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currently at 1860 supporters
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I was not aware Julian Assange had been charged with a crime to pardon.
We need the Federal Reserve,Federal government,States,county,and local governments financially audited, on top of all our infrastructure audited.
I say have Rand & Ron Paul, Assange & Snowden lead an army of interns to create right wing audit squads.
We're talking about millions of man hours needed to be done.
I say once the work has been completed we give Assange & Snowden a Pardon.
He raped a girl like how Trumped raped some woymen.
In Sweden, rape capital of Europe of all places.
The real world is a bit different from civics classes. It is United States pressure that is behind Assange taking refuge in the Ecuadorian embassy.
Yeah, plus imagine if they used this criteria from a rape case a month ago.
would this sort of pardon set a precedence to people just randomly revealing state secrets? I think it's a great idea, but I think Trump should tread this topic carefully.
For example, drone strike is something that is useful militarily, but irresponsible use of drone strike should be called upon. Mass surveillance is bad, but it should be an option to monitor preexisting terrorist cells that are affiliated with ISIS or something (of course, there are questions as to what defines a terrorist and can be politically exploited).
It just feels like a very controversial decision to make.
Trump should give the guy a pardon,and sue his false rape acusers right after,
first of all, this. The petition should say "please stop using cucked Swedish justice as a way to ty to arrest Assange".
However, I don't think this is good. Assange may have exposed how corrupt the Clintons and the Bush administration were, but getting pressure off him because he might have helped Trump get the presidency isn't a smart political move. Julian is kind of like Batman, the hero we need but we can't publicly endorse. It would be political suicide for both our new POTUS and Wikileaks
Trump can ask his legal advisors if there is actually a case against Julian. If not, then all charges are dropped.
It won't be an official pardon so the government can save face and free him at the same time.
"he's batman"
There has long been a precedent for whistle blowers in our society, and an acceptance that they are necessary to spot corruption and abuse of power. One thing that distinguishes men like Assange and Snowden is that they go to great lengths to not reveal anything that could be compromising to Americans or America's supporters in the field.
It kind of sucks, but that is often why we have to wait so long to get the documents, because it is being pored over and parts redacted that might be compromising. Most of the documents that Snowden haven't even been released yet.
Incidentally, Obama has been the worst president in history when it comes to whistleblowers.
Not to ruin the party, but the ones who need to pardon him are Sweden.
Either way, even if Trump won't go after him, it doesn't mean (((they))) will leave him alone.
We could fuck their shit up, Sweden is THE test place for everything (((they))) plan spreading all over earth, so they like the clinton foundation have a lot of things to hide that we could uncover.
Problem is that Assange has committed no crime in the USA.
So a pardon isn't possible.
What he can do however is state publicly that Assange is not a person of interest in any US criminal case and that the USA will not request his extradition from any nation.
I see this as a trap. I want Julian pardoned as much as anyone, but it seems that everyone under the sun wants to get Trump impeached, it's the new liberal holy grail. We should tread lightly.
Of what?
Assange never broke US law and is an Aussy national.
You mean Snowden or Manning?
Those are the two famous Americans.
If we tell Sweden that we won't allow him to be extradited then its just as good.
Manning needs it the most, it's fucked up what they're doing to him.
Its a her, amygalda was female beforehand and she was on SRS horomone therapy. By proceadure she should have been prohibited from the SAP area on account of drug effects until SRS finished.
And yes I say amygalda, given how many kikes can't lay off the wine and make little cunt boys, I'm going with the brain, the one part that can't be altered yet, not for lack of kike tries.
Look up the magnetic harmonic feedback vest Zuckerburg is pushing, and wheep when you relize why its needed for occulus.
We should offer him asylum.
When your dick gets cut off are you a female now or a surgery case?
Bradley is not a woman.
Add Edward Snowden and Joe Arpaio to the pardon wish list.
Honestly with the state of Sweden at the moment Trump should go to war with them to liberate these cucks from themselves. Absolutely sickening.
I don't like snowden as a person, however he did a good service to both the USA and the world (he should have released the full docs instead of handing them (((journalists))), though), so I think he should be pardoned.
Having said that, comparing snowden to assange is unfair. Snowden was an ignorant faggot who thought the NSA were the good guys and decided to blow them up when he got what the truth was, Assange is a man with a vision: transparency, and his help to our cause has really been the greatest so far.
Last time I checked he was Swedish. You're thinking of Snowden.
Joe is going for being a dick, you don't pardon dicks.
Pardon Assange. Snowden I really don't care about, don't even think he's a real person, just a character in a perception management campaign.
Or pardon Jim Bell (recommend reading 'Assassination Politics' for anybody that hasn't already, it's so potentially relevant to current year, but was written a long time ago. I wonder if it's already a reality)
Why do you think not so good Robinson Cruse Bear Grylls bomberman?
Why not? His leaks were huge. He's naive and a cuck though (pole dancer girlfriend lol).
NSA leaks (Verizon leaks) hit the news a few days before he suddenly hit every MSM outlet as a personality to latch onto (with new leaks).
I don't even think his name is real but is a joke instead.
To add to this idea, it's like how we don't like e-celebs. They can ruin a good thing. He was put out there to do that
What's there?
to spread the petition
Ah, well here's the actual content for those that want it without clicking imgur
That's it
Assange is Australian. He is wanted for the questioning of a crime in Sweden, and is facing deportation there. However, the reason he doesn't go to Sweden is that he knows there is significant pressure to have him extradited to the United States.
The term pardon is appropriate to stop any actions on the part of the United States government to seize Julian Assange.
Ecuador has extradition for sexual crimes to Sweden, and to the US for "high crimes".
Assange is like Snowden, there to make sure {{control}} works.
Snowden is panopticon, Assange makes sure leakers are vaught and controlled.
Remember, Assange attacked only Hillary, and she lost, just who's side were they all on?
Free Ross Ulbricht
Unfortunately impossible, since the president can't just pardon previously sentenced criminals. But still, the man needs it just as bad if not more than Asange
Am I retarded or missing something here? You can even pardon people that have served their sentences as a kind of a statement (afaik), it's happened several times
The only pardoning going on lately has been Obama doing it for serious central american druglords.
I too think nigger killers should be pardoned for doing so, just as anyone else doing self defense should be pardoned.
Im pretty sure, Assange will be guaranteed safe since wikileaks helped a lot of people see how corrupt the democrats are.
assuming Assange is still alive that is
but will Trump change his mind on snowden?
Snowden works for panopticon by being hated. That is not going away.
snowden is a traitor liberal cuck though
This meme has a illimited strong potential.
The president can pre-emptively pardon him so he knows that the US won't try to deport him
I was thinking I was going to write some letters and make some calls to his campaign to try and get this message through. However, I don't know what Trump could really do. I think it's Sweden that has Assange charged with a crime, and I don't think the presidential pardon extends to foreign nations. I think the solution here would have to be a bit more fine tuned than just waving his hand.
UK has been the bitch of the USA since the end of WWII when the usa told all the allied countries "Now you owe us, here is the bill" for wwII.
USA has vast military.
We say we want assange, assange says "cool wih me" and here he comes.
Mmm, I don't know. He did leak classified information. That is a crime. He isn't American. Would be a bad precedent. It would also look like Trump was in cohoots with him. We must be a nation of laws.
So! the solution, is to just ignore it. Not seek his extration. That's the smooth operator way. Stop talking to the Swedes and they either shut up or resolve it then he can leave and go wherever. Everyone happy.
Respect those laws and we'd have literal child rapists and traffickers in office for another four years.
Laws are bent all the fucking time. I can't think of a more justified reason to do so than now.
Assange doesn't care about going to Sweden by itself, his concern is that he will be extradited to the United States if he enters Swedish custody.
Tbh, a victory for any one of Snowden, Assange, or Manning on this front will open the door for all of them down the road.
Assange is really the most important of the three, as his work is ongoing, and he will do a good job of staying at the forefront and standing up for the others. From Trump's perspective, it will also honestly mean 1000x more to have Assange in your debt than Snowden.
bye bye ctr
The best way to handle this is to use back-channel assurances to Assange that Trump's administration will not prosecute him for (((espionage))), then put pressure on Sweden to drop the case that we probably pressured them into in the first place. But as has been said, he hasn't been charged in the US with any crimes so there is nothing to pardon and it would be political kryptonite to anyone especially Trump
polite sage for stale thread
He was was picked up and released on that charge. He is not accused of any crime, he is just wanted for "questioning", do you even wikileak?
You're not even trying.
He is wanted for releasing American classified information, and he could be pardoned for that charge. You don't have to be convicted to receive a pardon.
It would actually shut up a lot of liberal whining right now about Trump being a monster. Not from the SJWs, as they can't be helped, but from the typical Berniebro crowd.
Lets see if this still gets deleted post-election… or if Soros/CTR 2.0 show up with that shitty 'mega pack' post of fake torrents
Assange and the entire Wikileaks staff has been missing since Oct 15. 3 of his attorneys are dead along with the director of Wikileaks who died on Oct 22. The deadman switch seems to have gone off on Oct 21st (during the DDoS) and again a couple of times after (check dates of big DDoS attacks against the site and when it's down). It seems like 1. Wikileaks is compromised 2. the keys to unlock some of the insurance files have been released and 3. they are trying very hard to stop people from finding them.
user has been working on this nonstop since Oct 15. All threads get slid or deleted and the people making progress go silent. As soon as they found relevant messages encoded in the blockchain, the mempool was flooded, incredibly high transaction fees started showing up and a high number of transactions with encoded disinformation were made. If you look at the deleted threads and the information posted on onion links, it looks like user was able to unlock some of the files on Oct 27 and that more files are being secretly encoded into the blockchain and the new file directory on the Wikileaks site (the last change was last night). If you want to see user's work, google '09-Nov-438498967 06:00' or look for insurance/DMS threads on onion chans then look at the dates below.
If you are skeptical, download the latest insurance files posted:
Run 'scripts file | head -c 18' and you will see that the files were not salted. All previously published insurance files have been salted.
Do 'gpg –verify' and you will see that the gpg signature is invalid.
Today Wikileaks answered questions on reddit and suggested they use (((uTorrent))) to download the files:
These are the previous insurance files:
Now consider these coincidences:
15 Oct: Assange's loses internet access at around 5:00 pm GMT.
Wikileaks chat goes silent and never comes back: wlchatc3pjwpli5r.onion
The embassy tells a caller they can't comment on Assange being alive:
At the exact same time this was taking place, Manning had a group of guys try to break her out prison. Read her statement and see how the dates and times match:
18 Oct: is made publicly visible. The message 'The Insurance files may have just been released' is shown for about an hour:
21 Oct: DDoS attack takes down Twitter.
At this point user notices that the insurance keys were posted on several sites and deleted. People start trying to post the information but it is immediately deleted. Everyone takes refuge in onion threads that also disappear.
22 Oct: Director of Wikileaks dies:
24 Oct: user is able to find the deleted keys. They are posted and deleted again.
25 Oct: Someone comes into a thread an gives user a hint about messages in the blockchain.
26 Oct: user successfully decode their first message in Wikileak's blockchain. Threads are instantly flooded by shills saying that it's not worth looking into and alphabets start giving more tips. The blockchain is blocked with fees and 43000 unconfirmed transactions appear in the mempool.
27 Oct (AM): user moves into an onion thread, posts code and a tutorial on decoding messages in the blockchain. Several files and messages are found.
Bitcoin 0.13.1 is released and a 'soft fork' begins:
The blockchain is attacked:
27 Oct (PM): Several user report losing their connection. Talk of v&s and black bagging begins. Someone posts that they discovered a flaw that allows anyone to retrieve the password from the files. Clues are dumped and the onion threads go silent. On Tox chat someone says someone unlocked some of the files, warns that FBI will announce that new evidence was found in someone's computer and that a giant human trafficking operation would be exposed.
28 Oct (A few hours later): FBI announces they discovered new evidence on Anthony Weiner's computer:
30 Oct: FBI begins posting their own leaks:
31 Oct - 2 Nov: user begins analyzing strange code words like 'pizza'. Multiple connections are made.
3 Nov: Wikileaks confirms the validity of the information found:
5 Nov: Manning's statement is released:
6 Nov: DDoS attack takes down Wikileaks for the first time in years:
7 Nov: user notices that several Podesta and DNC emails are missing.
8 Nov (AM): New insurance files are posted:
8 Nov (PM): Trump wins.
8 Nov (AM-PM): Large numbers of cyber attacks target Saudi Arabia and Emirates:
9 Nov: A single file is changed on the
10 Nov: Staff publicly states their concern for Assange's continue silence after the election. Incorrectly states that insurance files are future leaks and refers to the ones posted on Nov 8. These are the first files to have filenames that reference their content:
If you truly care about Assange and the future of Wikileaks you should consider investigating the possibility of the DMS being activated. It might be the only leverage that can be used to bring him back safely.
trying to unslide
pre-commit hashes dont match new files
He's on our side, that's all that really matters. We must always back our allies (such as Assange) and drive our enemies down whenever possible.
