OI Veh, populism is antisemtic

Schama and Phillips, who are both Jewish, disagreed about Trump, with Schama saying Trump's populism was pandering to racist and anti-Semitic 'dog-whistles'.

He said George Soros, who is Jewish, was singled out by Alabama Senator Jeff Sessions 'as a particularly odorous figure' in an alleged banking conspiracy.

Schama said Trump's victory was a 'cataclysmic moment' and he said many commentators were 'pussyfooting' around the 'toxic' subject of racism.

He warned of 'despotism' and said: 'Democracy often brings fascists to power, it did in Germany in the 1930s'.

Schama said: 'Donald Trump retweeted a neo-Nazi tweet. It is not a coincidence that David Duke [the former Imperial Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan] is exhilarated and rejoicing about the advent of Trump, who is his man. We will see race crimes, hate crimes, explode now, probably in the period of transition. This is not alarmist.'

Other urls found in this thread:

google.com/maps/place/Homs‎,[email protected]/*


Like we did in the primaries when non-white hoardes attacked Trump supporters?



Kikes are ramping up the propaganda machinery. I don't know whether I should relish in their tears or actually be worried about them trying to break off another world war.

Are these idiots still repeating this? Hitler was appointed, not elected. Sort of like Hillary

The kikes are smart-meme needs to die. They are fucking stupid, if they were smart they would've shut up about this but now they are showing the public, jews are against Donald Trump.



He had the majority you stupid fuck.

Literally two Jews crying for eight minutes (!) of screentime about a foreign country's domestic political process in a country where they make 0.4% of the population.

This among many, many other extremely obvious reasons is why I don't pay taxes.


No he didn't. He didn't win the election. He didn't have the majority. The NSDAP had to form a coalition to get legitimacy and Hitler himself was appointed Chancellor by Hindenburg.

They keep repeating this 'Hitler was elected' meme and all it does is show they don't know shit about history.

I've been getting the feeling that was truly their plan. WW3 with Russia, Iran, and China being the new "axis". Nobody wants this but crazy kikes and commies.

Putin is being very reasonable. A russo-american alliance could really help the russian economy, and would validate Putin's leadership. I'd love to see us nuture our alliance by destroying ISIS together. Russians and Americans finally coming together, to remove kebab. We'll see.

You are seeing their ability to actually kick off world wars rapidly erode before your very eyes. They spent a shit ton of political capital in Syria and were rewarded with an uncooperative military and a citizen's revolt against another war. Their antagonism against Russia has utterly failed with the White population.

Their only play at this point is to try and stir up ethnic violence, which we should encourage and participate in so we can finally get these shitskins out of our lives forever.

Not to mention these butthurt Kikes gave millions and millions of dollars individually to the Clinton campaign.

Think of all the wealthy Kikes who are feeling the loss right now. There is no refund, it is just money straight into the hole.

Trump only spent $5 per vote, most of it his own money. I fucking Love it.

What if BLM attempts a coup? Would Russia make their announcement come true to support rebel forces in case of a mutiny in the US or will they change policies due to Trump coming into office?

Pick one


It's boycott time so that they don't survive. In 4 years time we need many of these outfits to no longer exist.

Change policies. Trump already gets along well with Russia. Blacks can't organize shit

Ethiopia, Mali speak another tale. Of course, it lags behind, but it still is organization.

This kike actually invoked George Washington, quite possibly the most honorable man in the history of the United States.

Washington would never have allowed non-whites into the United States to begin. He was a man rooted in his time, and the Anglo-Saxon "despotism" he saw was overbearing control over another Anglo-Saxon's property and personal identity.

Warm up the ovens.

I hope they keep oy gevalting and talking about how Jewish they are. Trump won't deport them to Israel. The 46th President will.

radicalized niggers can ruin the country, and they are being brainwashed and radicalized to attack whites in the same way that Sunni extremists are being brainwashed and radicalized to attack Shias. The Takfiri terrorists and their Saudi/American/Jewish backers may not have won the Syrian war - but they've destroyed the entire country. Same thing could happen to America. Video attached is the "winning" side in the Syrian war.


