Butthurt POC sums up America 2016

…and he's sort of right, except that the part I boxed in red is more like:

He has a point, America is becoming more racially polarized. Nonwhites aren't "waking up" though, they're becoming emboldened to denigrate and attack Whites. This in turn is causing a White backlash in attitudes and outlook. White America is now saying that race relations got worse under Obama and that the way forward is unity. When this fucker says "tired of the erosion of White privilege" he is really talking about the encroachment of hostile groups into the once independent and free White America.

They hate Whites so much that they want to keep on attacking us, no matter what, which is why when Whites say they're colorblind, a lot of POX call that racism TOO. It's like this Asian and other nonwhites can see what it happening, but they see it with blinders on or "Whites are bad" tainted glasses.

They should at least be able to understand Whites not liking to lose their majority in America, even if they disagree with us. I guess that's too much to ask from these parasites, but it's just truly sick.

Discuss the twisted POC mindset, Holla Forums

bump for interest

seriously no feedback just a bump? thanks I guess user

There is literally nothing wrong with white people being favored in their own countries.


Wait there's no movement to end /that/ yet? 0.o

I'm stumped famm

The last miss japan was a halfnog I shit you not. there is an anti japanese movement in japan it's just small as fuck and unpopular

sauce?? that has to be some kind of onion story

Looks like he got it exactly wrong

Retarded bullshit

Checked for you still don't get it.

Its not that they don't understand - they don't fucking care.

Half of their bluster isn't merely indoctrination, it's genuine self-interest - they don't give a shit about you, and talking shit on you, promoting others to talk shit on you, attacking you in every way they can, even where hate is not involved, serves their interests.
… Or at least, it has for the last couple years.

The 'erosion of White privilege' he's talking about is the erosion of the White demographic and the ever-increasing predation upon White people, across all fronts - and its not mere hatred, not ignorance or indoctrination that drives this in many, many cases, its self-interest: Attacking you, destroying you, allows them to rise up a bit… They don't have enough foresight to see how this minute apparent uplifting of themselves at your expense results in a reduction of their quality of life (due to your displacement), and so they don't care about you, they just want to help themselves.

Nothing about these people is representative of acting in good faith, nothing they say can be taken at face value, because the bottom line is that this is basically a zero-sum game, and they know it, and they don't want to lose, and they never will (even if their 'loss' in this case would result in better quality of life for all).

spoilered for obvious reasons.

she doesn't look like any of the Japanese people I met. she looks like a nigger.

I threw up a little bit in my mouth user, and I've seen some terrible shit over the years. Thanks.

Not only that they are simply not mentally equipped to learn by example: see Rhodesia. Niggers chimp out, kill whites, steal farmland. Then they all start fucking starving because…

I wish there were some billionaires that would donate to relocate 100% of white people out of an area where niggers are doing this shit and let them do the exact same thing: use up all the pre-existing white civilization infrastructure, and then start starving because they are literally incapable of taking care of themselves.

Pro tip
The cunt behind that pageant was a kike. No shit.

Maybe in the academia bubble. It certainly is pushed to high hell in fiction though.

emboldening them to spew their anti white garbage*

twitter exposed them to other butthurt nonwhites which
I'm not so sure they understand. Not that I give a shit, they're still our enemies. But really I think they see us as some kind of evil monster, they can't imagine us having real human motives.

These people are like how we're told Nazis were, just totally inhumane and dehumanizing other people (Whites).

holy fuck are you serious. fuck this world is fucked up

screencapped for posterity, this is so true

Just never trust nonwhites, they will always have ulterior motives, even if they're not aware of it.

Overdue for another nuke it seems

America is "inherently racist", racism ends when white people end. Asian SJWs are always imperious dickheads who have it better than 95% of whites. They're not mad about being "have-nots" and suffer no serious hardships and will never be negatively stereotyped because of their race, they just want you to grovel and die purely out of spite.

He sounds like he's saying minorities only ever speak up to say how they are oppressed by white people.

He's right about that. I'm so fucking sick of seeing niggers forced into 100% of our media even though they represent less than 20% of the population.

They have been overrepresented for decades and they still continue to whine about not having more.

And on a side note, I especially hate seeing niggers in fiction because they are always so unbelievable. They play characters that are written by white people(or kikes) and who act like white people, all so dumb white people(mostly women) will think "Wow, they're just like us! Racism is soooo wrong!". It's nothing but propaganda.

Anybody who has interacted with niggers in real life knows that none of them act like that.