No mercy and no compromise with the left, and never fail to support and protect the right.
nah, we control the board, not liberals.
Trump won. Assange is alive. Deal with it. Must hurt, right?
questioning means black bagged
assange would never let someone tweet an unsafe link like this
Trump winning doesn't prove Assange is alive you stupid mong
I'd help you but its beyond my level.
I'm sorry.
Kek bless Julian
Hm, I guess it's a necessary evil that must be done in order to save the republic from absolute tyranny, then save them and give them the right to a legal attorney and counsel and a fair trial before jury.
Now THIS is action I can get behind!
wtf. have you had your head up your own anus for the last year and a fucking half? how the fuck did those words come out of your god damned brain?
Am I mistaken…. did you mean this in reference to sweden's first cuck politicals or something?
Just wait until Christmas and start a petition on, spams my fucking email address.
Basically this. No pardon will ever be enough to secure his safety. The guy has fucked over so many people already operating above the law that the law cannot help him. He's pretty much fucked at this point. What he really needs is plastic surgery and a private jet.
Double dubs confirms.
Freedom of information and transparency, nigger.
Yeah but who Holla Forums owes a great bit of gratitude to.
Anons, you all know goddam well Trump can't do this, or it will confirm the Jews' assertions (in the eyes of the lemmings) that Trump was working with Assange and "muh Russians."
Assange–arrogant shitbag he is– helped get a result that was good for the US, good for Russia, and good for the world by keeping that crazed cunt away from Syria and nukes.
Why even try to put Trump i this position, where's he's fucked if he's does or he doesn't? Every media kike is going to be going for his throat from the moment he's sworn in, if you want him to get 8 years why even push this dumb shit? Stupidity.
Not sure I agree with this.
The press is taking a fucking beating over their election coverage malfeasance, further attacks on Trump are going to be viewed with extreme suspicion - as long as The Don does a job the people are happy with.
Would it matter if I signed it as a non american? Would they count my signature?
This whole thing is retarded. Trump is pro torture and anti whistleblower. It's not going to happen.
What might happen, though, is Trump bringing Snowden home for a public, unclassified, fair trial
If Trump pardoned Gender-Bender Manning that would really fuck with progressives.
Once he's President everything Trump does the (((Press))) will write articles denouncing it, what would they do when a Suicidal-Transvestite Degenerate kind of like most of the left is honored by the President?
But was literally tortured under Obama and Hillary, and he talks on live TV about how terrible his treatment was for getting out the truth.
What could MSNBC do then?
Manning is a fucking faggot, and he did the right thing for the wrong reasons, but he did do the right thing. Trump really should pardon him.
I can only see actions for their worth to our cause.
To save white lives.
During Trump's reign we need to get the press to hang themselves as quickly as possible. They are the key to all of this, and it won't be impossible since they're just a bunch of wet the bed pansies.
Donald Trump just has to promise not to extradite assange to the USA. assange said he would face the fake rape charges in Sweden if he was promised that he would not be handed over to the Americans.
Letting the sensibilities of libs control your actions is cucking. It's proven not to work. It empowers them. Once you start you can't stop.
Even better would be if he publicly offers him asylum.
Can the president of the United States even pardon someone from Australia?
He can give Asylum.
nigger just retweet at mass @realdonaldtrump
Shut the fuck up JIDF
It was an honest question, you paranoid faggot.
Trump would win in every regard by pardoning Manning
Alright I'm sorry my friend, can you find it in your heart to forgive me?
pardon assange from what?
how about he pardon pogo instead.
Pogo has been influential in the meme war, and while obama let untold numbers of spics into the southern border unchecked, and then gifted to them welfare, Pogo came to tour the states with the wrong kind of visa, and has been banned from entering for TEN YEARS
This should not stand.
LWC music video because some fag in another thread already posted the original Trumpular
I guess I will pardon your post
To be honest, he won't be safe even with such freedom to leave the embassy. Elements in the establishment would likely still make a move to take him out. So he'd have to get somewhere safe and live in voluntary house arrest with a security detail for the rest of his life. Not much of a change to how he lives right now.
TL;DR: He's probably safest where he is right now.
You have to go back lad.
I don't think Trump can do much for Julian Assange. Hell, cuckservatives didn't even want him mentioning Wikileaks because they didn't want to lend credence to a man who might expose their own misdeeds. That's why Trump didn't bring up Wikileaks for a long time.
Trump should give wikileaks their own embassy with full diplomatic protection.
Until the Jews' fangs are at least somewhat out of our necks, don't see how it can work. Maybe ~6-8 months after he's sworn in, but literally before he's even sworn in? IDK, I wish he'd declare open season, no bag limit on these "protesters" and pardons all around on jan 20th. He seemed too overwhelmed with onbongo yesterday, even kissing his ass, i hope he doesn't back off anything he's promised.
Sweden is only pressing the case at the behest of ZOG, one of the woman has a direct CIA connection.
Well I might be the retarded one also not american, so I took a wild guess there, if so, then
Free Ulbricht
The Swedes are already going to London to interrogate Assange, so the case can be dropped.
That and Trump doesn't want anyoyne undermining him now.
How much of the Podesta stuff was relatively harmless from our point of view, but just all added up in the end? Now imagine it being said by Trump associates. Talk of how to deal with nogs and whatnot.
I can't see Trump wanting this guy around.
Can we invade Sweden and bring democracy back to them?
Petition for the people postin for Donald Trumps assassination to go to jail ? anyone ??
Monisha Rajesh works for The Guardian
demand she be fired for this ?
get a thread going
Somebody report this goy.
Here is Assange in an interview in early November.
Wikileaks has a staff. Assange is the editor. Sorry that this is too much for your atrophied leftist brain to handle.
By the way. Trump won, and there's nothing you can do about it.
I donated some shekels to wikileaks too.
They gave us the most transparent election in history
he looks like a kike to me. Used to have a friend from Boston who was in Secret Service, it seems to be a lot of Irish guys and usually a generational thing.
Not sure if that qualifies as a "threat," but they will look into who he is, his internet history, etc.. and if seems like a threat, he gets a visit from 2 agents and a rating of 1, 2 or 3. Get a 3 and you are remanded to a state psych ward for a minimum of a year.
Some random info– the money is not good, you have to buy your own suits. It takes a minimum of 15-20 years before you are allowed anywhere near an actual presidential detail. Before that, you mostly work on check fraud, maybe play golf with minor diplomats as their "protection" (e.g., PMs of small caribbean shitholes).
The guy left because he had 2 kids and the money contractors were making in Iraq at the time was unreal compared to what secret service were getting.
Trump can pardon him from the day of his birth to today and it is iron clad and absolves Assange of anything he might have done to US security.
It would harm Wikileaks' and Assange's credibility if Trump were to cozy up to them, but that doesn't seem likely anyway. I do think Trump can and should take the pressure off Assange; beyond that, he can look out for himself. And I hope they keep up the good work.
wasn't change org from soros or something?
There's a food crisis coming up, that'll solve this, because they already can't feed themselves
And i'm not happy about hundreds of millions diying because they fucked too much at all, i'm sad, but it's going to happen.
Thankfully most european countries won't take more inmigrants
A word of advice for anyone from Wikileaks or Assange himself, since he sometimes browse this place and threads concerning him.
Have a perfect exit plan from the embassy, the city and the country and hire private contractors.
There is a small army of PMC's hired my shell companies by the usual people stationed around the area. Multiple companies, multiple operatives, self-contained..
It is party and private secrets, not state. Even worse when it comes to exposing acts of treason and any form of criminality.
Die CTR Shill.
Hell I'd smuggle Assange out of the country so long as he covered costs.
Wouldn't be too difficult either.
in joyful strains, then let us sing;
advance australia fair
This user is correct. If Trump gives Assange his freedom, even though he deserves it, the left would use it as a way to attack trump and say "see! They were working together from the beginning!" and ignore all the shit we got through Wikileaks.
In any case, I think Assange will be alright, Trump will probably just stop all agencies from following him. It won't be made public but at least Assange will at least feel secure without hit assassins trying to catch him everyday.
Maybe so. But they already think that about Wikileaks (look up the recent AMA Wikileaks did at plebbit) and they already attack Trump for everything and anything. I say go for it, free Assange!
Not caring what the left said about him just won him the election, I think we are free to ignore those buffoons at this point
Fucking newfags, the Soviets framed opposition as homosexuals to discredit them. The only "evidence" that has ever been presented is that photo of a bruised manning in a wig and the word of his (((((((((((((lawyer)))))))))))))).
No, I'm sure he's totally a tranny and and isn't being gaslit and tortured at all.
Signed and tweeted.
Fuck Hillary.
Praise KEK
Which kind of person stops doing what is right just because of what some retards may or may not think. Plus, "the left" is going to attack Trump no matter what, and the benefits of freeing Assange far surpass any such hindrances. He should be appointed press secretary.
IMO, if Trump is making some favor to a specific person, namely Assange, it could mean that they had some backroom deal, which would put his presidency into question right at the start.
Assange is just doing the journalists' job by releasing data (((they))) don't want to talk about.
That said, Trump could just ask any services to drop the case on Assange without making any public move directly towards him.
Assange probably has tons of dirt on Trump that he didn't release because it wasn't as bad as Hillary. And if he has nothing, he will aquire some in the next 4 years and it would be his duty to release it. Assange is neutral good. Trump must be lawful good.
Trump doesn't need to pardon Assange. Any action he takes doesn't even have to be public.
If I'm not mistaken he isn't even wanted for any crimes, just for questioning, meaning that as soon as he steps outside he'll be extradited to Sweden, then to the US, and then locked in a CIA torture facility 50 miles underground.
All Trump has to do to help Assange is get the DoJ and whatever other agencies are after him off his ass.
I like the idea of this petition. My only concern is this isn't the best time to do it. We should wait until a year or 2 into his presidency. If we get him to pardon what plebs perceive as an international criminal, who helped him in his fight against Hillary Clinton. The news headlines will read "collusion for the presidency" "Trump abusing power" "Trump pardons notorious international criminal Julian Assange" and so on. This isn't what we need now.
Can a US President pardon someone who isn't a US citizen?
they never say when it was filmed. if you watch closely youll notice he doesn't mention anything that has happened recently. he doesn't even mention how the director of wikileaks and his best friend died or how sweden denied letting him go to the funeral.
Everyone should read Manning's statement made the day Assange lost his internet:
None of the core staff have been able contact Wikileaks or Assange since October 15th. His internet was not restored. People are not concerned because an filmed at an unknown interview was posted. Keep in mind that Ecuador promised to not interfere in the election and would therefore not be able to allow reporters to conduct an interview inside the embassy.
A Grand Jury began on 2010.
An exit plan is not a concern at the moment. Right now the biggest priority is making contact with Assange, the rest of the staff and the Ecuadorian embassy. As of now, Nov 11, the internet has not been restored, the embassy continues to state they cannot comment of his situation and no one has been able to speak to him.
uh, dude…
can you read?
how do you reach the conclusion that the post you answered to could be CTR in any way?
are you both retarded enough to believe the drivel by the (((MSM))) and ?
don't you realize that this is pushed only to discredit the value of the leaks and try to hide the results of nightmarish biochemical torture on Manning?
do you really think there are no shills anymore after the election? CTR were a bunch of retarded librul losers and are gone, but they were blatant enough to allow authentically hostile posters to hide in the noise, and the less abtuse amongst them managed to learn a bit from the battle
affirming like this guy did that Manning was an ordinary tranny degenerate without the tiniest bit of a proof before he decided to be a whistleblower can not help the cause of freedom of speech if it's true, and can only help hiding corruption and crime if it is false
conclusion: it's disinfo
Keep going swedecucks you'll all be extinct in a few years anyway
Yeah this is some bullshit, a few hours ago it was at over 8k/10,000
Looks like we need to start a lot more right wing websites so they have to spread their resources a lot thinner.
Last time I checked, it needed like 200 signatures to reach 10k
sure it wasn't to hit 500, and they just hit it so next target is 10000?
You don't seem to understand how this site works, it sets milestones, not a solid goal.
are you sure this is not just a tactic to get more signatures? once it reaches 15,000 it will say "only 5,000 more to go until 20,000" ..then once it reaches 20,000 "only 5,000 more to 25,000" and so on..
US should pardon him, but if I was assange I wouldn't step foot on US soil unless there's a nationalist president (let's hope whoever comes after trump is even more strongly nationalist)
Regardless, this would give Assange 8 safe years in the US for his services to our country
however, him being in the US would prevent more US-centric leaks
that would be some bs, since we still need to drain the swamp
but we need to get him out of europe somehow so he can bring down the EU with leaks
I still don't get Assange's angle here. Is he like - he was targeted by HRC in the past and wants to ruin her as a form of personal revenge and self interest?
