ITT: We talk about how hot Robespierre was

ITT: We talk about how hot Robespierre was

Robospierre did nothing wrong.
He was a fucking hero.

absolutely. my comrade/10

i like robespierre (no homo) and cromwell (likewise), but I don't hate celtic ppl

what do?

Stop being a nationalist for one

Any love for this radical qt?


he looks like xexizy



Isn't this like the third thread about Robespierre and the French Revolution in the past week?

yeah, you got a problem with that BUDDY?

I swear I'm not a dirty Girondist.

Leftypol loves the virtuous terror and rightly so.


why even live.

fuck he really does

Did you see the facial reconstruction they did? Bit of a minger.

S-Smiley ? Is that you ?

He looks absolutely nothing like he did in any painting tho. I don't know how accurate those facial reconstruction things really are.

I think not.

Best revolutionary cuteboy tbh

Cauchy literally rejected two of his papers for opposing the monarchy. Like, THE Cauchy.

literally ancien /cuteboy/

What have you done today to become a genius like Galois-kun?

He died at 20 of wounds from a duel over some woman

And that is actually a specific case of the limit not existing if you define it rigorously (i.e. on maps between arbitrary metric spaces), but the pic epitomizes the campy upbeat optimism of his political activities.

as dreams tend to infinity, my despair = infinity

"Don't cry, Alfred. I need all my courage to die at twenty."