GreatAgain thread

The American government has made a website allowing people to make suggestions to MAGA

Should Holla Forums assist the government in getting ideas?

Other urls found in this thread:


Extradite George Soros to Russia

The most important thing to SPAM THE FUCK OUT OF THIS SHIT WITH is repealing the Hart/Cellar immigration act of 1965.

I think it's good since we can make threads about different proposals and just spam it so it is noticed and taken (hopefully) directly to him.

Assuming it won't be the same farse as the White House petition under Obummer.

There's one thing that could be done to significantly reduce (((their))) power

If, hypothetically speaking, someone hacked the server and replaced the president-elect seal with a Nazi frog, it just might agitate the left into doing something really stupid and create a causus belli. Just sayin :DDD



Abolish Fed
Pardon Assange

Investigate Podesta for human trafficking and sex crimes.

gas the kikes

make the 80s real again

Breakfast stream with Trump. With celebrity guest stars and famous cooks.

I'm hoping he does Fireside chats too.


2 things are important:

a) Investigate the Pizza Extraveganza, it implicates all the elites and Obama himself, more time passes the more they can cover up. Important!

b) Some form of increased transparency to make sure Trump actually reads this, some kind of weekly livestream.

What could we suggest that the Don doesn't already know? What are we but pawns in the God Emperor's 3D chess?

mfw even pawns may become Queens





Yes but without the degeneracy craps.

Mods should probably sticky this
Also is right, we need to find a specific issue and spam the shit out of it!

I'm going to send a letter with this idea

At the same time you low taxes to businesses from 35% to 15% make a new ""tax"" for milionare businesses, make a requirement for them to invest in jobs 5% of the annual benefits they make inside of the USA

For example, if Microsoft does$ in 2016 just in the USA, they should pay at least$ to non executive employees along 2017

Can someone please write this with an acceptable grammar?

Move the Obamas out early so they can fumigate the White House.


shitposting there will only acomplish to having the webpage turned down

You need to do better than this.

For example;

Fine anyone whom offers the shelters to illegal migrants or knowingly fail to report them to the immigration agency. Use the money from the fines to fund the immigration agency to create more jobs.

This. Fine all the reporters who interview illegal immigrants.

here's a suggestion

They need 4,000 political appointees too. Let's start applying or lobbying for Holla Forums approved people.


Here's my list I sent in:

1. Build Wall
2. Repeal 1965 immigration act
3. Deport illegals
4. End war in Syria by reaching settlement with Russia
5. Work with Europe to return refugees to nations of origin
6. End affirmative action on all levels
7. Defund social science programs

Apply to serve the God Emporer w

I hope you are not an autistic retard, are you?

Spergs/mods always break links.

They did it for a good reason to prevent the links being connected to other website because the servers can track to here. I am talking about user's ability in political matters.

(((they))) already know this site exists, so what's the point?

Because we are extremely paranoid about (((them))).

West Point grad. I'm not a total sperg.

Very good now so please do your future job well if you manage to get hired. What are you studying?

Sent this into them:

"The United States should investigate the legal, financial, and engineering challenges of resuming research into the Project Orion nuclear pulse propulsion system for spacecraft. Immensely powerful in terms of both thrust and Isp, Orion offers the United States a chance for ultra heavy lift space launches to establish economic, military, and scientific infrastructure in cis-Lunar space. Using Project Orion and other research projects like NERVA Rover and Project Timberwinds related nuclear thermal and hybrid nuclear propulsion systems, the USA could pioneer new industries like asteroid mining, space-based solar power, and manufacturing in space from resources harvested in space. Using just the amounts of platinum group and rare earth metals present in a single near Earth trojan orbit asteroid, the USA would have a stranglehold on commodity and industrial metals prices and immense leverage in negotiations with any electronics manufacturing nation. This isn't getting into the potential benefits to American industry that protected and guaranteed low raw materials prices could engender. A project to truly industrialize cis-Lunar space for the benefit of the United States would ensure not only our economic recovery, but economic dominance and prosperity for a century to come. The scientific and military benefits of nuclear pulse and nuclear thermal propelled spacecraft would be a happy side effect of any industrialization plan using Project Orion style nuclear pulse propulsion. America would cease to be merely a planetary superpower, we would change into the first interplanetary hyperpower."