I don't believe for a nanosecond that this guy empathizes with the populist (read: white people demographically and culturally reclaiming their countries) basis of the Trump phenomenon.
I do like him and always have even when he was disseminating secrets on the Bush admin. (Bush being my guy at the time.)
But I suspect this love affair will end with a sour note. If Trump becomes the establishemnt he'll go after him to. I have seen zero indication that Assange is interested in defending the dire, urgent need for white/Western civilization to protect and uphold itself. Until I see such inclinations from wikileaks/assange I will view him as a chaos agent and potential disaster for our movement.
Bringing down the Clinton cartel
we can't fix the "first world" until after (((the cartel))) has been driven out
I wonder if he has leaks on the Bonniers? Or Merkel? Bilderbergs? Brussels? The UN?
I meant 5000 not 500 (couple of too many beers) and I said it then needs to hit the next target. You lumped me in with the people that don't get it and so now you need to acknowledge I knew how the site works and post a nice image for me to feel better. Something like a really high resolution image of a lion or something would be cool. Thank you.
I don't care if he leaks on Trump, Trump needs to be kept honest just like everyone else. But for Assange to get leaks, someone has to leak on him. There probably won't be much on Trump.
There are a lot juicier things out there these days now that we're through Podesta.
Assange is an honest, sincere believer in making power structures transparent because it's the right thing to do for the common good. He is not an ally of Trump except incidentally; if Trump goes the same route as past presidents, expect Wikileaks to scrutinize and expose him. As they should.
Honestly, the salt doesn't give me the kickers I thought it would.
I'll be happy when Assange is reunited with his family.
Are we really through Podesta yet though?
Surely that fucker and all his ilk need to be, at the very least, prosecuted and jailed.
We haven't even began with podesta
Where does he do this?
Trump will get reamed for his tax schemes and hypocritical employment record. Assange could, and may, go after him for this. It almost speaks poorly of wikileaks' integrity that they targed one person so harshly and not the other in this instance. Obviously I agree with their takedown of the Clinton family, but history will note the one-sidedness. And I suspect wikileaks/Assange will be as much of a hindrance in the coming decade as they were a help in the last year.
Does Snowden get a pardon, too? The (((MSM))) claims Putin might turn him over to Trump as part of some deal.
Duly noted. Snowden is faggot traitor unperson.
I understand what you're saying here, but that's not even within miles of the kind of shit the Clinton camp and their masters wee and are up to. At the very least, it's not the potent weapon that can energize the left after they've been so destabilized.
Sure, but if things flow in the direction they have been, it's going to be more of a footnote.
Snowden is a CIA asset, look up "limited hang out". It very well may have been what he was ordered to do.
Snowden is a big psy op we all know it people
Unrelated to Julian Assange or Snowden but also in the same area of controversy:
He needs to be identified and targeted.
Did anyone manage to unlock any of the insurance files?
Also, note notorius shill glasses
How is it that half-rim frames became associated with shills? Honest question, I've been meaning to get new glasses and was thinking about getting some half-rim or no-rim frames.
>Assange and the entire Wikileaks staff has been missing since Oct 15.
No, Julian Assange made an hour long phone call to a conference in Argentina on October 26:
(copy-paste comment 7997855)
Quoted from a reply to this video:
already embedded
3;34;56 defeat of Bernie Sanders was rigged
3:35:51 Wikileaks has released 30,000 emails
4 of 5 TV networks and 8 of 9 Major publishers are Clinton biased
3:37:47 Clinton distracts from Wikileaks by accusing Assange of being Trump Supporter / working with Russia
3:39:26 Wikileaks method is to never quit publishing despite claims
3:40:10 Podesta emails published, 20% USA uranium sold to Russia
3:41:50 50,000 Podesta emails
3:43:17 "stochastic terminator" used by wikileaks to release documents in an unpredictable way determined by reaction in news. Commenced 7th October.
3:44:42 This created crazed atmosphere in Clinton campaign, all establishments were exposed when they pulled together to defend Clinton (Intelligence, neo conservatives, big banks, investment companies, middle class, media, weapon manufacturers)
3:46:39 Wikileaks server was attacked and hacked. Fake documents were placed in UN and Brittish Courts claiming Assange Pedophile and Russian spy
3:48:00 Todd & Claire (company) was tracked down to be creating fake documents
3:48:44 Smear on Assange didn't work so pressure was increased on Ecuador/Assange stopped or consequences..
3:49:50 pressure on Ecuador despite fact Wikileaks doesn't publish from Ecuador
3:51:10 Clinton campaign create propaganda that leaks of corruption were creating interference with elections
3:52:19 Definition of electoral process is to allow media to report what is occurring
3:52:53 cannot have a free/informed election unless there is freedom to inform the public
3:53:15 Obama administration taking control using Government to shut down true information being read by Americans
3:54:07 Assange not happy but understood Ecuador compromised position
3:55:07 Ecuador has policy of non interference in elections
3:55:45 Ecuador policy makes sense
3:56:23 Dilemma for Ecuador is: Wikileaks publishes truth about everthing occuring in election but has nothing to do with Ecuador
3:57:14 Major TV except for Fox in USA controlled by Clinton, argument that Wikileaks is interfering is a false and ironic claim
3:58:25 The threat to Ecuador is interfering will be used by USA to interfere with Ecuadorian election next year
3:59:04 Wikileaks publishes from Germany, France, Holland etc.. but Assange a symbol for Wikileaks therefore Ecuador being bullied
4:00:37 Embassy has been shut off until end of elections to protect Ecuador
4:01:22 Ecuador has stood strong to resist pressure from England, Sweden and USA to release Assange
4:02:30 Political parties in Ecuador are divided about protecting Assange despite UN finding that Assange has been illegally detained
4:04:00 Wikileaks is a fighting dog, was prepared for cut off and has contingency plan in place
4:06:06 That brings the conversation up to date, any questions?
4:08:31 Clinton has media onside, if Trump gets up in polls, media aligned with Clinton (owned by banks) smash Trump down. Journalists not keen to support Trump, fear losing jobs.
Impact not good for USA but good for Latin America. Power structures in USA are being exposed
4:15:55 Assange being expert in technology/security says electronic voting is easy to manipulate and totally crazy for national election
4:18:39 Internal information is acceptable but easily hacked from outside USA
4:22:05 World power structures becoming computerized. Tech savvy people not being utilized. Free stuff on internet being used against interest of people.
4:27:34 (seems like some whispering) (Assange talks over speaker) "Thank God" (speaker stops confused)
4:28:01 Mass media censored, social media beginning to be censored also. Wiki"media"leaks reveals rival media organizations are unwilling to expose each other. Previous leaks show corruption between David Cameron and Sony
4:35:37 "Thank you, stay strong"
He just smells fishy
he came out of nowhere and suddenly like hours later appeared CTR-like protests in HK with printed sayings.
This guy is former CIA. CIA= Always CIA
It seems like you're three weeks late. That's when this board was bombarded with WIKILEAKS IS COMPROMISED! concern trolls.
If someone finally finds the key to unlock the insurance file and posts it on the internet then it will eventually find its way to a lot of websites and the content of the insurance file will be revealed. If it hasn't happened yet then it probably means your hypothesis is wrong.
What does that mean? Speak english.
"The encrypted files we released a few days ago are insurance files. We have done this before. Insurance files are encrypted copies of unpublished documents submitted to us. We do this periodically, and especially at moments of high pressure on us, to ensure the documents can not be lost and history preserved. You will not be able to see the contents of any of our insurance files, until and unless the we are in a position where we must release the key. But you can download them and help spread them to ensure their safe keeping. To download them you will need a torrent client (like Transmission or uTorrent for example). "
Posted where? on 4chan? lots of threads are regularly deleted by Mootchan's mods
Except it wasn't true. I remember that TORfag yelling in big bold red letters. I bet it was you.
>Incorrectly states that insurance files are future leaks
If nobody has ever been able to unlock the insurance files then how do you know what's in it?
That's the link (minus the *):
What's unsafe about that link?
Wikileaks isn't a one man army, there are other people working with Julian Assange.
"Now Ecuador has cut off the internet from here where we're doing this interview, in the Embassy, for the clearly obvious reason that they are concerned about appearing to intervene in the U.S. election campaign. Can you talk about why they would take that action and your own views on Ecuador’s support for you? "
Maybe he got emotional and he didn't want to cry on TV? We don't have the full unedited interview tapes, John Pilger and Darthmouth Films produced a 25 minutes long interview to be sold on the international market.
And what about the phone call to Argentina? Yes, Pilger should have said when exactly he did the interview but that doesn't justify all of your speculations. Your my-speculation-must-be-true autism may work in your mind but don't expect people to take your bait and follow you.
I don't think the average person understands just how big of a fuckup the CIA actually is. There definitive history on it is a book called "Legacy of Ashes." They've never been successful at anything, and now what they used to do has been given turned over to JSOC.
Complete fuck ups in every sense. and the argument of course is "well user, when they are successful you don't know about it" doesn't hold either. Just complete fuckups not capale of such a thing.
This is a common misconception about presidential pardons, they can be issued at any time and for any reason;
The glasses gave him away when I first actually sat and watched him speak in one of his earlier videos. He appears very uncomfortable in them, like a person who just began wearing glasses that same day. His mannerisms didn't help his case either. He was far too calm and collected to actually be on the run from alphabet. When I read about limited hang out for the first time, it clicked.
You'd be uncomfortable wearing them too, they've been missing a nosepad for years now. Several glasses websites have offered to replace them for free ever since he made his first appearance in the media, both for the marketing and being under the false impression that he's under a form of house arrest and is unable to repair or fix them.
In pictures of him outside his hotel room or in informal settings he doesn't wear them. It's a prop.
Several user claimed they have on threads/posts deleted here and on boards that require Tor. Many posts on the insurance file threads had alleged NSA/FBI people telling user that they unlocked them using XKeyscore and BULLRUN. On Nov 9 Wikileaks made a change to their directory and was stamped with the date 09-Nov-438498967 06:00 (you can use this stamp to find posts that have survived deletion). If you google that date you will find a directory with hearings from the LIBE Committee Inquiry on electronic mass surveillance of EU citizens where they first discussed XKeyscore and BULLRUN:
Ctrl+F BULLRUN here:
what is:
The people that organized that conference were contacted and they declined to state on which date the conference/call took place.
Yeah. We were all here. And since then, the site has been DDoS'd several times, files have been deleted from it, the director died and Assange has not made contact even after the election ended. Now we are at the point where we have evidence that content on the website was not uploaded by Wikileaks and a strange AMA shows up on reddit with an alleged staff member talking about "editor Julian Assange's increasingly precarious situation" as he is still missing.
If you had paid attention 'three weeks' ago, you would have remembered that Wikileaks tweeted per-commitment hashes (a signature that those files would have, proving they are legitimate). The files referenced in that tweet have hashes that do not match. The point of that tweet was to make sure that if someone published false files all readers would notice but clearly people like you are too busy being skeptical about the wrong things while making fun of liberals for doing the same thing and then being surprised when it turned out what they saw on TV and read online was not true.
This is the exact type of thinking that caused liberals to get blindsided by this election. They thought that if Trump had any chance they would have seen it on the polls. The leaks show that he was winning since March and they did everything they could to hide it. The same is true for Brexit. I don't know if you noticed, but CTR controlled the entire internet for 18 months. Additionally, there is a reason everyone posting about this is using Tor. Those without good opsec lose internet access.
Salt is random data that is used in the process of encryption. The previous six insurance files posted by Wikileaks are salted. The command posted is a way to verify that the files used salts when they were made. The latest ones are the only ones that did not use them. They are completely different from all previous insurance files and don't match the hashes that Wikileaks tweeted for readers to validate with.
uTorrent is not a safe bit torrent application. It is very easy to track every single person downloading a torrent if they use it. Wikileaks would never suggest it. It is a very well known vulnerability.
They were deleted here as well.
There are multiple people using Tor. The people working on this have no choice. The deleted emails remained deleted. Others are not indexed to this day. You can read about it if you find threads on onion links.
People have unlocked insurance files. They have posted insurance files since 2010. You can read/watch interviews with Assange where he discusses how he does not sit on leaks and what is on the insurance files. The password to one of them is "ACollectionOfDiplomaticHistorySince_1966_ToThe_PresentDay#".
It forces you to open a pdf with your browser. Opening a pdf in a browser is one of the easiest things to exploit.
The interviewer said this, not Assange. Listen to his answer again. It doesn't even address the question.
He mentioned his family and how he is worried about them. Something he never does. I don't see why he wouldn't mention the director of Wikileaks dying and not being able to attend his funeral.
You should read/watch the interview. It is very partisan and there is no way Ecuador would allow them to do it during the election after they publicly made that promise.