Even black newscasters are phonies who try to act and speak like white people when the cameras are on but go full nog when they think they're off.

Social media is allowing some white people to see the truth about niggers for the first time. And it's causing them to either go into full cuck denial or full redpill.

They can't be here anymore. That's the long and the short of it.

I don't know why they are so butt hurt. They hate white people but couldn't survive with out our ideas and infrastructure. Go to south America, the more shit skin the country is the more corrupt and the more of a hell hole it is. If they got rid of white people America would turn into another Venezuela or Nigeria.

Not really, unless you consider being exposed to jewish lies "waking up." Also the guy is still asleep if he isn't unaware that Bernie was a fraud and was never going to be allowed to win, by his own choice.

They will lose if whites become oppressed minority. Look at South Africa…

It's funny because most Holla Forumsacks are literally more extreme than Hitler.

Also, another thing. Everything happening now is the direct result of the decrease of racial homogeneity in the country. The internet is largely irrelevant (in fact it may actually make racial relations smoother and more peaceful).

Diversity + Proximity = War

The more spics, moslems, nigs and whites forced to live together under the same political authority is guaranteed to increase conflict no matter what level of technology is present.

A great guy no question but a bit of a softie at heart

You answered your own question. Wouldn't you resent the man who feeds you scraps for free? Could you wash off the shame of that? You'd sooner kill him than admit you're better off as his servant.

Thank you, thank you. This cannot be said enough.

The reason whites don't understand POC is because we won't stop projecting our perspective on them. We can critique our own. We think what we say and our opinions should be based on actual reasons, and those should be consistent with principles. POC don't care about any of that shit. Nigs cry privilege because it builds tribal cohesion and gets them free stuff from whites. The truth condition of anything they say is irrelevant. Whites care about abstracts like truth. POC don't. They do recognize causal relationships, and when they say "rayciss" they get what they want.

We have to all accept that we can't reason with them or throw a Constitution at them.

Nogs will never treat a white as they would their own. Cholo and mestizo beaners will never be the Republican base of tomorrow. Chinks will never stop stealing intellectual property. Jews will never stop trying to take advantage of gentiles. They don't care because they can't care. If you try to persuade them like you would whites, you've already lost.

Fuck Asian Americans. Fuck Asian American men specifically: Your Eddie Huangs, George Takeis and the rest of the whining, self-pitying faggots.

Asian Americans are worse than blacks. At least blacks have shitty lives to complain about, but Asian Americans are a transparent fifth column for their ancestral countries while being a uniformly comfortable upper middle class group.

Fuck em. I can't fucking stand them. I can't fucking stand listening to whining little Chinamen whose idea of "oppression" is not enough white blonde girls liking them.

I used to feel pity for them when I fucked their girls, but not anymore.

t. Not even American. I'm a Brit.

Beautiful, A+ post brother.

Yes. I'm not American but I feel the same way.

I don't want to share a country with these people. I don't want to share my polity, my organs of government, my living space with black lumpenproles, paki groomers, Chinese fifth-columnist etc etc.

I don't want them to represent my Nation. I don't want to see them in our traditional culture. I don't want to see them related to us in any capacity.

They are not one of us. This IS a matter of race.


I can confirm that Chinese people are narcissistic as fuck. They are completely lacking in humility and throw temper tantrums worse than most other races when they don't get their way.

The old japs and chinks from the 19th century tend not to do this but they area tiny minority. All those who immigrated since 1945 will need to be repatriated or sent to a colony. Those others might also need to get sent to a colony of their own but if america is 99% white they will know their place and likely stick to it.

Nationalists from Taiwan/Japan are fine. Asian Americans need to leave.

Funny you should say that, since a guy I thought was my friend is Chinese and bombarded one of our whatsapp groups with a bunch of ranting about how this election is about how awful it is that whites are "rising up" against minoritization.

These people are happy to be our friends so long as we slavishly accept our impending demographic doom and let them buy our property, fuck our women, emigrate en masse and so on.

It goes to show that non-white people being ok with you, as a white person, is contingent upon you having absolutely no racial consciousness whatsoever. So long as we're playing the sisyphean "universally fair" race, they're ok with us. The moment we break that shell, or demand they hold their own people to the same standards they seek to impose on us (fat chance with Asians eh?), then they get mad.

Fuck non-whites. Only white people are my brothers.

That's a big mistake. The Taiwan point I mean user. Wen Ho Lee was from KMT-ruled Taiwan and he sold you guys out to the PRC.

