more or less don't perceive them until they're immediate and sensible in which case they break down completely. The worlds one resource-rich, safe meadow and you're just a dumb paranoid redneck jumping at this own shadow. Then the unthinkable happens, a few of them get culled, an nobody learns anything because only stupid ignorant rednecks are "ruled by fear".

And who is going to walk that march? Michael Moore himself? He will be out of breath after taking 5 steps and retreat to the McDonald's the following street.

And not one lonely, feminist beefgoblin is going to get out of their welfare-paid appartement and take a walk for protest.

If it were to happen though, it won't be a march, it will at the most be a One Million Waddle.

lel what a joke

Wow… really makes you think.

His face reminds me of someone else's.

I'd rather not.

please meme responsibly


I was laughing my ass off when (((they))) where saying on the news that thousands of people went to the streets and then they showed a shot of one of the protests from the air and it was just about 30 or 40 niggas walking down the middle of the street.
The biggest false flag in history is coming.

How the fuck can he be so stupid? Drop the electoral vote?

Doesn't he realize popular vote will mean big cities will control all voting?

Rural counties will never again get a say in anything.

He fancies himself a man of the people, but in reality he is one of the worst authoritarians in the U.S.

couldn't resist

Because it's enriched him.
He was worth 50 million in 2013.

Your massive resistance only makes my penis harder!

Wasn't he dick riding Donald Trump like 3 days ago?

I didn't see conservatives chimping out when Obongo won.

I think Trump wants to be Washington not Hitler but if Hitler came around again would he start ranting about the jews from day one? He would definitely "keep his enemies closer".

That was a quote taken out of context from his latest anti-Trump documentary. But it shows that he understands why Donald is popular but cant reconcile it with his world view. Rather than sit and reflect, hes gonna lash out.

Rosie crossed the Don - for which she will suffer eternally - but was also one of the very few to call bullshit on 911 back before it was cool.

It's hilarious because he fucking KNOWS what's happening and he's STILL fucking up.

I swear it's enraging. It's like seeing a guy stare at the truth and just not get it. I want to hammer it into his fat skull.

How long does the denial phase usually last?

I want to hammer his fat skull. In self-defense.

The word you're looking for is 'republicanism.' We live in a Republic precisely because our founders knew urban voters were trash.

Thank God our founders valued the rural vote.

Does anyone have a decent history on this topic? I read Rise and Fall of the 3rd Reich and I still have no context as to what was going on in Germany at the time.

Which is a big tell in itself.

These fucks know, that's why they're pushing for it so much. These faggots in the cities actually think that rural and suburban areas don't deserve a say.

He's obviously experiencing severe cognitive dissonance. I think here he somehow managed to turn down the volume on his kneejerk responses to muh racism and muh islamaphobia, and suddenly he connects with his Roger & Me self, from before he came on the national stage. But as soon as this went viral, he was like oh shit, all those kneejerk reactions kicked back in, and he had to suppress his positive feelings about Trump because Trump is also a meanie toward non-Americans, apparently outweighs Trump's patronage of middle America. Moore must no longer feel any distinct connection to the people of Flint, MI, if he wants to see immigrants flood over across the border. He's a worthless cuck now who recognizes no reason why a Flint resident should be more eligible for a Michigan factory job, than a Latino immigrant who illegally entered the country 3 weeks ago. He's so worthless now, the people of Flint ought to stand up and tell him to just fuck off.


Wasn't Flint one of the blue areas because of the black vote?

He's so fucking close.

You can actually hear the realization nearly damn dawn on him and then the indoctrination kicks in and beats it down.

Fucking leftism man. It's a damn cult.

Moore understands blue-collar workers.
But he still supported Clinton after Sanders was betrayed.

Moore said this weeks before the election:

Moore went on to say why 'disenfranchised' Americans would vote for him:

He is saying the things to people who are hurting. It’s why every beaten down, forgotten, nameless stiff who used to be part of what was called the middle class loves Trump.

He is the human Molotov Cocktail they’ve been waiting for. The human hand grenade they can legally throw at the system which stole their lives from them. On November 8, the dispossessed will walk into the voting booth, be handed a ballot, close the curtain and take that lever and put a big fucking ‘X’ in the box by the name of the man who has threatened to up-end and overturn the very system that has ruined their lives: Donald J Trump.

Trump’s election is going to be the biggest 'fuck you' ever recorded in human history. And it will feel good.

I voted for Trump.
It didn't feel good
I always voted for the democrats.
The democrats got exactly what they deserved,a grenade up their ass.
I voted that way,because a vote for libertarianism or communisim or the green party would have been a wasted opportunity.

I'm not a racist,I believe the holocaust happened and there is no Jeish conspiracy.
I'm a blue-pilled normie.

anons here believe that white people don't "chimp out",don't riot.

Well, this is how people like myself "chimp out".
Democrats that no longer represent people lie me,but mainly special interest groups like BLM,etc, are irrelevant to me now.

Our goverment shouldn't sit back and watch as white's socio-economical status is lowered to that of blacks.
They should instead try to raise up the socio-economical status of blacks to the rest of us.

Until this happens,'fuck you' powers that be.

Rosie O'Donnell has really let herself go.

It's fucking surreal. In Spain the media is going with the "oh, noes, how is this even possible?!?! Don't worry, we have totally investigated it and we will help you understand this bizarre reality pill. It's because a resurgence of racism, sexism, homophoby and being really, really meanies among whites. Look, we have interviewed these 200 hillary supporters and all of them say this. Oh, and after searching a lot we found one of these rare Trump supporters (very difficult, it's not like they won in most states) and asked him why he did it. He offered a reasonable response, but he is obviously lying. I mean, who you gonna believe? One single white male straight guy or these other 200 crying multicolored people?!?!?!"

good luck
the only thing leftists can resist is the influence of logic

Anyone else find it funny, that fucking (((white males))) are organizing and leading this ((("resistance")))