If you are not worried about Assange's safety and think it is impossible for the DMS to have been activated, then just ignore posts from people that are discussing it. I don't see why you would be so motivated to argue every single point (while avoiding the evidence). If you don't understand the technology, then learn how to use it first and then argue with your own evidence. Maybe you understand the situation better than I do, if so, please explain:
why Assange has not used his PGP key since Oct 15,
why the Wikileaks onion chat, which is the only way to communicate with the Wikileaks staff while submitting a leak and therefore very important, has been silent since that date,
why the hashes on the new 'insurance' files don't match the pre-commitment signatures posted,
why those same files have invalid PGP signatures,
why the contents of the Wikileaks directory has been changed on previously released leaks,
why the blockchain is attacked and flooded in ways never seen before every time someone finds a new message encoded in the blockchain involving the Wikileaks address,
how Manning predicted the DDoS attack of October 21st while in solitary confinement with no access to the internet,
If you have explanations, I'd love to hear them.
God speed gandalf the grey white.
Trump should do this, but he shouldn't say a single thing about it until the day he offers Assange sanctuary. Don't give the evil people out to get him any time or opportunity to plan some sort of desperate attack.
The other client they suggested, Transmission, had their webpage hacked earlier this year to include spyware in the OSX version.
Transmission is a fantastic FLOSS program for general torrenting and the people behind it have taken steps to ensure this never happens again being transparent about the whole thing and dealing with it in less than 24 hours. But it's not something you'd recommend for sharing serious information of the sort that Wikileaks purports to publish.
And uTorrent is practically the worst torrent client out there. Absolutely nobody who knows enough to use encryption would ever use or recommend that program, it's filled with ads and owned by a company that uses it to spy on users, one of its cofounders(Ashwin Navin) left it to become the CEO of a data analytics firm called Samba TV. A few years back they were heavily promoting an encrypted closed source p2p messaging service called Bleep in Tox development threads on /g/, that when I looked into BitTorrent, Inc. and became incredibly disgusted with everything they're doing.
Snowden is a nigger loving cuck
>The people that organized that conference were contacted and they declined to state on which date the conference/call took place.
Who contacted them and when?
The conference took place on Oct. 26 and it looks like the phone call also took place on Oct. 26 but I guess it's a possibility they could have played a pre-recorded phone interview.
>Now we are at the point where we have evidence that content on the website was not uploaded by Wikileaks
What evidence?
Wut? WTF are you talking about? They were annoying the internet for 18 months. They didn't control anything, they're just a bunch of losers. Even their bosses don't respect them. And they'll be back soon anyway.
>Additionally, there is a reason everyone posting about this is using Tor.
Everyone? You're the only TORfag here (with the possible exception of )
Only the old versions (2.2 ?) are OK but it's still a shitty program.
What about Transmission? Why do you always cherry-pick the things you consider suspicious and ignore the others?
The insurance file is huge. The one released in June was 88Gb. 88Gb doesn't even fit on a Blu-ray disc. It's hard to physically share it with anyone. So from that point of view it makes sense to use torrents to try to share it with a lot of people. If thousands and thousands of people have the insurance file then it doesn't matter if the GCHQ/NSA/whatever knows which IP address downloaded it and which IP address is sharing it with this or that IP address. The more people have the insurance file on their hard disk the better it is.
oh and by the way:
>10 Nov: Staff publicly states their concern for Assange's continue silence after the election. Incorrectly states that insurance files are future leaks
>Incorrectly states that insurance files are future leaks
"WikiLeaks releases encrypted versions of upcoming publication data ("insurance") from time to time to nullify attempts at prior restraint. "
1:36 PM - 17 Aug 2013
You sound like a conspiracy theorist with too much free time. or maybe you're one of those CTR losers still trying to discredit Wikileaks?
do you have links and sources for those things having happened? I'd like to combine these points with a few others from leddit to bring up in a post. the pgp point seems to be strongest towards compromised
.05 has been deposited into your account as prime time rates have ended
I thought Jim Bell was a free man as of today. And there is technically an implementation of an assassination market on a Tor hidden service but nobody uses it. I'd imagine that is in part due to bitcoin not working quite like the digital currency he imagined, since you can track people to some extent through the blockchain. I'm sure alphabet soup owns most or all of the laundering services.
Ross Ulbrict needs to go free or get his sentence commuted down. Life without parole for Silk Road is fucked up.
Who cares what the crybullies think?
Really, I'm down for anything as long as it causes these retards to publicly cry and chimp out. It'll just further cement what most people think of them anyways.
He likened Trump to gonorrhea. And Trump would never trust him (for good reason). It won't happen.
I smell MK ultra.
Really worried about that nowadays.
Hire him?
I wondered why the new insurance files are so much smaller than the fucking huge old ones.
Their main target is clearly Soros related. Possibly occult related.
They have had the means to destroy someone's mind for a long time. Give them a few days, some chemicals and free hand to do as they please, and your former self is gone for good.
Back when it was announced I thought it was the beginning of a plea for insanity. Your explanation makes a bit more sense. Guess it's harder to rally around him if he's a suicidal, mindbroken tranny.
Maybe that's why there's been so much pro-tranny shit?
Not for good.
But it is gone.
Guess that explains the matrix brothers.
Holy fucking shit.
They knew it was a subtle reference to their conditioning.
What if he was forced to do it though. Not even MK ultra?
Wew spooky! :^)
Not going to stop people though.
while we're at it, please sign my petition for the Jews to stop poisoning wells and give back all ill-gotten gains
Wouldn't it need to be Sweeden who needs to pardon him as that's where his supposed "Crime" took place
Unless they annex sweden.
Which would be nice to uncuck their shit.
Oh and another by the way:
Maybe it's because I just woke up and I haven't finished my coffee but I can't find any mention of specific torrent clients / apps on the Wikileaks website. It looks like they don't recommend a particular program to share their torrents. And on this page here they say:
(the earliest copy on
In normal circumstances, torrent (and magnet) should provide fastest speed, and lifetime protection of the files, which are available independent of our file servers. Once the file enter torrent swarm, it has a copy on any and all of participating computers. However, very important con of the BitTorrent protocol is that any party interrested can see IP address of the people downloading and uploading, and should therefore by chosen only if you are sure downloading the file won't get you into trouble. You should consider using a proxy or a connection that won't expose your identity in any way, if you feel this is neccessary and still want to use Torrent. That said, if you are in doubt, you should use direct file link, which makes your connection secured by our network. If you are aware of the way BitTorrent works, you have a fast and secure connection - please use Torrent link and seed the file as long as possible.
So it looks that by encouraging people to use Torrents to download the insurance file they know that any party interested can see IP address of the people downloading and uploading. They have been posting torrent files for how long now? A couple of years:
a link to the PirateBay:
"ANNOUNCE: Use a "magnet" compatible Bit Torrent client to download the following encrypted file: "
"WikiLeaks materials have always been available in torrent form the front page"
I don't think that's true but there's lot of torrents here:
(but the fresh leaks aren't there)
a link to the PirateBay (just replace the .sx with .org):
links to the PirateBay ('24' Season 9 episodes)
"We ask that Turks are ready with censorship bypassing systems such as TorBrowser and uTorrent (2/3)"
"To download the new DNC documents you need a "torrent" downloader such as "transmission". To unpack use "7zip" "
So I guess if you want to cling on to your hypothesis that Wikileaks is compromised you'll now have to say they've been compromised for years.
It's Holla Forums not /conspiracy/ so if you're going to propose a conspiracy then you should be prepared to face some criticism especially when your conclusion happens to coincide with a CTR / JTRIG talking point that we were bombarded with two-three weeks ago. Duh. I can't verify every thing TORfag says and I have other things to do today anyway and I'm not saying he's a 100% wrong but I think he's trying hard to confirm his initial hypothesis because he invested a lot of time and energy into it.
if you go with this explanation:
"WikiLeaks releases encrypted versions of upcoming publication data ("insurance") from time to time to nullify attempts at prior restraint. "
Then it could mean the next leaks to be released later are smaller than the ones they recently released. But the insurance file could also contain 'surprises' and not only upcoming publication data. That's what I would do.
here the Stratforfags are discussing the Wikileaks insurance file:
"Bottom line we'll only get access to the files when Wikileaks feels like releasing the password. This has been making lots of waves in the hacker/nerd community, and I spent some time browsing hacker forums for ideas. Serious people (as serious as webforum hackers can be) are talking about a sort of dead man trigger, password must be entered by Assange every X hours/days or the password is released. In any case, NSA is going to get a headache over this. It might even be a bluff and turn out to be Assange's randomly encrypted copy of Bambi. "
They did recommend uTorrent, on the reddit AMA earlier this week.
unsliding in order to post updates
CTR wants you to think the Wikileaks is not compromised, so they can release incorrect information through one of their accounts and then bring this up whenever Wikileaks is mentioned. All that most people need is one single mistake from Wikileaks to discredit all past and future leaks. This might have already happened. Wikileaks just helped Trump get elected, the least you could do is make sure the site is working. Besides, leaks are going to be necessary during the Trump presidency, for the European elections and to prosecute Soros.
The discussion on this thread has become very disorganized so let's focus on one simple thing:
Wikileaks told its readers it would release three files that would have specific signatures,
the files were released,
they don't have those signatures.
If you are going to argue one point. Focus on that one.
Links and sources are in the previous posts but I'll repost below them along with more details.
This is the link: wlchatc3pjwpli5r.onion Some user have kept that window open since Oct 15. No responses.
This can be easily tested by anyone. Simply download the files and check their hashes.
These are the hashes Wikileaks posted:
US Kerry - 4bb96075acadc3d80b5ac872874c3037a386f4f595fe99e687439aabd0219809
UK FCO - f33a6de5c627e3270ed3e02f62cd0c857467a780cf6123d2172d80d02a072f74
EC - eae5c9b064ed649ba468f0800abf8b56ae5cfe355b93b1ce90a1b92a48a9ab72
These are the hashes the files they posted produce (along with the commands to generate them):
sha256sum 2016-11-07_WL-Insurance_EC.aes256 -> b231ccef70338a857e48984f0fd73ea920eff70ab6b593548b0adcbd1423b995
sha256sum 2016-11-07_WL-Insurance_UK.aes256 -> 655821253135f8eabff54ec62c7f243a27d1d0b7037dc210f59267c43279a340
sha256sum 2016-11-07_WL-Insurance_US.aes256 -> ab786b76a195cacde2d94506ca512ee950340f1404244312778144f67d4c8002
Just to be completely clear:
US Kerry - 4bb96075acadc3d80b5ac872874c3037a386f4f595fe99e687439aabd0219809 =/= ab786b76a195cacde2d94506ca512ee950340f1404244312778144f67d4c8002
UK FCO - f33a6de5c627e3270ed3e02f62cd0c857467a780cf6123d2172d80d02a072f74 =/= 655821253135f8eabff54ec62c7f243a27d1d0b7037dc210f59267c43279a340
EC - eae5c9b064ed649ba468f0800abf8b56ae5cfe355b93b1ce90a1b92a48a9ab72 =/= b231ccef70338a857e48984f0fd73ea920eff70ab6b593548b0adcbd1423b995
This can also be easily verified by anyone using 'gpg'. This is the output:
gpg –verify 2016-11-07_WL-Insurance_EC.aes256 -> gpg: verify signatures failed: unexpected data
gpg –verify 2016-11-07_WL-Insurance_UK.aes256 -> gpg: verify signatures failed: unexpected data
gpg –verify 2016-11-07_WL-Insurance_US.aes256 -> gpg: verify signatures failed: unexpected data
The torrents themselves (the file you use to download these files) are not verified either. You can test this by using Verisign. This is the output:
d8:announce33:udp:// Insurance (US) 2016-11-0710:created by13:mktorrent 1.04:infod6:lengthi3188919835e4:name33:2016-11-07_WL-Insurance_US.aes25612:piece lengthi2097152e6:pieces30420:
d8:announce33:udp:// Insurance (UK) 2016-11-0710:created by13:mktorrent 1.04:infod6:lengthi1394333337e4:name33:2016-11-07_WL-Insurance_UK.aes25612:piece lengthi2097152e6:pieces13300:
d8:announce33:udp:// Insurance (EC) 2016-11-0710:created by13:mktorrent 1.04:infod6:lengthi545315877e4:name33:2016-11-07_WL-Insurance_EC.aes25612:piece lengthi2097152e6:pieces5220:
Continuing in another post.
if he does do it. Everything released in the future will be smeared by the media.
For one example, go to
Ctr+F '438498967',
Look at the file and look at the date. You can download a copy of this file from Oct 21 2016 here:
and from June 2015 here:
You can then use the 'diff' to compare the files. The output is 'the binaries differ'.
More importantly, if you google ' 8ch pol' you get the notes from a Correct The Record meeting:
This is the link (it's deleted):
There are more examples but the only way to prove it is to compare the files from backups of the directory on different dates. Some people have been doing it but I don't have access to those backups right now.
Here is a screenshot of the message 'The Insurance files may have just been released' while it was shown on
Continuing in another post.
There are several threads about this on reddit. Here is one from Oct 27:
Here's another from Nov 7:
You can find a few posts that have not been deleted that show what user was doing during those dates if you google the reddit link from Oct 27.