Blood is thicker than water, and HKers and Taiwnese WILL agglomerate with other Chinese/Asians in a highly heterogeneous environment like the United States, which reinforces broad-level racial similarities by exposing you to truly alien groups.

a lot of government functionaries are negresses. they don't do anything, of course, but they hold the positions.
if you want to know what someplace with minorities in positions of leadership looks like, go to the DMV. (do not actually do this.)

Yep. I've had to learn the same lesson the hard way tfw no real friends because surrounded by shitskins

Interesting. I had no idea. I guess I'll have to study eastern nationalism in more depth.

What happened with you bro?

He had to deal with chinks. You do not want to do that

Nothing super drastic. There's a Chinese dude I've known for a number of years who totally changed over the course of the current one. He used to be a really thoughtful and interesting person to have debates with, but he got a new job that pays pretty well, a gf and a high rank League of Legends and it all went to his head. Then, election stuff started happening and suddenly he devolved into a common leftist. It was very shocking to me as he came off as a fairly conservative guy through our previous discussions.

Dollars to donuts that this poster is a white, college-aged hipster, who has never had to interact with minorities with an IQ of less than 100. Completely out of touch. Allow me to fill in the blanks.

No, you fucking child. Even if that shit bothered me, I could turn off my TV. You know what I can't turn off? Reality.

Here's the reality of my life. I live in one of the most (((diverse))) cities in the US. My neighborhood is okay, but it's within walking distance from one of the worst, most dangerous ghettos in the US. The reality is, I can't walk my dogs after sundown, or I'm afraid I'll get mugged. The reality is, I can't park my car on the street, because car break-ins have been rising every year since I've moved here. The reality is, I hear gunshots every other weekend, call the cops, and the cops can do nothing about it. The reality is, I'm terrified of people I see walking by my house, because if they're from *down that road*, my life could be in fucking danger. Yes, I have to assume every black could fucking stab or shoot me, because statistically speaking, the blacks from this city are *THE MOST LIKELY PEOPLE IN THIS COUNTRY* to stab or shoot me.

If "white privilege" means "feeling safe", then yes, I am certainly against the erosion of "white privilege".

You'd know this, if you knew what blacks were really like. You'd know this if you didn't live in your liberal bubble, where every minority you meet is college educated. You'd know this if you could pull your head out of your own ass long enough to hold a fucking conversation with someone who might disagree with you.

Self-pity really appeals to the Asiatic mindset. That's something you have to understand in order to understand the way Asian SJWs behave.

This sort of luxuriating in self-pity is genuinely and honestly a really Chinese thing. They've been doing it for millennia.

He isn't a leftist. He's fighting for ethnic self interest like all of them.

Ask yourself if he'd be willing to flood the PRC, Taiwan, HK etc with hundreds of millions of third worlders.

we don't care about the ravings of retarded apes

they live in their own reality at this point.

Yeah, I've noticed the self pity thing a lot.

You're probably right about him not being a leftist, but I'm not sure if he'd care if anything happened to China. His girlfriend is a spic, so he's definitely not looking to preserve his race/culture.


I've dated Chinese girls, and thus incurred the passive aggressive "wrath" of Chinese guys.

They don't give two fucks about their women. They think ours (and probably majority Spanish descent Mexican women) are better looking than their own women.

Whites need to abandon this whole "if you're ok with us fucking your women, we're ok with you're fucking ours" reciprocity bullshit. Non-Whites want to fuck our women while preserving their own women for themselves. Trust me.

And besides, race may be biological, but identity among those who are mixed is overwhelmingly patrilineal (even among Jews, which is why secular Jewish identity is fading out).

Agreed and I do.

I warned you about the gooks but you didn't listen. Every shitskin is ultimately the same.


I never denied it bro. I've always said

Good man.

I lived in the Far East for a while. I never cock-blocked other whites like some do.

Remember that for Chinese, getting a white girl is like some sort of hallowed achievement - other Chinese will unironically claim the guy is "winning glory for the nation".


I've always said that Asian American SJWs are some of the worst people you'll ever meet.

Reminds me of this.

This. To get in their mindset you should imagine a hypothetical situation where you are selfish white immigrant into japan or something. Every year more and more whites are coming in, and the racist japs don't like you.You see a ton of japs being cucks and welcoming your kind too. To you, you feel like a conqueror. You will despise the natives, you will push for more and more control

…and the japanese would be justified in genociding you



no it's a post on r/asianmasculinity, but nice post anyway

Like we wuz kangs? Because you show me where the negro enlightenment occurred during Obongo's Presidency. It's the same old shit it's always been. These motherfuckers NEVER make a point. It's all baseless assertions. It's like listening to a small child.

