So I put out a strawpoll for something I used to be a part of a long time ago, and honestly: I'll take any answer.
Strawpoll for Daria
Honestly, I think of how ignorant and irrational she was. Seeing as neither of those were options, I didn't vote. I'm not saying she was stupid, and I did like the show, but idiot teenager is the best way to describe her.
Nobody cares about Diarrhoea.
I agree. I did go with asshole option as it was the closest to shallow and ignorant teenager.
I liked the show. Chose cynical myself but I can see why people choose asshole.
Kinda missing the whole point of Daria in that she builds a wall of cynicism and sarcasm around herself as protection. In her own words "I actively try to make people dislike me so I'm not disappointed when they do".
It's hilarious how many teenage girls wanted to be like Daria or pretended that they were like Daria while missing the point of the show.
Diarrhea cha cha cha
And what do you think the point of the show was?
The first thing I think when I see her is that I want to pump her full of my HOT CUM.
kill yourself
If everything internet-related triggers you, why don't you go and live in a fucking cave on an island somewhere, you fucking sperg?
To this day, shorts and tights make my cock diamonds.
After coating her insides I'd imagine Daria would become the perfect housewife.
Almost bought the complete series but not sure if it's a good idea not knowing anything about it. Is it better than BaB from around the same time?
The show is incredibly dated, and it took around late Season 3 for people to start calling her out for being a bitch (specifically by Tom). Most of the characters aren't even really outright malevolent. Characters like Kevin and Brittany are just naive and stupid but mean no real harm. Even Ruttheimer/ Upchuck just needed the occasional regulating, and the likes of Brittany never deliver whenever he's crossing a supposed line.
I don't think she'd be an SJW since that would mean Daria takes part in tribalism, which as part of her character in the show proper she goes out of her way not to do. She makes herself out to be a lone wolf thanks to stupidly high standards and principles, and a reluctance towards emotional connection to her peers because she somehow had what she thinks was a shitty childhood when all she really had was rich parents that either ignored her or reversed their gender roles.
is right. At best she's almost exactly like Naota from FLCL. In the end she's a stupid teenager that would rather put on airs and cling to principles and a code of conduct (enforcing herself, not others) rather than act her age and have some fun.
Quinn is best girl (since Jane is too easy of an answer)
Ascetic standards are admirable, but don't be surprised if they do you more harm than good.
iirc DVD copies of the series have all the music replaced with generic crap due to copyright and licensing issues. You're better off pirating it, I recall there being a pirate version out there which has all the original music restored.
I remember. That "this is like that REM video except you can't read people's minds" joke is forever ruined since it got replaced by some bizarre filler not pop song.
Daria was just as shallow and stupid as the people she looked down upon.
Whoever made that comic has probably never done anything original.
Anything can be simplified to look stupid. Anything.
You do realise that's Evan Dorkin, right?
Indeed it is.
damn, checked
Worst character = Tom.
You can always tell the dumb kids, they think "Daria is as bad as the people she berates" & other generic sentiments, they completely miss the point.
So is it ever confirmed she grew out of her "I'm better than everyone else" phase and became just like her parents in the end? Because that's how all girls like Daria end up.
She probably became her aunt.
She probably mellowed out a bit but pretty much stayed true to her core.
I knew a girl just like her in highschool and she grew up to be a single mom with 4 kids with an office job.
She got spitroasted by Beavis and Butthead.
That Daria was became depressed because of her time spent with Beavis and Butthead and took it out on everyone by acting like an unlikeable cunt?
So Daria is basically like Holden Caufield?
Yes, that's the vibe I got instantly from the start.
a fate worse than death