You can read Manning's statement here:
This tweet was post by Wikileaks on Oct 21st during the DDoS attack on the east coast:
Twitter went down, here is an article covering it:
The number of missing Wikileaks staff after Gavin (the director) passed away is 12.
BitTorrent is perfectly fine (it's a way to download files). uTorrent and Transmission are applications used to download torrents that have spyware and security flaws.
You should read about magnet links:
As you have shown, 'magnet compatible Bit Torrent client', is what Wikileaks would recommend in the past.
Consider this a gift:
Pamela Anderson visits Julian Assange on 10-15-2016.
On 10-18-2016, this gets posted on Pastebin:
Notice as I did that YouTube was flooded with videos about Julian Assange being alive and well and still posting from the embassy? A lot of people caught that.
I did searches for Pamela Anderson and poison (without searching for Julian Assange at all) and a million shill links came up all saying the same thing: Conspiracy theorists are saying Julian Assange was poisoned by Pamela Anderson. One little problem with that is that nobody was talking about. Someone told me that and I started researching it and all these shill links raised my red flags that there was something to this, especially when linked with all the fake Julian Assange videos being released.
Now I have a question for all of you? Why did I have to tell you this? And even after hearing this are any of you so-called truth seekers going to find out the truth or false hood about this.
I'll be very happy to be proved wrong and for Julian Assange to still be alive. Prove me wrong or prove me right, at least take this seriously, because it is posted in complete seriousness.
>CTR wants you to think the Wikileaks is not compromised, so they can release incorrect information through one of their accounts and then bring this up whenever Wikileaks is mentioned.
Oh OK …and when did this happen? I remember all the warnings WIKILEAKS IS COMPROMISED! THEY'RE GOING TO PUBLISH FAKE E-MAILS TO DISCREDIT THE REAL ONES! but have they published fake e-mails so far?
Because if CTR wanted us to believe Wikileaks wasn't compromised AND they were "in control of the entire internet" for the last 18 months AND through their CIA connections ended up being in control of Wikileaks since Oct.15 then why didn't David Brock order a false flag fake Podesta e-mail release? The media would have jumped on the occasion to discredit Wikileaks and the game would have been over because nobody would know which e-mails are real and which ones are fake and Wikileaks would have been useless. But assuming he had that capability he didn't do that and therefore he contributed to the defeat of Clinton on November 8.
So we can logically conclude it's impossible that CTR / David Brock would have refused to do that between October 15 and the November 8 election because that would have been the end of all those relying on the Wikileaks e-mails to attack Clinton. Unless… unless David Brock was secretly working for Donald Trump and CTR was just a cover for him to appear pro-Clinton. Yes, that's what happened… David Brock is a confirmed Donald Trump spy! I think I finally figured out everything
>All that most people need is one single mistake from Wikileaks to discredit all past and future leaks. This might have already happened.
Most people or most of the media? And it's just too bad it will happen after the presidential election. I mean can you imagine what would have happened to Wikileaks if CTR had done that before the election like they were supposed to? CTR is either very incompetent …or my David Brock theory is true.
And it's not like they weren't in a position to try something, take for example. They published that long detailed article about the 'Trump Orgainzation' e-mail server getting pinged by a server in Russia which obviously meant The Donald and Vlad were secretly communicating with each other. They had quotes from experts in that article so it must have been all true! And everyone seemed to have believe it too, just ask anyone on the street they'll tell you of course Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin were secretly sending each other e-mails, we all know that.
One more piece of the puzzle. I went back and looked and all the Shill links I mentioned appear to be from 10-17-2016, so only two days after the visit they are actively spreading disinformation about a subject that nobody was even talking about, and are still not talking about to this day. Ask yourself why Holla Forums wants to dig in to the most minute details of the Podesta e-mails while completely ignoring the possibility that Julian Assange was very likely murdered right under their noses? Its a question I am asking, even if you are not.
This is a rabbit hole I am asking you guys to go down. I have shown you the smoke. Go find me the fire.
One of us needs to disguise as Pamela Anderson and go in to see what exactly is going on with Assange. If they let her in once, they will probably do it again
And then I get response like this, which is very likely the only response I will get. So I guess you guys told me what I need to know about Holla Forums. I will go somewhere else to propagate the truth.
I'm sorry, user, I just had to
>More importantly, if you google ' 8ch pol' you get the notes from a Correct The Record meeting:
I don't get the same results as in your screencap, I don't see that Correcting Correct The Record link at Scribd. Not in the first 15 pages of results with and not in the first 15 pages of results in the second search with with the omitted results of the first search included.
Tried again with but I keep getting redirected to so I went to one of those free temporary proxy websites and connected to and tried again and that link was finally visible but on page 2.
And what is that link supposed to prove anyway? Why "more importantly"? Why the focus on a Scribd link? Anybody can upload any document at Scribd, it's just a document hosting website. And I'm pretty sure that document was debunked a few weeks ago, I thought it was a hoax from that 'Real True News' guy.
>Here is a screenshot of the message 'The Insurance files may have just been released' while it was shown on
But you didn't save the page with ?
But it didn't seem to bother them to the point of underlining that point
"So if you choose a magnet link and you see it's not downloading a file, consider using full torrent file instead. They are the same, in fact, magnet link is a way to instruct your torrent client to find and download a .torrent file from other peers. "
Wikileaks told its readers it would release files that would have specific signatures,
the files were released,
they don't have those signatures.
Can't you at least admit your theory has a lot of holes?
I'm not be the one right now in a position to verify this signature thing because I have literally never used PGP so unless I invest some time and start learning how PGP works so I can replicate your results I'm not going to comment on this right now, I'll let others talk about that and try to verify your claims.
Which subreddit? Post the link, don't just copy-paste. Same with screencaps: don't just post a screencap, post a link too.
I don't have a theory. I'm presenting evidence of being changed.
You have a theory, that they are not compromised and it's just CTR, all the evidence above are the holes in this theory.
Yes you do and you have attached many speculations to your central claim and these secondary things are the things I have commented on so far because they're not solid conclusions.
And I encourage others here to try to verify your claims and replicate your results – and I might do it myself if I have more free time in the coming days, when I understand everything about hashes and PGP signatures – but you do sound like a conspiracy theorist with a strong confirmation bias.
For example you don't know for sure what CTR wants us to believe. It seemed pretty clear to me when we were bombarded by the Wikileaks-is-compromised! concern trolls that it was a concerted effort to get us to stop reading and sharing the Podesta e-mails, which is why I say it's a CTR talking point. But I don't have a confirmation that it was the CTR losers, I just assume it was them because it fits the pattern and they had a strong motive. The Clinton campaign even said two or three days before the vote not to believe any Wikileaks e-mails coming out because they were russian hoaxes or something.
And that document you point to – the so-called notes from a Correct The Record meeting – was a hoax uploaded by 'Real True News', I'm pretty sure it was debunked here a few weeks ago (but I didn't kept the link, I'd have to go back through to try to find the thread.)
And I'd still like you to answer the question I asked earlier. You wrote :"The people that organized that conference were contacted and they declined to state on which date the conference/call took place." Who contacted them and when? Can you post a link?
Focus on what you can prove. There are plenty of tests anyone can do posted above. The Podesta/DNC were automated, that is difficult to control. A Twitter account however, if very easy to control, there are even emails in the leaks where they contact the Twitter CEO.
I cannot post a link to a phone call someone made the day after the conference video was posted. You can call them yourself and verify.
So when you wrote "The people that organized that conference were contacted and they declined to state on which date the conference/call took place." you meant someone told you they contacted them and that was their answer? It wasn't a thread on somewhere Reddit?
I do not want to jeopardize the safety of the person.
Just in case it was not clear before, the people looking into this are not trying to discredit Wikileaks. They are trying to do the opposite, they want to prevent Wikileaks from being discredited and to make sure Assange is safe.
almost there
But that person could have posted some kind of transcript somewhere on Reddit without identifying himself online. Reddit isn't Facebook. And maybe he didn't need to make a phone call either, he could have sent an e-mail to the organizers and pretend he's a reporter for I don't know RNN, the Reddit News Network.
reportedly they received info on Trump, but nothing they got he hadn't declared publicly. As an example: not paying tax for decades. The average politician would lie about this shit, insist on the moral authority of federal taxes, and get caught out.
I don't necessarily think Trump is retarded, but his mad gonz approach to politics leaves him pretty invulnerable to wikileaks.
"Wow, nerd" and other shit. I saw someone call out a shill getting called a nerd and the user who called them out was contributing to a pizza gate thread. If you are called a nerd on 4chan you might get V& STAYS SAFE
I know it seems retarded but after that CTR leak with "google seth rich" I'm wouldn't be suprised.
Anyone who thinks Assange is still alive is a complete retard. Seriously.
You don't even need posts like these. Too technical for something so basically simple.
- Election is over, Assange's internet still not back
- Wikileaks hasn't signed so much as a "Hello World" with their gpg keys since the October shutdown
- No clear evidence of Assange being alive, despite multiple calls for proof
- Emails stopped being so hard hitting right after Assange was "cut off"
- No October surprise
- No evidence putting Hillary in Jail.
Assange is dead. Wikileaks is kill. Personally I suspect this whole "Cheeze pizza" thing to be a planted ruse to get anons caught with CP on their machine, but whatever I'm not going to argue that point. What I will argue is that Assange is dead and wikileaks is kill.
It's really, REALLY, easy to prove me wrong.
wasnt he interviewed by RT recently?
Something was broadcast recently.
Absolutely zero proof of when it was recorded. No post October events referred to. Assange mentions no dates. Especially doesn't mention death of Wikileaks director.
How obvious does this have to be made? At this point, I think the NSA-interns left in charge of the disinformation campaign are just seeing how far they can fuck with people.
how do people not care? if he's dead that means that all of the world's secrets could possibly be unlocked in those files. only really tech people care. they start working on it and get v& or disappear. people are posting shit all over the place about a pardon but the dude is probably dead as fuck. how do people care enough to sign petitions but not enough to check those hashes that don't match…
Name one piece of disinfo I gave. Name one.
Correct me. Link the evidence. I'll swallow being wrong. Just prove me wrong. On any point. Make your case.
I say Assange is dead.
I say I think he's been killed by state actors.
I say those same actors or related groups are involved in a general disinfo campaign to confuse people into thinking he might be alive.
I've laid out my case, given my reasons, and moreover, I've accepted that my position is easily falsifiable. Just produce clear, unambiguous evidence that Assange is alive. The longer people can't do this, the more confident I am in my prediction. But I am no less falsifiable. So prove me wrong.
Pro-tip: You won't.
The short answer to your question is that people can't do any of those things if they've already retreated into false hope. Without the willingness to face the possibility of a BAD END, they'll never investigate anything that might lead there, even if it leads to the truth.
guess that makes sense. people are working full work shifts to dig into those emails and all the pizza crap but no one does the same to look into the deadman switch going off.
the ironic thing is that if they did, they would probably find all the things they are chasing inside the insurance files…
Where do we start looking for a way to open the files?
saturday 5 november interview with john pilger
ah, I see. You are either a shill or you didn't even bother watching the interview. Either way, you're retarded. During the interview, Assange addresses more than a few times the content of the most recent podesta mails that they leaked back in those days, like the ones showing clinton's ties with saudi arabia. Hell, Assange even mentions the very recent FBI's new investigation. But of course this will not be enough, because you're a fucking retarded CTR shill
This tor guy (If there's only one active now) is shilling in other threads as well.
did plebbit and halfchan take over this place or something?
good try but tor posts are always 1% of them, and never used in a coordinated effort to shit up the board with shilling
Must hurt
The interviewer mentions the investigation being reopened, but JA doesn't actually respond to it. There is nothing proving that they're actually in the same room together at the same time. JA is probably at gitmo or dissolving in a barrel right now.
It would be ridiculously simple to provide a PGP signed message saying he's alright, but that has never been produced and won't be until they crack his key or torture his passwords out of him.
Swedish chief prosecutor arrives for Julian Assange sex case questioning at Ecuadorian embassy in London
"A Swedish prosecuting official has arrived at the Ecuadorian embassy in London to be present while Julian Assange is interviewed about a sex allegation. Ingrid Isgren faced photographers as she stepped out of a car and walked up the steps to the front door of the building in Knightsbridge on Monday morning.
She made no comment and is expected to remain for the duration of the questioning, which is being carried out by an Ecuadorian government official. Mr Assange, the Wikileaks founder, has been granted political asylum by Ecuador and has been living inside the embassy for more than four years.
He believes that if he leaves the embassy he will be extradited to the United States for questioning over the activities of WikiLeaks. He denies the allegation against him and has been offering to be interviewed at the embassy.
