I'm not sure if this article carries any serious weight behind it, but I thought it was thread-worthy anyway. I'm sure there's enough evidence in Podesta's emails to help end any chance she has of reaching congress.
I'm not sure if this article carries any serious weight behind it, but I thought it was thread-worthy anyway. I'm sure there's enough evidence in Podesta's emails to help end any chance she has of reaching congress.
Other urls found in this thread:
It's the Daily Mail. They could write an article saying 'Chelsea Clinton to be first ambassador to Mars' with equal seriousness.
In any case, this isn't going to happen. Leaving aside the fact that her parents have enough dirt on them to taint their name forever, sex goddess Chelsea Clinton is neither as aggressive as her mother or as personable and charming as her father.
Sounds like the Web Hubble effect.
She looks like a troll.
The Clinton's are finished. Even if she doesn't end up in jail the Democrats won't touch another Clinton for the next 20 years if then.
I hope you're being sarcastic.
That fugly horsefaced abomination of a cunt isn't going to get anywhere, especially once her parents are imprisoned.
i'd give her the d20
destroy her
dredge up all the dirt you have
I find this bitch strangely attractive. Why is this, Holla Forums?
She should be more worried about getting indited.
She's works in the Clinton Foundation, the biggest and most corrupt slush fund in the world. She needs to be investigated and arrested for racketeering. Her mother needs the company.
because you have low standards
kinda hard to campaign from prison.
Because you have no standards. Just walk into your average sorority house and you can count a dozen women more attractive than this abomination.
Pic related, it's what an actual attractive women looks like.
It's because you're gay, user.
Those accommodations look way too luxurious to me.
don't actually do this
If I was Chelsea Clinton and Bill and Hillary suggested I be groomed for ANYTHING I would change my name and go into hiding.
They wouldn't do that. I will say this for the Clintons, they do seem to love their daughter, and she loves them in return. Apparently money and her parents are all she ever talks about.
They would sacrifice and eat their daughter in a second if it meant returning to power.
You do realize it was a weeb who said chelsea was attractive right? I was shocked that someone who lusted over cartooncharacters found ugly women attractive.
sweet fuck
My perception of reality has been so warped I don't know anything anymore.
btw it was kinda bait but still I'd fuck it and dump it
forgot to say dubs confirm
Disturbing. It's possible the masses will forget the Clintons by the time she's ready to destroy the civilized world. Just like students are taught about the bad things Christians did and the achievements and suffering of the chosen, the Clintons will be known for how great the economy was in the 1990s after Bill invented the internet with Gore.
So are there any nudes?
Is this legit? That's my district. I'm a literal nobody, but I'd run against her even if I had no chance and it was just for shits and giggles.
Probably not
A literal nobody could probably beat her at this stage
Meanwhile John Podesta and James Alefantis are grooming little children for sex.
Her parents would have niggers kill you and your family.
Looks like the average whore longing for bbc.
Nice projection there, skippy
Clinton crime family is done also hopefully the bushes
Hell yeah, I would want an anime maid for myself.
It's bad enough that she's Hillary's spawn even if she isn't Bill's kid, but seriously… look at her. The teeth. The eyes. The schnoz. I almost always love redheads, but with her I fucking can't.
not at all
that's because all her money comes from her parents.
Absolutely fucking right. The Dems will finish off the rest of the Clinton cancer for us. They drug the Democrats out of power 3 times.
Bill Clinton (begotten by Bush cancer) elected POTUS and has a DNC House and Senate for 2 years GONE
Bill Clinton cancer begets Bush Cancer 2
Bush Cancer 2 begets Obama and a near Super Majority DNC House and Senate he invites Hillary Clinton cancer in.
Here we are now
MAGA kek
checked and keked, m8
Bad taste, user.
Pic related is what a beautiful woman looks like.
That's because she's Jew on two sides. Her father was a Jew, and Hillary herself is a Sadducee through her Mother.
Fuck you, Freya was a great party member.
Quinoa > lolfurrydrg. fite me m8.
Jormungand!! Patrician tastes
Check out who Chuck Schumer is pushing for the new and improved DNC chairman. They're jumping out of the frying pan and directly into the fire. It took them 30 years to learn Hillary Clinton is poison, now they're moving on to replicating the success of King Nigger.
>After losing the working-class Rust Belt to Mr. Trump, Democrats could have recruited a industrial-region populist like Representative Tim Ryan, who represents the Youngstown area in Ohio. But Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont quickly backed Mr. Ellison, who is black, Muslim and an ardent progressive from Minneapolis.
link —→ archive.is
dad is a adulterer, mom is a pedo, both have treason allegations against them, and she's ugly. Unless she's running is Cali she has no chance
Wow they're still going to milk Identity politics and victim culture till the bitter end. May as well elect Trump to a 8 year term. Can't Fucking believe it. If MAGA brings the jobs back, all the RNC evangelicals have to do is make some overtures to black churches and we'll have a Republican Supermajority of Trump Republicans in 4 to 6 years.Trump really could take the Black Vote in 4 years. The crybullies will be pissing their pants.
Those ain't her real teeth right? I'm British. Even I wouldn't want a BJ from her
I think Blacks are too lazy to vote, we'll see if they will get to work once jobs are back or not. But for now Republicans should focus more on Latin Catholics vote.
But a couple million of them are getting tossed over the Wall, the blacks control the city machine politics now.
You're ugly Chelsea.
who the fuck thinks Webb Hubbell is charming?
pic related
Chelsea is nothing compare to her mother and step father.
Dubs confirms: Hillary is keeping Chelsea around because holding her ridiculously long pubes keeps her from crumbling into dust.
If you watch CNN or any other lefty news channel, any Hispanic Democrat or journofag will suddenly stop being American and drop into a stereotypical "Latin" accent whenever they trip over a Spanish word. I fucking hate it when they do that. The only time I ever pronounce a word that way is when I'm speaking actual Spanish. These faggots are just trying to outdo each other in proving how non-White they are.
Muslimfags who insist on saying Islám are annoying too.
Speak English like an American, especially if you were born here, faggot.
I kind of liked teen Chelsea since we were like the same age and I've always had a thing for kind of awkward, gawky but not wholly ugly girls and I like thick curly hair like that. College Chelsea I remember actually being kind of pretty. But holy fuck did age hit her hard and she's turning into her mother at a rapid pace.
Man, is it just me or is Chelsea ugly?!
You were probably buttraped by Podesta and Jimmy Comet when you were a child
Chelsea reminds me of that Lovecraft story, Shadow of Innsmouth. She looks like a fish. Maybe Hilldog got fucked by a Deep One?
Going by the Podesta emails she actually seems mostly innocent of the corruption. She got a high position in there, found there was a bunch of corruption and immediately tried to start stamping it out. She went to her parents, likely assuming this was happening behind their back, and they directed her to Cheryl Mills who was, of course, part of the corruption and obviously existed as a roadblack to halt any clean up Chelsea could do.
It's actually kind of sad when you think about it. She's just kind of a vacuous idiot kept out of the loop and being duped by her own parents.
Both of them look like they take it up the pooper and give sloppy head.
In Japanese they tell you to pronounce English words the Japanese way because otherwise the Japanese won't understand what the fuck you're trying to say.
Same principle.
Interesting how that shrink Steve Pecenick (sp?) was pushing the Chelsea Hubble narrative before the election, allegedly she was "good" - now it sounds like they were trying to make a deal, "Hillary walk away and we will give your bastard child a career in politics" … same deal Ron Paul took and ended up being a Rand-Paul nothing burger.
Sakurako is a qt.
Even modern medical technology has its limitations.