It's dindu shit forever with them. Blacks will never admit anything. You point out the nog pointed a loaded gun at the cop who said drop it over 9000x before filling Tyrone with lead and it's a racist cop.

Fuck them. Send them all back to Africa. They're antiquated farm equipment. You think with the increasing level of automation that they will be able to do ANY type of work? Why the fuck would I employ a black when I can have an algorithm do the work? It's not getting drunk, sick, show up late, stealing, suing me because I didn't give him the day off after the NBA championship.

As their numbers increase, like beaners, we can't afford it. Social Security is done next year. Even if Trump puts back what has been taken out of it, the demographics next year seal it's fate. It's going to be a major problem. That shit amnesty Hildog was going to do, 1.2 TRILLION tax increase immediately with more shit every year after. It's never ending. Oh and college debt is now over 1t. Dindu fucking history degrees now…

No, what happened is that every special snowflake with a persecution complex discovered they could whine on social media and get acknowledgement not only from the press but the President too.

Obama's been absolutely disastrous for race relations. They thought because he was mixed race that he'd be able to unite the races. But he's so full of black guilt because white society has been so good to him that he's validated every idiot with paranoid delusions of persecution out there.

I've done some business with them. Business relations are good at first, but they start to try to screw you over as time goes on. If you don't let them screw you over, then they start throwing tantrums. I've never had one honor a deal over the long-term.


Fundamentally Chinese (and most East Asian) people tend to see kindness as a weakness to be exploited.

It's only whites who actually view kindness as something to be reciprocated.

he's a commie
im really sick of these people who think bernie was for peace. his voting record is clear: more blood for the zog god
he isn't right about anything, hes a fucking affirmitive action daycare baby spewing marxist claptrap from his kike professors. Holla Forums has better things to do than read shitty 'woke' reddit posts

White men.

user, they're less than 13% - don't give them any more than that ffs

They lack understanding of where the gibs come from. They think that if all the whites went away, they'd be able to have all the wonderful things whites invented and maintained. Just like the welfare check comes every month, magically from some unknown, everlasting place. The whole world is one big gib to a nigger. They just get confused on the actual details.

No, Youtube has been around since 2005 and there have been police brutality videos on there since the beginning. What changed was that niggers got uppity after Obama was elected and then even more so when he was reelected and the media stoked the chimpout flames. Victimhood became a career path after Bathhouse Barry was reelected.

you should know better


Stopped reading right there.

Stop saying "POC" it's an AWFUL PC term made by people who treat them as demigods. It's also the opposite of truth since they literally have LESS color than we do.

More butthurt from Asian squatters in the US.

Fuck off.

She is a nigger, one drop rule.



Wasn't the person judging the contest Swedish or some shit?


she was half pajeet, but the idea is the same. a lot of japs were pissed

POC is actually a clever use of memery. They're attempting to make whites the out-group to all other races. Turning whites into the "aliens" (for lack of a better term) that the population of the Earth will come together to destroy. Jews are scum but they aren't stupid.

its just mind control … propaganda

It's a good attempt but still falls way short. The chinks don't identify that way. The jews sure as shit don't like hanging around the urban crowd. Blacks aren't into real alliances. And a third of latinos (as we saw) are trying to transition into white anyway.

say pox or pocks to take the wind out of the term

literally pronounce it like it's written, to spite them

don't say it out loud like they want you to PEE OH SEE

This. POC is an attempt to unite all non-whites and direct them at a common enemy.

In reality, they all loathe each other. In the case of blacks and mestizos, this loathing quite literally can be measured in corpses.

Don't use leftist jargon intended to unite people against us. Realize they all inherently hate each other and use it.

Reminds me of this

Chinks in the United States 100% do identify that way, at least second and third gen ones do.

The "Asians are based and our allies" crowd are terrible and/or stupid.

Trump is going to improve race relations guys, atleast with asian qts.

you are just completely wrong

A lot of 2nd and 3rd gen chinks DO identify as POC though

all the ones that do attended diversity classes in college but the girls still like white guys

only some do, I'm just saying don't see them as your friends. Asian groups push for all kinds of politically correct bullshit in western nations.

They are less bad than the other nonwhites, but they still fucking suck

that is your problem. Groups of any sort tend to become far left just like any truly anonymous internet channel tends to become far right.

You know what the saddest part of all is: Say this to a nigger or progressive white and they call you a racist even though it's been proven time and time again. It's maddening.