Chief prosecutor Ms Isgren will be present at the interview and has said that providing Mr Assange gives his consent, a DNA sample will also be taken. The results of the interview will be reported from Ecuador to the Swedish prosecutors in a written statement. After this report, the prosecutors will take a view on the continuation of the investigation. It was made clear that Ms Isgren will not give interviews during her stay in London. "
Swedish prosecutor arrives to question Assange for second day at Ecuador's UK embassy
"Swedish Chief Prosecutor Ingrid Isgren arrived at Ecuador's London embassy on Tuesday to question Julian Assange, the founder of WikiLeaks, in connection with a rape investigation, a Reuters photographer at the scene said.
Assange, who has repeatedly denied the rape allegation, was questioned by prosecutors on Monday at the embassy. Assange, who enraged Washington by publishing a flood of secret U.S. diplomatic cables, fled to the embassy in 2012 for fear that, if extradited to Sweden, he could be sent on to the United States and face a long prison term there for leaking U.S. secrets. "
Questioning of WikiLeaks’ Assange set to continue in London
"LONDON (AP) — Prosecutors are set to continue questioning WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange about a possible sex crime dating back six years. Assange will be interviewed Tuesday at the Ecuadorean Embassy in London where he sought refuge more than four years ago.
Prosecutors are focusing on an allegation of possible rape dating back to an incident in Sweden in 2010. Assange has not been indicted. Swedish prosecutors will weigh his version of events before deciding whether to charge him with a crime. The investigation began after two women Assange met in Sweden complained to authorities about his behavior.
Assange is being interviewed by an Ecuadorean prosecutor in the presence of a Swedish prosecutor and police investigator. Swedish officials also want a DNA sample from Assange. The interview may continue Wednesday. "
Swedish Authorities to Continue Questioning Wikileaks Founder on Tuesday
"STOCKHOLM (Sputnik) — The interview of the WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange regarding accusations of sexual assault will continue on Tuesday, the Swedish Prosecution Authority said in a statement.
"Julian Assange was questioned today at the embassy of Equador in London. On Tuesday, November 15, the interview will continue," the statement of the prosecution said.
On Monday, Swedish media reported, citing Assange's Swedish lawyer Per E Samuelsson, that the interviews with Assange might take three working days. Assange has been residing at the Ecuadorian Embassy in London since 2012 for fear of being extradited to Sweden where he has been accused of rape. The WikiLeaks founder denies the allegations, saying they are part of Washington's efforts to get him handed over to the United States where he is wanted for leaking thousands of top-secret documents.
The Swedish Court of Appeal upheld Assange's detention order in September despite a UN working group ruling earlier this year, according to which his de-facto incarceration is arbitrary. "
actually might be correct. There's been investigation in other dark corners about all of this.
Starting on Oct. 7 the whole month was a surprise. And Comey was the source of the biggest surprise on Oct.30 anyway. Who said the 'October surprise' was necessarily going to be released by Wikileaks?
False but that won't happen until there's a new Attorney General.
Personally I suspect Mr. 80c17a is a minimum wage JTRIG unit employee still desperately trying to get us to stop looking at the Wikileaks e-mails and stop investigating the links between Tony and John Podesta and some possible pedos in D.C.
Well technically no because the first question of the interview is about the FBI's re-opening of the e-mail investigation and that happened Sunday afternoon Oct.30 and since the previews for the interview were posted on Nov 3 (I'm assuming the final cut was ready by Nov 3rd and a copy was sent to RT) I guess that means the interview was recorded somewhere between October 31st and November 2nd.
>I think the NSA-interns left in charge of the disinformation campaign are just seeing how far they can fuck with people.
I wouldn't be surprised
"Among the core self-identified purposes of JTRIG are two tactics: (1) to inject all sorts of false material onto the internet in order to destroy the reputation of its targets; and (2) to use social sciences and other techniques to manipulate online discourse and activism to generate outcomes it considers desirable. To see how extremist these programs are, just consider the tactics they boast of using to achieve those ends: “false flag operations” (posting material to the internet and falsely attributing it to someone else), fake victim blog posts (pretending to be a victim of the individual whose reputation they want to destroy), and posting “negative information” on various forums. "
And why would John Pilger participate in such a hoax?
Even if he doesn't have an internet connection at the embassy?
That torrent file timestamp was corrupted as back as Jul 25.
>The file at
/files mirror does not contain at all, the first one that does is from 18 Oct -
The zip contained there does not match sizes scraped from wikileaks directories and its current torrent - 1124103198. It is by some random to too. Internet archive also creates its own torrents - just look into the torrent file to understand why:
metainfo file.: SaudiArabiaDatabaseFromWikileaks_archive.torrentinfo hash.....: cf366ed39a59e5914383d752fa12e5343ee451fbdirectory name: SaudiArabiaDatabaseFromWikileaksfiles.........: Saudi Arabia Database From (1205237285) SaudiArabiaDatabaseFromWikileaks_meta.sqlite (9216) SaudiArabiaDatabaseFromWikileaks_meta.xml (959)archive size..: 1205247460 (1149 * 1048576 + 433636)announce url..:
The files themselves are not signed - see the suffix aes256 (raw openssl encrypted), not .gpg. In previous instances, the sums were gpg signed separately -
In this instance, somebody just published some hashes on twitter, however verifying authenticity of EITHER (the hashes AND the files) is impossible - as nothing was signed to begin with.
I'm not saying the files wasn't tampered with - only that your evidence is suspiciously full of technical mistakes and misdirections.
pre-commitment 1: John Kerry 4bb96075acadc3d80b5ac872874c3037a386f4f595fe99e687439aabd0219809pre-commitment 2: Ecuador eae5c9b064ed649ba468f0800abf8b56ae5cfe355b93b1ce90a1b92a48a9ab72pre-commitment 3: UK FCO f33a6de5c627e3270ed3e02f62cd0c857467a780cf6123d2172d80d02a072f74
woops, didn't read further in the thread
it would be foolish to do this so soon
How is there no Holla Forums thread about this:
www .
Trump is chaotic good. It's obvious.
Assange is gone. The largest DDoS happening during an airport shutdown near the embassy and then having Wikileaks acting oddly from then on. It's obvious he's been taken.
I've been trying to tell the people here for days now and I keep getting banned or shilled.
Where would Assange release his 'dead man switch' password for the insurance files? how would anybody find it before the NSA took it offline?w
If Assange is dead or in some black-site, why are they faking that he is alive and well?
The password apparently was released on several sites and taken down almost immediately. Assange being publicly assassinated would spark international outrage
Only problem I have with this theory is: how could the alphabets even know what the password is so they can SHUT IT DOWN?
BULLRUN and XKeyscore
Stupid question but if there was radio silence around Oct 16 and the deadmans switch went off, how do you know what they confirmed on Nov 5 was legit?
I'm not familiar with this but so they can match it with the file as soon as it gets posted? Is that it?
Fucking government and alphabets have too much power. If we burn it all down eventually we have to remember all this and how they abuse their power so that it doesn't repeat itself. We can't let a small cabal of people like this access to these kinds of instruments.
What? If the password was released doesn't that mean the alphabets would have it at that point? Again I'm probably missing something obvious here
Trump does not have to power to pardon the dead. Only Hillary does.
By the way, I hear Julian is going to post some selfies from a ten year old phone with no timestamps as more proof that he is alive. You shills are about to get debunked hard.
Even if the keys for the insurance files were dropped during the massive DDoS we should just keep pretending that he is still alive instead of digging (window for that has passed) because saying that Julian is dead is just demoralizing and is disinfo.
how would they get their hands on it? at least before it was posted?
Oh i see, youre saying that their response was too quick and calculated without having some kind of advanced knowledge to find it?
Exactly. How would they know what the password even looked like? Unless they tortured Assange for it or something.
So if these are the passwords, why hasn't anybody used them to open up the insurance file(s) yet?
read the thread, faggot. did you get here yesterday?
So was a deadman's switch thrown, or not? People are saying yes, but then saying they can't open up any files. This theory isn't adding up.
demoralizing how? if people find out wl is compromised before they put out some fake shit then it might save the group from losing it's integrity. it might even save their fucking lives. how the fuck is it demoralizing. people should be trying to find their own leaks and carrying the legacy. finding any unpublished leaks and making sure they get out there. what the fuck is being in denial going to do? that didn't work for hrc supporters, why do you think it will work for you.
go back to reddit before you get doxxed
We don't know yet, but we are expecting the worst.
They spread rumours in 2015 that Putin had died. It looks like a gimmick used to make a target stick his head out, or make him seem more vulnerable than he is, or spread paranoia in his inner circle, or determine the ways people under suspicion use to contact him secretly to find out if he is alive. If they wanted to kill him it would be easier to just do that directly and then say he had a heart attack.
the mods here are as lame as plebbit mods at this point
Remember that during the time of the happenings, RT had their UK bank accounts frozen. It's possible to assume that they were blackmailed.
read the thread before making a new one idiot
Even if the mods here wanted to I don't think they can easily ban a TOR user
that's the kind of thing the JTRIG would do:
>Remember that during the time of the happenings, RT had their UK bank accounts frozen. It's possible to assume that they were blackmailed.
I guess it's possible to assume a lot of things. But John Pilger isn't an employee of RT so I'm not sure where you're going with this.
Daily reminder he is dead and you are idiots chasing your tails with nu-wikileaks
Both you and your coworker have been reported.
Holla Forums probably saw this, but just leaving just in case.
If you want to help. Join the Bitmessage channel:
[chan] wikileaks
[name] BM-2cVFHKC263sXfXYF7JU3n4FPLY9HD5H7SC
his lawyer: after stuttering and saying his health has "seriously deteriorated", stumbling "over the last 4 years"…"his health has deteriorated to a certain degree that experts have said that he's not capable of giving testimony in these proceedings, but because he is so keen for this process to be over he felt compelled to cooperate…"
read that again…his health is so bad that experts dont believe he is capable of giving testimony in these proceedings? wtf?
Nipple clamps and nutcrackers can damage your health.
post links, not just a small screencap
screenshots last longer, twitter posts are often deleted when they poke real shit
That's not an excuse for not saving the pages with or If you think it's worth a screencap then it must be worth a link too. And there's been fake Podesta e-mails screencaps posted here before so a screencap + a link should be the norm. You can also paste the link inside the picture, that's acceptable.
Agree with this. It is especially important now that every assdick can fake those with tools on the internet.
I usually do so >>680543
Lately some are saying to stop using It uses CloudFlare and block tor.
Also apparently on Oct 21 deleted few threads with alleged found insurance keys.
18 Oct: is made publicly visible. The message 'The Insurance files may have just been released' is shown for about an hour:
21 Oct: largest DDoS attack in history takes down Twitter. At this point user notices that the insurance keys were posted on several sites and deleted. People start trying to post the information but it is immediately deleted. Everyone takes refuge in onion threads that also disappear.
I wasnt around for that so I cant confirm. But this timeframe is posted everywhere and nobody objects.
i dont know how cross linking works
>>>Holla Forums680543
>>>Holla Forums680543
People are begging to find the suppressed emails and you can help:
This is true for Podesta, Clinton, and DNC emails.
Remember that Wikileaks never had duplicates in the past and they are now being used to get the number of leaked emails falsely up. This can easily be tested (do a diff before the latest leaks).
Also, users are not reading certain emails because they think it is SPAM. This is incorrect. They embedded their communications into emails that look like SPAM so that users never read them. Don't fall for this.
This strategy was used on this thread:
I will post more information again soon. One important thing is to push a list of provable testable facts and code into the blockchain (Bitcoin, Litecoin, and more). We won't be able to spread it without this. Code to allow normies to do this is being suppressed. Updates on this later.
Remember that the director of Wikileaks was dying during the Oct 21st DDoS attack.
Anyone can verify this easily by downloading and decoding those blocks.
python tx_number
python tx_list.txt
I don't think you can archive TOR / .onion pages with so if that's what you mean by blocks TOR then yeah OK I guess it blocks TOR but so what? Even if you use a TOR browser you don't need to use it a 100% of the time. That sounds like a bullshit excuse not to Archive links with a standard browser.
>Also apparently on Oct 21 deleted few threads with alleged found insurance keys.
And where did you read that? On /r/conspiracy? 4chan? Do you have evidence?
No, look here, it was taken last year:
I seem to remember someone here (and probably on 4chan as well) made a thread about that link and claimed it was something new but it wasn't. I would have to use to go back and find that thread to show it to you.
And that so-called fact is from that so-called timeline that was posted here by some user. It contains false information it's either deliberate disinformation or some conspiratard who never bothered to verify his 'facts'. Why am I the only one who seems to be doing a little fact checking? It's embarassing.
>The message 'The Insurance files may have just been released' is shown for about an hour:
That's what I was talking about: no link, just a screencap. It's useless.
>But this timeframe is posted everywhere and nobody objects
I can't be everywhere at the same to debunk that timeline every time someone posts it. I have a life and I have other things to do. You took the bait and you only have yourself to blame.
How much did you get paid for that post?
For what purpose?
