Some searches (particularly those concerning error codes) in DDG show that they're in a "partnership" with Yandex, a known Russian company.
Just a heads up, DDG may be sending data to Yandex.
DuckDuckGo may be compromised
muh Russia!!!!
It's a proxy, so if it's werks well, yandex and bing don't get metadata.
Shake my fucking head.
You should hang yourself just the same.
We knew this since forever.
Have you neglected the obvious Judaism of DDG?
This is not a valid criticism.
Does it do that still? No? Then it's irrelevant.
Your ISP, DNS server and most websites you connect to already keep logs of the shit you do on them. The government (especially the US and EU) can request that information. There's not much you can do if you're an enemy of the State anyway.
If you're paranoid enough to care about logs, you'd be using Tor and/or some sort of VPN/Proxy anyway; so this point is also irrelevant.
Back to your designated shitposting board, Holla Forumsjeet.
Meanwhile at startpage...
Use what the FSF would use, faggot.
What is that supposed to prove?
DDG is pretty fast tho, and it has decent results. A lot better than Searx, Bing and Yahoo!; that's for sure.
doesn't matter if it's used over tor
you can't trust any of them anyway
DDG can search on another search engine without revealing anything about you. All the other search engine knows is that DDG searched for something. You can take off your tinfoil hat. Meanwhile, Startpage sometimes actively interferes with or blocks searches from Tor browser. That's why a lot of privacy-minded people stopped using them.
t. Someone who knows nothing about Tor
The FSF uses DDG. GNUzilla Icecat has DDG by default enabled.
Also, note that Agent Fud is constantly trying to scare people away from DDG, Tor, strong encryption, etc.
Now why would he be doing that?
You're full of shit.
I have no idea to what repo you're referring to, because the IceCat from Parabola comes with as default search engine.
I'm referring to the tarball found on GNU's very own FTP server:
I've been using Bing exclusively for about a month tbh. I don't see the hype.
Why is a simple search for 'car' showing localized results for nordic user?
Everyone on Holla Forums knows this and most of us don't use DDG.
I hope so
If you look for a store that only exists in, let's say, Argentina using a non-localized version of Google you could end up with a bunch of irrelevant and stupid results; especially if the thing you searched for is a common word or an acronym.
Startpage may be using the IP provided to search on the localized version of Google. This is the most they can do to show relevant search results without giving any information away.
You should, of course, ask them directly if it bothers you that much.
Fuck off
(((modern Russia))) needs to die.
>(((le scary parentheses)))
Holla Forumsjeets need to die.
Post about *any* good privacy/security measure, and Agent Fud will be there within minutes to blow smoke, shovel bullshit, and parrot "it's compromised, it's compromised, awk..." over and over. It would be comical if so many poor n00bs weren't so confused by it.
>owned by (((domains by proxy)))
Lurk moar faggot OP. No shit shirlock. It's been known they are compromised for some time now. They still give better results than jewgle though. Just realise that certain words catch the attention of the robot generating domain's of the cianigggers.
What's the point of MITMing your connection if *insert spook agency here* already has tap on DDG servers? Anybody in possession of legit CA servers can issue a certificate even for Google and do exactly the same, unless you pin them on first visit. But isn't that counterproductive? It seems that they added new certificate with Extended Validation and forgot to turn off older one.
Ha, gotcha, Agent Smith!
Forged CAs are generally unlikely to be used except in very specific, targeted situations as there's a lot of risk to everyone involved if caught and it's not hard to catch it. Don't expect to see them used for mass surveillance.
Lurk 50 years before posting
I don't trust DuckDuckGo, I don't trust ixquick/startpage. You shouldn't trust nobody.
I search them using TorBrowser. When you use Tor, you don't need to trust them. Unless you type your name in search query, they aren't tracking you. They just get queries, but they don't know who makes them.
You need to go back.
for sure more than your ISP can be trusted, or some honeypot VPN. At least Tor works by design, not by trust
if you don't use Tor, your web browsing history is being recorded by ISP and police. Also every website can see your IP address. And IP addresses are registered to home address.
I am, you mad bro?
I can understand crying about the chinaman but crying about russians makes you look like a fucking idiot.
VPNs work by design as well, and they are designed after AAA.
The only issue is making sure that the Accounting is managed by you and not someone else.
Also, please, keep reddit-spacing, so that your dementia can be recognized by everyone.
Kill (((yourself))).
VPNs were never designed for anonymity, it's just an encrypted channel between two computers, nothing more. Websites and all types of public traffic going through a public-facing VPN can be passively fingerprinted, there are dozens of papers on this topic. You have to believe kikes that sell you the service on your data security, and in the end it turns out they rent servers from someone else who keeps another set of logs above that. Trusting a VPN is trusting a single point of failure unless you own a botnet or a few thousand severs bought for tumbled cryptocurrencies every month which you'd better spend on running Tor nodes and bridges.
As for reddit spacing, this board has atrocious kerning and font size, making it unreadable. Reddit posts have no "reddit spacing" but have more readability on large paragraphs overall.
Did you miss this year's news? Russkies went full ching-chong way. Banned VPNs, Tor, everything related to circumvention, no Net Neutrality either, all ISPs keep full logs for 3 years and can MITM without court order. Based Putin amirite guise xDD.