No they become leftwing because leftwing means anti white, white groups are rightwing

This 100%. It honestly gets under my skin.
But put yourself into the shoes of an upper middle class white person and you can start to see why they are the ones who fall hardest for this trick. I was a poor kid who got to go to a well-to-do prep school with a scholarship. Non-whites were less than 2% of the school but were also wealthy types who acted and spoke just like their white counterparts.

Wealthier whites are very insulated. The few non-whites they do encounter at work or school are most likely than not just like them in terms of wealth and civility. Media re-affirms this notion by over representing them as civil human beings on tv and movies.

So their misguided logic (I'm using the term logic loosely here because most of these misguided people are actually just women) tells them that all nogs and other non-whites are capable of the same civility. Therefore it must be an evil racist power structure at play because you can't explain it any other way once you go down that line of thought.

I understand the white liberal. I also understand that a lot of their views comes from living in a vacuum. It's the reason middle and working class whites are usually a lot more honest about the race problems facing this country: They are the ones who have to deal with subhumans on a daily basis. They are the ones who roam from town to town looking for good schools and good neighborhoods that haven't been tainted with "diversity". They are the ones who have the most to lose and are the most panicked because they are the front lines of the demographic shift currently happening in our country.

Back to the OP, a Trump victory made all of this very clear. When he called upon the silent majority he wasn't fucking around.

Women in fiction these days tend to irritate me more. Well, there's nothing feminine about them most of the time like in the "non-fictional" world and they are pretty much Mary Sue after Mary Sue like the niggers. At least girls in anime are usually alright but there's too fucking many of them.

You mean like the fact that most women IRL are blubbering idiots who can't problem solve and just cry about everything?

Women on tv/movies look like women with their makeup and skintight clothes but they certainly don't act like real women.

It's nice to see these idiots have chosen to name themselves colored people again. I'm convinced the preferred politically correct label switches every two months so that SJWs can recognize true disciples.

You seem butthurt over something you've never seen before.

I fail to see his logic.
Because there isn't any

Ever watched King Nigger speak in front of a Nog crowd? Faggot reverts to full primate.

Asians are in no way our allies. In Australia, everyone pisses and moans about the threat of Islam, but here it is only a minor annoyance. Our real threat is Chinese imperialism, multiculturalism, and resulting demographic erosion.

You are generally correct, we can go into the subsets among the minorities who don't see it this way, but does that have any use? There are asians who know that it's bullshit or believe that they are next on the list (correctly, they threaten jewish power with their high performance). Many of them are also just oblivious normies who will never do anything, the focus should be on where there is agency and action

This wave of newfags my just be the straw that broke the camels back.

Something to add (it similar to your position) about the zeitgeist:

The left-wing class politics is an extension and cover for left-wing identity politics, this is nearly the entire left. They differ only degree, some are full throttle, others half throttle etc.

Take for example Jason Unrue (maoist rebel news), he likes to say that he isn't racist because his political stance opposes the global class system, the third world vs first world. He think this is not included in general leftists though, but everyone talks about it all the time. This is the cliche that runs the rent seeking charity industries, anti-racism programs, pro-non-white immirgation movements etc. It's pretty clear that for him, this injustice is what inspired his communistic position, social signaling about 'muh racism'.

You can do the same with leftypol, this rustles them because it says that are just "social democrats/"american liberals"/"progressives"/etc. There are other tells that this is the case, such as getting hardons for Jimmy Dore (four-eyed faggot from the young turks), drooling over the podcast Chapo Trap House (ripped off TRS, bitches about the alt-right constantly), they repeat the shitlib narrative on the Flint poisonous tap water (niggers fucked up)

Any nonwhite who is smart would realize that a lot of safe living in the first world is wholly due to the white people who created that first world to begin with, and the laws that other races abide by. The only way other races could coexist with whites is if they acquired an inherent perspective compatible with the western world, but the acknowledgement of such a thing would immediately lead others into believing that developing such a perspective would alienate themselves of what makes up their nature, and to them their nature matters more than both mutual or even one-sided coexistence.

Niggers shouldn't be trying to be "woke" and start shit with people fairer-skinned than themselves, they should stop giving everybody, even themselves, reasons to be hated.