China just lost another 10 factories.

At what point is a city "totaled"? It can't possibly be worth it to rebuild in that location, right?

Are they both holocaust survivors by any chance?


These kikes keep meme-ing that their shoah is coming and then their shoah really ends up coming.

Very rarely, the road network outside the city and (presumably) railways are still valuable, look at Stalingrad or Berlin after WW2.

google.com/maps/place/Homs‎,[email protected]/* */,36.8101966,8.25z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x15230e9047c7c0fb:0xac367e06303788d0!8m2!3d34.7324273!4d36.7136959
Homs is the hub Damascus needs to access the north of its own country. It will have to be rebuilt.
That said, interesting question.

Because they've been given aid and support by the most powerful military in the world. That won't happen here.

These kikes do not understand the consequences of messing with meme magic.


Checkmate atheists.


Trump did win the popular vote, as was determined by the finished recounts yesterday.

The kikes are doubling down on their retardation then. I honestly thought they would slow down the rhetoric and allow us a victory so that they could win the war, but it looks like they're making the same mistakes they always have. All they're doing now is disenfranchising the common man and making it even easier for us to push the Overton window further right.

Jews really are entirely incapable of learning from their historical mistakes, aren't they?

If history teaches us anything they never stop bitching about their shoahs and holocausts. Shit they're still mad about the Egyptians enslaving them and many scientist believe that never even happened.

T-the jobs are gone goyim! Why can't you see that!?

Let them do their mistakes.

It was never a plan or conspiracy. Kike do engage in conspiracies but they are singular: push fag marriage, bomb a frigate, start a war.

The their role in the corrosion of society isn't a concerted effort though certain kikes might see it as a master plan there is nobody giving orders. This is merely the Talmudic spirit manifest. This is a natural result of kike biology. They can't help themselves.

And someone wonders why they get kicked out of countries all the time.

dat image name

Link? Kikepedia says Hillary won popular vote.

Remember when (((Schama))) was BTFO?

Very true. It still amazes me that they can't into long term planning at all, even with their high IQs. From reading history, we all knew it would happen, but it's different witnessing it firsthand. I hypothesize that it has to do with their negroid tier forehead slope that disallows enough room for the prefrontal cortex.

Calm down kike, now is not the time for lampshades. That comes later.

The issue with kike IQ is that there mean is only 108, obviously kikes love to brag and push smaller surveys of more elite populations to get thier 112 and 118 numbers.

The mean IQ for white men in America is 107(women are 100 and drag the white mean down to 103-104) Jews don't seem to exhibit as large a sexual variation in measured IQ nor do the asians but jews in particular express near parity in measured IQ between the sexes. Whites have the highest spacial reasoning and very high mathematics skills, but relatively low verbal reasoning skills. Asians(japs and jugheads in this case the Chinks are actually not that bright at all) have a mean IQ around 104-105 and very high mathematic reasoning and high verbal reasoning but terrible spacial reasoning. Kikes have a very high verbal reasoning, moderate mathematical reasoning, and the lowest spacial reasoning of the three.

The jew is good at lying within a single context but is incapable of planning a path to victory.

Schama is being a literal faggot about the situation (he's a self-described "Gay Jewboy from the East End"). All that drama, sympathy and attention: fucking catnip to him!

Why do cities arise where they do? Usually because it's the most practical place to have them (communications, food, accessibility, trade goods, etc.). It usually makes sense to rebuild a damaged city so long as the underlying reasons for its original founding remain. This is why an industrial port city like Hiroshima was rebuilt after nuking, but, for example, Hattusa (the fortified upland capital of the Hittite Empire) was deserted after the empire fell.

Polite sage for off-topic