Is love a spook? isnt love just some chemical reactions to make you reproduce? is love more advanced than that?

is love a spook? isnt love just some chemical reactions to make you reproduce? is love more advanced than that?
when stirner said he loved the fellow man, didnt he just mean he cared for other people because he felt like it? what about sexual love? is commitment a spook? is staying with a person for the rest of ur life a spook?

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Who cares, choose the spooks that fulfil you.

well arent you just a real fucking leftist using that word


Holla Forums shows its true colors as Holla Forumslacks who like the color red


You just said yourself love was real retart

I consider myself a feminist, and yet I don't lash out at anyone that says "bitch" on a chan board.


then youre not a feminist. go to Holla Forums


So Holla Forums was right?

Check em




Are you calling yourself Holla Forums?

It's someone on Holla Forums pretending to be a feminist

I think you're false flagging as a feminist.

ITT Holla Forums pretends to be feminists calling a feminist out for "being Holla Forums"

I've literally never browsed either 4pol or 8pol.


Love CAN be a spook if you put it above yoursef.

disregard I suck dicks

I suck clits

Cunt get back to the kitchen where women belong.

C L A S S . S T R U G G L E . D E V I A T I O N


This place is filled with idpol including the person trying to pretend to be a girl in here to prove a point

Why do you think we harp on it so much? Calling it a cancer would be an insult to terminal illness. Too many people are literally incapable of even imagining politics and society without it.

Who's that?

oh nvm

No true Scotsman

Also why are you flipping tf out when I just called OP a bitch? There was supposed to be an image that accompanied that post that didn't get uploaded for some odd reason that made fun of people that go "loves not real because chemicals (link:

TL;DR chill the fuck out.