Western women are the problem, east Aryans are the solution
Millennial women have been stolen from us
Luis Perry
Jackson Moore
That's a little bit of a pipe dream these days too.
Parker Taylor
How young are you talking because according to my younger cousins you're a loser if you are a virgin past 14.
Anthony Martinez
Jonathan Carter
Luke Martin
Daily reminder that race mixers too will be ovened come The Day.
Easton Carter
When the man is in his 30's/40's and his bride is 17-25. Any woman past 25 is spent up and her eggs are rotting.
Hypersexual culture pushed by the jewish media propaganda. Your cousins are brainwashed or degenerates themselves.
Ayden Morris
The next generation will be yandere and tsundere tbh. We will all get qt 3.14 waifus for breeding purposes like Trump.
Sebastian Brown
If you can get a gf then you can redpill her. I am unable to get a gf.
Nolan Butler
One can only hope user