DDG or starpage are centralized service with a financial system that relies on selling data stop being fucking gullible and just use YACY or a SEARX instance.
underrated comment
True but you shouldn't be gullible in that case, learn a lesson from it.
No it isn't, if they used tracking cookies "by mistake" if you believe that it means that they made another way of making money.
Don't be gullible user it's a centralized service that doesn't share it's research system they are here to make money via what should be private data.
And you find this normal ?
you think Google doesnt sell itself to Russia?
you got too high opinions friend
Thank you for your cooperation,
Agent Fud
The thing that people don't understand is that you can't just indiscriminately use the services of random people and expect them to have your best interests at heart.
It's like if I went to some third-world country where the government participates in gangs and petty crime, and went into every store and talked to everyone I met. It would be ridiculous to get angry if some random picks my pocket or beats me up, because I should never have assumed that everyone was my friend.
Hungary is not "nordic".
(((humanity))) as a whole is pretty (((crap)))
Duckduckgo has done a bunch of different suspicious shit for fucking years. I don't think anyone has been autistic enough to even keep track of it all, because you should not assume it to be any better than google as far as privacy goes.
The bottom lines comes down to the fact that they are making money somehow to provide you a free service. This means you are their product.
Nice try Bill
We've known that it's not completely secure for a while now but actual proof that it's been compromised might push the free software community into making a new one that doesn't rely on Google at all like Startpage does.
I'm not sure what it's trying to imply with the bit about a SSL termination proxy.
1. If it was using an SSL termination proxy, what does it matter? A web server is going to need to get your unencrypted request eventually.
2. A SSL termination proxy does not let you man in the middle the https connection to a different server letting them see your unencrypted content.
3. Nginx sole's purpose is not being a SSL termination proxy. It's a web server which happens to support the feature.
I'm not trying to give any credit to duckduckgo, but the logic for that seems retarted.
Options > Filters > Add new filter
At least they tried.
I wish I had this kind of optimism
Yandex might be the best email provider if you're in a NATO country. Probably the worst if you're a Russian, though.
It does, though. The only problem is that the hidden service still makes clear net requests.
well that means it doesn't work. images don't load when using the hidden service, and accessing clearnet links through tor introduces the possibility of the exit node being jew controlled
Fucking morons make another dumbass "be afraid" thread. If anybody are "cucks" it's you sissy faggots.
Russia did nothing wrong
I think it has less to do with then being Russian and more to do with them being a for-profit corporation that makes its money by collecting and selling your information to advertisers.
DDG is kiked
Fuck off jew lover.
Only brainlets ever used DDG, it's an utter shit product in either case.
DuckDuckBlows is a search engine for fucking idiots, and Gabriel is a Kike. There are only a few good search engines left anymore, but the best two I can find are Qwant and Peekier. Searx is slow, and the results are awful. I have never seen Peekier been mentioned on Holla Forums before, but it is excellent. Just to summarize:
I fucking hate this. Do not fucking mess with my clicks.
If I click the link, I understand the consequences, it's no fucking different from Google's tracking link obfuscation. A third-party search engine needs to display my results, not know what I pick from them.
fuck off kike, even booble works under Tor with js disabled
Ha! Forget about Peekier. They might not collect info themselves, but they use cloudflare who MITM (decrypt) YOUR SHIT. And set up a uniquely identifying cookie. It's still StartPage for me.
This, people miss the point
Yandex is basically Russian equivalent of Google
It gets worse, they also source from Bing, a known American company
sage is not a downvote.
Better Russia than NSA, seens that I'm a burger and not a dog.
Qwant is a botnet hosted in the (((EU))) that's trying to be the new jewgle of europe. It has accrediation and awards from the (((EU))) too to top that cherry of botnet off. Might investigate peekier later. Never heard of it before but the way it was registered is weird since it goes through (((cloudkike))).
Doublethink, I...
tell me poolchan, is startpage the best?
DDG was already proven botnet when your great-grandfather was in short pants user.
Nobody proved anything. All we know is the owner had shady prior business. But that's pretty much the same as every other CEO in silicon valley. You can't trust any of them.
OP has yet to present ANY proof of a link between Yandex and muh Russians.
Yandex is a Russian company, it's like Jewgle but without any open source software. Everything they make is a spying proprietary shovelware and normalfags like it. A "minimalist" search page with literally a search bar and nothing else won't even load without javascript, yet Google still works even over Tor. Secon'd Yandex's third-party metrics collect as much information as possible, even keystrokes. Would not recommend.
t. Russian
Don't believe me? Fire up your favorite botnet translation software and visit (russian hackernews, but without pajeets, CEOs and cucks), lurk up for Yandex corporate blog or posts mentioning Yandex's software and scroll down to comments.
Here's a prime example: transit route planning app sends your geolocation data in plaintext every 5 minutes:
no shit
Good goyim
I don't know Russian.
tldr: yandex and vk are owned by jews
Like everything else?
Stopped reading right there
Considering the number of people swearing that they'll stop browsing 4chan now, probably.
So then, this place is about as dead as a door nail. Where to now?
Hey, 4cuck fags, stay away from >>>/css/ and >>>/realbenis/ . Those are our special boards and their not for you. Don't go to them.
I don't know user. I just don't know.
I've taken to using a searx instance that uses tor on my server, it seems like a pretty good solution
Oh I'm laffin.
use searx
I thought they were open about this?
At least its Russia and not the US.
op is a fagit
Why should i use yandex over