Guys, idkw but when the RT interview came out I recalled some screencap on 4chan about a pre-recorded interview, and that it was delayed so that Russia would avoid accusations of meddling with the election. iirc, the conversation was about everyone already knowing about the mails being FBI leaks (Trump, WL, Russia, etc), and that they were waiting for it to unfold in the way that legitimized it the most, thus Russia delaying the broadcast of the interview.
I feel like an idiot because I didn't save it and now idk if my mind is playing tricks on me
all 4chan/pol/ threads are archived on
if you remember sentence of few words it should not be hard to find
yeah, I've been at it for an hour now. I really thought the screencap was too important for others not to save it, I'm a lazy bastard
>Probably bullshit but just in case it isn't
fresh code
python transaction_number
returns all the data in the output scripts
hey look at me I'm a retarded newfag and I don't have any arguments to refute what that guy wrote so I'll just call him a jew and that's going to work I'm sure, after all that's what they often seem to do in this place…
That's not gonna work nigger. Try harder.
go read these
then use the code above you and get your mind blown
how do I use this? (if I'm even supposed to)
forget it
I don't think if Assange is alive he will ever be able to safely live outside of an embassy. Maybe one day he will be able to get himself to better accommodations under the protections of a neutral state but
These links are supposed to be a proof of what exactly? Can you control your autism and explain clearly what you did?
>Probably bullshit but just in case it isn't
It was probably bumplocked because the nigger who made that thread was pushing a hoax that started on 4chan. There's no evidence that this list of files about Tavistock and 9/11 was the content of the Wikileaks insurance file, it was some hoax probably pushed by that 'Real True News' guy (he was also caught promoting other hoaxes and false documents prior to the election). Some guy was trolling Holla Forums by pretending Wikileaks had evidence that 9/11 was an inside job and you took the bait because you're too autistic.
I think it's really simple: if the real key that opens the Wikileaks insurance file had been posted somewhere on the internet and some people tried it and it really opened the insurance file then it would be all over the internet already. As fast as the nude photos of Jennifer Lawrence.
And by the way the content of the Wikileaks insurance file if we are to believe that tweet from 2013 is future leaks that have not yet been officially released:
"WikiLeaks releases encrypted versions of upcoming publication data ("insurance") from time to time to nullify attempts at prior restraint. "
I guess it could also contain some surprises but that explains why the size of the insurance file changes from time to time.
Hash: SHA256
Dear Bunker,
It's us, Wizards of Leaks, once again. Except this time it's the The Great Wizard of Leaks speaking.
We are finished with your child shilling, LARPing, and cruel jokes that spread like a snakes bite and ruin the internet. Where have all of the internet's problems come from? CIA? NSA? No, no.
Tonight at 12:00am Bunker will officially come to an end.
"kek u cant do sh*t"
Not only do I have my hacking skills and team aside me, but I also have FBI, the founding website of Wizards of Leaks, aside us.
You're probably all thinking
There is one thing you CAN do. Surrender. I want Moot and Outer Heaven here, with the ID and everything, saying sorry, and deleting all of things disgusting things from your nodes.
As of now, you have 4 hour and 04 minutes.
The clock is ticking, gentlemen.
We are Wizards of Leaks.
We do not forgive.
We do not forget.
- - Julian
Version: GnuPG 100K 1N 1810CKCH41N
Would you care to explain in layman terms what is so mind blowing after using that garbage hex code (with no explanation or source) above?
If you fuckers would actually provide any explanations how and where you got those "released keys that were later somehow magically deleted from the internet", and post any sensible verifiable ways how to decrypt alleged "decoded messages"
Maybe user would bother to make infographics that could be spread on normies networks and actually get some attention.
With shitposting as seen below, without any reference or single verifiable thing nobody can take anything seriously.
It even discredits other true things that are posted in same timeframe.
>18 October: a script was activated that made publicly visible and set all the file date and time stamps to 01/01/1984. The message 'The Insurance files may have just been released' is shown for about an hour:
Not true! It was accessable in June 2015 and timestams were already 1984
Yeah, that is CGI.
at least in June of last year, it may have been accessible before but nobody decided to saved the page with (and for some reason respects the robots.txt and refuses to archive that page)
Don't give them any ideas cause the next wave of shills will all be yelling ARCHIVE.IS IS COMPROMISED!! There was a thread here that sounded a bit like that a few weeks ago and it was even stickied.
I found some links with some of those keys. But its all just more unprovable shit and LARPing.
fall of cassandra seem to be september meme meaning death of hillary
Oh here are the keys:
Key Dump
eta numeris
sin topper
project runway
7FG final request
fall of cassandra
Do you think that WikiLeaks would use those words to name their keys?
Dead Man Trigger isnt some sort of puzzle ARG.
Actually someone found out that archive is run by a CIA nigger, and certain articles they wanted to shut down had a perpetual loading screen when you tried to access it. Archive works in a pinch but it can't hurt to put your eggs in other baskets.
No, that was debunked in the comments in the thread I'm talking about, this one:
jump to comment # 8062743 if you don't to read the whole thread
Yes, shouldn't be the only service like that. I haven't tried's manual archive so I can't compare it to I think there are others websites similar to & but I don't know their names
Whats the deal with using a single website to store sensitive data these days?
Store the thread in a pdf or something, but storing a website on another website while such massive countermeasures are currently hitting all sorts of places just seems idiotic to me.
Are y'all gonna be surprised by yet another targetted ddos or what.
darn, this thread is getting slid today.
bump for 'he might be alive'
Not much use to giving a pardon to a corpse, sadly.
RIP Assange
dub reply for dubs
you never know
How do we do that? What program? Is there an add-on for Firefox?
tfw signed this petition before it had even 8 thousand signatures
I can't really envision a scenario where he would decide that not providing proof of life would be advantageous to him. I suppose the only thing that I can think of is if he somehow managed to escape the embassy, and he's currently relocating to another safe haven. This is such a slim possibility that I'm not really willing to entertain it to be honest.
I think at this point it's safe to say that Assange is either dead or compromised. I think, most likely, he is in CIA custody and is either having his balls fried by a car battery, or is simply dead. Never before in my life have I wanted to be proven wrong more than I do right now.
Yawn. That copy-paste again. You and others have been posting these sentences since October 18. I wish I had saved all the (1)s who posted comments like that. Allusions to Assange being tortured, "it's safe to say" or "we must assume" that he must be dead, copy-paste, copy-paste, copy-paste. Always the same old shit but for some reason you think you're subtle. I hope you're not getting paid much because you suck.
If he dies it's better for us. We get all the leaks, not just the ones he wants to release.
Paranoia: the post
Not everybody who disagrees with you is a shill. You must be stupid to not be seriously considering the possibility that Assange is dead. I happen to think that this is the most likely scenario, and as I said, I hope to be proven wrong. Why is this a shill opinion?
There's some extremely sketchy shit happening with regards to Assange right now. His conspicuous absence isn't even the most suspicious part. Why did the WikiLeaks twitter try to pass off a 2013 photo of Assange as something recent? The RT interview was blatantly edited, as one can see with the morph cut after Assange was asked about having his Internet cut off and he gave a seemingly irrelevant answer that didn't completely fit the question. The interview was obviously pre-filmed and then modified to give the impression of recency.
Assange hasn't simply vanished off the face of the earth – there are people blatantly trying to cover this up and give the impression that everything is 100% ok. We all hope Assange is alive and well, and one reason he could be feigning death is if he escaped from the Embassy and wants disappear off the grid from the many agencies pursuing him. Nonetheless, 726e1d brings up some very legitimate questions that anyone with half a brain should be asking about Assange. Something is amiss with the whole "his Internet's been cut off" narrative.
your post was just the typical Julian-Assange-is-dead / Wikileaks-is-compromised message that has been posted here and elsewhere over and over since I'd say around October 18.
And what's the point of repeating your speculation again and again and again? What are you trying to accomplish?
What is anybody on this board trying to accomplish, when they post their opinions? The whole point of this board is discussion, critiquing people's observations and conclusions, debating opinions.
I can see why you would take issue with my post though, especially after going back and reading it again. Not only is it an overposted observation, but the way I wrote it does give the impression that it was intended to demoralise more than anything.
Let's just drop this silly argument and focus on the issue at hand, shall we? Arguing amongst ourselves is us doing the jobs of the shills for them
Post a link to that. And no, a screencap isn't enough.
All interviews are edited. If this was hastily filmed and the complete interview was for example over 50 minutes long and they had to cut it down to 25 and they only had 24-48 hours to do it then it's not going to be perfect. And I bet you don't even know anything about video cameras or video editing and you're speculating once again. Someone here offered an explanation too:
"anyone that works around cameras for a living will tell you that glitches and skips happen when memory cards are getting close to full or a card has not been wiped properly prior to use, firmware has not been updated or even as stupid as a cable being nudged in an iffy port if recording direct to laptop or other hardware."
>The interview was obviously pre-filmed and then modified to give the impression of recency.
You're jumping to a conclusion that you were spoonfed by someone else. And you're accusing John Pilger of being part of the conspiracy. I bet you didn't even try to contact him. It's possible that you're right and the interview was pre-recorded before October but I don't think you're making any real efforts to find out because you prefer to repeat speculations.
And there are people blatantly trying to push the Julian-Assange-is-dead / Wikileaks-is-compromised speculation, which is what Mr.726e1d did. Read it again nigger:
"This is such a slim possibility [that he escaped] that I'm not really willing to entertain it to be honest. I think at this point it's safe to say that Assange is either dead or compromised. I think, most likely, he is in CIA custody and is either having his balls fried by a car battery, or is simply dead. "
Lots of messages like that – almost word for word – have been posted here for almost a month. If you pretend you haven't seen them then you're just full of shit.
>Nonetheless, 726e1d brings up some very legitimate questions that anyone with half a brain should be asking about Assange.
The only question – not questionS – he brought up is about providing proof of life. He was recently photographed with a lawyer from Ecuador but I guess that's not enough, he should make a video just for you, just to satisfy 4chan?
All Mr.726e1d did was to repeat the same message that's been posted here for almost a month using the same typical key words like "it's safe to say" or "we can assume that". Why did you come to his defense?
You've obviously camped out in this thread to dissuade all discussion about the giant elephant in the room that Julian Assange has vanished off the face of the earth and every attempt to verify his proof of life stinks.
If you want to read the laundry list of flaws in that interview, view this thread . It's titled the motherfucking "FULL INTERVIEW" (in all caps) and the edits weren't done for formatting. They were pretty blatantly fitting Assange's responses with questions that didn't quite go together.
I heard about the Twitter photo thing but don't have a direct link so I'll ignore that for now. I could be wrong. Nonetheless, where is this photo of Assange with an Ecuadorian lawyer? How do we know it's from November?
The fact that you're referring to anons as "Mr. ID#" and you referenced 4chan when you're actually on 8ch is pretty suspicious in and of itself. You don't sound like you're from around here.
15 october: Cut off Assange's internet access 5:00 pm GMT
26 October: Assange “speaks” at CISL (Argentina) – phone call.
5 Nov: Assange Pilger RT interview is posted, but there is no date when it was filmed
13 Nov Pamela Anderson visited him. Her previous visit was on Oct 15th
14 Nov, 15 Nov Multiple people were present during Swedish Prosecutor two day questioning
Swedish Prosecutor Ingrid Isgren questioned him on Oct 14th, Prosecutors concluded a two-day interview. She posed questions through an Ecuadorian counsel Carlos Poveda Moreno; police inspector Cecilia Redell and Assanges lawyer Jennifer Robinson were also present.
17 Nov Picture of Assange with Carlos Poveda Moreno posted on twitter (I am not sure if lawyer or EC counsel)
Source of photo:
Swedish Prosecutor Ingrid Isgren questioned him on Oct 14th, Prosecutors concluded a two-day interview. She posed questions through an Ecuadorian counsel Carlos Poveda Moreno; police inspector Cecilia Redell and Assanges lawyer Jennifer Robinson were also present.
All of those people visiting the Embassy and the best they could produce is one closely cropped photo of Assange looking like a corpse.
I hope to God he's alright, and if he is you'd think more info will slowly trickle out. It's baffling if all of those people visited Assange, though, he wouldn't insist on taking a photo with a timestamp or making a short video recording saying "Hey it's November whatever and I'm fine". Every attempt to prove his wellbeing just seems even more sketchier than the last.
I managed to debunk second part of
>18 Oct: a script was activated that made
FIrst part: was accessible in June 2015 and timestamps were already 01/01/1984
Second part:
I found a guy that took the screenshot
After brief investigation I figured out that searching for "" on DuckDuckGo still shows
"Wikileaks insurance file may have just been released" and on Google it shows: "Wikileaks insurance file #1 supposedly unlocked… xpost from /pol .."
After searching for those two page titles I found that one is from
Thing is that
but that's only if you decide to refuse to believe the phone call he made on Oct. 26 was really him or the photo of him with that ecuadorian lawyer taken a few days ago is fake or that John Pilger created a hoax by pretending his interview of Julian Assange was recorded after October 15-16.