I'm Vietnamese. I call others Gooks, Nips, and Chinks all the time, and think that Koreans are just Oriental merchants. I even know a Chinese man who went red with anger because Obama, the man with the black skin, black suit, black heart, and black husband dared to apologize to the Japanese for something that he wasn't even born early enough to be involved with, If anything, The entire Asian collective are most racist people of all time, it'd make even Holla Forums blush, the only reason why Asians aren't so quick to bring this sort of thing is not because we think it's rude to niggers or spics or mudslimes or the whites who let them live in first world nations, but because we consider it rude to ourselves for allowing something like a chronic food stamper to be the subject of a sentence as opposed to something pleasant.

Even Asians who lack any immediate individual influence are to be seen as being next on the list. They're seen as "Eastern Whites", despite there being so many differences. But regardless, it's mainly that unlike blacks, Asians can and will recognize a Jew among whites, and have yet to be given reasons to actually like Jews. Except for South Koreans, but nobody likes Starcraftea to begin with.

Funny how you mention Unrue, then Holla Forums, because they've had beef with each other for reasons that are ultimately irrelevant to non-leftists and normalfags. The second the two names are out of each other's minds is the exact same second that they cease to half-ass their way about how different they are and who the superior leftists are. Both previously have, are, and will reach the conclusions that make them genuine racists, albeit masked under Communist "goodness", since Jason, Holla Forums, and just about all of the leftist thinking world think and plan to undermine everything remotely first world or currency practicing, which includes undermining the white race. They have less than zero intentions on ever helping white people, since they believe that white tribalism is enough to make a homeless white in Florida receive help from a white Californian or Swede for no reason other than having some biological similarity.

Always remember that leftists, when encountering anyone moderate or conservative, will try to force moderates and conservatives into an exaggerated, rigged version of their opposition's worldviews. A woman who disagrees with a leftist is immediately put in a kitchen, a black who disagrees with a leftist is given slave status, etc. as they confuse flesh for straw. The only thing that people on the far left have in common is their focused hatred on liberals, but that is no good for you or me or anyone else as few have taken advantage of this divide within their ideology, though it may happen in droves as SJW infighting occurs thanks to Trump's being elected.

I've never heard of the Chapo Trap house until your post, and a quick look shows me nothing but three nu-males. Why would any leftist drool over them? Every leftist bitches about the alt-right 24/7, they must have something unique or greater production values than other leftists.

What about legal migrants who learn the native language, the native culture, and promote people like trump and generally own a right-wing mindset?
I fucking hate living in shitty Asian countries. These people live under a false pretence of a "nationalism".

Well said user.

It is utterly irrelevant how well an individual foreigner "assimilates," he represents the tip of the spear of invasion for his race at the expense of ours.

Our state, our land, is for the benefit of AMERICANS ONLY, that is whites.

same young turks that did this?

only some do, I'm just saying don't see them as your friends. Asian groups push for all kinds of politically correct bullshit in western nations.

They are less bad than the other nonwhites, but they still fucking suck>>8209731


Stop using the Jew's nomenclature. PoC= was always, proof of concept. Not people of color. If you want to say NIGGER, or beaner or spic, or an amalgamation of the two with, dirty animal, illegal etc, do so. This is Jew faggot shit otherwise.

POC is Pieces Of Crap, right?


They like white guys for the same reason nonwhite males like white girls: We're on average the best looking race. No amount of stamping their feet is going to change what their nether regions want.

It's not just living in a vacuum. The irony is that white people, in spite of all of the abuse that is hurled our way really do want to believe the best about people. Whites are sort of gullible in this sense. If they meet a nice Chinese server at a restaurant they walk out of there with a "wow, Chinese people are really nice, just like us, I guess we can get along" attitude.

Whites are just ridiculously sentimental people in general, you can see it in everything from Homer and Ovid to Classical Music and Shakespeare.

We're emotionally indulgent to a fault. But even we have our limits.

It baffles me how you can be a non-Chinese Maoist. Or a non-Viet VCP supporter.

Did most of the people who followed Mao have any real understanding of concepts like dialectical materialism? I think for the vast majority of Chinese he was just another Emperor-figure. There have been plenty of upstarts, Generals, Emperors etc in Chinese history who promised things like massive-scale land reform programs, and plenty more who prosecuted ideological wars (Anti-Buddhist/foreign religion Persecutions) roughly analogous to 19th/20th c. secular faiths.

And most crucially: Look at how little time it took for the CCP, VCP and DPRK to revert back to aspects of tradition and ethno-nationalism as the core of their identity.

If Unrue actually believes Chinese people ever really believed in internationalism then he's out of his fucking mind. All it took to spark a riot in Nanjing during the Deng era were a couple of dozen Africans with student visas dating Chinese girls.

are you gay?

The gay youtube channel