The Spanish government wants to ban memes!
It won't be long before this idea spreads to other countries.
The Spanish government wants to ban memes!
It won't be long before this idea spreads to other countries.
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Didn't Russia already last April do almost exactly this? Forgot about it, wonder how that turned out.
Good luck
That pretty much would be SOPA in disguise. It would never pass, it's "harmless pictures".
They can go fuck a bull. It's a failed attempt, and it will lose them support to restrict internet usage because of pictures.
I would not be surprised if Facebook disabled the ability to post pictures some time in the future.
Fuck I'm a Spaniard.
What do?
Stop being Spaniard
Why do you hate me? Are you a filthy French?
Not hating, just putting out there bruh
Also the Popular Party's initials PP, are pronounced Pepe, so does that mean they will ban themselves?
No one expects the Spanish Inquisition!
Fuck you too, leaf
More countries will try this, they saw the power of memes in the US elections and they are shitting themselves.
You cannot stop meme magic!
It can only get stronger the more you suppress it!
It cannot be contained!!
Desperate bullshit to save themselves. Will not work.
"the Popular Party's initials PP are pronounced as Pepe"
Surely this is a sign passed down to us by kek, but what does it mean?
They never learn. KEK will be victorious.
I thought Spain's government went under a few years ago. What the fuck?
Yeah that guy is a crook with no support not to mention that satire has a loooooong history legally.
Then we crush the spanish government. They are weak, fearful, and cannot even control their own nation. Fuck em.
Next we take spain! Get us a list friends and a list of foes, and let the meme war begin. Right Wing Spain, coming at us. (haha and the spanish civil war stories got me into anarchy. Spain thn got e to hate commies… and now I'm pushing for RWDS in spain! Sieg hiel, weird life cycles.)
To ban us is to ban truth and this never ends well. Truth will win and with a sword butcher all liars. Truth will show no mercy. We are the agents of truth, stay strong. We will have our day, we own the future.
theres no way they can even hope to enforce this
Its like I'm really on /int/.
Reconquista when
Didn't Erdogan try something similar when people compared him to Golum?
that if they do it the spainons should be good citizens and ban the PP
It was a female mexican politician who wanted to.
You're going away for a long time with the amount of illegal memes we found on your computer.
It's afraid.
This was on my mind for some time now.
The ADL is terrified that the right has memes. In fact, right is not allowed to have it's unique mainstream memes and culture outside of (now crumbling) Christianity. Cultural left on the other hand live on their animated series (Simpsons, South Park etc.) and comedy shows. Internet changed that because we no longer need such an easily controllable platform.
They will definitely try to ban memes. I suppose that every character will have to be copyrighted (or end up that way). Any one person posting modified memes will be either be detected by AI that will be capable within few years, or detected manually as soon as it has any reach.
There will be a witch hunt against copyright owners that allow right-wing modifications, through the media and standard practice that we already see today. That is the future.
Also, AI technology has progressed very far in terms of writing and language recognition. They can already detect things like faces. I'm sure if Facebook really wanted to, they could tweak their face recognition software so as to censor all drawings of pepe for instance.
I guess ultimately, if they really do pull something like that off, it just forces us to be more creative.
No one expects the Spanish meme inquisition.
these pieces of shit have the nerve to say anything about infringing the honor of a person, after what we've seen this election? god I hate them. i hate them so much.
While he's at it, he should try using pic related to empty the ocean.
It's coming sooner or later. That's one project that backfired horrible on (((them)))
You haven't seen anything yet.
Spaniards we need to assembly and possibly make a spain general like those germans or britcucks have always done
we need to get our shit together ASAP
we dont even have any secondary party that is as good as AfD or le pen
Your people are responsible for creating mexicans. Thanks a lot, asshole.
We have outsmarted Hollywood in being the witty side of the spectrum.
We have MDE.
that will go well
Make dank memes, immediately, the market can only go up from here!
checked. Agreed.
Hell at least be sporting about it and give him a bucket.
Mexico already tried to ban memes, esp Pepe IIRC
What a moron. Everyone knows that you can't ban love.
Well it's official, Spain can fug off.
Good fucking luck with that.
PLEASE teach them to get their shit together.
Menudos gilipollas que sois los americanos, ¿a que vosotros pensais que todos nosotros apoyamos esta propuesta? Pensáoslo de nuevo.
Why would the Spanish government want to do this? Perhaps for the same reason it said it would block the Scots from rejoining the EU if they left the UK, precident.
The Spanish are threatened at the moment, migrants to the east, constituencies threatening to separate from Spain, banning memes could just be a way to cull the separatist memes that are currently flooding the Spanish media.
suck it Spain
But it's true. Compare the South American natives - very different. No, the MAs really are more bloodlusty and cruel, and the smoother ones have a high European admixture.
Pepe is le Facebook frog though, they literally can't do that.
"If you ban memes, they win."
-Barack Hussein Obama
We have people in their 50's praising Kek in the US. Good luck.
Isn't there a word for memes or passed-down forbidden literature in the Soviet Union? I'm trying to find it but of course only finding cancer.
Even killing the internet wouldn't work, see samizdat
Memes are forever, maybe traced by hand onto a scrap of paper and admired every morning by a convict in a gulag, before being stuffed into a crack in the wall moments before the citizen warder calls you out to march you to the work site on the frozen tundra.
But they never die
I'm going on holiday to Spain in a month.
hi /bane/
Holla Forums is going on in international tour. There are no breaks on this meme train.
Spanish bros, there is one thing you can do about this:
Make Spain Great Again. We don't have a big nationalistic party, so we should focus our efforts on destroying the EU to make faster the apparition of nationalistic parties across Europe taking advantage of BREXIT and Trump's victory momentum.
Mariano Rajoy is banning them because the only ones making memes here are salty leftist insulting our semi-nationalistic President
Don't ever try and fuck me, Tony.
I love this pic related. According to the story I heard, the Doktor had just heard a few seconds before that the photographer was a Jew, and then all of a sudden he wants a picture. Funny.
That's definitely a possible timeline (and a very dark one) but we've ended up in the best or better timeline many times already. Have faith.
Leftist memes are low-energy, nobody cares about them.