Did I do good? We'll MAGA by using our excess fissile material stockpiles to harvest huge amounts of valuable metals. The benefit isn't in selling the metals, the prices will crash, the benefit is in manipulating markets to America's advantage. Imagine if we could make production of electronics in the USA feasible and competitive with low raw materials prices. Imagine if we could hold up access to similar price points for nations when negotiating trade deals! Imagine if battery, electronics, scientific equipment manufacturing were dominated by the USA. This isn't even getting into prices for exotic chemical products like catalysts and platinum-based chemo therapeutics.

Imagine what we could do if the US were a true space power with an economy stretching from the Earth's surface to the untapped wealth of energy and materials to be found in space.

but muh radiashums, please cease all funding to pure fusion nuclear bombs :^)

More funding for molten salt reactor research.
Who doesn't want completely safe and clean electricity so the hippies finally shut up?
Less funding for niggers.

Imagine what COULD happen if the USA "broke away" from the rest of the planet in a technological and economic sense…

A man can dream. Hopefully Thiel advises Trump on ALL of this…

We could outpace the rest of the world, forming a nation enjoying technological, economic, and educational advantages the rest of the world could only hope to have.

pardon this guy

Declare Khenmaat, the Ammitist celebration taking place over the course of the trial for the Lavon Affair (Dec. 11-Jan. 27), an official US holiday.

Make English the official language of the United States.

Donald Trump Jr. has spoken in a few interviews about lifting restrictions on suppressors. lets remove NFA restrictions on suppressors and SBRs, removing the background process and tax stamp, and push to lift the 1986 ban on manufacturing machineguns. Let's use our control of all branches to get us what we want for once! rather than compromise against ourselves for new restrictions, lets make them compromise FOR us, and REMOVE firearms restrictions!

Do you not fucking know how websites work?

One of the really important things is to have Trump push through his propose ethics reforms. That would seriously help to fix our democracy.


Tax the shit out of colleges/universities if they have gender/women's studies classes

"Please give more funding or investment towards space exploration. The last time America was Great was when we put a man on the moon. Scientific progress has been halted in the decades since as interest was subverted to inane things like letting men use womens' toilets and making 32 different genders for special snowflakes.
Please also put emphasis on preservation of American land. Our nation is beautiful and we should keep it that way. Please give more funding to national parks and forests and support state parks and forests as well. Please protect our environment and disregard the detraction to public discourse that is the global climate change farce. One can be environmentalist without buying into unproven wishy-washy nonsense like that. Pollution is a real problem as is deforestation and desertification. You cannot have a Great nation built on wasteland.
Repeal the immigration act of 1965 and open doors for law enforcement to deport illegals and especially illegal criminals and to do so quickly and efficiently. And in cases they come back again, they should be incarcerated for life or given a death sentence. Other nations do not fool around when it comes to their border security, so why must America be a doormat? And please punish businesses and individuals who hire illegals.
Please punish companies who send jobs overseas and please put a heavy tariff on imported goods.
Please stop giving our tax money out to foreign nations as "aid" year after year. It is excusible in times of natural disaster, but in most cases we just give away our citizen's sorely missed tax money, even to nations who hate us.
Please stop the subversion of the American military into serving not America's interests, but Israel's. They need to stand on their own feet, not expect our blood and money to help them.
Please severely punish and remove all who commit embezzlement, corruption, bribery, fraud, blackmail, and the pedo rings. Please stop the corruption and rout out the individuals responsible.
Please hold the media accountable for inciting violence and telling boldfaced lies.
Please audit the Federal Reserve and take inspiration from Andrew Jackson regarding all-powerful banks.
Please address roadblocks and conflicting interests to the infrastructural development of America, including much-needed affordable housing, walkable cities, crime-free cities, and public transportation, especially commuter and light rails. Please fix our bridges and improve our utility quality. One facet of this is to break up monopolies who have been poisoning development efforts for their own profit at the expense of American citizens. I also strongly believe in cycling as a transport mode. It saves people money, improves their health, reduces traffic burden, and prevents pollution. Please encourage bike lanes and separated bike lanes. Making oneself and one's nation better through strength and willpower such as cycling is in line with American values.
Please address welfare abuse and fraud. Hard working people can barely afford to eat and receive medical help, yet the career welfare recipients lounge about in entitlement.
Please address the liberal indoctrination of young children through "education". Many of these "educators" teach children to be ashamed of being white, to feel guilty for sins of their ancestors, and provide a hugely distorted worldview. Young children should be learning mathematics and science, not about transsexuals, gays, and white guilt. Please save our children. "

Don't forget to submit the Infant Protection Act: makes circumcision illegal to preform on citizens under 18 years of age. Only legal after they turn 18 with their consent.

Nothing will hurt the jews more than stopping them from sucking baby dick.

Make sure internet freedom and Net Neutrality is a cornerstone of their policies. We wouldn't have won without Wikileaks and you know it.

oy vey, it's like anudda shoah.
(they'll keep doing it anyways)


Eh, they'll keep on doin' it. Religious freedom, etc.

Then we can round up the kikes and have a legal reason to do so.

How about ending dual-citizenship or at least barring those holding dual-citizenship from holding positions of power? That might be something you could sell to people as part of an America First initiative.

Dismantle AIPAC. Cut funding to Israel. InvestigateSaudi Arabia and ISrael for creating/funding ISIS.

Not really. Circumcision is a fundamental practice in Judaism, Islam, and various Christian circles. If it's outlawed, then SCOTUS would overturn that law as being a violation of the First Amendment's religion clause.

It would only be illegal to preform on people under 18. Not illegal for an adult to make their own decision about their own body.

I have dual US/German citizenship.
Why the FUCK would you want to end that?
I will fucking murder you.

What is even the point of dual citizenship?
Does it serve any practical purpose?

It makes visiting relatives much easier, and allows nationals of nations which recognize any child of a citizen as a citizen to not have to worry about picking a country. It's quite a good system.
For example, I am a US/German dual citizen. I was born in the US, and I'm culturally American, but I've still got that dual citizenship.

That makes sense.
I'd never really thought about it before.

To my knowledge, it would work in a similar manner if an American were to immigrate to Germany and have a child with a German there.
I mean a German, not a sand nigger.


Repeal the 1964 Civil Rights Act and restore freedom of association.

That Constitutional Amendment they want to pass shouldn't just be for Congressional term limits, they should throw into it a grab bag of goodies to log-roll support and get it all passed at the same time.

The Amendment should reign in the activsts judges, term limit supreme court, give congress veto power over supreme court decisions, allow prayer in school, permit school choice.

Also Trump should fire all the US Attorneys at once and re-hire conservatives.

No but stop taxing them abroad. It is wrong to steal the money from country.


Defunding social science and the immigration act should be accompanied with their reasons: third-world immigrants vote Democrat over Republican.

That way it's not 'racist', just factual.

I kept it simple and asked that conservatives like Pat Buchanan be given a position in his cabinet. I know Pat's might be too old and he might not even want a job, but I stated that having a cabinet full of neocons will lead to a foreign policy disaster that will forever tarnish the Trump name.

I realized why Trump is so interested in actually helping the country… He gets more business, plus, his property values go up, up, up.

Now is probably a good time to invest in real estate.

Someday I'll have a Stoner LMG, someday.