Post things that happened

Post things that actually happened after the election because america elected a racist KKK nazi bigot.

I will start. This happened.

Here is another

And another. Women are not safe in this country anymore

are you pretending to talk like them, or did ya just out yourself?

This is what happens when RACISM comes to america

This happened





the name of the thread is "things that happened" things that are contained in this thread are things that in fact did happen.

Is there a problem here?

No way that isn't a pollack

The actual Kikebook post being posted happened, but the event that is described in said post seems very unlikely, as if it was written by a tranny trying to get attention after being triggered by an election.

Why do jewish people go "as a jew" to align with minorities then go "as a white person" to take jabs at white people.

Fucking changellings

retarded or just pretending to be retarded?

Wait, all of these are joke posts. I am an idiot.


Copy paste that OP and put it on /r/hillary_clinton as a serious OP and see if you get some funny response. I don't use Reddit but someone should do it, they'll buy it and spread it.

He's not even mexican, he can't properly speak spanish

What the fuck

Come on now.

Hes censoring the names because they're all made by him, and its fairly obvious.

Had my graduation on the day of election. One of the speakers was saying how he hoped Clinton would be president and in the future the chancellor would be a woman too. It's funny as fuck to see the differences in political views between the arts/law departments and the economics/science/engineering departments.
