The Phantom, Ghost who Walks is a classic boys adventure comic.
The Phantom, Ghost who Walks is a classic boys adventure comic
I like a hero who isn't afraid to put a villainess over his knee and spank the FUCK out of her.
Well? Are you going to storytime it or not
It's always spanking season for Ghost Who Walks.
– Ancient jungle proverb.
Do you reckon he has a massive boner as he spanks those women?
I know I do.
I don't think you know much about The Ghost Who Walks.
This has been going since 1939, with Sunday and Daily strips.
Those in turn have been colourised, re-edited, rewritten, art reused for other strips etc, and then there's the Scandinavian translations which has vastly different lore at times.
I found about 30GB for a half complete collection, though it's on a private tracker. Plum out of luck on public trackers from my quick 5 minute look.
If you want me to try a bit harder, just ask.
The Phantom is huge, though. I don't think it'd even be possible to easily get every single issue ever written, assuming only the original American version. There's just too much.
Lol, (in before hi truthseeker), here in Australia, in the 1970's The Phantom used to be serialised in Women's Weekly magazine, but they would retouch the captions to read the current year, and any reference to New York was changed to Sydney, so there are people to this day who will swear blind that The Phantom is an Australian superhero. True story.
…this is a specific miniseries though
I'm from Australia.
I remember them fondly. I also got a bunch of the comics yearly form the Melb Show, and sometime I'd see a strip I saw from one or the other and notice that difference.
Good for chuckling at.
Oh, didn't see the picture. I thought OP meant The Phantom in general and "Ghost Who Walks" as his subtitle, not the miniseries.
I found a copy of that, but again, same story; on private not public.
I'm unable to Storytime due to travel, but can do it on Thursday (Wednesday in US) if you'd like.
Old comics were wild. Just imagine the sort of shit they would have slipped into their books if they had some of our fancy modern fetishes.
It would cause the comic code to become virtually Draconian
More Phantom please
I'll make a thread for boyhood action/adventure comics and storytime Phantom and some others.
Anyone got other comics with similar adventure they'd like storytimed?
Dan Dare
Magnus, Robot Fighter
Hal Foster Prince Valiant
Alex Raymond Flash Gordon
The Spirit
Chester Gould Dick Tracy
Kamandi, The Last Boy
Devil Dinosaur
Last Of The Viking Heroes
I'd rather just see all the Moonstone Phantom. The other stuff probably warrants a separate thread.
I'll try work down that list, though I won't go too in depth on any title.
I prefer to storytime the classic/best parts of a series, then if anons want more, they can go out and find it. Otherwise, if there's someone one user doesn't like, they have to wait for a few hours for me to start something they may like.
Bit of a mixed bag.
For Dan Dare, you can't go too far wrong with the second series / third Titan volume, The Red Moon Mystery. Its pretty self-contained, features all the main characters (except for the main villains, mind you), and is reasonably short. The first story was still kind of finding its feet. The third, Marooned on Mercury, ain't so bad either mind (it was also the first one I read)
Considering what the Silver Age was like at the height of the Comic Code's regime, pretty sure they loved slipping in whatever they could. (see: the entire character of Wonder Woman)
Not to mention how cartoon gags apparently inspired quite a variety of modern fetishes. (inflation, vore, probably more I don't want to know)
Ooh, I should include Zot!.
What is this?
I like Phantom, though I grew up with 2040.
American servicemen in one part of Africa in World War 2 traded their used comics for fresh food. As a result there is a tribe that to this day absolutely loves The Man Who Cannot Die.
It was the Wahgi people of Papua New Guinea and American servicemen had nothing to do with it.
All fetishes are old ones, man. The reptile brain goes back thousands of years into the past.
What happened to the storytime?
That's a beautiful story even if is right.
Okay, I was the user who promised to storytime this shit.
Any anons still want me to do it? Or do you want to read something else? I've got some funky comics I downloaded over the """break""" and would be happy to torment you with them.
Alright, got some comics downloading now.
Should be done in about 15 minutes, however I must perform manual labour on my property for a bit. That will take slightly longer. Have to set fire to a couple paddocks and move some machinery, so I probably won't be back for 2-3 hours.
You gonna storytime or what?