Looks like tou haven't read the other thread, go here for example and here
because a lot of hoaxes created on 4chan end up here later, the so-called 'HELP HIM' message on Twitter for example
I've been here longer than you I'm pretty sure of that.
Can you post a link to that tweet?
Where did you saw this?
o shit wallup
that tweet, along with M.Moore's video saying "I just met Assange today, he's fine" (which was actually from June) posted by WL twitter are deleted.
here they posted a link to a video hosted on 'MicroSpookyLeaks' Twitter account but this account was suspended:
"Michael Moore on the detention of WikiLeaks publisher Julian Assange"
Is that what you're talking about? There's also a video here uploaded on October 20th but I can't say for sure if it was the video posted on the suspended Twitter account:
With all those who were wondering if Assange was alright or not someone must have saved that Tweet you're talking about – assuming it really exists and it's not another hoax like that Tweet about the key to the insurance file possibly being released (which is only a screencap, nobody seems to have been able to find a link).
We NEVER see the interviewer and Assange in the same picture! Assange is probably in US custody and/or dead!
Trouble uploading but here are the image links. Interview background matches features of press room in the embassy.
1. Frame of Assange from the interview with John Pilger released on November 5. Notice the bookcase full of red books behind Assange on his left, and the white curtain directly behind him.
2. Frame of John Pilger from the same interview. Notice the painting showing a woman with outstretched hands behind him on the right. Also notice what appears to be a doorframe on the very left edge.
3. Photo from a press conference held in the Ecuadorean embassy in August 2014. Notice the bookcase with the red books, which appears to be the one we see behind Assange in the Pilger interview. Behind Assange are also white curtains that look like the ones in the Pilger interview.
4. A wider view of the same press conference. There are a lot of things to point out here. In addition to the same bookshelf, notice the picture of the woman with outstretched hands that matches the one seen behind Pilger in the recent interview. Here it is resting on a ledge, which is is clearly NOT in the interview.
Also notice the Ecuadorean flag in the center and, on the far right, the edge of what appears to be a television.
5. Another angle, giving an idea what roughly half the room looks like.
6. This is a photo from a different press conference, on June 19, 2014. Behind Assange there is a television on what seems to be a movable stand. This is probably the same television that we saw on the far right of the room at the other press conference. The flag also looks to be the same flag. It's likely the television and flag are kept in the room and moved around frequently.
Without the television and flag, we have a blank white wall and what appears, on the left side, to be a doorframe in the corner of the room, matching the doorframe behind Pilger. This wall would probably be opposite the window in the same room.
7. An undated photo of Assange with his cat. There are the curtains same curtains again, and probably the same TV, showing it does get moved around.
8. Drawing it together: here is one of the photos from the August 2014 press conference overlaid with the same frame of Assange from the Pilger interview. The bookcase and curtain appear in the right places. Assange would have been sitting with the window behind him facing an interior wall.
9. Finally, here is the photo from the June 2014 press conference overlaid with the frame of Pilger from the recent interview. The metal parts of the door line up, and the doorframe matches as well. The painting of the woman with the outstretched hands seems to have been moved from the ledge to this wall on the other side of the room. Pilger would presumably be looking toward Assange and the window.
This gives no actual proof of dates, but it's a point in favor of Assange's interview with Pilger, said to have occurred on October 30 2016, having been conducted in the Ecuadorean embassy.
Good effort. Good to know. Too bad we, indeed, know nothing of the date.
Wow. It's hard to imagine an old school reporter like John Pilger concocting such a hoax anyway. He has a lot more integrity than the majority of reporters.
here it says "This interview was filmed in the Embassy of Ecuador in London on 30 October 2016":
is this one bumplocked too?
After all Assange has done for us we at least owe it to him not to let him be forgotten.
John Pilger stated when interview was filmed on twitter too:
John Pilger @johnpilger
For all those who have been asking, this interview took place inside the Embassy of Ecuador on Sunday 30 'October 2016
9:48 PM - 19 Nov 2016
John Pilger is among WikiLeaks contacts:
WikiLeaks Task Force [email protected]/* */
.@dailymuhammad The poll voted for video. That is what was produced with @JohnPilger.
12:50 AM - 22 Nov 2016
Oddities in interview are just editing mistakes. Cloud be camera glitching, editing software glitch or morph/warp cut.
copy-paste because the other thread is gone:
Just to put a final nail in that 'HELP HIM' thing, there seems to be a total of six tweets on October 20-21 with what could be deliberate typos (I checked before and after and I didn't found others but feel free to double check if you want) and as I wrote those 'HELP HIM' pictures from 4chan all ignore the real first tweet – Navel Intelligence – and instead jump to 'wopper':
'Navel' – E instead of A
'wopper' – H is missing
'recipie' – the I after the P shouldn't be there
'inteligence' – the 2nd L is missing
'presumtive' – P is missing
'algorithim' – the I after the H shouldn't be there
I don't know if it means anything, I only know the 'HELP HIM' conclusion is bullshit because it doesn't start with H.
@emabssycat fucking tweeted
Another must-sign petition:
Help Deport celebrities who say they want to move to Canada because Trump is president
Help Deport celebrities who say they want to move to Canada because Trump is president
You must be new here
If Julian Assange was the one who sent that tweet then I guess we already know the answer to the question Ecuador said they'll answer in the coming days.
The article got the date wrong – it was October 15 not 19 (or maybe Oct.19 was the date Ecuador officially announced they had cut off the embassy's internet connection) – but they say Ecuador will announce soon if they will reconnect their London embassy to the internet.
(I can't get GoogleTranslate to work for some reason so if someone wants to post the translated article you can do it)
Ecuador 'pronto' anunciará si restablece conexión de internet a Assange
QUITO (Sputnik) — Ecuador informó que en los próximos días anunciará su resolución respecto a la conexión a internet del fundador de WikiLeaks, el australiano Julian Assange, que le fue suspendida el 19 de octubre durante la campaña presidencial de Estados Unidos, dijo el canciller Guillaume Long.
"Estamos trabajando en ello, vamos a hacer un anuncio en los próximos días, pero es importante no confundir el tema del internet con el tema del asilo, que se le otorgó por un tema de persecución política", dijo Long en una conferencia de prensa.
7h ago the EmbassyCat Twitter account said: "Catstro and Chenejo on the Granma"
Granma is the name of the yacht Fidel Castro used to launch his revolution:
"The landing of the Granma, in December 1956, was planned to re-enact the route that José Martí had followed to begin Cuba's War of Independence in 1895. The target landing spot was a town called Niquero, in Oriente province. Still waiting for them on December 2 was Celia Sánches, one of the founders of the July-26-Movement, with an assortment of trucks, jeeps, food, weapons and about 50 men."
You know who else is on Cuba? Gitmo.
That's your first clue as to Assange's whereabouts.
where the fuck is he?
why is there no ongoing stickied thread regarding his absence?
pardon dylann roof too
Framed by Hillary and (((Co.))) for rape in one country, pedo cyberacts in another on a social media site "Todd and Clare" that never existed, was made up by one of Hillary's acquaintances.
Like how Trump was framed by the same people with the same methodology. It's one of her go–to moves.
Canada too good for these hypocrites.
Deport to Gaza to live as a Palestinian so they can see who the true fascists are.
Trump can't pardon Assange for not committing a crime.
Even if he wanted to he couldn't even make a statement praising him for his efforts because he is a foreigner who leaked US state secrets.
Such praise would set a bad precedent and would be the ultimate hypocrisy coming from a Trump administration.
This is not to say Assange hasn't published leaked documents exposing some shady shit and done a lot of good in doing so, if anything he needs to square some shit with that case in Sweden.
So yet again, it's up to the Swedes to stop being cucks.
And just to add on to that, what would prevent Assange from publishing leaked documents from the massive liberal leaning federal bureacracy that is deathly afraid of Trump?
What the hell is happening with him?
Posthumous pardon then?
Assange has passed already. A snatch squad took him weeks ago under media blackout.
If you don't think that could happen in the centre of London then think again, during the 7/7 London transport bombings, three of the "terrorists" realized they had been set up and tried to flee to the nearest airport.
They were surrounded at Canary Wharf (a business district) and gunned down by armed police.
Eye witnesses in the office blocks saw events unfold but were ORDERED by armed police, not to look out of the windows.
The even was briefly mentioned the same day then promptly shoved down the memory hole.
The bombs were set by Mossad, not Muslims. The four patsies were recruited from the "good" Muslims in the community, one was a teacher - the kind of Muslim who wants to show Brits that "Muslims aren't a threat", therefore the ideal candidate for use in state operations under false pretenses.
Now, we know that those Muslims were still engaging in Taqiyya but it doesn't make them guilty of planting bombs.
Train records show that the train they were accused of getting was delayed that day and their presence in London at the stated time, not physically possible.
Camera systems on Tube and bus service, "not working" that day, run by Israeli company. Technicians from the Israeli company had been working on the bus that exploded, just a few days prior.
Video related: it's a comprehensive documentary about the events by a Larper who names himself after a character in Frank Herbert's "Dune". Get over the fact that he chose that name and the documentary is pretty gripping stuff.
Most chilling of all is the "bandaged man."
Bandaged man is an Mi5 spook who appeared fully bandaged on the ground near the bus, seconds after it exploded. He scornfully stares into the camera with dead snake eyes.
The video specifically says who are the possible perpetrators .
"Whether the bombing were done by MIV, the Isrealist Mossad or both of them, and/or others is yet to be determined but the one thing that we can be sure of is that it was not done by 4 young muslims."
It is obvious jws are accomplices but why can't people see who's behind them? are people that much brain damaged?
(just a little thread preservation bump)
another one
"see! We were working together from the beginning!" you gullible american idiots. #maga
He's dead, Dave, everybody's dead.
Iceland's Former Minister of the Interior Confirms FBI Tried to Frame Assange
that was when Robert Mueller was director, I'm not sure what Comey thinks of Julian Assange
Hell, I'd support this.
We probably have to wait until after jan-20th though…
I think the petition that currently exists expires before trump takes office, so maybe we make a new one early next year?
Anyone have more informaiton on this?
Just a little bump to preserve the thread. I hope Trump will allow Assange to leave the UK.
page 24. another small bump.
bump and never forget.
Most of what's in those screencaps is just rumors that don't make sense anyway. If the key to the encrypted WL insurance files had been found there's no way it wouldn't have spread somewhere on the internet and then everywhere because all it would take for anyone to test it is entering the key and see if it works or not. All this talk about WE FOUND THE KEY TO OPEN WIKILEAKS' INSURANCE FILES BUT THOSE WHO CONTROL THE INTERNET KEPT DELETING OUR THREADS!! is just ridiculous. It's like that guy who said he discovered the key to the WL insurance files in the Bitcoin Blockchain but when asked why he doesn't simply do a copy-paste to show the world how to decrypt the insurance files he says his computer is controlled by the NSA and he can't do copy-paste. Sure. And he somehow never thought about using a pen and a piece of paper to write down the key and then type it on a public forum. You have to be really naive to fall for this bullshit.
Bullshit. The torrent files are still there. The insurance file from June is still there too.
You're a gullible retard.
What makes any of you think that Assange is still alive and well inside the UK Embassy? He is either dead or in Gitmo being tortured to make him give up his "Russian" sources.
To build a proper petition, one would have to acquire a legitimate sort of proof of an group of individuals persons, hard evidence that could be proven in a court of law (one of the highest, in this case). Boy, how I'd like to get ahold of that information…oh goy, how I could use that.
Since you are being sacrilegious, I spoke to him the other day. He and Hillary are doing fine on a beach somewhere near the North Pole, close to the central point of the EM field of the Pole. I don't know, but they are talking about having a baby, which is scary. I think he said they would name it Histlian Assanguishton (Which literally means, "…oh, fuck, we are doomed now, not even Kek can save us from the coming AntiChrist and we need to purchase more tin foil, lube and shove pine cones in our ass…")…Eh, he sounded content, so I just asked "man, really?…everyone's looking for you". I heard a slurp noise, then a sound of enjoyment before he began rambling about some guy in California who was implanted with some key up the ass because it was so obvious that no one would look for anything in the ass of a guy from California not even the most goryish of agents. Idk what all that meant, but no petition for me.
Quit fucking around with hero, you zeros (that, coming from me is a horrible insult).
Where do you think Sean Hannity's radio show producers called to do an interview with Julian Assange? Go back to 4chan retard.
December 28 is tomorrow. Perhaps we'll receive a Christmas gift.
maybe a New Year's gift ? I'd like to read John Kerry's e-mails
I agree with this.
Free non-gay Kowaru.
page 23. It'll be gone tonight if I don't bump it
I don't want to sign it. I live in England. It's asking me for my address.
This smells like datamining. Pic related.
It wants my street address and postcode. No fucking chance.
This might come as a shock to you, but you can lie on the internet.
live interview: