What is the best way to learn modern Javascript?
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By going to >>>/india/
Develop a scat fetish.
by learning Nim and compiling to javascript
Nim is a meme language
Avoid any website that has "jquery" in it.
meme languages are better than javascript
so rust is better than js?
rust is better than js but it's by no means a meme language, it's popular because it's good
okay steve
Well meme'd.
Although the You Don't Know JS books ain't bad, except for contributing a new stupid argument for using semicolons.
If you're coding for a server, Node.js. Use the latest syntax for everything, full ES6. If you're coding for a client, pick a framework and use that. I like angular 4/5/6, but I've heard non bad things about React too. Typescript is pretty neato, but don't get too attached to it -- it's ultimately just a temporary solution until the JS language finishes maturing.
Once the west is Islamic we'll throw you off a building for this.
What do you recommend? PHP? Java? Something based on IIS?
Python, Java, and C# are good choices as they're strong general purpose languages and can talk to a lot of other code easily. I actually have written web backends in C for a Canadian telecom, although I'd not recommend it
Read "JavaScript: The Definitive Guide" and maybe "Javascript, the good parts" (good advice, but a bit dated).
Proceed to reed guides on modern frameworks like Vue/React (no need to bother with angular). Check out what node has to offer.
10 years ago I would have suggested to read website sources to see how things are done, but nowadays it's akin to browsing jvm bytecode, so do some projects instead
Angular has gotten FAR better with all of the 2+ versions compared to what it used to be in the 1.x versions.
Go is the only correct answer.
Is angular the #1 frontend framework or which one claims that title?
Does HTML still hold that title?
stop being obtuse
What about Elixir? Crystal would be good if it wasn't such a marginal meme.
Let me rephrase that